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Fixed tag generation and curio randomization
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TheUnlocked committed Sep 6, 2020
1 parent 23a92e5 commit abe41a7
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Showing 5 changed files with 109 additions and 34 deletions.
119 changes: 92 additions & 27 deletions DDFileTypes/CurioTypeLibrary.cs
Expand Up @@ -30,12 +30,40 @@ public static async Task<CurioTypeLibrary> LoadFromFileAsync(string filename)

public static CurioTypeLibrary Load(string text)
string[] splitAllowQuotes(string str)
List<string> result = new();

string? buffer = null;
foreach (var part in str.Split(','))
if (buffer != null)
buffer += ',' + part;
if (part.EndsWith('"'))
buffer = null;
else if (part.StartsWith('"'))
buffer = part;
return result.ToArray();

var curios = new List<Curio>();
var lines = text.Split(new[] { "\n" , "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToArray();
for (int line = 0; line < lines.Length; line++)
if (lines[line].StartsWith(",,")) continue; // Not the start of a curio entry
var row1 = lines[line].Split(',')[1..];
var row1 = splitAllowQuotes(lines[line])[1..];
var id = row1[0].TryParseInt();
// Assertion -- ID must exist
if (!id.HasValue)
Expand All @@ -46,28 +74,28 @@ public static CurioTypeLibrary Load(string text)
CurioQuality quality = Enum.Parse<CurioQuality>(row1[3], true);

line += 2;
var row2 = lines[line].Split(',')[2..];
var row2 = splitAllowQuotes(lines[line])[2..];
var idName = row2[0];
var nothing = ParseWeightedCurioEffect(row2.AsSpan()[2..]);

line += 1;
var row3 = lines[line].Split(',')[2..];
var row3 = splitAllowQuotes(lines[line])[2..];
var loot = ParseWeightedCurioEffect(row3.AsSpan()[2..]);

line += 1;
var row4 = lines[line].Split(',')[2..];
var row4 = splitAllowQuotes(lines[line])[2..];
Region region = row4[0] switch {
"Darkest Dungeon" => Region.DarkestDungeon,
string x => Enum.Parse<Region>(x, true)
var quirk = ParseWeightedCurioEffect(row4.AsSpan()[2..]);

line += 1;
var row5 = lines[line].Split(',')[2..];
var row5 = splitAllowQuotes(lines[line])[2..];
var effect = ParseWeightedCurioEffect(row5.AsSpan()[2..]);

line += 1;
var row6 = lines[line].Split(',')[2..];
var row6 = splitAllowQuotes(lines[line])[2..];
var full = row6[0] switch
"Yes" => true,
Expand All @@ -77,29 +105,29 @@ public static CurioTypeLibrary Load(string text)
var purge = ParseWeightedCurioEffect(row6.AsSpan()[2..]);

line += 1;
var row7 = lines[line].Split(',')[2..];
var row7 = splitAllowQuotes(lines[line])[2..];
var scouting = ParseWeightedCurioEffect(row7.AsSpan()[2..]);

line += 1;
var row8 = lines[line].Split(',')[2..];
var row8 = splitAllowQuotes(lines[line])[2..];
var tags = new string[] { row8[0], row8[1], "", "", "", "" };
var teleport = ParseWeightedCurioEffect(row8.AsSpan()[2..]);

line += 1;
var row9 = lines[line].Split(',')[2..];
var row9 = splitAllowQuotes(lines[line])[2..];
tags[2] = row9[0]; tags[3] = row9[1];
var disease = ParseWeightedCurioEffect(row9.AsSpan()[2..]);

line += 1;
var row10 = lines[line].Split(',')[2..];
var row10 = splitAllowQuotes(lines[line])[2..];
tags[4] = row10[0]; tags[5] = row10[1];

line += 1;
var itemInteractions = new List<(string, CurioEffect)>();
while (lines.Length > line + 1 && !lines[line + 1].StartsWith(",,,,,")) // No item field
line += 1;
curios.Add(new Curio(id.Value, name, idName, quality, region, full)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,6 +170,8 @@ private static WeightedCurioEffect ParseWeightedCurioEffect(ReadOnlySpan<string>
"quirk_pos" => CurioTracker.QuirkPositive,
"quirk_neg" => CurioTracker.QuirkNegative,
"summon" => CurioTracker.Summon,
"stress" => CurioTracker.Stress,
"heal_stress" => CurioTracker.HealStress,
_ => null
Notes = cells[13]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,6 +199,8 @@ private static (string, CurioEffect) ParseItemInteraction(ReadOnlySpan<string> c
"quirk_pos" => CurioTracker.QuirkPositive,
"quirk_neg" => CurioTracker.QuirkNegative,
"summon" => CurioTracker.Summon,
"stress" => CurioTracker.Stress,
"heal_stress" => CurioTracker.HealStress,
_ => null
Notes = cells[13]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,17 +228,36 @@ void addRow(params string[] cells)
string[] makeCurioEffectStrings(CurioEffect? effect)
float totalWeight = (effect?.Result1Weight ?? 0) + (effect?.Result2Weight ?? 0) + (effect?.Result3Weight ?? 0);

string getWeightText(int? weight)
if (effect!.Type == CurioEffectType.Loot) return "<- # Draws";
if (weight == null) return "";
return $"{weight!.Value / totalWeight * 100:N2}%";

if (effect?.Type == CurioEffectType.Nothing)
return Enumerable.Repeat("N/A", 9)
effect?.Notes ?? ""

return new string[]
effect?.Result1 ?? "",
effect?.Result1Weight.ToString() ?? "",
effect?.Result1Weight switch { 0 => "", null => "", var x => x.ToString()! },
effect?.Result2 ?? "",
effect?.Result2Weight.ToString() ?? "",
effect?.Result2Weight switch { 0 => "", null => "", var x => x.ToString()! },
effect?.Result3 ?? "",
effect?.Result3Weight.ToString() ?? "",
effect?.Result3Weight switch { 0 => "", null => "", var x => x.ToString()! },
effect?.CurioTrackerId switch
CurioTracker.Nothing => "nothing",
Expand All @@ -218,6 +269,8 @@ string[] makeCurioEffectStrings(CurioEffect? effect)
CurioTracker.QuirkPositive => "quirk_pos",
CurioTracker.QuirkNegative => "quirk_neg",
CurioTracker.Summon => "summon",
CurioTracker.Stress => "stress",
CurioTracker.HealStress => "heal_stress",
_ => ""
effect?.Notes ?? ""
Expand All @@ -228,22 +281,34 @@ string[] makeCurioEffectStrings(CurioEffect? effect)
foreach (var curio in Curios.OrderBy(x => x.Id))
string getWeightText(WeightedCurioEffect effect)
if (effect.Weight == 0) return "";
return effect.Weight.ToString();
string getWeightPercentageText(WeightedCurioEffect effect)
if (effect.Weight == 0) return "";
return $"{effect.Weight / curio!.Effects.TotalWeight * 100:N2}%";

addRow("", curio.Id.ToString(), curio.Name, "", Enum.GetName(typeof(CurioQuality), curio.Quality) ?? "Mixed");
addRow("", "", "ID STRING", "", "RESULT TYPES", "WEIGHT", "% CHANCE", "RESULT 1", "R1 WEIGHT", "R1 %", "RESULT 2", "R2 WEIGHT", "R2 %", "RESULT 3", "R3 WEIGHT", "R3 %", "CURIO TACKER ID", "STRING", "NOTES");
addRow("", "", curio.IdString, "", "Nothing", curio.Effects.Nothing.Weight.ToString());
addRow(new[] { "", "", "REGION FOUND", "", "Loot", curio.Effects.Loot.Weight.ToString(), "" }.Concat(makeCurioEffectStrings(curio.Effects.Loot)).ToArray());
addRow("", "", "ID STRING", "", "RESULT TYPES", "WEIGHT", "% CHANCE", "RESULT 1", "R1 WEIGHT", "R1 %", "RESULT 2", "R2 WEIGHT", "R2 %", "RESULT 3", "R3 WEIGHT", "R3 %", "", "STRING", "NOTES");
addRow(new[] { "", "", curio.IdString, "", "Nothing", getWeightText(curio.Effects.Nothing), getWeightPercentageText(curio.Effects.Nothing) }.Concat(makeCurioEffectStrings(curio.Effects.Nothing)).ToArray());
addRow(new[] { "", "", "REGION FOUND", "", "Loot", getWeightText(curio.Effects.Loot), getWeightPercentageText(curio.Effects.Loot) }.Concat(makeCurioEffectStrings(curio.Effects.Loot)).ToArray());
addRow(new[] { "", "", curio.RegionFound switch
Region.All => "ALL",
Region.DarkestDungeon => "Darkest Dungeon",
Region x => Enum.GetName(typeof(Region), x) ?? ""
}, "", "Quirk", curio.Effects.Quirk.Weight.ToString(), "" }.Concat(makeCurioEffectStrings(curio.Effects.Quirk)).ToArray());
addRow(new[] { "", "", "FULL CURIO?", "", "Effect", curio.Effects.Effect.Weight.ToString(), "" }.Concat(makeCurioEffectStrings(curio.Effects.Effect)).ToArray());
addRow(new[] { "", "", curio.FullCurio ? "Yes" : "No", "", "Purge", curio.Effects.Purge.Weight.ToString(), "" }.Concat(makeCurioEffectStrings(curio.Effects.Purge)).ToArray());
addRow(new[] { "", "", "TAGS", "", "Scouting", curio.Effects.Scouting.Weight.ToString(), "" }.Concat(makeCurioEffectStrings(curio.Effects.Scouting)).ToArray());
addRow(new[] { "", "", curio.Tags[0], curio.Tags[1], "Teleport", curio.Effects.Teleport.Weight.ToString(), "" }.Concat(makeCurioEffectStrings(curio.Effects.Teleport)).ToArray());
addRow(new[] { "", "", curio.Tags[2], curio.Tags[3], "Disease", curio.Effects.Disease.Weight.ToString(), "" }.Concat(makeCurioEffectStrings(curio.Effects.Disease)).ToArray());
}, "", "Quirk", getWeightText(curio.Effects.Quirk), getWeightPercentageText(curio.Effects.Quirk) }.Concat(makeCurioEffectStrings(curio.Effects.Quirk)).ToArray());
addRow(new[] { "", "", "FULL CURIO?", "", "Effect", getWeightText(curio.Effects.Effect), getWeightPercentageText(curio.Effects.Effect) }.Concat(makeCurioEffectStrings(curio.Effects.Effect)).ToArray());
addRow(new[] { "", "", curio.FullCurio ? "Yes" : "No", "", "Purge", getWeightText(curio.Effects.Purge), getWeightPercentageText(curio.Effects.Purge) }.Concat(makeCurioEffectStrings(curio.Effects.Purge)).ToArray());
addRow(new[] { "", "", "TAGS", "", "Scouting", getWeightText(curio.Effects.Scouting), getWeightPercentageText(curio.Effects.Scouting) }.Concat(makeCurioEffectStrings(curio.Effects.Scouting)).ToArray());
addRow(new[] { "", "", curio.Tags[0], curio.Tags[1], "Teleport", getWeightText(curio.Effects.Teleport), getWeightPercentageText(curio.Effects.Teleport) }.Concat(makeCurioEffectStrings(curio.Effects.Teleport)).ToArray());
addRow(new[] { "", "", curio.Tags[2], curio.Tags[3], "Disease", getWeightText(curio.Effects.Disease), getWeightPercentageText(curio.Effects.Disease) }.Concat(makeCurioEffectStrings(curio.Effects.Disease)).ToArray());
addRow("", "", curio.Tags[4], curio.Tags[5]);
addRow("", "", "Item Interactions", "", "ITEM", "RESULT TYPE", "", "RESULT 1", "R1 WEIGHT", "R1 %", "RESULT 2", "R2 WEIGHT", "R2 %", "RESULT 3", "R3 WEIGHT", "R3 %", "CURIO TACKER ID", "STRING", "NOTES");
addRow("", "", "Item Interactions", "", "ITEM", "RESULT TYPE", "", "RESULT 1", "R1 WEIGHT", "R1 %", "RESULT 2", "R2 WEIGHT", "R2 %", "RESULT 3", "R3 WEIGHT", "R3 %", "CURIO TRACKER ID", "STRING", "NOTES");
for (int interactionIndex = 0; interactionIndex < 4; interactionIndex++)
if (interactionIndex < curio.ItemIteractions.Count)
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions DDTypes/Curio.cs
Expand Up @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ public enum CurioTracker
Expand All @@ -92,6 +93,12 @@ public record CurioEffectList
public WeightedCurioEffect Scouting { get; init; } = new WeightedCurioEffect(CurioEffectType.Scouting);
public WeightedCurioEffect Teleport { get; init; } = new WeightedCurioEffect(CurioEffectType.Teleport);
public WeightedCurioEffect Disease { get; init; } = new WeightedCurioEffect(CurioEffectType.Disease);

public float TotalWeight { get
return Nothing.Weight + Loot.Weight + Quirk.Weight + Effect.Weight +
Purge.Weight + Scouting.Weight + Teleport.Weight + Disease.Weight;
} }

public record CurioEffect(CurioEffectType Type)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DarkestDungeonRandomizer.csproj
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@


Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ModCreator.cs
Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ public static string GetRandomizerUUID(MainViewModel options)
(options.RandomizeBosses ? 1 << 6 : 0) +
((int)(options.RandomizeHeroStats * 4) << 7) + /* 3 bits */
(options.RandomizeCampingSkills ? 1 << 10 : 0);
return addin.ToString("x").Trim('0') + options.Seed.ToString("x");
return addin.ToString("x") + options.Seed.ToString("x8");

public static void PopulateRandomizerOptionsFromUUID(MainViewModel model, string tag)
Expand Down
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions Randomizers/CurioShuffler.cs
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ public CurioShuffler(MainViewModel model, Random random)

public void Randomize()
// no need to do anything if nothing is enabled...
if (!(model.RandomizeCurioEffects || model.RandomizeCurioInteractions || model.RandomizeCurioRegions)) return;

var curiosFolder = model.ModDirectory.CreateSubdirectory("curios");
var curios = CurioTypeLibrary.LoadFromFile(model.GetGameDataPath(Path.Combine("curios", "curio_type_library.csv")));
var shuffledCurios = ShuffleCurioTypeLibrary(curios);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,15 +59,15 @@ private CurioTypeLibrary ShuffleCurioTypeLibrary(CurioTypeLibrary curioTypeLibra
var curios = curioTypeLibrary.Curios;
if (!model.IncludeShamblerAltar)
curios = curioTypeLibrary.Curios.Where(x => x.IdString != "shamblers_altar").ToArray();
curios = curios.Where(x => x.IdString != "shamblers_altar").ToArray();
if (!model.IncludeStoryCurios)
curios = curioTypeLibrary.Curios.Where(x => x.FullCurio).ToArray();
curios = curios.Where(x => x.FullCurio).ToArray();

var regions = curioTypeLibrary.Curios.Select(x => x.RegionFound).ToArray();
var curioEffectLists = curioTypeLibrary.Curios.Select(x => x.Effects);
var regions = curios.Select(x => x.RegionFound).ToArray();
var curioEffectLists = curios.Select(x => x.Effects);
if (model.RandomizeCurioRegions)
regions = regions.Shuffle(random);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,7 +158,7 @@ private CurioTypeLibrary ShuffleCurioTypeLibrary(CurioTypeLibrary curioTypeLibra

if (!model.IncludeShamblerAltar)
curios = curios.Concat(new[] { curios.First(x => x.IdString != "shamblers_altar") }).ToArray();
curios = curios.Concat(new[] { curioTypeLibrary.Curios.First(x => x.IdString == "shamblers_altar") }).ToArray();
if (!model.IncludeStoryCurios)
Expand Down

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