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About TortoiseFuzz

We propose coverage accounting, an innovative approach that evaluates code coverage by security impacts. Based on the proposed metrics, we design a new scheme to prioritize fuzzing inputs and develop TortoiseFuzz, a greybox fuzzer for memory corruption vulnerabilities. Read the NDSS 2020 paper (Not all coverage measurements are equal: fuzzing by coverage accounting for input prioritization) for more details. TortoiseFuzz is developed based on top of Michal Zalewski's ( AFL.


Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 64bit and LLVM 6.0.
The tested program code is in this link.


Before install TortoiseFuzz, user should prepare llvm.

  • Download clang 6.0.0 source code from the link. You at least need to download LLVM source code and Clang source code.
    $ wget
    $ wget
  • Decompression the downloaded archives:
    $ tar -xvf llvm-6.0.0.src.tar.xz && mv llvm-6.0.0.src llvm
    $ tar -xvf cfe-6.0.0.src.tar.xz && mv cfe-6.0.0.src llvm/tools/clang
  • Compile clang. -DLLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=On is required, otherwise the TortoiseFuzz maybe won't work properly.
    $ mkdir build & cd build
    $ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DLLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=On -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../llvm
    $ make -j4
    $ make install
  • Add the built clang 6.0.0 to your PATH environment variable.
    $ export PATH=path_to_clang/build/bin/:$PATH

Install TortoiseFuzz

  • Clone repository:
    $ git clone
  • Compile:
    $ cd TortoiseFuzz
    $ make



Here we take bb_metric as an example.

  1. Compile the target program:
     CC=/path_to_TF/bb_metric/afl-clang-fast \
     CXX=/path_to_TF/bb_metric/afl-clang-fast++ \
     ./configure \
  2. Start fuzz, use -s argument to activate our tool:
     /path_to_TF/bb_metric/afl-fuzz -s -i in -o out_bb -- /path_to_compiled_program ...


  1. Compile the target program: Script can be used to compile the target program automatically, and the argument of the compiling process and the path of TortoiseFuzz should be set in the compile_arg.json file. There is a sample json file here. To compile program libtiff, user should provide three argument:

    • The first argument decides how to make the build folder, under most conditions, mkdir is enough, but you could also use cp to copy the folder.
    • The second argument decides the compiling method, like doing cmake or configure (conf) first and then make, or directly make.
    • The third argument is the extra flag, like -m32 to compile the 32 bit program, means default option (64 bit program).
    "libtiff"     : ["mkdir", "conf", "-m32"]
    "tofuzz_path" : [absolute_path_to_tofuzz]

    To use this script, the file location should be like this:

    ├── libtiff
    │   └── code

    The command to use this script is like:

    $ python evaluation/compile_arg.json PROGRAM_NAME
  2. Start fuzz: The could automatically start the fuzzing process in the tmux, and the argument of the target program and AFL is set in the fuzz_arg.json. The json is like

            "tofuzz_path" : [absolute_path_to_tofuzz]

The ADDITION_AFL_ARG is the extra argument for the fuzzer, like -m 1000; the PROGRAM_ARG is the command for the tested program, for catdoc it is catdoc @@. To use this script, the file location should be like this:

    ├── catdoc
    │   ├── bin_bb
    │   │   └── bin
    │   │       └── catdoc
    │   ├── bin_func     
    │   ├── bin_loop     
    │   └── in                      // the init seeds should be here

The command to use this script is like:

$ python evaluation/fuzz_arg.json PROGRAM_NAME