Releases: UberGallery/UberGallery
UberGallery v2.4.8
UberGallery is now updated to v2.4.8.
Note: There was a tag for v2.4.7 however a release was never created for it.
Changes to 2.4.8
- Permanent caching support
- Internal hashing now using sha256
- Some theme fixes for decoding HTML special characters
- Updated themes jQuery to v2.1.4
- Updated ColorBox to v1.6.1
- Fixed missing files in v2.4.6 release archives
Detailed changelog: 2.4.6...2.4.8
UberGallery v2.4.6
Version 2.4.6 of UberGallery has been pushed to fix a bug that prevented images with ampersands (&) in their names from being properly displayed in the Colorbox pop-up.
Changes to 2.4.6
- Fixed a bug preventing images with ampersands (&) in their names from being properly displayed
- Updated themes remote jQuery call to v2.1.0 and now loads from CDN
- Updated ColorBox to v1.5.4
Detailed changelog: 2.4.5...2.4.6
UberGallery v2.4.5
This is a simple "house keeping" release to bring some underlying scripts up to date.
Changes to 2.4.5
- Added .gitignore file to ignore galleryConfig.ini
- Updated ColorBox to v1.4.27
- Updated included themes remote jQuery call to v2.0.3
- Updated uber-responsive theme to Bootstrap v2.3.2
- Updated README and miscellaneous code documentation
Detailed changelog: 2.4.4...2.4.5
UberGallery v2.4.4
This update addresses problem with the uber-naked theme not launching ColorBox to view images. Additional updates have been applied to bring components up to date.
Changes to 2.4.4
- Fixed: uber-naked theme missing rel attribute text preventing ColorBox from loading correctly
- Updated ColorBox to v1.3.29
- Updated theme jQuery calls to v1.9.0
- Updated uber-responsive theme to Bootstrap v2.2.2
Detailed changelog: 2.4.3...2.4.4
UberGallery v2.4.3
A small update has been pushed out to address a problem with the uber-naked theme and multi-page galleries. To apply this fix you will need to update both the UberGallery core and the uber-naked theme. You can grab UberGallery 2.4.3 (theme included) at
Changes to 2.4.3
- Fixed: uber-naked theme always pulling in images from the default location
Detailed changelog:…2.4.3
UberGallery v2.4.2
Happy Halloween UberGallery fans! Today we're announcing the availibility of UberGallery version 2.4.2 bringing updateds to jQuery and ColorBox updates and other miscellanous internal tweaks.
Changes to 2.4.2
- Updated jQuery includes to use protocol-less URLs
- Updated jQuery include to v1.8.X
- Updated ColorBox to v1.3.20.1
- Most system messages should no longer show more than once
- Prevented a number of errors from showing when the gallery images directory is empty
- Added getColorboxScripts() function for dynamically loading ColorBox scripts
- Updated themes to use the new getColorboxScripts() function
- Added scripts submodule for development purposes (only available by cloning the repo from GitHub)
- Miscellaneous code and comment tweaks
Detailed changelog: 2.4.1...2.4.2
UberGallery v2.4.1
Version 2.4.1 is now out and brings with it the ability to reverse the sort order of your gallery. A new option "reverse_sort" is now availabe in the galleryConfig.ini file. Set this value to "true" to reverse the sort order of your gallery.
Changes to 2.4.1
- Added reverse sorting functionality and config option
- Updated all themes to jQuery 1.8.X
- Updated uber-responsive theme to Bootstrap 2.1.1
- Tweaked uber-responsive theme styles
- Restructured some code to be cleaner and perhaps even perform better under certain circumstances
Detailed changelog: 2.4.0...2.4.1
UberGallery v2.4.0
UberGallery version 2.4.0 is a major update bringing several big changes. With version 2.4.0 you can now independently configure the width and height of thumbnails and manually set the quality of JPEG thumbnails. Also included in this version is a brand new debugging engine that will help users troubleshoot problems with their UberGallery installation. Lastly, lots of back end work has been done to improve consistency and ease of updating code.
Due to changes to the config file you will need to update your galleryConfig.ini file with the changes or replace the file with the sample config file. Please back up your current installations before upgrading to be safe.
Changes to 2.4.0
- Thumbnail width and height can now be independently set
- JPEG thumbnail quality can now be set from the config file
- Added debugging setting that will log errors to a custom debug log
- Implemented encoding/decoding of the indexed arrays for better non-English language support
- Improvements to the cache system to prevent useless caching when it isn't enabled
- Overhauled internal config handling and added public setter functions for all config options
- Minor updates and improvements to uber-responsive theme
- Miscellaneous code clean up
- Updated README to reflect all changes
Detailed changelog: 2.3.1...2.4.0
UberGallery v2.4.0-RC1
This is a release candidate for the upcoming 2.4.0 release.
UberGallery v2.3.1
A minor update has been pushed live. UberGallery version 2.3.1 brings with it a new "responsive" theme for better mobile and tablet support. This is not a required update, but remember to back up your current installations before upgrading to be safe.
Changes to 2.3.1
- Added uber-responsive theme
- Added missing error message when cache is unreadable
- Miscellaneous code and comment clean up
- Updated README to reflect all changes
Detailed changelog: 2.3.0...2.3.1