Installation info: Absolute path: 'file://'/storage/emulated/0/Download/DSU/workspace_dsuhelper/system-roar-arm32_binder64-ab-vanilla.img.gz File size: 1014649136 Userdata size: 2 Logcat: --------- beginning of main 08-28 02:04:35.326 9121 9160 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin! 08-28 02:04:35.326 9121 9160 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: system/framework/mediatek-cta.jar 08-28 02:04:35.327 9121 9160 I System.out: [okhttp] e:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mediatek.cta.CtaUtils 08-28 02:04:35.335 9121 9160 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<< --------- beginning of system 08-28 02:04:35.355 779 1923 D ActivityTaskManager: Sending Appstart to CFMS 08-28 02:04:35.360 779 1923 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.os.image.action.START_INSTALL dat=file:///storage/emulated/0/Download/DSU/workspace_dsuhelper/system-roar-arm32_binder64-ab-vanilla.img.gz flg=0x10000000 (has extras)} from uid 2000 08-28 02:04:35.371 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3013 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Stack=56#0 08-28 02:04:35.373 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3014 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=20004, animation background stackId=56#0 08-28 02:04:35.377 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3015 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Task=55#0 08-28 02:04:35.378 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:0.209200,dur:4780.11,max:4780.11,min:4780.11 08-28 02:04:35.381 437 480 I power@1.3-impl: powerHintInternal hint:8, data:1 08-28 02:04:35.383 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3016 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, AppWindowToken{a4432dd token=Token{bc596b4 ActivityRecord{2d75787 u0 t55}}}#0 08-28 02:04:35.384 437 479 I libPowerHal: 8: cpu_ctrl set freq: 1495000 -1 08-28 02:04:35.415 421 421 D Zygote : Forked child process 9229 08-28 02:04:35.418 779 818 I ActivityManager: Start proc for activity {} 08-28 02:04:35.431 421 9230 W zygote : Reducing the number of considered missed Gc histogram windows from 155 to 100 08-28 02:04:35.451 9229 9229 E ystem:dynsyste: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 08-28 02:04:35.470 779 1249 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientation(orient=-1, last=0); user=0 08-28 02:04:35.474 779 1249 V WindowManager: Computed rotation=0 for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=-1 and oldRotation=0,$LocalService.attachApplication:7228 08-28 02:04:35.480 779 1249 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to (0): a4432dd 08-28 02:04:35.481 779 1249 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:04:35.481 779 1249 W ActivityTaskManager: Request to remove task ignored for non-existent task 54 08-28 02:04:35.493 779 1249 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window (8418): 3a45da0 in display 0 0 08-28 02:04:35.493 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:04:35.494 779 811 I WindowManager: Losing focus: Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} 08-28 02:04:35.561 779 1249 D ActivityTaskManager: Sending Appstart to CFMS 08-28 02:04:35.562 779 1249 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 { (has extras)} from uid 1000 08-28 02:04:35.641 437 480 I power@1.3-impl: powerHintInternal hint:8, data:1 08-28 02:04:35.641 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3017 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, AppWindowToken{3ffe095 token=Token{541084c ActivityRecord{8a9b07f u0 t55}}}#0 08-28 02:04:35.685 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xa5d41030) for (779:system_server) 08-28 02:04:35.686 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3018 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, a5f3077 08-28 02:04:35.700 779 1778 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{a5f3077 u0}: viewVisibility=0 req=64x64 08-28 02:04:35.704 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3019 createSurf (192x192),1 flag=4, 08-28 02:04:35.706 779 1778 V WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{a5f3077 u0} displayId=0 08-28 02:04:35.706 779 809 D WindowManager: setSystemUiVisibility: displayId=0, vis=0x8008, fullVis=0x0, dockVis=0x0, win=Window{a5f3077 u0} 08-28 02:04:35.706 779 1778 D StatusBarManagerService: notifyRequestedSystemKey recent=false home=false 08-28 02:04:35.708 779 1778 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientation(orient=1, last=0); user=0 08-28 02:04:35.710 779 1778 V WindowManager: Computed rotation=0 for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=1 and oldRotation=0, android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:715 08-28 02:04:35.711 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from null to Window{a5f3077 u0} displayId=0 08-28 02:04:35.711 779 811 I WindowManager: Gaining focus: Window{a5f3077 u0} 08-28 02:04:35.714 421 421 D Zygote : Forked child process 9253 08-28 02:04:35.718 779 1778 V WindowManager: Relayout 9229: mAttrs={(0,0)(wrapxwrap) sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x1030300 surfaceInsets=Rect(64, 64 - 64, 64) 08-28 02:04:35.718 779 1778 V WindowManager: fl=DIM_BEHIND SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED 08-28 02:04:35.718 779 1778 V WindowManager: pfl=COLOR_SPACE_AGNOSTIC 08-28 02:04:35.718 779 1778 V WindowManager: vsysui=LIGHT_NAVIGATION_BAR} 08-28 02:04:35.718 779 818 I ActivityManager: Start proc for activity {} 08-28 02:04:35.721 9229 9250 I GPUD : @gpudInitialize: successfully initialized with 1, dbg=0 mmdump_dbg=0 08-28 02:04:35.730 9229 9250 E GED : Failed to get GED Log Buf, err(0) 08-28 02:04:35.745 9253 9253 E ndroid.setting: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 08-28 02:04:35.767 779 1249 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientation(orient=1, last=0); user=0 08-28 02:04:35.767 779 1249 V WindowManager: Computed rotation=0 for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=1 and oldRotation=0,$LocalService.attachApplication:7228 08-28 02:04:35.768 9229 9250 D OpenGLRenderer: -----call onContextCreated callbacks 08-28 02:04:35.768 9229 9250 D OpenGLRenderer: -----/call onContextCreated callbacks 08-28 02:04:35.772 9229 9250 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface : 0xa2f87600 08-28 02:04:35.773 9229 9250 D OpenGLRenderer: setSurface succeed. EglSurface(0xa2f87600) ANativeSurface(0x97c2b2e8) 08-28 02:04:35.780 779 1249 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to (0): 3ffe095 08-28 02:04:35.781 779 1249 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{a5f3077 u0} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:04:35.782 779 809 D WindowManager: setSystemUiVisibility: displayId=0, vis=0x8008, fullVis=0x0, dockVis=0x0, win=Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} 08-28 02:04:35.788 306 306 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device manifest. 08-28 02:04:35.789 9229 9250 W Gralloc3: mapper 3.x is not supported 08-28 02:04:35.797 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from Window{a5f3077 u0} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:04:35.797 779 811 I WindowManager: Losing focus: Window{a5f3077 u0} 08-28 02:04:35.806 9229 9250 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 08-28 02:04:35.813 9253 9253 I ndroid.setting: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 08-28 02:04:35.833 779 1778 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{a5f3077 u0} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING 08-28 02:04:35.869 779 1778 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{a5f3077 u0} mDrawState=READY_TO_SHOW 08-28 02:04:35.990 9253 9253 W BiometricManager: setActiveUser(): Service not connected 08-28 02:04:35.825 9253 9253 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line 08-28 02:04:35.833 9253 9253 I ndroid.setting: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 08-28 02:04:36.080 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xa5d42b10) for (779:system_server) 08-28 02:04:36.081 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3020 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, 57d8468 08-28 02:04:36.096 779 1778 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{57d8468 u0}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:36.099 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3021 createSurf (720x1480),1 flag=4, 08-28 02:04:36.101 779 1778 V WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{57d8468 u0} displayId=0 08-28 02:04:36.101 779 809 D WindowManager: setSystemUiVisibility: displayId=0, vis=0x8008, fullVis=0x0, dockVis=0x0, win=Window{57d8468 u0} 08-28 02:04:36.101 779 1778 D StatusBarManagerService: notifyRequestedSystemKey recent=false home=false 08-28 02:04:36.103 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from null to Window{57d8468 u0} displayId=0 08-28 02:04:36.103 779 811 I WindowManager: Gaining focus: Window{57d8468 u0} 08-28 02:04:36.107 779 1778 V WindowManager: Relayout 9253: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSPARENT wanim=0x1030000 08-28 02:04:36.107 779 1778 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED 08-28 02:04:36.107 779 1778 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND COLOR_SPACE_AGNOSTIC 08-28 02:04:36.107 779 1778 V WindowManager: vsysui=LIGHT_NAVIGATION_BAR} 08-28 02:04:36.111 9253 9275 I GPUD : @gpudInitialize: successfully initialized with 1, dbg=0 mmdump_dbg=0 08-28 02:04:36.117 9253 9275 E GED : Failed to get GED Log Buf, err(0) 08-28 02:04:36.152 9253 9275 D OpenGLRenderer: -----call onContextCreated callbacks 08-28 02:04:36.152 9253 9275 D OpenGLRenderer: -----/call onContextCreated callbacks 08-28 02:04:36.153 9253 9275 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface : 0xa2f87e40 08-28 02:04:36.154 9253 9275 D OpenGLRenderer: setSurface succeed. EglSurface(0xa2f87e40) ANativeSurface(0x97c2b9c8) 08-28 02:04:36.159 306 306 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device manifest. 08-28 02:04:36.160 9253 9275 W Gralloc3: mapper 3.x is not supported 08-28 02:04:36.164 9253 9275 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 08-28 02:04:36.185 779 1778 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{57d8468 u0} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING 08-28 02:04:36.194 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3022 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=24004, Dim Layer for - Task=55#0 08-28 02:04:36.195 779 809 D WindowManager: setSystemUiVisibility: displayId=0, vis=0x8018, fullVis=0x0, dockVis=0x0, win=Window{57d8468 u0} 08-28 02:04:36.196 779 1778 D ActivityTaskManager: Sending Appstart to CFMS 08-28 02:04:36.197 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=55)/@0x5394081 08-28 02:04:36.198 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3023 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=55)/@0x5394081 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:36.200 779 1249 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw: displayId=0, vis=0x8018, resetVis=0x0, clearVis=0x0 08-28 02:04:36.201 779 1778 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {flg=0x2000000 (has extras)} from uid 1000 08-28 02:04:36.206 437 480 I power@1.3-impl: powerHintInternal hint:8, data:1 08-28 02:04:36.207 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3024 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, AppWindowToken{2943db2 token=Token{2da7f14 ActivityRecord{cc72567 u0 t55}}}#0 08-28 02:04:36.209 779 1249 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window (9253): 57d8468 in display 0 0 08-28 02:04:36.212 990 1431 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface : 0x824e1200 08-28 02:04:36.210 779 816 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed +481ms 08-28 02:04:36.215 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:36.215 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:36.215 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:36.215 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1d40 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#0 08-28 02:04:36.215 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2400 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 192.0 192.0 | 264 620 456 812 | 08-28 02:04:36.215 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2940 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 |[...]rd.ConfirmDeviceCredentialActivity#0 08-28 02:04:36.215 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf0e40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:36.215 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5dba000 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:04:36.215 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:36.215 990 1431 D OpenGLRenderer: setSurface succeed. EglSurface(0x824e1200) ANativeSurface(0x82439a08) 08-28 02:04:36.220 779 1778 I ActivityTaskManager: Remove from unknown app 08-28 02:04:36.234 9253 9253 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 08-28 02:04:36.236 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: Unspecified window will hide input 08-28 02:04:36.236 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:04:36.243 779 6535 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 08-28 02:04:36.247 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: Creating new session for client ClientState{f495a5f uid=1000 pid=9253 displayId=0} 08-28 02:04:36.251 9253 9253 D ConfirmDeviceCredentialActivity: Authenticating: false 08-28 02:04:36.252 779 6535 W ActivityTaskManager: Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{8a9b07f u0 t55 f} 08-28 02:04:36.252 779 6535 I ActivityTaskManager: Remove from unknown app 08-28 02:04:36.255 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:36.255 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:36.255 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:36.255 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1d40 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#0 08-28 02:04:36.255 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: SOLID_COLOR | | 0004 | Unknown | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | Dim Layer for - Task=55#0 08-28 02:04:36.255 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2400 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 192.0 192.0 | 264 620 456 812 | 08-28 02:04:36.255 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: CLIENT | 0xa5bf2940 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 |[...]rd.ConfirmDeviceCredentialActivity#0 08-28 02:04:36.255 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: CLIENT | 0xa5bf0e40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:36.255 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: CLIENT | 0xa5dba000 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 08-28 02:04:36.255 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:04:36.255 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:36.258 779 1778 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientation(orient=1, last=0); user=0 08-28 02:04:36.259 779 1778 V WindowManager: Computed rotation=0 for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=1 and oldRotation=0, 08-28 02:04:36.261 779 1778 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to (0): 2943db2 08-28 02:04:36.262 779 1778 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{57d8468 u0} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:04:36.268 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3274 08-28 02:04:36.270 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 0, unlocked = true 08-28 02:04:36.270 9253 9253 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@10dd800 08-28 02:04:36.271 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1957 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null fieldId=-1 fieldName=null extras=Bundle[EMPTY_PARCEL]}, false) 08-28 02:04:36.271 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from Window{57d8468 u0} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:04:36.272 779 811 I WindowManager: Losing focus: Window{57d8468 u0} 08-28 02:04:36.280 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4078 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 08-28 02:04:36.285 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 2, unlocked = true 08-28 02:04:36.292 779 6535 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window (9253): 57d8468 in display 0 0 08-28 02:04:36.348 9253 9253 D SettingsBaseActivity: onCreate took 53 ms 08-28 02:04:36.348 9253 9253 D SettingsActivity: Starting onCreate 08-28 02:04:36.381 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:29.926821,dur:1002.45,max:200.60,min:13.17 08-28 02:04:36.405 9253 9253 D SettingsActivity: Starting to set activity title 08-28 02:04:36.406 9253 9253 D SettingsActivity: Done setting title 08-28 02:04:36.406 9253 9253 D SettingsActivity: Switching to fragment$ConfirmLockPasswordFragment 08-28 02:04:36.408 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=55)/@0xe4ed798, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=55)/@0x5394081 08-28 02:04:36.413 9253 9253 D SettingsActivity: Executed frag manager pendingTransactions 08-28 02:04:36.416 9253 9253 D SettingsActivity: onCreate took 67 ms 08-28 02:04:36.416 9253 9253 W BiometricManager: registerCancellationCallback(): Service not connected 08-28 02:04:36.428 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3023 Removed Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=55)/@0x5394081 - animation-leash#0 (57) 08-28 02:04:36.441 449 449 I Layer : id=3023[1] Destroyed Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=55)/@0x5394081 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:36.506 9253 9253 D InputMethodManager: SSI - flag : 0 Pid : 9253 view : 08-28 02:04:36.508 9253 9253 D InputMethodManager: showSoftInput - cancel : mServedView != view : DecorView@a3470f1[ConfirmDeviceCredentialActivity] view : android.widget.EditText{e23b4d6 VFED..CL. .F....I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0b032b app:id/password_entry} 08-28 02:04:36.517 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3025 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, 27888dc 08-28 02:04:36.534 9253 9253 V InputMethodManager: Not IME target window, ignoring 08-28 02:04:36.575 779 926 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.930) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 08-28 02:04:36.582 779 1778 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{27888dc u0}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:36.586 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3026 createSurf (720x1480),1 flag=484, 08-28 02:04:36.588 779 1778 V WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{27888dc u0} displayId=0 08-28 02:04:36.589 779 809 D WindowManager: setSystemUiVisibility: displayId=0, vis=0x8018, fullVis=0x0, dockVis=0x0, win=Window{27888dc u0} 08-28 02:04:36.589 779 1778 D StatusBarManagerService: notifyRequestedSystemKey recent=false home=false 08-28 02:04:36.593 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from null to Window{27888dc u0} displayId=0 08-28 02:04:36.594 779 811 I WindowManager: Gaining focus: Window{27888dc u0} 08-28 02:04:36.594 779 1778 V WindowManager: Relayout 9253: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={state=hidden adjust=resize forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION wanim=0x10302f1 08-28 02:04:36.594 779 1778 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN SECURE LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:04:36.594 779 1778 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS} 08-28 02:04:36.625 9253 9275 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface : 0xacb6b0a0 08-28 02:04:36.626 9253 9275 D OpenGLRenderer: setSurface succeed. EglSurface(0xacb6b0a0) ANativeSurface(0x97c2ae88) 08-28 02:04:36.652 9253 9283 D TileUtils: getCategories took 158 ms 08-28 02:04:36.678 9253 9287 D SettingsActivity: No enabled state changed, skipping updateCategory call 08-28 02:04:36.680 779 1778 I BroadcastQueue: Resuming delayed broadcast 08-28 02:04:36.685 779 1778 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to 08-28 02:04:36.688 779 817 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver 08-28 02:04:36.689 779 817 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to 08-28 02:04:36.690 779 817 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver 08-28 02:04:36.690 779 817 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to 08-28 02:04:36.690 779 817 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver 08-28 02:04:36.691 779 817 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to 08-28 02:04:36.693 779 817 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver 08-28 02:04:36.740 779 1778 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{27888dc u0} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING 08-28 02:04:36.753 779 812 V WindowManager: Setting visibility of Window{57d8468 u0}: false, 08-28 02:04:36.754 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=a5f3077 08-28 02:04:36.754 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3027 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=a5f3077 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:36.756 779 812 V WindowManager: Setting visibility of Window{a5f3077 u0}: false, 08-28 02:04:36.757 779 812 V WindowManager: Setting visibility of Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity}: false, 08-28 02:04:36.760 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{2943db2 token=Token{2da7f14 ActivityRecord{cc72567 u0 t55}}})/@0xa56849d 08-28 02:04:36.761 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3028 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{2943db2 token=Token{2da7f14 ActivityRecord{cc72567 u0 t55}}})/@0xa56849d - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:36.762 9253 9253 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 08-28 02:04:36.764 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3029 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{2943db2 token=Token{2da7f14 ActivityRecord{cc72567 u0 t55}}})/@0xa56849d - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:04:36.773 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: screenshot (vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#0) 08-28 02:04:36.782 449 666 I Layer : id=3030[0] Destroyed Screenshot Parent 08-28 02:04:36.788 779 809 D WindowManager: setSystemUiVisibility: displayId=0, vis=0x8008, fullVis=0x0, dockVis=0x0, win=Window{27888dc u0} 08-28 02:04:36.789 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=55)/@0x5394081 08-28 02:04:36.791 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3031 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=55)/@0x5394081 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:36.795 779 1778 V InputMethodManagerService: Window asks to hide input going forward 08-28 02:04:36.795 779 1778 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:04:36.795 779 1923 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity}: viewVisibility=8 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:36.801 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3274 08-28 02:04:36.801 779 1249 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw: displayId=0, vis=0x8008, resetVis=0x0, clearVis=0x0 08-28 02:04:36.803 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 0, unlocked = true 08-28 02:04:36.809 779 1923 V WindowManager: Relayout 8418: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:04:36.809 779 1923 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:04:36.809 779 1923 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND} 08-28 02:04:36.812 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1957 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x12(NumberPassword) imeOptions=0x5 privateImeOptions=null actionName=NEXT actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=0 initialSelEnd=0 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null fieldId=2131428139 fieldName=null extras=Bundle[EMPTY_PARCEL]}, false) 08-28 02:04:36.812 779 1778 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{a5f3077 u0}: viewVisibility=8 req=64x64 08-28 02:04:36.814 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:36.814 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:36.814 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:36.814 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: SOLID_COLOR | | 0004 | Unknown | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | Dim Layer for - Task=55#0 08-28 02:04:36.814 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf0e40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:36.814 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2d00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:04:36.814 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:36.815 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4078 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 08-28 02:04:36.816 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 2, unlocked = true 08-28 02:04:36.824 9253 9253 I AssistStructure: Flattened final assist data: 3124 bytes, containing 1 windows, 21 views 08-28 02:04:36.825 779 1778 V WindowManager: Relayout 9229: mAttrs={(0,0)(wrapxwrap) sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x1030300 surfaceInsets=Rect(64, 64 - 64, 64) 08-28 02:04:36.825 779 1778 V WindowManager: fl=DIM_BEHIND SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED 08-28 02:04:36.825 779 1778 V WindowManager: pfl=COLOR_SPACE_AGNOSTIC 08-28 02:04:36.825 779 1778 V WindowManager: vsysui=LIGHT_NAVIGATION_BAR} 08-28 02:04:36.827 779 2483 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window (9253): 27888dc in display 0 0 08-28 02:04:36.830 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:36.830 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:36.830 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:36.830 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: SOLID_COLOR | | 0004 | Unknown | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | Dim Layer for - Task=55#0 08-28 02:04:36.830 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5dba180 | 0082 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | 08-28 02:04:36.830 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf0e40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:36.830 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2a00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:04:36.830 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:36.834 9253 9253 D InputMethodManager: SSI - flag : 0 Pid : 9253 view : 08-28 02:04:36.834 9253 9253 D InputMethodManager: prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@1c71e40[ConfirmLockPassword] 08-28 02:04:36.835 9253 9253 D InputMethodManager: getNavigationBarColor() -16711423 08-28 02:04:36.840 1937 1937 D InputMethodService: update NavBar color 08-28 02:04:36.842 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: Client requesting input be shown, flags : 0 08-28 02:04:36.843 779 6535 D InputMethodManagerService: showCurrentInputLocked: mCurToken=android.os.Binder@4bf1e1f 08-28 02:04:36.848 1937 1937 V InputMethodService: showSoftInput(), flags : 1 08-28 02:04:36.863 1937 1937 I DeviceModeUtil: DeviceModeUtil.getDeviceMode():121 Get device mode phone by ui mode:1 and smallestScreenWidthDp:360 08-28 02:04:36.864 1937 1937 W InputMethodService: Window size has been changed. This may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2 08-28 02:04:36.867 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInputView():2075 onStartInputView(EditorInfo{inputType=0x12(NumberPassword) imeOptions=0x5 privateImeOptions=null actionName=NEXT actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=0 initialSelEnd=0 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null fieldId=2131428139 fieldName=null extras=Bundle[{Navbar_Color=-16711423}]}, false) 08-28 02:04:36.874 779 6535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{57d8468 u0}: viewVisibility=8 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:36.879 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 2, unlocked = true 08-28 02:04:36.880 420 635 I netd : firewallSetUidRule(2, 10147, 1) <3.05ms> 08-28 02:04:36.895 779 6535 V WindowManager: Relayout 9253: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSPARENT wanim=0x1030000 08-28 02:04:36.895 779 6535 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED 08-28 02:04:36.895 779 6535 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND COLOR_SPACE_AGNOSTIC 08-28 02:04:36.895 779 6535 V WindowManager: vsysui=LIGHT_NAVIGATION_BAR} 08-28 02:04:36.910 437 480 I power@1.3-impl: powerHintInternal hint:8, data:0 08-28 02:04:36.912 1578 1578 I qft : App[ ] or Activity[ ] excluded from AwG [CONTEXT service_id=177 ] 08-28 02:04:36.920 1937 1967 I DeviceModeUtil: DeviceModeUtil.getDeviceMode():121 Get device mode phone by ui mode:1 and smallestScreenWidthDp:360 08-28 02:04:36.925 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=AppWindowToken{a4432dd token=Token{bc596b4 ActivityRecord{2d75787 u0 t55}}})/@0xe1d45a4, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=a5f3077 08-28 02:04:36.941 9229 9250 D OpenGLRenderer: CanvasContext:: trimMemory hidden, level : 20, Pid : 9229, Tid : 9250 08-28 02:04:36.942 9229 9250 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 3, oppidx_max 3, oppidx_min 0 08-28 02:04:36.944 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3027 Removed Surface(name=a5f3077 - animation-leash#0 (62) 08-28 02:04:36.947 779 1923 E WindowManager: win=Window{a5f3077 u0} destroySurfaces: appStopped=true win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=false win.mRemoveOnExit=false win.mViewVisibility=8$Stub.onTransact:2046 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1021 08-28 02:04:36.947 779 1923 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface( called by 08-28 02:04:36.948 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3019 Removed (62) 08-28 02:04:36.950 8418 8438 D OpenGLRenderer: CanvasContext:: trimMemory hidden, level : 20, Pid : 8418, Tid : 8438 08-28 02:04:36.950 8418 8438 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 3, oppidx_max 3, oppidx_min 0 08-28 02:04:36.952 779 1778 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface( called by android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:665 08-28 02:04:36.958 449 449 I Layer : id=3019[1] Destroyed 08-28 02:04:36.959 449 449 I Layer : id=3027[1] Destroyed Surface(name=a5f3077 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:36.958 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 08-28 02:04:36.961 779 1923 E WindowManager: win=Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} destroySurfaces: appStopped=true win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=false win.mRemoveOnExit=false win.mViewVisibility=8$Stub.onTransact:2046 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1021 08-28 02:04:36.961 779 1923 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity)/@0x5bb1810 called by 08-28 02:04:36.962 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3021 Removed (60) 08-28 02:04:36.962 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3020 Removed 57d8468 (60) 08-28 02:04:36.963 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=2995 Removed vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#0 (60) 08-28 02:04:36.966 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=55)/@0xe4ed798, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=55)/@0x5394081 08-28 02:04:36.971 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3017 Removed AppWindowToken{3ffe095 token=Token{541084c ActivityRecord{8a9b07f u0 t55}}}#0 (60) 08-28 02:04:36.975 449 449 I Layer : id=3021[1] Destroyed 08-28 02:04:36.975 449 449 I Layer : id=2995[1] Destroyed vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#0 08-28 02:04:36.975 449 449 I Layer : id=3017[1] Destroyed AppWindowToken{3ffe095 token=Token{541084c ActivityRecord{8a9b07f u0 t55}}}#0 08-28 02:04:36.976 449 449 I Layer : id=3020[1] Destroyed 57d8468 08-28 02:04:36.977 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3022 Removed Dim Layer for - Task=55#0 (56) 08-28 02:04:36.977 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3031 Removed Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=55)/@0x5394081 - animation-leash#0 (56) 08-28 02:04:36.980 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:36.980 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:36.980 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:36.980 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf18c0 | 0082 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | 08-28 02:04:36.980 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf0e40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:36.980 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2e80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:04:36.980 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:36.991 449 449 I Layer : id=3031[1] Destroyed Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=55)/@0x5394081 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:36.991 449 449 I Layer : id=3022[1] Destroyed Dim Layer for - Task=55#0 08-28 02:04:36.995 8944 8944 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { } 08-28 02:04:36.995 8944 8944 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { } 08-28 02:04:37.014 1937 1937 I KeyboardViewUtil: KeyboardViewUtil.getKeyboardHeightRatio():159 systemKeyboardHeightRatio:1.000000; userKeyboardHeightRatio:1.000000. 08-28 02:04:37.040 779 808 D LocationManagerService: GnssStatusListener from uid 10130 is now foreground 08-28 02:04:37.046 779 808 D LocationManagerService: GnssStatusListener from uid 10130 is now foreground 08-28 02:04:37.106 8944 8975 I GmsComplianceUtils: refresh status [CONTEXT service_id=257 ] 08-28 02:04:37.128 8944 8975 I GmsComplianceUtils: allow=true [CONTEXT service_id=257 ] 08-28 02:04:37.133 1937 1937 I KeyboardViewHelper: KeyboardViewHelper.getView():168 Get view with height ratio:1.000000 08-28 02:04:37.141 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=55)/@0xe4ed798, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{2943db2 token=Token{2da7f14 ActivityRecord{cc72567 u0 t55}}})/@0xa56849d 08-28 02:04:37.150 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3028 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{2943db2 token=Token{2da7f14 ActivityRecord{cc72567 u0 t55}}})/@0xa56849d - animation-leash#0 (54) 08-28 02:04:37.150 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3029 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{2943db2 token=Token{2da7f14 ActivityRecord{cc72567 u0 t55}}})/@0xa56849d - animation-bounds#0 (54) 08-28 02:04:37.158 449 449 I Layer : id=3029[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{2943db2 token=Token{2da7f14 ActivityRecord{cc72567 u0 t55}}})/@0xa56849d - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:04:37.158 449 449 I Layer : id=3028[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{2943db2 token=Token{2da7f14 ActivityRecord{cc72567 u0 t55}}})/@0xa56849d - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:37.180 779 2358 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 3, oppidx_max 3, oppidx_min 0 08-28 02:04:37.201 1937 1937 I KeyboardViewUtil: KeyboardViewUtil.calculateMaxKeyboardBodyHeight():43 leave 250 height for app when screen height:1384, header height:88 and isFullscreenMode:false, so the max keyboard body height is:1046 08-28 02:04:37.202 1937 1937 I SoftKeyboardView: SoftKeyboardView.setMaxHeight():725 Set max keyboard height:1046. 08-28 02:04:37.208 1937 1937 W Keyboard: Keyboard.getKeyboardViewHelper():612 null helper is returned: keyboardDef=gty{className=.latin.keyboard.LatinNumberKeyboard, id=keyboard_number_password, initialStates=0, keyboardViewDefs=[guq{direction=LOCALE, id=default_keyboard_view, isScalable=false, layoutId=keyboard_proactive_suggestions_header, type=HEADER, touchable=true}, guq{direction=null, id=default_keyboard_view, isScalable=true, layoutId=latin_keyboard_number_password_body, type=BODY, touchable=true}], keyTextSizeRatio=1.0, persistentStates=0, persistentStatesPrefKey=null, popupBubbleLayoutId=popup_bubble_material, recentKeyLayoutId=0, recentKeyPopupLayoutId=0, recentKeyType=null, rememberRecentKey=NONE, sessionStates=0}, type=FLOATING_CANDIDATES, helpersCreated=[gmp@2d9bb12, gmp@fa052e3, null], 08-28 02:04:37.212 1937 1937 I DeviceModeUtil: DeviceModeUtil.getDeviceMode():121 Get device mode phone by ui mode:1 and smallestScreenWidthDp:360 08-28 02:04:37.214 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.setKeyboardViewShown():3513 setKeyboardViewShown() : type = HEADER, shownType = HIDE 08-28 02:04:37.215 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.setKeyboardViewShown():3560 setKeyboardViewShown() : shouldShow = false 08-28 02:04:37.215 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.setKeyboardViewShown():3513 setKeyboardViewShown() : type = BODY, shownType = SHOW_MANDATORY 08-28 02:04:37.216 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.setKeyboardViewShown():3560 setKeyboardViewShown() : shouldShow = true 08-28 02:04:37.216 1937 1937 W Keyboard: Keyboard.getKeyboardViewHelper():612 null helper is returned: keyboardDef=gty{className=.latin.keyboard.LatinNumberKeyboard, id=keyboard_number_password, initialStates=0, keyboardViewDefs=[guq{direction=LOCALE, id=default_keyboard_view, isScalable=false, layoutId=keyboard_proactive_suggestions_header, type=HEADER, touchable=true}, guq{direction=null, id=default_keyboard_view, isScalable=true, layoutId=latin_keyboard_number_password_body, type=BODY, touchable=true}], keyTextSizeRatio=1.0, persistentStates=0, persistentStatesPrefKey=null, popupBubbleLayoutId=popup_bubble_material, recentKeyLayoutId=0, recentKeyPopupLayoutId=0, recentKeyType=null, rememberRecentKey=NONE, sessionStates=0}, type=FLOATING_CANDIDATES, helpersCreated=[gmp@2d9bb12, gmp@fa052e3, null], 08-28 02:04:37.216 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.setKeyboardViewShown():3513 setKeyboardViewShown() : type = FLOATING_CANDIDATES, shownType = HIDE 08-28 02:04:37.217 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.setKeyboardViewShown():3560 setKeyboardViewShown() : shouldShow = false 08-28 02:04:37.220 1937 1937 I DeviceModeUtil: DeviceModeUtil.getDeviceMode():121 Get device mode phone by ui mode:1 and smallestScreenWidthDp:360 08-28 02:04:37.224 1937 1937 I chatty : uid=10147( identical 1 line 08-28 02:04:37.229 1937 1937 I DeviceModeUtil: DeviceModeUtil.getDeviceMode():121 Get device mode phone by ui mode:1 and smallestScreenWidthDp:360 08-28 02:04:37.230 1937 1937 I KeyboardModeManager: KeyboardModeManager.setInputView():357 setInputView() : supportsOneHandedMode=true 08-28 02:04:37.230 779 1093 D BatteryService: mHealthInfo.batteryLevel: 5 08-28 02:04:37.230 779 1093 D BatteryService: Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. scale:100, info:{.chargerAcOnline = false, .chargerUsbOnline = true, .chargerWirelessOnline = false, .maxChargingCurrent = 0, .maxChargingVoltage = 0, .batteryStatus = CHARGING, .batteryHealth = GOOD, .batteryPresent = true, .batteryLevel = 5, .batteryVoltage = 3710, .batteryTemperature = 332, .batteryCurrent = 0, .batteryCycleCount = 0, .batteryFullCharge = 3000000, .batteryChargeCounter = 159000, .batteryTechnology = Li-ion} 08-28 02:04:37.230 779 1093 D BatteryService: online:4, current avg:109, charge type:1, POGO powered:false, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, charger_type:0, capacity:280000, misc_event:65536, current_event:0, current_now:27 08-28 02:04:37.232 1937 1937 I NormalModeController: NormalModeController.getKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():111 currentPrimeKeyboardType:SOFT systemPaddingBottom:-1 08-28 02:04:37.235 1937 1937 I NormalModeController: NormalModeController.getKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom():111 currentPrimeKeyboardType:SOFT systemPaddingBottom:-1 08-28 02:04:37.236 990 990 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 08-28 02:04:37.237 990 990 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate 08-28 02:04:37.237 779 779 D UsbDeviceManager: received ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 08-28 02:04:37.240 779 808 D UsbDeviceManager: handleMessage -> MSG_UPDATE_CHARGING_STATE: mUsbCharging=true 08-28 02:04:37.241 990 990 D PowerUI.Notification: showChargingNotice oldChargingType : 1 currentChargingType : 1 oldChargingTime : 0 mChargingTime : 0 08-28 02:04:37.241 990 990 D PowerUI.Notification: There is no change about charging status, so return! 08-28 02:04:37.242 990 990 D PowerUI : Battery swelling mode - priorBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatteryStatus = 2 08-28 02:04:37.242 990 990 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 08-28 02:04:37.268 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateKeyboardModeManagerInputView():987 updateKeyboardModeManagerInputView() : entry=gjy{languageTag=en-GB, variant=qwerty, hasLocalizedResources=true, conditionCacheKey=_device=phone_device_size=default_enable_adaptive_text_editing=false_enable_inline_suggestions_on_client_side=false_enable_large_tablet_batch_1=false_enable_more_candidates_view_for_multilingual=false_enable_nav_redesign=false_enable_number_row=false_enable_preemptive_decode=true_enable_secondary_symbols=false_keyboard_mode=normal_language=en-GB_orientation=portrait_show_suggestions=true_split_with_duplicate_keys=true_variant=qwerty, imeDef.stringId=ime_english_great_britain,, imeDef.languageTag=en-GB} 08-28 02:04:37.287 1937 1937 I CurrentMicStatusHolder: CurrentMicStatusHolder.onStartInputView():79 Current Mic status = {MicIconHidden-SettingOff,MicIconHidden-PasswordOrNumberOrDateInputType,} 08-28 02:04:37.288 1937 1937 I VoiceImeExtension: VoiceImeExtension.shouldStartVoiceInputAutomatically():382 No private IME option set to start voice input. 08-28 02:04:37.295 779 1778 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 08-28 02:04:37.295 779 1778 D InputMethodManagerService: shouldShowImeSwitcherLocked : checking vis : 3 08-28 02:04:37.296 779 1778 D InputMethodManagerService: shouldShowImeSwitcherLocked : language count above 2 or auxcount above 1 return true : 3 1 08-28 02:04:37.364 1937 1937 D InputMethodService: AxT9IME.sendInputViewShownState(): true 08-28 02:04:37.364 1937 1937 D InputMethodService: AxT9IME.IS_VISIBLE_CANDIDATE(): 4 08-28 02:04:37.366 779 1778 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 08-28 02:04:37.367 779 1778 D InputMethodManagerService: shouldShowImeSwitcherLocked : checking vis : 3 08-28 02:04:37.367 779 1778 D InputMethodManagerService: shouldShowImeSwitcherLocked : language count above 2 or auxcount above 1 return true : 3 1 08-28 02:04:37.374 779 1778 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{495ca31 u0 InputMethod}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x1432 08-28 02:04:37.380 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3032 createSurf (720x1432),1 flag=4, InputMethod#0 08-28 02:04:37.390 779 1778 V WindowManager: Relayout 1937: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=BOTTOM CENTER_VERTICAL sim={adjust=pan} ty=INPUT_METHOD fmt=TRANSPARENT wanim=0x1030056 08-28 02:04:37.390 779 1778 V WindowManager: fl=NOT_FOCUSABLE LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS} 08-28 02:04:37.393 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:40.499447,dur:1012.36,max:158.45,min:12.68 08-28 02:04:37.399 1937 22237 E GED : Failed to get GED Log Buf, err(0) 08-28 02:04:37.401 1937 1937 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.updateKeyboardBackgroundFrameVisibility():357 Set background frame visibility. old:8, new:8 08-28 02:04:37.432 447 447 I lmkd : Reclaim Mem '' (9027), uid 1000, oom_adj 935, state 20 to free 42100kB; reason: low watermark is breached and swap is low (474672kB < 72088kB) at oom_adj_score 925 08-28 02:04:37.438 1937 22237 D OpenGLRenderer: -----call onContextCreated callbacks 08-28 02:04:37.439 1937 22237 D OpenGLRenderer: -----/call onContextCreated callbacks 08-28 02:04:37.442 1937 22237 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface : 0xacb6b040 08-28 02:04:37.443 1937 22237 D OpenGLRenderer: setSurface succeed. EglSurface(0xacb6b040) ANativeSurface(0x81befb88) 08-28 02:04:37.448 779 1778 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{27888dc u0}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:37.454 421 421 I Zygote : Process 9027 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 08-28 02:04:37.457 779 1174 V ActivityManager: Death received in$AppDeathRecipient@63c0c79 for thread android.os.BinderProxy@1f45dbe, mPid:9027,mApp:ProcessRecord{88ffe1f} 08-28 02:04:37.457 779 1174 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 9027) has died: cch+35 CEM 08-28 02:04:37.464 779 1778 V WindowManager: Relayout 9253: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={state=hidden adjust=resize forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION wanim=0x10302f1 08-28 02:04:37.464 779 1778 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN SECURE LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:04:37.464 779 1778 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS} 08-28 02:04:37.469 779 819 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1000 pid 9027 in 6ms 08-28 02:04:37.481 9229 9250 D OpenGLRenderer: CanvasContext:: trimMemory complete, level : 80, Pid : 9229, Tid : 9250 08-28 02:04:37.482 9229 9250 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 3, oppidx_max 3, oppidx_min 0 08-28 02:04:37.482 9229 9250 D OpenGLRenderer: -----call onContextDestroyed callbacks 08-28 02:04:37.482 9229 9250 D OpenGLRenderer: -----/call onContextDestroyed callbacks 08-28 02:04:37.488 8418 8438 D OpenGLRenderer: CanvasContext:: trimMemory complete, level : 80, Pid : 8418, Tid : 8438 08-28 02:04:37.498 8418 8438 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 3, oppidx_max 3, oppidx_min 0 08-28 02:04:37.499 8418 8438 D OpenGLRenderer: -----call onContextDestroyed callbacks 08-28 02:04:37.521 8418 8438 D OpenGLRenderer: -----/call onContextDestroyed callbacks 08-28 02:04:37.537 1937 1937 I AppBase : AppBase.onTrimMemory():759 onTrimMemory(): 80 08-28 02:04:37.539 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onTrimMemory():4471 onTrimMemory(): 80 08-28 02:04:37.548 1937 22237 D OpenGLRenderer: CanvasContext:: trimMemory complete, level : 80, Pid : 1937, Tid : 22237 08-28 02:04:37.549 779 1174 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{495ca31 u0 InputMethod} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING 08-28 02:04:37.550 1937 22237 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 3, oppidx_max 3, oppidx_min 0 08-28 02:04:37.551 1937 22237 D OpenGLRenderer: -----call onContextDestroyed callbacks 08-28 02:04:37.552 1937 22237 D OpenGLRenderer: -----/call onContextDestroyed callbacks 08-28 02:04:37.561 1937 1937 I DeviceModeUtil: DeviceModeUtil.getDeviceMode():121 Get device mode phone by ui mode:1 and smallestScreenWidthDp:360 08-28 02:04:37.566 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=495ca31 InputMethod)/@0xada8e69 08-28 02:04:37.564 1937 1937 I DeviceModeUtil: DeviceModeUtil.getDeviceMode():121 Get device mode phone by ui mode:1 and smallestScreenWidthDp:360 08-28 02:04:37.567 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3033 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=495ca31 InputMethod)/@0xada8e69 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:37.577 1937 1937 I AndroidIME: KeyboardViewManager.saveKeyboardBottomGap():282 realScreenHeight: 0 screenHeightInInches: 4.774194 08-28 02:04:37.577 1937 1937 I AndroidIME: keyboardHolderHeight: 414 navigationHeight: 96 08-28 02:04:37.577 1937 1937 I AndroidIME: getKeyboardBodyViewHolderPaddingBottom(): 0 getKeyboardBottomGapFromScreen(): 0 08-28 02:04:37.577 1937 1937 I AndroidIME: keyboardBottomGap: 96 bodyViewHolderBottomPadding: 0 08-28 02:04:37.577 1937 1937 I AndroidIME: decorViewStableInsetBottom: 96 updated: false 08-28 02:04:37.596 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:37.596 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:37.596 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:37.596 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf18c0 | 0082 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | 08-28 02:04:37.596 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1b00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1289.0 | 0 191 720 1480 | InputMethod#0 08-28 02:04:37.596 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf0e40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:37.596 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2a00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:04:37.596 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:37.597 8944 8944 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { } 08-28 02:04:37.597 8944 8944 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { } 08-28 02:04:37.635 8944 9104 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module 08-28 02:04:37.635 8944 9104 I DynamiteModule: Selected local version of 08-28 02:04:37.678 8944 8975 I GmsComplianceUtils: refresh status [CONTEXT service_id=257 ] 08-28 02:04:37.696 8944 8975 I GmsComplianceUtils: allow=true [CONTEXT service_id=257 ] 08-28 02:04:37.731 8944 8944 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { } 08-28 02:04:37.731 8944 8944 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { } 08-28 02:04:37.742 8944 8944 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { } 08-28 02:04:37.774 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=WindowToken{b87756c android.os.Binder@4bf1e1f})/@0x4a825, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=495ca31 InputMethod)/@0xada8e69 08-28 02:04:37.781 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3033 Removed Surface(name=495ca31 InputMethod)/@0xada8e69 - animation-leash#0 (54) 08-28 02:04:37.790 449 449 I Layer : id=3033[1] Destroyed Surface(name=495ca31 InputMethod)/@0xada8e69 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:37.885 779 788 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC freed 112657(5588KB) AllocSpace objects, 13(324KB) LOS objects, 17% free, 28MB/34MB, paused 2.270ms total 432.503ms 08-28 02:04:37.887 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3000 Removed Stack=55#0 (53) 08-28 02:04:37.887 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3004 Removed c02675 (53) 08-28 02:04:37.888 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3002 Removed Task=54#0 (53) 08-28 02:04:37.890 449 449 I Layer : id=3000[1] Destroyed Stack=55#0 08-28 02:04:37.890 449 449 I Layer : id=3002[1] Destroyed Task=54#0 08-28 02:04:37.891 449 449 I Layer : id=3004[1] Destroyed c02675 08-28 02:04:38.172 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10027.661644 08-28 02:04:38.172 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2531 ] when=10027.661644 08-28 02:04:38.173 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:04:38.173 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:04:38.173 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (1937): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '495ca31', t=1 08-28 02:04:38.174 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10027661 08-28 02:04:38.194 1937 22237 E GED : Failed to get GED Log Buf, err(0) 08-28 02:04:38.220 1937 22237 D OpenGLRenderer: -----call onContextCreated callbacks 08-28 02:04:38.220 1937 22237 D OpenGLRenderer: -----/call onContextCreated callbacks 08-28 02:04:38.221 1937 22237 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface : 0x97ccd4c0 08-28 02:04:38.222 1937 22237 D OpenGLRenderer: setSurface succeed. EglSurface(0x97ccd4c0) ANativeSurface(0x81befb88) 08-28 02:04:38.255 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10027.744722 08-28 02:04:38.255 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10027.744722 08-28 02:04:38.255 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (1937): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '495ca31', t=1 08-28 02:04:38.407 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:40.411179,dur:1014.57,max:265.80,min:14.51 08-28 02:04:38.491 356 356 D io_stats: !@ 179,0 r 1173272 26522131 w 102002 9278916 d 30959 8551288 f 46185 60822 iot 752870 666915 th 51200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 10027.980 08-28 02:04:38.572 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10028.061517 08-28 02:04:38.572 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2532 ] when=10028.061517 08-28 02:04:38.572 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:04:38.572 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:04:38.572 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (1937): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '495ca31', t=1 08-28 02:04:38.573 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityFromNative : 2160 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10028061 08-28 02:04:38.574 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10028061 08-28 02:04:38.671 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10028.161259 08-28 02:04:38.671 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10028.161259 08-28 02:04:38.672 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (1937): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '495ca31', t=1 08-28 02:04:38.739 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10028.228458 08-28 02:04:38.739 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2533 ] when=10028.228458 08-28 02:04:38.739 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:04:38.739 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:04:38.739 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (1937): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '495ca31', t=1 08-28 02:04:38.740 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10028228 08-28 02:04:38.838 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10028.327815 08-28 02:04:38.838 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10028.327815 08-28 02:04:38.838 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (1937): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '495ca31', t=1 08-28 02:04:39.005 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10028.494775 08-28 02:04:39.005 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2534 ] when=10028.494775 08-28 02:04:39.005 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:04:39.006 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:04:39.006 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (1937): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '495ca31', t=1 08-28 02:04:39.007 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10028494 08-28 02:04:39.088 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10028.577691 08-28 02:04:39.088 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10028.577691 08-28 02:04:39.088 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (1937): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '495ca31', t=1 08-28 02:04:39.492 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 08-28 02:04:39.591 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 08-28 02:04:39.594 779 926 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.930) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 08-28 02:04:39.605 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10029.094575 08-28 02:04:39.605 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2535 ] when=10029.094575 08-28 02:04:39.606 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:04:39.606 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:04:39.606 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9253): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '27888dc', t=1 08-28 02:04:39.607 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10029094 08-28 02:04:39.608 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: 1495000 -1 08-28 02:04:39.624 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:9.038566,dur:1217.01,max:500.89,min:16.39 08-28 02:04:39.687 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10029.177369 08-28 02:04:39.688 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10029.177369 08-28 02:04:39.688 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9253): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '27888dc', t=1 08-28 02:04:40.088 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10029.577622 08-28 02:04:40.088 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2536 ] when=10029.577622 08-28 02:04:40.089 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:04:40.089 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:04:40.089 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9253): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '27888dc', t=1 08-28 02:04:40.089 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10029577 08-28 02:04:40.187 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10029.677048 08-28 02:04:40.187 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10029.677048 08-28 02:04:40.188 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9253): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '27888dc', t=1 08-28 02:04:40.250 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.250 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->cmd_group = 5 08-28 02:04:40.250 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->szData = 36 08-28 02:04:40.250 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.250 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->command = TS_CMD_READ_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.250 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Received : TS_CMD_READ_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.250 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] UUID of the object owner is : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45 08-28 02:04:40.250 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage ID : -2147483648 08-28 02:04:40.250 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object path is : /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/ab6e0c37/ 08-28 02:04:40.250 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Info offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.250 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage metadata offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.250 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Number of data chunks to read = 1 start-chunk = 0 chunk-size = 16428 08-28 02:04:40.250 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 24 size = 0 08-28 02:04:40.250 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Calculating size of /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/ab6e0c37/obj_info of type 1 08-28 02:04:40.253 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Read resource /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/ab6e0c37/obj_info success, size: 128 08-28 02:04:40.253 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 156 size = 0 08-28 02:04:40.253 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 160 size = 4 08-28 02:04:40.253 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Read resource /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/ab6e0c37/data_chunk success, size: 16428 08-28 02:04:40.254 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 16600 size = 4 08-28 02:04:40.258 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.258 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->cmd_group = 5 08-28 02:04:40.258 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->szData = 36 08-28 02:04:40.258 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.258 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->command = TS_CMD_READ_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.258 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Received : TS_CMD_READ_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.258 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] UUID of the object owner is : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45 08-28 02:04:40.258 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage ID : -2147483648 08-28 02:04:40.258 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object path is : /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/ab6e0c37/ 08-28 02:04:40.258 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Info offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.258 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage metadata offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.258 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Number of data chunks to read = 1 start-chunk = 0 chunk-size = 16428 08-28 02:04:40.258 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 24 size = 0 08-28 02:04:40.258 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Calculating size of /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/ab6e0c37/obj_info of type 1 08-28 02:04:40.258 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Read resource /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/ab6e0c37/obj_info success, size: 128 08-28 02:04:40.258 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 156 size = 0 08-28 02:04:40.258 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 160 size = 4 08-28 02:04:40.258 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Read resource /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/ab6e0c37/data_chunk success, size: 16428 08-28 02:04:40.258 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 16600 size = 4 08-28 02:04:40.261 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.261 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->cmd_group = 5 08-28 02:04:40.261 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->szData = 16781 08-28 02:04:40.261 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.261 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->command = TS_CMD_WRITE_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.261 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Received : TS_CMD_WRITE_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.261 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] UUID of the object owner is : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45 08-28 02:04:40.261 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage ID : -2147483648 08-28 02:04:40.261 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object path is : /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/ab6e0c37/ 08-28 02:04:40.261 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Info offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.261 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage metadata offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.261 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object Info Size is 128 08-28 02:04:40.261 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object attributes size is : 0 08-28 02:04:40.261 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object number of data chunks : 1 08-28 02:04:40.262 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object write start chunk : 0 08-28 02:04:40.262 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object data chunk size : 16428 08-28 02:04:40.262 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Data offset is : 172 08-28 02:04:40.262 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Required direcories made successfully 08-28 02:04:40.265 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Number of chunks = 1 08-28 02:04:40.267 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] chunks to /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/ab6e0c37/data_chunk written 08-28 02:04:40.267 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] flags = 1 08-28 02:04:40.267 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage metadata offset is : 16600 08-28 02:04:40.275 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.275 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->cmd_group = 5 08-28 02:04:40.275 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->szData = 36 08-28 02:04:40.275 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.275 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->command = TS_CMD_READ_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.275 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Received : TS_CMD_READ_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.275 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] UUID of the object owner is : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45 08-28 02:04:40.275 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage ID : -2147483648 08-28 02:04:40.275 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object path is : /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/ab6e0c37/ 08-28 02:04:40.275 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Info offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.275 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage metadata offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.275 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Number of data chunks to read = 1 start-chunk = 0 chunk-size = 16428 08-28 02:04:40.275 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 24 size = 0 08-28 02:04:40.275 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Calculating size of /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/ab6e0c37/obj_info of type 1 08-28 02:04:40.275 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Read resource /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/ab6e0c37/obj_info success, size: 128 08-28 02:04:40.275 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 156 size = 0 08-28 02:04:40.275 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 160 size = 4 08-28 02:04:40.276 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Read resource /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/ab6e0c37/data_chunk success, size: 16428 08-28 02:04:40.276 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 16600 size = 4 08-28 02:04:40.278 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.278 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->cmd_group = 5 08-28 02:04:40.278 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->szData = 16781 08-28 02:04:40.278 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.278 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->command = TS_CMD_WRITE_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.278 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Received : TS_CMD_WRITE_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.278 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] UUID of the object owner is : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45 08-28 02:04:40.278 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage ID : -2147483648 08-28 02:04:40.278 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object path is : /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/ab6e0c37/ 08-28 02:04:40.279 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Info offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.279 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage metadata offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.279 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object Info Size is 128 08-28 02:04:40.279 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object attributes size is : 0 08-28 02:04:40.279 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object number of data chunks : 1 08-28 02:04:40.279 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object write start chunk : 0 08-28 02:04:40.279 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object data chunk size : 16428 08-28 02:04:40.279 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Data offset is : 172 08-28 02:04:40.279 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Required direcories made successfully 08-28 02:04:40.281 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Number of chunks = 1 08-28 02:04:40.283 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] chunks to /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/ab6e0c37/data_chunk written 08-28 02:04:40.283 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] flags = 1 08-28 02:04:40.283 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage metadata offset is : 16600 08-28 02:04:40.291 489 489 D keystore: AddAuthenticationToken: timestamp = 12446205, time_received = 10029 08-28 02:04:40.294 516 516 D gatekeeperd: verify ret = 0, uid = 100000, type = T 08-28 02:04:40.309 369 369 W keymaster_tee: [WRN]begin req PARAMS: A32 B32 P1 08-28 02:04:40.323 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.323 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->cmd_group = 5 08-28 02:04:40.323 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->szData = 36 08-28 02:04:40.323 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.323 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->command = TS_CMD_READ_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.323 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Received : TS_CMD_READ_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.323 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] UUID of the object owner is : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45 08-28 02:04:40.323 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage ID : -2147483648 08-28 02:04:40.323 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object path is : /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/ 08-28 02:04:40.323 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Info offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.323 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage metadata offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.323 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Number of data chunks to read = 1 start-chunk = 0 chunk-size = 16428 08-28 02:04:40.323 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 24 size = 0 08-28 02:04:40.323 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Calculating size of /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/obj_info of type 1 08-28 02:04:40.324 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Read resource /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/obj_info success, size: 128 08-28 02:04:40.324 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 156 size = 0 08-28 02:04:40.324 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 160 size = 4 08-28 02:04:40.325 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Read resource /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/data_chunk success, size: 16428 08-28 02:04:40.325 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 16600 size = 4 08-28 02:04:40.328 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.328 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->cmd_group = 5 08-28 02:04:40.328 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->szData = 36 08-28 02:04:40.328 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.328 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->command = TS_CMD_READ_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.328 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Received : TS_CMD_READ_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.328 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] UUID of the object owner is : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45 08-28 02:04:40.328 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage ID : -2147483648 08-28 02:04:40.328 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object path is : /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/ 08-28 02:04:40.328 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Info offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.328 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage metadata offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.328 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Number of data chunks to read = 1 start-chunk = 0 chunk-size = 16428 08-28 02:04:40.328 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 24 size = 0 08-28 02:04:40.328 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Calculating size of /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/obj_info of type 1 08-28 02:04:40.329 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Read resource /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/obj_info success, size: 128 08-28 02:04:40.329 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 156 size = 0 08-28 02:04:40.329 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 160 size = 4 08-28 02:04:40.329 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Read resource /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/data_chunk success, size: 16428 08-28 02:04:40.329 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 16600 size = 4 08-28 02:04:40.332 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.332 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->cmd_group = 5 08-28 02:04:40.332 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->szData = 16781 08-28 02:04:40.332 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.332 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->command = TS_CMD_WRITE_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.332 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Received : TS_CMD_WRITE_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.332 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] UUID of the object owner is : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45 08-28 02:04:40.332 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage ID : -2147483648 08-28 02:04:40.332 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object path is : /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/ 08-28 02:04:40.332 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Info offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.332 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage metadata offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.332 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object Info Size is 128 08-28 02:04:40.332 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object attributes size is : 0 08-28 02:04:40.332 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object number of data chunks : 1 08-28 02:04:40.332 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object write start chunk : 0 08-28 02:04:40.332 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object data chunk size : 16428 08-28 02:04:40.332 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Data offset is : 172 08-28 02:04:40.332 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Required direcories made successfully 08-28 02:04:40.335 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Number of chunks = 1 08-28 02:04:40.336 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] chunks to /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/data_chunk written 08-28 02:04:40.336 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] flags = 1 08-28 02:04:40.336 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage metadata offset is : 16600 08-28 02:04:40.346 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.346 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->cmd_group = 5 08-28 02:04:40.346 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->szData = 36 08-28 02:04:40.346 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.346 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->command = TS_CMD_READ_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.346 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Received : TS_CMD_READ_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.346 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] UUID of the object owner is : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45 08-28 02:04:40.346 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage ID : -2147483648 08-28 02:04:40.346 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object path is : /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/ 08-28 02:04:40.346 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Info offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.346 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage metadata offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.346 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Number of data chunks to read = 1 start-chunk = 0 chunk-size = 16428 08-28 02:04:40.346 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 24 size = 0 08-28 02:04:40.346 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Calculating size of /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/obj_info of type 1 08-28 02:04:40.346 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Read resource /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/obj_info success, size: 128 08-28 02:04:40.346 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 156 size = 0 08-28 02:04:40.346 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 160 size = 4 08-28 02:04:40.347 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Read resource /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/data_chunk success, size: 16428 08-28 02:04:40.347 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 16600 size = 4 08-28 02:04:40.349 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.349 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->cmd_group = 5 08-28 02:04:40.349 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->szData = 16781 08-28 02:04:40.349 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.349 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->command = TS_CMD_WRITE_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.349 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Received : TS_CMD_WRITE_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.349 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] UUID of the object owner is : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45 08-28 02:04:40.349 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage ID : -2147483648 08-28 02:04:40.349 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object path is : /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/ 08-28 02:04:40.349 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Info offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.349 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage metadata offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.349 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object Info Size is 128 08-28 02:04:40.349 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object attributes size is : 0 08-28 02:04:40.349 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object number of data chunks : 1 08-28 02:04:40.350 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object write start chunk : 0 08-28 02:04:40.350 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object data chunk size : 16428 08-28 02:04:40.350 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Data offset is : 172 08-28 02:04:40.350 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Required direcories made successfully 08-28 02:04:40.351 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Number of chunks = 1 08-28 02:04:40.353 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] chunks to /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/data_chunk written 08-28 02:04:40.353 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] flags = 1 08-28 02:04:40.353 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage metadata offset is : 16600 08-28 02:04:40.362 489 489 D keystore: AddAuthenticationToken: timestamp = 12446275, time_received = 10029 08-28 02:04:40.364 516 516 D gatekeeperd: verify ret = 0, uid = 0, type = T 08-28 02:04:40.367 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.367 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->cmd_group = 5 08-28 02:04:40.367 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->szData = 36 08-28 02:04:40.367 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.367 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->command = TS_CMD_READ_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.367 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Received : TS_CMD_READ_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.368 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] UUID of the object owner is : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45 08-28 02:04:40.368 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage ID : -2147483648 08-28 02:04:40.368 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object path is : /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/ 08-28 02:04:40.368 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Info offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.368 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage metadata offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.368 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Number of data chunks to read = 1 start-chunk = 0 chunk-size = 16428 08-28 02:04:40.368 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 24 size = 0 08-28 02:04:40.368 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Calculating size of /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/obj_info of type 1 08-28 02:04:40.368 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Read resource /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/obj_info success, size: 128 08-28 02:04:40.368 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 156 size = 0 08-28 02:04:40.368 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 160 size = 4 08-28 02:04:40.368 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Read resource /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/data_chunk success, size: 16428 08-28 02:04:40.368 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 16600 size = 4 08-28 02:04:40.370 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.370 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->cmd_group = 5 08-28 02:04:40.370 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->szData = 36 08-28 02:04:40.370 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.370 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->command = TS_CMD_READ_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.370 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Received : TS_CMD_READ_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.370 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] UUID of the object owner is : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45 08-28 02:04:40.370 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage ID : -2147483648 08-28 02:04:40.370 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object path is : /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/ 08-28 02:04:40.370 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Info offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.370 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage metadata offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.370 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Number of data chunks to read = 1 start-chunk = 0 chunk-size = 16428 08-28 02:04:40.370 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 24 size = 0 08-28 02:04:40.370 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Calculating size of /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/obj_info of type 1 08-28 02:04:40.371 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Read resource /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/obj_info success, size: 128 08-28 02:04:40.371 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 156 size = 0 08-28 02:04:40.371 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 160 size = 4 08-28 02:04:40.371 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Read resource /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/data_chunk success, size: 16428 08-28 02:04:40.371 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 16600 size = 4 08-28 02:04:40.374 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.374 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->cmd_group = 5 08-28 02:04:40.374 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->szData = 16781 08-28 02:04:40.375 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.375 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->command = TS_CMD_WRITE_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.375 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Received : TS_CMD_WRITE_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.375 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] UUID of the object owner is : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45 08-28 02:04:40.375 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage ID : -2147483648 08-28 02:04:40.375 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object path is : /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/ 08-28 02:04:40.375 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Info offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.375 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage metadata offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.375 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object Info Size is 128 08-28 02:04:40.375 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object attributes size is : 0 08-28 02:04:40.375 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object number of data chunks : 1 08-28 02:04:40.375 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object write start chunk : 0 08-28 02:04:40.375 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object data chunk size : 16428 08-28 02:04:40.375 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Data offset is : 172 08-28 02:04:40.375 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Required direcories made successfully 08-28 02:04:40.377 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Number of chunks = 1 08-28 02:04:40.380 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] chunks to /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/data_chunk written 08-28 02:04:40.380 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] flags = 1 08-28 02:04:40.380 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage metadata offset is : 16600 08-28 02:04:40.386 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.387 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->cmd_group = 5 08-28 02:04:40.387 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->szData = 36 08-28 02:04:40.387 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.387 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->command = TS_CMD_READ_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.387 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Received : TS_CMD_READ_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.387 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] UUID of the object owner is : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45 08-28 02:04:40.387 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage ID : -2147483648 08-28 02:04:40.387 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object path is : /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/ 08-28 02:04:40.387 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Info offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.387 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage metadata offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.387 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Number of data chunks to read = 1 start-chunk = 0 chunk-size = 16428 08-28 02:04:40.387 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 24 size = 0 08-28 02:04:40.387 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Calculating size of /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/obj_info of type 1 08-28 02:04:40.387 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Read resource /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/obj_info success, size: 128 08-28 02:04:40.387 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 156 size = 0 08-28 02:04:40.387 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 160 size = 4 08-28 02:04:40.387 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Read resource /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/data_chunk success, size: 16428 08-28 02:04:40.387 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] szdata = 16600 size = 4 08-28 02:04:40.390 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.390 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->cmd_group = 5 08-28 02:04:40.390 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->szData = 16781 08-28 02:04:40.390 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] ====================================================== 08-28 02:04:40.391 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] msgToCommsAgent->command = TS_CMD_WRITE_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.391 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Received : TS_CMD_WRITE_DATA 08-28 02:04:40.391 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] UUID of the object owner is : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45 08-28 02:04:40.391 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage ID : -2147483648 08-28 02:04:40.391 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object path is : /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/ 08-28 02:04:40.391 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Info offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.391 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage metadata offset is : 24 08-28 02:04:40.391 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object Info Size is 128 08-28 02:04:40.391 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object attributes size is : 0 08-28 02:04:40.391 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object number of data chunks : 1 08-28 02:04:40.391 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object write start chunk : 0 08-28 02:04:40.391 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Object data chunk size : 16428 08-28 02:04:40.391 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Data offset is : 172 08-28 02:04:40.391 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Required direcories made successfully 08-28 02:04:40.393 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Number of chunks = 1 08-28 02:04:40.395 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] chunks to /mnt/vendor/efs/tee/srt/00000000-0000-0000-0000-474154454b45/2147483648/dd44844c/data_chunk written 08-28 02:04:40.395 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] flags = 1 08-28 02:04:40.395 360 362 D tzdaemon: [ts] Storage metadata offset is : 16600 08-28 02:04:40.402 489 489 D keystore: AddAuthenticationToken: timestamp = 12446316, time_received = 10029 08-28 02:04:40.402 516 516 D gatekeeperd: verify ret = 0, uid = 0, type = T 08-28 02:04:40.405 489 489 I keystore: calling unlock when already unlocked, ignoring. 08-28 02:04:40.408 779 2369 I LockSettingsService: Unlocking user 0 with secret only, length 32 08-28 02:04:40.413 779 2369 D LockSettingsService: unlockUser finished 08-28 02:04:40.416 779 2369 I LockSettingsService: Disabling escrow token on user 0 08-28 02:04:40.419 779 2369 I LockSettingsService: Caching SP for user 0 08-28 02:04:40.431 779 779 I LockSettingsService: Removing SP from cache for user 0 08-28 02:04:40.433 9253 9253 W BiometricManager: onConfirmDeviceCredentialSuccess(): Service not connected 08-28 02:04:40.438 779 2369 I ActivityTaskManager: Remove from unknown app 08-28 02:04:40.415 779 2369 D LockSettingsService: unlockUser finished 08-28 02:04:40.450 9253 9253 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 9253 08-28 02:04:40.452 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: Client requesting input be hidden 08-28 02:04:40.452 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : send MSG_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT 08-28 02:04:40.463 779 2483 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 08-28 02:04:40.464 779 808 D LocationManagerService: GnssStatusListener from uid 10130 is now foreground 08-28 02:04:40.468 779 2483 V WindowManager: Setting visibility of Window{a5f3077 u0}: true, 08-28 02:04:40.469 779 2483 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientation(orient=-1, last=0); user=0 08-28 02:04:40.465 779 808 D LocationManagerService: GnssStatusListener from uid 10130 is now foreground 08-28 02:04:40.470 420 635 I netd : firewallSetUidRule(2, 10147, 2) <0.06ms> 08-28 02:04:40.474 779 2483 V WindowManager: Computed rotation=0 for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=-1 and oldRotation=0, 08-28 02:04:40.475 1937 1937 D InputMethodService: doHideWindow(), setImeWindowStatus,0: 0, mBackDisposition :0 08-28 02:04:40.475 779 6535 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window (9253): 27888dc in display 0 0 08-28 02:04:40.476 779 2483 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to (0): a4432dd 08-28 02:04:40.476 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInputView():2317 08-28 02:04:40.477 779 2483 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{27888dc u0} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:04:40.484 779 2483 V WindowManager: Setting visibility of Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity}: true, 08-28 02:04:40.484 779 2483 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientation(orient=-1, last=0); user=0 08-28 02:04:40.485 779 2483 V WindowManager: Computed rotation=0 for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=-1 and oldRotation=0, 08-28 02:04:40.487 1937 1937 V InputMethodService: hideWindow: hiding! 08-28 02:04:40.488 1937 1937 W InputMethodService: Window size has been changed. This may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2 08-28 02:04:40.492 1937 1937 D InputMethodService: AxT9IME.sendInputViewShownState(): false 08-28 02:04:40.492 1937 1937 D InputMethodService: AxT9IME.IS_VISIBLE_CANDIDATE(): 4 08-28 02:04:40.495 779 6535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{a5f3077 u0}: viewVisibility=4 req=64x64 08-28 02:04:40.500 779 2003 D KeySyncTask: Key sync not needed. 08-28 02:04:40.508 779 6535 V WindowManager: Relayout 9229: mAttrs={(0,0)(wrapxwrap) sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x1030300 surfaceInsets=Rect(64, 64 - 64, 64) 08-28 02:04:40.508 779 6535 V WindowManager: fl=DIM_BEHIND SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED 08-28 02:04:40.508 779 6535 V WindowManager: pfl=COLOR_SPACE_AGNOSTIC 08-28 02:04:40.508 779 6535 V WindowManager: vsysui=LIGHT_NAVIGATION_BAR} 08-28 02:04:40.511 9229 9229 D VerificationActivity: Starting Installation Service 08-28 02:04:40.512 779 1174 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity}: viewVisibility=4 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:40.518 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from Window{27888dc u0} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:04:40.518 779 811 I WindowManager: Losing focus: Window{27888dc u0} 08-28 02:04:40.523 779 2369 D ActivityTaskManager: nextFocusableStack = ActivityStack{265fcca stackId=44 type=standard mode=fullscreen visible=true translucent=false, 1 tasks} 08-28 02:04:40.523 779 2369 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to (0): d63d107 08-28 02:04:40.529 779 1174 V WindowManager: Relayout 8418: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:04:40.529 779 1174 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:04:40.529 779 1174 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND} 08-28 02:04:40.530 779 2369 I ActivityTaskManager: Remove from unknown app 08-28 02:04:40.542 9229 9229 D DynSystemInstallationService: onStartCommand(): action=android.os.image.action.START_INSTALL 08-28 02:04:40.547 779 1174 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:40.552 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3034 createSurf (720x1480),1 flag=404, vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#0 08-28 02:04:40.554 779 1174 V WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} displayId=0 08-28 02:04:40.556 779 1174 D StatusBarManagerService: notifyRequestedSystemKey recent=false home=false 08-28 02:04:40.562 779 1174 V WindowManager: Relayout 8418: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:04:40.562 779 1174 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:04:40.562 779 1174 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND} 08-28 02:04:40.563 779 809 D WindowManager: setSystemUiVisibility: displayId=0, vis=0x8008, fullVis=0x0, dockVis=0x0, win=Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} 08-28 02:04:40.565 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from null to Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} displayId=0 08-28 02:04:40.566 779 811 I WindowManager: Gaining focus: Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} 08-28 02:04:40.566 9229 9229 D DynSystemInstallationService: postStatus(): statusCode=2, causeCode=0 08-28 02:04:40.573 779 1249 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{495ca31 u0 InputMethod}: viewVisibility=8 req=720x1432 08-28 02:04:40.576 779 1249 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=495ca31 InputMethod)/@0xada8e69 08-28 02:04:40.576 8418 8438 E GED : Failed to get GED Log Buf, err(0) 08-28 02:04:40.578 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3035 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=495ca31 InputMethod)/@0xada8e69 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:40.579 779 779 I NotificationService: zero mdoe val = 0 08-28 02:04:40.583 9229 9313 D InstallationAsyncTask: Start doInBackground(), URL: file:///storage/emulated/0/Download/DSU/workspace_dsuhelper/system-roar-arm32_binder64-ab-vanilla.img.gz 08-28 02:04:40.593 779 1174 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientation(orient=-1, last=0); user=0 08-28 02:04:40.594 779 1174 V WindowManager: Computed rotation=0 for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=-1 and oldRotation=0, 08-28 02:04:40.596 779 1249 V WindowManager: Relayout 1937: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=BOTTOM CENTER_VERTICAL sim={adjust=pan} ty=INPUT_METHOD fmt=TRANSPARENT wanim=0x1030056 08-28 02:04:40.596 779 1249 V WindowManager: fl=NOT_FOCUSABLE LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS} 08-28 02:04:40.598 779 779 I NotificationService: zero mdoe val = 0 08-28 02:04:40.600 1937 22237 D OpenGLRenderer: CanvasContext:: trimMemory hidden, level : 20, Pid : 1937, Tid : 22237 08-28 02:04:40.600 1937 22237 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 3, oppidx_max 3, oppidx_min 0 08-28 02:04:40.605 779 1174 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{a5f3077 u0}: viewVisibility=4 req=64x64 08-28 02:04:40.621 779 1174 V WindowManager: Relayout 9229: mAttrs={(0,0)(wrapxwrap) sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x1030300 surfaceInsets=Rect(64, 64 - 64, 64) 08-28 02:04:40.621 779 1174 V WindowManager: fl=DIM_BEHIND SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED 08-28 02:04:40.621 779 1174 V WindowManager: pfl=COLOR_SPACE_AGNOSTIC 08-28 02:04:40.621 779 1174 V WindowManager: vsysui=LIGHT_NAVIGATION_BAR} 08-28 02:04:40.626 779 1249 I DynamicSystemService: startInstallation -> /data/gsi 08-28 02:04:40.627 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:26.941612,dur:1002.17,max:484.28,min:15.51 08-28 02:04:40.630 2550 2555 E gsid : GSI size 1014649136 is not a multiple of 512 08-28 02:04:40.634 9229 9313 W System.err: Failed to start installation with requested size: 3162132784 08-28 02:04:40.636 9229 9313 W System.err: at 08-28 02:04:40.636 9229 9313 W System.err: at 08-28 02:04:40.636 9229 9313 W System.err: at android.os.AsyncTask$ 08-28 02:04:40.636 9229 9313 W System.err: at 08-28 02:04:40.636 9229 9313 W System.err: at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$ 08-28 02:04:40.636 9229 9313 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 08-28 02:04:40.636 9229 9313 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 08-28 02:04:40.636 9229 9313 W System.err: at 08-28 02:04:40.637 9229 9229 D InstallationAsyncTask: onPostExecute(), URL: file:///storage/emulated/0/Download/DSU/workspace_dsuhelper/system-roar-arm32_binder64-ab-vanilla.img.gz, result: 2 08-28 02:04:40.643 779 779 D LightsService: [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 779) 08-28 02:04:40.643 779 779 D LightsService: [api] [SvcLED] LED indicator : Not supported. 08-28 02:04:40.646 9229 9229 D DynSystemInstallationService: postStatus(): statusCode=1, causeCode=3 08-28 02:04:40.658 779 779 I NotificationService: zero mdoe val = 0 08-28 02:04:40.660 779 779 D LightsService: [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 779) 08-28 02:04:40.662 779 779 D LightsService: [api] [SvcLED] LED indicator : Not supported. 08-28 02:04:40.669 8418 8438 D OpenGLRenderer: -----call onContextCreated callbacks 08-28 02:04:40.669 8418 8438 D OpenGLRenderer: -----/call onContextCreated callbacks 08-28 02:04:40.671 8418 8438 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface : 0xa2f87060 08-28 02:04:40.671 8418 8438 D OpenGLRenderer: setSurface succeed. EglSurface(0xa2f87060) ANativeSurface(0x97c2b4c8) 08-28 02:04:40.690 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 08-28 02:04:40.728 779 1174 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING 08-28 02:04:40.733 8418 8418 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 08-28 02:04:40.734 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{2943db2 token=Token{2da7f14 ActivityRecord{cc72567 u0 t55}}})/@0xa56849d 08-28 02:04:40.735 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3036 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{2943db2 token=Token{2da7f14 ActivityRecord{cc72567 u0 t55}}})/@0xa56849d - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:40.736 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3037 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{2943db2 token=Token{2da7f14 ActivityRecord{cc72567 u0 t55}}})/@0xa56849d - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:04:40.738 779 812 V WindowManager: Setting visibility of Window{a5f3077 u0}: false, 08-28 02:04:40.751 779 2358 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface : 0x7fa415e0 08-28 02:04:40.752 779 2358 E BufferQueueProducer: [unnamed-779-3] setMaxDequeuedBufferCount: 2 dequeued buffers would exceed the maxBufferCount (2) (maxAcquired 1 async 0 mDequeuedBufferCannotBlock 0) 08-28 02:04:40.752 779 2358 E Surface : IGraphicBufferProducer::setBufferCount(3) returned Invalid argument 08-28 02:04:40.752 779 2358 E OpenGLRenderer: ReliableSurface: perform returned an error 08-28 02:04:40.752 779 2358 D OpenGLRenderer: setSurface succeed. EglSurface(0x7fa415e0) ANativeSurface(0x80f3ea08) 08-28 02:04:40.763 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:40.763 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:40.763 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:40.763 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf18c0 | 0082 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | 08-28 02:04:40.763 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf0b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:40.763 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2e80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:04:40.763 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:40.790 779 2483 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window (8418): 3a45da0 in display 0 0 08-28 02:04:40.793 779 1174 V InputMethodManagerService: Unspecified window will hide input 08-28 02:04:40.793 779 1174 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:04:40.794 779 1174 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 08-28 02:04:40.796 779 1249 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{a5f3077 u0}: viewVisibility=8 req=64x64 08-28 02:04:40.806 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3274 08-28 02:04:40.813 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:40.813 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:40.813 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:40.813 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1b00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#0 08-28 02:04:40.813 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf18c0 | 0082 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | 08-28 02:04:40.813 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf0b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:40.813 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2e80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:04:40.813 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:40.813 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=WindowToken{b87756c android.os.Binder@4bf1e1f})/@0x4a825, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=495ca31 InputMethod)/@0xada8e69 08-28 02:04:40.817 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 0, unlocked = true 08-28 02:04:40.819 779 812 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=InputMethod)/@0x71cedfc called by 08-28 02:04:40.819 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3035 Removed Surface(name=495ca31 InputMethod)/@0xada8e69 - animation-leash#0 (54) 08-28 02:04:40.820 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1957 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=vegabobo.dsusideloader fieldId=-1 fieldName=null extras=Bundle[EMPTY_PARCEL]}, false) 08-28 02:04:40.820 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4078 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 08-28 02:04:40.821 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3032 Removed InputMethod#0 (54) 08-28 02:04:40.823 449 449 I Layer : id=3032[1] Destroyed InputMethod#0 08-28 02:04:40.824 449 449 I Layer : id=3035[1] Destroyed Surface(name=495ca31 InputMethod)/@0xada8e69 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:40.833 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 2, unlocked = true 08-28 02:04:40.845 779 1249 V WindowManager: Relayout 9229: mAttrs={(0,0)(wrapxwrap) sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x1030300 surfaceInsets=Rect(64, 64 - 64, 64) 08-28 02:04:40.845 779 1249 V WindowManager: fl=DIM_BEHIND SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED 08-28 02:04:40.845 779 1249 V WindowManager: pfl=COLOR_SPACE_AGNOSTIC 08-28 02:04:40.845 779 1249 V WindowManager: vsysui=LIGHT_NAVIGATION_BAR} 08-28 02:04:40.863 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3018 Removed a5f3077 (52) 08-28 02:04:40.872 449 449 I Layer : id=3018[1] Destroyed a5f3077 08-28 02:04:40.877 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3016 Removed AppWindowToken{a4432dd token=Token{bc596b4 ActivityRecord{2d75787 u0 t55}}}#0 (51) 08-28 02:04:40.889 449 449 I Layer : id=3016[1] Destroyed AppWindowToken{a4432dd token=Token{bc596b4 ActivityRecord{2d75787 u0 t55}}}#0 08-28 02:04:40.949 990 1002 I ndroid.systemu: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 23472(1192KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(20KB) LOS objects, 47% free, 6766KB/12MB, paused 210us total 150.164ms 08-28 02:04:40.953 1578 1596 I .gms.persisten: Background concurrent copying GC freed 132100(6185KB) AllocSpace objects, 18(556KB) LOS objects, 34% free, 11MB/17MB, paused 227us total 219.477ms 08-28 02:04:41.106 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=55)/@0xe4ed798, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{2943db2 token=Token{2da7f14 ActivityRecord{cc72567 u0 t55}}})/@0xa56849d 08-28 02:04:41.108 779 812 V WindowManager: Setting visibility of Window{27888dc u0}: false,$$Lambda$$getFinishedCallback$0$SurfaceAnimator:99 08-28 02:04:41.114 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3036 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{2943db2 token=Token{2da7f14 ActivityRecord{cc72567 u0 t55}}})/@0xa56849d - animation-leash#0 (50) 08-28 02:04:41.114 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3037 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{2943db2 token=Token{2da7f14 ActivityRecord{cc72567 u0 t55}}})/@0xa56849d - animation-bounds#0 (50) 08-28 02:04:41.123 449 449 I Layer : id=3037[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{2943db2 token=Token{2da7f14 ActivityRecord{cc72567 u0 t55}}})/@0xa56849d - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:04:41.123 449 449 I Layer : id=3036[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{2943db2 token=Token{2da7f14 ActivityRecord{cc72567 u0 t55}}})/@0xa56849d - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:41.130 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:41.130 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:41.130 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:41.130 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1b00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#0 08-28 02:04:41.130 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf0b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:41.130 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2e80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:04:41.130 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:41.135 779 6535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{27888dc u0}: viewVisibility=8 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:41.147 779 2358 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 3, oppidx_max 3, oppidx_min 0 08-28 02:04:41.149 779 6535 V WindowManager: Relayout 9253: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={state=hidden adjust=resize forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION wanim=0x10302f1 08-28 02:04:41.149 779 6535 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN SECURE LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:04:41.149 779 6535 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS} 08-28 02:04:41.152 9253 9275 D OpenGLRenderer: CanvasContext:: trimMemory hidden, level : 20, Pid : 9253, Tid : 9275 08-28 02:04:41.152 9253 9275 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 3, oppidx_max 3, oppidx_min 0 08-28 02:04:41.165 9253 9253 W BiometricManager: onConfirmDeviceCredentialError(): Service not connected 08-28 02:04:41.177 779 6535 W InputMethodManagerService: Ignoring hideSoftInput of uid 1000:$Stub$Proxy@1fa2c01 08-28 02:04:41.183 779 6535 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface( called by android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:665 08-28 02:04:41.185 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3026 Removed (48) 08-28 02:04:41.189 449 449 I Layer : id=3026[1] Destroyed 08-28 02:04:41.195 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3025 Removed 27888dc (47) 08-28 02:04:41.197 9253 9253 E ViewRootImpl: sendUserActionEvent() returned. 08-28 02:04:41.203 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3024 Removed AppWindowToken{2943db2 token=Token{2da7f14 ActivityRecord{cc72567 u0 t55}}}#0 (47) 08-28 02:04:41.203 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3015 Removed Task=55#0 (47) 08-28 02:04:41.204 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3014 Removed animation background stackId=56#0 (47) 08-28 02:04:41.207 449 449 I Layer : id=3025[1] Destroyed 27888dc 08-28 02:04:41.207 449 449 I Layer : id=3014[1] Destroyed animation background stackId=56#0 08-28 02:04:41.207 449 449 I Layer : id=3015[1] Destroyed Task=55#0 08-28 02:04:41.207 449 449 I Layer : id=3024[1] Destroyed AppWindowToken{2943db2 token=Token{2da7f14 ActivityRecord{cc72567 u0 t55}}}#0 08-28 02:04:41.315 779 884 D SensorService: [SO] 0.302 -0.034 9.831 08-28 02:04:42.234 1578 1578 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { } 08-28 02:04:42.615 779 926 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.930) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 08-28 02:04:43.496 356 356 D io_stats: !@ 179,0 r 1173533 26524347 w 102074 9280444 d 30970 8551336 f 46235 60904 iot 753006 667042 th 51200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 10032.984 08-28 02:04:44.263 779 926 D WifiConnectivityManager: periodicScanTimerHandler 08-28 02:04:44.272 779 926 D WifiConnectivityManager: schedulePeriodicScanTimer, intervalMs: 160000 08-28 02:04:44.276 779 929 D WifiScanningService: addSingleScanRequest: ClientInfo[uid=1000,android.os.Messenger@800fe34],Id=74,WorkSource{1010}, ScanSettings { type:HIGH ACCURACY band:24Ghz & 5Ghz (DFS incl) ignoreLocationSettings:false period:0 reportEvents:3 numBssidsPerScan:0 maxScansToCache:0 channels:[ ] hiddenNetworks:[ ] } 08-28 02:04:44.536 779 3162 D SSRM:ja : SIOP:: AP = 400, PST = 423 (W:12), BAT = 332, USB = 0, CHG = 0, CP = 385 08-28 02:04:44.626 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 08-28 02:04:44.699 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: SFWD update time=10034189503498 08-28 02:04:44.719 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10034.208551 08-28 02:04:44.719 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2537 ] when=10034.208551 08-28 02:04:44.720 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:04:44.720 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:04:44.721 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10034208 08-28 02:04:44.721 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: 1495000 -1 08-28 02:04:44.724 990 990 I SwipeDoorsillDetector: onTouchEvent(): mIntercepting is false 08-28 02:04:44.728 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): updateSignaloneLevelPersec 08-28 02:04:44.728 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH mPreSvcSate: 1, mCurSvcSate: 1 08-28 02:04:44.728 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH : 3, 3 08-28 02:04:44.728 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH(IN_SVC) no diff :3, 3 08-28 02:04:44.728 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): mVoWifiConnectedfalse 08-28 02:04:44.728 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): updateSignaloneLevelPersec 08-28 02:04:44.728 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH mPreSvcSate: 1, mCurSvcSate: 1 08-28 02:04:44.728 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH : 3, 3 08-28 02:04:44.728 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH(IN_SVC) no diff :3, 3 08-28 02:04:44.728 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): mVoWifiConnectedfalse 08-28 02:04:44.733 990 990 D StatusBar: disable disable2 08-28 02:04:44.741 779 2483 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{7b801bf u0 StatusBar}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x48 08-28 02:04:44.747 990 1314 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState isTransient=false transientEnabling =false cb.isTransient=false state.state = 2 mStateBeforeClick.value =false enabled =true 08-28 02:04:44.748 990 1314 D Tile.BluetoothTile: handleUpdateState enabled = false connected = false connecting = false changedState =false bluetoothState = 10 enabledChanging = false state = BooleanState[,icon=ResourceIcon[resId=0x7f080425],iconSupplier=null,label=Bluetooth,secondaryLabel=null,contentDescription=Bluetooth,Off.,dualLabelContentDescription=null,expandedAccessibilityClassName=null,disabledByPolicy=false,dualTarget=true,isTransient=false,state=1,slash="null",value=false] 08-28 02:04:44.750 990 1314 D Tile.RotationLockTile: handleUpdateState: true orientation = true 08-28 02:04:44.751 779 2483 V WindowManager: Relayout 990: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=TOP CENTER_VERTICAL sim={adjust=resize} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=STATUS_BAR fmt=TRANSLUCENT 08-28 02:04:44.751 779 2483 V WindowManager: fl=NOT_FOCUSABLE TOUCHABLE_WHEN_WAKING WATCH_OUTSIDE_TOUCH SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS} 08-28 02:04:44.755 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:9.203732,dur:4128.76,max:3514.83,min:12.56 08-28 02:04:44.758 990 1431 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface : 0xa2fb7ce0 08-28 02:04:44.759 990 1431 D OpenGLRenderer: setSurface succeed. EglSurface(0xa2fb7ce0) ANativeSurface(0x97d0d268) 08-28 02:04:44.763 990 1314 D QSTileHost: updateNewCustomTileList(START) >>>> 08-28 02:04:44.764 990 1314 D QSTileHost: oldList: ComponentInfo{},ComponentInfo{},ComponentInfo{},ComponentInfo{},ComponentInfo{com.b_lam.resplash/com.b_lam.resplash.service.AutoWallpaperTileService},ComponentInfo{com.celzero.bravedns/com.celzero.bravedns.service.BraveTileService},ComponentInfo{com.zacharee1.systemuituner/},ComponentInfo{com.zacharee1.systemuituner/},ComponentInfo{com.zacharee1.systemuituner/},ComponentInfo{com.zacharee1.systemuituner/},ComponentInfo{com.zacharee1.systemuituner/},ComponentInfo{com.zacharee1.systemuituner/},ComponentInfo{com.zacharee1.systemuituner/},ComponentInfo{de.dlyt.yanndroid.notinotes/de.dlyt.yanndroid.notinotes.QSTile},ComponentInfo{},ComponentInfo{}, 08-28 02:04:44.774 990 1314 D QSTileHost: getCustomTileList : tileList = ComponentInfo{},ComponentInfo{},ComponentInfo{},ComponentInfo{},ComponentInfo{com.b_lam.resplash/com.b_lam.resplash.service.AutoWallpaperTileService},ComponentInfo{com.celzero.bravedns/com.celzero.bravedns.service.BraveTileService},ComponentInfo{com.zacharee1.systemuituner/},ComponentInfo{com.zacharee1.systemuituner/},ComponentInfo{com.zacharee1.systemuituner/},ComponentInfo{com.zacharee1.systemuituner/},ComponentInfo{com.zacharee1.systemuituner/},ComponentInfo{com.zacharee1.systemuituner/},ComponentInfo{com.zacharee1.systemuituner/},ComponentInfo{de.dlyt.yanndroid.notinotes/de.dlyt.yanndroid.notinotes.QSTile},ComponentInfo{},ComponentInfo{}, 08-28 02:04:44.774 990 1314 D QSTileHost: currentList: ComponentInfo{},ComponentInfo{},ComponentInfo{},ComponentInfo{},ComponentInfo{com.b_lam.resplash/com.b_lam.resplash.service.AutoWallpaperTileService},ComponentInfo{com.celzero.bravedns/com.celzero.bravedns.service.BraveTileService},ComponentInfo{com.zacharee1.systemuituner/},ComponentInfo{com.zacharee1.systemuituner/},ComponentInfo{com.zacharee1.systemuituner/},ComponentInfo{com.zacharee1.systemuituner/},ComponentInfo{com.zacharee1.systemuituner/},ComponentInfo{com.zacharee1.systemuituner/},ComponentInfo{com.zacharee1.systemuituner/},ComponentInfo{de.dlyt.yanndroid.notinotes/de.dlyt.yanndroid.notinotes.QSTile},ComponentInfo{},ComponentInfo{}, 08-28 02:04:44.775 990 1314 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState isTransient=false transientEnabling =false cb.isTransient=false state.state = 2 mStateBeforeClick.value =false enabled =true 08-28 02:04:44.776 990 1314 D Tile.BluetoothTile: handleUpdateState enabled = false connected = false connecting = false changedState =false bluetoothState = 10 enabledChanging = false state = BooleanState[,icon=ResourceIcon[resId=0x7f080425],iconSupplier=null,label=Bluetooth,secondaryLabel=null,contentDescription=Bluetooth,Off.,dualLabelContentDescription=null,expandedAccessibilityClassName=null,disabledByPolicy=false,dualTarget=true,isTransient=false,state=1,slash="null",value=false] 08-28 02:04:44.779 990 1314 D Tile.RotationLockTile: handleUpdateState: true orientation = true 08-28 02:04:44.783 779 6535 D LightsService: [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 779) 08-28 02:04:44.784 779 6535 D LightsService: [api] [SvcLED] LED indicator : Not supported. 08-28 02:04:44.782 990 1314 I chatty : uid=10075( SysUiBg identical 1 line 08-28 02:04:44.783 990 1314 D Tile.RotationLockTile: handleUpdateState: true orientation = true 08-28 02:04:44.786 990 1314 D Tile.BluetoothTile: handleUpdateState enabled = false connected = false connecting = false changedState =false bluetoothState = 10 enabledChanging = false state = BooleanState[,icon=ResourceIcon[resId=0x7f080425],iconSupplier=null,label=Bluetooth,secondaryLabel=null,contentDescription=Bluetooth,Off.,dualLabelContentDescription=null,expandedAccessibilityClassName=null,disabledByPolicy=false,dualTarget=true,isTransient=false,state=1,slash="null",value=false] 08-28 02:04:44.786 779 6535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{7b801bf u0 StatusBar}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:44.788 779 6535 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} to Window{7b801bf u0 StatusBar} displayId=0 08-28 02:04:44.789 779 809 D WindowManager: setSystemUiVisibility: displayId=0, vis=0x8008, fullVis=0x0, dockVis=0x0, win=Window{7b801bf u0 StatusBar} 08-28 02:04:44.789 779 6535 D StatusBarManagerService: notifyRequestedSystemKey recent=false home=false 08-28 02:04:44.791 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} to Window{7b801bf u0 StatusBar} displayId=0 08-28 02:04:44.791 779 811 I WindowManager: Gaining focus: Window{7b801bf u0 StatusBar} 08-28 02:04:44.792 779 811 I WindowManager: Losing focus: Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} 08-28 02:04:44.794 779 6535 V WindowManager: Relayout 990: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=TOP CENTER_VERTICAL sim={adjust=resize} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=STATUS_BAR fmt=TRANSLUCENT 08-28 02:04:44.794 779 6535 V WindowManager: fl=TOUCHABLE_WHEN_WAKING ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM WATCH_OUTSIDE_TOUCH SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:04:44.794 779 6535 V WindowManager: pfl=STATUS_FORCE_SHOW_NAVIGATION} 08-28 02:04:44.821 779 2483 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window (8418): 3a45da0 in display 0 0 08-28 02:04:44.821 779 2483 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window (990): 7b801bf in display 0 0 08-28 02:04:44.827 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10034315 08-28 02:04:44.854 990 990 D StatusBar: disable disable2 08-28 02:04:44.936 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10034424 08-28 02:04:44.968 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10034.457688 08-28 02:04:44.968 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10034.457688 08-28 02:04:44.968 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:04:45.263 779 808 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface: wlan0, up: true 08-28 02:04:45.264 779 808 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, true 08-28 02:04:45.266 420 635 I netd : interfaceGetCfg("wlan0") <0.54ms> 08-28 02:04:45.267 779 1249 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 08-28 02:04:45.274 779 929 D WifiScanningService: singleScanResults: ClientInfo[uid=1000,android.os.Messenger@800fe34],Id=74,results=4 08-28 02:04:45.274 779 929 D WifiScanningService: singleScanResults: ClientInfo[uid=1000,android.os.Messenger@800fe34],Id=1,results=4 08-28 02:04:45.275 779 929 D WifiScanningService: singleScanResults: ClientInfo[uid=1000,android.os.Messenger@800fe34],Id=2,results=4 08-28 02:04:45.279 779 926 D WifiConnectivityManager: AllSingleScanListener onResults: start network selection 08-28 02:04:45.280 779 926 D WifiNetworkSelector: Current connected network: "CWC-1078750" , ID: 1 08-28 02:04:45.280 779 926 D WifiNetworkSelector: Current connected network already sufficient. Skip network selection. 08-28 02:04:45.281 779 1249 E WifiService: Permission violation - getScanResults not allowed for uid=10130,, reason=java.lang.SecurityException: Location mode is disabled for the device 08-28 02:04:45.469 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 08-28 02:04:45.631 779 926 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.930) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 08-28 02:04:45.868 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10035.357846 08-28 02:04:45.869 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2538 ] when=10035.357846 08-28 02:04:45.869 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:04:45.869 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:04:45.870 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10035357 08-28 02:04:45.871 990 990 D PanelView: onInterceptTouchEvent !mQsExp : true BarState : 0 TouchEmptyArea : true X : 486.32455 Y : 999.3248 08-28 02:04:45.871 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: 1495000 -1 08-28 02:04:45.874 990 990 I SwipeDoorsillDetector: onTouchEvent(): mIntercepting is false 08-28 02:04:45.904 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:26.119164,dur:1148.58,max:650.22,min:15.90 08-28 02:04:45.951 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10035.440523 08-28 02:04:45.951 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10035.440523 08-28 02:04:45.951 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:04:45.986 990 990 D StatusBar: disable disable2 08-28 02:04:46.013 990 990 V SecQsTransitionAnimator: restorePanelView 08-28 02:04:46.021 779 2369 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{7b801bf u0 StatusBar}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:46.024 779 2369 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{7b801bf u0 StatusBar} to Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} displayId=0 08-28 02:04:46.024 779 809 D WindowManager: setSystemUiVisibility: displayId=0, vis=0x8008, fullVis=0x0, dockVis=0x0, win=Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} 08-28 02:04:46.025 779 2369 D StatusBarManagerService: notifyRequestedSystemKey recent=false home=false 08-28 02:04:46.026 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from Window{7b801bf u0 StatusBar} to Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} displayId=0 08-28 02:04:46.027 779 811 I WindowManager: Gaining focus: Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} 08-28 02:04:46.027 779 811 I WindowManager: Losing focus: Window{7b801bf u0 StatusBar} 08-28 02:04:46.029 779 2369 V WindowManager: Relayout 990: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=TOP CENTER_VERTICAL sim={adjust=resize} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=STATUS_BAR fmt=TRANSLUCENT 08-28 02:04:46.029 779 2369 V WindowManager: fl=NOT_FOCUSABLE TOUCHABLE_WHEN_WAKING WATCH_OUTSIDE_TOUCH SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS} 08-28 02:04:46.034 990 990 D SwipeAnimator: RESET false 08-28 02:04:46.041 990 990 D StatusBar: disable disable2 08-28 02:04:46.047 990 1431 D OpenGLRenderer: CanvasContext:: trimMemory complete, level : 80, Pid : 990, Tid : 1431 08-28 02:04:46.054 779 6535 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window (990): 7b801bf in display 0 0 08-28 02:04:46.054 779 6535 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window (8418): 3a45da0 in display 0 0 08-28 02:04:46.057 990 1431 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 3, oppidx_max 3, oppidx_min 0 08-28 02:04:46.057 990 1431 D OpenGLRenderer: -----call onContextDestroyed callbacks 08-28 02:04:46.061 990 1431 D OpenGLRenderer: -----/call onContextDestroyed callbacks 08-28 02:04:46.067 779 6535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{7b801bf u0 StatusBar}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x48 08-28 02:04:46.078 779 6535 V WindowManager: Relayout 990: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillx48) gr=TOP CENTER_VERTICAL sim={adjust=resize} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=STATUS_BAR fmt=TRANSLUCENT 08-28 02:04:46.078 779 6535 V WindowManager: fl=NOT_FOCUSABLE TOUCHABLE_WHEN_WAKING WATCH_OUTSIDE_TOUCH SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:04:46.078 779 6535 V WindowManager: pfl=COLOR_SPACE_AGNOSTIC} 08-28 02:04:46.111 990 1431 D OpenGLRenderer: -----call onContextCreated callbacks 08-28 02:04:46.112 990 1431 D OpenGLRenderer: -----/call onContextCreated callbacks 08-28 02:04:46.113 990 1431 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface : 0xacb6bdc0 08-28 02:04:46.113 990 1431 D OpenGLRenderer: setSurface succeed. EglSurface(0xacb6bdc0) ANativeSurface(0x97c2b568) 08-28 02:04:46.115 990 1431 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface : 0xacb6bdc0 08-28 02:04:46.116 990 1431 D OpenGLRenderer: setSurface succeed. EglSurface(0xacb6bdc0) ANativeSurface(0x97d0ba08) 08-28 02:04:46.285 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10035.774241 08-28 02:04:46.285 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2539 ] when=10035.774241 08-28 02:04:46.285 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:04:46.286 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10035774 08-28 02:04:46.288 990 990 I KeyButtonView: Back button event: ACTION_DOWN 08-28 02:04:46.290 779 2483 D InputDispatcher: Inject key (990): action=0, f=0x48, time=10035776000000 08-28 02:04:46.292 779 2483 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 08-28 02:04:46.294 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityFromNative : 2170 (event: 1 flags: 0) eventTime = 10035776 08-28 02:04:46.294 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 1 flags: 0) eventTime = 10035776 08-28 02:04:46.296 779 901 D PhoneWindowManagerExtension: interceptKeyTi code=4 down=true repeatCount=0 08-28 02:04:46.297 779 901 V InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection succeeded. 08-28 02:04:46.298 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering key to (8418): action: 0x0 (0), f=0x48, m=0x0, d=0, '3a45da0' 08-28 02:04:46.298 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onKeyDown():2513 Received KEYCODE_BACK. isAllViewsInvisible=false 08-28 02:04:46.299 1937 1937 D InputMethodService: onKeyDown B key 08-28 02:04:46.299 1937 1937 D InputMethodService: handleBack doIt : false mShowInputRequested : false mWindowVisible : false 08-28 02:04:46.299 1937 1937 D InputMethodService: handleBack return false 08-28 02:04:46.299 1937 1937 D InputMethodService: onKeyDown handleback false 08-28 02:04:46.304 990 1431 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface : 0x82469260 08-28 02:04:46.304 990 1431 D OpenGLRenderer: setSurface succeed. EglSurface(0x82469260) ANativeSurface(0x97d0e348) 08-28 02:04:46.384 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10035.873570 08-28 02:04:46.384 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10035.873570 08-28 02:04:46.384 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:04:46.386 990 990 I KeyButtonView: Back button event: ACTION_UP 08-28 02:04:46.386 779 2483 D InputDispatcher: Inject key (990): action=1, f=0x48, time=10035875000000 08-28 02:04:46.387 779 2483 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 08-28 02:04:46.389 779 901 D PhoneWindowManagerExtension: interceptKeyTi code=4 down=false repeatCount=0 08-28 02:04:46.390 779 901 V InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection succeeded. 08-28 02:04:46.390 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering key to (8418): action: 0x1 (0), f=0x48, m=0x0, d=0, '3a45da0' 08-28 02:04:46.391 1937 1937 D InputMethodService: onKeyUp B key 08-28 02:04:46.391 1937 1937 D InputMethodService: onKeyUp not B key 08-28 02:04:46.453 779 2483 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure INPUT_FEATURE_NO_INPUT_CHANNEL flag. Ignoring 08-28 02:04:46.455 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3038 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, 2d2681d vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#0 08-28 02:04:46.457 779 2483 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} to Window{2d2681d u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} displayId=0 08-28 02:04:46.457 779 2483 D StatusBarManagerService: notifyRequestedSystemKey recent=false home=false 08-28 02:04:46.459 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} to Window{2d2681d u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} displayId=0 08-28 02:04:46.459 779 811 I WindowManager: Delaying loss of focus... 08-28 02:04:46.459 779 811 I WindowManager: Gaining focus: Window{2d2681d u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} 08-28 02:04:46.467 779 2483 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{2d2681d u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=684x701 08-28 02:04:46.473 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3039 createSurf (732x749),1 flag=4, vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#1 08-28 02:04:46.478 779 2483 V WindowManager: Relayout 8418: mAttrs={(0,0)(wrapxwrap) gr=CENTER sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=APPLICATION fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x7f100003 surfaceInsets=Rect(24, 24 - 24, 24) 08-28 02:04:46.478 779 2483 V WindowManager: fl=DIM_BEHIND ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED} 08-28 02:04:46.482 8418 8438 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface : 0x83607d80 08-28 02:04:46.483 8418 8438 D OpenGLRenderer: setSurface succeed. EglSurface(0x83607d80) ANativeSurface(0x84693c28) 08-28 02:04:46.488 779 2483 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window (8418): 3a45da0 in display 0 0 08-28 02:04:46.520 779 6535 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{2d2681d u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING 08-28 02:04:46.534 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=2d2681d vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity)/@0x661060 08-28 02:04:46.534 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3040 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=2d2681d vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity)/@0x661060 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:46.537 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3041 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=24004, Dim Layer for - Task=44#0 08-28 02:04:46.538 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=44)/@0x528dde 08-28 02:04:46.538 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3042 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=44)/@0x528dde - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:46.542 779 811 I WindowManager: Losing delayed focus: Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} 08-28 02:04:46.570 779 6535 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window (8418): 2d2681d in display 0 0 08-28 02:04:46.574 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:46.574 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:46.574 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:46.574 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1b00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#0 08-28 02:04:46.574 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2a00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 6.0 0.0 726.0 749.0 | 0 341 720 1090 | vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#1 08-28 02:04:46.574 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:46.574 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf24c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:04:46.574 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:46.591 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:46.591 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:46.591 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:46.591 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1b00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#0 08-28 02:04:46.591 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: SOLID_COLOR | | 0004 | Unknown | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | Dim Layer for - Task=44#0 08-28 02:04:46.591 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2a00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 6.0 0.0 726.0 749.0 | 0 341 720 1090 | vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#1 08-28 02:04:46.591 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:46.591 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2e80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:04:46.591 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:46.686 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=AppWindowToken{d63d107 token=Token{5c98b46 ActivityRecord{16adb21 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.RunOnAdbActivity t44}}})/@0x7c9e615, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=2d2681d vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity)/@0x661060 08-28 02:04:46.690 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3040 Removed Surface(name=2d2681d vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity)/@0x661060 - animation-leash#0 (48) 08-28 02:04:46.702 449 449 I Layer : id=3040[1] Destroyed Surface(name=2d2681d vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity)/@0x661060 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:46.707 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=44)/@0xf5d1c34, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=44)/@0x528dde 08-28 02:04:46.721 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3042 Removed Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=44)/@0x528dde - animation-leash#0 (47) 08-28 02:04:46.736 449 449 I Layer : id=3042[1] Destroyed Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=44)/@0x528dde - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:46.885 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 08-28 02:04:47.189 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 08-28 02:04:47.190 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): updateSignaloneLevelPersec 08-28 02:04:47.190 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH mPreSvcSate: 1, mCurSvcSate: 1 08-28 02:04:47.190 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH : 2, 3 08-28 02:04:47.190 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): mVoWifiConnectedfalse 08-28 02:04:47.190 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): mVoWifiConnectedfalse 08-28 02:04:47.196 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 08-28 02:04:47.289 779 1093 D BatteryService: mHealthInfo.batteryLevel: 5 08-28 02:04:47.290 779 1093 D BatteryService: Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. scale:100, info:{.chargerAcOnline = false, .chargerUsbOnline = true, .chargerWirelessOnline = false, .maxChargingCurrent = 0, .maxChargingVoltage = 0, .batteryStatus = CHARGING, .batteryHealth = GOOD, .batteryPresent = true, .batteryLevel = 5, .batteryVoltage = 3774, .batteryTemperature = 331, .batteryCurrent = 0, .batteryCycleCount = 0, .batteryFullCharge = 3000000, .batteryChargeCounter = 159000, .batteryTechnology = Li-ion} 08-28 02:04:47.290 779 1093 D BatteryService: online:4, current avg:285, charge type:1, POGO powered:false, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, charger_type:0, capacity:280000, misc_event:65536, current_event:0, current_now:405 08-28 02:04:47.292 779 779 D UsbDeviceManager: received ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 08-28 02:04:47.293 779 808 D UsbDeviceManager: handleMessage -> MSG_UPDATE_CHARGING_STATE: mUsbCharging=true 08-28 02:04:47.293 990 990 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 08-28 02:04:47.294 990 990 D PowerUI.Notification: showChargingNotice oldChargingType : 1 currentChargingType : 1 oldChargingTime : 0 mChargingTime : 0 08-28 02:04:47.294 990 990 D PowerUI.Notification: There is no change about charging status, so return! 08-28 02:04:47.294 990 990 D PowerUI : Battery swelling mode - priorBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatteryStatus = 2 08-28 02:04:47.294 990 990 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 08-28 02:04:47.294 990 990 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate 08-28 02:04:47.317 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10036.806864 08-28 02:04:47.317 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2540 ] when=10036.806864 08-28 02:04:47.318 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:04:47.318 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:04:47.318 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (8418): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '2d2681d', t=1 08-28 02:04:47.319 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10036806 08-28 02:04:47.320 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: 1495000 -1 08-28 02:04:47.400 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10036.889669 08-28 02:04:47.400 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10036.889669 08-28 02:04:47.400 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (8418): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '2d2681d', t=1 08-28 02:04:47.415 779 6535 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{2d2681d u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:04:47.417 779 6535 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to (0): c33bf86 08-28 02:04:47.417 779 6535 D ActivityTaskManager: nextFocusableStack = ActivityStack{8ec4ce2 stackId=0 type=home mode=fullscreen visible=true translucent=true, 1 tasks} 08-28 02:04:47.423 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:32.263710,dur:1518.73,max:552.96,min:14.80 08-28 02:04:47.423 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from Window{2d2681d u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:04:47.423 779 811 I WindowManager: Losing focus: Window{2d2681d u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity} 08-28 02:04:47.434 8418 8438 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x82b67c00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x835336f0 08-28 02:04:47.440 779 2483 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=2d2681d vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity)/@0x661060 08-28 02:04:47.440 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3043 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=2d2681d vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity)/@0x661060 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:47.442 779 2483 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=44)/@0x528dde 08-28 02:04:47.443 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3044 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=44)/@0x528dde - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:47.449 779 2483 V WindowManager: Setting visibility of Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher}: true, 08-28 02:04:47.450 779 2483 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientation(orient=5, last=0); user=0 08-28 02:04:47.451 779 2483 V WindowManager: Computed rotation=0 for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=5 and oldRotation=0, 08-28 02:04:47.455 779 1778 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window (8418): 2d2681d in display 0 0 08-28 02:04:47.461 779 1778 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher}: viewVisibility=4 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:47.470 779 1778 V WindowManager: Relayout 19753: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSPARENT wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:04:47.470 779 1778 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SHOW_WALLPAPER SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:04:47.470 779 1778 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND 08-28 02:04:47.470 779 1778 V WindowManager: vsysui=LAYOUT_STABLE LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN} 08-28 02:04:47.494 8418 8418 E ViewRootImpl: sendUserActionEvent() returned. 08-28 02:04:47.496 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=2944 Removed 62747d4 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity#0 (48) 08-28 02:04:47.502 449 449 I Layer : id=2944[1] Destroyed 62747d4 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity#0 08-28 02:04:47.510 19753 19753 I FEED : 1 08-28 02:04:47.510 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=2532 Removed AppWindowToken{12e58d0 token=Token{d97a093 ActivityRecord{debf182 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t44}}}#0 (47) 08-28 02:04:47.510 19753 19753 I FEED : 2 08-28 02:04:47.519 449 449 I Layer : id=2532[1] Destroyed AppWindowToken{12e58d0 token=Token{d97a093 ActivityRecord{debf182 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t44}}}#0 08-28 02:04:47.519 779 2483 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { dat=app://app.lawnchair:10150?v=7&cv=9 } U=0: not found 08-28 02:04:47.544 779 6535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:47.547 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3045 createSurf (720x1480),1 flag=4, app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher#0 08-28 02:04:47.548 779 6535 V WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher} displayId=0 08-28 02:04:47.550 779 6535 D StatusBarManagerService: notifyRequestedSystemKey recent=false home=false 08-28 02:04:47.550 779 809 D WindowManager: setSystemUiVisibility: displayId=0, vis=0x960a, fullVis=0x0, dockVis=0x0, win=Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher} 08-28 02:04:47.550 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from null to Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher} displayId=0 08-28 02:04:47.551 779 811 I WindowManager: Gaining focus: Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher} 08-28 02:04:47.552 779 2369 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw: displayId=0, vis=0x960a, resetVis=0x0, clearVis=0x0 08-28 02:04:47.557 779 6535 V WindowManager: Relayout 19753: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSPARENT wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:04:47.557 779 6535 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SHOW_WALLPAPER SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:04:47.557 779 6535 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND 08-28 02:04:47.557 779 6535 V WindowManager: vsysui=LAYOUT_STABLE LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN} 08-28 02:04:47.564 19753 19787 E GED : Failed to get GED Log Buf, err(0) 08-28 02:04:47.573 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=287b2e2 NavigationBar0)/@0x1b98ca7 08-28 02:04:47.574 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3046 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=287b2e2 NavigationBar0)/@0x1b98ca7 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:47.603 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=AppWindowToken{d63d107 token=Token{5c98b46 ActivityRecord{16adb21 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.RunOnAdbActivity t44}}})/@0x7c9e615, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=2d2681d vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity)/@0x661060 08-28 02:04:47.604 779 812 E WindowManager: win=Window{2d2681d u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity EXITING} destroySurfaces: appStopped=false win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=true win.mRemoveOnExit=true win.mViewVisibility=0$$Lambda$$getFinishedCallback$0$SurfaceAnimator:99 08-28 02:04:47.604 19753 19787 D OpenGLRenderer: -----call onContextCreated callbacks 08-28 02:04:47.604 19753 19787 D OpenGLRenderer: -----/call onContextCreated callbacks 08-28 02:04:47.605 779 812 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity)/@0xe44619a called by 08-28 02:04:47.606 19753 19787 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface : 0xacb6a8c0 08-28 02:04:47.607 19753 19787 D OpenGLRenderer: setSurface succeed. EglSurface(0xacb6a8c0) ANativeSurface(0x97c2bce8) 08-28 02:04:47.609 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=44)/@0xf5d1c34, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=44)/@0x528dde 08-28 02:04:47.610 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3043 Removed Surface(name=2d2681d vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity)/@0x661060 - animation-leash#0 (48) 08-28 02:04:47.610 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3039 Removed vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#1 (48) 08-28 02:04:47.619 449 449 I Layer : id=3043[1] Destroyed Surface(name=2d2681d vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity)/@0x661060 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:47.622 449 449 I Layer : id=3039[1] Destroyed vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#1 08-28 02:04:47.623 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3041 Removed Dim Layer for - Task=44#0 (46) 08-28 02:04:47.623 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3044 Removed Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=44)/@0x528dde - animation-leash#0 (46) 08-28 02:04:47.625 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:47.625 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:47.625 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:47.625 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1b00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#0 08-28 02:04:47.625 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:47.625 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf24c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:04:47.625 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:47.635 449 449 I Layer : id=3044[1] Destroyed Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=44)/@0x528dde - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:47.636 449 449 I Layer : id=3041[1] Destroyed Dim Layer for - Task=44#0 08-28 02:04:47.686 779 6535 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING 08-28 02:04:47.693 19753 19781 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 19753 08-28 02:04:47.695 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{d63d107 token=Token{5c98b46 ActivityRecord{16adb21 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.RunOnAdbActivity t44}}})/@0x7c9e615 08-28 02:04:47.695 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3047 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{d63d107 token=Token{5c98b46 ActivityRecord{16adb21 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.RunOnAdbActivity t44}}})/@0x7c9e615 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:47.696 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3048 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{d63d107 token=Token{5c98b46 ActivityRecord{16adb21 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.RunOnAdbActivity t44}}})/@0x7c9e615 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:04:47.698 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 08-28 02:04:47.699 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3049 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:47.700 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3050 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:04:47.706 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: screenshot (vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#0) 08-28 02:04:47.711 449 667 I Layer : id=3051[0] Destroyed Screenshot Parent 08-28 02:04:47.714 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: Client requesting input be hidden 08-28 02:04:47.714 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:04:47.717 19753 19753 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 08-28 02:04:47.720 779 2369 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window (19753): 62e9682 in display 0 0 08-28 02:04:47.720 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: Unspecified window will hide input 08-28 02:04:47.720 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:04:47.721 779 6535 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 08-28 02:04:47.726 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3274 08-28 02:04:47.727 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 0, unlocked = true 08-28 02:04:47.727 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1957 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=app.lawnchair fieldId=2131361916 fieldName=null extras=Bundle[EMPTY_PARCEL]}, false) 08-28 02:04:47.727 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4078 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 08-28 02:04:47.728 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 2, unlocked = true 08-28 02:04:47.741 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:47.741 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:47.741 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:47.741 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1800 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | 08-28 02:04:47.741 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2c40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher#0 08-28 02:04:47.741 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1b00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1418.0 | 0 62 720 1480 | vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#0 08-28 02:04:47.741 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:47.741 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf24c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:04:47.741 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:47.743 779 2483 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:47.751 779 2483 V WindowManager: Relayout 19753: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSPARENT wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:04:47.751 779 2483 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SHOW_WALLPAPER SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:04:47.751 779 2483 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND 08-28 02:04:47.751 779 2483 V WindowManager: vsysui=LAYOUT_STABLE LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN} 08-28 02:04:47.773 19753 19753 D b/223498680: BaseRecentsViewStateController setState state=AllApps, alpha=0.0 08-28 02:04:47.806 779 2483 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher} mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN 08-28 02:04:47.902 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 08-28 02:04:47.919 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=3)/@0xe6b7bda, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 08-28 02:04:47.925 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:47.925 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:47.925 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:47.925 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1800 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | 08-28 02:04:47.925 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2a00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher#0 08-28 02:04:47.925 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:47.925 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf24c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 34.0 | 0 1446 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:04:47.925 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:47.926 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3049 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 - animation-leash#0 (48) 08-28 02:04:47.926 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3050 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 - animation-bounds#0 (48) 08-28 02:04:47.935 449 449 I Layer : id=3050[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:04:47.935 449 449 I Layer : id=3049[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:47.952 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=WindowToken{e88afad android.os.BinderProxy@54a33d7})/@0xe70971c, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=287b2e2 NavigationBar0)/@0x1b98ca7 08-28 02:04:47.972 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3046 Removed Surface(name=287b2e2 NavigationBar0)/@0x1b98ca7 - animation-leash#0 (46) 08-28 02:04:47.975 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:47.975 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:47.975 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:47.975 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1800 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | 08-28 02:04:47.975 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2a00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher#0 08-28 02:04:47.975 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:47.975 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:47.985 449 449 I Layer : id=3046[1] Destroyed Surface(name=287b2e2 NavigationBar0)/@0x1b98ca7 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:48.119 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=44)/@0xf5d1c34, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{d63d107 token=Token{5c98b46 ActivityRecord{16adb21 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.RunOnAdbActivity t44}}})/@0x7c9e615 08-28 02:04:48.120 779 812 V WindowManager: Setting visibility of Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity}: false,$$Lambda$$getFinishedCallback$0$SurfaceAnimator:99 08-28 02:04:48.139 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3047 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{d63d107 token=Token{5c98b46 ActivityRecord{16adb21 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.RunOnAdbActivity t44}}})/@0x7c9e615 - animation-leash#0 (45) 08-28 02:04:48.139 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3048 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{d63d107 token=Token{5c98b46 ActivityRecord{16adb21 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.RunOnAdbActivity t44}}})/@0x7c9e615 - animation-bounds#0 (45) 08-28 02:04:48.146 779 2483 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{3a45da0 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity}: viewVisibility=8 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:48.151 779 2358 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 3, oppidx_max 3, oppidx_min 0 08-28 02:04:48.153 449 449 I Layer : id=3048[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{d63d107 token=Token{5c98b46 ActivityRecord{16adb21 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.RunOnAdbActivity t44}}})/@0x7c9e615 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:04:48.153 449 449 I Layer : id=3047[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{d63d107 token=Token{5c98b46 ActivityRecord{16adb21 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.RunOnAdbActivity t44}}})/@0x7c9e615 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:48.161 779 2483 V WindowManager: Relayout 8418: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:04:48.161 779 2483 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:04:48.161 779 2483 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND} 08-28 02:04:48.163 8418 8438 D OpenGLRenderer: CanvasContext:: trimMemory hidden, level : 20, Pid : 8418, Tid : 8438 08-28 02:04:48.164 8418 8438 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 3, oppidx_max 3, oppidx_min 0 08-28 02:04:48.174 779 6535 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity)/@0x4d025d8 called by android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:665 08-28 02:04:48.175 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3034 Removed vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#0 (43) 08-28 02:04:48.179 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=2994 Removed 3a45da0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#0 (43) 08-28 02:04:48.185 449 449 I Layer : id=2994[1] Destroyed 3a45da0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#0 08-28 02:04:48.185 449 449 I Layer : id=3034[1] Destroyed vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#0 08-28 02:04:48.187 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=2993 Removed AppWindowToken{d63d107 token=Token{5c98b46 ActivityRecord{16adb21 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.RunOnAdbActivity t44}}}#0 (41) 08-28 02:04:48.188 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=2521 Removed animation background stackId=44#0 (41) 08-28 02:04:48.192 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH mPreSvcSate: 1, mCurSvcSate: 1 08-28 02:04:48.192 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH : 2, 2 08-28 02:04:48.192 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH(IN_SVC) no diff :2, 2 08-28 02:04:48.202 449 449 I Layer : id=2993[1] Destroyed AppWindowToken{d63d107 token=Token{5c98b46 ActivityRecord{16adb21 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.RunOnAdbActivity t44}}}#0 08-28 02:04:48.202 449 449 I Layer : id=2521[1] Destroyed animation background stackId=44#0 08-28 02:04:48.501 356 356 D io_stats: !@ 179,0 r 1173925 26530915 w 102096 9280600 d 30970 8551336 f 46238 60907 iot 753126 667158 th 51200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 10037.990 08-28 02:04:48.647 779 926 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.930) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 08-28 02:04:48.689 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:38.685017,dur:1266.64,max:469.54,min:13.58 08-28 02:04:48.750 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10038.239821 08-28 02:04:48.751 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2541 ] when=10038.239821 08-28 02:04:48.751 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:04:48.751 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19753): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '62e9682', t=1 08-28 02:04:48.752 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x0, f=0x3, d=0, 'd022f4b', t=1 08-28 02:04:48.753 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10038239 08-28 02:04:48.754 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: 1495000 -1 08-28 02:04:48.755 19753 19781 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 19753 08-28 02:04:48.755 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: Client requesting input be hidden 08-28 02:04:48.755 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:04:48.785 19753 19781 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 19753 08-28 02:04:48.785 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:04:48.802 19753 19781 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 19753 08-28 02:04:48.802 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:04:48.785 779 6535 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:779_1E identical 1 line 08-28 02:04:48.802 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: Client requesting input be hidden 08-28 02:04:48.858 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10038346 08-28 02:04:48.899 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10038.388880 08-28 02:04:48.899 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10038.388880 08-28 02:04:48.899 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19753): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '62e9682', t=1 08-28 02:04:48.900 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x1, f=0x3, d=0, 'd022f4b', t=1 08-28 02:04:49.402 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 08-28 02:04:49.533 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10039.022273 08-28 02:04:49.533 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2542 ] when=10039.022273 08-28 02:04:49.533 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:04:49.533 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19753): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '62e9682', t=1 08-28 02:04:49.534 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x0, f=0x3, d=0, 'd022f4b', t=1 08-28 02:04:49.535 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: 1495000 -1 08-28 02:04:49.535 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10039022 08-28 02:04:49.538 19753 19781 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 19753 08-28 02:04:49.538 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: Client requesting input be hidden 08-28 02:04:49.539 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:04:49.641 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10039129 08-28 02:04:49.702 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:50.385738,dur:1012.19,max:147.53,min:15.22 08-28 02:04:49.731 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 08-28 02:04:49.731 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): updateSignaloneLevelPersec 08-28 02:04:49.731 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH mPreSvcSate: 1, mCurSvcSate: 1 08-28 02:04:49.731 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH : 1, 2 08-28 02:04:49.732 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): mVoWifiConnectedfalse 08-28 02:04:49.732 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): mVoWifiConnectedfalse 08-28 02:04:49.738 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 08-28 02:04:49.750 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10039238 08-28 02:04:49.832 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10039.321702 08-28 02:04:49.832 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10039.321702 08-28 02:04:49.832 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19753): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '62e9682', t=1 08-28 02:04:49.832 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x1, f=0x3, d=0, 'd022f4b', t=1 08-28 02:04:50.334 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 08-28 02:04:50.433 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10039.922169 08-28 02:04:50.433 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2543 ] when=10039.922169 08-28 02:04:50.434 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:04:50.434 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19753): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '62e9682', t=1 08-28 02:04:50.434 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x0, f=0x3, d=0, 'd022f4b', t=1 08-28 02:04:50.435 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10039922 08-28 02:04:50.435 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: 1495000 -1 08-28 02:04:50.437 19753 19781 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 19753 08-28 02:04:50.437 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: Client requesting input be hidden 08-28 02:04:50.438 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:04:50.467 19753 19781 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 19753 08-28 02:04:50.468 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:04:50.517 19753 19781 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 19753 08-28 02:04:50.518 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:04:50.534 19753 19781 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 19753 08-28 02:04:50.534 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:04:50.548 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10040.037983 08-28 02:04:50.548 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10040.037983 08-28 02:04:50.549 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19753): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '62e9682', t=1 08-28 02:04:50.549 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x1, f=0x3, d=0, 'd022f4b', t=1 08-28 02:04:50.518 779 6535 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:779_1E identical 2 lines 08-28 02:04:50.534 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: Client requesting input be hidden 08-28 02:04:50.549 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10040037 08-28 02:04:50.550 19753 19781 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 19753 08-28 02:04:50.550 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: Client requesting input be hidden 08-28 02:04:50.551 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:04:50.557 779 6535 D ActivityTaskManager: Sending Appstart to CFMS 08-28 02:04:50.559 779 6535 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=vegabobo.dsusideloader/.SplashActivity bnds=[27,734][193,970]} from uid 10150 08-28 02:04:50.562 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3052 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Stack=57#0 08-28 02:04:50.563 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3053 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=20004, animation background stackId=57#0 08-28 02:04:50.565 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3054 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Task=56#0 08-28 02:04:50.568 437 480 I power@1.3-impl: powerHintInternal hint:8, data:1 08-28 02:04:50.570 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3055 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, AppWindowToken{e0dc784 token=Token{4718997 ActivityRecord{6af8c16 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.SplashActivity t56}}}#0 08-28 02:04:50.589 779 6535 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientation(orient=-1, last=0); user=0 08-28 02:04:50.590 779 6535 V WindowManager: Computed rotation=0 for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=-1 and oldRotation=0, 08-28 02:04:50.591 779 6535 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientation(orient=-1, last=0); user=0 08-28 02:04:50.591 779 6535 V WindowManager: Computed rotation=0 for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=-1 and oldRotation=0, 08-28 02:04:50.592 8418 8418 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@131e4d8 08-28 02:04:50.594 779 6535 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to (0): e0dc784 08-28 02:04:50.595 779 6535 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:04:50.605 779 812 E system_server: Invalid ID 0x00000000. 08-28 02:04:50.608 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:04:50.609 779 811 I WindowManager: Losing focus: Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher} 08-28 02:04:50.610 779 2369 D ActivityTaskManager: Sending Appstart to CFMS 08-28 02:04:50.611 779 2369 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {cmp=vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity} from uid 10331 08-28 02:04:50.613 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3056 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}}#0 08-28 02:04:50.621 437 480 I power@1.3-impl: powerHintInternal hint:8, data:1 08-28 02:04:50.623 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3057 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, 59b4a1 Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader#0 08-28 02:04:50.626 779 2369 I ActivityTaskManager: Remove from unknown app 08-28 02:04:50.637 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3058 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, c98795 Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader#0 08-28 02:04:50.643 779 2483 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientation(orient=-1, last=0); user=0 08-28 02:04:50.643 779 2483 V WindowManager: Computed rotation=0 for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=-1 and oldRotation=0, 08-28 02:04:50.646 779 2483 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to (0): e496aab 08-28 02:04:50.650 779 812 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{59b4a1 u0 Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:50.650 8418 8418 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@a90e333 08-28 02:04:50.651 779 2483 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window (19753): 62e9682 in display 0 0 08-28 02:04:50.655 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3059 createSurf (720x1480),1 flag=404, Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader#0 08-28 02:04:50.661 779 812 V WindowManager: Relayout 779: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} ty=APPLICATION_STARTING wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:04:50.661 779 812 V WindowManager: fl=NOT_FOCUSABLE NOT_TOUCHABLE LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:04:50.661 779 812 V WindowManager: pfl=FAKE_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED SHOW_FOR_ALL_USERS FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND} 08-28 02:04:50.662 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:04:50.676 779 812 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{59b4a1 u0 Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING 08-28 02:04:50.677 779 812 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{c98795 u0 Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:50.683 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3060 createSurf (720x1480),1 flag=404, Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader#1 08-28 02:04:50.691 779 812 V WindowManager: Relayout 779: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} ty=APPLICATION_STARTING wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:04:50.691 779 812 V WindowManager: fl=NOT_FOCUSABLE NOT_TOUCHABLE LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:04:50.691 779 812 V WindowManager: pfl=FAKE_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED SHOW_FOR_ALL_USERS FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND} 08-28 02:04:50.692 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:04:50.706 779 812 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{c98795 u0 Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING 08-28 02:04:50.709 779 812 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader)/@0x85e549b called by android.view.ViewRootImpl.dispatchDetachedFromWindow:4327 08-28 02:04:50.710 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3059 Removed Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader#0 (48) 08-28 02:04:50.713 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 08-28 02:04:50.714 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3057 Removed 59b4a1 Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader#0 (49) 08-28 02:04:50.714 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3061 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:50.717 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 08-28 02:04:50.717 449 449 I Layer : id=3057[1] Destroyed 59b4a1 Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader#0 08-28 02:04:50.717 449 449 I Layer : id=3059[1] Destroyed Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader#0 08-28 02:04:50.719 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3062 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:50.721 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:18.634232,dur:1019.63,max:717.70,min:15.35 08-28 02:04:50.727 779 809 D WindowManager: setSystemUiVisibility: displayId=0, vis=0x8008, fullVis=0x0, dockVis=0x0, win=Window{c98795 u0 Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader} 08-28 02:04:50.728 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=287b2e2 NavigationBar0)/@0x1b98ca7 08-28 02:04:50.729 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3063 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=287b2e2 NavigationBar0)/@0x1b98ca7 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:50.736 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH mPreSvcSate: 1, mCurSvcSate: 1 08-28 02:04:50.738 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH : 1, 1 08-28 02:04:50.738 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH(IN_SVC) no diff :1, 1 08-28 02:04:50.740 779 1778 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw: displayId=0, vis=0x8008, resetVis=0x0, clearVis=0x0 08-28 02:04:50.752 779 812 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{c98795 u0 Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:50.756 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:50.756 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:50.756 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:50.756 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1800 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | 08-28 02:04:50.756 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1b00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher#0 08-28 02:04:50.756 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2940 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 51.0 659.0 168.0 776.0 | 51 784 168 901 | Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader#1 08-28 02:04:50.756 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf0b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:50.756 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:50.760 779 812 V WindowManager: Relayout 779: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} ty=APPLICATION_STARTING wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:04:50.760 779 812 V WindowManager: fl=NOT_FOCUSABLE NOT_TOUCHABLE LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:04:50.760 779 812 V WindowManager: pfl=FAKE_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED SHOW_FOR_ALL_USERS FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND} 08-28 02:04:50.761 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:04:50.773 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:50.773 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:50.773 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:50.773 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1800 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | 08-28 02:04:50.773 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2c40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher#0 08-28 02:04:50.773 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2940 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 73.0 720.0 1399.0 | 0 88 720 1414 | Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader#1 08-28 02:04:50.773 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf0b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:50.773 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf24c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 18.0 | 0 1462 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:04:50.773 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:50.777 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:04:50.792 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:50.792 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:50.792 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:50.792 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1e00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader#1 08-28 02:04:50.792 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf0b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:50.792 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf24c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 33.0 | 0 1447 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:04:50.792 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:50.794 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=3)/@0xe6b7bda, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 08-28 02:04:50.795 779 812 V WindowManager: Setting visibility of Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher}: false,$$Lambda$$getFinishedCallback$0$SurfaceAnimator:99 08-28 02:04:50.795 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=56)/@0xa57bf7c, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 08-28 02:04:50.799 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3061 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 - animation-leash#0 (49) 08-28 02:04:50.799 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:04:50.799 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3062 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 - animation-leash#0 (49) 08-28 02:04:50.800 449 449 I Layer : id=3061[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:50.801 449 449 I Layer : id=3062[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:50.810 779 2369 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher}: viewVisibility=8 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:50.825 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:04:50.830 779 2369 V WindowManager: Relayout 19753: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSPARENT wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:04:50.830 779 2369 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SHOW_WALLPAPER SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:04:50.830 779 2369 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND 08-28 02:04:50.830 779 2369 V WindowManager: vsysui=LAYOUT_STABLE LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN} 08-28 02:04:50.840 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:04:50.940 779 2483 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure INPUT_FEATURE_NO_INPUT_CHANNEL flag. Ignoring 08-28 02:04:50.919 779 812 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim identical 5 lines 08-28 02:04:50.935 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:04:50.941 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3064 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, 31f5768 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity#0 08-28 02:04:50.955 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:04:50.968 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:04:50.981 779 2483 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:50.983 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:04:50.986 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3065 createSurf (720x1480),1 flag=404, vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity#0 08-28 02:04:50.988 779 2483 V WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity} displayId=0 08-28 02:04:50.988 779 2483 D StatusBarManagerService: notifyRequestedSystemKey recent=false home=false 08-28 02:04:50.989 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from null to Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity} displayId=0 08-28 02:04:50.989 779 811 I WindowManager: Gaining focus: Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity} 08-28 02:04:50.993 779 2483 V WindowManager: Relayout 8418: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=resize forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:04:50.993 779 2483 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:04:50.993 779 2483 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND} 08-28 02:04:50.998 8418 8438 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface : 0x82dc6500 08-28 02:04:50.999 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=WindowToken{e88afad android.os.BinderProxy@54a33d7})/@0xe70971c, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=287b2e2 NavigationBar0)/@0x1b98ca7 08-28 02:04:50.999 8418 8438 D OpenGLRenderer: setSurface succeed. EglSurface(0x82dc6500) ANativeSurface(0x82af9b48) 08-28 02:04:51.000 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:04:51.017 779 812 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim identical 1 line 08-28 02:04:51.034 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:04:51.034 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3063 Removed Surface(name=287b2e2 NavigationBar0)/@0x1b98ca7 - animation-leash#0 (49) 08-28 02:04:51.050 449 449 I Layer : id=3063[1] Destroyed Surface(name=287b2e2 NavigationBar0)/@0x1b98ca7 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:51.096 779 2483 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING 08-28 02:04:51.108 8418 8418 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 08-28 02:04:51.111 779 2483 V InputMethodManagerService: Unspecified window will hide input 08-28 02:04:51.111 779 2483 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:04:51.112 779 2483 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 08-28 02:04:51.118 779 2369 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window (8418): 31f5768 in display 0 0 08-28 02:04:51.119 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3274 08-28 02:04:51.122 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 0, unlocked = true 08-28 02:04:51.122 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1957 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=vegabobo.dsusideloader fieldId=-1 fieldName=null extras=Bundle[EMPTY_PARCEL]}, false) 08-28 02:04:51.122 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4078 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 08-28 02:04:51.123 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=c98795 Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader)/@0x828d003 08-28 02:04:51.123 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 2, unlocked = true 08-28 02:04:51.124 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3066 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=c98795 Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader)/@0x828d003 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:51.131 779 816 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity: +543ms 08-28 02:04:51.143 779 2483 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity} mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN 08-28 02:04:51.144 437 480 I power@1.3-impl: powerHintInternal hint:8, data:0 08-28 02:04:51.151 19753 19781 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 19753 08-28 02:04:51.152 779 2483 W InputMethodManagerService: Ignoring hideSoftInput of uid 10150:$Stub$Proxy@c167475 08-28 02:04:51.156 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3055 Removed AppWindowToken{e0dc784 token=Token{4718997 ActivityRecord{6af8c16 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.SplashActivity t56}}}#0 (49) 08-28 02:04:51.167 449 449 I Layer : id=3055[1] Destroyed AppWindowToken{e0dc784 token=Token{4718997 ActivityRecord{6af8c16 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.SplashActivity t56}}}#0 08-28 02:04:51.167 19753 19787 D OpenGLRenderer: CanvasContext:: trimMemory hidden, level : 20, Pid : 19753, Tid : 19787 08-28 02:04:51.167 19753 19787 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 3, oppidx_max 3, oppidx_min 0 08-28 02:04:51.172 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:51.172 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:51.172 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:51.172 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1b00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity#0 08-28 02:04:51.172 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5dba780 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader#1 08-28 02:04:51.172 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf0b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:51.172 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf27c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:04:51.172 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:51.284 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=c98795 Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader)/@0x828d003 08-28 02:04:51.284 779 812 E WindowManager: win=Window{c98795 u0 Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader EXITING} destroySurfaces: appStopped=false win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=true win.mRemoveOnExit=true win.mViewVisibility=0$$Lambda$$getFinishedCallback$0$SurfaceAnimator:99 08-28 02:04:51.285 779 812 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader)/@0xd8b6a98 called by 08-28 02:04:51.290 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3060 Removed Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader#1 (48) 08-28 02:04:51.290 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3058 Removed c98795 Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader#0 (48) 08-28 02:04:51.290 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3066 Removed Surface(name=c98795 Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader)/@0x828d003 - animation-leash#0 (48) 08-28 02:04:51.300 449 449 I Layer : id=3066[1] Destroyed Surface(name=c98795 Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader)/@0x828d003 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:51.300 449 449 I Layer : id=3058[1] Destroyed c98795 Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader#0 08-28 02:04:51.303 449 449 I Layer : id=3060[1] Destroyed Splash Screen vegabobo.dsusideloader#1 08-28 02:04:51.306 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:51.306 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:51.306 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:51.306 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1b00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity#0 08-28 02:04:51.306 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf0b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:51.306 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf27c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:04:51.306 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:51.315 779 884 D SensorService: [SO] 0.206 -0.014 9.792 08-28 02:04:51.663 779 926 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.930) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 08-28 02:04:52.150 8944 8944 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { } 08-28 02:04:52.298 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 08-28 02:04:52.547 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10042.037167 08-28 02:04:52.547 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2544 ] when=10042.037167 08-28 02:04:52.548 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:04:52.548 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:04:52.548 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (8418): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '31f5768', t=1 08-28 02:04:52.549 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10042037 08-28 02:04:52.567 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:20.586277,dur:1845.89,max:865.93,min:12.24 08-28 02:04:52.630 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10042.120210 08-28 02:04:52.630 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10042.120210 08-28 02:04:52.631 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (8418): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '31f5768', t=1 08-28 02:04:52.763 8944 8944 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { } 08-28 02:04:53.145 437 479 I libPowerHal: 8: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 08-28 02:04:53.506 356 356 D io_stats: !@ 179,0 r 1174011 26532535 w 102109 9281024 d 30970 8551336 f 46241 60910 iot 753173 667199 th 51200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 10042.995 08-28 02:04:54.124 966 1469 E ImsAdaptorImpl: setSSACInfo : ImsAdaptorImpl. 08-28 02:04:54.138 1176 2480 D SsacManager: updateSSACInfo[0] : Voice(0:0) Video(0:0) 08-28 02:04:54.140 1176 2480 D SsacManager: Voice Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[0], t[0] 08-28 02:04:54.140 1176 2480 D SsacManager: Video Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[0], t[0] 08-28 02:04:54.142 1176 2480 D SsacManager: set regiMgr.setSSACPolicy as false. 08-28 02:04:54.148 966 1469 E ImsAdaptorImpl: setSSACInfo : ImsAdaptorImpl. 08-28 02:04:54.149 1176 2480 D SsacManager: updateSSACInfo[0] : Voice(0:0) Video(0:0) 08-28 02:04:54.149 1176 2480 D SsacManager: Voice Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[0], t[0] 08-28 02:04:54.149 1176 2480 D SsacManager: Video Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[0], t[0] 08-28 02:04:54.150 1176 2480 D SsacManager: set regiMgr.setSSACPolicy as false. 08-28 02:04:54.229 990 990 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE 08-28 02:04:54.234 966 9330 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=-1 08-28 02:04:54.235 990 990 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: action android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE serviceState={mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=2147483647, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=16(GSM), getRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, VoiceRegType=0, ImsVoiceAvail=1, Snap=0, MobileVoice=OUT_OF_SERVICE, MobileVoiceRat=Unknown, MobileData=OUT_OF_SERVICE, MobileDataRoamingType=home, MobileDataRat=GSM PsOnly=false FemtocellInd=0 SprDisplayRoam=false EndcStatus=0 RestrictDcnr=1 NrBearerStatus=0 5gStatus=0 RRCState=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=true, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=DENIED roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=GSM rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=true availableServices=[EMERGENCY] cellIdentity=CellIdentityGsm:{ mLac=701 mCid=22264 mArfcn=2147483647 mBsic=0x7fffffff mMcc=358 mMnc=110 mAlphaLong=FLOW mAlphaShort=FLOW} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=true availableServices=[EMERGENCY] cellIdentity=CellIdentityGsm:{ mLac=701 mCid=22264 mArfcn=2147483647 mBsic=0x7fffffff mMcc=358 mMnc=110 mAlphaLong=FLOW mAlphaShort=FLOW} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 4 isDcNrRestricted = true isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1 mIsUsingCarrierAggregation = false } nrState=NONE}], mNrFrequencyRange=-1, mIsIwlanPreferred=false} subId=-1 08-28 02:04:54.238 990 990 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleServiceStateChange(subId=-1, serviceState={mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=2147483647, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=16(GSM), getRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, VoiceRegType=0, ImsVoiceAvail=1, Snap=0, MobileVoice=OUT_OF_SERVICE, MobileVoiceRat=Unknown, MobileData=OUT_OF_SERVICE, MobileDataRoamingType=home, MobileDataRat=GSM PsOnly=false FemtocellInd=0 SprDisplayRoam=false EndcStatus=0 RestrictDcnr=1 NrBearerStatus=0 5gStatus=0 RRCState=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=true, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=DENIED roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=GSM rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=true availableServices=[EMERGENCY] cellIdentity=CellIdentityGsm:{ mLac=701 mCid=22264 mArfcn=2147483647 mBsic=0x7fffffff mMcc=358 mMnc=110 mAlphaLong=FLOW mAlphaShort=FLOW} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=true availableServices=[EMERGENCY] cellIdentity=CellIdentityGsm:{ mLac=701 mCid=22264 mArfcn=2147483647 mBsic=0x7fffffff mMcc=358 mMnc=110 mAlphaLong=FLOW mAlphaShort=FLOW} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 4 isDcNrRestricted = true isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1 mIsUsingCarrierAggregation = false } nrState=NONE}], mNrFrequencyRange=-1, mIsIwlanPreferred=false} 08-28 02:04:54.238 990 990 W KeyguardUpdateMonitor: invalid subId in handleServiceStateChange() 08-28 02:04:54.242 990 1314 D NetworkController: updateCarrierText : Emergency calls only, slotId = 0 numberOfSim = 0 airplane = false activeSimCount = 0 08-28 02:04:54.242 990 1314 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: updateCarrierTextInfo 08-28 02:04:54.243 990 990 D CarrierTextController: onRefreshCarrierInfo(), mTelephonyCapable: true 08-28 02:04:54.243 990 990 D CarrierTextController: updateCarrierText(): 0 08-28 02:04:54.245 990 990 D CarrierTextController: Getting plmn/spn/subId sticky brdcst plmn : Emergency calls only, spn : , subId :-1 08-28 02:04:54.245 990 990 D CarrierTextController: plmn Of NetworkController Impl : Emergency calls only 08-28 02:04:54.245 990 990 D CarrierTextController: setText : No SIM card — Emergency calls only 08-28 02:04:54.246 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 08-28 02:04:54.246 990 990 D PanelCarrierLabelManager: setTextForCommon(text:Emergency calls only) 08-28 02:04:54.250 966 966 V PhoneGlobals: handleServiceStateChanged 08-28 02:04:54.256 966 966 D Telephony: SamsungTuiNotificationManager: updateNetworkSelection: serviceState =1 mPrevServiceState =1 08-28 02:04:54.257 966 966 V PhoneGlobals: subId=-1,mDefaultDataSubId=-1,ss roaming=false 08-28 02:04:54.257 966 966 V PhoneGlobals: updateDataRoamingStatus 08-28 02:04:54.257 966 966 W PhoneGlobals: Can't get phone with sub id = -1 08-28 02:04:54.310 420 631 D MDnsDS : MDnsSdListener::Monitor poll timed out 08-28 02:04:54.310 420 631 D MDnsDS : Going to poll with pollCount 1 08-28 02:04:54.317 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:21.717405,dur:1749.75,max:1100.18,min:16.30 08-28 02:04:54.552 779 3162 D SSRM:ja : SIOP:: AP = 400, PST = 420 (W:12), BAT = 331, USB = 0, CHG = 0, CP = 384 08-28 02:04:54.680 779 926 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.930) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 08-28 02:04:55.286 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 08-28 02:04:55.286 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): updateSignaloneLevelPersec 08-28 02:04:55.286 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH mPreSvcSate: 1, mCurSvcSate: 1 08-28 02:04:55.286 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH : 2, 1 08-28 02:04:55.286 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): mVoWifiConnectedfalse 08-28 02:04:55.286 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): mVoWifiConnectedfalse 08-28 02:04:55.291 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 08-28 02:04:55.370 779 814 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL ERROR: open /dev/RT_Monitor failed. 08-28 02:04:55.370 779 814 D AES : RT Monitor ERROR: open /dev/RT_Monitor failed. 08-28 02:04:55.374 779 814 E Watchdog: !@Sync 334 [2022-08-28 02:04:55.374] FD count : 345, wdog_way : softdog 08-28 02:04:56.289 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH mPreSvcSate: 1, mCurSvcSate: 1 08-28 02:04:56.289 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH : 2, 2 08-28 02:04:56.289 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH(IN_SVC) no diff :2, 2 08-28 02:04:56.311 19753 19765 W app.lawnchair: Reducing the number of considered missed Gc histogram windows from 101 to 100 08-28 02:04:57.367 779 1093 D BatteryService: mHealthInfo.batteryLevel: 5 08-28 02:04:57.368 779 1093 D BatteryService: Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. scale:100, info:{.chargerAcOnline = false, .chargerUsbOnline = true, .chargerWirelessOnline = false, .maxChargingCurrent = 0, .maxChargingVoltage = 0, .batteryStatus = CHARGING, .batteryHealth = GOOD, .batteryPresent = true, .batteryLevel = 5, .batteryVoltage = 3779, .batteryTemperature = 331, .batteryCurrent = 0, .batteryCycleCount = 0, .batteryFullCharge = 3000000, .batteryChargeCounter = 162000, .batteryTechnology = Li-ion} 08-28 02:04:57.368 779 1093 D BatteryService: online:4, current avg:351, charge type:1, POGO powered:false, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, charger_type:0, capacity:280000, misc_event:65536, current_event:0, current_now:325 08-28 02:04:57.370 779 779 D UsbDeviceManager: received ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 08-28 02:04:57.371 779 808 D UsbDeviceManager: handleMessage -> MSG_UPDATE_CHARGING_STATE: mUsbCharging=true 08-28 02:04:57.371 990 990 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 08-28 02:04:57.372 990 990 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate 08-28 02:04:57.374 990 990 D PowerUI.Notification: showChargingNotice oldChargingType : 1 currentChargingType : 1 oldChargingTime : 0 mChargingTime : 0 08-28 02:04:57.375 990 990 D PowerUI.Notification: There is no change about charging status, so return! 08-28 02:04:57.375 990 990 D PowerUI : Battery swelling mode - priorBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatteryStatus = 2 08-28 02:04:57.375 990 990 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 08-28 02:04:57.699 779 926 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.930) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 08-28 02:04:58.078 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10047.567902 08-28 02:04:58.079 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2545 ] when=10047.567902 08-28 02:04:58.079 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:04:58.080 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:04:58.080 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (8418): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '31f5768', t=1 08-28 02:04:58.081 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityFromNative : 2180 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10047567 08-28 02:04:58.081 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: 1495000 -1 08-28 02:04:58.081 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10047567 08-28 02:04:58.211 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10047.700501 08-28 02:04:58.211 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10047.700501 08-28 02:04:58.211 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (8418): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '31f5768', t=1 08-28 02:04:58.212 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10047700 08-28 02:04:58.214 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:4.362411,dur:3896.93,max:3631.25,min:15.89 08-28 02:04:58.215 779 2369 D ActivityTaskManager: Sending Appstart to CFMS 08-28 02:04:58.216 779 2369 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {cmp=vegabobo.dsusideloader/.AboutActivity} from uid 10331 08-28 02:04:58.218 437 480 I power@1.3-impl: powerHintInternal hint:8, data:1 08-28 02:04:58.218 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3067 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, AppWindowToken{89a684f token=Token{23a52ae ActivityRecord{b1dff29 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.AboutActivity t56}}}#0 08-28 02:04:58.233 779 2369 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientation(orient=-1, last=0); user=0 08-28 02:04:58.234 779 2369 V WindowManager: Computed rotation=0 for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=-1 and oldRotation=0, 08-28 02:04:58.237 779 2369 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to (0): 89a684f 08-28 02:04:58.238 779 2369 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:04:58.242 8418 8418 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@d0b5ade 08-28 02:04:58.245 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:04:58.245 779 811 I WindowManager: Losing focus: Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity} 08-28 02:04:58.254 435 521 W IMGMemtrackHAL: hal_get_memory: memtrack cache rebuild was required 08-28 02:04:58.263 779 2483 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window (8418): 31f5768 in display 0 0 08-28 02:04:58.333 779 2483 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure INPUT_FEATURE_NO_INPUT_CHANNEL flag. Ignoring 08-28 02:04:58.335 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3068 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, f5cebba vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.AboutActivity#0 08-28 02:04:58.360 779 2483 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{f5cebba u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.AboutActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:58.366 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3069 createSurf (720x1480),1 flag=404, vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.AboutActivity#0 08-28 02:04:58.368 779 2483 V WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{f5cebba u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.AboutActivity} displayId=0 08-28 02:04:58.368 779 809 D WindowManager: setSystemUiVisibility: displayId=0, vis=0x8008, fullVis=0x0, dockVis=0x0, win=Window{f5cebba u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.AboutActivity} 08-28 02:04:58.368 779 2483 D StatusBarManagerService: notifyRequestedSystemKey recent=false home=false 08-28 02:04:58.370 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from null to Window{f5cebba u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.AboutActivity} displayId=0 08-28 02:04:58.370 779 811 I WindowManager: Gaining focus: Window{f5cebba u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.AboutActivity} 08-28 02:04:58.373 779 2483 V WindowManager: Relayout 8418: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:04:58.373 779 2483 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:04:58.373 779 2483 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND} 08-28 02:04:58.376 8418 8438 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface : 0x82f682e0 08-28 02:04:58.377 8418 8438 D OpenGLRenderer: setSurface succeed. EglSurface(0x82f682e0) ANativeSurface(0x82afd108) 08-28 02:04:58.446 779 2483 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{f5cebba u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.AboutActivity} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING 08-28 02:04:58.452 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 08-28 02:04:58.453 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3070 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:58.454 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3071 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:04:58.457 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{89a684f token=Token{23a52ae ActivityRecord{b1dff29 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.AboutActivity t56}}})/@0x6de0986 08-28 02:04:58.457 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3072 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{89a684f token=Token{23a52ae ActivityRecord{b1dff29 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.AboutActivity t56}}})/@0x6de0986 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:58.458 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3073 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{89a684f token=Token{23a52ae ActivityRecord{b1dff29 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.AboutActivity t56}}})/@0x6de0986 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:04:58.459 8418 8418 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 08-28 02:04:58.470 779 2483 V InputMethodManagerService: Unspecified window will hide input 08-28 02:04:58.470 779 2483 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:04:58.472 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3274 08-28 02:04:58.474 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 0, unlocked = true 08-28 02:04:58.475 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1957 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=vegabobo.dsusideloader fieldId=-1 fieldName=null extras=Bundle[EMPTY_PARCEL]}, false) 08-28 02:04:58.475 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4078 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 08-28 02:04:58.476 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 2, unlocked = true 08-28 02:04:58.487 437 480 I power@1.3-impl: powerHintInternal hint:8, data:0 08-28 02:04:58.500 432 704 W hwcomposer: [OVL] (0) No overlay input queue(0) 08-28 02:04:58.500 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Buffer queue is created with size(3) 08-28 02:04:58.500 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) setConsumerListener 08-28 02:04:58.500 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Reallocate Slot(0), pool(0 -> 0) size(0 -> 4262400) 08-28 02:04:58.511 356 356 D io_stats: !@ 179,0 r 1174184 26536495 w 102128 9281296 d 30970 8551336 f 46257 60929 iot 753250 667261 th 51200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 10048.000 08-28 02:04:58.516 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Reallocate Slot(1), pool(0 -> 0) size(0 -> 4262400) 08-28 02:04:58.531 779 2483 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window (8418): f5cebba in display 0 0 08-28 02:04:58.538 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Reallocate Slot(2), pool(0 -> 0) size(0 -> 4262400) 08-28 02:04:58.539 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:58.539 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:58.539 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:58.539 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1bc0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 7.0 14.0 713.0 1466.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity#0 08-28 02:04:58.539 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: CLIENT | 0xa5bf2dc0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 33 68 687 1412 | vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.AboutActivity#0 08-28 02:04:58.539 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf18c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:58.539 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf27c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:04:58.539 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:58.572 432 704 I hwcomposer: [OVL] (0) Overlay input(0) was used with queue previously 08-28 02:04:58.572 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Buffer queue is destroyed 08-28 02:04:58.572 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Free Slot(0), handle=0xb10758c0, 4262400 -> 0 08-28 02:04:58.572 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Free Slot(1), handle=0xb1075980, 4262400 -> 0 08-28 02:04:58.572 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Free Slot(2), handle=0xb1075e00, 4262400 -> 0 08-28 02:04:58.589 432 704 W hwcomposer: [OVL] (0) No overlay input queue(1) 08-28 02:04:58.589 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Buffer queue is created with size(3) 08-28 02:04:58.589 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) setConsumerListener 08-28 02:04:58.589 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Reallocate Slot(0), pool(0 -> 0) size(0 -> 4262400) 08-28 02:04:58.601 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Reallocate Slot(1), pool(0 -> 0) size(0 -> 4262400) 08-28 02:04:58.617 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Reallocate Slot(2), pool(0 -> 0) size(0 -> 4262400) 08-28 02:04:58.805 432 704 I hwcomposer: [OVL] (0) Overlay input(1) was used with queue previously 08-28 02:04:58.805 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Buffer queue is destroyed 08-28 02:04:58.805 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Free Slot(0), handle=0xb1075980, 4262400 -> 0 08-28 02:04:58.805 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Free Slot(1), handle=0xb1075d40, 4262400 -> 0 08-28 02:04:58.805 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Free Slot(2), handle=0xb1075e00, 4262400 -> 0 08-28 02:04:58.805 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:58.805 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:58.805 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:58.805 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2dc0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.AboutActivity#0 08-28 02:04:58.805 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf18c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:58.805 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf27c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:04:58.805 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:58.863 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=56)/@0xa57bf7c, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 08-28 02:04:58.864 779 812 V WindowManager: Setting visibility of Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity}: false,$$Lambda$$getFinishedCallback$0$SurfaceAnimator:99 08-28 02:04:58.865 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=56)/@0xa57bf7c, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{89a684f token=Token{23a52ae ActivityRecord{b1dff29 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.AboutActivity t56}}})/@0x6de0986 08-28 02:04:58.869 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3070 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 - animation-leash#0 (52) 08-28 02:04:58.869 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3072 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{89a684f token=Token{23a52ae ActivityRecord{b1dff29 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.AboutActivity t56}}})/@0x6de0986 - animation-leash#0 (52) 08-28 02:04:58.869 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3071 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 - animation-bounds#0 (52) 08-28 02:04:58.869 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3073 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{89a684f token=Token{23a52ae ActivityRecord{b1dff29 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.AboutActivity t56}}})/@0x6de0986 - animation-bounds#0 (52) 08-28 02:04:58.879 449 449 I Layer : id=3071[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:04:58.879 449 449 I Layer : id=3070[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:58.880 449 449 I Layer : id=3073[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{89a684f token=Token{23a52ae ActivityRecord{b1dff29 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.AboutActivity t56}}})/@0x6de0986 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:04:58.880 449 449 I Layer : id=3072[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{89a684f token=Token{23a52ae ActivityRecord{b1dff29 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.AboutActivity t56}}})/@0x6de0986 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:58.886 779 6535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity}: viewVisibility=8 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:58.893 779 6535 V WindowManager: Relayout 8418: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=resize forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:04:58.893 779 6535 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:04:58.893 779 6535 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND} 08-28 02:04:58.913 779 6535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity}: viewVisibility=8 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:58.920 779 6535 V WindowManager: Relayout 8418: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} ty=BASE_APPLICATION wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:04:58.920 779 6535 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:04:58.920 779 6535 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND} 08-28 02:04:58.924 779 6535 E WindowManager: win=Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity} destroySurfaces: appStopped=true win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=false win.mRemoveOnExit=false win.mViewVisibility=8$Stub.onTransact:2046 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1021 08-28 02:04:58.924 779 6535 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity)/@0xcb6c35e called by 08-28 02:04:58.932 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3065 Removed vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity#0 (48) 08-28 02:04:58.946 449 449 I Layer : id=3065[1] Destroyed vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity#0 08-28 02:04:59.544 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10049.033830 08-28 02:04:59.544 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2546 ] when=10049.033830 08-28 02:04:59.545 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:04:59.546 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10049033 08-28 02:04:59.548 990 990 I KeyButtonView: Back button event: ACTION_DOWN 08-28 02:04:59.548 779 6535 D InputDispatcher: Inject key (990): action=0, f=0x48, time=10049036000000 08-28 02:04:59.549 779 6535 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 08-28 02:04:59.550 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 1 flags: 0) eventTime = 10049036 08-28 02:04:59.551 779 901 D PhoneWindowManagerExtension: interceptKeyTi code=4 down=true repeatCount=0 08-28 02:04:59.551 779 901 V InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection succeeded. 08-28 02:04:59.551 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering key to (8418): action: 0x0 (0), f=0x48, m=0x0, d=0, 'f5cebba' 08-28 02:04:59.552 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onKeyDown():2513 Received KEYCODE_BACK. isAllViewsInvisible=false 08-28 02:04:59.552 1937 1937 D InputMethodService: onKeyDown B key 08-28 02:04:59.552 1937 1937 D InputMethodService: handleBack doIt : false mShowInputRequested : false mWindowVisible : false 08-28 02:04:59.552 1937 1937 D InputMethodService: handleBack return false 08-28 02:04:59.552 1937 1937 D InputMethodService: onKeyDown handleback false 08-28 02:04:59.580 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:32.947250,dur:1365.82,max:631.32,min:13.94 08-28 02:04:59.661 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10049150 08-28 02:04:59.693 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10049.183212 08-28 02:04:59.693 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10049.183212 08-28 02:04:59.694 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:04:59.695 990 990 I KeyButtonView: Back button event: ACTION_UP 08-28 02:04:59.696 779 6535 D InputDispatcher: Inject key (990): action=1, f=0x48, time=10049184000000 08-28 02:04:59.696 779 6535 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 08-28 02:04:59.698 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 1 flags: 0) eventTime = 10049184 08-28 02:04:59.698 779 901 D PhoneWindowManagerExtension: interceptKeyTi code=4 down=false repeatCount=0 08-28 02:04:59.699 779 901 V InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection succeeded. 08-28 02:04:59.699 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering key to (8418): action: 0x1 (0), f=0x48, m=0x0, d=0, 'f5cebba' 08-28 02:04:59.699 1937 1937 D InputMethodService: onKeyUp B key 08-28 02:04:59.699 1937 1937 D InputMethodService: onKeyUp not B key 08-28 02:04:59.707 779 6535 I ActivityTaskManager: Remove from unknown app 08-28 02:04:59.711 779 2369 V WindowManager: Setting visibility of Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity}: true, 08-28 02:04:59.712 779 2369 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to (0): e496aab 08-28 02:04:59.713 779 2369 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{f5cebba u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.AboutActivity} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:04:59.714 779 2369 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientation(orient=-1, last=0); user=0 08-28 02:04:59.715 779 2369 V WindowManager: Computed rotation=0 for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=-1 and oldRotation=0, 08-28 02:04:59.723 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from Window{f5cebba u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.AboutActivity} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:04:59.723 779 811 I WindowManager: Losing focus: Window{f5cebba u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.AboutActivity} 08-28 02:04:59.730 779 6535 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window (8418): f5cebba in display 0 0 08-28 02:04:59.732 779 6535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x1480 08-28 02:04:59.735 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3074 createSurf (720x1480),1 flag=404, vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity#0 08-28 02:04:59.737 779 6535 V WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity} displayId=0 08-28 02:04:59.737 779 809 D WindowManager: setSystemUiVisibility: displayId=0, vis=0x8008, fullVis=0x0, dockVis=0x0, win=Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity} 08-28 02:04:59.737 779 6535 D StatusBarManagerService: notifyRequestedSystemKey recent=false home=false 08-28 02:04:59.740 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from null to Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity} displayId=0 08-28 02:04:59.740 779 811 I WindowManager: Gaining focus: Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity} 08-28 02:04:59.742 779 6535 V WindowManager: Relayout 8418: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=resize} ty=BASE_APPLICATION wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:04:59.742 779 6535 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:04:59.742 779 6535 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND} 08-28 02:04:59.749 8418 8438 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface : 0x82a953e0 08-28 02:04:59.750 8418 8438 D OpenGLRenderer: setSurface succeed. EglSurface(0x82a953e0) ANativeSurface(0x82af9aa8) 08-28 02:04:59.774 779 6535 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING 08-28 02:04:59.778 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{89a684f token=Token{23a52ae ActivityRecord{b1dff29 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.AboutActivity t56}}})/@0x6de0986 08-28 02:04:59.779 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3075 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{89a684f token=Token{23a52ae ActivityRecord{b1dff29 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.AboutActivity t56}}})/@0x6de0986 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:59.780 8418 8418 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 08-28 02:04:59.781 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3076 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{89a684f token=Token{23a52ae ActivityRecord{b1dff29 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.AboutActivity t56}}})/@0x6de0986 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:04:59.784 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 08-28 02:04:59.785 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3077 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:04:59.786 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3078 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:04:59.792 779 1778 V InputMethodManagerService: Unspecified window will hide input 08-28 02:04:59.792 779 1778 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:04:59.793 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3274 08-28 02:04:59.794 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 0, unlocked = true 08-28 02:04:59.794 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1957 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=vegabobo.dsusideloader fieldId=-1 fieldName=null extras=Bundle[EMPTY_PARCEL]}, false) 08-28 02:04:59.794 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4078 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 08-28 02:04:59.795 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 2, unlocked = true 08-28 02:04:59.813 779 1778 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window (8418): 31f5768 in display 0 0 08-28 02:04:59.819 432 704 W hwcomposer: [OVL] (0) No overlay input queue(1) 08-28 02:04:59.819 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Buffer queue is created with size(3) 08-28 02:04:59.819 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) setConsumerListener 08-28 02:04:59.819 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Reallocate Slot(0), pool(0 -> 0) size(0 -> 4262400) 08-28 02:04:59.820 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:59.820 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:59.820 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:59.820 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: CLIENT | 0xa5bf1d40 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 32.0 66.0 688.0 1414.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity#0 08-28 02:04:59.820 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5dba300 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 1 720 1479 | vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.AboutActivity#0 08-28 02:04:59.820 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf18c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:59.820 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf27c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:04:59.820 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:04:59.835 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Reallocate Slot(1), pool(0 -> 0) size(0 -> 4262400) 08-28 02:04:59.851 432 704 W hwcomposer: [OVL] (0) No overlay input queue(0) 08-28 02:04:59.851 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095a00) Buffer queue is created with size(3) 08-28 02:04:59.851 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095a00) setConsumerListener 08-28 02:04:59.851 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095a00) Reallocate Slot(0), pool(0 -> 0) size(0 -> 4262400) 08-28 02:04:59.857 432 704 I hwcomposer: [OVL] (0) Overlay input(1) was used with queue previously 08-28 02:04:59.857 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Buffer queue is destroyed 08-28 02:04:59.857 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Free Slot(0), handle=0xb1075980, 4262400 -> 0 08-28 02:04:59.857 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Free Slot(1), handle=0xb1075d40, 4262400 -> 0 08-28 02:04:59.867 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095a00) Reallocate Slot(1), pool(0 -> 0) size(0 -> 4262400) 08-28 02:04:59.884 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095a00) Reallocate Slot(2), pool(0 -> 0) size(0 -> 4262400) 08-28 02:04:59.900 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:04:59.900 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:04:59.900 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:04:59.900 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1bc0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 8.0 17.0 712.0 1463.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity#0 08-28 02:04:59.900 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf18c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:04:59.900 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2e80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:04:59.900 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:05:00.005 990 990 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK 08-28 02:05:00.007 990 990 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 08-28 02:05:00.115 432 704 I hwcomposer: [OVL] (0) Overlay input(0) was used with queue previously 08-28 02:05:00.115 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095a00) Buffer queue is destroyed 08-28 02:05:00.115 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095a00) Free Slot(0), handle=0xb1075e00, 4262400 -> 0 08-28 02:05:00.115 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095a00) Free Slot(1), handle=0xb1075b00, 4262400 -> 0 08-28 02:05:00.116 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095a00) Free Slot(2), handle=0xb1075d40, 4262400 -> 0 08-28 02:05:00.196 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=56)/@0xa57bf7c, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{89a684f token=Token{23a52ae ActivityRecord{b1dff29 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.AboutActivity t56}}})/@0x6de0986 08-28 02:05:00.197 779 812 V WindowManager: Setting visibility of Window{f5cebba u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.AboutActivity}: false,$$Lambda$$getFinishedCallback$0$SurfaceAnimator:99 08-28 02:05:00.197 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=56)/@0xa57bf7c, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 08-28 02:05:00.201 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3077 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 - animation-leash#0 (52) 08-28 02:05:00.201 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3078 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 - animation-bounds#0 (52) 08-28 02:05:00.202 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3075 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{89a684f token=Token{23a52ae ActivityRecord{b1dff29 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.AboutActivity t56}}})/@0x6de0986 - animation-leash#0 (52) 08-28 02:05:00.202 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3076 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{89a684f token=Token{23a52ae ActivityRecord{b1dff29 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.AboutActivity t56}}})/@0x6de0986 - animation-bounds#0 (52) 08-28 02:05:00.212 449 449 I Layer : id=3078[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:05:00.212 449 449 I Layer : id=3077[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:00.212 449 449 I Layer : id=3076[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{89a684f token=Token{23a52ae ActivityRecord{b1dff29 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.AboutActivity t56}}})/@0x6de0986 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:05:00.212 449 449 I Layer : id=3075[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{89a684f token=Token{23a52ae ActivityRecord{b1dff29 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.AboutActivity t56}}})/@0x6de0986 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:00.218 779 1778 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{f5cebba u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.AboutActivity}: viewVisibility=8 req=720x1480 08-28 02:05:00.225 779 1778 V WindowManager: Relayout 8418: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:05:00.225 779 1778 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:05:00.225 779 1778 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND} 08-28 02:05:00.232 779 1778 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.AboutActivity)/@0x748c00e called by android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:665 08-28 02:05:00.233 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3069 Removed vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.AboutActivity#0 (48) 08-28 02:05:00.235 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3068 Removed f5cebba vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.AboutActivity#0 (48) 08-28 02:05:00.245 449 449 I Layer : id=3068[1] Destroyed f5cebba vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.AboutActivity#0 08-28 02:05:00.246 449 449 I Layer : id=3069[1] Destroyed vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.AboutActivity#0 08-28 02:05:00.248 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3067 Removed AppWindowToken{89a684f token=Token{23a52ae ActivityRecord{b1dff29 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.AboutActivity t56}}}#0 (46) 08-28 02:05:00.262 449 449 I Layer : id=3067[1] Destroyed AppWindowToken{89a684f token=Token{23a52ae ActivityRecord{b1dff29 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.AboutActivity t56}}}#0 08-28 02:05:00.488 437 479 I libPowerHal: 8: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 08-28 02:05:00.616 779 788 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC freed 115960(4869KB) AllocSpace objects, 30(1048KB) LOS objects, 17% free, 28MB/34MB, paused 253us total 378.940ms 08-28 02:05:00.618 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3013 Removed Stack=56#0 (45) 08-28 02:05:00.620 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=2520 Removed Stack=44#0 (45) 08-28 02:05:00.621 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3038 Removed 2d2681d vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#0 (45) 08-28 02:05:00.621 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=2522 Removed Task=44#0 (45) 08-28 02:05:00.628 449 449 I Layer : id=3038[1] Destroyed 2d2681d vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.RunOnAdbActivity#0 08-28 02:05:00.628 449 449 I Layer : id=2520[1] Destroyed Stack=44#0 08-28 02:05:00.628 449 449 I Layer : id=2522[1] Destroyed Task=44#0 08-28 02:05:00.629 449 449 I Layer : id=3013[1] Destroyed Stack=56#0 08-28 02:05:00.632 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:39.904045,dur:1052.52,max:368.25,min:15.37 08-28 02:05:00.718 779 926 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.930) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 08-28 02:05:00.810 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10050.299714 08-28 02:05:00.810 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2547 ] when=10050.299714 08-28 02:05:00.811 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:05:00.811 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:05:00.811 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (8418): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '31f5768', t=1 08-28 02:05:00.812 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: 1495000 -1 08-28 02:05:00.812 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10050299 08-28 02:05:00.893 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10050.382588 08-28 02:05:00.893 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10050.382588 08-28 02:05:00.893 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (8418): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '31f5768', t=1 08-28 02:05:01.209 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10050.699216 08-28 02:05:01.209 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2548 ] when=10050.699216 08-28 02:05:01.210 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:05:01.210 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:05:01.210 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (8418): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '31f5768', t=1 08-28 02:05:01.211 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10050699 08-28 02:05:01.292 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10050.782157 08-28 02:05:01.292 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10050.782157 08-28 02:05:01.293 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (8418): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '31f5768', t=1 08-28 02:05:01.315 779 884 D SensorService: [SO] 0.235 -0.211 9.419 08-28 02:05:01.645 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:45.414406,dur:1012.89,max:159.03,min:15.36 08-28 02:05:01.795 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 08-28 02:05:01.993 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10051.482761 08-28 02:05:01.994 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2549 ] when=10051.482761 08-28 02:05:01.994 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:05:01.995 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10051482 08-28 02:05:01.996 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: 1495000 -1 08-28 02:05:01.998 779 1778 D InputDispatcher: Inject key (990): action=0, f=0x48, time=10051486000000 08-28 02:05:01.999 779 1778 D InputManager-JNI: !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(0), action=0, interactive=true 08-28 02:05:01.999 779 1778 D PhoneWindowManagerExtension: sec interceptKeyTq home s_result=1 08-28 02:05:01.999 779 1778 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 08-28 02:05:01.999 779 1778 D InputManager-JNI: !@handleInterceptActions(0), action=0, wmActions=1 08-28 02:05:02.000 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 1 flags: 0) eventTime = 10051486 08-28 02:05:02.001 779 901 D PhoneWindowManagerExtension: interceptKeyTi code=3 down=true repeatCount=0 08-28 02:05:02.002 779 901 V InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection succeeded. 08-28 02:05:02.109 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10051.598591 08-28 02:05:02.109 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10051.598591 08-28 02:05:02.109 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:05:02.110 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityFromNative : 2190 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10051598 08-28 02:05:02.110 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10051598 08-28 02:05:02.111 779 1778 D InputDispatcher: Inject key (990): action=1, f=0x48, time=10051600000000 08-28 02:05:02.112 779 1778 D InputManager-JNI: !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(0), action=1, interactive=true 08-28 02:05:02.113 779 1778 D PhoneWindowManagerExtension: sec interceptKeyTq home s_result=1 08-28 02:05:02.113 779 1778 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 08-28 02:05:02.113 779 1778 D InputManager-JNI: !@handleInterceptActions(0), action=1, wmActions=1 08-28 02:05:02.114 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 1 flags: 0) eventTime = 10051600 08-28 02:05:02.114 779 901 D PhoneWindowManagerExtension: interceptKeyTi code=3 down=false repeatCount=0 08-28 02:05:02.115 779 901 V InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection succeeded. 08-28 02:05:02.121 779 809 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 1000 pid: 779) eventTime = 10051611 08-28 02:05:02.122 779 809 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 0 flags: 0) eventTime = 10051611 08-28 02:05:02.122 779 779 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 08-28 02:05:02.123 779 809 D PhoneWindowManagerExtension: startDockOrHome 08-28 02:05:02.123 990 990 D SecVolume.SecVolumeStore: dispatch [ACTION_DISMISS_REQUESTED] with [STATE_NO_DISPATCH] 08-28 02:05:02.123 990 990 D SecVolume.SecVolumeStore: > New State : [STATE_NO_DISPATCH] 08-28 02:05:02.124 990 990 V StatusBar: mStatusBarWindow:{a1c4a54 V.E...... ........ 0,0-720,48} canPanelBeCollapsed(): false 08-28 02:05:02.128 779 809 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000100 cmp=app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher (has extras)} from uid 0 08-28 02:05:02.156 437 480 I power@1.3-impl: powerHintInternal hint:8, data:1 08-28 02:05:02.158 779 809 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to (0): c33bf86 08-28 02:05:02.164 779 809 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:05:02.169 779 809 V WindowManager: Setting visibility of Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher EXITING}: true, 08-28 02:05:02.170 779 809 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientation(orient=5, last=0); user=0 08-28 02:05:02.170 779 809 V WindowManager: Computed rotation=0 for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=5 and oldRotation=0, 08-28 02:05:02.181 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:05:02.182 779 811 I WindowManager: Losing focus: Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity} 08-28 02:05:02.182 779 2483 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher EXITING}: viewVisibility=4 req=720x1480 08-28 02:05:02.192 779 2483 V WindowManager: Relayout 19753: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSPARENT wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:05:02.192 779 2483 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SHOW_WALLPAPER SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:05:02.192 779 2483 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND 08-28 02:05:02.192 779 2483 V WindowManager: vsysui=LAYOUT_STABLE LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN} 08-28 02:05:02.198 779 2483 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window (8418): 31f5768 in display 0 0 08-28 02:05:02.199 19753 19753 D b/223498680: BaseRecentsViewStateController setState state=AllApps, alpha=0.0 08-28 02:05:02.203 19753 19753 I FEED : 1 08-28 02:05:02.203 19753 19753 I FEED : 2 08-28 02:05:02.207 779 1778 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { dat=app://app.lawnchair:10150?v=7&cv=9 } U=0: not found 08-28 02:05:02.216 435 521 W IMGMemtrackHAL: hal_get_memory: memtrack cache rebuild was required 08-28 02:05:02.217 19753 19753 D b/223498680: LRV onStateTransitionStart setFreezeVisibility=true, toState=Normal 08-28 02:05:02.217 19753 19781 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 19753 08-28 02:05:02.218 19753 19753 D b/223498680: BaseRecentsViewStateController setState state=Normal, alpha=0.0 08-28 02:05:02.219 779 1778 W InputMethodManagerService: Ignoring hideSoftInput of uid 10150:$Stub$Proxy@15439c5 08-28 02:05:02.222 19753 19753 D b/195430732: currentRunningTaskViewId: -1 requestedTaskViewId: -1 08-28 02:05:02.223 19753 19753 D b/223498680: LRV onStateTransitionComplete setFreezeVisibility=false, finalState=Normal 08-28 02:05:02.235 779 1778 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher EXITING}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x1480 08-28 02:05:02.237 779 1778 D WindowManager: relayoutVisibleWindow: Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher EXITING} mAnimatingExit=true, mRemoveOnExit=false, mDestroying=false 08-28 02:05:02.237 435 521 W IMGMemtrackHAL: hal_get_memory: memtrack cache rebuild was required 08-28 02:05:02.238 779 1778 V WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher} displayId=0 08-28 02:05:02.238 779 1778 D StatusBarManagerService: notifyRequestedSystemKey recent=false home=false 08-28 02:05:02.238 779 809 D WindowManager: setSystemUiVisibility: displayId=0, vis=0x960a, fullVis=0x0, dockVis=0x0, win=Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher} 08-28 02:05:02.240 779 6535 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw: displayId=0, vis=0x960a, resetVis=0x0, clearVis=0x0 08-28 02:05:02.241 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from null to Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher} displayId=0 08-28 02:05:02.241 779 811 I WindowManager: Gaining focus: Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher} 08-28 02:05:02.248 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=287b2e2 NavigationBar0)/@0x1b98ca7 08-28 02:05:02.248 779 1778 V WindowManager: Relayout 19753: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSPARENT wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:05:02.248 779 1778 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SHOW_WALLPAPER SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:05:02.248 779 1778 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND 08-28 02:05:02.248 779 1778 V WindowManager: vsysui=LAYOUT_STABLE LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN} 08-28 02:05:02.248 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3079 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=287b2e2 NavigationBar0)/@0x1b98ca7 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:02.255 19753 19787 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface : 0xacb6a9e0 08-28 02:05:02.256 19753 19787 D OpenGLRenderer: setSurface succeed. EglSurface(0xacb6a9e0) ANativeSurface(0x83218728) 08-28 02:05:02.317 779 6535 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING 08-28 02:05:02.324 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 08-28 02:05:02.324 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3080 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:02.325 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3081 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:05:02.327 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 08-28 02:05:02.328 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3082 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:02.330 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3083 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:05:02.332 19753 19781 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 19753 08-28 02:05:02.338 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: screenshot (vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity#0) 08-28 02:05:02.344 449 667 I Layer : id=3084[0] Destroyed Screenshot Parent 08-28 02:05:02.352 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: Client requesting input be hidden 08-28 02:05:02.352 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:05:02.356 19753 19753 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 08-28 02:05:02.357 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: Unspecified window will hide input 08-28 02:05:02.358 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:05:02.358 779 6535 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 08-28 02:05:02.364 779 1174 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window (19753): 62e9682 in display 0 0 08-28 02:05:02.370 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3274 08-28 02:05:02.373 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 0, unlocked = true 08-28 02:05:02.373 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1957 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=app.lawnchair fieldId=-1 fieldName=null extras=Bundle[EMPTY_PARCEL]}, false) 08-28 02:05:02.373 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4078 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 08-28 02:05:02.374 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 2, unlocked = true 08-28 02:05:02.376 779 1778 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x1480 08-28 02:05:02.384 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:05:02.384 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:05:02.384 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:05:02.384 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1800 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | 08-28 02:05:02.384 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2a00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher#0 08-28 02:05:02.384 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1b00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1418.0 | 0 62 720 1480 | vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity#0 08-28 02:05:02.384 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf0b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:05:02.384 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2e80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:05:02.384 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:05:02.386 779 1778 V WindowManager: Relayout 19753: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSPARENT wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:05:02.386 779 1778 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SHOW_WALLPAPER SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:05:02.386 779 1778 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND 08-28 02:05:02.386 779 1778 V WindowManager: vsysui=LAYOUT_STABLE LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN} 08-28 02:05:02.390 19753 19753 D b/223498680: BaseRecentsViewStateController setState state=Normal, alpha=0.0 08-28 02:05:02.423 779 1778 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher} mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN 08-28 02:05:02.426 437 480 I power@1.3-impl: powerHintInternal hint:8, data:0 08-28 02:05:02.561 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=3)/@0xe6b7bda, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 08-28 02:05:02.566 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:05:02.566 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:05:02.566 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:05:02.566 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1800 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | 08-28 02:05:02.566 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5dba180 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher#0 08-28 02:05:02.566 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf0b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:05:02.566 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf24c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 58.0 | 0 1422 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:05:02.566 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:05:02.566 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3082 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 - animation-leash#0 (46) 08-28 02:05:02.566 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3083 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 - animation-bounds#0 (46) 08-28 02:05:02.577 449 449 I Layer : id=3083[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:05:02.577 449 449 I Layer : id=3082[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:02.611 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=WindowToken{e88afad android.os.BinderProxy@54a33d7})/@0xe70971c, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=287b2e2 NavigationBar0)/@0x1b98ca7 08-28 02:05:02.631 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:05:02.631 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:05:02.631 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:05:02.631 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1800 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | 08-28 02:05:02.631 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5dba180 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher#0 08-28 02:05:02.631 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf0b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:05:02.631 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:05:02.632 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3079 Removed Surface(name=287b2e2 NavigationBar0)/@0x1b98ca7 - animation-leash#0 (44) 08-28 02:05:02.644 449 449 I Layer : id=3079[1] Destroyed Surface(name=287b2e2 NavigationBar0)/@0x1b98ca7 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:02.646 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:42.961716,dur:1000.89,max:183.72,min:15.40 08-28 02:05:02.761 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=56)/@0xa57bf7c, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 08-28 02:05:02.762 779 812 V WindowManager: Setting visibility of Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity}: false,$$Lambda$$getFinishedCallback$0$SurfaceAnimator:99 08-28 02:05:02.781 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3081 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 - animation-bounds#0 (43) 08-28 02:05:02.781 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3080 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 - animation-leash#0 (43) 08-28 02:05:02.787 779 2358 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 3, oppidx_max 3, oppidx_min 0 08-28 02:05:02.789 779 6535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity}: viewVisibility=8 req=720x1480 08-28 02:05:02.794 449 449 I Layer : id=3081[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:05:02.794 449 449 I Layer : id=3080[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e496aab token=Token{3ecb4fa ActivityRecord{6f6148f u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/.MainActivity t56}}})/@0x8d37038 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:02.802 779 6535 V WindowManager: Relayout 8418: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=resize} ty=BASE_APPLICATION wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:05:02.802 779 6535 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:05:02.802 779 6535 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND} 08-28 02:05:02.803 8418 8438 D OpenGLRenderer: CanvasContext:: trimMemory hidden, level : 20, Pid : 8418, Tid : 8438 08-28 02:05:02.804 8418 8438 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 3, oppidx_max 3, oppidx_min 0 08-28 02:05:02.813 779 6535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity}: viewVisibility=8 req=720x1480 08-28 02:05:02.820 779 6535 V WindowManager: Relayout 8418: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} ty=BASE_APPLICATION wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:05:02.820 779 6535 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:05:02.820 779 6535 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND} 08-28 02:05:02.823 779 1778 E WindowManager: win=Window{31f5768 u0 vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity} destroySurfaces: appStopped=true win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=false win.mRemoveOnExit=false win.mViewVisibility=8$Stub.onTransact:2046 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1021 08-28 02:05:02.824 779 1778 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity)/@0xe5e17b3 called by 08-28 02:05:02.830 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3074 Removed vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity#0 (41) 08-28 02:05:02.844 449 449 I Layer : id=3074[1] Destroyed vegabobo.dsusideloader/vegabobo.dsusideloader.MainActivity#0 08-28 02:05:02.892 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10052.381816 08-28 02:05:02.892 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2550 ] when=10052.381816 08-28 02:05:02.892 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:05:02.893 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19753): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '62e9682', t=1 08-28 02:05:02.893 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x0, f=0x3, d=0, 'd022f4b', t=1 08-28 02:05:02.893 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10052381 08-28 02:05:02.931 19753 19753 D b/223498680: BaseRecentsViewStateController setStateWithAnimation state=AllApps, config.skipOverview=false 08-28 02:05:02.931 19753 19753 D b/223498680: BaseRecentsViewStateController setStateWithAnimationInternal toState=AllApps, alpha=0.0 08-28 02:05:02.934 19753 19753 D b/223498680: LRV onStateTransitionStart setFreezeVisibility=true, toState=AllApps 08-28 02:05:02.975 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10052.464626 08-28 02:05:02.975 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10052.464626 08-28 02:05:02.975 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19753): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '62e9682', t=1 08-28 02:05:02.976 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x1, f=0x3, d=0, 'd022f4b', t=1 08-28 02:05:02.983 19753 19753 D b/223498680: LRV onStateTransitionStart setFreezeVisibility=true, toState=AllApps 08-28 02:05:03.078 19753 19753 D b/223498680: LRV onStateTransitionComplete setFreezeVisibility=false, finalState=AllApps 08-28 02:05:03.308 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10052.798118 08-28 02:05:03.308 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2551 ] when=10052.798118 08-28 02:05:03.309 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:05:03.309 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19753): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '62e9682', t=1 08-28 02:05:03.309 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x0, f=0x3, d=0, 'd022f4b', t=1 08-28 02:05:03.310 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10052798 08-28 02:05:03.313 19753 19781 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 19753 08-28 02:05:03.313 779 1778 V InputMethodManagerService: Client requesting input be hidden 08-28 02:05:03.313 779 1778 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:05:03.344 19753 19781 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 19753 08-28 02:05:03.346 779 1778 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:05:03.351 19753 19753 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 08-28 02:05:03.353 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3274 08-28 02:05:03.354 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 0, unlocked = true 08-28 02:05:03.355 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1957 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=app.lawnchair fieldId=2131361916 fieldName=null extras=Bundle[EMPTY_PARCEL]}, false) 08-28 02:05:03.355 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4078 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 08-28 02:05:03.356 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 2, unlocked = true 08-28 02:05:03.346 779 1778 V InputMethodManagerService: Client requesting input be hidden 08-28 02:05:03.416 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10052905 08-28 02:05:03.516 356 356 D io_stats: !@ 179,0 r 1174341 26539515 w 102155 9281512 d 30970 8551336 f 46260 60932 iot 753306 667314 th 51200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 10053.005 08-28 02:05:03.533 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10053021 08-28 02:05:03.641 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10053.131059 08-28 02:05:03.641 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10053.131059 08-28 02:05:03.642 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19753): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '62e9682', t=1 08-28 02:05:03.642 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x1, f=0x3, d=0, 'd022f4b', t=1 08-28 02:05:03.642 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10053131 08-28 02:05:03.661 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:52.235115,dur:1014.64,max:132.06,min:15.34 08-28 02:05:03.725 779 926 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.930) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 08-28 02:05:04.008 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10053.497982 08-28 02:05:04.008 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2552 ] when=10053.497982 08-28 02:05:04.009 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:05:04.009 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19753): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '62e9682', t=1 08-28 02:05:04.009 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x0, f=0x3, d=0, 'd022f4b', t=1 08-28 02:05:04.010 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10053497 08-28 02:05:04.010 19753 19781 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 19753 08-28 02:05:04.011 779 1778 V InputMethodManagerService: Client requesting input be hidden 08-28 02:05:04.011 779 1778 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:05:04.043 19753 19781 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 19753 08-28 02:05:04.044 779 1778 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:05:04.044 779 1778 V InputMethodManagerService: Client requesting input be hidden 08-28 02:05:04.116 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10053605 08-28 02:05:04.216 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10053705 08-28 02:05:04.324 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10053.814021 08-28 02:05:04.324 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10053.814021 08-28 02:05:04.325 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19753): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '62e9682', t=1 08-28 02:05:04.325 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x1, f=0x3, d=0, 'd022f4b', t=1 08-28 02:05:04.325 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityFromNative : 2200 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10053814 08-28 02:05:04.326 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10053814 08-28 02:05:04.573 779 3162 D SSRM:ja : SIOP:: AP = 410, PST = 418 (W:12), BAT = 331, USB = 0, CHG = 0, CP = 383 08-28 02:05:04.808 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10054.297559 08-28 02:05:04.808 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2553 ] when=10054.297559 08-28 02:05:04.809 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:05:04.809 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19753): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, '62e9682', t=1 08-28 02:05:04.809 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x0, f=0x3, d=0, 'd022f4b', t=1 08-28 02:05:04.810 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10054297 08-28 02:05:04.810 19753 19781 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 19753 08-28 02:05:04.810 779 1778 V InputMethodManagerService: Client requesting input be hidden 08-28 02:05:04.810 779 1778 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:05:04.876 19753 19781 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 19753 08-28 02:05:04.877 779 1778 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:05:04.890 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10054.380191 08-28 02:05:04.890 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10054.380191 08-28 02:05:04.891 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19753): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, '62e9682', t=1 08-28 02:05:04.891 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x1, f=0x3, d=0, 'd022f4b', t=1 08-28 02:05:04.891 19753 19781 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 19753 08-28 02:05:04.892 779 1778 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:05:04.876 779 1778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:779_C identical 1 line 08-28 02:05:04.892 779 1778 V InputMethodManagerService: Client requesting input be hidden 08-28 02:05:04.896 779 1778 D ActivityTaskManager: Sending Appstart to CFMS 08-28 02:05:04.898 779 1778 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 bnds=[360,932][526,1168]} from uid 10150 08-28 02:05:04.911 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:27.983223,dur:1250.75,max:351.20,min:15.57 08-28 02:05:04.921 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3085 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Stack=58#0 08-28 02:05:04.922 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3086 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=20004, animation background stackId=58#0 08-28 02:05:04.924 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3087 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Task=57#0 08-28 02:05:04.926 437 480 I power@1.3-impl: powerHintInternal hint:8, data:1 08-28 02:05:04.927 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3088 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, AppWindowToken{f735ccc token=Token{29686ff ActivityRecord{dfe1e u0 t57}}}#0 08-28 02:05:04.940 779 1778 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientation(orient=-1, last=0); user=0 08-28 02:05:04.940 779 1778 V WindowManager: Computed rotation=0 for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=-1 and oldRotation=0, 08-28 02:05:04.945 779 812 E system_server: Invalid ID 0x00000000. 08-28 02:05:04.954 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3089 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, bfa0882 Splash Screen 08-28 02:05:04.960 779 812 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{bfa0882 u0 Splash Screen}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x1480 08-28 02:05:04.964 421 421 D Zygote : Forked child process 9338 08-28 02:05:04.965 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3090 createSurf (720x1480),1 flag=404, Splash Screen 08-28 02:05:04.969 779 812 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:05:04.970 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:05:04.970 779 811 I WindowManager: Losing focus: Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher} 08-28 02:05:04.972 779 818 I ActivityManager: Start proc for activity {} 08-28 02:05:04.974 779 812 V WindowManager: Relayout 779: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} ty=APPLICATION_STARTING wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:05:04.974 779 812 V WindowManager: fl=NOT_FOCUSABLE NOT_TOUCHABLE LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:05:04.974 779 812 V WindowManager: pfl=FAKE_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED SHOW_FOR_ALL_USERS FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND} 08-28 02:05:04.975 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:04.977 779 1778 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window (19753): 62e9682 in display 0 0 08-28 02:05:04.989 779 812 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{bfa0882 u0 Splash Screen} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING 08-28 02:05:05.003 9338 9338 E Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 08-28 02:05:05.020 779 1778 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientation(orient=-1, last=0); user=0 08-28 02:05:05.020 779 1778 V WindowManager: Computed rotation=0 for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=-1 and oldRotation=0,$LocalService.attachApplication:7228 08-28 02:05:05.025 779 1778 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to (0): f735ccc 08-28 02:05:05.035 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 08-28 02:05:05.036 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3091 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:05.037 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{f735ccc token=Token{29686ff ActivityRecord{dfe1e u0 t57}}})/@0xccbc7d0 08-28 02:05:05.037 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3092 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{f735ccc token=Token{29686ff ActivityRecord{dfe1e u0 t57}}})/@0xccbc7d0 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:05.042 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=287b2e2 NavigationBar0)/@0x1b98ca7 08-28 02:05:05.043 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3093 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=287b2e2 NavigationBar0)/@0x1b98ca7 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:05.044 779 809 D WindowManager: setSystemUiVisibility: displayId=0, vis=0x8008, fullVis=0x0, dockVis=0x0, win=Window{bfa0882 u0 Splash Screen} 08-28 02:05:05.055 779 2369 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw: displayId=0, vis=0x8008, resetVis=0x0, clearVis=0x0 08-28 02:05:05.059 779 812 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{bfa0882 u0 Splash Screen}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x1480 08-28 02:05:05.066 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:05:05.066 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:05:05.066 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:05:05.066 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1800 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | 08-28 02:05:05.066 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2a00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher#0 08-28 02:05:05.066 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1b00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 384.0 831.0 501.0 948.0 | 384 985 501 1102 | Splash Screen 08-28 02:05:05.066 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf18c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:05:05.066 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:05:05.068 779 812 V WindowManager: Relayout 779: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} ty=APPLICATION_STARTING wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:05:05.068 779 812 V WindowManager: fl=NOT_FOCUSABLE NOT_TOUCHABLE LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:05:05.068 779 812 V WindowManager: pfl=FAKE_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED SHOW_FOR_ALL_USERS FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND} 08-28 02:05:05.069 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:05.099 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:05:05.099 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:05:05.099 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:05:05.099 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1b00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | Splash Screen 08-28 02:05:05.099 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf18c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:05:05.099 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf27c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 18.0 | 0 1462 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:05:05.099 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:05:05.103 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:05.119 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=3)/@0xe6b7bda, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 08-28 02:05:05.120 779 812 V WindowManager: Setting visibility of Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher}: false,$$Lambda$$getFinishedCallback$0$SurfaceAnimator:99 08-28 02:05:05.121 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=57)/@0xf01ce3d, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{f735ccc token=Token{29686ff ActivityRecord{dfe1e u0 t57}}})/@0xccbc7d0 08-28 02:05:05.121 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:05.132 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3092 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{f735ccc token=Token{29686ff ActivityRecord{dfe1e u0 t57}}})/@0xccbc7d0 - animation-leash#0 (49) 08-28 02:05:05.132 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3091 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 - animation-leash#0 (49) 08-28 02:05:05.139 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:05.140 779 2369 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher}: viewVisibility=8 req=720x1480 08-28 02:05:05.143 449 449 I Layer : id=3091[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{c33bf86 token=Token{9883861 ActivityRecord{70fefc8 u0 app.lawnchair/.LawnchairLauncher t3}}})/@0x514f5b3 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:05.144 449 449 I Layer : id=3092[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{f735ccc token=Token{29686ff ActivityRecord{dfe1e u0 t57}}})/@0xccbc7d0 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:05.153 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:05.162 779 2369 V WindowManager: Relayout 19753: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSPARENT wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:05:05.162 779 2369 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SHOW_WALLPAPER SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:05:05.162 779 2369 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND 08-28 02:05:05.162 779 2369 V WindowManager: vsysui=LAYOUT_STABLE LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN} 08-28 02:05:05.168 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:05.185 779 812 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim identical 1 line 08-28 02:05:05.194 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:05.208 9338 9338 I FirebaseApp: Device unlocked: initializing all Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT] 08-28 02:05:05.211 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:05.228 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:05.236 9338 9338 I FirebaseCrashlytics: Initializing Firebase Crashlytics 18.2.6 for 08-28 02:05:05.242 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:05.259 779 812 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim identical 1 line 08-28 02:05:05.277 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:05.282 9338 9359 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module 08-28 02:05:05.282 9338 9359 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 79 08-28 02:05:05.282 9338 9359 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2, using loadModule2NoCrashUtils 08-28 02:05:05.292 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:05.309 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:05.316 9338 9338 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful 08-28 02:05:05.324 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=WindowToken{e88afad android.os.BinderProxy@54a33d7})/@0xe70971c, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=287b2e2 NavigationBar0)/@0x1b98ca7 08-28 02:05:05.326 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:05.338 9338 9363 D libcrashlytics: Initializing libcrashlytics version 3.2.0 08-28 02:05:05.348 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:05.348 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3093 Removed Surface(name=287b2e2 NavigationBar0)/@0x1b98ca7 - animation-leash#0 (47) 08-28 02:05:05.359 449 449 I Layer : id=3093[1] Destroyed Surface(name=287b2e2 NavigationBar0)/@0x1b98ca7 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:05.364 779 812 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:05.366 9338 9363 D libcrashlytics: Initializing native crash handling successful. 08-28 02:05:05.373 9338 9359 W ClassLoaderContext type mismatch. expected=PCL, found=DLC (PCL[] | DLC[];PCL[/data/app/*1299009947]) 08-28 02:05:05.376 9338 9338 D ConnectivityManager: requestNetwork; CallingUid : 10189, CallingPid : 9338 08-28 02:05:05.378 9338 9359 W Found duplicate classes, falling back to extracting from APK : /data/user_de/0/ 08-28 02:05:05.378 9338 9359 W NOTE: This wastes RAM and hurts startup performance. 08-28 02:05:05.378 9338 9359 W Found duplicated class when checking oat files: 'Landroid/support/v4/app/RemoteActionCompatParcelizer;' in /data/user_de/0/ and /data/app/ 08-28 02:05:05.379 9338 9359 W 08-28 02:05:05.382 779 1778 D ConnectivityService: listenForNetwork for uid/pid:10189/9338 NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=466, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&FOREGROUND Uid: 10189] ] 08-28 02:05:05.387 779 930 D ConnectivityService: rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 601] 08-28 02:05:05.387 779 930 D ConnectivityService: network has: [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps Specifier: SignalStrength: -47 SSID: "CWC-1078750"] 08-28 02:05:05.389 779 930 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 601] was already satisfying request 32. No change. 08-28 02:05:05.389 779 930 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 601] was already satisfying request 6. No change. 08-28 02:05:05.389 779 930 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 601] was already satisfying request 15. No change. 08-28 02:05:05.389 779 930 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 601] was already satisfying request 17. No change. 08-28 02:05:05.389 779 930 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 601] was already satisfying request 9. No change. 08-28 02:05:05.398 9338 9359 I Waiting for a blocking GC ClassLinker 08-28 02:05:05.399 779 930 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 601] was already satisfying request 1. No change. 08-28 02:05:05.400 779 930 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CALLBACK_AVAILABLE for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=466, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&FOREGROUND Uid: 10189] ] 08-28 02:05:05.463 9338 9371 W Class wa.e failed lock verification and will run slower. 08-28 02:05:05.463 9338 9371 W Common causes for lock verification issues are non-optimized dex code 08-28 02:05:05.463 9338 9371 W and incorrect proguard optimizations. 08-28 02:05:05.465 420 629 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 - 10189 08-28 02:05:05.490 9338 9359 I WaitForGcToComplete blocked ClassLinker on ClassLinker for 91.209ms 08-28 02:05:05.705 9338 9378 I FA : App measurement initialized, version: 69003 08-28 02:05:05.705 9338 9378 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE 08-28 02:05:05.705 9338 9378 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event logging run: 08-28 02:05:05.705 9338 9378 I FA : adb shell setprop 08-28 02:05:05.784 779 1778 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure INPUT_FEATURE_NO_INPUT_CHANNEL flag. Ignoring 08-28 02:05:05.786 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xa5d407c0) for (779:system_server) 08-28 02:05:05.787 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3094 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, eb04fcf 08-28 02:05:05.801 779 808 D LocationManagerService: GnssStatusListener from uid 10130 is now foreground 08-28 02:05:05.801 779 808 D LocationManagerService: GnssStatusListener from uid 10130 is now foreground 08-28 02:05:05.823 8944 8944 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { } 08-28 02:05:05.823 8944 8944 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { } 08-28 02:05:05.824 779 2369 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{eb04fcf u0}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x1480 08-28 02:05:05.828 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3095 createSurf (720x1480),1 flag=404, 08-28 02:05:05.830 779 2369 V WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{eb04fcf u0} displayId=0 08-28 02:05:05.830 779 2369 D StatusBarManagerService: notifyRequestedSystemKey recent=false home=false 08-28 02:05:05.830 779 809 D WindowManager: setSystemUiVisibility: displayId=0, vis=0x8708, fullVis=0x0, dockVis=0x0, win=Window{eb04fcf u0} 08-28 02:05:05.833 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from null to Window{eb04fcf u0} displayId=0 08-28 02:05:05.833 779 1174 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw: displayId=0, vis=0x8708, resetVis=0x0, clearVis=0x0 08-28 02:05:05.834 779 811 I WindowManager: Gaining focus: Window{eb04fcf u0} 08-28 02:05:05.837 779 2369 V WindowManager: Relayout 9338: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=resize forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:05:05.837 779 2369 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:05:05.837 779 2369 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND 08-28 02:05:05.837 779 2369 V WindowManager: vsysui=LAYOUT_STABLE LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN} 08-28 02:05:05.842 9338 9375 I GPUD : @gpudInitialize: successfully initialized with 1, dbg=0 mmdump_dbg=0 08-28 02:05:05.851 9338 9375 E GED : Failed to get GED Log Buf, err(0) 08-28 02:05:05.897 9338 9375 D OpenGLRenderer: -----call onContextCreated callbacks 08-28 02:05:05.897 9338 9375 D OpenGLRenderer: -----/call onContextCreated callbacks 08-28 02:05:05.899 9338 9375 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface : 0xa3004ce0 08-28 02:05:05.900 9338 9375 D OpenGLRenderer: setSurface succeed. EglSurface(0xa3004ce0) ANativeSurface(0x97cd7368) 08-28 02:05:05.929 9338 9378 I FA : Tag Manager is not found and thus will not be used 08-28 02:05:05.994 306 306 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device manifest. 08-28 02:05:05.995 9338 9375 W Gralloc3: mapper 3.x is not supported 08-28 02:05:06.001 9338 9375 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 08-28 02:05:06.061 779 2369 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{eb04fcf u0} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING 08-28 02:05:06.077 779 1778 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window (9338): eb04fcf in display 0 0 08-28 02:05:06.080 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:29.100878,dur:1168.35,max:401.21,min:14.69 08-28 02:05:06.082 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=bfa0882 Splash Screen 08-28 02:05:06.084 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3096 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=bfa0882 Splash Screen - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:06.101 779 816 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed +1s170ms 08-28 02:05:06.131 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:05:06.131 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:05:06.131 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:05:06.131 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5dba180 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 |[...]id.files.filelist.FileListActivity#0 08-28 02:05:06.131 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1b00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | Splash Screen 08-28 02:05:06.131 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf18c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:05:06.131 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2e80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:05:06.131 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:05:06.160 9338 9338 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 08-28 02:05:06.161 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: Unspecified window will hide input 08-28 02:05:06.161 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:05:06.161 779 6535 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 08-28 02:05:06.162 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: Creating new session for client ClientState{ac93951 uid=10189 pid=9338 displayId=0} 08-28 02:05:06.173 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3274 08-28 02:05:06.178 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 0, unlocked = true 08-28 02:05:06.178 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1957 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null fieldId=-1 fieldName=null extras=Bundle[EMPTY_PARCEL]}, false) 08-28 02:05:06.181 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4078 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 08-28 02:05:06.183 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 2, unlocked = true 08-28 02:05:06.243 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=AppWindowToken{f735ccc token=Token{29686ff ActivityRecord{dfe1e u0 t57}}})/@0xccbc7d0, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=bfa0882 Splash Screen 08-28 02:05:06.244 779 812 E WindowManager: win=Window{bfa0882 u0 Splash Screen EXITING} destroySurfaces: appStopped=false win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=true win.mRemoveOnExit=true win.mViewVisibility=0$$Lambda$$getFinishedCallback$0$SurfaceAnimator:99 08-28 02:05:06.245 779 812 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=Splash Screen called by 08-28 02:05:06.252 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3096 Removed Surface(name=bfa0882 Splash Screen - animation-leash#0 (49) 08-28 02:05:06.255 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3089 Removed bfa0882 Splash Screen (49) 08-28 02:05:06.255 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3090 Removed Splash Screen (49) 08-28 02:05:06.259 449 449 I Layer : id=3096[1] Destroyed Surface(name=bfa0882 Splash Screen - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:06.259 449 449 I Layer : id=3089[1] Destroyed bfa0882 Splash Screen 08-28 02:05:06.261 449 449 I Layer : id=3090[1] Destroyed Splash Screen 08-28 02:05:06.266 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:05:06.266 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:05:06.266 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:05:06.266 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1e00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 |[...]id.files.filelist.FileListActivity#0 08-28 02:05:06.266 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf18c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:05:06.266 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2e80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:05:06.266 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:05:06.281 779 779 D JobScheduler: Error executing JobStatus{26015ed #u0a196/23352 u=0 s=10196 TIME=-2h19m34s667ms:none NET READY} 08-28 02:05:06.281 779 779 D JobScheduler: Error executing JobStatus{9dc42b #u0a196/2700 u=0 s=10196 TIME=none:-1h59m35s19ms READY} 08-28 02:05:06.282 779 779 D JobScheduler: Error executing JobStatus{1869fe1 #u0a196/23360 u=0 s=10196 TIME=-1h58m32s77ms:none NET READY} 08-28 02:05:06.282 779 779 D JobScheduler: Error executing JobStatus{3b387b6 #u0a196/23361 u=0 s=10196 NET READY} 08-28 02:05:06.354 8944 8975 I GmsComplianceUtils: refresh status [CONTEXT service_id=257 ] 08-28 02:05:06.379 8944 8975 I GmsComplianceUtils: allow=true [CONTEXT service_id=257 ] 08-28 02:05:06.407 1578 6023 I FontLog : Received query Noto Color Emoji Compat, URI content:// [CONTEXT service_id=132 ] 08-28 02:05:06.411 1578 6023 I FontLog : Query [emojicompat-emoji-font] resolved to {Noto Color Emoji Compat, wdth 100.0, wght 400, ital 0.0, bestEffort false} [CONTEXT service_id=132 ] 08-28 02:05:06.422 1578 6023 I FontLog : Fetch {Noto Color Emoji Compat, wdth 100.0, wght 400, ital 0.0, bestEffort false} end status Status{statusCode=SUCCESS, resolution=null} [CONTEXT service_id=132 ] 08-28 02:05:06.430 1578 6023 I FontLog : Pulling font file for id = 142, cache size = 4 [CONTEXT service_id=132 ] 08-28 02:05:06.453 1578 2494 I FontLog : Pulling font file for id = 142, cache size = 4 [CONTEXT service_id=132 ] 08-28 02:05:06.486 8944 9393 I FA-SVC : App measurement initialized, version: 223313 08-28 02:05:06.740 779 926 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.930) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 08-28 02:05:07.106 9338 9350 I Background concurrent copying GC freed 32090(1120KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 32% free, 12MB/18MB, paused 260us total 138.495ms 08-28 02:05:07.160 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:39.800991,dur:1080.38,max:284.44,min:12.66 08-28 02:05:07.287 437 480 I power@1.3-impl: powerHintInternal hint:8, data:0 08-28 02:05:07.296 19753 19781 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 19753 08-28 02:05:07.297 779 2369 W InputMethodManagerService: Ignoring hideSoftInput of uid 10150:$Stub$Proxy@6fb3e3e 08-28 02:05:07.308 19753 19787 D OpenGLRenderer: CanvasContext:: trimMemory hidden, level : 20, Pid : 19753, Tid : 19787 08-28 02:05:07.312 19753 19787 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 3, oppidx_max 3, oppidx_min 0 08-28 02:05:07.312 779 6535 E WindowManager: win=Window{62e9682 u0 app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher} destroySurfaces: appStopped=true win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=false win.mRemoveOnExit=false win.mViewVisibility=8$Stub.onTransact:2046 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1021 08-28 02:05:07.312 779 6535 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher)/@0x7e4949f called by 08-28 02:05:07.316 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3045 Removed app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher#0 (46) 08-28 02:05:07.325 449 449 I Layer : id=3045[1] Destroyed app.lawnchair/app.lawnchair.LawnchairLauncher#0 08-28 02:05:07.449 779 1093 D BatteryService: mHealthInfo.batteryLevel: 5 08-28 02:05:07.449 779 1093 D BatteryService: Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. scale:100, info:{.chargerAcOnline = false, .chargerUsbOnline = true, .chargerWirelessOnline = false, .maxChargingCurrent = 0, .maxChargingVoltage = 0, .batteryStatus = CHARGING, .batteryHealth = GOOD, .batteryPresent = true, .batteryLevel = 5, .batteryVoltage = 3763, .batteryTemperature = 330, .batteryCurrent = 0, .batteryCycleCount = 0, .batteryFullCharge = 3000000, .batteryChargeCounter = 162000, .batteryTechnology = Li-ion} 08-28 02:05:07.449 779 1093 D BatteryService: online:4, current avg:187, charge type:1, POGO powered:false, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, charger_type:0, capacity:280000, misc_event:65536, current_event:0, current_now:249 08-28 02:05:07.451 779 779 D UsbDeviceManager: received ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 08-28 02:05:07.452 779 808 D UsbDeviceManager: handleMessage -> MSG_UPDATE_CHARGING_STATE: mUsbCharging=true 08-28 02:05:07.452 990 990 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 08-28 02:05:07.453 990 990 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate 08-28 02:05:07.455 990 990 D PowerUI.Notification: showChargingNotice oldChargingType : 1 currentChargingType : 1 oldChargingTime : 0 mChargingTime : 0 08-28 02:05:07.455 990 990 D PowerUI.Notification: There is no change about charging status, so return! 08-28 02:05:07.455 990 990 D PowerUI : Battery swelling mode - priorBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatteryStatus = 2 08-28 02:05:07.455 990 990 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 08-28 02:05:08.139 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10057.628825 08-28 02:05:08.139 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2554 ] when=10057.628825 08-28 02:05:08.140 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:05:08.140 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:05:08.140 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:08.141 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10057628 08-28 02:05:08.175 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:24.632565,dur:1014.92,max:351.26,min:2.33 08-28 02:05:08.238 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10057.728389 08-28 02:05:08.239 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10057.728389 08-28 02:05:08.239 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:08.458 779 779 D JobScheduler: Error executing JobStatus{26015ed #u0a196/23352 u=0 s=10196 TIME=-2h19m36s844ms:none NET READY} 08-28 02:05:08.458 779 779 D JobScheduler: Error executing JobStatus{9dc42b #u0a196/2700 u=0 s=10196 TIME=none:-1h59m37s196ms READY} 08-28 02:05:08.459 779 779 D JobScheduler: Error executing JobStatus{1869fe1 #u0a196/23360 u=0 s=10196 TIME=-1h58m34s255ms:none NET READY} 08-28 02:05:08.461 779 779 D JobScheduler: Error executing JobStatus{3b387b6 #u0a196/23361 u=0 s=10196 NET READY} 08-28 02:05:08.518 306 306 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device manifest. 08-28 02:05:08.520 356 356 D io_stats: !@ 179,0 r 1175295 26559591 w 102199 9282308 d 30970 8551336 f 46313 61004 iot 753720 667663 th 51200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 10058.009 08-28 02:05:08.523 9338 9406 W Gralloc3: allocator 3.x is not supported 08-28 02:05:08.585 2164 8544 D SecMediaProvider: scan file path: 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7Dwoutwbd7/)(x*,,(5qhg 08-28 02:05:08.689 2164 8544 D SecMediaProvider: Checked Dirs: 0 Files: 1 I: 0 U: 1 D: 0 jpg_1/1 path: 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7Dwoutwbd7/)(x*,,(5qhg 08-28 02:05:08.693 2164 8544 D MediaProvider: 10189 Scanned 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7Dwoutwbd7/)(x*,,(5qhg for content://media/external_primary/file/20 08-28 02:05:08.697 2164 9411 D SecMediaProvider: scan file path: 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7Dwoutwbd7*,8::*85qhg 08-28 02:05:08.720 779 2369 D AppOps : checkOperation: uid reject #1 for code 87 uid 10048 package 08-28 02:05:08.736 2164 9411 D SecMediaProvider: Checked Dirs: 0 Files: 1 I: 0 U: 1 D: 0 jpg_1/1 path: 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7Dwoutwbd7*,8::*85qhg 08-28 02:05:08.738 2164 9411 D MediaProvider: 10189 Scanned 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7Dwoutwbd7*,8::*85qhg for content://media/external_primary/file/538 08-28 02:05:08.739 2164 8544 D SecMediaProvider: scan file path: 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7Dwoutwbd7:.,.:*:)-8//8*,8(,5hug 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: Invalid image: ExifInterface got an unsupported image format file(ExifInterface supports JPEG and some RAW image formats only) or a corrupted JPEG file to ExifInterface. 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: Invalid byte order: ffff8950 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at$600( 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at$Scan.visitFile( 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at$Scan.visitFile( 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at java.nio.file.Files.walkFileTree( 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at java.nio.file.Files.walkFileTree( 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at$Scan.walkFileTree( 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at$ 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at$1.lambda$requestScanFile$0$MediaScannerService$1( 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at$$Lambda$MediaScannerService$1$ Source:10) 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$ 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 08-28 02:05:08.760 2164 8544 W ExifInterface: at 08-28 02:05:08.771 2164 8544 D SecMediaProvider: Checked Dirs: 0 Files: 1 I: 0 U: 1 D: 0 png_1/1 path: 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7Dwoutwbd7:.,.:*:)-8//8*,8(,5hug 08-28 02:05:08.773 2164 8544 D MediaProvider: 10189 Scanned 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7Dwoutwbd7:.,.:*:)-8//8*,8(,5hug for content://media/external_primary/file/449 08-28 02:05:08.774 2164 9411 D SecMediaProvider: scan file path: 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7Dwoutwbd7*,8::*85qhg 08-28 02:05:08.797 2164 9411 D SecMediaProvider: Checked Dirs: 0 Files: 1 I: 0 U: 1 D: 0 jpg_1/1 path: 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7Dwoutwbd7*,8::*85qhg 08-28 02:05:08.799 2164 9411 D MediaProvider: 10189 Scanned 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7Dwoutwbd7*,8::*85qhg for content://media/external_primary/file/538 08-28 02:05:08.801 2164 8544 D SecMediaProvider: scan file path: 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7Dwoutwbd7/)(x*,,(5qhg 08-28 02:05:08.821 2164 8544 D SecMediaProvider: Checked Dirs: 0 Files: 1 I: 0 U: 1 D: 0 jpg_1/1 path: 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7Dwoutwbd7/)(x*,,(5qhg 08-28 02:05:08.824 2164 8544 D MediaProvider: 10189 Scanned 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7Dwoutwbd7/)(x*,,(5qhg for content://media/external_primary/file/20 08-28 02:05:08.827 2164 9411 D SecMediaProvider: scan file path: 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7Dwoutwbd7:.,.:*:)-8//8*,8(,5hug 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: Invalid image: ExifInterface got an unsupported image format file(ExifInterface supports JPEG and some RAW image formats only) or a corrupted JPEG file to ExifInterface. 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: Invalid byte order: ffff8950 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at$600( 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at$Scan.visitFile( 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at$Scan.visitFile( 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at java.nio.file.Files.walkFileTree( 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at java.nio.file.Files.walkFileTree( 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at$Scan.walkFileTree( 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at$ 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at$1.lambda$requestScanFile$0$MediaScannerService$1( 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at$$Lambda$MediaScannerService$1$ Source:10) 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$ 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 08-28 02:05:08.843 2164 9411 W ExifInterface: at 08-28 02:05:08.851 2164 9411 D SecMediaProvider: Checked Dirs: 0 Files: 1 I: 0 U: 1 D: 0 png_1/1 path: 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7Dwoutwbd7:.,.:*:)-8//8*,8(,5hug 08-28 02:05:08.853 2164 9411 D MediaProvider: 10189 Scanned 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7Dwoutwbd7:.,.:*:)-8//8*,8(,5hug for content://media/external_primary/file/449 08-28 02:05:09.048 966 1469 E ImsAdaptorImpl: setSSACInfo : ImsAdaptorImpl. 08-28 02:05:09.051 1176 2480 D SsacManager: updateSSACInfo[0] : Voice(0:0) Video(0:0) 08-28 02:05:09.052 1176 2480 D SsacManager: Voice Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[0], t[0] 08-28 02:05:09.052 1176 2480 D SsacManager: Video Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[0], t[0] 08-28 02:05:09.055 1176 2480 D SsacManager: set regiMgr.setSSACPolicy as false. 08-28 02:05:09.063 966 1469 E ImsAdaptorImpl: setSSACInfo : ImsAdaptorImpl. 08-28 02:05:09.066 1176 2480 D SsacManager: updateSSACInfo[0] : Voice(0:0) Video(0:0) 08-28 02:05:09.066 1176 2480 D SsacManager: Voice Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[0], t[0] 08-28 02:05:09.066 1176 2480 D SsacManager: Video Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[0], t[0] 08-28 02:05:09.068 1176 2480 D SsacManager: set regiMgr.setSSACPolicy as false. 08-28 02:05:09.145 990 990 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE 08-28 02:05:09.150 990 990 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: action android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE serviceState={mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=2147483647, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=16(GSM), getRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, VoiceRegType=0, ImsVoiceAvail=1, Snap=0, MobileVoice=OUT_OF_SERVICE, MobileVoiceRat=Unknown, MobileData=OUT_OF_SERVICE, MobileDataRoamingType=home, MobileDataRat=GSM PsOnly=false FemtocellInd=0 SprDisplayRoam=false EndcStatus=0 RestrictDcnr=1 NrBearerStatus=0 5gStatus=0 RRCState=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=true, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=DENIED roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=GSM rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=true availableServices=[EMERGENCY] cellIdentity=CellIdentityGsm:{ mLac=701 mCid=22624 mArfcn=2147483647 mBsic=0x7fffffff mMcc=358 mMnc=110 mAlphaLong=FLOW mAlphaShort=FLOW} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=true availableServices=[EMERGENCY] cellIdentity=CellIdentityGsm:{ mLac=701 mCid=22624 mArfcn=2147483647 mBsic=0x7fffffff mMcc=358 mMnc=110 mAlphaLong=FLOW mAlphaShort=FLOW} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 4 isDcNrRestricted = true isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1 mIsUsingCarrierAggregation = false } nrState=NONE}], mNrFrequencyRange=-1, mIsIwlanPreferred=false} subId=-1 08-28 02:05:09.153 966 9412 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=-1 08-28 02:05:09.155 966 966 V PhoneGlobals: handleServiceStateChanged 08-28 02:05:09.156 990 1314 D NetworkController: updateCarrierText : Emergency calls only, slotId = 0 numberOfSim = 0 airplane = false activeSimCount = 0 08-28 02:05:09.157 990 1314 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: updateCarrierTextInfo 08-28 02:05:09.157 966 966 D Telephony: SamsungTuiNotificationManager: updateNetworkSelection: serviceState =1 mPrevServiceState =1 08-28 02:05:09.158 966 966 V PhoneGlobals: subId=-1,mDefaultDataSubId=-1,ss roaming=false 08-28 02:05:09.158 966 966 V PhoneGlobals: updateDataRoamingStatus 08-28 02:05:09.158 966 966 W PhoneGlobals: Can't get phone with sub id = -1 08-28 02:05:09.159 990 990 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleServiceStateChange(subId=-1, serviceState={mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=2147483647, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=16(GSM), getRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, VoiceRegType=0, ImsVoiceAvail=1, Snap=0, MobileVoice=OUT_OF_SERVICE, MobileVoiceRat=Unknown, MobileData=OUT_OF_SERVICE, MobileDataRoamingType=home, MobileDataRat=GSM PsOnly=false FemtocellInd=0 SprDisplayRoam=false EndcStatus=0 RestrictDcnr=1 NrBearerStatus=0 5gStatus=0 RRCState=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=true, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=DENIED roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=GSM rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=true availableServices=[EMERGENCY] cellIdentity=CellIdentityGsm:{ mLac=701 mCid=22624 mArfcn=2147483647 mBsic=0x7fffffff mMcc=358 mMnc=110 mAlphaLong=FLOW mAlphaShort=FLOW} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=true availableServices=[EMERGENCY] cellIdentity=CellIdentityGsm:{ mLac=701 mCid=22624 mArfcn=2147483647 mBsic=0x7fffffff mMcc=358 mMnc=110 mAlphaLong=FLOW mAlphaShort=FLOW} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 4 isDcNrRestricted = true isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1 mIsUsingCarrierAggregation = false } nrState=NONE}], mNrFrequencyRange=-1, mIsIwlanPreferred=false} 08-28 02:05:09.160 990 990 W KeyguardUpdateMonitor: invalid subId in handleServiceStateChange() 08-28 02:05:09.160 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 08-28 02:05:09.160 990 990 D CarrierTextController: onRefreshCarrierInfo(), mTelephonyCapable: true 08-28 02:05:09.161 990 990 D CarrierTextController: updateCarrierText(): 0 08-28 02:05:09.162 990 990 D CarrierTextController: Getting plmn/spn/subId sticky brdcst plmn : Emergency calls only, spn : , subId :-1 08-28 02:05:09.163 990 990 D CarrierTextController: plmn Of NetworkController Impl : Emergency calls only 08-28 02:05:09.163 990 990 D CarrierTextController: setText : No SIM card — Emergency calls only 08-28 02:05:09.164 990 990 D PanelCarrierLabelManager: setTextForCommon(text:Emergency calls only) 08-28 02:05:09.205 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10058.695148 08-28 02:05:09.205 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2555 ] when=10058.695148 08-28 02:05:09.206 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:05:09.206 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:05:09.206 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:09.207 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10058695 08-28 02:05:09.241 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:53.466278,dur:1066.09,max:83.37,min:16.24 08-28 02:05:09.305 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10058.794656 08-28 02:05:09.305 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10058.794656 08-28 02:05:09.305 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:09.756 779 926 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.930) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 08-28 02:05:09.806 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 08-28 02:05:09.878 779 779 D JobScheduler: Error executing JobStatus{26015ed #u0a196/23352 u=0 s=10196 TIME=-2h19m38s265ms:none NET READY} 08-28 02:05:09.879 779 779 D JobScheduler: Error executing JobStatus{9dc42b #u0a196/2700 u=0 s=10196 TIME=none:-1h59m38s616ms READY} 08-28 02:05:09.879 779 779 D JobScheduler: Error executing JobStatus{1869fe1 #u0a196/23360 u=0 s=10196 TIME=-1h58m35s675ms:none NET READY} 08-28 02:05:09.880 779 779 D JobScheduler: Error executing JobStatus{3b387b6 #u0a196/23361 u=0 s=10196 NET READY} 08-28 02:05:09.886 9057 9057 I Gallery : [ 40: DataSyncJobService] DataSyncJobService created 08-28 02:05:09.893 9057 9057 I Gallery : [ 41: DataSyncJobService] onStart uri = [content://media/external/file/449, content://media/external/file/538, content://media/external/file/20] 08-28 02:05:09.894 9057 9057 I Gallery : [ 42: DataSyncJobService] onStart auth = [media] 08-28 02:05:09.895 9057 9087 I Gallery : [ 43: DataSyncJobService] Start data sync service job 08-28 02:05:09.896 9057 9087 I Gallery : [ 44: GmpSyncHelper] replace Sync 08-28 02:05:09.896 9057 9087 I Gallery : [ 45: GmpSyncHelper] insertOrReplace row count : 3 08-28 02:05:09.901 9057 9087 I Gallery : [ 46: SyncQueryBuilder] query : GedFilesSyncTable{uri = content://media/external/file, table = files, projections = [_id, _data, _size, date_added, date_modified, mime_type, title, _display_name, orientation, datetaken, bucket_id, bucket_display_name, duration, media_type, is_drm, width, height, resolution, volume_name], where = media_type in (1,3), mOrderBy='date_modified ASC, _id ASC', mLimit='null'} 08-28 02:05:09.922 9057 9087 I Gallery : [ 47: GmpSyncHelper] insertOrReplace cursor count = 3 08-28 02:05:09.927 9057 9087 V Gallery : [ 48: GmpSyncHelper] replace : 538/563 08-28 02:05:09.929 9057 9087 V Gallery : [ 49: GmpSyncHelper] replace : 449/563 08-28 02:05:09.930 9057 9087 V Gallery : [ 50: GmpSyncHelper] replace : 20/563 08-28 02:05:09.934 9057 9087 I Gallery : [ 51: GmpSyncHelper] done replace Sync 08-28 02:05:09.935 9057 9087 I Gallery : [ 52: DataSyncJobService] sync result : 3 08-28 02:05:09.940 9057 9087 I Gallery : [ 53: DataSyncJobService] schedule DataSyncJobService 08-28 02:05:09.940 9057 9087 I Gallery : [ 54: DataSyncJobService] Complete data sync service job 08-28 02:05:09.949 779 779 D JobScheduler: Error executing JobStatus{26015ed #u0a196/23352 u=0 s=10196 TIME=-2h19m38s335ms:none NET READY} 08-28 02:05:09.949 779 779 D JobScheduler: Error executing JobStatus{9dc42b #u0a196/2700 u=0 s=10196 TIME=none:-1h59m38s687ms READY} 08-28 02:05:09.950 779 779 D JobScheduler: Error executing JobStatus{1869fe1 #u0a196/23360 u=0 s=10196 TIME=-1h58m35s745ms:none NET READY} 08-28 02:05:09.950 779 779 D JobScheduler: Error executing JobStatus{3b387b6 #u0a196/23361 u=0 s=10196 NET READY} 08-28 02:05:10.038 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10059.528112 08-28 02:05:10.039 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2556 ] when=10059.528112 08-28 02:05:10.039 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:05:10.039 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:05:10.040 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:10.040 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10059528 08-28 02:05:10.041 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: 1495000 -1 08-28 02:05:10.137 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10059.627486 08-28 02:05:10.138 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10059.627486 08-28 02:05:10.138 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:10.257 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:42.331886,dur:1015.78,max:149.57,min:16.26 08-28 02:05:10.641 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 08-28 02:05:11.315 779 884 D SensorService: [SO] 0.196 -0.005 9.807 08-28 02:05:11.705 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10061.193971 08-28 02:05:11.705 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2557 ] when=10061.193971 08-28 02:05:11.705 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:05:11.705 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:05:11.706 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:11.706 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10061193 08-28 02:05:11.707 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: 1495000 -1 08-28 02:05:11.740 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:20.230377,dur:1482.92,max:999.69,min:16.35 08-28 02:05:11.812 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10061301 08-28 02:05:11.853 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10061.343117 08-28 02:05:11.853 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10061.343117 08-28 02:05:11.854 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:12.355 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 08-28 02:05:12.571 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10062.060109 08-28 02:05:12.571 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2558 ] when=10062.060109 08-28 02:05:12.571 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:05:12.572 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:05:12.572 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:12.573 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10062060 08-28 02:05:12.573 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: 1495000 -1 08-28 02:05:12.678 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10062167 08-28 02:05:12.719 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10062.209302 08-28 02:05:12.719 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10062.209302 08-28 02:05:12.720 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:12.756 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:27.558451,dur:1016.02,max:500.90,min:15.62 08-28 02:05:12.774 779 926 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.930) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 08-28 02:05:13.220 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10062.709756 08-28 02:05:13.220 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2559 ] when=10062.709756 08-28 02:05:13.221 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:05:13.221 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:05:13.221 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:13.221 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 08-28 02:05:13.222 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10062709 08-28 02:05:13.226 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: 1495000 -1 08-28 02:05:13.328 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityFromNative : 2210 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10062816 08-28 02:05:13.328 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10062816 08-28 02:05:13.436 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10062.925568 08-28 02:05:13.436 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10062.925568 08-28 02:05:13.436 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:13.437 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10062925 08-28 02:05:13.524 356 356 D io_stats: !@ 179,0 r 1176102 26578783 w 102219 9282936 d 30970 8551336 f 46324 61018 iot 754006 667917 th 51200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 10063.013 08-28 02:05:13.836 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10063.325993 08-28 02:05:13.836 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2560 ] when=10063.325993 08-28 02:05:13.837 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:05:13.837 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:05:13.837 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:13.838 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10063325 08-28 02:05:13.936 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10063.425444 08-28 02:05:13.936 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10063.425444 08-28 02:05:13.936 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:13.956 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:19.159145,dur:1200.47,max:484.23,min:15.74 08-28 02:05:14.439 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 08-28 02:05:14.612 779 3162 D SSRM:ja : SIOP:: AP = 410, PST = 416 (W:12), BAT = 330, USB = 0, CHG = 0, CP = 383 08-28 02:05:14.686 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10064.175295 08-28 02:05:14.686 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2561 ] when=10064.175295 08-28 02:05:14.686 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:05:14.687 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:05:14.687 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:14.689 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10064175 08-28 02:05:14.692 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: 1495000 -1 08-28 02:05:14.699 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: SFWD update time=10064189528269 08-28 02:05:14.794 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10064282 08-28 02:05:14.903 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10064391 08-28 02:05:14.971 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:53.191532,dur:1015.20,max:100.19,min:15.62 08-28 02:05:15.003 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10064491 08-28 02:05:15.068 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10064.558069 08-28 02:05:15.068 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10064.558069 08-28 02:05:15.069 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:15.418 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10064.908196 08-28 02:05:15.419 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2562 ] when=10064.908196 08-28 02:05:15.419 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:05:15.419 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:05:15.419 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:15.421 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10064908 08-28 02:05:15.526 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10065015 08-28 02:05:15.627 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10065115 08-28 02:05:15.734 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10065.224327 08-28 02:05:15.734 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10065.224327 08-28 02:05:15.735 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:15.736 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityFromNative : 2220 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10065224 08-28 02:05:15.736 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10065224 08-28 02:05:15.790 779 926 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.930) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 08-28 02:05:15.952 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10065.441811 08-28 02:05:15.952 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2563 ] when=10065.441811 08-28 02:05:15.953 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:05:15.953 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:05:15.953 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:15.954 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10065441 08-28 02:05:15.980 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 08-28 02:05:15.980 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): updateSignaloneLevelPersec 08-28 02:05:15.980 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH mPreSvcSate: 1, mCurSvcSate: 1 08-28 02:05:15.980 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH : 3, 2 08-28 02:05:15.981 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): mVoWifiConnectedfalse 08-28 02:05:15.981 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): mVoWifiConnectedfalse 08-28 02:05:16.013 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:38.403133,dur:1041.58,max:175.49,min:16.04 08-28 02:05:16.060 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10065548 08-28 02:05:16.101 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10065.590875 08-28 02:05:16.101 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10065.590875 08-28 02:05:16.103 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:16.131 9338 9350 I Background concurrent copying GC freed 133589(4783KB) AllocSpace objects, 8(160KB) LOS objects, 30% free, 13MB/19MB, paused 176us total 166.692ms 08-28 02:05:16.252 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10065.741323 08-28 02:05:16.252 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2564 ] when=10065.741323 08-28 02:05:16.252 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:05:16.252 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:05:16.252 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:16.254 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10065741 08-28 02:05:16.359 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10065848 08-28 02:05:16.434 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10065.923958 08-28 02:05:16.434 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10065.923958 08-28 02:05:16.434 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:16.688 966 1469 E ImsAdaptorImpl: setSSACInfo : ImsAdaptorImpl. 08-28 02:05:16.690 1176 2480 D SsacManager: updateSSACInfo[0] : Voice(0:0) Video(0:0) 08-28 02:05:16.690 1176 2480 D SsacManager: Voice Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[0], t[0] 08-28 02:05:16.690 1176 2480 D SsacManager: Video Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[0], t[0] 08-28 02:05:16.692 1176 2480 D SsacManager: set regiMgr.setSSACPolicy as false. 08-28 02:05:16.698 966 1469 E ImsAdaptorImpl: setSSACInfo : ImsAdaptorImpl. 08-28 02:05:16.701 1176 2480 D SsacManager: updateSSACInfo[0] : Voice(0:0) Video(0:0) 08-28 02:05:16.701 1176 2480 D SsacManager: Voice Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[0], t[0] 08-28 02:05:16.701 1176 2480 D SsacManager: Video Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[0], t[0] 08-28 02:05:16.705 1176 2480 D SsacManager: set regiMgr.setSSACPolicy as false. 08-28 02:05:16.779 990 990 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE 08-28 02:05:16.781 966 9422 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=-1 08-28 02:05:16.786 990 990 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: action android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE serviceState={mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=2147483647, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=3(UMTS), getRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, VoiceRegType=0, ImsVoiceAvail=1, Snap=0, MobileVoice=OUT_OF_SERVICE, MobileVoiceRat=Unknown, MobileData=OUT_OF_SERVICE, MobileDataRoamingType=home, MobileDataRat=UMTS PsOnly=false FemtocellInd=0 SprDisplayRoam=false EndcStatus=0 RestrictDcnr=1 NrBearerStatus=0 5gStatus=0 RRCState=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=true, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=DENIED roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UMTS rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=true availableServices=[EMERGENCY] cellIdentity=CellIdentityWcdma:{ mLac=701 mCid=1398523 mPsc=0 mUarfcn=2147483647 mMcc=358 mMnc=110 mAlphaLong=FLOW mAlphaShort=FLOW} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=true availableServices=[EMERGENCY] cellIdentity=CellIdentityWcdma:{ mLac=701 mCid=1398523 mPsc=0 mUarfcn=2147483647 mMcc=358 mMnc=110 mAlphaLong=FLOW mAlphaShort=FLOW} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 4 isDcNrRestricted = true isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1 mIsUsingCarrierAggregation = false } nrState=NONE}], mNrFrequencyRange=-1, mIsIwlanPreferred=false} subId=-1 08-28 02:05:16.790 990 1314 D NetworkController: updateCarrierText : Emergency calls only, slotId = 0 numberOfSim = 0 airplane = false activeSimCount = 0 08-28 02:05:16.790 990 1314 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: updateCarrierTextInfo 08-28 02:05:16.790 990 990 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleServiceStateChange(subId=-1, serviceState={mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=2147483647, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=3(UMTS), getRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, VoiceRegType=0, ImsVoiceAvail=1, Snap=0, MobileVoice=OUT_OF_SERVICE, MobileVoiceRat=Unknown, MobileData=OUT_OF_SERVICE, MobileDataRoamingType=home, MobileDataRat=UMTS PsOnly=false FemtocellInd=0 SprDisplayRoam=false EndcStatus=0 RestrictDcnr=1 NrBearerStatus=0 5gStatus=0 RRCState=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=true, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=DENIED roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UMTS rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=true availableServices=[EMERGENCY] cellIdentity=CellIdentityWcdma:{ mLac=701 mCid=1398523 mPsc=0 mUarfcn=2147483647 mMcc=358 mMnc=110 mAlphaLong=FLOW mAlphaShort=FLOW} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=true availableServices=[EMERGENCY] cellIdentity=CellIdentityWcdma:{ mLac=701 mCid=1398523 mPsc=0 mUarfcn=2147483647 mMcc=358 mMnc=110 mAlphaLong=FLOW mAlphaShort=FLOW} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 4 isDcNrRestricted = true isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1 mIsUsingCarrierAggregation = false } nrState=NONE}], mNrFrequencyRange=-1, mIsIwlanPreferred=false} 08-28 02:05:16.790 990 990 W KeyguardUpdateMonitor: invalid subId in handleServiceStateChange() 08-28 02:05:16.791 990 990 D CarrierTextController: onRefreshCarrierInfo(), mTelephonyCapable: true 08-28 02:05:16.791 990 990 D CarrierTextController: updateCarrierText(): 0 08-28 02:05:16.791 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 08-28 02:05:16.793 990 990 D CarrierTextController: Getting plmn/spn/subId sticky brdcst plmn : Emergency calls only, spn : , subId :-1 08-28 02:05:16.793 990 990 D CarrierTextController: plmn Of NetworkController Impl : Emergency calls only 08-28 02:05:16.793 990 990 D CarrierTextController: setText : No SIM card — Emergency calls only 08-28 02:05:16.793 990 990 D PanelCarrierLabelManager: setTextForCommon(text:Emergency calls only) 08-28 02:05:16.797 966 966 V PhoneGlobals: handleServiceStateChanged 08-28 02:05:16.800 966 966 D Telephony: SamsungTuiNotificationManager: updateNetworkSelection: serviceState =1 mPrevServiceState =1 08-28 02:05:16.801 966 966 V PhoneGlobals: subId=-1,mDefaultDataSubId=-1,ss roaming=false 08-28 02:05:16.801 966 966 V PhoneGlobals: updateDataRoamingStatus 08-28 02:05:16.801 966 966 W PhoneGlobals: Can't get phone with sub id = -1 08-28 02:05:16.937 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 08-28 02:05:16.951 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10066.440749 08-28 02:05:16.951 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2565 ] when=10066.440749 08-28 02:05:16.952 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:05:16.952 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:05:16.952 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:16.953 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10066440 08-28 02:05:16.954 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: 1495000 -1 08-28 02:05:16.982 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH mPreSvcSate: 1, mCurSvcSate: 1 08-28 02:05:16.982 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH : 3, 3 08-28 02:05:16.982 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH(IN_SVC) no diff :3, 3 08-28 02:05:17.059 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10066548 08-28 02:05:17.084 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10066.573643 08-28 02:05:17.084 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10066.573643 08-28 02:05:17.084 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:17.125 8944 8944 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { } 08-28 02:05:17.127 779 808 D LocationManagerService: GnssStatusListener from uid 10130 is now foreground 08-28 02:05:17.127 779 808 D LocationManagerService: GnssStatusListener from uid 10130 is now foreground 08-28 02:05:17.136 435 521 W IMGMemtrackHAL: hal_get_memory: memtrack cache rebuild was required 08-28 02:05:17.153 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:39.459133,dur:1140.42,max:200.16,min:7.60 08-28 02:05:17.514 779 1093 D BatteryService: mHealthInfo.batteryLevel: 5 08-28 02:05:17.514 779 1093 D BatteryService: Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. scale:100, info:{.chargerAcOnline = false, .chargerUsbOnline = true, .chargerWirelessOnline = false, .maxChargingCurrent = 0, .maxChargingVoltage = 0, .batteryStatus = CHARGING, .batteryHealth = GOOD, .batteryPresent = true, .batteryLevel = 5, .batteryVoltage = 3760, .batteryTemperature = 330, .batteryCurrent = 0, .batteryCycleCount = 0, .batteryFullCharge = 3000000, .batteryChargeCounter = 162000, .batteryTechnology = Li-ion} 08-28 02:05:17.514 779 1093 D BatteryService: online:4, current avg:211, charge type:1, POGO powered:false, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, charger_type:0, capacity:280000, misc_event:65536, current_event:0, current_now:174 08-28 02:05:17.517 779 779 D UsbDeviceManager: received ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 08-28 02:05:17.518 990 990 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 08-28 02:05:17.518 779 808 D UsbDeviceManager: handleMessage -> MSG_UPDATE_CHARGING_STATE: mUsbCharging=true 08-28 02:05:17.518 990 990 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate 08-28 02:05:17.520 990 990 D PowerUI.Notification: showChargingNotice oldChargingType : 1 currentChargingType : 1 oldChargingTime : 0 mChargingTime : 0 08-28 02:05:17.520 990 990 D PowerUI.Notification: There is no change about charging status, so return! 08-28 02:05:17.520 990 990 D PowerUI : Battery swelling mode - priorBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatteryStatus = 2 08-28 02:05:17.520 990 990 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 08-28 02:05:17.586 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 08-28 02:05:17.918 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 08-28 02:05:18.212 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:30.235796,dur:1058.35,max:335.21,min:16.33 08-28 02:05:18.528 356 356 D io_stats: !@ 179,0 r 1176120 26579303 w 102221 9282948 d 30970 8551336 f 46324 61018 iot 754013 667925 th 51200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 10068.017 08-28 02:05:18.717 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10068.206672 08-28 02:05:18.717 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2566 ] when=10068.206672 08-28 02:05:18.718 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:05:18.718 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '7b801bf', t=1 08-28 02:05:18.718 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:18.719 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10068206 08-28 02:05:18.720 437 479 I libPowerHal: 36: cpu_ctrl set freq: 1495000 -1 08-28 02:05:18.804 779 926 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.930) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 08-28 02:05:18.816 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10068.305995 08-28 02:05:18.816 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10068.305995 08-28 02:05:18.817 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9338): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'eb04fcf', t=1 08-28 02:05:18.828 779 1778 D ActivityTaskManager: Sending Appstart to CFMS 08-28 02:05:18.831 779 1778 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=content:// typ=text/plain flg=0x3 cmp=android/ (has extras)} from uid 10189 08-28 02:05:18.835 437 480 I power@1.3-impl: powerHintInternal hint:8, data:1 08-28 02:05:18.836 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3097 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, AppWindowToken{9e5d39b token=Token{2666baa ActivityRecord{d8f2e95 u0 android/ t57}}}#0 08-28 02:05:18.871 421 421 D Zygote : Forked child process 9424 08-28 02:05:18.874 779 818 I ActivityManager: Start proc 9424:system:ui/1000 for activity {android/} 08-28 02:05:18.904 8944 8944 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { } 08-28 02:05:18.905 8944 8944 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { } 08-28 02:05:18.920 9424 9424 E system:ui: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 08-28 02:05:18.921 435 521 W IMGMemtrackHAL: hal_get_memory: memtrack cache rebuild was required 08-28 02:05:18.924 779 808 D LocationManagerService: GnssStatusListener from uid 10130 is now foreground 08-28 02:05:18.925 779 808 D LocationManagerService: GnssStatusListener from uid 10130 is now foreground 08-28 02:05:18.935 8944 8975 I GmsComplianceUtils: refresh status [CONTEXT service_id=257 ] 08-28 02:05:18.939 779 2483 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientation(orient=-1, last=0); user=0 08-28 02:05:18.939 779 2483 V WindowManager: Computed rotation=0 for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=-1 and oldRotation=0,$LocalService.attachApplication:7228 08-28 02:05:18.946 779 2483 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to (0): 9e5d39b 08-28 02:05:18.947 779 2483 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{eb04fcf u0} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:05:18.962 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from Window{eb04fcf u0} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:05:18.962 779 811 I WindowManager: Losing focus: Window{eb04fcf u0} 08-28 02:05:18.972 779 2369 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window (9338): eb04fcf in display 0 0 08-28 02:05:18.992 8944 8975 I GmsComplianceUtils: allow=true [CONTEXT service_id=257 ] 08-28 02:05:19.048 9424 9424 D RRSResolverComparator: query usageStats 08-28 02:05:19.219 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:38.716057,dur:1007.33,max:333.95,min:3.34 08-28 02:05:19.333 9424 9424 D RRSResolverComparator: query done 08-28 02:05:19.344 9424 9424 D SShareCommon: SShare Support Feature: 16 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: isSupportDMALogging: 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging:$NameNotFoundException: 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: at 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: at 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: at 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: at 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: at 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: at 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: at 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: at 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: at 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: at 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: at 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: at 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: at 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: at 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: at 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: at$H.handleMessage( 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: at android.os.Looper.loop( 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: at 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: at$ 08-28 02:05:19.350 9424 9424 W SShareLogging: at 08-28 02:05:19.404 9424 9445 D ResolverActivity: list up doInBackground! 08-28 02:05:19.491 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xa5cbe980) for (779:system_server) 08-28 02:05:19.494 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3098 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, ff3fd98 android/ 08-28 02:05:19.500 421 421 D Zygote : Forked child process 9446 08-28 02:05:19.517 779 818 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 71ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 08-28 02:05:19.517 779 818 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 71ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 08-28 02:05:19.524 779 818 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 78ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 08-28 02:05:19.524 779 818 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service {} 08-28 02:05:19.524 779 818 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 78ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 08-28 02:05:19.526 779 818 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 80ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 08-28 02:05:19.528 779 1778 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{ff3fd98 u0 android/}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x1480 08-28 02:05:19.533 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3099 createSurf (848x1608),1 flag=4, android/ 08-28 02:05:19.535 779 1778 V WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{ff3fd98 u0 android/} displayId=0 08-28 02:05:19.536 779 1778 D StatusBarManagerService: notifyRequestedSystemKey recent=false home=false 08-28 02:05:19.538 779 809 D WindowManager: setSystemUiVisibility: displayId=0, vis=0x8008, fullVis=0x0, dockVis=0x0, win=Window{ff3fd98 u0 android/} 08-28 02:05:19.541 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from null to Window{ff3fd98 u0 android/} displayId=0 08-28 02:05:19.541 779 6535 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw: displayId=0, vis=0x8008, resetVis=0x0, clearVis=0x0 08-28 02:05:19.542 779 811 I WindowManager: Gaining focus: Window{ff3fd98 u0 android/} 08-28 02:05:19.546 779 1778 V WindowManager: Relayout 9424: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=nothing forwardNavigation} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSPARENT wanim=0x10302f2 surfaceInsets=Rect(64, 64 - 64, 64) 08-28 02:05:19.546 779 1778 V WindowManager: fl=DIM_BEHIND LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN FULLSCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SPLIT_TOUCH DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:05:19.546 779 1778 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS} 08-28 02:05:19.563 9424 9424 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:19.566 9446 9446 E id.ext.service: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 08-28 02:05:19.579 306 306 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device manifest. 08-28 02:05:19.580 9424 9424 W Gralloc3: mapper 3.x is not supported 08-28 02:05:19.592 447 447 I lmkd : Reclaim Mem '' (9121), uid 10130, oom_adj 945, state 20 to free 81388kB; reason: low watermark is breached and swap is low (514824kB < 72088kB) at oom_adj_score 800 08-28 02:05:19.593 9424 9424 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 08-28 02:05:19.608 779 6535 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{ff3fd98 u0 android/} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING 08-28 02:05:19.610 9424 9424 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:19.625 447 447 I lmkd : Reclaim Mem '' (9253), uid 1000, oom_adj 935, state 20 to free 68344kB; reason: low watermark is breached and swap is low (514588kB < 72088kB) at oom_adj_score 800 08-28 02:05:19.630 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{9e5d39b token=Token{2666baa ActivityRecord{d8f2e95 u0 android/ t57}}})/@0x1f75b44 08-28 02:05:19.636 421 421 I Zygote : Process 9121 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 08-28 02:05:19.638 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3100 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{9e5d39b token=Token{2666baa ActivityRecord{d8f2e95 u0 android/ t57}}})/@0x1f75b44 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:19.640 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3101 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{9e5d39b token=Token{2666baa ActivityRecord{d8f2e95 u0 android/ t57}}})/@0x1f75b44 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:05:19.641 9424 9424 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 08-28 02:05:19.645 779 793 V ActivityManager: Death received in$AppDeathRecipient@eb8c42d for thread android.os.BinderProxy@83f6d62, mPid:9121,mApp:ProcessRecord{c28de7} 08-28 02:05:19.649 447 447 I lmkd : Reclaim Mem '' (8565), uid 10117, oom_adj 925, state 20 to free 25788kB; reason: low watermark is breached and swap is low (514340kB < 72088kB) at oom_adj_score 800 08-28 02:05:19.660 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=7b801bf StatusBar)/@0x94fce5e 08-28 02:05:19.660 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3102 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=7b801bf StatusBar)/@0x94fce5e - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:19.664 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3103 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=24004, Dim Layer for - Task=57#0 08-28 02:05:19.665 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=57)/@0x90a7629 08-28 02:05:19.666 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3104 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=57)/@0x90a7629 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:19.672 421 421 I Zygote : Process 8565 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 08-28 02:05:19.673 779 1249 V ActivityManager: Death received in$AppDeathRecipient@62afdae for thread android.os.BinderProxy@c2d374f, mPid:8565,mApp:ProcessRecord{c34cedc} 08-28 02:05:19.675 9424 9445 D ResolverListController: Time Cost: 251 08-28 02:05:19.678 990 990 D SwipeAnimator: RESET false 08-28 02:05:19.681 447 447 I lmkd : Reclaim Mem '' (9057), uid 10052, oom_adj 905, state 20 to free 50292kB; reason: low watermark is breached and swap is low (516132kB < 72088kB) at oom_adj_score 800 08-28 02:05:19.685 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: Unspecified window will hide input 08-28 02:05:19.685 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 08-28 02:05:19.686 779 6535 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 08-28 02:05:19.687 779 6535 V InputMethodManagerService: Creating new session for client ClientState{cc9c161 uid=1000 pid=9424 displayId=0} 08-28 02:05:19.694 9424 9424 D ResolverActivity: list up process done!! 08-28 02:05:19.700 421 421 I Zygote : Process 9253 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 08-28 02:05:19.703 779 6535 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window (9424): ff3fd98 in display 0 0 08-28 02:05:19.713 421 421 I Zygote : Process 9057 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 08-28 02:05:19.720 779 1778 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 130ms so far, now at attachApplicationLocked: after mServices.attachApplicationLocked 08-28 02:05:19.720 779 793 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 9121) has died: cch+45 CEM 08-28 02:05:19.723 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:05:19.723 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:05:19.723 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:05:19.723 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1e00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 |[...]id.files.filelist.FileListActivity#0 08-28 02:05:19.723 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: SOLID_COLOR | | 0004 | Unknown | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | Dim Layer for - Task=57#0 08-28 02:05:19.723 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf0b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:05:19.723 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2e80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:05:19.723 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:05:19.728 779 1249 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 8565) has died: cch+25 CEM 08-28 02:05:19.728 779 819 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10130 pid 9121 in 0ms 08-28 02:05:19.730 779 819 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10117 pid 8565 in 0ms 08-28 02:05:19.732 447 447 W lmkd : Failed to open /proc/9253/oom_score_adj; errno=2: process 9253 might have been killed 08-28 02:05:19.734 779 5220 V ActivityManager: Death received in$AppDeathRecipient@d00129d for thread android.os.BinderProxy@121f312, mPid:9253,mApp:ProcessRecord{5702ae3} 08-28 02:05:19.740 779 788 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC freed 121013(5372KB) AllocSpace objects, 21(676KB) LOS objects, 16% free, 30MB/36MB, paused 263us total 579.737ms 08-28 02:05:19.749 779 5220 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 9253) has died: cch+25 CEM 08-28 02:05:19.750 779 2527 V ActivityManager: Death received in$AppDeathRecipient@2503b99 for thread android.os.BinderProxy@fa82e5e, mPid:9057,mApp:ProcessRecord{370923f} 08-28 02:05:19.756 1937 1937 I AppBase : AppBase.onTrimMemory():759 onTrimMemory(): 80 08-28 02:05:19.760 779 2527 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 9057) has died: cch+5 CEM 08-28 02:05:19.760 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onTrimMemory():4471 onTrimMemory(): 80 08-28 02:05:19.763 8418 8438 D OpenGLRenderer: CanvasContext:: trimMemory complete, level : 80, Pid : 8418, Tid : 8438 08-28 02:05:19.772 19753 19787 D OpenGLRenderer: CanvasContext:: trimMemory complete, level : 80, Pid : 19753, Tid : 19787 08-28 02:05:19.778 19753 19787 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 3, oppidx_max 3, oppidx_min 0 08-28 02:05:19.779 19753 19787 D OpenGLRenderer: -----call onContextDestroyed callbacks 08-28 02:05:19.790 19753 19787 D OpenGLRenderer: -----/call onContextDestroyed callbacks 08-28 02:05:19.799 779 819 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1000 pid 9253 in 29ms 08-28 02:05:19.801 779 819 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10052 pid 9057 in 0ms 08-28 02:05:19.820 9424 9424 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:19.840 779 816 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed android/ +815ms 08-28 02:05:19.843 1937 22237 D OpenGLRenderer: CanvasContext:: trimMemory complete, level : 80, Pid : 1937, Tid : 22237 08-28 02:05:19.844 1937 22237 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 3, oppidx_max 3, oppidx_min 0 08-28 02:05:19.844 1937 22237 D OpenGLRenderer: -----call onContextDestroyed callbacks 08-28 02:05:19.846 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3274 08-28 02:05:19.846 1937 22237 D OpenGLRenderer: -----/call onContextDestroyed callbacks 08-28 02:05:19.847 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 0, unlocked = true 08-28 02:05:19.850 9424 9424 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:19.863 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1957 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=android fieldId=-1 fieldName=null extras=Bundle[EMPTY_PARCEL]}, false) 08-28 02:05:19.864 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4078 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 08-28 02:05:19.868 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 2, unlocked = true 08-28 02:05:19.883 9424 9424 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:19.885 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=57)/@0xf01ce3d, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=57)/@0x90a7629 08-28 02:05:19.900 1937 1937 I AppBase : AppBase.onTrimMemory():759 onTrimMemory(): 80 08-28 02:05:19.900 1937 1937 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onTrimMemory():4471 onTrimMemory(): 80 08-28 02:05:19.902 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3104 Removed Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=57)/@0x90a7629 - animation-leash#0 (53) 08-28 02:05:19.905 8418 8438 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 3, oppidx_max 3, oppidx_min 0 08-28 02:05:19.906 8418 8438 D OpenGLRenderer: -----call onContextDestroyed callbacks 08-28 02:05:19.908 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:05:19.908 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:05:19.908 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:05:19.908 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1e00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 |[...]id.files.filelist.FileListActivity#0 08-28 02:05:19.908 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: SOLID_COLOR | | 0004 | Unknown | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | Dim Layer for - Task=57#0 08-28 02:05:19.908 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5dba600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 64.0 64.0 784.0 70.0 | 0 1474 720 1480 | android/ 08-28 02:05:19.908 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf18c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 3.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 45 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:05:19.908 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2e80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:05:19.908 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:05:19.913 9424 9424 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:19.913 8418 8438 D OpenGLRenderer: -----/call onContextDestroyed callbacks 08-28 02:05:19.918 449 449 I Layer : id=3104[1] Destroyed Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=57)/@0x90a7629 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:19.933 9424 9424 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:19.954 9424 9424 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:19.975 1578 9026 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module 08-28 02:05:19.975 1578 9026 W android.os.Debug: failed to get memory consumption info: -1 08-28 02:05:19.989 437 480 I power@1.3-impl: powerHintInternal hint:8, data:0 08-28 02:05:20.035 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=WindowToken{6b1abde android.os.BinderProxy@b7c7e60})/@0x88ca86e, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=7b801bf StatusBar)/@0x94fce5e 08-28 02:05:20.037 990 990 D SwipeAnimator: RESET false 08-28 02:05:20.042 449 773 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3102 Removed Surface(name=7b801bf StatusBar)/@0x94fce5e - animation-leash#0 (52) 08-28 02:05:20.051 449 449 I Layer : id=3102[1] Destroyed Surface(name=7b801bf StatusBar)/@0x94fce5e - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:20.056 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:05:20.056 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:05:20.056 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:05:20.056 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1d40 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 |[...]id.files.filelist.FileListActivity#0 08-28 02:05:20.056 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: SOLID_COLOR | | 0004 | Unknown | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | Dim Layer for - Task=57#0 08-28 02:05:20.056 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2dc0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 64.0 64.0 784.0 609.0 | 0 935 720 1480 | android/ 08-28 02:05:20.056 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2e80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:05:20.056 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:05:20.221 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:53.881165,dur:1002.21,max:49.65,min:14.85 08-28 02:05:20.285 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=57)/@0xf01ce3d, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{9e5d39b token=Token{2666baa ActivityRecord{d8f2e95 u0 android/ t57}}})/@0x1f75b44 08-28 02:05:20.290 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3100 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{9e5d39b token=Token{2666baa ActivityRecord{d8f2e95 u0 android/ t57}}})/@0x1f75b44 - animation-leash#0 (51) 08-28 02:05:20.290 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3101 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{9e5d39b token=Token{2666baa ActivityRecord{d8f2e95 u0 android/ t57}}})/@0x1f75b44 - animation-bounds#0 (51) 08-28 02:05:20.301 449 449 I Layer : id=3101[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{9e5d39b token=Token{2666baa ActivityRecord{d8f2e95 u0 android/ t57}}})/@0x1f75b44 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:05:20.301 449 449 I Layer : id=3100[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{9e5d39b token=Token{2666baa ActivityRecord{d8f2e95 u0 android/ t57}}})/@0x1f75b44 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:20.457 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 08-28 02:05:21.235 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:23.686518,dur:1013.23,max:501.74,min:14.96 08-28 02:05:21.315 779 884 D SensorService: [SO] 0.086 -0.077 10.104 08-28 02:05:21.316 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=1 when=10070.804990 08-28 02:05:21.316 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.2567 ] when=10070.804990 08-28 02:05:21.316 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (990): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '287b2e2', t=1 08-28 02:05:21.316 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9424): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'ff3fd98', t=1 08-28 02:05:21.317 779 901 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityInternal PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INDIRECT : 2 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 10070804 08-28 02:05:21.415 779 902 D InputReader: Btn_touch(5): value=0 when=10070.904579 08-28 02:05:21.415 779 902 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=10070.904579 08-28 02:05:21.415 779 901 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9424): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'ff3fd98', t=1 08-28 02:05:21.419 9424 9424 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:21.744 779 6597 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=content:// typ=text/plain flg=0x3000003 (has extras)} from uid 10189 08-28 02:05:21.701 9424 9424 I chatty : uid=1000 system:ui identical 11 lines 08-28 02:05:21.718 9424 9424 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:21.745 437 480 I power@1.3-impl: powerHintInternal hint:8, data:1 08-28 02:05:21.746 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3105 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, AppWindowToken{e4944c2 token=Token{dafdd0d ActivityRecord{729cba4 u0 t57}}}#0 08-28 02:05:21.758 779 6597 I ActivityTaskManager: Remove from unknown app 08-28 02:05:21.759 9424 9424 D Surface : lockCanvas 08-28 02:05:21.774 779 2527 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientation(orient=-1, last=0); user=0 08-28 02:05:21.774 779 2527 V WindowManager: Computed rotation=0 for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=-1 and oldRotation=0, 08-28 02:05:21.775 9338 9338 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@6f92f81 08-28 02:05:21.778 779 2527 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to (0): e4944c2 08-28 02:05:21.779 779 2527 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{ff3fd98 u0 android/} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:05:21.791 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from Window{ff3fd98 u0 android/} to null displayId=0 08-28 02:05:21.791 779 811 I WindowManager: Losing focus: Window{ff3fd98 u0 android/} 08-28 02:05:21.801 779 5220 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window (9424): ff3fd98 in display 0 0 08-28 02:05:21.820 779 926 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.930) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 08-28 02:05:21.895 779 2527 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure INPUT_FEATURE_NO_INPUT_CHANNEL flag. Ignoring 08-28 02:05:21.896 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3106 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, 78e894b 08-28 02:05:21.904 2164 9411 D SecMediaProvider: scan file path: 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7twgcbl_dkn5lxl 08-28 02:05:21.922 779 6597 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{78e894b u0}: viewVisibility=0 req=720x1480 08-28 02:05:21.926 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3107 createSurf (720x1480),1 flag=404, 08-28 02:05:21.928 779 6597 V WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{78e894b u0} displayId=0 08-28 02:05:21.928 779 6597 D StatusBarManagerService: notifyRequestedSystemKey recent=false home=false 08-28 02:05:21.928 779 809 D WindowManager: setSystemUiVisibility: displayId=0, vis=0x8708, fullVis=0x0, dockVis=0x0, win=Window{78e894b u0} 08-28 02:05:21.931 779 811 I WindowManager: Focus moving from null to Window{78e894b u0} displayId=0 08-28 02:05:21.931 779 811 I WindowManager: Gaining focus: Window{78e894b u0} 08-28 02:05:21.940 779 5220 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw: displayId=0, vis=0x8708, resetVis=0x0, clearVis=0x0 08-28 02:05:21.943 779 6597 V WindowManager: Relayout 9338: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=resize forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION wanim=0x10302ff 08-28 02:05:21.943 779 6597 V WindowManager: fl=LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SPLIT_TOUCH HARDWARE_ACCELERATED DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:05:21.943 779 6597 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND 08-28 02:05:21.943 779 6597 V WindowManager: vsysui=LAYOUT_STABLE LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN} 08-28 02:05:21.949 9338 9375 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface : 0x803c6ca0 08-28 02:05:21.951 9338 9375 D OpenGLRenderer: setSurface succeed. EglSurface(0x803c6ca0) ANativeSurface(0x8084e188) 08-28 02:05:21.952 2164 9411 D SecMediaProvider: Checked Dirs: 0 Files: 1 I: 1 U: 0 D: 0 path: 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7twgcbl_dkn5lxl 08-28 02:05:21.956 2164 9411 D MediaProvider: 10189 Scanned 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7twgcbl_dkn5lxl for content://media/external_primary/file/568 08-28 02:05:21.980 779 2527 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{78e894b u0} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING 08-28 02:05:21.985 2164 9411 D SecMediaProvider: scan file path: 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7twgcbl_dkn5lxl 08-28 02:05:21.991 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{9e5d39b token=Token{2666baa ActivityRecord{d8f2e95 u0 android/ t57}}})/@0x1f75b44 08-28 02:05:21.992 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3108 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{9e5d39b token=Token{2666baa ActivityRecord{d8f2e95 u0 android/ t57}}})/@0x1f75b44 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:21.994 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3109 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{9e5d39b token=Token{2666baa ActivityRecord{d8f2e95 u0 android/ t57}}})/@0x1f75b44 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:05:21.996 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{f735ccc token=Token{29686ff ActivityRecord{dfe1e u0 t57}}})/@0xccbc7d0 08-28 02:05:21.997 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3110 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{f735ccc token=Token{29686ff ActivityRecord{dfe1e u0 t57}}})/@0xccbc7d0 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:21.998 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3111 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{f735ccc token=Token{29686ff ActivityRecord{dfe1e u0 t57}}})/@0xccbc7d0 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:05:22.000 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e4944c2 token=Token{dafdd0d ActivityRecord{729cba4 u0 t57}}})/@0x806272 08-28 02:05:22.001 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3112 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e4944c2 token=Token{dafdd0d ActivityRecord{729cba4 u0 t57}}})/@0x806272 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:22.003 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3113 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e4944c2 token=Token{dafdd0d ActivityRecord{729cba4 u0 t57}}})/@0x806272 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:05:22.008 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=7b801bf StatusBar)/@0x94fce5e 08-28 02:05:22.008 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3114 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=7b801bf StatusBar)/@0x94fce5e - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:22.012 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=57)/@0x90a7629 08-28 02:05:22.013 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3115 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=57)/@0x90a7629 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:22.017 2164 9411 D SecMediaProvider: Checked Dirs: 0 Files: 1 I: 0 U: 1 D: 0 path: 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7twgcbl_dkn5lxl 08-28 02:05:22.018 2164 9411 D MediaProvider: 10189 Scanned 7klwibgf7fvntblfd7(7twgcbl_dkn5lxl for content://media/external_primary/file/568 08-28 02:05:22.060 432 704 W hwcomposer: [OVL] (0) No overlay input queue(0) 08-28 02:05:22.060 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Buffer queue is created with size(3) 08-28 02:05:22.060 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) setConsumerListener 08-28 02:05:22.060 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Reallocate Slot(0), pool(0 -> 0) size(0 -> 4262400) 08-28 02:05:22.060 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:05:22.060 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:05:22.060 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:05:22.060 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1e00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 1.0 2.0 719.0 1478.0 | 0 0 720 1480 |[...]id.files.filelist.FileListActivity#0 08-28 02:05:22.060 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: SOLID_COLOR | | 0004 | Unknown | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | Dim Layer for - Task=57#0 08-28 02:05:22.060 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: CLIENT | 0xa5dba600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 65.0 66.0 783.0 1542.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | android/ 08-28 02:05:22.060 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf0b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 39.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 9 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:05:22.060 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2e80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:05:22.060 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:05:22.074 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Reallocate Slot(1), pool(0 -> 0) size(0 -> 4262400) 08-28 02:05:22.085 779 5220 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window (9338): 78e894b in display 0 0 08-28 02:05:22.093 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Reallocate Slot(2), pool(0 -> 0) size(0 -> 4262400) 08-28 02:05:22.094 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:05:22.094 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:05:22.094 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:05:22.094 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf1e00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 7.0 14.0 713.0 1466.0 | 0 0 720 1480 |[...]id.files.filelist.FileListActivity#0 08-28 02:05:22.094 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: SOLID_COLOR | | 0004 | Unknown | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | Dim Layer for - Task=57#0 08-28 02:05:22.094 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: CLIENT | 0xa5dba600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 71.0 78.0 777.0 1530.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | android/ 08-28 02:05:22.094 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: CLIENT | 0xa5dba780 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 33 68 687 1412 |[...]les.viewer.text.TextEditorActivity#0 08-28 02:05:22.094 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf0b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 25.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 23 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:05:22.094 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2e80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0. 08-28 02:05:22.094 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:05:22.094 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:05:22.127 432 704 I hwcomposer: [OVL] (0) Overlay input(0) was used with queue previously 08-28 02:05:22.127 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Buffer queue is destroyed 08-28 02:05:22.127 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Free Slot(0), handle=0xb1075380, 4262400 -> 0 08-28 02:05:22.127 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Free Slot(1), handle=0xb1075d40, 4262400 -> 0 08-28 02:05:22.127 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Free Slot(2), handle=0xb1075f80, 4262400 -> 0 08-28 02:05:22.143 432 704 W hwcomposer: [OVL] (0) No overlay input queue(1) 08-28 02:05:22.143 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Buffer queue is created with size(3) 08-28 02:05:22.143 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) setConsumerListener 08-28 02:05:22.143 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Reallocate Slot(0), pool(0 -> 0) size(0 -> 4262400) 08-28 02:05:22.159 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Reallocate Slot(1), pool(0 -> 0) size(0 -> 4262400) 08-28 02:05:22.174 9338 9350 I Background concurrent copying GC freed 138298(4881KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(744KB) LOS objects, 26% free, 16MB/22MB, paused 244us total 280.819ms 08-28 02:05:22.179 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Reallocate Slot(2), pool(0 -> 0) size(0 -> 4262400) 08-28 02:05:22.218 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=57)/@0xf01ce3d, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=57)/@0x90a7629 08-28 02:05:22.238 449 1315 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3115 Removed Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=57)/@0x90a7629 - animation-leash#0 (60) 08-28 02:05:22.241 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:47.702797,dur:1006.23,max:65.10,min:13.52 08-28 02:05:22.241 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3103 Removed Dim Layer for - Task=57#0 (60) 08-28 02:05:22.243 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:05:22.243 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:05:22.243 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:05:22.243 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: CLIENT | 0xa5bf1e00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 16.0 34.0 704.0 1446.0 | 0 0 720 1480 |[...]id.files.filelist.FileListActivity#0 08-28 02:05:22.243 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: CLIENT | 0xa5dba600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 80.0 98.0 768.0 1510.0 | 0 0 720 1480 | android/ 08-28 02:05:22.243 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5dba780 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 2 4 718 1476 |[...]les.viewer.text.TextEditorActivity#0 08-28 02:05:22.243 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf0b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:05:22.243 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2e80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:05:22.243 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:05:22.250 449 449 I Layer : id=3115[1] Destroyed Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=57)/@0x90a7629 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:22.250 449 449 I Layer : id=3103[1] Destroyed Dim Layer for - Task=57#0 08-28 02:05:22.267 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=WindowToken{6b1abde android.os.BinderProxy@b7c7e60})/@0x88ca86e, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=7b801bf StatusBar)/@0x94fce5e 08-28 02:05:22.293 449 667 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3114 Removed Surface(name=7b801bf StatusBar)/@0x94fce5e - animation-leash#0 (58) 08-28 02:05:22.300 449 449 I Layer : id=3114[1] Destroyed Surface(name=7b801bf StatusBar)/@0x94fce5e - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:22.359 432 704 I hwcomposer: [OVL] (0) Overlay input(1) was used with queue previously 08-28 02:05:22.359 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Buffer queue is destroyed 08-28 02:05:22.359 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Free Slot(0), handle=0xb1075ec0, 4262400 -> 0 08-28 02:05:22.359 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Free Slot(1), handle=0xb1075f80, 4262400 -> 0 08-28 02:05:22.359 432 704 I hwcomposer: [DBQ] (q2:0xb1095780) Free Slot(2), handle=0xb1076100, 4262400 -> 0 08-28 02:05:22.359 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 08-28 02:05:22.359 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 08-28 02:05:22.359 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 08-28 02:05:22.359 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5dbac00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 1480.0 | 0 0 720 1480 |[...]les.viewer.text.TextEditorActivity#0 08-28 02:05:22.359 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf0b40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 48.0 | 0 0 720 48 | StatusBar#0 08-28 02:05:22.359 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: DEVICE | 0xa5bf2e80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0 | 0 1384 720 1480 | NavigationBar0#0 08-28 02:05:22.359 449 449 I SurfaceFlinger: 08-28 02:05:22.417 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=57)/@0xf01ce3d, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{9e5d39b token=Token{2666baa ActivityRecord{d8f2e95 u0 android/ t57}}})/@0x1f75b44 08-28 02:05:22.418 779 812 V WindowManager: Setting visibility of Window{ff3fd98 u0 android/}: false,$$Lambda$$getFinishedCallback$0$SurfaceAnimator:99 08-28 02:05:22.418 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=57)/@0xf01ce3d, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{f735ccc token=Token{29686ff ActivityRecord{dfe1e u0 t57}}})/@0xccbc7d0 08-28 02:05:22.419 779 812 V WindowManager: Setting visibility of Window{eb04fcf u0}: false,$$Lambda$$getFinishedCallback$0$SurfaceAnimator:99 08-28 02:05:22.420 779 812 I WindowManager: Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=Task=57)/@0xf01ce3d, destroyLeash=true, surface=Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e4944c2 token=Token{dafdd0d ActivityRecord{729cba4 u0 t57}}})/@0x806272 08-28 02:05:22.426 449 666 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3113 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e4944c2 token=Token{dafdd0d ActivityRecord{729cba4 u0 t57}}})/@0x806272 - animation-bounds#0 (57) 08-28 02:05:22.426 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3108 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{9e5d39b token=Token{2666baa ActivityRecord{d8f2e95 u0 android/ t57}}})/@0x1f75b44 - animation-leash#0 (57) 08-28 02:05:22.426 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3109 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{9e5d39b token=Token{2666baa ActivityRecord{d8f2e95 u0 android/ t57}}})/@0x1f75b44 - animation-bounds#0 (57) 08-28 02:05:22.426 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3110 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{f735ccc token=Token{29686ff ActivityRecord{dfe1e u0 t57}}})/@0xccbc7d0 - animation-leash#0 (57) 08-28 02:05:22.426 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3111 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{f735ccc token=Token{29686ff ActivityRecord{dfe1e u0 t57}}})/@0xccbc7d0 - animation-bounds#0 (57) 08-28 02:05:22.426 449 900 I SurfaceFlinger: id=3112 Removed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e4944c2 token=Token{dafdd0d ActivityRecord{729cba4 u0 t57}}})/@0x806272 - animation-leash#0 (57) 08-28 02:05:22.433 449 449 I Layer : id=3111[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{f735ccc token=Token{29686ff ActivityRecord{dfe1e u0 t57}}})/@0xccbc7d0 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:05:22.433 449 449 I Layer : id=3110[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{f735ccc token=Token{29686ff ActivityRecord{dfe1e u0 t57}}})/@0xccbc7d0 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:22.434 449 449 I Layer : id=3109[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{9e5d39b token=Token{2666baa ActivityRecord{d8f2e95 u0 android/ t57}}})/@0x1f75b44 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:05:22.434 449 449 I Layer : id=3108[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{9e5d39b token=Token{2666baa ActivityRecord{d8f2e95 u0 android/ t57}}})/@0x1f75b44 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:22.434 449 449 I Layer : id=3113[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e4944c2 token=Token{dafdd0d ActivityRecord{729cba4 u0 t57}}})/@0x806272 - animation-bounds#0 08-28 02:05:22.434 449 449 I Layer : id=3112[1] Destroyed Surface(name=AppWindowToken{e4944c2 token=Token{dafdd0d ActivityRecord{729cba4 u0 t57}}})/@0x806272 - animation-leash#0 08-28 02:05:22.440 779 2369 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{ff3fd98 u0 android/}: viewVisibility=8 req=720x1480 08-28 02:05:22.453 779 2369 V WindowManager: Relayout 9424: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=nothing forwardNavigation} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSPARENT wanim=0x10302f2 surfaceInsets=Rect(64, 64 - 64, 64) 08-28 02:05:22.453 779 2369 V WindowManager: fl=DIM_BEHIND LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN FULLSCREEN LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR SPLIT_TOUCH DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS 08-28 02:05:22.453 779 2369 V WindowManager: pfl=FORCE_DRAW_STATUS_BAR_BACKGROUND HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS} 08-28 02:05:23.018 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 08-28 02:05:23.020 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): updateSignaloneLevelPersec 08-28 02:05:23.020 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH mPreSvcSate: 1, mCurSvcSate: 1 08-28 02:05:23.020 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH : 2, 3 08-28 02:05:23.021 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): mVoWifiConnectedfalse 08-28 02:05:23.021 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): mVoWifiConnectedfalse 08-28 02:05:23.026 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 08-28 02:05:23.113 779 779 D JobScheduler: Error executing JobStatus{26015ed #u0a196/23352 u=0 s=10196 TIME=-2h19m51s499ms:none NET READY} 08-28 02:05:23.117 779 779 D JobScheduler: Error executing JobStatus{26015ed #u0a196/23352 u=0 s=10196 TIME=-2h19m51s503ms:none NET READY} 08-28 02:05:23.250 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:60.441330,dur:1009.24,max:17.70,min:14.17 08-28 02:05:23.534 356 356 D io_stats: !@ 179,0 r 1177039 26588011 w 102276 9283592 d 30970 8551336 f 46339 61048 iot 754306 668181 th 51200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 10073.023 08-28 02:05:24.025 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH mPreSvcSate: 1, mCurSvcSate: 1 08-28 02:05:24.025 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH : 2, 2 08-28 02:05:24.025 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): UPDATE_STRENGTH(IN_SVC) no diff :2, 2 08-28 02:05:24.266 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:60.031895,dur:1016.13,max:16.79,min:16.57 08-28 02:05:24.628 779 3162 D SSRM:ja : SIOP:: AP = 430, PST = 416 (W:10), BAT = 330, USB = 0, CHG = 0, CP = 385 08-28 02:05:24.639 9338 9350 I Background concurrent copying GC freed 36105(1517KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(2048KB) LOS objects, 23% free, 19MB/25MB, paused 250us total 212.144ms 08-28 02:05:24.837 779 926 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.930) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 08-28 02:05:25.282 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:60.027386,dur:1016.20,max:16.85,min:16.44 08-28 02:05:25.375 779 814 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL ERROR: open /dev/RT_Monitor failed. 08-28 02:05:25.375 779 814 D AES : RT Monitor ERROR: open /dev/RT_Monitor failed. 08-28 02:05:25.380 779 814 E Watchdog: !@Sync 335 [2022-08-28 02:05:25.379] FD count : 343, wdog_way : softdog 08-28 02:05:25.577 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 08-28 02:05:26.298 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:60.037876,dur:1016.03,max:16.81,min:16.53 08-28 02:05:27.314 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:60.031521,dur:1016.13,max:16.81,min:16.53 08-28 02:05:27.597 779 1093 D BatteryService: mHealthInfo.batteryLevel: 5 08-28 02:05:27.597 779 1093 D BatteryService: Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. scale:100, info:{.chargerAcOnline = false, .chargerUsbOnline = true, .chargerWirelessOnline = false, .maxChargingCurrent = 0, .maxChargingVoltage = 0, .batteryStatus = CHARGING, .batteryHealth = GOOD, .batteryPresent = true, .batteryLevel = 5, .batteryVoltage = 3726, .batteryTemperature = 330, .batteryCurrent = 0, .batteryCycleCount = 0, .batteryFullCharge = 3000000, .batteryChargeCounter = 165000, .batteryTechnology = Li-ion} 08-28 02:05:27.597 779 1093 D BatteryService: online:4, current avg:209, charge type:1, POGO powered:false, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, charger_type:0, capacity:280000, misc_event:65536, current_event:0, current_now:222 08-28 02:05:27.601 779 779 D UsbDeviceManager: received ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 08-28 02:05:27.603 779 808 D UsbDeviceManager: handleMessage -> MSG_UPDATE_CHARGING_STATE: mUsbCharging=true 08-28 02:05:27.603 990 990 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 08-28 02:05:27.604 990 990 D PowerUI.Notification: showChargingNotice oldChargingType : 1 currentChargingType : 1 oldChargingTime : 0 mChargingTime : 0 08-28 02:05:27.604 990 990 D PowerUI.Notification: There is no change about charging status, so return! 08-28 02:05:27.605 990 990 D PowerUI : Battery swelling mode - priorBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatteryStatus = 2 08-28 02:05:27.605 990 990 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 08-28 02:05:27.607 990 990 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate 08-28 02:05:27.819 435 521 W IMGMemtrackHAL: hal_get_memory: memtrack cache rebuild was required 08-28 02:05:27.845 435 521 W IMGMemtrackHAL: hal_get_memory: memtrack cache rebuild was required 08-28 02:05:27.850 779 926 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.930) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 08-28 02:05:27.873 435 521 W IMGMemtrackHAL: hal_get_memory: memtrack cache rebuild was required 08-28 02:05:28.142 990 1314 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(2147483647): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 08-28 02:05:28.331 432 624 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:59.050877,dur:1016.07,max:33.23,min:16.36 08-28 02:05:28.538 356 356 D io_stats: !@ 179,0 r 1177056 26588439 w 102286 9283720 d 31290 8564964 f 46341 61050 iot 754433 668358 th 51200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 10078.028 08-28 02:05:28.933 465 9035 I ADB_SERVICES: ERROR: fd = 12, n = -1: No such device 08-28 02:05:28.933 465 9035 E adbd : remote usb: read terminated (message): No such device 08-28 02:05:28.933 465 9035 I ADB_SERVICES: remote usb: read terminated (message) 08-28 02:05:28.933 465 9035 I adbd : : read failed: No such device 08-28 02:05:28.934 9034 9049 D DataRouter: After the usb select 08-28 02:05:28.934 9034 9049 D DataRouter: read length is zero 08-28 02:05:28.934 9034 9049 D DataRouter: dr_usb_deinit 08-28 02:05:28.935 9034 9049 D DataRouter: dr_usb_init 08-28 02:05:28.935 9034 9049 E DataRouter: USB Interface is open with 0x7 08-28 02:05:28.935 9034 9049 D DataRouter: USB interface is now configured for usb_fd = 0x7 08-28 02:05:28.935 779 893 V UsbDeviceManager: USB UEVENT: {SUBSYSTEM=android_usb, SEQNUM=5099, ACTION=change, USB_STATE=DISCONNECTED, DEVPATH=/devices/virtual/android_usb/android0}