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Improve installer, extend tool
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VictorNicollet committed Aug 18, 2012
1 parent 2ed3bb6 commit ce8151b
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Showing 9 changed files with 188 additions and 37 deletions.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions install/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
$(OHM)=ohm # The name of the 'ohm' tool to be invoked

$(OHM) assets # Build all the assets, place them in '/_build'
$(OHM) build # Build the ocaml code found in '/ocaml', generates '/ocaml/main.byte'

#Copy the server binary over to the correct path
cp ocaml/main.byte www/server
mv www/server www/server.real

# Perform the deployment
www/server.real --put
www/server.real --reset

$(OHM) clean
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions install/ocaml/_tags
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<*> or <**/*>: package(camlp4), syntax(camlp4o), custom-pp, package(curl), package(netcgi2), package(netclient), package(batteries), package(sha), package(netstring), package(xmlm)
<*>: include
<gen>: include
<plugins/*>: include
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions install/ocaml/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
(* © 2012 RunOrg *)

open Ohm
open BatPervasives

module Main = Main.Make(O.Reset)
let _ = (Some O.run_async)

11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions install/ocaml/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
open Ocamlbuild_plugin

let path_to_pp = "../ohm/pp.cmo"

let _ = dispatch begin function
| After_rules ->
flag ["ocamldep"; "custom-pp"] (S[A"-ppopt";A path_to_pp]);
flag ["compile"; "custom-pp"] (S[A"-ppopt";A path_to_pp]);
| _ -> ()

76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions install/ocaml/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
(* Ohm is © 2012 Victor Nicollet *)

open Ohm
open Ohm.Universal
open BatPervasives

(* Environment and basic configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let environment = `Dev

let env = match environment with
| `Prod -> "prod"
| `Dev -> "dev"

let () =
Configure.set `Log begin match Ohm.Util.role with
| `Put
| `Reset -> "-"
| `Bot
| `Web -> "/var/log/ohm/" ^ env ^ ".log"

(* Basic databases ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)

let db name = Printf.sprintf "%s-%s" env name

module ConfigDB = CouchDB.Convenience.Database(struct let db = db "config" end)
module Reset = Reset.Make(ConfigDB)

(* Context management --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

type i18n = Asset_AdLib.key

class ctx adlib = object
inherit CouchDB.init_ctx
inherit Async.ctx
inherit [i18n] AdLib.ctx adlib

let ctx = function
| `FR -> new ctx

let put action =
if Ohm.Util.role = `Put then
ignore (Ohm.Run.eval (ctx `FR) action)

type 'a run = (ctx,'a) Run.t

module AsyncDB = CouchDB.Convenience.Config(struct let db = db "async" end)
module Async = Ohm.Async.Make(AsyncDB)

let async : ctx Async.manager = new Async.manager

let run_async () =
async # run (fun () -> ctx `FR)

(* Action management ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let domain = match environment with
| `Prod -> ""
| `Dev -> "project.local"

let cookies = "." ^ domain

let core = Action.Convenience.single_domain_server ~cookies domain

let action f req res =
Run.with_context (ctx `FR) (f req res)

let register s u a body =
Action.register s u a (action body)

let declare s u a =
let endpoint, define = Action.declare s u a in
endpoint, action |- define

Empty file removed install/www/public/script.js
Empty file.
Empty file removed install/www/public/style.css
Empty file.
31 changes: 27 additions & 4 deletions
@@ -1,8 +1,28 @@
(* Ohm is © 2012 Victor Nicollet *)

let error fmt = Printf.ksprintf (fun s -> print_string "[FAIL] " ; print_endline s ; exit 1) fmt

let forward () =

let rec find path =
if (try Sys.is_directory (Filename.concat path ".ohm") with _ -> false)
then path
else if path = "/" then error "No project found ! Possible solution :
ohm init <project-directory>
cd <project-directory>
ohm ..."
else find (Filename.dirname path)

let root = find (Sys.getcwd ()) in
Sys.chdir root ;
let tool = List.fold_left Filename.concat root [".ohm";"Ohm";"tool";"tool.byte"] in

match Array.to_list Sys.argv with [] -> error "Array.length Sys.argv = 0 ... what the hell ?" | _ :: args ->
exit (Sys.command (String.concat " " ( Filename.quote (tool :: args))))

let project, name =
if Array.length Sys.argv <> 3 || Sys.argv.(1) <> "init" then
error "Usage : ohm init <project-directory>" ;
if Array.length Sys.argv <> 3 || Sys.argv.(1) <> "init" then forward () ;
let path = Sys.argv.(2) in
let name = String.uncapitalize (Filename.basename path) in
if Filename.is_relative path then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,8 +124,11 @@ let () = List.iter (fun (src,dest) -> Install.symlink src dest) [

let () = List.iter (fun path -> Install.copy ([".ohm";"Ohm";"install"]@path) path) [
[ "bot" ; "run" ] ;
[ "www" ; "public" ; "script.js" ] ;
[ "www" ; "public" ; "style.css" ]
[ "Makefile" ] ;
[ "ocaml" ; "" ] ;
[ "ocaml" ; "_tags" ] ;
[ "ocaml" ; "" ];
[ "ocaml" ; "" ]

(* Make files executable when appropriate *)
Expand Down
78 changes: 45 additions & 33 deletions tool/
Expand Up @@ -17,11 +17,6 @@ let error reason explanation =
(Sys.getcwd ()) ;
exit (-1)

let error_no_project_root () =
"Could not find project root."
"The project root is the directory that contains subdirectories 'www' and 'ocaml' (among others). ohm-tool should be executed at the project root, but it can sometimes find the project root on its own if executed in one of the project subdirectories."

let path_error title format path exn =
error title (Printf.sprintf format path (Printexc.to_string exn))

Expand All @@ -31,14 +26,14 @@ let path2_error title format path1 path2 exn =
let error_mkdir_failure =
"Could not create directory."
"ohm-tool needs to create directory %S, but Unix.mkdir raised an exception: '%s'"
"ohm needs to create directory %S, but Unix.mkdir raised an exception: '%s'"

let mkdir path access = try Unix.mkdir path access with exn -> error_mkdir_failure path exn

let error_is_dir =
"Could not explore directory."
"ohm-tool needs to make sure directory %S exists, but Sys.is_directory raised an exception: '%s'"
"ohm needs to make sure directory %S exists, but Sys.is_directory raised an exception: '%s'"

let is_dir path =
try Sys.is_directory path with
Expand All @@ -48,15 +43,15 @@ let is_dir path =
let error_readdir =
"Could not read directory."
"ohm-tool needs to read the contents of directory %S, but Sys.readdir raised an exception: '%s'"
"ohm needs to read the contents of directory %S, but Sys.readdir raised an exception: '%s'"

let readdir path =
try Array.to_list (Sys.readdir path) with exn -> error_readdir path exn

let error_readfile =
"Could not read file."
"ohm-tool needs to read the contents of file %S, but open_in_bin raised an exception: '%s'"
"ohm needs to read the contents of file %S, but open_in_bin raised an exception: '%s'"

let readfile path =
try let channel = Pervasives.open_in_bin path in
Expand All @@ -78,7 +73,7 @@ let readfile_lexbuf path f =
let error_writefile =
"Could not write file."
"ohm-tool needs to write the contents of file %S, but open_out_bin raised an exception: '%s'"
"ohm needs to write the contents of file %S, but open_out_bin raised an exception: '%s'"

let putfile path contents =

Expand All @@ -87,11 +82,14 @@ let putfile path contents =
with _ -> true

if should then
if should then begin
try let channel = Pervasives.open_out_bin path in
Pervasives.output_string channel contents ;
Pervasives.close_out channel
with exn -> error_writefile path exn
with exn -> error_writefile path exn ;
end ;


let error_parse path = function
| Asset.ParseError pos ->
Expand All @@ -104,7 +102,7 @@ let error_parse path = function
| exn ->
"Could not parse file."
"ohm-tool tried to parse file %S but encountered an error: '%s'"
"ohm tried to parse file %S but encountered an error: '%s'"
path exn

let system command e =
Expand All @@ -131,28 +129,22 @@ let symlink source dest =
with exn ->
"Could not create symlink."
"ohm-tool tried to create link %S to path %S but Unix.symlink encountered an error: '%s'"
"ohm tried to create link %S to path %S but Unix.symlink encountered an error: '%s'"
source dest exn

(* Find out the root of the current project, and define relevant subdirectories ------------ *)

module Path = struct

let root =
let rec find path =
if is_dir (Filename.concat path "www")
&& is_dir (Filename.concat path "ocaml")
then path
else if path = "/" then error_no_project_root ()
else find (Filename.dirname path)
find (Sys.getcwd ())
let root = Sys.getcwd ()

let () = Unix.chdir root

let ocaml = Filename.concat root "ocaml"
let plugins = Filename.concat ocaml "plugins"
let ohm = Filename.concat ocaml "ohm"
let www = Filename.concat root "www"
let gen = Filename.concat ocaml "gen"
let assets = Filename.concat root "assets"
let build = Filename.concat root "_build"
let public = Filename.concat www "public"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,18 +172,22 @@ let action = ref `LocateAssets

let () = Arg.parse [

"-locate-assets", Arg.Unit (fun () -> action := `LocateAssets),
"locate-assets", Arg.Unit (fun () -> action := `LocateAssets),
"Locate and list web application assets." ;

"-assets", Arg.Unit (fun () -> action := `CompileAssets),
"Compile all web application assets."
"assets", Arg.Unit (fun () -> action := `CompileAssets),
"Compile all web application assets." ;

] ignore "ohm-tool: perform an operation on your ohm-powered web app."
"init", Arg.Unit ignore,
"Initialize a new project directory" ;

(* Ensure that the build subdirectory exists and, if it does not, create it ---------------- *)
"build", Arg.Unit (fun () -> action := `Build),
"Compile the application code" ;

"full-build", Arg.Unit (fun () -> action := `FullBuild),
"Equivalent to 'assets' followed by 'build'" ;

let () =
if not (is_dir then mkdir 0o751
] ignore "ohm: perform an operation on your ohm-powered web app."

(* Listing assets (a common subroutine) ---------------------------------------------------- *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -338,7 +334,7 @@ let parsed_assets = lazy begin
(* Generating the "assets" file *)

let assets_file =
"(* This file was generated by ohm-tool *)\n"
"(* This file was generated by ohm *)\n"
^ (Printf.sprintf "let css = %S\n" (Path.css_url ^ "?" ^ String.sub css_md5 0 8))
^ (Printf.sprintf "let js = %S\n" (Path.js_url ^ "?" ^ String.sub coffee_md5 0 8))
Expand All @@ -348,8 +344,8 @@ let parsed_assets = lazy begin
(* Generating all files *)

List.iter (fun (path,contents) ->
print_endline ("Generating " ^ path ^ " ...") ;
putfile path contents
if putfile path contents then
print_endline ("Generating " ^ path ^ " ...") ;
) generated ;

if not (is_dir Path.public) then mkdir Path.public 0o751 ;
Expand All @@ -374,6 +370,22 @@ let locateAssets () =
let compileAssets () =
ignore (Lazy.force parsed_assets)

let build () =
Sys.chdir Path.ocaml ;
system (String.concat " " [
"ocamlbuild" ;
"-Xs ohm" ;
"-use-ocamlfind" ;
"-lib ohm " ;
"-cflags -I," ^ Filename.quote Path.ohm ^ "," ^ Filename.quote Path.gen ;
"-lflags -I," ^ Filename.quote Path.ohm ^ "," ^ Filename.quote Path.gen ;
]) "Could not compile OCaml application" ;
Sys.chdir Path.root

match !action with
| `LocateAssets -> locateAssets ()
| `CompileAssets -> compileAssets ()
| `Build -> build ()
| `FullBuild -> compileAssets () ; build ()

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