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This module provides an event-based system to show notifications, e.g., achievements or one-time help notes, in a common notification area. Messages can be added and removed by sending events.

The system currently only reacts to events without keeping the state of notifications for a player!


To show or hide notifications from other modules add a dependency in module.txt:

  { "id": "Notifications", "minVersion": "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" }

The displayed message itself is defined by the Notification class. Each message has an id to be able to identify duplicate messages or remove a specific notification. The system ensures that there is at most one message of the same identifier displayed on screen.

A notification may contain an icon, displayed on the left. There is room for two brief lines of text, the title and a subtitle. See the image below for a visual representation of a notification. As the size of the notification box is fixed developers should pay attention that the text fits into the available space.

Notification Overlay

Showing and hiding notifications is controlled via events. See the description below for a quick overview. You can find more detailed information in the JavaDoc.

  • ShowNotificationEvent(notification) - A request to show a notification to the player in the notification overlay area. This event should be targeted at a client entity (an entity with ClientComponent). If not specified otherwise notifications will be shown indefinitely. The event allows to set the duration of the notification in in-game time (ms).

    It is recommended to show a notification for at least 10 seconds to give the player the chance to notice it. The event may be consumed to prevent the message from showing. If a notification with the same id is already shown this event is ignored.

  • ExpireNotificationEvent(id) - removes a notification for the entity it is sent to if present. Otherwise, this event is ignored. If not otherwise specified, the notification will be slowly faded out.


Customization of the notification system is currently limited. The UI screen assets/ui/NotificationAreaOverlay.ui can be modified via asset override or asset delta to adjust the location where the notification overlay is displayed.

The layout of a notification message is defined by NotificationRenderer and only be changed directly in that renderer class for now. The message box has a fixed size, regardless of the content.


Show notifications like achievements or other information.







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Contributors 4

