title |
Android |
An example application is available to show basic usage of the library.
Add the dependency to the app build.gradle. Replace {VERSION} with the last versions (connector, connector-ui).
dependencies {
// ...
implementation 'org.unifiedpush.android:connector:{VERSION}'
// If you wish to use connector-ui dialog
implementation 'org.unifiedpush.android:connector-ui:{VERSION}'
{{< tabs "registration" >}} {{< tab "Kotlin" >}}
Select a distributor and register
To register for receiving push services you have two options:
{{< expand "Use connector-ui's dialog" >}}
If there is no distributor, it will inform the user they need one.
If there is a single distributor, it will register to it.
If there are many distributors, it will open a dialog to ask the user which one to use.
Once a distributor is saved, calling this method will register again to the saved distributor.
import org.unifiedpush.android.connector.INSTANCE_DEFAULT
import org.unifiedpush.android.connector.UnifiedPush
import org.unifiedpush.android.connector.ui.SelectDistributorDialogBuilder
import org.unifiedpush.android.connector.ui.UnifiedPushFunctions
/* ... */
// Options:
// "instances" can be used to handle multiple registrations
object : UnifiedPushFunctions {
override fun getAckDistributor(): String? =
override fun getDistributors(): List<String> =
UnifiedPush.getDistributors(context, UnifiedPush.DEFAULT_FEATURES)
override fun registerApp(instance: String) =
UnifiedPush.registerApp(context, instance, UnifiedPush.DEFAULT_FEATURES)
override fun saveDistributor(distributor: String) =
UnifiedPush.saveDistributor(context, distributor)
It is possible to customize this dialog by extending SelectDistributorDialogBuilder
object : UnifiedPushFunctions {/*...*/}
// See https://codeberg.org/UnifiedPush/android-connector-ui/src/branch/main/connector_ui/src/main/java/org/unifiedpush/android/connector/ui/RegistrationDialogContent.kt
override var registrationDialogContent = MyDialogContent
override fun onNoDistributorFound() {
override fun onDistributorSelected(distributor: String) {
override fun onManyDistributorsFound(distributors: List<String>) {
{{< /expand >}}
{{< expand "Handle the selection yourself" >}}
import org.unifiedpush.android.connector.UnifiedPush.*
/* ... */
// Check if a distributor is already registered
getAckDistributor(context)?.let {
// Re-register in case something broke
// Options:
// "instance" to handle multiple registrations
// "features" empty array or [FEATURE_BYTES_MESSAGE]
// to be sure the distributor handles non-UTF-8 input
// "messageForDistributor" that may be displayed by the distrib.
// Get a list of distributors that are available
val distributors = getDistributors(context)
// select one or show a dialog or whatever
val userDistrib = yourFunc(distributors)
// save the distributor
saveDistributor(context, userDistrib)
// register your app to the distributor
// Options:
// "instance" to handle multiple registrations
// "features" empty array or [FEATURE_BYTES_MESSAGE]
// to be sure the distributor handles non-UTF-8 input
// "messageForDistributor" that may be displayed by the distrib.
{{< /expand >}}
// inform the library that you would like to unregister from receiving push messages
// Options:
// "instance" to delete if used during registration
// You won't receive onUnregistered for this instance
{{< /tab >}} {{< tab "Java" >}}
Select a distributor and register
To register for receiving push services you have two options:
{{< expand "Use connector-ui's dialog" >}}
If there is no distributor, it will inform the user they need one.
If there is a single distributor, it will register to it.
If there are many distributors, it will open a dialog to ask the user which one to use.
Once a distributor is saved, calling this method will register again to the saved distributor.
import static org.unifiedpush.android.connector.ConstantsKt.INSTANCE_DEFAULT;
import org.unifiedpush.android.connector.UnifiedPush;
import org.unifiedpush.android.connector.ui.SelectDistributorDialogBuilder;
import org.unifiedpush.android.connector.ui.UnifiedPushFunctions;
/* ... */
// First you need to create a class that implements UnifiedPushFunctions:
private class UPFunctions implements UnifiedPushFunctions {
Context context;
public UPFunctions(Context context) {
this.context = context;
public String getAckDistributor() {
return UnifiedPush.getAckDistributor(context);
public List<String> getDistributors() {
return UnifiedPush.getDistributors(context, UnifiedPush.getDEFAULT_FEATURES());
public void registerApp(@NonNull String instance) {
UnifiedPush.registerApp(context, instance, UnifiedPush.getDEFAULT_FEATURES(), "MyApp");
public void saveDistributor(@NonNull String distributor) {
UnifiedPush.saveDistributor(context, distributor);
/* ... */
// Then you can use the dialog in a function:
// Options:
// "instances" can be used to handle multiple registrations
SelectDistributorDialogBuilder builder = new SelectDistributorDialogBuilder(
new UPFunctions(this)
It is possible to customize this dialog by extending SelectDistributorDialogBuilder
private class MyDialogBuilder extends SelectDistributorDialogBuilder {
public MyDialogBuilder(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull List<String> instances, @NonNull UnifiedPushFunctions unifiedPushFunctions) {
super(context, instances, unifiedPushFunctions);
// See https://codeberg.org/UnifiedPush/android-connector-ui/src/branch/main/connector_ui/src/main/java/org/unifiedpush/android/connector/ui/RegistrationDialogContent.kt
RegistrationDialogContent registrationDialogContent = MyContent;
public void onNoDistributorFound() {
public void onDistributorSelected(@NonNull String distributor) {
public void onManyDistributorsFound(@NonNull List<String> distributors) {
{{< /expand >}}
{{< expand "Handle the selection yourself" >}}
import static org.unifiedpush.android.connector.ConstantsKt.INSTANCE_DEFAULT;
import org.unifiedpush.android.connector.UnifiedPush;
/* ... */
// Check if a distributor is already registered
if (UnifiedPush.getAckDistributor(context) != null) {
// Re-register in case something broke
context, // Context
UnifiedPush.getDEFAULT_FEATURES(), // features, or ArrayList<String>(Collections.singleton(UnifiedPush.FEATURE_BYTES_MESSAGE)),
// to be sure the distributor handles non-UTF-8 input
context.getPackageName() // messageForDistributor
// Get a list of distributors that are available
List<String> distributors = UnifiedPush.getDistributors(context);
// select one or show a dialog or whatever
String userDistrib = yourFunc(distributors);
// the below line will crash the app if no distributors are available
UnifiedPush.saveDistributor(context, userDistrib);
context, // Context
UnifiedPush.getDEFAULT_FEATURES(), // features, or ArrayList<String>(Collections.singleton(UnifiedPush.FEATURE_BYTES_MESSAGE)),
// to be sure the distributor handles non-UTF-8 input
context.getPackageName() // messageForDistributor
{{< /expand >}}
// inform the library that you would like to unregister from receiving push messages
// You won't receive onUnregistered for this instance
{{< /tab >}} {{< /tabs >}}
To receive Push Messages you should extend the class MessagingReceiver and implement the following four methods:
{{< tabs "Receiver" >}} {{< tab "Kotlin" >}}
class CustomReceiver: MessagingReceiver() {
override fun onMessage(context: Context, message: ByteArray, instance: String) {
// Called when a new message is received. The message contains the full POST body of the push message
override fun onNewEndpoint(context: Context, endpoint: String, instance: String) {
// Called when a new endpoint is to be used for sending push messages
// You should send the endpoint to your application server
// and sync for missing notifications.
override fun onRegistrationFailed(context: Context, instance: String) {
// called when the registration is not possible, eg. no network
override fun onUnregistered(context: Context, instance: String){
// called when this application is unregistered from receiving push messages
{{< /tab >}} {{< tab "Java" >}}
class CustomReceiver extends MessagingReceiver {
public CustomReceiver() {
public void onNewEndpoint(@NotNull Context context, @NotNull String endpoint, @NotNull String instance) {
// Called when a new endpoint be used for sending push messages
public void onRegistrationFailed(@NotNull Context context, @NotNull String instance) {
// called when the registration is not possible, eg. no network
public void onUnregistered(@NotNull Context context, @NotNull String instance) {
// called when this application is unregistered from receiving push messages
public void onMessage(@NotNull Context context, @NotNull byte[] message, @NotNull String instance) {
// Called when a new message is received. The message contains the full POST body of the push message
{{< /tab >}} {{< /tabs >}}
You will also need to declare the receiver in your manifest:
<receiver android:exported="true" android:enabled="true" android:name=".CustomReceiver">
<action android:name="org.unifiedpush.android.connector.MESSAGE"/>
<action android:name="org.unifiedpush.android.connector.UNREGISTERED"/>
<action android:name="org.unifiedpush.android.connector.NEW_ENDPOINT"/>
<action android:name="org.unifiedpush.android.connector.REGISTRATION_FAILED"/>
(From the application server)
To send a message to an application you need the "endpoint". You get it in the onNewEndpoint method once it is available. You can then use it to send a message using for example curl. The POST body is the message received by the function onMessage.
curl -X POST "$endpoint" --data "Any message body that is desired."
Please refer to Embedded FCM Distributor for more information.