diff --git a/com.unity.cinemachine/CHANGELOG.md b/com.unity.cinemachine/CHANGELOG.md index d1f039e3e..0402c702d 100644 --- a/com.unity.cinemachine/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/com.unity.cinemachine/CHANGELOG.md @@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0. ### Fixed - Bugfix: index out of range exception when adding a Cm Shot to a timeline track whose CMBrain is inactive. - Bugfix: OrbitalFollow with 3-ring setup would inappropriately damp in respose to vertical input if LookAt and Follow were at different vertical positions. -- Bugfix: StateDriveCamera min activation time was broken. +- Bugfix: StateDrivenCamera min activation time was broken. ### Added -- Added CinemachineShotQualityEvaluator which is a standalone version of the evaluation code in Deoccluder. +- FlyAround sample scene showing a simple fly-around camera. - StateDrivenCamera.CancelWait() method to cancel the current wait on a pending state change. +- Added CinemachineShotQualityEvaluator which is a standalone version of the evaluation code in Deoccluder. ### Changed - SimplePlayerAimController sample upgraded to work on arbitrary surfaces (no longer depends on world up). diff --git a/com.unity.cinemachine/Samples~/3D Samples/FlyAround.unity b/com.unity.cinemachine/Samples~/3D Samples/FlyAround.unity new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c9f09ba3 --- /dev/null +++ b/com.unity.cinemachine/Samples~/3D Samples/FlyAround.unity @@ -0,0 +1,842 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!29 &1 +OcclusionCullingSettings: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + serializedVersion: 2 + m_OcclusionBakeSettings: + smallestOccluder: 5 + smallestHole: 0.25 + backfaceThreshold: 100 + m_SceneGUID: 00000000000000000000000000000000 + m_OcclusionCullingData: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!104 &2 +RenderSettings: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + serializedVersion: 9 + m_Fog: 0 + m_FogColor: {r: 0.5, g: 0.5, b: 0.5, a: 1} + m_FogMode: 3 + m_FogDensity: 0.01 + m_LinearFogStart: 0 + m_LinearFogEnd: 300 + m_AmbientSkyColor: {r: 0.212, g: 0.227, b: 0.259, a: 1} + m_AmbientEquatorColor: {r: 0.114, g: 0.125, b: 0.133, a: 1} + m_AmbientGroundColor: {r: 0.047, g: 0.043, b: 0.035, a: 1} + m_AmbientIntensity: 1 + m_AmbientMode: 0 + m_SubtractiveShadowColor: {r: 0.42, g: 0.478, b: 0.627, a: 1} + m_SkyboxMaterial: {fileID: 10304, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} + m_HaloStrength: 0.5 + m_FlareStrength: 1 + m_FlareFadeSpeed: 3 + m_HaloTexture: {fileID: 0} + m_SpotCookie: {fileID: 10001, guid: 0000000000000000e000000000000000, type: 0} + m_DefaultReflectionMode: 0 + m_DefaultReflectionResolution: 128 + m_ReflectionBounces: 1 + m_ReflectionIntensity: 1 + m_CustomReflection: {fileID: 0} + m_Sun: {fileID: 0} + m_IndirectSpecularColor: {r: 0.44657898, g: 0.4964133, b: 0.5748178, a: 1} + m_UseRadianceAmbientProbe: 0 +--- !u!157 &3 +LightmapSettings: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + serializedVersion: 12 + m_GIWorkflowMode: 0 + m_GISettings: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_BounceScale: 1 + m_IndirectOutputScale: 1 + m_AlbedoBoost: 1 + m_EnvironmentLightingMode: 0 + m_EnableBakedLightmaps: 1 + m_EnableRealtimeLightmaps: 1 + m_LightmapEditorSettings: + serializedVersion: 12 + m_Resolution: 2 + m_BakeResolution: 40 + m_AtlasSize: 1024 + m_AO: 0 + m_AOMaxDistance: 1 + m_CompAOExponent: 1 + m_CompAOExponentDirect: 0 + m_ExtractAmbientOcclusion: 0 + m_Padding: 2 + m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} + m_LightmapsBakeMode: 1 + m_TextureCompression: 1 + m_FinalGather: 0 + m_FinalGatherFiltering: 1 + m_FinalGatherRayCount: 256 + m_ReflectionCompression: 2 + m_MixedBakeMode: 2 + m_BakeBackend: 0 + m_PVRSampling: 1 + m_PVRDirectSampleCount: 32 + m_PVRSampleCount: 500 + m_PVRBounces: 2 + m_PVREnvironmentSampleCount: 500 + m_PVREnvironmentReferencePointCount: 2048 + m_PVRFilteringMode: 2 + m_PVRDenoiserTypeDirect: 0 + m_PVRDenoiserTypeIndirect: 0 + m_PVRDenoiserTypeAO: 0 + m_PVRFilterTypeDirect: 0 + m_PVRFilterTypeIndirect: 0 + m_PVRFilterTypeAO: 0 + m_PVREnvironmentMIS: 0 + m_PVRCulling: 1 + m_PVRFilteringGaussRadiusDirect: 1 + m_PVRFilteringGaussRadiusIndirect: 5 + m_PVRFilteringGaussRadiusAO: 2 + m_PVRFilteringAtrousPositionSigmaDirect: 0.5 + m_PVRFilteringAtrousPositionSigmaIndirect: 2 + m_PVRFilteringAtrousPositionSigmaAO: 1 + m_ExportTrainingData: 0 + m_TrainingDataDestination: TrainingData + m_LightProbeSampleCountMultiplier: 4 + m_LightingDataAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_LightingSettings: {fileID: 654365150} +--- !u!196 &4 +NavMeshSettings: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_BuildSettings: + serializedVersion: 3 + agentTypeID: 0 + agentRadius: 0.5 + agentHeight: 2 + agentSlope: 45 + agentClimb: 0.4 + ledgeDropHeight: 0 + maxJumpAcrossDistance: 0 + minRegionArea: 2 + manualCellSize: 0 + cellSize: 0.16666667 + manualTileSize: 0 + tileSize: 256 + buildHeightMesh: 0 + maxJobWorkers: 0 + preserveTilesOutsideBounds: 0 + debug: + m_Flags: 0 + m_NavMeshData: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!1001 &23543419 +PrefabInstance: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Modification: + serializedVersion: 3 + m_TransformParent: {fileID: 0} + m_Modifications: + - target: {fileID: 2451271811042757136, guid: d7425ed2047e64d8ea6ff79f20bd46f6, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.x + value: 0 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 2451271811042757136, guid: d7425ed2047e64d8ea6ff79f20bd46f6, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.y + value: 0 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 2451271811042757136, guid: d7425ed2047e64d8ea6ff79f20bd46f6, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.z + value: 0 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 2451271811042757136, guid: d7425ed2047e64d8ea6ff79f20bd46f6, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w + value: 1 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 2451271811042757136, guid: d7425ed2047e64d8ea6ff79f20bd46f6, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.x + value: 0 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 2451271811042757136, guid: d7425ed2047e64d8ea6ff79f20bd46f6, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.y + value: 0 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 2451271811042757136, guid: d7425ed2047e64d8ea6ff79f20bd46f6, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.z + value: 0 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 2451271811042757136, guid: d7425ed2047e64d8ea6ff79f20bd46f6, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.x + value: 0 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 2451271811042757136, guid: d7425ed2047e64d8ea6ff79f20bd46f6, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.y + value: 0 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 2451271811042757136, guid: d7425ed2047e64d8ea6ff79f20bd46f6, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.z + value: 0 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 6668015293666917239, guid: d7425ed2047e64d8ea6ff79f20bd46f6, type: 3} + propertyPath: HelpText + value: 'This scene implements a fly-around camera. It''s just a generic fly-around + script on a GameObject, and a CinemachineCamera that tracks it. + + + Use + the Mouse or GamePad to rotate the camera, and mouse button or gamepad trigger + to move forwards. WASD will move sideways and up/down. The right mouse + button or second trigger will enter sprint mode.' + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 9138370430051789472, guid: d7425ed2047e64d8ea6ff79f20bd46f6, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_Name + value: HelpUI + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + m_RemovedComponents: [] + m_RemovedGameObjects: [] + m_AddedGameObjects: [] + m_AddedComponents: [] + m_SourcePrefab: {fileID: 100100000, guid: d7425ed2047e64d8ea6ff79f20bd46f6, type: 3} +--- !u!1 &295152416 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 295152420} + - component: {fileID: 295152419} + - component: {fileID: 295152418} + - component: {fileID: 295152422} + - component: {fileID: 295152423} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: FlyAround object + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!23 &295152418 +MeshRenderer: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 295152416} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_CastShadows: 1 + m_ReceiveShadows: 1 + m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 + m_MotionVectors: 1 + m_LightProbeUsage: 1 + m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 + m_RayTracingMode: 2 + m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 + m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 + m_RendererPriority: 0 + m_Materials: + - {fileID: 2100000, guid: ce4c5a6977f4c4a03a175dacd27f529e, type: 2} + m_StaticBatchInfo: + firstSubMesh: 0 + subMeshCount: 0 + m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} + m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} + m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} + m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 + m_ReceiveGI: 1 + m_PreserveUVs: 0 + m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 + m_ImportantGI: 0 + m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 + m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 3 + m_MinimumChartSize: 4 + m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 + m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 + m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} + m_SortingLayerID: 0 + m_SortingLayer: 0 + m_SortingOrder: 0 + m_AdditionalVertexStreams: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!33 &295152419 +MeshFilter: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 295152416} + m_Mesh: {fileID: 10202, guid: 0000000000000000e000000000000000, type: 0} +--- !u!4 &295152420 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 295152416} + serializedVersion: 2 + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 100, z: 2.01} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 0} + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!114 &295152422 +MonoBehaviour: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 295152416} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_EditorHideFlags: 0 + m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 1e1d63f642ebbdb4eb38a57a250ab00d, type: 3} + m_Name: + m_EditorClassIdentifier: + Speed: 10 + SprintMultiplier: 4 + Sideways: + Value: 0 + Center: 0 + Range: {x: -1, y: 1} + Wrap: 0 + Recentering: + Enabled: 0 + Wait: 0 + Time: 0 + Restrictions: 6 + UpDown: + Value: 0 + Center: 0 + Range: {x: -1, y: 1} + Wrap: 0 + Recentering: + Enabled: 0 + Wait: 0 + Time: 0 + Restrictions: 6 + Forward: + Value: 0 + Center: 0 + Range: {x: -1, y: 1} + Wrap: 0 + Recentering: + Enabled: 0 + Wait: 0 + Time: 0 + Restrictions: 6 + Pan: + Value: 0 + Center: 0 + Range: {x: -180, y: 180} + Wrap: 1 + Recentering: + Enabled: 0 + Wait: 0 + Time: 0 + Restrictions: 2 + Tilt: + Value: 0 + Center: 0 + Range: {x: -70, y: 70} + Wrap: 0 + Recentering: + Enabled: 0 + Wait: 0 + Time: 0 + Restrictions: 2 + Sprint: + Value: 0 + Center: 0 + Range: {x: -1, y: 1} + Wrap: 0 + Recentering: + Enabled: 0 + Wait: 0 + Time: 0 + Restrictions: 6 +--- !u!114 &295152423 +MonoBehaviour: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 295152416} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_EditorHideFlags: 0 + m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 89875cdc57c54474a8a74efd9b2a3b5d, type: 3} + m_Name: + m_EditorClassIdentifier: + ScanRecursively: 1 + SuppressInputWhileBlending: 1 + m_ControllerManager: + Controllers: + - Name: Move X + Owner: {fileID: 295152422} + Enabled: 1 + Input: + InputAction: {fileID: -1680190386980627800, guid: 1d6e640e716dc4ff6989b73d02023f2b, type: 3} + Gain: 1 + LegacyInput: Horizontal + LegacyGain: 1 + CancelDeltaTime: 0 + InputValue: 0 + Driver: + AccelTime: 0 + DecelTime: 0 + - Name: Forward + Owner: {fileID: 295152422} + Enabled: 1 + Input: + InputAction: {fileID: 1120369429361536294, guid: 1d6e640e716dc4ff6989b73d02023f2b, type: 3} + Gain: 1 + LegacyInput: Fire1 + LegacyGain: 1 + CancelDeltaTime: 0 + InputValue: 0 + Driver: + AccelTime: 0 + DecelTime: 0 + - Name: Move Y + Owner: {fileID: 295152422} + Enabled: 1 + Input: + InputAction: {fileID: -1680190386980627800, guid: 1d6e640e716dc4ff6989b73d02023f2b, type: 3} + Gain: 1 + LegacyInput: Vertical + LegacyGain: 1 + CancelDeltaTime: 0 + InputValue: 0 + Driver: + AccelTime: 0 + DecelTime: 0 + - Name: Look X (Pan) + Owner: {fileID: 295152422} + Enabled: 1 + Input: + InputAction: {fileID: -5630151704836100654, guid: 1d6e640e716dc4ff6989b73d02023f2b, type: 3} + Gain: 1 + LegacyInput: Mouse X + LegacyGain: 200 + CancelDeltaTime: 0 + InputValue: 0 + Driver: + AccelTime: 0.2 + DecelTime: 0.2 + - Name: Look Y (Tilt) + Owner: {fileID: 295152422} + Enabled: 1 + Input: + InputAction: {fileID: -5630151704836100654, guid: 1d6e640e716dc4ff6989b73d02023f2b, type: 3} + Gain: -1 + LegacyInput: Mouse Y + LegacyGain: -200 + CancelDeltaTime: 0 + InputValue: 0 + Driver: + AccelTime: 0.2 + DecelTime: 0.2 + - Name: Sprint + Owner: {fileID: 295152422} + Enabled: 1 + Input: + InputAction: {fileID: 5938265918650678409, guid: 1d6e640e716dc4ff6989b73d02023f2b, type: 3} + Gain: 1 + LegacyInput: Fire2 + LegacyGain: 1 + CancelDeltaTime: 0 + InputValue: 0 + Driver: + AccelTime: 0 + DecelTime: 0 + PlayerIndex: -1 + AutoEnableInputs: 1 +--- !u!850595691 &654365150 +LightingSettings: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: Settings.lighting + serializedVersion: 6 + m_GIWorkflowMode: 0 + m_EnableBakedLightmaps: 1 + m_EnableRealtimeLightmaps: 1 + m_RealtimeEnvironmentLighting: 1 + m_BounceScale: 1 + m_AlbedoBoost: 1 + m_IndirectOutputScale: 1 + m_UsingShadowmask: 1 + m_BakeBackend: 0 + m_LightmapMaxSize: 1024 + m_BakeResolution: 40 + m_Padding: 2 + m_LightmapCompression: 3 + m_AO: 0 + m_AOMaxDistance: 1 + m_CompAOExponent: 1 + m_CompAOExponentDirect: 0 + m_ExtractAO: 0 + m_MixedBakeMode: 2 + m_LightmapsBakeMode: 1 + m_FilterMode: 1 + m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 15204, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} + m_ExportTrainingData: 0 + m_TrainingDataDestination: TrainingData + m_RealtimeResolution: 2 + m_ForceWhiteAlbedo: 0 + m_ForceUpdates: 0 + m_FinalGather: 0 + m_FinalGatherRayCount: 256 + m_FinalGatherFiltering: 1 + m_PVRCulling: 1 + m_PVRSampling: 1 + m_PVRDirectSampleCount: 32 + m_PVRSampleCount: 512 + m_PVREnvironmentSampleCount: 512 + m_PVREnvironmentReferencePointCount: 2048 + m_LightProbeSampleCountMultiplier: 4 + m_PVRBounces: 2 + m_PVRMinBounces: 2 + m_PVREnvironmentImportanceSampling: 0 + m_PVRFilteringMode: 2 + m_PVRDenoiserTypeDirect: 0 + m_PVRDenoiserTypeIndirect: 0 + m_PVRDenoiserTypeAO: 0 + m_PVRFilterTypeDirect: 0 + m_PVRFilterTypeIndirect: 0 + m_PVRFilterTypeAO: 0 + m_PVRFilteringGaussRadiusDirect: 1 + m_PVRFilteringGaussRadiusIndirect: 5 + m_PVRFilteringGaussRadiusAO: 2 + m_PVRFilteringAtrousPositionSigmaDirect: 0.5 + m_PVRFilteringAtrousPositionSigmaIndirect: 2 + m_PVRFilteringAtrousPositionSigmaAO: 1 + m_PVRTiledBaking: 0 + m_NumRaysToShootPerTexel: -1 + m_RespectSceneVisibilityWhenBakingGI: 0 +--- !u!1 &867266292 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 867266297} + - component: {fileID: 867266296} + - component: {fileID: 867266294} + - component: {fileID: 867266293} + - component: {fileID: 867266298} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: Main Camera + m_TagString: MainCamera + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!81 &867266293 +AudioListener: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 867266292} + m_Enabled: 1 +--- !u!124 &867266294 +Behaviour: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 867266292} + m_Enabled: 1 +--- !u!20 &867266296 +Camera: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 867266292} + m_Enabled: 1 + serializedVersion: 2 + m_ClearFlags: 1 + m_BackGroundColor: {r: 0.19215687, g: 0.3019608, b: 0.4745098, a: 0} + m_projectionMatrixMode: 1 + m_GateFitMode: 2 + m_FOVAxisMode: 0 + m_Iso: 200 + m_ShutterSpeed: 0.005 + m_Aperture: 16 + m_FocusDistance: 10 + m_FocalLength: 50 + m_BladeCount: 5 + m_Curvature: {x: 2, y: 11} + m_BarrelClipping: 0.25 + m_Anamorphism: 0 + m_SensorSize: {x: 36, y: 24} + m_LensShift: {x: 0, y: 0} + m_NormalizedViewPortRect: + serializedVersion: 2 + x: 0 + y: 0 + width: 1 + height: 1 + near clip plane: 0.1 + far clip plane: 5000 + field of view: 84.30231 + orthographic: 0 + orthographic size: 10 + m_Depth: -1 + m_CullingMask: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Bits: 4294967295 + m_RenderingPath: -1 + m_TargetTexture: {fileID: 0} + m_TargetDisplay: 0 + m_TargetEye: 3 + m_HDR: 1 + m_AllowMSAA: 1 + m_AllowDynamicResolution: 0 + m_ForceIntoRT: 0 + m_OcclusionCulling: 1 + m_StereoConvergence: 10 + m_StereoSeparation: 0.022 +--- !u!4 &867266297 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 867266292} + serializedVersion: 2 + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 100, z: 2.01} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 0} + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!114 &867266298 +MonoBehaviour: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 867266292} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_EditorHideFlags: 0 + m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 72ece51f2901e7445ab60da3685d6b5f, type: 3} + m_Name: + m_EditorClassIdentifier: + ShowDebugText: 0 + ShowCameraFrustum: 1 + IgnoreTimeScale: 0 + WorldUpOverride: {fileID: 0} + ChannelMask: 1 + UpdateMethod: 2 + BlendUpdateMethod: 1 + LensModeOverride: + Enabled: 0 + DefaultMode: 2 + DefaultBlend: + Style: 1 + Time: 1 + CustomCurve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: 2 + outSlope: 2 + tangentMode: 0 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0.33333334 + outWeight: 0.33333334 + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0.2868603 + value: 0.9562072 + inSlope: 0.80913305 + outSlope: 0.80913305 + tangentMode: 0 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0.33333334 + outWeight: 0.33333334 + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 1 + value: 1 + inSlope: 0 + outSlope: 0 + tangentMode: 0 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0.33333334 + outWeight: 0.33333334 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + CustomBlends: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!1001 &899295445 +PrefabInstance: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Modification: + serializedVersion: 3 + m_TransformParent: {fileID: 0} + m_Modifications: + - target: {fileID: 4436525663902916665, guid: c97e1248c10cd3549b3d18c1eb1c3722, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.x + value: 0 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 4436525663902916665, guid: c97e1248c10cd3549b3d18c1eb1c3722, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.y + value: 0 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 4436525663902916665, guid: c97e1248c10cd3549b3d18c1eb1c3722, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.z + value: 0 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 4436525663902916665, guid: c97e1248c10cd3549b3d18c1eb1c3722, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w + value: 1 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 4436525663902916665, guid: c97e1248c10cd3549b3d18c1eb1c3722, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.x + value: 0 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 4436525663902916665, guid: c97e1248c10cd3549b3d18c1eb1c3722, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.y + value: 0 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 4436525663902916665, guid: c97e1248c10cd3549b3d18c1eb1c3722, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.z + value: 0 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 4436525663902916665, guid: c97e1248c10cd3549b3d18c1eb1c3722, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.x + value: 0 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 4436525663902916665, guid: c97e1248c10cd3549b3d18c1eb1c3722, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.y + value: 0 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 4436525663902916665, guid: c97e1248c10cd3549b3d18c1eb1c3722, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.z + value: 0 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 4436525663902916670, guid: c97e1248c10cd3549b3d18c1eb1c3722, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_Name + value: Checkerboard Stage + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + m_RemovedComponents: [] + m_RemovedGameObjects: [] + m_AddedGameObjects: [] + m_AddedComponents: [] + m_SourcePrefab: {fileID: 100100000, guid: c97e1248c10cd3549b3d18c1eb1c3722, type: 3} +--- !u!1 &1670372959 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 1670372963} + - component: {fileID: 1670372962} + - component: {fileID: 1670372965} + - 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{fileID: 867266297} + - {fileID: 899295445} + - {fileID: 23543419} + - {fileID: 295152420} + - {fileID: 1670372963} diff --git a/com.unity.cinemachine/Samples~/3D Samples/FlyAround.unity.meta b/com.unity.cinemachine/Samples~/3D Samples/FlyAround.unity.meta new file mode 100644 index 000000000..49f74d099 --- /dev/null +++ b/com.unity.cinemachine/Samples~/3D Samples/FlyAround.unity.meta @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 434259b236a4d1a449fb55c46da8640d +DefaultImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/com.unity.cinemachine/Samples~/Shared Assets/Scripts/FlyAround.cs b/com.unity.cinemachine/Samples~/Shared Assets/Scripts/FlyAround.cs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cdd8a0a13 --- /dev/null +++ b/com.unity.cinemachine/Samples~/Shared Assets/Scripts/FlyAround.cs @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; + +namespace Unity.Cinemachine.Samples +{ + /// + /// This behaviour makes a GameObject fly around in response to user input. + /// Movement is relative to the GameObject's local axes. + /// + /// + public class FlyAround : MonoBehaviour, IInputAxisOwner + { + [Tooltip("Speed when moving")] + public float Speed = 10; + + [Tooltip("Speed multiplier when sprinting")] + public float SprintMultiplier = 4; + + [Header("Input Axes")] + [Tooltip("X Axis movement. Value is -1..1. Controls the sideways movement")] + public InputAxis Sideways = InputAxis.DefaultMomentary; + + [Tooltip("Y Axis movement. Value is -1..1. Controls the vertical movement")] + public InputAxis UpDown = InputAxis.DefaultMomentary; + + [Tooltip("Z Axis movement. Value is -1..1. Controls the forward movement")] + public InputAxis Forward = InputAxis.DefaultMomentary; + + [Tooltip("Horizontal rotation. Value is -1..1.")] + public InputAxis Pan = DefaultPan; + + [Tooltip("Vertical rotation. Value is -1..1.")] + public InputAxis Tilt = DefaultTilt; + + [Tooltip("Sprint movement. Value is 0 or 1. If 1, then is sprinting")] + public InputAxis Sprint = InputAxis.DefaultMomentary; + + static InputAxis DefaultPan => new () + { Value = 0, Range = new Vector2(-180, 180), Wrap = true, Center = 0, Restrictions = InputAxis.RestrictionFlags.NoRecentering }; + static InputAxis DefaultTilt => new () + { Value = 0, Range = new Vector2(-70, 70), Wrap = false, Center = 0, Restrictions = InputAxis.RestrictionFlags.NoRecentering }; + + /// Report the available input axes to the input axis controller. + /// We use the Input Axis Controller because it works with both the Input package + /// and the Legacy input system. This is sample code and we + /// want it to work everywhere. + void IInputAxisOwner.GetInputAxes(List axes) + { + axes.Add(new () { DrivenAxis = () => ref Sideways, Name = "Move X", Hint = IInputAxisOwner.AxisDescriptor.Hints.X }); + axes.Add(new () { DrivenAxis = () => ref Forward, Name = "Forward" }); + axes.Add(new () { DrivenAxis = () => ref UpDown, Name = "Move Y", Hint = IInputAxisOwner.AxisDescriptor.Hints.Y }); + axes.Add(new () { DrivenAxis = () => ref Pan, Name = "Look X (Pan)", Hint = IInputAxisOwner.AxisDescriptor.Hints.X }); + axes.Add(new () { DrivenAxis = () => ref Tilt, Name = "Look Y (Tilt)", Hint = IInputAxisOwner.AxisDescriptor.Hints.Y }); + axes.Add(new () { DrivenAxis = () => ref Sprint, Name = "Sprint" }); + } + + void OnValidate() + { + Pan.Validate(); + Tilt.Range.x = Mathf.Clamp(Tilt.Range.x, -90, 90); + Tilt.Range.y = Mathf.Clamp(Tilt.Range.y, -90, 90); + Tilt.Validate(); + } + + void Reset() + { + Speed = 10; + SprintMultiplier = 4; + Sideways = InputAxis.DefaultMomentary; + Forward = InputAxis.DefaultMomentary; + UpDown = InputAxis.DefaultMomentary; + Pan = DefaultPan; + Tilt = DefaultTilt; + Sprint = InputAxis.DefaultMomentary; + } + + void OnEnable() + { + // Take rotation from the transform + var euler = transform.rotation.eulerAngles; + Pan.Value = euler.y; + Tilt.Value = euler.x; + } + + void Update() + { + // Calculate the move direction and speed based on input + var rot = Quaternion.Euler(Tilt.Value, Pan.Value, 0); + var movement = rot * new Vector3(Sideways.Value, UpDown.Value, Forward.Value); + var speed = Sprint.Value < 0.01f ? Speed : Speed * SprintMultiplier; + + // Apply motion + transform.SetPositionAndRotation(transform.position + speed * Time.deltaTime * movement, rot); + } + } +} diff --git a/com.unity.cinemachine/Samples~/Shared Assets/Scripts/FlyAround.cs.meta b/com.unity.cinemachine/Samples~/Shared Assets/Scripts/FlyAround.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 000000000..488c1323f --- /dev/null +++ b/com.unity.cinemachine/Samples~/Shared Assets/Scripts/FlyAround.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 1e1d63f642ebbdb4eb38a57a250ab00d +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: