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27 lines (23 loc) · 1.62 KB



Name Type Description Notes
allow_arbitrary_cost bool Allow arbitrary cost [optional]
arbitrary_cost_velocity_code str Arbitrary cost velocity code [optional]
auto_order_cost float Cost if customer selects to receive item on auto order. Set to zero to delete. [optional]
automatic_pricing_tier_name str Automatic pricing tier name [optional]
automatic_pricing_tier_oid int Automatic pricing tier object identifier [optional]
cogs float Cost of goods sold [optional]
cost float Cost [optional]
currency_code str Currency code [optional]
manufacturer_suggested_retail_price float Manufacturer suggested retail price [optional]
maximum_arbitrary_cost float Maximum arbitrary cost [optional]
minimum_advertised_price float Minimum advertised price [optional]
minimum_arbitrary_cost float Minimum arbitrary cost [optional]
mix_and_match_group str Mix and match group [optional]
mix_and_match_group_oid int Mix and match group object identifier [optional]
sale_cost float Sale cost [optional]
sale_end str Sale end [optional]
sale_start str Sale start [optional]
tiers list[ItemPricingTier] Tiers [optional]

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