general: enable_incomplete_verification: False loss_reduction_func: max conv_mode: matrix sparse_alpha: False # this needs to be investigated! double_fp: True model: # Use the simple_conv() model in "". name: cmars # name: Customized("custom_specs_model", "CMARS") input_shape: [1, 1, 2] specification: # Use specification from a single vnnlib. vnnlib_path: /home/mzi/sys-rl-verif/verif-slicing/cmars/vnnlib/test.vnnlib attack: pgd_order: skip solver: batch_size: 100 # Number of parallel domains to compute on GPU. alpha-crown: iteration: 2 # Number of iterations taken to optimize in before branch and bound beta-crown: lr_beta: 0.05 iteration: 3 bab: initial_max_domains: 1000 branching: method: kfsb-intercept-only candidates: 2 reduceop: max interm_transfer: True # this needs to be investigated!