Small work in progress for showcasing stuff to do with WebSockets and how simple it is getting started :)
Contains 4 small sample usages:
- Chat -> Small simple chat between all users.
- Graph -> Shows some numbers to all users. Eg. Admin dashboard.
- Process -> Shows how you could offload some work but still keep your user informed on progress.
- Stocks -> Show how to broadcast complex models using json.
Run app locally:
Start a http server on port 4000 in the wwwroot folder. (My goto is install the tool:
$ dotnet tool install --global dotnet-serve --version 1.2.0
run the tool:
$ dotnet-serve -p 4000
Now run the Dotnet project by running:
$ dotnet run
Or you could run the server with docker ;)
$ docker run --name topswagcode -p 51133:80 kiksen1987/signalr
Now open your browser of chouse at http://localhost:4000 and you should have links to the 4 demo apps as shown below: