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ViiSE edited this page Aug 3, 2020 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the Papka wiki!

Papka is object-oriented library for working with file tree. It can be useful, for example, when using JavaFX (TreeView), or when processing a list of files coming from outside. Papka allows you to work with files and folders like java-object, with supported searching and filtering.

Papka can work with Unix like and Windows filesystems. In this case, the file object becomes an instance of If you working on Windows, you can choose raw files style - Unix like style or Windows style. For example, file /home/papka/file1.txt after processing will look like this: File("C:\\home\\papka\\file1.txt") (see FolderFileWin).

Using a Papka, you can search files and folders. The search package is responsible for this. The main interface is Search. You can search by extensions, search by beginning of file name, search by contains, search files and folders in filesystem by different criteria, and so on.

Using a system package you can define operating system (OS) using OsRepository interface. You can use Separator to get the files and folders separator of different OS.

Directory interface will allow you to get the directory names you need. At the moment Directory has two implementations - CurrentDirectory, lets you get the current directory where the program is executing, and ExampleDirectory - Papka's root directory for tests.


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