From e38001b72e1918356a977c85f7c699c10bc23529 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tobbe Lundberg Date: Fri, 24 May 2024 12:59:05 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] RSC: Support CJS 'use client' modules (#10682) --- .../vite/src/lib/registerFwGlobalsAndShims.ts | 13 +- .../vite-plugin-rsc-transform-client.test.mts | 204 ++++++++++++++++++ .../vite-plugin-rsc-transform-client.ts | 77 ++++++- packages/vite/src/streaming/streamHelpers.ts | 13 +- 4 files changed, 299 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) create mode 100644 packages/vite/src/plugins/__tests__/vite-plugin-rsc-transform-client.test.mts diff --git a/packages/vite/src/lib/registerFwGlobalsAndShims.ts b/packages/vite/src/lib/registerFwGlobalsAndShims.ts index 952739e79ceb..10b63aebce6d 100644 --- a/packages/vite/src/lib/registerFwGlobalsAndShims.ts +++ b/packages/vite/src/lib/registerFwGlobalsAndShims.ts @@ -113,7 +113,18 @@ function registerFwShims() { globalThis.__webpack_chunk_load__ ||= async (id: string) => { console.log('registerFwShims chunk load id', id) - return import(id).then((m) => globalThis.__rw_module_cache__.set(id, m)) + return import(id).then((mod) => { + console.log('registerFwShims chunk load mod', mod) + + // checking m.default to better support CJS. If it's an object, it's + // likely a CJS module. Otherwise it's probably an ES module with a + // default export + if (mod.default && typeof mod.default === 'object') { + return globalThis.__rw_module_cache__.set(id, mod.default) + } + + return globalThis.__rw_module_cache__.set(id, mod) + }) } globalThis.__webpack_require__ ||= (id: string) => { diff --git a/packages/vite/src/plugins/__tests__/vite-plugin-rsc-transform-client.test.mts b/packages/vite/src/plugins/__tests__/vite-plugin-rsc-transform-client.test.mts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..176f4578e166 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/vite/src/plugins/__tests__/vite-plugin-rsc-transform-client.test.mts @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +import path from 'node:path' +import { vol } from 'memfs' +import { normalizePath } from 'vite' + +import { + afterAll, + beforeAll, + describe, + it, + expect, + vi, + afterEach, +} from 'vitest' + +import { rscTransformUseClientPlugin } from '../vite-plugin-rsc-transform-client' + +vi.mock('fs', async () => ({ default: (await import('memfs')).fs })) + +const RWJS_CWD = process.env.RWJS_CWD + +beforeAll(() => { + // Add a toml entry for getPaths et al. + process.env.RWJS_CWD = '/Users/tobbe/rw-app/' + vol.fromJSON( + { + 'redwood.toml': '', + }, + process.env.RWJS_CWD, + ) +}) + +afterAll(() => { + process.env.RWJS_CWD = RWJS_CWD +}) + +describe('rscRoutesAutoLoader', () => { + afterEach(() => { + vi.resetAllMocks() + }) + + it('should handle CJS modules with exports.Link = ...', async () => { + const id = normalizePath( + path.join( + process.env.RWJS_CWD, + 'node_modules', + '@redwoodjs', + 'router', + 'dist', + 'link.js', + ), + ) + + const plugin = rscTransformUseClientPlugin({ + 'rsc-link.js-13': id, + }) + + if (typeof plugin.transform !== 'function') { +'Expected plugin to have a transform function') + } + + // Calling `bind` to please TS + // See + const output = await plugin.transform.bind({})( + `"use strict"; + 'use client'; + + // This needs to be a client component because it uses onClick, and the onClick + // event handler can't be serialized when passed as an RSC Flight response + var _Object$defineProperty = require("@babel/runtime-corejs3/core-js/object/define-property"); + var _interopRequireWildcard = require("@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/interopRequireWildcard").default; + _Object$defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { + value: true + }); + exports.Link = void 0; + var _react = _interopRequireWildcard(require("react")); + var _history = require("./history"); + var _jsxRuntime = require("react/jsx-runtime"); + const Link = exports.Link = /*#__PURE__*/(0, _react.forwardRef)((_ref, ref) => { + let { + to, + onClick, + + } = _ref; + return /*#__PURE__*/(0, _jsxRuntime.jsx)("a", { + href: to, + ref: ref, +, + onClick: event => { + if (event.button !== 0 || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.shiftKey) { + return; + } + event.preventDefault(); + if (onClick) { + const result = onClick(event); + if (typeof result !== 'boolean' || result) { + (0, _history.navigate)(to); + } + } else { + (0, _history.navigate)(to); + } + } + }); + }); + `, + id, + ) + + const clientId = normalizePath( + path.join( + process.env.RWJS_CWD, + 'web', + 'dist', + 'rsc', + 'assets', + 'rsc-link.js-13.mjs', + ), + ) + + // What we are interested in seeing here is: + // - There's a CLIENT_REFERENCE + // - There's a Link export + // - There's a proper $$id + expect(output) + .toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"const CLIENT_REFERENCE = Symbol.for('react.client.reference'); +export const Link = Object.defineProperties(function() {throw new Error("Attempted to call Link() from the server but Link is on the client. It's not possible to invoke a client function from the server, it can only be rendered as a Component or passed to props of a Client Component.");},{$$typeof: {value: CLIENT_REFERENCE},$$id: {value: "${clientId}#Link"}}); +"`) + }) + + it('should handle CJS modules with module.exports = { ErrorIcon, ToastBar, ... }', async () => { + const id = normalizePath( + path.join( + process.env.RWJS_CWD, + 'node_modules', + 'react-hot-toast', + 'dist', + 'index.js', + ), + ) + + const plugin = rscTransformUseClientPlugin({ + 'rsc-index.js-15': id, + }) + + if (typeof plugin.transform !== 'function') { +'Expected plugin to have a transform function') + } + + // Calling `bind` to please TS + // See + const output = await plugin.transform.bind({})( + `"use client"; + "use strict";var Y=Object.create;var E=Object.defineProperty;var q=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;var G=Object.getOwnPropertyNames;var K=Object.getPrototypeOf,Z=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + var ee=(e,t)=>{for(var o in t)E(e,o,{get:t[o],enumerable:!0})},j=(e,t,o,s)=>{if(t&&typeof t=="object"||typeof t=="function")for(let r of G(t))!,r)&&r!==o&&E(e,r,{get:()=>t[r],enumerable:!(s=q(t,r))||s.enumerable}); + return e};var W=(e,t,o)=>(o=e!=null?Y(K(e)):{},j(t||!e||!e.__esModule?E(o,"default",{value:e,enumerable:!0}):o,e)),te=e=>j(E({},"__esModule",{value:!0}),e);var Ve={};ee(Ve,{CheckmarkIcon:()=>F,ErrorIcon:()=>w,LoaderIcon:()=>M,ToastBar:()=>$,ToastIcon:()=>U,Toaster:()=>J,default:()=>_e,resolveValue:()=>u,toast:()=>n,useToaster:()=>V,useToasterStore:()=>_}); + module.exports=te(Ve);var oe=e=>typeof e=="function",u=(e,t)=>oe(e)?e(t):e;var Q=(()=>{let e=0;return()=>(++e).toString()})(),R=(()=>{let e;return()=>{if(e===void 0&&typeof window<"u"){ + let t=matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)");e=!t||t.matches + }return e}})();var k=require("react"),re=20;var v=new Map,se=1e3,X=e=>{if(v.has(e))return;let t=setTimeout(()=>{v.delete(e),l({type:4,toastId:e})},se); + v.set(e,t)},ae=e=>{let t=v.get(e);t&&clearTimeout(t)},H=(e,t)=>{switch(t.type){case 0:return{...e,toasts:[t.toast,...e.toasts].slice(0,re)};case 1:return, + {...e,>{...a,...t.toast}:a)};case 2:let{toast:o}=t;return e.toasts.find(a=>,{type:1,toast:o}):H(e,{type:0,toast:o}); + case 3:let{toastId:s}=t;return s?X(s):e.toasts.forEach(a=>{X(}),{...e,>||s===void 0?{...a,visible:!1}:a)}; + case 4:return t.toastId===void 0?{...e,toasts:[]}:{...e,toasts:e.toasts.filter(a=>!==t.toastId)};case 5:return{...e,pausedAt:t.time}; + case 6:let r=t.time-(e.pausedAt||0);return{...e,pausedAt:void 0,>({...a,pauseDuration:a.pauseDuration+r}))}}},I=[],D={toasts:[],pausedAt:void 0},l=e=>{D=H(D,e),I.forEach(t=>{t(D)})},ie={blank:4e3,error:4e3,success:2e3,loading:1/0,custom:4e3},_=(e={})=>{let[t,o]=(0,k.useState)(D);(0,k.useEffect)(()=>(I.push(o),()=>{let r=I.indexOf(o);r>-1&&I.splice(r,1)}),[t]); + let>{var a,c;return{...e,...e[r.type],...r,duration:r.duration||((a=e[r.type])==null?void 0:a.duration)||(e==null?void 0:e.duration)||ie[r.type],style:{,...(c=e[r.type])==null?void,}}});return{...t,toasts:s}};var ce=(e,t="blank",o)=>({,visible:!0,type:t,ariaProps:{role:"status","aria-live":"polite"},message:e,pauseDuration:0,...o,id:(o==null?void||Q()}),S=e=>(t,o)=>{let s=ce(t,e,o);return l({type:2,toast:s}),},n=(e,t)=>S("blank")(e,t);n.error=S("error");n.success=S("success"); + n.loading=S("loading");n.custom=S("custom");n.dismiss=e=>{l({type:3,toastId:e})};n.remove=e=>l({type:4,toastId:e});n.promise=(e,t,o)=>{let s=n.loading(t.loading,{...o,...o==null?void 0:o.loading}); + return e.then(r=>(n.success(u(t.success,r),{id:s,...o,...o==null?void 0:o.success}),r)).catch(r=>{n.error(u(t.error,r),{id:s,...o,...o==null?void 0:o.error})}),e};var A=require("react");var pe=(e,t)=>{l({type:1,toast:{id:e,height:t}})},de=()=>{l({type:5,})},V=e=>{let{toasts:t,pausedAt:o}=_(e);(0,A.useEffect)(()=>{if(o)return;let,>{if(i.duration===1/0)return;let d=(i.duration||0)+i.pauseDuration-(a-i.createdAt);if(d<0){i.visible&&n.dismiss(;return}return setTimeout(()=>n.dismiss(,d)});return()=>{c.forEach(i=>i&&clearTimeout(i))}},[t,o]); + let s=(0,A.useCallback)(()=>{o&&l({type:6,})},[o]),r=(0,A.useCallback)((a,c)=>{let{reverseOrder:i=!1,gutter:d=8,defaultPosition:p}=c||{},g=t.filter(m=>(m.position||p)===(a.position||p)&&m.height),z=g.findIndex(m=>,O=g.filter((m,B)=>Bm.visible).slice(...i?[O+1]:[0,O]).reduce((m,B)=>m+(B.height||0)+d,0)},[t]);return{toasts:t,handlers:{updateHeight:pe,startPause:de,endPause:s,calculateOffset:r}}};var T=W(require("react")),b=require("goober");var y=W(require("react")),x=require("goober");var h=require("goober"), + me='',le='',w='';var C=require("goober"),Te='',M='';var P=require("goober"),fe='',ye='',F='';var ge='',he='',xe='',be='',U=({toast:e})=>{let{icon:t,type:o,iconTheme:s}=e;return t!==void 0?typeof t=="string"?y.createElement(be,null,t):t:o==="blank"?null:y.createElement(he,null,y.createElement(M,{...s}),o!=="loading"&&y.createElement(ge,null,o==="error"?y.createElement(w,{...s}):y.createElement(F,{...s})))}; + var Se=e=>'',Ae=e=>'',Pe="0%{opacity:0;} 100%{opacity:1;}",Oe="0%{opacity:1;} 100%{opacity:0;}",Ee='',Re='',ve=(e,t)=>{let s=e.includes("top")?1:-1,[r,a]=R()?[Pe,Oe]:[Se(s),Ae(s)];return{}},$=T.memo(({toast:e,position:t,style:o,children:s})=>{let r=e.height?ve(e.position||t||"top-center",e.visible):{opacity:0},a=T.createElement(U,{toast:e}),c=T.createElement(Re,{...e.ariaProps},u(e.message,e));return T.createElement(Ee,{className:e.className,style:{...r,...o,}},typeof s=="function"?s({icon:a,message:c}):T.createElement(T.Fragment,null,a,c))});var N=require("goober"),f=W(require("react"));(0,N.setup)(f.createElement); + var Ie=({id:e,className:t,style:o,onHeightUpdate:s,children:r})=>{let a=f.useCallback(c=>{if(c){let i=()=>{let d=c.getBoundingClientRect().height;s(e,d)};i(),new MutationObserver(i).observe(c,{subtree:!0,childList:!0,characterData:!0})}},[e,s]);return f.createElement("div",{ref:a,className:t,style:o},r)},De=(e,t)=>{let o=e.includes("top"),s=o?{top:0}:{bottom:0},r=e.includes("center")?{justifyContent:"center"}:e.includes("right")?{justifyContent:"flex-end"}:{}; + return{left:0,right:0,display:"flex",position:"absolute",transition:R()?void 0:"all 230ms cubic-bezier(.21,1.02,.73,1)",transform:'translateY(5px)',...s,...r}},ke='',L=16,J=({reverseOrder:e,position:t="top-center",toastOptions:o,gutter:s,children:r,containerStyle:a,containerClassName:c})=>{let{toasts:i,handlers:d}=V(o); + return f.createElement("div",{style:{position:"fixed",zIndex:9999,top:L,left:L,right:L,bottom:L,pointerEvents:"none",...a},className:c,onMouseEnter:d.startPause,onMouseLeave:d.endPause},>{let g=p.position||t,z=d.calculateOffset(p,{reverseOrder:e,gutter:s,defaultPosition:t}),O=De(g,z);return f.createElement(Ie,{,,onHeightUpdate:d.updateHeight,className:p.visible?ke:"",style:O},p.type==="custom"?u(p.message,p):r?r(p):f.createElement($,{toast:p,position:g}))}))};var _e=n;0&&(module.exports={CheckmarkIcon,ErrorIcon,LoaderIcon,ToastBar,ToastIcon,Toaster,resolveValue,toast,useToaster,useToasterStore}); + //#`, + id, + ) + + const clientId = normalizePath( + path.join( + process.env.RWJS_CWD, + 'web', + 'dist', + 'rsc', + 'assets', + 'rsc-index.js-15.mjs', + ), + ) + + // What we are interested in seeing here is: + // - The import of `renderFromRscServer` from `@redwoodjs/vite/client` + // - The call to `renderFromRscServer` for each page that wasn't already imported + expect(output) + .toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"const CLIENT_REFERENCE = Symbol.for('react.client.reference'); +export const CheckmarkIcon = Object.defineProperties(function() {throw new Error("Attempted to call CheckmarkIcon() from the server but CheckmarkIcon is on the client. It's not possible to invoke a client function from the server, it can only be rendered as a Component or passed to props of a Client Component.");},{$$typeof: {value: CLIENT_REFERENCE},$$id: {value: "${clientId}#CheckmarkIcon"}}); +export const ErrorIcon = Object.defineProperties(function() {throw new Error("Attempted to call ErrorIcon() from the server but ErrorIcon is on the client. It's not possible to invoke a client function from the server, it can only be rendered as a Component or passed to props of a Client Component.");},{$$typeof: {value: CLIENT_REFERENCE},$$id: {value: "${clientId}#ErrorIcon"}}); +export const LoaderIcon = Object.defineProperties(function() {throw new Error("Attempted to call LoaderIcon() from the server but LoaderIcon is on the client. It's not possible to invoke a client function from the server, it can only be rendered as a Component or passed to props of a Client Component.");},{$$typeof: {value: CLIENT_REFERENCE},$$id: {value: "${clientId}#LoaderIcon"}}); +export const ToastBar = Object.defineProperties(function() {throw new Error("Attempted to call ToastBar() from the server but ToastBar is on the client. It's not possible to invoke a client function from the server, it can only be rendered as a Component or passed to props of a Client Component.");},{$$typeof: {value: CLIENT_REFERENCE},$$id: {value: "${clientId}#ToastBar"}}); +export const ToastIcon = Object.defineProperties(function() {throw new Error("Attempted to call ToastIcon() from the server but ToastIcon is on the client. It's not possible to invoke a client function from the server, it can only be rendered as a Component or passed to props of a Client Component.");},{$$typeof: {value: CLIENT_REFERENCE},$$id: {value: "${clientId}#ToastIcon"}}); +export const Toaster = Object.defineProperties(function() {throw new Error("Attempted to call Toaster() from the server but Toaster is on the client. It's not possible to invoke a client function from the server, it can only be rendered as a Component or passed to props of a Client Component.");},{$$typeof: {value: CLIENT_REFERENCE},$$id: {value: "${clientId}#Toaster"}}); +export const resolveValue = Object.defineProperties(function() {throw new Error("Attempted to call resolveValue() from the server but resolveValue is on the client. It's not possible to invoke a client function from the server, it can only be rendered as a Component or passed to props of a Client Component.");},{$$typeof: {value: CLIENT_REFERENCE},$$id: {value: "${clientId}#resolveValue"}}); +export const toast = Object.defineProperties(function() {throw new Error("Attempted to call toast() from the server but toast is on the client. It's not possible to invoke a client function from the server, it can only be rendered as a Component or passed to props of a Client Component.");},{$$typeof: {value: CLIENT_REFERENCE},$$id: {value: "${clientId}#toast"}}); +export const useToaster = Object.defineProperties(function() {throw new Error("Attempted to call useToaster() from the server but useToaster is on the client. It's not possible to invoke a client function from the server, it can only be rendered as a Component or passed to props of a Client Component.");},{$$typeof: {value: CLIENT_REFERENCE},$$id: {value: "${clientId}#useToaster"}}); +export const useToasterStore = Object.defineProperties(function() {throw new Error("Attempted to call useToasterStore() from the server but useToasterStore is on the client. It's not possible to invoke a client function from the server, it can only be rendered as a Component or passed to props of a Client Component.");},{$$typeof: {value: CLIENT_REFERENCE},$$id: {value: "${clientId}#useToasterStore"}}); +"`) + }) +}) diff --git a/packages/vite/src/plugins/vite-plugin-rsc-transform-client.ts b/packages/vite/src/plugins/vite-plugin-rsc-transform-client.ts index e12347448404..ede7a2066358 100644 --- a/packages/vite/src/plugins/vite-plugin-rsc-transform-client.ts +++ b/packages/vite/src/plugins/vite-plugin-rsc-transform-client.ts @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ import path from 'node:path' -import type { Statement, ModuleDeclaration } from 'acorn' +import type { Statement, ModuleDeclaration, AssignmentExpression } from 'acorn' import * as acorn from 'acorn-loose' -import type { Plugin } from 'vite' +import { normalizePath, type Plugin } from 'vite' import { getPaths } from '@redwoodjs/project-config' @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ function addExportNames(names: Array, node: any) { } /** - * Parses `body` for exports and stores them in `names` (the second argument) + * Parses `body` for exports and stores them in `names` */ async function parseExportNamesIntoNames( code: string, @@ -181,6 +181,65 @@ async function parseExportNamesIntoNames( } continue + + // For CJS support + case 'ExpressionStatement': { + let assignmentExpression: AssignmentExpression | null = null + + if (node.expression.type === 'AssignmentExpression') { + assignmentExpression = node.expression + } else if ( + node.expression.type === 'LogicalExpression' && + node.expression.right.type === 'AssignmentExpression' + ) { + assignmentExpression = node.expression.right + } + + if (!assignmentExpression) { + continue + } + + if (assignmentExpression.left.type !== 'MemberExpression') { + continue + } + + if (assignmentExpression.left.object.type !== 'Identifier') { + continue + } + + if ( + === 'exports' && + === 'Identifier' + ) { + // This is for handling exports like + // exports.Link = ... + + if (!names.includes( { + names.push( + } + } else if ( + === 'module' && + === 'Identifier' && + === 'exports' && + assignmentExpression.right.type === 'ObjectExpression' + ) { + // This is for handling exports like + // module.exports = { Link: ... } + + => { + if ( + property.type === 'Property' && + property.key.type === 'Identifier' + ) { + if (!names.includes( { + names.push( + } + } + }) + } + + continue + } } } } @@ -203,9 +262,15 @@ async function transformClientModule( ([_key, value]) => value === url, ) - const loadId = entryRecord - ? path.join(getPaths().web.distRsc, 'assets', `${entryRecord[0]}.mjs`) - : url + console.log('entryRecord', entryRecord) + + const loadId = normalizePath( + entryRecord + ? path.join(getPaths().web.distRsc, 'assets', `${entryRecord[0]}.mjs`) + : url, + ) + + console.log('loadId', loadId) let newSrc = "const CLIENT_REFERENCE = Symbol.for('react.client.reference');\n" diff --git a/packages/vite/src/streaming/streamHelpers.ts b/packages/vite/src/streaming/streamHelpers.ts index 3c312f1f4261..d899a10d7dd6 100644 --- a/packages/vite/src/streaming/streamHelpers.ts +++ b/packages/vite/src/streaming/streamHelpers.ts @@ -51,7 +51,18 @@ globalThis.__rw_module_cache__ ||= new Map(); globalThis.__webpack_chunk_load__ ||= (id) => { console.log('rscWebpackShims chunk load id', id) - return import(id).then((m) => globalThis.__rw_module_cache__.set(id, m)) + return import(id).then((mod) => { + console.log('rscWebpackShims chunk load mod', mod) + + // checking m.default to better support CJS. If it's an object, it's + // likely a CJS module. Otherwise it's probably an ES module with a + // default export + if (mod.default && typeof mod.default === 'object') { + return globalThis.__rw_module_cache__.set(id, mod.default) + } + + return globalThis.__rw_module_cache__.set(id, mod) + }) }; globalThis.__webpack_require__ ||= (id) => {