A clicker (aka incremental) game designed to be played by bots or people.
Examples of Python code and javascript are in the repo.
The Python code uses selenium, which could also be written in ruby, php, or any other language supported with selenium.
The Javascript can either be stateless or stateful. You can insert your javscript code at the bottom of the page before clicking play.
To play with your mouse you just open index.html
and start clicking.
To play with javascript paste your javascript code into the cheat codes box and press "click to start playing"
To see examples of playing with python
see the functional
tests. You can run a python selenium test with python functional-tests/whatever.py
You can run pip install requirements.txt
to install the current version of selenium.
You can win by by getting 100 of each of the 3 kinds of defenders
Defenders (d1, d2, d3) are created by barracks (b1, b2, b3). Barracks have a resource upkeep.
If any of your resources are negative you lose.
Beta testers please fork and make pull requests!