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Moved to a monad transformer for the cacheing operations.
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TomMD committed Jan 15, 2012
1 parent dd20961 commit c2a5f6e
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Showing 2 changed files with 92 additions and 29 deletions.
119 changes: 90 additions & 29 deletions Network/OSM.hs
Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,10 @@ module Network.OSM
, TileCoords(..)
, Zoom
-- * High-level (cacheing) Operations
, OSMConfig
, OSMConfig(..)
, OSMState
, evalOSM
, getBestFitTiles
, getTiles
, getTile
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,11 +41,12 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L

-- For the cacheing
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Concurrent.MonadIO (forkIO)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TBChan
import Data.Acid
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.Conduit
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,59 +230,117 @@ bestFitCoordinates points =
-- location of the cache, the tile server URL, and the worker threads
-- the retrieve tiles.
data OSMConfig = OSMCfg
{ url :: TileID -> Zoom -> String
, cache :: FilePath
, nrConcurrentDownloads :: Int }
{ buildUrl :: TileID -> Zoom -> String -- ^ The download URL for a given tile
, cache :: FilePath -- ^ Path of the tile cache
, noCacheAction :: Maybe (TileID -> Zoom -> IO B.ByteString)
-- ^ Action to take if the tile is not cached.
-- Return 'Just' val for a default value.
-- Return 'Nothing' to wait for a tile server.
, nrQueuedDownloads :: Int -- ^ Max download queue size
, nrConcurrentDownloads :: Int } -- ^ Number of threads the tile downloading
-- can concurrently run in. Tileserver
-- admins request this be no more than 2.

data OSMState = OSMSt
{ acid :: AcidState TileCache
, neededTiles :: TChan (TileID,Zoom)
, neededTiles :: TBChan (TileID,Zoom)
, cfg :: OSMConfig }

newtype MonadOSM a = MOSM { runOSM :: StateT OSMState IO a }
deriving (Monad, MonadState OSMState)
-- |A Monad transformer allowing you acquire OSM maps
newtype OSM m a = OSM { runOSM :: StateT OSMState m a }
deriving (Monad, MonadState OSMState, MonadTrans)

instance (MonadIO m) => MonadIO (OSM m) where
liftIO = lift . liftIO

-- |evalOSM allows you to query an OSM server and the local cache.
-- Take note - the 'OSMConfig' thread limit is enforced per-evalOSM.
-- Running many evalOSM processes can result in a violation of the
-- limit and incur admin wrath.
evalOSM :: MonadIO m => OSMConfig -> OSM m a -> m a
evalOSM cfg m = do
tc <- liftIO $ newTBChanIO (nrQueuedDownloads cfg)
acid <- liftIO $ openLocalStateFrom (cache cfg) (TC M.empty)
liftIO $ mapM_ forkIO $ replicate (nrConcurrentDownloads cfg) (monitorTileQueue cfg acid tc)
let s = OSMSt acid tc cfg
evalStateT (runOSM m) s

monitorTileQueue :: OSMConfig -> AcidState TileCache -> TBChan (TileID, Zoom) -> IO ()
monitorTileQueue cfg acid tc = forever $ do
(t,z) <- atomically $ readTBChan tc
let addr = buildUrl cfg t z
tileE <- downloadTileAndExprTime addr z t
case tileE of
Left err -> return ()
Right (exp,bs) -> update acid (UpdateTC exp (t,z) bs) >> createCheckpoint acid

-- A default configuration using the main OSM server as a tile server
-- and a cabal-generated directory for the cache directory
defaultConfig :: IO OSMConfig
defaultConfig = do
cache <- getDataFileName "TileCache"
return $ OSMCfg (\(TID (x,y)) z -> urlStr osmTileURL x y z) cache 2
return $ OSMCfg (\(TID (x,y)) z -> urlStr osmTileURL x y z) cache Nothing 1024 2

getBestFitTiles :: (Coordinate a) => FilePath -> String -> [a] -> IO [[Either Status B.ByteString]]
getBestFitTiles :: (Coordinate a, MonadIO m)
=> FilePath
-> String
-> [a] -> OSM m [[Either Status B.ByteString]]
getBestFitTiles f base cs = do
let (coords,zoom) = bestFitCoordinates cs
tids = selectedTiles coords
getTiles f base tids zoom

getTiles :: FilePath -> String -> [[TileID]] -> Zoom -> IO [[Either Status B.ByteString]]
getTiles :: MonadIO m => FilePath
-> String
-> [[TileID]]
-> Zoom
-> OSM m [[Either Status B.ByteString]]
getTiles f s ts z = mapM (mapM (\t -> getTile f s t z)) ts

-- FIXME constantly opening the acid state is probably really dumb.
getTile :: FilePath -> String -> TileID -> Zoom -> IO (Either Status B.ByteString)
downloadTileAndExprTime :: String
-> Zoom
-> TileID
-> IO (Either Status (UTCTime,B.ByteString))
downloadTileAndExprTime base z t = do
res <- runResourceT $ newManager >>= \m -> downloadTile' m base z t
case res of
Right (hdrs,bs) -> do
now <- getCurrentTime
let maxSec = cacheLength hdrs
delTime = addUTCTime (fromIntegral maxSec) now
return $ Right (delTime,bs)
Left e -> return (Left e)

getTile :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> String -> TileID -> Zoom -> OSM m (Either Status B.ByteString)
getTile fp base t zoom = do
st <- openLocalStateFrom fp (TC M.empty)
b <- query st (QueryTC (t,zoom))
st <- gets acid
ch <- gets neededTiles
nca <- gets (noCacheAction . cfg)
b <- liftIO $ query st (QueryTC (t,zoom))
case b of
Nothing -> do
res <- runResourceT $ newManager >>= \m -> downloadTile' m base zoom t
case res of
Right (hdrs,bs) -> do
now <- getCurrentTime
let maxSec = cacheLength hdrs
delTime = addUTCTime (fromIntegral maxSec) now
update st (UpdateTC delTime (t,zoom) bs)
createCheckpoint st
closeAcidState st
return (Right bs)
Left err -> closeAcidState st >> return (Left err)
case nca of
Nothing -> blockingTileDownloadUpdateCache st
Just act -> liftIO $ do
atomically $ unGetTBChan ch (t,zoom)
liftM Right (act t zoom)
Just (expTime,x) -> do
liftIO $ do
now <- getCurrentTime
let exp = expTime < now
when exp (forkIO (updateTile fp base t zoom) >> return ())
when exp (atomically (tryWriteTBChan ch (t,zoom)) >> return ())
return (Right x)

blockingTileDownloadUpdateCache st = do
res <- liftIO $ downloadTileAndExprTime base zoom t
case res of
Right (delTime,bs) -> do
liftIO $ do
update st (UpdateTC delTime (t,zoom) bs)
createCheckpoint st
return (Right bs)
Left err -> return (Left err)

-- FIXME to avoid ticking off the tile server admin we must constrain this
-- function to no more than two threads.
updateTile :: FilePath -> String -> TileID -> Zoom -> IO ()
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions osm-download.cabal
Expand Up @@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ Library
, transformers >= 0.2 && < 0.3
, time >= 1.2 && < 1.3
, stm >= 2.2 && < 2.3
, monadIO >= 0.10 && < 0.11
, stm-chans >= 1.2 && < 1.3
-- Modules not exported by this package.
-- Other-modules:

Expand Down

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