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Proxy Router

Thiago da Rosa de Bustamante edited this page Jan 19, 2018 · 2 revisions

A Router is a function that receives the request object and must return a string value (or a Promise<string>) to inform the target destination for this proxy.

Each router must be defined on its own .js file.


 * Where request is the original request received by the gateway.
module.exports = function (request) {
  return req.query.version == '2'? 'http://myapiversiontwo/':'http://myapiversionone/';

or, using Promises:

module.exports = function (request) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(function(){resolve(req.query.version == '2'? 'http://myapiversiontwo/':'http://myapiversionone/');}, 10);

You can configure a proxy router middleware through:

  • Admin Rest API: POST /midleware/proxy/router
  • SDK: sdk.middleware.addProxyRouter(name, fileName);
  • CLI: treeGatewayConfig middleware proxyRouter -a <name> ./filename.js

Tree Gateway provide some router middlewares for common tasks already included in its distribution. Check the list here.

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