### Train Predictor Estimator ### model: estimator #### MODEL SPECIFIC OPTS #### ## ESTIMATOR ## # If load-model points to a pretrained Estimator, # These settings are ignored. # LSTM Settings hidden-est: 125 rnn-layers-est: 1 dropout-est: 0.0 # Use linear layer to reduce dimension prior to LSTM mlp-est: True # Multitask Learning Settings # # Continue training the predictor on the postedited text. # If set, will do an additional forward pass through the predictor # Using the SRC, PE pair and add the `Predictor` loss for the tokens in the # postedited text PE. Recommended if you have access to PE # Requires setting train-pe, valid-pe token-level: False # Predict Sentence Level Scores # Requires setting train-sentence-scores, valid-sentence-scores sentence-level: True # Use probabilistic Loss for sentence scores instead of squared error. # If set, the model will output mean and variance of a truncated Gaussian # distribution over the interval [0, 1], and use log-likelihood loss instead # of mean squared error. # Seems to improve performance sentence-ll: False # Predict Binary Label for each sentence, indicating hter == 0.0 # Requires setting train-sentence-scores, valid-sentence-scores binary-level: False # WMT 18 Format Settings # # Predict target tags. Requires train-target-tags, valid-target-tags to be set. predict-target: false target-bad-weight: 2.5 # Predict source tags. Requires train-source-tags, valid-source-tags to be set. predict-source: false source-bad-weight: 2.5 # Predict gap tags. Requires train-target-tags, valid-target-tags to be set. # and wmt18-format set to true predict-gaps: false target-bad-weight: 2.5 ### GENERAL OPTS ### # Do not set or set to negative number for CPU gpu-id: 1 gpu-id: 0 ### TRAIN OPTS ### epochs: 10 # Additionally Eval and checkpoint every n training steps # Explicitly disable by setting to zero (default) checkpoint-validation-steps: 0 # If False, never save the Models checkpoint-save: true # Keep Only the n best models according to the main metric (F1Mult by default) # USeful to avoid filling the harddrive during a long run checkpoint-keep-only-best: 3 # If greater than zero, Early Stop after n evaluation cycles without improvement checkpoint-early-stop-patience: 0 # Print Train Stats Every n batches log-interval: 100 # LR. Currently ADAM is only optimizer supported. # 1e-3 * (batch_size / 32) seems to work well learning-rate: 2e-3 train-batch-size: 8 valid-batch-size: 8 ### LOADING ### # Load pretrained (sub-)model. # If set, the model architecture params are ignored. # As the vocabulary of the pretrained model will be used, # all vocab-params will also be ignored. # (i) load-pred-source or load-pred-target: Predictor instance # -> a new Estimator is initialized with the given predictor(s). # (ii) load-model: Estimator instance. # As the Predictor is a submodule of the Estimator, # load-pred-{source,target} will be ignored if this is set. # load-model: path_to_estimator # load-pred-source: path_to_predictor_source_target load-pred-target: /home/zwc/python-virtual-environments/runs/predictor/best_model.torch ### DATA ### # Set to True to use target_tags in WMT18 format wmt18-format: false #train-source: /home/zwc/CWMT2019/ENZHword/Ali-train-enzh-word-QE-CCMT2019/en2zh.train.source #train-target: /home/zwc/CWMT2019/ENZHword/Ali-train-enzh-word-QE-CCMT2019/en2zh.train.target #train-pe: /home/zwc/CWMT2019/ENZHword/Ali-train-enzh-word-QE-CCMT2019/en2zh.train.pe #train-target-tags: /home/zwc/CWMT2019/ENZHword/Ali-train-enzh-word-QE-CCMT2019/en2zh.train.tags #valid-source: /home/zwc/CWMT2019/ENZHword/Ali-dev-enzh-word-QE-CCMT2019/en2zh.dev.source #valid-target: /home/zwc/CWMT2019/ENZHword/Ali-dev-enzh-word-QE-CCMT2019/en2zh.dev.target #valid-pe: /home/zwc/CWMT2019/ENZHword/Ali-dev-enzh-word-QE-CCMT2019/en2zh.dev.pe #valid-target-tags: /home/zwc/CWMT2019/ENZHword/Ali-dev-enzh-word-QE-CCMT2019/en2zh.dev.tags train-source: /home/zwc/CWMT2019/ENZHsent/Lingosail-train-enzh-Sentence-QE-CCMT2019/train.source train-target: /home/zwc/CWMT2019/ENZHsent/Lingosail-train-enzh-Sentence-QE-CCMT2019/train.target train-pe: /home/zwc/CWMT2019/ENZHsent/Lingosail-train-enzh-Sentence-QE-CCMT2019/train.pe train-sentence-scores: /home/zwc/CWMT2019/ENZHsent/Lingosail-train-enzh-Sentence-QE-CCMT2019/train.hter valid-source: /home/zwc/CWMT2019/ENZHsent/Lingosail-dev-enzh-Sentence-QE-CCMT2019/dev.source valid-target: /home/zwc/CWMT2019/ENZHsent/Lingosail-dev-enzh-Sentence-QE-CCMT2019/dev.target valid-pe: /home/zwc/CWMT2019/ENZHsent/Lingosail-dev-enzh-Sentence-QE-CCMT2019/dev.pe valid-sentence-scores: /home/zwc/CWMT2019/ENZHsent/Lingosail-dev-enzh-Sentence-QE-CCMT2019/dev.hter