Endpoints are the main building blocks of TypedRest. An endpoint represents an URI that provides methods for interacting with a specific resource. The type of the endpoint determines the available methods. An endpoint can also provide child endpoints (represent child URIs) via composition.
TypedRest provides a number of endpoint types modelling common REST patterns. Most APIs can be consumed by either directly using these types or by deriving from them and adding additional methods for special use cases.
Entry endpoints represent the top-level URI of APIs.
Generic endpoints allow you to model collections and elements:
- Element endpoint - individual resource (read, write, delete)
- Collection endpoint - collection of entities addressable as elements (read all, create, get child by ID)
- Indexer endpoint - address child endpoints by ID
RPC endpoints allow you to interact with non-RESTful resources that act like callable functions:
- Action endpoint - no input or output
- Consumer endpoint - takes entity as input
- Producer endpoint - produces entity as output
- Function endpoint - takes entity as input and produces entity as output
Raw endpoints allow you to transmit binary data rather than serialized objects:
- Upload endpoint - accept binary uploads
- Blob endpoint - download or upload a binary blob
Reactive endpoints allow you to receive data as push streams rather than explicitly pulling:
- Polling endpoint - poll resource for state changes
- Streaming endpoint - stream of entities via persistent connection
- Streaming Collection endpoint - collection of entities observable as append-only stream
The constructors of all endpoints except entry endpoints take a referrer
parameter. This is uses to inherit relative URI bases and configuration such as error handling and link handling.