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@lesserwhirls lesserwhirls released this 29 Jul 14:30

THREDDS Data Server

Version 5.0.0-beta7

The THREDDS Data Server (TDS) version 5.0.0-beta7 release was announced on July 29th, 2019. This is a beta release and includes many bug fixes, enhancements, and a variety of updates to 3rd party libraries which include security updates. For details on the major changes in this beta, please visit


Prior to version 5, the netCDF-Java/CDM library and the THREDDS Data Server (TDS) have been built and released together. Starting with version 5, these two packages have been decoupled, allowing new features or bug fixes to be implemented in each package separately, and released independently.


Artifact Description
tdmFat.jar The THREDDS Data Manager (TDM) does background indexing for GRIB Feature Collections. [md5] [sha1]
thredds.war The THREDDS Data Server web application. Please note that you will need to rename the download to thredds.war, or, if you are using tomcat, thredds##5.0.0-beta7.war. [md5] [sha1]



Please visit

For a full list of changes between TDS 4.x and v5.0.0, you will need to run the following git command locally, as the commit history is too large to show through the github interface:

git log --oneline master...3b25fee

There are over 2600 commits in v5.0 since development began. Note: We do not intend on having such a long or complex development cycle in the future.

Real-world use by the user community is integral to the process of creating and refining the TDS. Please direct all potential security issues directly to Unidata using the address Please send all other potential issues to the development team via the the user community mailing lists (, through the Unidata support system (, or on the TDS GitHub issue tracker.