#### Train Predictor #### model: predictor # Model Files will be saved here output-dir: /home/zwc/python-virtual-environments/OpenKiwi-master/experiments/runs/predictor #### MODEL SPECIFIC OPTS #### ## PREDICTOR ## # LSTM Settings (Both SRC and TGT) hidden-pred: 400 rnn-layers-pred: 2 # If set, takes precedence over other embedding params embedding-sizes: 200 # Source, Target, and Target Softmax Embedding source-embeddings-size: 200 target-embeddings-size: 200 out-embeddings-size: 200 # Dropout dropout-pred: 0.5 # Set to true to predict from target to source # (To create a source predictor for source tag prediction) predict-inverse: false ### TRAIN OPTS ### epochs: 1 # Eval and checkpoint every n samples # Disable by setting to zero (default) checkpoint-validation-steps: 5000 # If False, never save the Models checkpoint-save: true # Keep Only the n best models according to the main metric (Perplexity by default) # Ueful to avoid filling the harddrive during a long run checkpoint-keep-only-best: 1 # If greater than zero, Early Stop after n evaluation cycles without improvement checkpoint-early-stop-patience: 0 optimizer: adam # Print Train Stats Every n batches log-interval: 100 # Learning Rate # 1e-3 * (batch_size / 32) seems to work well learning-rate: 2e-3 learning-rate-decay: 0.6 learning-rate-decay-start: 2 train-batch-size: 32 valid-batch-size: 32 ### DATA OPTS ### # Source and Target Files train-source: /home/zwc/CWMT2019/new_corpus.en train-target: /home/zwc/CWMT2019/new_corpus.zh # Optionally load more data which is used only for vocabulary creation. # This is useful to reduce OOV words if the parallel data # and QE data are from different domains. extend-source-vocab: /home/zwc/CWMT2019/ENZHsent/Lingosail-train-enzh-Sentence-QE-CCMT2019/train.source extend-target-vocab: /home/zwc/CWMT2019/ENZHsent/Lingosail-train-enzh-Sentence-QE-CCMT2019/train.target # Optionally Specify Validation Sets valid-source: /home/zwc/CWMT2019/ENZHsent/Lingosail-dev-enzh-Sentence-QE-CCMT2019/dev.source valid-target: /home/zwc/CWMT2019/ENZHsent/Lingosail-dev-enzh-Sentence-QE-CCMT2019/dev.target # If No valid is specified, randomly split the train corpus split: 0.99 ## VOCAB ## # Load Vocabulary from a previous run. # This is needed e.g. for training a source predictor via the flag # predict-inverse: True # If set, the other vocab options are ignored. # load-vocab: /mnt/data/datasets/kiwi/trained_models/predest/en_de/vocab.torch source-vocab-size: 45000 target-vocab-size: 45000 # Remove Sentences not in the specified Length Range source-max-length: 50 source-min-length: 1 target-max-length: 50 target-min-length: 1 # Require Minimum Frequency of words source-vocab-min-frequency: 1 target-vocab-min-frequency: 1 ### GENERAL OPTS ### # Experiment Name for MLFlow experiment-name: ZH-EN sentence Pretrain Predictor # Do not set or set to negative number for CPU gpu-id: 0