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Charles Doutriaux edited this page May 25, 2018 · 10 revisions

CDAT "offline" installation:

Install a brand new Anaconda if you only want the packages needed for 
CDAT and Anaconda on the "offline" machine 
  • Download the latest Anaconda on your online machine.
# This can be ran from any directory, we recommend $HOME or an empty directory
if [ `uname` = "Linux" ]; then wget -q -O; fi
if [ `uname` = "Darwin" ]; then wget -q -O; fi
bash -b -p `pwd`/anaconda2
export PATH=`pwd`/anaconda2/bin:${PATH}
conda install -n base conda-build
cd anaconda2/pkgs
wget --no-check -i urls.txt  #To get all the anaconda original tarballs from repository.
conda install -n base conda-build
conda create -n cdat -c conda-forge -c cdat cdat
source activate cdat
  • Copy/Install Anaconda on your offline machine.
  • Copy all the packages to your offline machine channel.
scp offline.machine:$SOMEPATH/
if [ `uname` = "Linux" ]; then scp anaconda2/pkgs/*.tar.bz2 offline.machine:$SOMEPATH/my_channel/linux-64 ; fi
if [ `uname` = "Darwin" ]; then scp anaconda2/pkgs/*.tar.bz2 offline.machine:$SOMEPATH/my_channel/osx-64 ; fi

# or any other means you have to transfer to the offline machine
# Now on the `offline` machine

bash ./ -b -p `pwd`/anaconda2  # where -b stand for batch mode
export PATH=`pwd`/anaconda2/bin/:$PATH
  • Create a index of your new channel using the "conda index" command.
conda index `pwd`/my_channel/osx-64/
mkdir `pwd`/my_channel/noarch/
conda index `pwd`/my_channel/noarch
  • Create a cdat environment on your offline machine using your new local channel.
conda create -n cdat cdat -c file:/`pwd`/my_channel --offline
source activate cdat
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