2019-12-23 08:30:33.925803+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] [HockeySDK] -[BITCrashManager startManager]_block_invoke/1199 [HockeySDK] WARNING: Detecting crashes is NOT enabled due to running the app with a debugger attached. 2019-12-23 08:30:34.100230+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] upgradeV2ToV3 2019-12-23 08:30:34.105668+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] upgradeV3ToV4 2019-12-23 08:30:34.108041+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] init --- { dataVersion = 1; domain = { aispeechHttpsUrl = "https://aispeech.tuyaus.com"; gwApiUrl = "http://a.gw.tuyaus.com/gw.json"; gwMqttUrl = "mq.gw.tuyaus.com"; mobileApiUrl = "https://a1.tuyaus.com"; mobileMediaMqttUrl = "s.tuyaus.com"; mobileMqttUrl = "mq.mb.tuyaus.com"; mobileMqttsUrl = "m1.tuyaus.com"; pxApiUrl = "http://px.tuyaus.com"; regionCode = AZ; }; ecode = z4z5855m7a7508ma; email = ""; env = "APP_ENV_RELEASE"; headPic = ""; mobile = ""; nickname = ""; partnerIdentity = p1306808; phoneCode = en; regFrom = 9; sid = az157538m0459780Tr7XxRp3258b0284f1b0e72203a61347ed11cea6; snsNickname = ""; source = 8; tempUnit = 1; timezoneId = "Europe/Madrid"; uid = az1575380459780T7XxR; username = 21; } 2019-12-23 08:30:34.125077+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] The host m1.tuyaus.com ips is unavailable, will update. 2019-12-23 08:30:34.125987+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] fetch hosts ( "m1.tuyaus.com" ) ip with server ip 2019-12-23 08:30:34.132227+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] connect to host : 2019-12-23 08:30:34.134906+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] [MQTTSessionLegacy] initWithClientId:iOS_295EEF56-6606-461D-BA23-9F3E0A07502D_a6a746af8dcd2b67f72b92f072e74351 2019-12-23 08:30:34.145418+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] [MQTTSession] init 2019-12-23 08:30:34.311151+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] mqtt connect 2019-12-23 08:30:34.326434+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] The host a1.tuyaus.com ips is unavailable, will update. 2019-12-23 08:30:34.327210+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] fetch hosts ( "a1.tuyaus.com" ) ip with server ip 2019-12-23 08:30:34.340508+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] API request method :, postData : { } 2019-12-23 08:30:35.445288+0100 tuyatest[313:10440] MQTT connect state : connected (0) (null) 2019-12-23 08:30:35.445559+0100 tuyatest[313:10440] MQTT connected time consuming : 1133 2019-12-23 08:30:35.459183+0100 tuyatest[313:10440] - query dns { "a1.tuyaus.com" = { Ips = ( "", "", "" ); ttl = 600; }; } 2019-12-23 08:30:35.460515+0100 tuyatest[313:10440] update dns cache { "a1.tuyaus.com" = { Ips = ( "", "", "" ); requestTime = "598779035.460114"; ttl = 600; }; } 2019-12-23 08:30:35.463357+0100 tuyatest[313:10439] - query dns { "m1.tuyaus.com" = { Ips = ( "", "", "" ); ttl = 600; }; } 2019-12-23 08:30:35.463708+0100 tuyatest[313:10439] update dns cache { "m1.tuyaus.com" = { Ips = ( "", "", "" ); requestTime = "598779035.463536"; ttl = 600; }; } 2019-12-23 08:30:35.687352+0100 tuyatest[313:10391] TYRequest response success is tuya.p.time.get { "result" : { "validTime" : 1800, "time" : 1577086235 }, "success" : true, "status" : "ok", "t" : 1577086235577 } 2019-12-23 08:30:36.092146+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] open sqlite db ok. 2019-12-23 08:31:10.273323+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] API request method :, postData : { "uid" : "21", "countryCode" : "en" } 2019-12-23 08:31:11.457171+0100 tuyatest[313:10439] TYRequest response success is tuya.m.user.uid.token.create { "result" : { "exponent" : "3", "publicKey" : "93815699308268773956592305398220706298930995173647001875007008478061212068472143610129610403699566025486018291213611684420732071761999205888473541616062177330456741843995499818877089459198578153935002173248210562471746350889787407829728629854497070169205947499521895391748509690306970514240183130545323039371", "pbKey" : , "token" : }, "success" : true, "status" : "ok", "t" : 1577086271347 } 2019-12-23 08:31:11.508766+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] API request method :, postData : { "countryCode" : "en", "passwd" : , "options" : { "group" : 1 }, "uid" : "21", "ifencrypt" : 1, "token" : } 2019-12-23 08:31:12.648676+0100 tuyatest[313:10382] TYRequest response success is tuya.m.user.uid.password.login { "result" : { "improveCompanyInfo" : false, "phoneCode" : "en", "nickname" : "", "headPic" : "", "sex" : 0, "ecode" : "z4z5855R1a7508Ra", "snsNickname" : "", "userType" : 1, "sid" : "az157538R0459780Tu7XxRd3587908a89117e3b43b9ef80c63003db9", "domain" : { "mobileMediaMqttUrl" : "s.tuyaus.com", "mqttPort" : 1883, "mqttsPskPort" : 8886, "mobileMqttsUrl" : "m1.tuyaus.com", "gwApiUrl" : "http:\/\/a.gw.tuyaus.com\/gw.json", "mobileMqttUrl" : "mq.mb.tuyaus.com", "deviceMediaMqttsUrl" : "ms.tuyaus.com", "deviceHttpUrl" : "http:\/\/a.tuyaus.com", "mobileApiUrl" : "https:\/\/a1.tuyaus.com", "mqttsPort" : 8883, "httpsPskPort" : 443, "deviceHttpsPskUrl" : "https:\/\/a3.tuyaus.com", "regionCode" : "AZ", "gwMqttUrl" : "mq.gw.tuyaus.com", "deviceMediaMqttUrl" : "s.tuyaus.com", "deviceMqttsPskUrl" : "m2.tuyaus.com", "deviceMqttsUrl" : "m2.tuyaus.com", "httpsPort" : 443, "httpPort" : 80, "aispeechHttpsUrl" : "https:\/\/aispeech.tuyaus.com", "deviceHttpsUrl" : "https:\/\/a2.tuyaus.com", "pxApiUrl" : "http:\/\/px.tuyaus.com" }, "uid" : "az1575380459780T7XxR", "email" : "", "tempUnit" : 1, "timezone" : "", "receiver" : "", "mobile" : "", "accountType" : 1, "regFrom" : 9, "timezoneId" : "Europe\/Madrid", "partnerIdentity" : "p1306808", "dataVersion" : 1, "username" : "21" }, "success" : true, "status" : "ok", "t" : 1577086272546 } login success 2019-12-23 08:31:12.663404+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] API request method :, postData : { } 2019-12-23 08:31:12.681623+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] connect to host : 2019-12-23 08:31:12.710002+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] mqtt connect 2019-12-23 08:31:12.711174+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] close udp port : 6666 2019-12-23 08:31:12.711856+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] close udp port : 6667 2019-12-23 08:31:12.714082+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] UDP socket server restart, retry time: 0 2019-12-23 08:31:12.714306+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] UDP socket server restart, retry time: 1 2019-12-23 08:31:13.781582+0100 tuyatest[313:10439] TYRequest response success is tuya.m.location.list { "result" : [ { "id" : 9481263, "status" : true, "lon" : 0, "uid" : "az1575380459780T7XxR", "gmtModified" : 1575380461, "ownerId" : "11145265", "gid" : 11145265, "background" : "", "displayOrder" : 0, "admin" : true, "groupUserId" : 11686286, "lat" : 0, "geoName" : "home", "role" : 2, "groupId" : 11145265, "rooms" : [ { "name" : "room", "displayOrder" : 0, "id" : 23091671 } ], "dealStatus" : 2, "name" : "home" } ], "success" : true, "status" : "ok", "t" : 1577086273687 } getHomeList success 2019-12-23 08:31:13.820223+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] API request method :, postData : { "apis" : [ { "params" : { }, "t" : "1577086273", "et" : "0.0.1", "v" : "2.0", "a" : "tuya.m.my.group.mesh.list", "sign" : "6e354d3cdbcab5e82ce89a81e253d72d9ec6e18925fed14cf55da91706c9028e", "requestId" : "368D8A85-D8E6-4A4C-83E2-D48611879F31" }, { "params" : { "gid" : 11145265 }, "t" : "1577086273", "et" : "0.0.1", "v" : "3.0", "a" : "tuya.m.location.get", "sign" : "cfebc35774fbf76f8ecb5dbe6d8c252a7e82ccaadfefa71c72b1b37966a5ee26", "requestId" : "B838E2FE-4DDD-4341-A3BE-A8ED068B5EA1" }, { "params" : { }, "t" : "1577086273", "et" : "0.0.1", "v" : "3.0", "a" : "tuya.m.my.group.device.group.list", "sign" : "11257b42f2888a5081a17e449eb469bdb140e9762f742c776a7988e59ae31521", "requestId" : "C6537489-5FD4-4BF1-9284-5E9FD43971A4" }, { "params" : { }, "t" : "1577086273", "et" : "0.0.1", "v" : "1.0", "a" : "tuya.m.my.group.device.list", "sign" : "8ff11728e50f6e0d686844ee2bd2334efe749dd9b2ddbafba8571b2912f8a6bd", "requestId" : "135124AA-C58C-494E-954F-68E1C2886AE5" }, { "params" : { "zigbeeGroup" : true }, "t" : "1577086273", "et" : "0.0.1", "v" : "5.0", "a" : "tuya.m.device.ref.info.my.list", "sign" : "12f8c3119833e8ae8a3b4b3846a3760d93190c4a2ed00d7cd92be0755d234916", "requestId" : "2575FF06-FF7B-4122-A565-FFEC95287CBF" }, { "params" : { }, "t" : "1577086273", "et" : "0.0.1", "v" : "2.0", "a" : "tuya.m.my.group.device.relation.list", "sign" : "e6f51b1b97dff0428068eb18409d5c652cb455bc014ec4a4416e36d3a8a7ce63", "requestId" : "A88B5395-977B-436D-9F38-15D89A4CA61B" }, { "params" : { }, "t" : "1577086273", "et" : "0.0.1", "v" : "1.0", "a" : "tuya.m.my.group.device.sort.list", "sign" : "9682177e0122037fb2bb18dd9e740e093864d1a9d2b045de9eaf18c141e808c0", "requestId" : "9B873923-4014-4E45-B8D8-DF4547BA52E7" }, { "params" : { }, "t" : "1577086273", "et" : "0.0.1", "v" : "2.0", "a" : "tuya.m.my.shared.device.group.list", "sign" : "85a1ae24520f10c7ef57e8c3a2b119906d32d8224c6015cae13fbb6baa71176a", "requestId" : "D5DB1D9F-832A-410E-8530-C054D94AE744" }, { "params" : { }, "t" : "1577086273", "et" : "0.0.1", "v" : "1.0", "a" : "tuya.m.my.shared.device.list", "sign" : "3c2b6548395293ddefcafabc0982030e3daa4af134dfbc0159ac3bcea8ff7a5b", "requestId" : "5E444A27-4111-4D89-8342-1811D01076A3" } ] } 2019-12-23 08:31:13.901679+0100 tuyatest[313:10439] MQTT connect state : connected (0) (null) 2019-12-23 08:31:13.901998+0100 tuyatest[313:10439] MQTT connected time consuming : 1192 2019-12-23 08:31:13.910154+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] API request method :, postData : { "apis" : [ ] } 2019-12-23 08:31:14.851001+0100 tuyatest[313:10439] TYRequest response success is tuya.m.api.batch.invoke { "result" : [ ], "success" : true, "status" : "ok", "t" : 1577086274746 } 2019-12-23 08:31:14.859087+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] isPowerOn NO home detail success 2019-12-23 08:31:14.948827+0100 tuyatest[313:10629] TYRequest response success is tuya.m.api.batch.invoke { "result" : [ { "result" : { }, "success" : true, "v" : "2.0", "status" : "ok", "a" : "tuya.m.my.group.mesh.list", "t" : 1577086274714 }, { "result" : { "id" : 9481263, "lon" : 0, "gid" : 11145265, "background" : "", "displayOrder" : 0, "admin" : true, "groupUserId" : 11686286, "lat" : 0, "geoName" : "home", "role" : 2, "groupId" : 11145265, "rooms" : [ { "status" : true, "uid" : "az1575380459780T7XxR", "gmtCreate" : 1575380461, "id" : 23091671, "ownerId" : "11145265", "gmtModified" : 1575380461, "displayOrder" : 0, "name" : "room" } ], "dealStatus" : 2, "name" : "home" }, "success" : true, "v" : "3.0", "status" : "ok", "a" : "tuya.m.location.get", "t" : 1577086274727 }, { "result" : [ ], "success" : true, "v" : "3.0", "status" : "ok", "a" : "tuya.m.my.group.device.group.list", "t" : 1577086274722 }, { "result" : [ { "ip" : "", "runtimeEnv" : "prod", "lon" : "", "dps" : { "103" : "Co", "2" : "manual", "3" : 33, "106" : false, "104" : 24, "12" : 0, "6" : "2", "102" : "1", "13" : "0", "105" : false, "14" : 0, "1" : false }, "uuid" : "02085605807d3a64fbed", "category" : "jsq", "productId" : "QUIfMhvWswzMnhFs", "activeTime" : 1577086017, "dpMaxTime" : 1577086023763, "name" : "Humidifier", "iconUrl" : "https:\/\/images.tuyaus.com\/smart\/product_icon2\/jsq_1.png", "devId" : "02085605807d3a64fbed", "dpName" : { }, "devAttribute" : 0, "virtual" : false, "timezoneId" : "Europe\/Madrid", "lat" : "", "categoryCode" : "wf_jsq", "moduleMap" : { "mcu" : { "upgradeStatus" : 0, "verSw" : "1.0.0", "id" : 22355070, "cadv" : "", "isOnline" : true, "cdv" : "" }, "wifi" : { "pv" : "2.1", "verSw" : "2.2.6", "bv" : "5.28", "id" : 22355069, "isOnline" : true, "upgradeStatus" : 0, "cdv" : "1.0.0", "cadv" : "" } }, "localKey" : "c2ee651c8172cd49" } ], "success" : true, "v" : "1.0", "status" : "ok", "a" : "tuya.m.my.group.device.list", "t" : 1577086274775 }, { "result" : [ { "panelConfig" : { "bic" : [ { "selected" : false, "code" : "timer" }, { "selected" : false, "code" : "jump_url" } ] }, "schemaInfo" : { "schema" : 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"schemaExt" : "[]" }, "capability" : 1, "id" : "QUIfMhvWswzMnhFs", "attribute" : 0, "category" : "jsq", "standard" : false, "sSchema" : { "statusSchemaList" : [ ], "functionSchemaList" : [ ] }, "meshCategory" : "", "uiInfo" : { "phase" : "release", "type" : "RN", "rnFind" : false, "appRnVersion" : "1.0", "ui" : "00000002ce_" }, "shortcut" : { "quickOpDps" : [ ], "switchDp" : 1, "faultDps" : [ ], "displayDps" : [ ], "displayMsgs" : { } }, "i18nTime" : 1540866909296, "categoryCode" : "wf_jsq", "supportGroup" : true } ], "success" : true, "v" : "5.0", "status" : "ok", "a" : "tuya.m.device.ref.info.my.list", "t" : 1577086274823 }, { "result" : { "2" : [ { "id" : "9481263", "children" : { "4" : [ { "displayOrder" : 0, "id" : "23091671" } ] } } ] }, "success" : true, "v" : "2.0", "status" : "ok", "a" : "tuya.m.my.group.device.relation.list", "t" : 1577086274723 }, { "result" : [ { "bizId" : "02085605807d3a64fbed", "displayOrder" : -1, "bizType" : 6, "roomId" : "-1", "homeDisplayOrder" : 0 } ], "success" : true, "v" : "1.0", "status" : "ok", "a" : "tuya.m.my.group.device.sort.list", "t" : 1577086274727 }, { "result" : [ ], "success" : true, "v" : "2.0", "status" : "ok", "a" : "tuya.m.my.shared.device.group.list", "t" : 1577086274720 }, { "result" : [ ], "success" : true, "v" : "1.0", "status" : "ok", "a" : "tuya.m.my.shared.device.list", "t" : 1577086274718 } ], "success" : true, "status" : "ok", "t" : 1577086274823 } home detail success 2019-12-23 08:31:18.003007+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] receiveBroadcast : { ability = 0; active = 2; encrypt = 1; gwId = 02085605807d3a64fbed; ip = ""; mode = 0; productKey = QUIfMhvWswzMnhFs; version = "3.1"; }, active : 2 2019-12-23 08:31:18.005782+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] startTcpConnecting: 2019-12-23 08:31:18.017613+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] tcpConnected:02085605807d3a64fbed, time : 0.01 2019-12-23 08:31:18.019167+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] tcp request type : 10, devId : 02085605807d3a64fbed, body : { devId = 02085605807d3a64fbed; gwId = 02085605807d3a64fbed; } 2019-12-23 08:31:18.021061+0100 tuyatest[313:10177] kNotificationGatewayInfoUpdate -- 2019-12-23 08:31:18.024501+0100 tuyatest[313:10659] [] nw_connection_copy_connected_path [C16] Client called nw_connection_copy_connected_path on unconnected nw_connection 2019-12-23 08:31:18.025306+0100 tuyatest[313:10659] [] tcp_connection_is_cellular No connected path (lldb)