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3D TSA "Travel Sentry" master keys

Recently, pictures of TSA master baggage keys got leaked by the Washington Post and also PDFs hosted on TravelSentry's Website. This repo is a reproduction attempt

Security researchers have long warned of the dangers of using master-keyed locks

The TSA has issued an official statement making it known that they don't even care that we've done this, as the now-pointless locks affect theft prevention, not airline safety.

[!] Important: These keys have not been widely-tested, though we do have reports that many do work from at least one source. 006 May never work, as we're not sure of the depth of the "dimples," and also consumer-grade 3D printers may not be up to such finely-detailed tasks.

Added the stubby versions of the keys by MS3FGX, which appear to still work fine !


  • Special thanks to @darksim905 and @irongeek_adc and some anonymous others who all sent us images and information surrounding these keys. Also, @j0hnnyXm4s for his key size ratios and issue management / advice.

3D TSA "Safe Skies" master key

Safe Skies manufactures TSA-approved locks under their own standard, competing with Travel Sentry, and has even sued Travel Sentry for patent infringement. They have a much smaller market share than Travel Sentry. These locks can be identified by noting the words "Safe Skies" next to the keyway, in a similar location as the Travel Sentry "TSA00N" notations. All available information indicates only one override/master key exists for their entire system. Armed with this knowledge and a large hammer (no, really), @darksim905 and Nite0wl reverse-engineered the master key bitting, and created 3D files suitable for printing. They presented their findings along with @j0hnnyXm4s at the 11th Hackers of Planet Earth conference in New York City, in July of 2016.


If you print a key and it doesn't work:

  • First, use a caliper or other highly-accurate device to make sure the key you printed is accurate to the model. Humidity, expansion & ambient room temperature can have serious effects on print size accuracy.

  • If it IS accurate, open an issue on the github, specify the problem file, and what problems exist (i.e. "Too wide for the keyway," "Too tall for the keyway," etc.).

  • Upload a picture of your lock's keyway.

  • If you have the original keys for the lock, provide a measurement of the key from shoulder to tip, total height of the shoulders, and width. (i.e. X, Y & Z axes of the blade). Some keys only have one shoulder.


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3D reproduction of TSA Master keys







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