Project Manager: Jun Tangunan
This is a collection of some of my classes I created and is being used by me and some VFP developers. This is not the complete library though yet because I still have to transfer ssButton and ssTitleBar from my old sandstorm36 library to this one. In the meantime, you can start enjoying ssClasses library.
ssAnchorSizer: while Anchor property allows us to resize objects inside our form, anchor leaves behind the insides of a grid, listbox and combobox on its original sizes. This class will fix that.
ssButton3: The first ssButton is done inside my old sandstorm36 library. And then I decided to transfer that to ssClasses library so it became ssButton2. Then I created this one so it became ssButton3. However, I removed ssButton2 in the meantime because that is still dependent on for the images which I plan to completely remove later. Visit:
ssButton4: ssButton3 and 4 are almost the same. These are patterned after a button in MSO2007 where the button is curved and is being highlighted on mouse enter. The main difference between 3 & 4 is that 3 starts with gray while 4 already starts with the color you have set albeit a lighter tone. On mouse enter, color becomes a little bit darker.
ssClose: Originally ssClose3. I now removed both ssClose and ssClose2 and renamed ssClose3 to ssClose. A small close button that can be positioned on any of the four corners of your form. Visit: for details.
ssContainer3: a container with several features. Just see for yourselves
ssContainer4: another container with polypoints manipulation and no graphics whatsoever. Visit:
ssDropCalc: a dropdown calculator. Can also be used in grids. Visit:
ssEditBox: a dropdown editbox. Can also be used in grids. Visit:
ssExcelPivot: a button class with popup (for creating pivot report on the fly via drag and drop) or none that can generate Excel pivot reports with ease in a lot of ways. Visit:
ssFader: a small spinner which will fade your form. Visit:
ssGridLock: a class that allows you to put a lock on columns of the grid with not much coding on your end. Visit:
ssGridSorter: a class that can give you instant sorting capability on your grids. Visit:
ssMonthCal: a monthly calendar class made from pure shapes. Has 7 colors to choose from. Visit:
ssSwitch: a replacement of the native checkbox. It is a switch which means there is an ON and OFF status. Comes with 18 looks. Visit:
ssOptSwitch: a replacement of the native optiongroup. It is actually 12 switches placed inside a container and is manipulated. Also comes with 18 looks.
ssPolyClock: a clock running on polypoints. co-Author is my cousin Glen Villar. New skins contributor/designer is Daryll Bautista. Visit:
ssTab: a tab with new looks. An icon can also be added in every tabs. Visit:
ssTextbox: a textbox with curvature. Other features include changing bordercolor on focus, an optional marker shown on right, etc. Visit:
ssThrobber: a separate exe. It can be used to show a throbber for long processing so users will know something is going on. Visit:
ssTitleBar2: a titlebar of my own design which changes color on the fly. It also have some added features and is made entirely with shapes Visit:
ssTransparent: a simple class to drop into your form which will turn it into transparent based on the image you will use as form picture. Visit:
ssToExcel2: another easy way to transfer your cursor into Excel with headings and formattings. Visit:
To get some more ideas on what to expect from this library, please visit
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