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Ludum Dare 29 Competition Entry

Theme: Beneath the Surface

Submission page:

SneakyLink - A game about chatting, infiltration and misdirection; about seeing beneath the surface impression and really understanding someone else.

... in theory, anyway. In actuality, it's a game about chatting, mostly. I spent too long making a window manager in Javascript (!) and making it look pretty, and didn't have enough time to make an actually compelling plot. If conversations seem to abruptly end, that's because I ran out of time to write the rest of it...

Final ratings:

Ranking Category Score
#17 Innovation 4.31
#116 Humor 3.41
#176 Mood 3.54
#358 Overall 3.38
#362 Fun 3.26
#736 Graphics 2.88
#747 Theme 3.0