This course will explore the acquisition, post-processing, and classification of point clouds derived from airborne and terrestrial lidar scanners and structure from motion (SfM) photogrammetry from drones. The course will take place at campus Golm (UP) and includes one day of field-data collection and two days of data post-processing and analysis (June 7-9, 2017). We will meet on June 7th at 9am in Haus 27 (Institute of Earth and Environmental Science), room 1.10.
The course is sponsored by Geo.X and co-sponsored by StRATEGy and OpenTopography.
Course flyer: pdf.
The course will take place at the University of Potsdam on Campus Golm. For map of Campus Golm see here(Campus Golm and Lidar Short Course Location). For those of you traveling to Potsdam, please organize your accommodations. NOTE: We will meet on June 7 (Wednesday) at 9 am in building 27, room 1.10. The computer pool that we will use will be in building 24 (Thursday, 8th June) and building 25 (Friday, 9th June).
This document has essential information for the course including the agenda: June7_lidar_workshop.pdf.
--Structure from Motion short course documents and tutorials from UNAVCO: GSA SfM short course
We provide Dropbox links in directry Lidar_data. Some of these files are large.
Example Matlab codes are available in Matlab_codes and will be updated. Additional codes will be uploaded upon requests.