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Commit custom shadergraph 6.7.1 with ProceduralTexture2D implementation
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thomasdeliot committed May 28, 2019
1 parent 8870ce8 commit 663cc87
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# Absolute Node

## Description

Returns the absolute value of the input **In**. Components of the input Dynamic Vector that are positive will remain positive and components that are negative will be inverted and become positive.

## Ports

| Name | Direction | Type | Description |
|:------------ |:-------------|:-----|:---|
| In | Input | Dynamic Vector | Input value |
| Out | Output | Dynamic Vector | Output value |

## Generated Code Example

The following example code represents one possible outcome of this node.

void Unity_Absolute_float4(float4 In, out float4 Out)
Out = abs(In);
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# Add Node

## Description

Returns the sum of the two input values **A** and **B**.

## Ports

| Name | Direction | Type | Description |
|:------------ |:-------------|:-----|:---|
| A | Input | Dynamic Vector | First input value |
| B | Input | Dynamic Vector | Second input value |
| Out | Output | Dynamic Vector | Output value |

## Generated Code Example

The following example code represents one possible outcome of this node.

void Unity_Add_float4(float4 A, float4 B, out float4 Out)
Out = A + B;
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# All Node

## Description

Returns true if all components of the input **In** are non-zero. This is useful for [Branching](

## Ports

| Name | Direction | Type | Binding | Description |
|:------------ |:-------------|:-----|:---|:---|
| In | Input | Dynamic Vector | None | Input value |
| Out | Output | Boolean | None | Output value |

## Generated Code Example

The following example code represents one possible outcome of this node.

void Unity_All_float4(float4 In, out float Out)
Out = all(In);
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# Ambient Node

## Description

Provides access to the Scene's **Ambient** color values. When Environment Lighting Source is set to **Gradient** [Port]( **Color/Sky** returns the value **Sky Color**. When Environment Lighting Source is set to **Color** [Port]( **Color/Sky** returns the value **Ambient Color**. [Ports]( **Equator** and **Ground** always return the values **Equator Color** and **Ground Color** regardless of the current Environment Lighting Source.

Note: Values of this [Node]( are only updated when entering Play mode or saving the current Scene/Project.

Note: The behavior of this [Node]( is undefined globally. Shader Graph does not define the function of the node. Instead, each Render Pipeline defines what HLSL code to execute for this [Node](

Different Render Pipelines may produce different results. If you're building a shader in one Render Pipeline that you want to use in both, try checking it in both pipelines before production. A [Node]( might be defined in one Render Pipeline and undefined in the other. If this [Node]( is undefined, it returns 0 (black).

#### Unity Pipelines Supported
- Lightweight Render Pipeline

## Ports

| Name | Direction | Type | Binding | Description |
|:------------ |:-------------|:-----|:---|:---|
| Color/Sky | Output | Vector 3 | None | Color (Color) or Sky (Gradient) color value |
| Equator | Output | Vector 3 | None | Equator (Gradient) color value |
| Ground | Output | Vector 3 | None | Ground (Gradient) color value |

## Generated Code Example

The following example code represents one possible outcome of this node.

float3 _Ambient_ColorSky = SHADERGRAPH_AMBIENT_SKY;
float3 _Ambient_Equator = SHADERGRAPH_AMBIENT_EQUATOR;
float3 _Ambient_Ground = SHADERGRAPH_AMBIENT_GROUND;
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# And Node

## Description

Returns true if both the inputs **A** and **B** are true. This is useful for [Branching](

## Ports

| Name | Direction | Type | Binding | Description |
|:------------ |:-------------|:-----|:---|:---|
| A | Input | Boolean | None | First input value |
| B | Input | Boolean | None | Second input value |
| Out | Output | Boolean | None | Output value |

## Generated Code Example

void Unity_And(float A, float B, out float Out)
Out = A && B;
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# Any Node

## Description

Returns true if any of the components of the input **In** are non-zero. This is useful for [Branching](

## Ports

| Name | Direction | Type | Binding | Description |
|:------------ |:-------------|:-----|:---|:---|
| In | Input | Dynamic Vector | None | Input value |
| Out | Output | Boolean | None | Output value |

## Generated Code Example

The following example code represents one possible outcome of this node.

void Unity_Any_float4(float4 In, out float Out)
Out = any(In);
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# Arccosine Node

## Description

Returns the arccosine of each component of the input **In** as a vector of the same dimension and equal length. Each component should be within the range of -1 to 1.

## Ports

| Name | Direction | Type | Description |
|:------------ |:-------------|:-----|:---|
| In | Input | Dynamic Vector | Input value |
| Out | Output | Dynamic Vector | Output value |

## Generated Code Example

The following example code represents one possible outcome of this node.

void Unity_Arccosine_float4(float4 In, out float4 Out)
Out = acos(In);
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# Arcsine Node

## Description

Returns the arcsine of each component of the input **In** as a vector of the same dimension and equal length. Each component should be within the range of -Pi/2 to Pi/2.

## Ports

| Name | Direction | Type | Description |
|:------------ |:-------------|:-----|:---|
| In | Input | Dynamic Vector | Input value |
| Out | Output | Dynamic Vector | Output value |

## Generated Code Example

The following example code represents one possible outcome of this node.

void Unity_Arcsine_float4(float4 In, out float4 Out)
Out = asin(In);
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# Arctangent Node

## Description

Returns the arctangent of the value of input **In**. Each component should be within the range of -Pi/2 to Pi/2.

## Ports

| Name | Direction | Type | Description |
|:------------ |:-------------|:-----|:---|
| In | Input | Dynamic Vector | Input value |
| Out | Output | Dynamic Vector | Output value |

## Generated Code Example

The following example code represents one possible outcome of this node.

void Unity_Arctangent_float4(float4 In, out float4 Out)
Out = atan(In);
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# Arctangent2 Node

## Description

Returns the arctangent of the values of both input **A** and input **B**. The signs (whether they are positive or negative values) of the input values are used to determine whether the output components, or channels, are positive or negative within a range of -Pi to Pi.

## Ports

| Name | Direction | Type | Description |
|:------------ |:-------------|:-----|:---|
| A | Input | Dynamic Vector | First input value |
| B | Input | Dynamic Vector | Second input value |
| Out | Output | Dynamic Vector | Output value |

## Generated Code Example

The following example code represents one possible outcome of this node.

void Unity_Arctangent2_float4(float4 A, float4 B, out float4 Out)
Out = atan2(A, B);
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# Artistic Nodes

## Adjustment

|[Channel Mixer](| [Contrast]( |
|Controls the amount each of the channels of input In contribute to each of the output channels.|Adjusts the contrast of input In by the amount of input Contrast.|
|[**Hue**](|[**Invert Colors**](|
|Offsets the hue of input In by the amount of input Offset.|Inverts the colors of input In on a per channel basis.|
|[**Replace Color**](|[**Saturation**](|
|Replaces values in input In equal to input From to the value of input To.|Adjusts the saturation of input In by the amount of input Saturation.|
|[**White Balance**](||
|Adjusts the temperature and tint of input In by the amount of inputs Temperature and Tint respectively.||

## Blend

|Blends the value of input Blend onto input Base using the blending mode defined by parameter Mode.|

## Filter

|Dither is an intentional form of noise used to randomize quantization error. It is used to prevent large-scale patterns such as color banding in images..|

## Mask

|[Channel Mask](| [Color Mask]( |
|Masks values of input In on channels selected in dropdown Channels.|Creates a mask from values in input In equal to input Mask Color.|

## Normal

|[Normal Blend](| [Normal From Height]( |
|Blends two normal maps defined by inputs A and B together.|Creates a normal map from a height map defined by input Texture.|
|[**Normal Strength**](|[**Normal Unpack**](|
|Adjusts the strength of the normal map defined by input In by the amount of input Strength.|Unpacks a normal map defined by input In.|

## Utility

| [Colorspace Conversion]( |
| :----------------------------------------------------------: |
| ![Image](images/ColorspaceConversionNodeThumb.png) |
| Returns the result of converting the value of input In from one colorspace space to another. |
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# Baked GI Node

## Description

Provides access to the **Baked GI** values at the vertex or fragment's position. Requires **Position** and **Normal** input for light probe sampling, and lightmap coordinates **Static UV** and **Dynamic UV** for all potential lightmap sampling cases.

Note: The behavior of this [Node]( is undefined globally. Shader Graph does not define the function of the node. Instead, each Render Pipeline defines what HLSL code to execute for this [Node](

Different Render Pipelines may produce different results. If you're building a shader in one Render Pipeline that you want to use in both, try checking it in both pipelines before production. A [Node]( might be defined in one Render Pipeline and undefined in the other. If this [Node]( is undefined, it returns 0 (black).

#### Unity Pipelines Supported
- HD Render Pipeline
- Lightweight Render Pipeline

## Ports

| Name | Direction | Type | Binding | Description |
|:------------ |:-------------|:-----|:---|:---|
| Position | Input | Vector 3 | Position (world space) | Mesh vertex/fragment's **Position** |
| Normal | Input | Vector 3 | Normal (world space) | Mesh vertex/fragment's **Normal** |
| Static UV | Input | Vector 2 | UV1 | Lightmap coordinates for the static lightmap |
| Dynamic UV | Input | Vector 2 | UV2 | Lightmap coordinates for the dynamic lightmap |
| Out | Output | Vector 3 | None | Output color value |

## Controls

| Name | Type | Options | Description |
|:------------ |:-------------|:-----|:---|
| Apply Lightmap Scaling | Toggle | True, False | If enabled lightmaps are automatically scaled and offset. |

## Generated Code Example

The following example code represents one possible outcome of this node.

void Unity_BakedGI_float(float3 Position, float3 Normal, float2 StaticUV, float2 DynamicUV, out float Out)
Out = SHADERGRAPH_BAKED_GI(Position, Normal, StaticUV, DynamicUV, false);
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# Bitangent Node

## Description

Provides access to the mesh vertex or fragment's **Bitangent Vector**, depending on the effective [Shader Stage]( of the graph section the [Node]( is part of. The coordinate space of the output value can be selected with the **Space** dropdown parameter.

## Ports

| Name | Direction | Type | Binding | Description |
|:------------ |:-------------|:-----|:---|:---|
| Out | Output | Vector 3 | None | **Bitangent Vector** for the Mesh Vertex/Fragment. |

## Controls

| Name | Type | Options | Description |
|:------------ |:-------------|:-----|:---|
| Space | Dropdown | Object, View, World, Tangent | Selects coordinate space of **Bitangent Vector** to output. |

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