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add five geotiff function
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1. get_header
2. get_imarray
3. geo2pixel
4. pixel2geo
5. tifffile_crop
  • Loading branch information
HowcanoeWang committed Jul 2, 2022
1 parent 85627c8 commit f02cd19
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import os
import pyproj
import numpy as np
import tifffile as tf

from pyproj.exceptions import CRSError

def get_header(tif_path):
"""Read the necessary meta infomation from TIFF file
tif_path : str
the path to the geotiff file
header: dict
the container of acquired meta info
with tf.TiffFile(tif_path) as tif:
header = {'width': None, 'height': None, 'dim':1,
'scale': None, 'tie_point': None, 'nodata': None, 'proj': None}

header["height"] = tif.pages[0].shape[0]
header["width"] = tif.pages[0].shape[1]
if len(tif.pages[0].shape) > 2:
header["dim"] = tif.pages[0].shape[2]
header["nodata"] = tif.pages[0].nodata

# tif.pages[0].geotiff_tags >>> 'ModelPixelScale': [0.0034900000000000005, 0.0034900000000000005, 0.0]
header["scale"] = tif.pages[0].geotiff_tags["ModelPixelScale"][0:2]

# tif.pages[0].geotiff_tags >>> 'ModelTiepoint': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 419509.89816000004, 3987344.8286, 0.0]
header["tie_point"] = tif.pages[0].geotiff_tags["ModelTiepoint"][3:5]

# pix4d:
# tif.pages[0].geotiff_tags >>> 'GTCitationGeoKey': 'WGS 84 / UTM zone 54N'
if "GTCitationGeoKey" in tif.pages[0].geotiff_tags.keys():
proj_str = tif.pages[0].geotiff_tags["GTCitationGeoKey"]
# metashape:
# tif.pages[0].geotiff_tags >>> 'PCSCitationGeoKey': 'WGS 84 / UTM zone 54N'
elif "PCSCitationGeoKey" in tif.pages[0].geotiff_tags.keys():
proj_str = tif.pages[0].geotiff_tags["PCSCitationGeoKey"]
raise KeyError("Can not find key 'GTCitationGeoKey' or 'PCSCitationGeoKey' in Geotiff tages")

proj = pyproj.CRS.from_string(proj_str)
header['proj'] = proj
except CRSError as e:
print(f'[io][geotiff][GeoCorrd] Generation failed, because [{e}], but you can manual specify it later by \n'
'>>> import pyproj \n'
'>>> proj = pyproj.CRS.from_epsg() # or from_string() or refer official documents:\n'

return header

def get_imarray(tif_path):
"""Read full map data as numpy array (time and RAM costy, not recommended)
with tf.TiffFile(tif_path) as tif:
data = tif.pages[0].asarray()

return data

def geo2pixel(points_hv, geo_head, return_index=False):
"""convert point cloud xyz coordinate to geotiff pixel coordinate (horizontal, vertical)
points_hv : numpy nx3 array
[horizontal, vertical] points
geo_head : dict
the geotiff head dictionary from get_header()
The ndarray pixel position of these points (horizontal, vertical)
Please note: gis coordinate, horizontal is x axis, vertical is y axis, origin at left upper
To clip image ndarray, the first columns is vertical pixel (along height),
then second columns is horizontal pixel number (along width),
the third columns is 3 or 4 bands (RGB, alpha),
the x and y is reversed compared with gis coordinates.
This function has already do this reverse, so that you can use the output directly.
>>> geo_head ='dom_path.tiff')
>>> gis_coord = np.asarray([(x1, y1), ..., (xn, yn)]) # x is horizonal, y is vertical
>>> photo_ndarray ='img_path.jpg')
(h, w, 4) ndarray # please note the axes differences
>>> pixel_coord = geo2pixel(gis_coord, geo_head)
(horizontal, vertical) ndarray
# then you can used the outputs with reverse 0 and 1 axis
>>> region_of_interest = photo_ndarray[pixel_coord[:,1], pixel_coord[:,0], 0:3]
gis_xmin = geo_head['tie_point'][0]
gis_ymax = geo_head['tie_point'][1]

gis_ph = points_hv[:, 0]
gis_pv = points_hv[:, 1]

# get the pixel index (int)
if return_index:
# numpy_axis1 = x
np_ax_h = (gis_ph - gis_xmin) // geo_head['scale'][0]
# numpy_axis0 = y
np_ax_v = (gis_ymax - gis_pv) // geo_head['scale'][1]

# get float coordinate on pixels
# numpy_axis1 = x
np_ax_h = (gis_ph - gis_xmin) / geo_head['scale'][0]
# numpy_axis0 = y
np_ax_v = (gis_ymax - gis_pv) / geo_head['scale'][1]

pixel = np.vstack([np_ax_h, np_ax_v]).T

return pixel

def pixel2geo(points_hv, geo_head):
"""convert geotiff pixel coordinate (horizontal, vertical) to point cloud xyz coordinate (x, y, z)
points_hv : numpy nx2 array
[horizontal, vertical] points
geo_head : dict
the geotiff head dictionary from get_header()
The ndarray pixel position of these points (horizontal, vertical)
gis_xmin = geo_head['tie_point'][0]
gis_ymax = geo_head['tie_point'][1]

# the px is numpy axis0 (vertical, h)
# py is numpy axis1 (horizontal, w)
if np.issubdtype(points_hv.dtype, np.integer):
# all integer possible means the pixel index
# rather than specific coordinates
# +0.5 to get the pixel center rather than edge
pix_ph = points_hv[:, 0] + 0.5
pix_pv = points_hv[:, 1] + 0.5
elif np.issubdtype(points_hv.dtype, np.floating):
# all floats possible means it is the pixel coordinates
# rather than pixel index
# no need to +0.5 as image center
pix_ph = points_hv[:, 0]
pix_pv = points_hv[:, 1]
raise TypeError(f"The `points_hv` only accept numpy ndarray integer and float types")

gis_px = gis_xmin + pix_ph * geo_head['scale'][0]
gis_py = gis_ymax - pix_pv * geo_head['scale'][1]

gis_geo = np.vstack([gis_px, gis_py]).T

return gis_geo

def tifffile_crop(page, top, left, h, w):
Extract a crop from a TIFF image file directory (IFD).
Only the tiles englobing the crop area are loaded and not the whole page.
This is usefull for large Whole slide images that can't fit int RAM.
| ^
| | top
| v
| <-------> o=============o ^
| left |<---- w ---->| |
| | | h
| | | |
| o=============o v
Modified from:
Previous version:
caas_lite.get_crop(page, i0, j0, h, w)
page : TiffPage
TIFF image file directory (IFD) from which the crop must be extracted.
top, left: int
Coordinates of the top left corner of the desired crop.
top = i0 = height_st
left = j0 = w_st
h: int
Desired crop height.
w: int
Desired crop width.
out : ndarray of shape (h, w, sampleperpixel)
Extracted crop.""
if page.is_tiled:
out = _get_tiled_crop(page, top, left, h, w)
out = _get_untiled_crop(page, top, left, h, w)

return out

def _get_tiled_crop(page, i0, j0, h, w):
The submodule of self.get_crop() for those tiled geotiff
Copied from:
if not page.is_tiled:
raise ValueError("Input page must be tiled")

im_width = page.imagewidth
im_height = page.imagelength

if h < 1 or w < 1:
raise ValueError("h and w must be strictly positive.")

i1, j1 = i0 + h, j0 + w
if i0 < 0 or j0 < 0 or i1 >= im_height or j1 >= im_width:
raise ValueError(f"Requested crop area is out of image bounds.{i0}_{i1}_{im_height}, {j0}_{j1}_{im_width}")

tile_width, tile_height = page.tilewidth, page.tilelength

tile_i0, tile_j0 = i0 // tile_height, j0 // tile_width
tile_i1, tile_j1 = np.ceil([i1 / tile_height, j1 / tile_width]).astype(int)

tile_per_line = int(np.ceil(im_width / tile_width))

# older version: (img_depth, h, w, dim)
out = np.empty((page.imagedepth,
(tile_i1 - tile_i0) * tile_height,
(tile_j1 - tile_j0) * tile_width,
page.samplesperpixel), dtype=page.dtype)

fh = page.parent.filehandle

for i in range(tile_i0, tile_i1):
for j in range(tile_j0, tile_j1):
index = int(i * tile_per_line + j)

offset = page.dataoffsets[index]
bytecount = page.databytecounts[index]
data =
tile, indices, shape = page.decode(data, index)

im_i = (i - tile_i0) * tile_height
im_j = (j - tile_j0) * tile_width
out[:, im_i: im_i + tile_height, im_j: im_j + tile_width, :] = tile

im_i0 = i0 - tile_i0 * tile_height
im_j0 = j0 - tile_j0 * tile_width

# old version: out[:, im_i0: im_i0 + h, im_j0: im_j0 + w, :]
return out[0, im_i0: im_i0 + h, im_j0: im_j0 + w, :]

def _get_untiled_crop(page, i0, j0, h, w):
The submodule of self.get_crop(), for those untiled geotiff
Copied from:
if page.is_tiled:
raise ValueError("Input page must not be tiled")

im_width = page.imagewidth
im_height = page.imagelength

if h < 1 or w < 1:
raise ValueError("h and w must be strictly positive.")

i1, j1 = i0 + h, j0 + w
if i0 < 0 or j0 < 0 or i1 >= im_height or j1 >= im_width:
raise ValueError(f"Requested crop area is out of image bounds.{i0}_{i1}_{im_height}, {j0}_{j1}_{im_width}")

fh = page.parent.filehandle

# for data/pix4d/maize_tanashi dom:
# dom shape: (722, 836)
# >>> page.dataoffsets
# (2554, 9242, 15930, 22618, ...) # 6688 interval
# >>> page.databytecounts
# (6688, 6688, 6688, 6688, ...)
# >>> len(page.dataoffsets)
# 361 # = dom.h / 2 -> read 2 row once
row_step = im_height / len(page.dataoffsets)

# judge whether can be perfect divided
if row_step % 1 == 0.0:
row_step = int(row_step)
raise InterruptedError(f"{page.imagelength} with offset number {len(page.dataoffsets)}, {row_step} row per read, not a integer")

# commonly, it read 1 row once,
# no need to do extra things
if row_step == 1:
read_tile_idx = np.arange(i0, i1)

# sometime it not read once per row, it reads two rows once, etc...
# e.g. tile.shape = (1, 2, full_width, channel_num)
# expected -> (1, 1, full_width, channel_num)
# if still just picking the first row, will
# result in a horzontal zoom 50% result
# recalculate the row id to read
# >>> idx = array([10, 11, 12, 13, 14]) # orignal line index
# >>> idx_dv = np.floor(idx / row_step).astype(int)
# array([5, 5, 6, 6, 7])
# >>> np.unique(idx_dv)
# array([5, 6, 7]) -> known which index to read
read_row_id = np.arange(i0, i1)
read_tile_idx = np.unique(np.floor(read_row_id / row_step).astype(int))

# Then decide the start line and end line
# >>> idx % 2
# array([0, 1, 0, 1, 0], dtype=int32)
## get start id
st_line_id = read_row_id[0] % row_step
## get reversed id
# line id
# 3 | | | |...
# ------------------- last read
# 0 | | | |
# 1 | | | |...
# 2 | | | |
# -> get the [:, 0], [:, -1] or [:, -2] index
# as the `ed_line_id`
ed_line_id = read_row_id[-1] % row_step - (row_step-1)

# clip them vertically first, then clip
temp_out = np.empty((page.imagedepth, 0, w, page.samplesperpixel), dtype=page.dtype)
for index in read_tile_idx:
offset = page.dataoffsets[index]
bytecount = page.databytecounts[index]
data =

tile, indices, shape = page.decode(data, index)

# double check if is row_step per read
# shape -> (1, 2, full_width, channel_num)
if shape[1] != row_step:
raise LookupError(f"the calculated {row_step} row per read does not match {shape[1]} of tifffile decoded.")

temp_out = np.concatenate([temp_out, tile[:, :,j0:j1,:]], axis=1)

if row_step == 1:
return temp_out[0,:,:,:]
if ed_line_id == 0:
return temp_out[0, st_line_id:, :, :]
return temp_out[0, st_line_id:ed_line_id, :, :]

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