This repository provides provides the data processing and visualisation for the submitted article "Extreme space-weather events and the solar cycle" by Owens et al. Solar Physics, 2021
All code is written in Python 3.7.3 and requires numpy
, datetime
, scipy
, matplotlib
, numba
and pandas
, datetime
and os
The simplest way to work with HUXt in conda is to create its own environment. With the anaconda prompt, in the root directory of HUXt, this can be done as:
conda env create -f environment.yml conda activate aaH
All analysis and figures can be generated by running
Please contact Mathew Owens.
Please cite this software as Owens, M.J., Lockwood, M., Barnard, L.A. et al. Extreme Space-Weather Events and the Solar Cycle. Sol Phys 296, 82 (2021).