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Vagabond committed Apr 23, 2011
1 parent e6bef27 commit 1f579c6
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Showing 2 changed files with 28 additions and 27 deletions.
49 changes: 25 additions & 24 deletions src/gen_smtp_server_session.erl
Expand Up @@ -111,11 +111,11 @@ init([Socket, Module, Options]) ->
{ok, {PeerName, _Port}} = socket:peername(Socket),
case Module:init(proplists:get_value(hostname, Options, smtp_util:guess_FQDN()), proplists:get_value(sessioncount, Options, 0), PeerName, proplists:get_value(callbackoptions, Options, [])) of
{ok, Banner, CallbackState} ->
socket:send(Socket, io_lib:format("220 ~s\r\n", [Banner])),
socket:send(Socket, ["220 ", Banner, "\r\n"]),
{ok, #state{socket = Socket, module = Module, options = Options, callbackstate = CallbackState}, ?TIMEOUT};
{stop, Reason, Message} ->
socket:send(Socket, Message ++ "\r\n"),
socket:send(Socket, [Message, "\r\n"]),
{stop, Reason};
ignore ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ handle_info({receive_data, Body, Rest}, #state{socket = Socket, readmessage = tr
{noreply, State#state{readmessage = false, envelope = #envelope{}, callbackstate = CallbackState}, ?TIMEOUT};
{error, Message, CallbackState} ->
socket:send(Socket, Message++"\r\n"),
socket:send(Socket, [Message, "\r\n"]),
{noreply, State#state{readmessage = false, envelope = #envelope{}, callbackstate = CallbackState}, ?TIMEOUT}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -265,13 +265,13 @@ handle_request({<<"HELO">>, <<>>}, #state{socket = Socket} = State) ->
handle_request({<<"HELO">>, Hostname}, #state{socket = Socket, options = Options, module = Module, callbackstate = OldCallbackState} = State) ->
case Module:handle_HELO(Hostname, OldCallbackState) of
{ok, MaxSize, CallbackState} when is_integer(MaxSize) ->
socket:send(Socket, io_lib:format("250 ~s\r\n", [proplists:get_value(hostname, Options, smtp_util:guess_FQDN())])),
socket:send(Socket,["250 ", proplists:get_value(hostname, Options, smtp_util:guess_FQDN()), "\r\n"]),
{ok, State#state{extensions = [{"SIZE", integer_to_list(MaxSize)}], envelope = #envelope{}, callbackstate = CallbackState}};
{ok, CallbackState} ->
socket:send(Socket, io_lib:format("250 ~s\r\n", [proplists:get_value(hostname, Options, smtp_util:guess_FQDN())])),
socket:send(Socket, ["250 ", proplists:get_value(hostname, Options, smtp_util:guess_FQDN()), "\r\n"]),
{ok, State#state{envelope = #envelope{}, callbackstate = CallbackState}};
{error, Message, CallbackState} ->
socket:send(Socket, Message ++ "\r\n"),
socket:send(Socket, [Message, "\r\n"]),
{ok, State#state{callbackstate = CallbackState}}
handle_request({<<"EHLO">>, <<>>}, #state{socket = Socket} = State) ->
Expand All @@ -282,31 +282,32 @@ handle_request({<<"EHLO">>, Hostname}, #state{socket = Socket, options = Options
{ok, Extensions, CallbackState} ->
case Extensions of
[] ->
socket:send(Socket, io_lib:format("250 ~s\r\n", [proplists:get_value(hostname, Options, smtp_util:guess_FQDN())])),
socket:send(Socket, ["250 ", proplists:get_value(hostname, Options, smtp_util:guess_FQDN()), "\r\n"]),
{ok, State#state{extensions = Extensions, callbackstate = CallbackState}};
_Else ->
F =
fun({E, true}, {Pos, Len, Acc}) when Pos =:= Len ->
{Pos, Len, string:concat(string:concat(string:concat(Acc, "250 "), E), "\r\n")};
{Pos, Len, [["250 ", E, "\r\n"] | Acc]};
({E, Value}, {Pos, Len, Acc}) when Pos =:= Len ->
{Pos, Len, string:concat(Acc, io_lib:format("250 ~s ~s\r\n", [E, Value]))};
{Pos, Len, [["250 ", E, " ", Value, "\r\n"] | Acc]};
({E, true}, {Pos, Len, Acc}) ->
{Pos+1, Len, string:concat(string:concat(string:concat(Acc, "250-"), E), "\r\n")};
{Pos+1, Len, [["250-", E, "\r\n"] | Acc]};
({E, Value}, {Pos, Len, Acc}) ->
{Pos+1, Len, string:concat(Acc, io_lib:format("250-~s ~s\r\n", [E, Value]))}
{Pos+1, Len, [["250-", E, " ", Value , "\r\n"] | Acc]}
Extensions2 = case Tls of
true ->
Extensions -- [{"STARTTLS", true}];
false ->
{_, _, Response} = lists:foldl(F, {1, length(Extensions2), string:concat(string:concat("250-", proplists:get_value(hostname, Options, smtp_util:guess_FQDN())), "\r\n")}, Extensions2),
socket:send(Socket, Response),
{_, _, Response} = lists:foldl(F, {1, length(Extensions2), [["250-", proplists:get_value(hostname, Options, smtp_util:guess_FQDN()), "\r\n"]]}, Extensions2),
%?debugFmt("Respponse ~p~n", [lists:reverse(Response)]),
socket:send(Socket, lists:reverse(Response)),
{ok, State#state{extensions = Extensions2, envelope = #envelope{}, callbackstate = CallbackState}}
{error, Message, CallbackState} ->
socket:send(Socket, Message++"\r\n"),
socket:send(Socket, [Message, "\r\n"]),
{ok, State#state{callbackstate = CallbackState}}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -355,7 +356,7 @@ handle_request({<<"AUTH">>, Args}, #state{socket = Socket, extensions = Extensio
<<"CRAM-MD5">> ->
crypto:start(), % ensure crypto is started, we're gonna need it
String = smtp_util:get_cram_string(proplists:get_value(hostname, Options, smtp_util:guess_FQDN())),
socket:send(Socket, "334 "++String++"\r\n"),
socket:send(Socket, ["334 ", String, "\r\n"]),
{ok, State#state{waitingauth = 'cram-md5', authdata=base64:decode(String), envelope = Envelope#envelope{auth = {<<>>, <<>>}}}}
%"DIGEST-MD5" -> % TODO finish this? (see rfc 2831)
%crypto:start(), % ensure crypto is started, we're gonna need it
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -424,7 +425,7 @@ handle_request({<<"MAIL">>, Args}, #state{socket = Socket, module = Module, enve
socket:send(Socket, "250 sender Ok\r\n"),
{ok, State#state{envelope = Envelope#envelope{from = ParsedAddress}, callbackstate = CallbackState}};
{error, Message, CallbackState} ->
socket:send(Socket, Message ++ "\r\n"),
socket:send(Socket, [Message, "\r\n"]),
{ok, State#state{callbackstate = CallbackState}}
{ParsedAddress, ExtraInfo} ->
Expand All @@ -438,7 +439,7 @@ handle_request({<<"MAIL">>, Args}, #state{socket = Socket, module = Module, enve
{true, Value} ->
case list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Size)) > list_to_integer(Value) of
true ->
{error, io_lib:format("552 Estimated message length ~s exceeds limit of ~s\r\n", [Size, Value])};
{error, ["552 Estimated message length ", Size, " exceeds limit of ", Value, "\r\n"]};
false ->
InnerState#state{envelope = Envelope#envelope{expectedsize = list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Size))}}
Expand All @@ -457,7 +458,7 @@ handle_request({<<"MAIL">>, Args}, #state{socket = Socket, module = Module, enve
{ok, CallbackState} ->
InnerState#state{callbackstate = CallbackState};
error ->
{error, io_lib:format("555 Unsupported option: ~s\r\n", [ExtraInfo])}
{error, ["555 Unsupported option: ", ExtraInfo, "\r\n"]}
case lists:foldl(F, State, Options) of
Expand All @@ -472,7 +473,7 @@ handle_request({<<"MAIL">>, Args}, #state{socket = Socket, module = Module, enve
socket:send(Socket, "250 sender Ok\r\n"),
{ok, State#state{envelope = Envelope#envelope{from = ParsedAddress}, callbackstate = CallbackState}};
{error, Message, CallbackState} ->
socket:send(Socket, Message ++ "\r\n"),
socket:send(Socket, [Message, "\r\n"]),
{ok, NewState#state{callbackstate = CallbackState}}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -507,13 +508,13 @@ handle_request({<<"RCPT">>, Args}, #state{socket = Socket, envelope = Envelope,
socket:send(Socket, "250 recipient Ok\r\n"),
{ok, State#state{envelope = Envelope#envelope{to = ++ [ParsedAddress]}, callbackstate = CallbackState}};
{error, Message, CallbackState} ->
socket:send(Socket, Message++"\r\n"),
socket:send(Socket, [Message, "\r\n"]),
{ok, State#state{callbackstate = CallbackState}}
{ParsedAddress, ExtraInfo} ->
% TODO - are there even any RCPT extensions?
io:format("To address ~s (parsed as ~s) with extra info ~s~n", [Address, ParsedAddress, ExtraInfo]),
socket:send(Socket, io_lib:format("555 Unsupported option: ~s\r\n", [ExtraInfo])),
socket:send(Socket, ["555 Unsupported option: ", ExtraInfo, "\r\n"]),
{ok, State}
_Else ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -556,10 +557,10 @@ handle_request({<<"VRFY">>, Address}, #state{module= Module, socket = Socket, ca
{ParsedAddress, <<>>} ->
case Module:handle_VRFY(ParsedAddress, OldCallbackState) of
{ok, Reply, CallbackState} ->
socket:send(Socket, io_lib:format("250 ~s\r\n", [Reply])),
socket:send(Socket, ["250 ", Reply, "\r\n"]),
{ok, State#state{callbackstate = CallbackState}};
{error, Message, CallbackState} ->
socket:send(Socket, Message++"\r\n"),
socket:send(Socket, [Message, "\r\n"]),
{ok, State#state{callbackstate = CallbackState}}
_Other ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -609,7 +610,7 @@ handle_request({<<"STARTTLS">>, _Args}, #state{socket = Socket} = State) ->
{ok, State};
handle_request({Verb, Args}, #state{socket = Socket, module = Module, callbackstate = OldCallbackState} = State) ->
{Message, CallbackState} = Module:handle_other(Verb, Args, OldCallbackState),
socket:send(Socket, Message++"\r\n"),
socket:send(Socket, [Message, "\r\n"]),
{ok, State#state{callbackstate = CallbackState}}.

-spec(parse_encoded_address/1 :: (Address :: binary()) -> {binary(), binary()} | 'error').
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/smtp_server_example.erl
Expand Up @@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ init(Hostname, SessionCount, Address, Options) ->
io:format("peer: ~p~n", [Address]),
case SessionCount > 20 of
false ->
Banner = io_lib:format("~s ESMTP smtp_server_example", [Hostname]),
Banner = [Hostname, " ESMTP smtp_server_example"],
State = #state{options = Options},
{ok, Banner, State};
true ->
io:format("Connection limit exceeded~n"),
{stop, normal, io_lib:format("421 ~s is too busy to accept mail right now", [Hostname])}
{stop, normal, ["421 ", Hostname, " is too busy to accept mail right now"]}

%% @doc Handle the HELO verb from the client. Arguments are the Hostname sent by the client as
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ handle_VRFY(_Address, State) ->
-spec handle_other(Verb :: binary(), Args :: binary(), #state{}) -> {string(), #state{}}.
handle_other(Verb, _Args, State) ->
% You can implement other SMTP verbs here, if you need to
{lists:flatten(io_lib:format("500 Error: command not recognized : '~s'", [Verb])), State}.
{["500 Error: command not recognized : '", Verb, "'"], State}.

%% this callback is OPTIONAL
%% it only gets called if you add AUTH to your ESMTP extensions
Expand Down

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