This is package {papillon}: Build And Highlight Package Documentation
With Customized Templates.
You are using version
Complete documentation in the {pkgdown} site:
The list of dependencies required to install this package is: attachment, bookdown, cli, crayon, desc, devtools, knitr, magrittr, pkgdown, readr, remotes, rmarkdown, shiny, usethis, utils.
To install the package, you can run the following script
# install.packages("remotes")
remotes::install_github(repo = "Thinkr-open/papillon")
You can use create_book()
using your own template basis. By default,
it uses {bookdown} site template. You can use it to build your own.
template <- system.file("rstudio/templates/project/resources", package = "bookdown")
create_book(path = "inst/report", clean = TRUE,
template = template)
Help users find your book with function open_guide_function()
. This
adds function open_guide()
inside your package that will open the
userguide (in HTML or PDF) on demand.
open_guide_function(path = "inst/report")
You can use build_pkgdown()
using your own template basis. By default,
it uses the {pkgdown} original template.
To use your own template, it is better to create a R package with all
necessary files (See as an
You can then define your own _pkgdown.yml
file that will call your
template when building the site:
package: mypackagetemplate
lazy = TRUE,
yml = "/pah/to/your/yaml/_pkgdown.yml",
favicon = "/path/to/your/favicon.ico",
move = TRUE
Help users find your pkgdown website with function
. This adds function open_pkgdown()
your package that will open the site on demand. This may make your
package not pass warnings in checks, but remember this is for internal
or private use. For public use, you can publish your pkgdown site
directly online.
To award people hard working for open-source, it is always good to cite their work. In order to add an informative page in your Shiny applications for instance, you can create a html or markdown page listing all package dependencies used.
papillon::create_pkg_biblio_file(to = "html", out.dir = "inst")
# Can be included in a shiny app using
# OR
papillon::create_pkg_biblio_file(to = "markdown")
# Can be included in a shiny app using
This can be useful to create your Readme for instance or to send the instructions file for your clients to install your package.
path <- system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = "papillon")
out.dir <- tempdir()
create_pkg_desc_file(path, source = c("archive"), to = "html")
# Use with results="asis" in a Rmd
shiny::includeHTML(file.path(out.dir, "pkg_description.html"))
uses {usethis} Readme template for packages and fill the installation instructions.- This function can be run anytime during project development as it will only update the description and installation parts
papillon::generate_readme_rmd(parts = "description")
Please note that the papillon project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.