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Grant Billings edited this page Jan 14, 2022 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the PeeDeeCottonBreedingProgram_GSOutlook wiki!

Here, I'll cover the main steps in running our analysis.

Arrange the data for input into other programs.

Calculate least-squares means for each of the 28 traits analyzed in 14 environments + overall means. Model is fitted to include GxE - environment means are the interaction between genotype and environment.

Calculate Heritability using the SAS code from Holland and Nyquist (2004). These numbers are used to rescale the prediction abilities so they are more easily comparable between traits.

Significant SNPs are discovered using a 20% FDR threshold from a linear model (5 PCs + SNPs) in PLINK1.9. Filtering is done to include SNPs that are found in 5+ resamples of the model.

A basic GBLUP-like model is fitted using RKHS in GBLR.

Significant SNPs are added to the GBLUP model, and we check for model improvement.

The figures in the paper are rendered using the data from the other parts of the project.