The AHA Khunsari Treebank is a small treebank for contemporary Khunsari. Its corpus is collected and annotated manually. We have prepared this treebank based on interviews with Khunsari speakers.
Khunsari treebank consist of 10 sentences of this stage. We are trying to make this corpus bigger day by day. AHA is a small group, tries to analyze Iranian language and find their similarities and differences.
Theses sentences were prepared with the help of Vaneshani people. On behalf of the AHA group, Mr. Mohammad Hossein Mashayekhi is thanked. Also, Ms. Hanieh Mashayekhi sincerely helped us to translate the sentences. First, we used the sentences suggested by APLL (Academy of Persian Language and Literature) to collect Iranian languages. This project is a research project by AmirHossein, Hamid and Amir (AHA).
You can use this structure to refer to this project:
- Mojiri Foroushani, AmirHossein; Aghaei, Hamid; Ahmadi, Amir (2020): "AHA Khunsari dependency treebank", Universal dependencies (
- 2020-11-15 v2.7
- Initial release in Universal Dependencies.
=== Machine-readable metadata (DO NOT REMOVE!) ================================ Data available since: UD v2.7 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Includes text: yes Genre: grammar-examples spoken Lemmas: manual native UPOS: manual native XPOS: manual native Features: manual native Relations: manual native Contributors: Mojiri Foroushani, AmirHossein; Aghaei, Hamid; Ahmadi, Amir Contributing: here Contact: ===============================================================================