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This plugin have been replaced by thesocialdigits.js and will no longer be maintained.

thesocialdigits.js is a more modern JS library which provides faster implementation, less maintenance and more features.

If you have any questions about migrating to thesocialdigits.js feel free to contact us at or via the live support at

jQuery plugin for The Social Digits

This is a jQuery plugin for integrating the sevices provided by The Social Digits ( with any website using jQuery.

A quick usage example can be found in the example.html file.


In order to use the plugin you must first have an account with a valid API key and have exported your data [1] to our service.

After that simply include jquery.thesocialdigits.js in your document as any other plugin. In order to use the plugin you must fist configure it with your API key and a function to load template data from. As default you can use our attributes API. Here is an example of a basic configuration.

  key: 'your_api_key' // TODO insert your API key here. 

Note that the plugin must be configured before it can be used but the configuration can be in an external minified .js file.

Configuration options

The plugin can be configured with the following options:

  • key: Your API key.
  • timeout: Timeout for the request in milliseconds. Timeouts are disabled by default.
  • error: Function to be called when an error or timeout occurs. It takes the call state as its only argument. The default function logs the error to the browsers console.
  • datasource: The function to fetch product meta data from. As default it is a function that fetches data from The Social Digits service.
  • language: The language used when fetching meta data from The Social Digits service. As default the plugin will try to automatically detect it.
  • ga_tracking: The tracking category for Google Analytics event tracking. Use null to disable. The default value is 'The Social Digits'.


After the configuration the plugin is ready for use. The following example loads 3 popular products, which cost less than 50, in to the page element with id products using the template productsTemplate.

                               {'limit': 3,
                                'filter': 'price < 50'},

Thats all there is to it! The first argument is the API name, the second is the arguments for the API and the third is the template used to present the products. For a full list of available APIs and their argument visit the API documentation [2].


In order to display the products you must specify a template. The template describes how each product is to be styled and what attributes to be shown.

Handlebars.js is used as templating engine. Any attribute specified in the data feed [1] can be used as a variable in the template. Here is a small example of an template:

<script id="productsTemplate" type="text/html"> 
    <a href="/product/{{id}}">
      <img src="/images/product/{{id}}.jpg" />
      {{name}} - {{price}},-


The plugin can take a callback function as an optional fourth argument. This function takes the call state as its only argument. This can be used for either debugging or chaining results eg. if you make use of the result of one API call when making another.

Here is a small example of a callback function that displays the response status as an alert.

                               {'limit': 3,
                                'filter': 'price < 50'},
                               function(callState) {

Further more a similar function can be given as a optional fifth argument. This function also takes the call state as its only argument. This function is called upon a successful after rendering the template.

                               {'limit': 3,
                                'filter': 'price < 50'},
                               function(callState) {
                                 alert('call done with status' + callState.response.status);
                               function(callState) {
                                 alert('rendering done with status' + callState.response.status);

Fetch template metadata from own server

By default the product metadata used to render the template is fetched from The Social Digits API and only data provided in the datafeed is accessible. In order to provide more flexibility you can fetch this data from your own servers by implementing the datasource function in the configuration as demonstrated below:

  key: 'your_api_key' // TODO insert your API key here.  
  datasource: function (products, callback) {
    var url = '';
    var data = {
      'products': JSON.stringify(products)
    $.getJSON(url, data, callback);

The function takes two arguments:

  • products: The list of products id's contained in the result.
  • callback: A callback function to perform the rendering. It takes a single argument which is a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary represents the data associated with each product. Each key in the dictionary corresponds to a template variable but each dictionary must have an entry named 'id' with the product id.

Google Analytics tracking

The plugin supports event tracking via Google Analytics which is enabled by default if Analytics is used on the site. The event is triggered every time a cutomer clicks on a product. The event category is by default set to The Social Digits but can be specified in the configuration via the ga_tracking parameter:

  key: ... ,
  datasource: ... ,
  ga_tracking: 'Tracking category name'

The event action is the name of the API and the event label is the product id and name as a string id: name.

To disable event tracking just set the parameter to null:

  key: ... ,
  datasource: ... ,
  ga_tracking: null

The call state object

The call state object is a JavaScript object containing all information for a API call. The object has the following entries:

  • api: The name of the API called.
  • args: The argument dictionary for the API.
  • template: The reference for the template to be used.
  • element: The element the plugin was invoked on.
  • response: The response object from The Social Digits (see the APIs documentation for its content). If the response has not been completed (eg. if the call timed out) it has the value null.




jQuery plugin for The Social Digits API







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