#!/bin/sh # Script made to launch DSU installation activity. # Values are populared by String.format # Prevent users running Magisk # equal or older than 23016 # since this version may break DSU boot # this script was made for users running without root # but some users may, just, well, refuse root permission magisk_version=$(su -V) &>/dev/null if [ ! -z "$magisk_version" ]; then if [ $magisk_version -lt 23016 ]; then echo "Detected older Magisk version, please update to the latest Magisk build" exit 1 fi fi # clean logcat before running commands debug_mode=false if [ $debug_mode == true ]; then logcat -c fi # required prop setprop persist.sys.fflag.override.settings_dynamic_system true # invoke DSU activity am start-activity -n com.android.dynsystem/com.android.dynsystem.VerificationActivity \ -a android.os.image.action.START_INSTALL -d 'file:///storage/emulated/0/DSU/workspace_dsuhelper/PixelExperience_Plus_arm64-ab-12.1-20220825-UNOFFICIAL.img.gz' --el KEY_SYSTEM_SIZE 35433480192 --el KEY_SYSTEM_SIZE 3730325504 echo echo "DSU installation has been started! check your notifications" if [ $debug_mode == true ]; then echo echo "You're running on debug mode, logs are saved in /sdcard/logcat_dsu.txt" echo "Once a error happen, you can press CTRL+C to exit" echo (echo "Installation info: Absolute path: 'file:///storage/emulated/0/DSU/workspace_dsuhelper/PixelExperience_Plus_arm64-ab-12.1-20220825-UNOFFICIAL.img.gz' File size: 3730325504 Userdata size: 32 Logcat: " > /sdcard/logcat_dsu.txt) (logcat >> /sdcard/logcat_dsu.txt) fi