This code contains all Matlab and C++ functions needed to process the 3D X-ray imaging and extract phenotypic features for sorghum inflorescence used in the study described in:
Mao Li*, Mon-Ray Shao*, Dan Zeng, Tao Ju, Elizabeth A. Kellogg, Christopher N. Topp (2019) Comprehensive Digital 3D Phenotyping reveals Continuous Morphological Variation across Genetically Diverse Sorghum Inflorescences
*these authors contribute equally
Code is implemented by Mao Li (, github:maoli0923) and Dan Zeng (
Note that some functions such as 'findND','ellipsoid_fit_new',and 'MatlabMRC' package are origially implemented by others. You can find these authors' names in each function file.
Please download all folders and direct to ".../IdentifyStemAndBranches/third_party/boost/include/boost/" and extract all from '' file first.