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File metadata and controls

92 lines (69 loc) · 1.99 KB


this is a demo source code for tech talk 2017/03/22. demostrating the cutting-edge way to do an nodejs server including:

  • test-driven
  • all es6 features -- mostly async function pattern
  • the next version of koa
  • middlewares and routers stack
  • ORM and mocked data/service
  • flow

check each commit for more detail

  1. setup the first router
  2. first orm model
  3. better error handling
  4. authenticate middleware
  5. create account. mock objects
  6. add relationship between models

Setup Envionment

my local tools versions (or npm installed globally)

  • git v2.10.1
  • node v7.4.0
  • cnpm v4.4.2
  • babel-node v6.18.0
  • mocha v3.2.0
  • mysql v5.7.17
  • direnv v2.10.0

my local envirionment (.envrc)

export PORT=3000
export AUTH_SECRET=ilabs-intro
export MYSQL_DB=ilabs
export MYSQL_USERNAME=rexsheng
export MYSQL_HOST=localhost
export MAIL_ACCOUNT=(your account)
export MAIL_PASSWORD=(your password)

get started

git init
npm init

install babel (presets and plugins)

cnpm i -D babel-core babel-loader babel-polyfill babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-stage-0
cnpm i -D babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types babel-plugin-transform-runtime

your .babelrc should look like:

  "presets": ["es2015", "stage-0"],
  "plugins": [

plan to use koa2 for http service, sequelize for ORM, jwt for authenticate, and we do test-driven develop.

cnpm install koa@latest koa-body@next koa-router@next --save
cnpm install boom jsonwebtoken --save
cnpm install sequelize --save
cnpm install chai sqlite3 sequelize-fixtures superagent --save-dev

setup mysql & sqlite3

mysql> create database ilabs;
mysql> grant all on ilabs.* to ''@'localhost';

setup fixtures.yml for test

(start playing)