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ROS implementation of emcl (mcl with expansion resetting)


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Build Status License: MIT

ROS implementation of emcl (mcl with expansion resetting)

Support Dynamic Reconfigure


  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • ROS Noetic

Install and Build

# clone repository
cd /path/to/your/catkin_ws/src
git clone

# build
cd /path/to/your/catkin_ws
rosdep install -riy --from-paths src --rosdistro noetic # Install dependencies
catkin build emcl_ros -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release        # Release build is recommended

How to use

roslaunch emcl_ros emcl.launch

Running the demo

# clone repository
cd /path/to/your/catkin_ws/src
git clone
git clone
git clone -b noetic-devel
git clone -b noetic-devel
git clone -b noetic-devel

# build
cd /path/to/your/catkin_ws
rosdep install -riy --from-paths src --rosdistro noetic
catkin build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

# run demo
## terminal 1
export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
roslaunch emcl_ros test.launch
## terminal 2
export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
roslaunch turtlebot3_teleop turtlebot3_teleop_key.launch

Use gyrodometry

roslaunch emcl_ros test.launch use_gyrodom:=true

Node I/O

Node I/O



Published Topics

  • /emcl_pose (geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped)
    • The estimated pose of the robot
  • /tf (tf2_msgs/TFMessage)
    • tf (from the global frame to the odom frame)
  • ~<name>/particle_cloud (geometry_msgs/PoseArray)
    • The particle cloud of mcl

Subscribed Topics

  • /cloud (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)
    • The input pointcloud data
    • If ~<name>/use_cloud is false, this topic is not used
  • /initialpose (geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped)
    • The initial pose of the robot
  • /odom (nav_msgs/Odometry)
    • The odometry data
  • /scan (sensor_msgs/LaserScan)
    • The input laser scan data (default)


EMCL Parameters
  • ~<name>/expansion_position_dev (float, default: 0.07 [m]):
    The standard deviation of the expansion noise in position
  • ~<name>/expansion_orientation_dev (float, default: 0.2 [rad]):
    The standard deviation of the expansion noise in orientation
  • ~<name>/init_x (float, default: 0.0 [m]):
    The initial x position of the robot
  • ~<name>/init_y (float, default: 0.0 [m]):
    The initial y position of the robot
  • ~<name>/init_yaw (float, default: 0.0 [rad]):
    The initial yaw of the robot
  • ~<name>/init_position_dev (float, default: 0.1 [m]):
    The standard deviation of the initial noise in position
  • ~<name>/init_orientation_dev (float, default: 0.05 [rad]):
    The standard deviation of the initial noise in orientation
  • ~<name>/laser_step (int, default: 4):
    The step of the laser scan
  • ~<name>/likelihood_th (float, default: 0.002):
    The threshold of the likelihood
  • ~<name>/particle_num (int, default: 420):
    The number of particles
  • ~<name>/reset_count_limit (int, default: 3):
    The limit of the reset count
  • ~<name>/sensor_noise_ratio (float, default: 0.03):
    The ratio of sensor noise to the actual sensor noise
  • ~<name>/use_cloud (bool, default: False):
    If true, use pointcloud instead of laser scan
OdomModel Parameters
  • ~<name>/ff (float, default: 0.17 [m]):
    Standard deviation of forward noise per forward
  • ~<name>/fr (float, default: 0.0005 [m]):
    Standard deviation of forward noise per rotation
  • ~<name>/rf (float, default: 0.13 [rad]):
    Standard deviation of rotation noise per forward
  • ~<name>/rr (float, default: 0.2 [rad]):
    Standard deviation of rotation noise per rotation
Scan Parameters

If pointcloud is used, following parameters are used.

  • ~<name>/range_min (float, default: 0.12 [m]):
    The minimum range of the sensor
  • ~<name>/range_max (float, default: 3.5 [m]):
    The maximum range of the sensor
Common Parameters
  • ~<name>/use_dynamic_reconfigure (bool, default: False):
    If true, use dynamic reconfigure


  • 上田隆一, "詳解 確率ロボティクス Pythonによる基礎アルゴリズムの実装", Kodansya, 2019
  • 赤井直紀, "LiDARを用いた高度自己位置推定システム - 移動ロボットのための自己位置推定の高性能化とその実装例", コロナ社, 2022