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dbellettini edited this page Oct 2, 2012 · 6 revisions

UniversiBO 3 follows has a standard Symfony 2.1 directory structure .


  • UniversiboCoreBundle: User and Channel management
  • UniversiboForumBundle: phpBB integration
  • UniversiboSearchBundle: Zend Lucene integration
  • UniversiboShibbolethBundle: Shibboleth integration
  • UniversiboSSOBundle: unibo-specific Shibboleth integration
  • UniversiboWebsiteBundle: Application specific controllers, entities, ...

What is a Channel?

A channel is a container for services, like Files, News and Links

Third party bundles


  • AsseticBundle
  • DoctrineBundle
  • DoctrineMigrationsBundle
  • DoctrineFixturesBundle
  • FrameworkBundle
  • MonologBundle
  • SecurityBundle
  • SwiftmailerBundle
  • TwigBundle
  • WebProfilerBundle


  • SensioFrameworkExtraBundle
  • SensioGeneratorBundle


  • FOSUserBundle
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