[ { "id": 276, "Count": 1, "tag": { "Unbreakable": 1, "HideFlags": 254, "display": { "Lore": [ "§7Damage: §c+100", "§7Strength: §c+100", "", "§6Item Ability: Instant Transmission §e§lRIGHT CLICK", "§7Teleport §a8 blocks§7 ahead of", "§7you and gain §a+50 §f✦ Speed§7", "§7for §a3 seconds§7.", "§8Mana Cost: §350", "", "§7§8This item can be reforged!", "§9§lRARE SWORD" ], "Name": "§9Aspect of the End" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "originTag": "CRAFTING_GRID_SHIFT", "id": "ASPECT_OF_THE_END", "uuid": "cfd6d2d1-7811-4150-8112-3cf80f5571c0", "timestamp": "6/26/20 3:14 AM" } }, "Damage": 0 }, { "id": 326, "Count": 1, "tag": { "ench": [], "HideFlags": 254, "display": { "Lore": [ "§7This Magical Water Bucket will", "§7never run out of water, no", "§7matter how many times it is", "§7emptied.", "", "§f§lCOMMON" ], "Name": "§fMagical Water Bucket" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "id": "MAGICAL_WATER_BUCKET" } }, "Damage": 0 }, { "id": 276, "Count": 1, "tag": { "ench": [], "Unbreakable": 1, "HideFlags": 254, "display": { "Lore": [ "§7Damage: §c+140 §e(+20)", "§7Strength: §c+123 §e(+20) §8(Spicy +3)", "§7Crit Chance: §c+1% §8(Spicy +1%)", "§7Crit Damage: §c+92% §8(Spicy +32%)", "§7Attack Speed: §c+7% §8(Spicy +7%)", "", "§7Intelligence: §a+200", "", "§9Critical VI, §9Execute V", "§9Experience III, §9First Strike IV", "§9Giant Killer V, §9Lethality V", "§9Life Steal III, §9Looting III", "§9Scavenger IV, §9Smite VI", "§9Telekinesis I, §9Thunderlord V", "§9Vampirism V", "", "§9◆ Lightning Rune II", "§8Requires level 19", "", "§7Heal §c10❤ §7per hit.", "§7Deal §a+200% §7damage to Zombies§7.", "§7§7Receive §a20% §7less damage", "§7from Zombies§7 when held.", "", "§c☠ §5Requires Zombie LVL 6", "§5§lEPIC SWORD" ], "Name": "§5Spicy Reaper Falchion" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "hot_potato_count": 10, "hotPotatoBonus": "STRENGTH=20;DAMAGE=20;", "runes": { "LIGHTNING": 2 }, "modifier": "spicy", "originTag": "REAPER_SWORD", "id": "REAPER_SWORD", "enchantments": { "critical": 6, "looting": 3, "smite": 6, "scavenger": 4, "telekinesis": 1, "vampirism": 5, "experience": 3, "life_steal": 3, "execute": 5, "giant_killer": 5, "first_strike": 4, "thunderlord": 5, "lethality": 5 }, "uuid": "0a08e412-0caf-4c68-b96c-362edf569950", "anvil_uses": 14, "timestamp": "1/5/20 5:06 AM" } }, "Damage": 0 }, { "id": 283, "Count": 1, "tag": { "ench": [], "Unbreakable": 1, "HideFlags": 254, "display": { "Lore": [ "§7Damage: §c+140 §e(+20)", "§7Strength: §c+45 §e(+20) §8(Spicy +5)", "§7Crit Chance: §c+1% §8(Spicy +1%)", "§7Crit Damage: §c+110% §8(Spicy +50%)", "§7Attack Speed: §c+10% §8(Spicy +10%)", "", "§7Speed: §a+5", "", "§9Cleave V, §9Critical VI", "§9Execute V, §9Experience III", "§9First Strike IV, §9Giant Killer V", "§9Lethality V, §9Life Steal III", "§9Looting III, §9Luck V", "§9Scavenger III, §9Sharpness V", "§9Telekinesis I, §9Thunderlord V", "§9Vampirism V, §9Venomous V", "", "§d◆ Hearts Rune III", "§8Requires level 10", "", "§7Deal §c+1 Damage §7per §c50 max ❤§7.", "§7Receive §a-20% §7damage from wolves.", "§7Gain §c+150❁ Strength §7against wolves.", "", "§c☠ §5Requires Wolf LVL 6", "§6§lLEGENDARY SWORD" ], "Name": "§6Spicy Pooch Sword" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "hot_potato_count": 10, "runes": { "HEARTS": 3 }, "hotPotatoBonus": "STRENGTH=20;DAMAGE=20;", "modifier": "spicy", "originTag": "POOCH_SWORD", "id": "POOCH_SWORD", "enchantments": { "luck": 5, "critical": 6, "cleave": 5, "looting": 3, "scavenger": 3, "telekinesis": 1, "vampirism": 5, "experience": 3, "life_steal": 3, "execute": 5, "giant_killer": 5, "venomous": 5, "first_strike": 4, "thunderlord": 5, "sharpness": 5, "lethality": 5 }, "uuid": "cc99e205-c420-48a2-b696-51bc7aa84e98", "anvil_uses": 13, "timestamp": "1/22/20 10:16 PM" } }, "Damage": 0 }, { "id": 261, "Count": 1, "tag": { "ench": [], "Unbreakable": 1, "HideFlags": 254, "display": { "Lore": [ "§7Damage: §c+271 §e(+20)", "§7Strength: §c+131 §e(+20) §8(Rapid +10)", "§7Crit Damage: §c+59% §8(Rapid +50%)", "", "§9Aiming V", "§9Cubism V", "§9Dragon Hunter V", "§9Infinite Quiver V", "§9Piercing I", "§9Power VI", "§9Snipe III", "§9Telekinesis I", "", "§6◆ Fire Spiral Rune II", "§8Requires level 13", "", "§6Item Ability: Nasty Bite", "§8Fully charged shots while sneaking", "§7Costs §b11% §7of max mana.", "§7Deal §c+19% §7damage.", "§7Heal for §a2x §7the mana cost.", "", "§c☠ §5Requires Spider LVL 7", "§6§lLEGENDARY BOW" ], "Name": "§6Rapid Mosquito Bow" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "hot_potato_count": 10, "hotPotatoBonus": "STRENGTH=20;DAMAGE=20;", "runes": { "FIRE_SPIRAL": 2 }, "modifier": "rapid", "originTag": "CRAFTING_GRID_COLLECT", "id": "MOSQUITO_BOW", "enchantments": { "dragon_hunter": 5, "piercing": 1, "infinite_quiver": 5, "snipe": 3, "power": 6, "telekinesis": 1, "cubism": 5, "aiming": 5 }, "uuid": "88d60cbe-577a-4598-a8ca-1c7f524f636b", "anvil_uses": 12, "timestamp": "3/9/20 6:58 PM" } }, "Damage": 0 }, { "id": 397, "Count": 1, "tag": { "HideFlags": 254, "SkullOwner": { "Id": "cf814560-079b-3f43-98ce-d440ba66f2b3", "Properties": { 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stack.", "§8Mana Cost: §3150", "§8Cooldown: §a20s", "", "§c☠ §5Requires Wolf LVL 5", "§9§lRARE" ], "Name": "§9Weird Tuba" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "originTag": "CRAFTING_GRID_COLLECT", "id": "WEIRD_TUBA", "uuid": "02612b61-89e1-497d-9fb3-3dc370150634", "timestamp": "1/10/20 11:53 AM" } }, "Damage": 0 }, { "id": 397, "Count": 1, "tag": { "HideFlags": 254, "SkullOwner": { "Id": "99c31026-ea17-3c79-852f-225223c3e66d", "Properties": { "textures": [ { "Value": "eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1Njk1ODM2NDYxMTksInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6IjQxZDNhYmMyZDc0OTQwMGM5MDkwZDU0MzRkMDM4MzFiIiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJNZWdha2xvb24iLCJzaWduYXR1cmVSZXF1aXJlZCI6dHJ1ZSwidGV4dHVyZXMiOnsiU0tJTiI6eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOi8vdGV4dHVyZXMubWluZWNyYWZ0Lm5ldC90ZXh0dXJlLzgyYWRhMWM3ZmNjOGNmMzVkZWZlYjk0NGE0ZjhmZmE5YTlkMjYwNTYwZmM3ZjVmNTgyNmRlODA4NTQzNTk2N2MifX19" } ] } }, "display": { "Lore": [ "§6Item Ability: Deploy", "§7Place an orb for §a30s §7buffing", "§7up to §b5 §7players within §a18", "§a§7blocks.", "§8Costs 50% of max mana.", "§8Only one orb applies per player.", "", "§aOrb Buff: Mana Flux", "§7Grants §b+50% §7base mana regen.", "§7Heals §c2% §7of max §c❤§7 per second.", "§7Grants §c+10❁ Strength§7.", "", "§c☠ §5Requires Wolf LVL 6", "§9§lRARE" ], "Name": "§9Mana Flux Power Orb" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "originTag": "UNKNOWN", "id": "MANA_FLUX_POWER_ORB", "uuid": "7fccda4d-708f-4384-b04b-30c96087a2b1", "timestamp": "5/17/20 10:08 AM" } }, "Damage": 3 }, { "id": 397, "Count": 1, "tag": { "HideFlags": 254, "SkullOwner": { "Id": "48f53ffe-a3f0-3280-aac0-11cc0d6121f4", "Properties": { "textures": [ { "Value": "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2VmZTdkODAzYTQ1YWEyYWYxOTkzZGYyNTQ0YTI4ZGY4NDlhNzYyNjYzNzE5YmZlZmM1OGJmMzg5YWI3ZjUifX19" } ] } }, "display": { "Lore": [ "§8Fishing Pet", "", "§7Intelligence: §a+1", "§7Sea Creature Chance: §a0", "", "§6Pod Tactics", "§7§7Increases your fishing speed", "§7by §a0% §7for each player within", "§710 blocks up to §a20%", "", "§7§eRight-click to add this pet to", "§eyour pet menu!", "", "§a§lUNCOMMON" ], "Name": "§7[Lvl 1] §aDolphin" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "petInfo": "{\"type\":\"DOLPHIN\",\"active\":false,\"exp\":0.0,\"tier\":\"UNCOMMON\",\"hideInfo\":false,\"candyUsed\":0}", "originTag": "UNKNOWN", "id": "PET", "uuid": "a0ad98a6-fcd2-4e1d-8af9-699ea21efa72", "timestamp": "6/24/20 7:52 AM" } }, "Damage": 3 }, { "id": 155, "Count": 1, "tag": { "HideFlags": 254, "display": { "Lore": [ "§f§lCOMMON" ], "Name": "§fBlock of Quartz" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "id": "QUARTZ_BLOCK" } }, "Damage": 0 }, { "id": 54, "Count": 24, "tag": { "HideFlags": 254, "display": { "Lore": [ "§f§lCOMMON" ], "Name": "§fChest" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "id": "CHEST" } }, "Damage": 0 }, { "id": 397, "Count": 1, "tag": { "ench": [], "HideFlags": 254, "SkullOwner": { "Id": "1ccae226-f0c8-3fe3-939f-1b1e5022a6b7", "Properties": { "textures": [ { "Value": 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"ExtraAttributes": { "id": "STEP:7" } }, "Damage": 7 }, { "id": 44, "Count": 64, "tag": { "HideFlags": 254, "display": { "Lore": [ "§f§lCOMMON" ], "Name": "§fQuartz Slab" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "id": "STEP:7" } }, "Damage": 7 }, { "id": 359, "Count": 1, "Damage": 0 }, { "id": 44, "Count": 64, "tag": { "HideFlags": 254, "display": { "Lore": [ "§f§lCOMMON" ], "Name": "§fQuartz Slab" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "id": "STEP:7" } }, "Damage": 7 }, { "id": 44, "Count": 64, "tag": { "HideFlags": 254, "display": { "Lore": [ "§f§lCOMMON" ], "Name": "§fQuartz Slab" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "id": "STEP:7" } }, "Damage": 7 }, { "id": 44, "Count": 62, "tag": { "HideFlags": 254, "display": { "Lore": [ "§f§lCOMMON" ], "Name": "§fQuartz Slab" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "id": "STEP:7" } }, "Damage": 7 }, {}, {}, { "id": 276, "Count": 1, "tag": { "ench": [], "Unbreakable": 1, "HideFlags": 254, "display": { "Lore": [ "§7Damage: §c+55 §e(+20)", "§7Strength: §c+22 §e(+20) §8(Spicy +2)", "§7Crit Chance: §c+1% §8(Spicy +1%)", "§7Crit Damage: §c+60% §8(Spicy +10%)", "§7Attack Speed: §c+2% §8(Spicy +2%)", "", "§9Critical V, §9Cubism V", "§9Ender Slayer V, §9Execute V", "§9Experience III, §9First Strike IV", "§9Giant Killer V, §9Impaling III", "§9Lethality V, §9Life Steal III", "§9Looting III, §9Luck V", "§9Scavenger III, §9Sharpness V", "§9Telekinesis I, §9Thunderlord IV", "§9Vampirism V", "", "§7Deals §a+100% §7damage to", "§7§7Endermites§7, §7Endermen§7,", "§7and §7Ender Dragons§7.", "", "§a§lUNCOMMON SWORD" ], "Name": "§aSpicy End Sword" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "hot_potato_count": 10, "hotPotatoBonus": "STRENGTH=20;DAMAGE=20;", "modifier": "spicy", "originTag": "SHOP_PURCHASE", "id": "END_SWORD", "enchantments": { "impaling": 3, "luck": 5, "critical": 5, "looting": 3, "ender_slayer": 5, "scavenger": 3, "telekinesis": 1, "experience": 3, "vampirism": 5, "execute": 5, "life_steal": 3, "giant_killer": 5, "first_strike": 4, "thunderlord": 4, "sharpness": 5, "cubism": 5, "lethality": 5 }, "uuid": "0e607ace-1d77-49e5-864f-e9e20421c031", "anvil_uses": 12, "timestamp": "12/17/19 5:48 AM" } }, "Damage": 0 }, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, { "id": 397, "Count": 1, "tag": { "HideFlags": 254, "SkullOwner": { "Id": "b34d1714-c0cf-35b2-91b7-e5c7382013d6", "Properties": { "textures": [ { "Value": "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGE3ODZlNGUzNWI1OWQ5MWViNjQ1NGVmMjZiN2IwNjgzNzYxZDZiMTFmMWQ2M2M3NzQwYWYxN2FhM2YifX19" } ] } }, "display": { "Lore": [ "§7Health: §a+5 HP", "", "§6Item Ability: Splash", "§7Crouch to splash some water", "§7around.", "§8Mana Cost: §310", "§8Cooldown: §a1s", "", "§7§8This item can be reforged!", "§f§lCOMMON HELMET" ], "Name": "§fFish Hat" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "originTag": "QUICK_CRAFTING", "id": "FISH_HAT", "uuid": "7dad4acb-bf46-4b4f-acab-0118ef1e58cf", "timestamp": "5/18/20 12:07 PM" } }, "Damage": 3 }, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, { "id": 406, "Count": 4, "tag": { "ench": [], "HideFlags": 254, "display": { "Lore": [ "§eRight-click to view recipes!", "", "§5§lEPIC" ], "Name": "§5Crystal Fragment" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "id": "CRYSTAL_FRAGMENT" } }, "Damage": 0 }, {}, { "id": 397, "Count": 1, "tag": { "HideFlags": 254, "SkullOwner": { "Id": "906876f2-55d9-3965-9e57-f5732c765617", "Properties": { "textures": [ { "Value": "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTUwZjcxMmU4NzdkZmQ5MTBjOTdmMzgxOWEyMDBhMDVkNDllZTZiODNiNTkyNjg2ZTA5OWI5ZWNkNDQzZjIyOCJ9fX0=" } ] } }, "display": { "Lore": [ "§7Picking up Candy will place it", "§7directly into this bag! Your", "§7Candy inventory is shared across", "§7your profile - opening any Trick", "§7or Treat Bag will display your", "§7Candy inventory.", "", "§a§lUNCOMMON" ], "Name": "§aTrick or Treat Bag" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "originTag": "SHOP_PURCHASE", "id": "TRICK_OR_TREAT_BAG", "uuid": "61a045d2-6742-4725-b99c-9393043a502b", "timestamp": "5/10/20 3:32 PM" } }, "Damage": 3 }, { "id": 384, "Count": 43, "tag": { "ench": [], "HideFlags": 254, "display": { "Lore": [ "§7Smash it open to receive", "§7experience!", "", "§a§lUNCOMMON" ], "Name": "§aGrand Experience Bottle" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "id": "GRAND_EXP_BOTTLE" } }, "Damage": 0 }, {}, {}, { "id": 397, "Count": 1, "tag": { "HideFlags": 254, "SkullOwner": { "Id": "1df8f7d9-8ab3-311e-8dee-524e674d3d97", "Properties": { "textures": [ { "Value": "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTI1ZTMzM2IyNWM1ZDViMjQzMzY5NTE2ZjU4ODhiY2EzOGMxYWEwZTFkOTgwOTI3MzgxODdhNzQ0MDZiNTRhIn19fQ==" } ] } }, "display": { "Lore": [ "§7Holds and shoots Snowballs. When", "§7you pickup Snowballs, they", "§7increase the ammo held by this", "§7item. Blasts Snowballs at a", "§7higher velocity than a Snow", "§7Cannon!", "", "§7Snowballs: §f0§7/§f2,000", "", "§eRight click to shoot!", "", "§5§lEPIC" ], "Name": "§5Frosty the Snow Blaster" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "originTag": "UNKNOWN", "id": "SNOW_BLASTER", "uuid": "996f6226-6e07-42a8-b285-286713443ea5", "timestamp": "5/9/20 7:57 AM" } }, "Damage": 3 }, { "id": 384, "Count": 11, "tag": { "ench": [], "HideFlags": 254, "display": { "Lore": [ "§7Smash it open to receive", "§7experience!", "", "§a§lUNCOMMON" ], "Name": "§aGrand Experience Bottle" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "id": "GRAND_EXP_BOTTLE" } }, "Damage": 0 }, { "id": 372, "Count": 7, "tag": { "HideFlags": 254, "display": { "Lore": [ "§8Brewing Ingredient", "§f§lCOMMON" ], "Name": "§fNether Wart" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "id": "NETHER_STALK" } }, "Damage": 0 }, { "id": 268, "Count": 1, "tag": { "ench": [], "Unbreakable": 1, "HideFlags": 254, "display": { "Lore": [ "§7Damage: §c+120 §e(+20)", "§7Strength: §c+225 §e(+20) §6(+100) §8(Spicy +5)", "§7Crit Chance: §c+1% §8(Spicy +1%)", "§7Crit Damage: §c+110% §8(Spicy +50%)", "§7Attack Speed: §c+10% §8(Spicy +10%)", "", "§9Bane of Arthropods VI, §9Critical VI", "§9Cubism V, §9Ender Slayer V", "§9Execute V, §9Experience III", "§9First Strike IV, §9Giant Killer V", "§9Impaling III, §9Lethality V", "§9Life Steal III, §9Looting III", "§9Luck V, §9Scavenger III", "§9Telekinesis I, §9Thunderlord V", "§9Vampirism V, §9Venomous V", "", "§7Deal §a250% §7damage against Spiders.", "", "§6Item Ability: Heartstopper", "§7You have §e4 Ⓞ tickers§7.", "§7Blocking clears §e1 Ⓞ §7and heals §c60❤§7.", "§7Once all tickers are cleared,", "§7your next attack is empowered", "§7for §c+250% damage§7.", "§8Tickers refill after 5 seconds.", "", "§c☠ §5Requires Spider LVL 6", "§6§lLEGENDARY SWORD" ], "Name": "§6Spicy Thick Scorpion Foil" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "hot_potato_count": 10, "hotPotatoBonus": "STRENGTH=20;DAMAGE=20;", "modifier": "spicy", "originTag": "CRAFTING_GRID_COLLECT", "wood_singularity_count": 1, "id": "SCORPION_FOIL", "enchantments": { "bane_of_arthropods": 6, "impaling": 3, "luck": 5, "critical": 6, "looting": 3, "ender_slayer": 5, "scavenger": 3, "telekinesis": 1, "vampirism": 5, "experience": 3, "life_steal": 3, "execute": 5, "giant_killer": 5, "first_strike": 4, "venomous": 5, "thunderlord": 5, "cubism": 5, "lethality": 5 }, "uuid": "45997030-4992-4fff-b4af-4bbd8377a2d7", "anvil_uses": 17, "timestamp": "12/9/19 10:21 AM" } }, "Damage": 0 }, {}, {}, { "id": 397, "Count": 1, "tag": { "HideFlags": 254, "SkullOwner": { "Id": "f1e3c520-3f66-38f0-a110-70e3c183df38", "Properties": { "textures": [ { "Value": "eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1NjgyMTMwNTE0MjYsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6IjgyYzYwNmM1YzY1MjRiNzk4YjkxYTEyZDNhNjE2OTc3IiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJOb3ROb3RvcmlvdXNOZW1vIiwic2lnbmF0dXJlUmVxdWlyZWQiOnRydWUsInRleHR1cmVzIjp7IlNLSU4iOnsidXJsIjoiaHR0cDovL3RleHR1cmVzLm1pbmVjcmFmdC5uZXQvdGV4dHVyZS82MmYzYjNhMDU0ODFjZGU3NzI0MDAwNWMwZGRjZWUxYzA2OWU1NTA0YTYyY2UwOTc3ODc5ZjU1YTM5Mzk2MTQ2In19fQ" } ] } }, "display": { "Lore": [ "§7A special portable bag with", "§7§a36§7 slots which can hold any", "§7item within.", "", "§5§lEPIC" ], "Name": "§5Greater Backpack" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "originTag": "CRAFTING_GRID_SHIFT", "id": "GREATER_BACKPACK", "backpack_color": "DEFAULT", "uuid": "e5010f21-d5fb-4456-83c7-43ccd16f95fa", "greater_backpack_data": [ 31, -117, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -29, 98, 96, -32, 100, 96, -52, -28, 98, 96, 96, 80, 97, 32, 6, 0, 0, 75, 59, 107, 8, 49, 0, 0, 0 ], "timestamp": "5/7/20 10:11 AM" } }, "Damage": 3 }, { "id": 397, "Count": 1, "tag": { "HideFlags": 254, "SkullOwner": { "Id": "b3584cb8-ba3b-3880-91b8-4659174bd7c2", "Properties": { "textures": [ { "Value": "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTIwZTg0ZDMyZDFlOWM5MTlkM2ZkYmI1M2YyYjM3YmEyNzRjMTIxYzU3YjI4MTBlNWE0NzJmNDBkYWNmMDA0ZiJ9fX0=" } ] } }, "display": { "Lore": [ "§7Health: §a+50 HP", "", "§7Grants immunity to knockback", "§7from mobs.", "", "§7§8This item can be reforged!", "§f§lCOMMON HELMET" ], "Name": "§fSlime Hat" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "originTag": "QUICK_CRAFTING", "id": "SLIME_HAT", "uuid": "d5550069-d6b1-4f22-8e6d-c0ca83538266", "timestamp": "5/5/20 5:26 AM" } }, "Damage": 3 }, {}, { "id": 154, "Count": 1, "tag": { "HideFlags": 254, "display": { "Lore": [ "§6Item Ability: Howl §e§lRIGHT CLICK", "§7You and 4 nearby players gain:", "§7§c+30❁ Strength", "§7§f+30✦ Speed", "§7§7for §a20 §7seconds.", "§7§8Effect doesn't stack.", "§8Mana Cost: §3150", "§8Cooldown: §a20s", "", "§c☠ §5Requires Wolf LVL 5", "§9§lRARE" ], "Name": "§9Weird Tuba" }, "ExtraAttributes": { "originTag": "CRAFTING_GRID_SHIFT", "id": "WEIRD_TUBA", "uuid": "794a02b2-16db-4a61-a5df-05729c23f425", "timestamp": "1/8/20 1:55 PM" } }, "Damage": 0 } ]