diff --git a/Source/Simba.lpi b/Source/Simba.lpi
index f412832c6..ccf8723be 100644
--- a/Source/Simba.lpi
+++ b/Source/Simba.lpi
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@
@@ -960,6 +960,10 @@
diff --git a/Source/image/simba.image.pas b/Source/image/simba.image.pas
index 193439027..9fca8f6bc 100644
--- a/Source/image/simba.image.pas
+++ b/Source/image/simba.image.pas
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ interface
TSimbaImageLineStarts = array of PColorBGRA;
- PSimbaImage = ^TSimbaImage;
TSimbaImage = class(TSimbaBaseClass)
FWidth: Integer;
@@ -254,14 +253,16 @@ TSimbaImage = class(TSimbaBaseClass)
function PixelDifferenceTPA(Other: TSimbaImage): TPointArray; overload;
function PixelDifferenceTPA(Other: TSimbaImage; Tolerance: Single): TPointArray; overload;
TSimbaImageArray = array of TSimbaImage;
+ PSimbaImage = ^TSimbaImage;
+ PSimbaImageArray = ^TSimbaImageArray;
Math, FPImage,
- simba.files, simba.zip, simba.box, simba.quad, simba.geometry, simba.nativeinterface,
+ simba.zip, simba.box, simba.quad, simba.geometry, simba.nativeinterface,
simba.matrix_float, simba.matrix_int, simba.array_point, simba.arraybuffer, simba.algo_sort,
simba.image_lazbridge, simba.image_integral, simba.image_gaussblur,
simba.image_bitmaparealoader, simba.image_stringconv;
diff --git a/Source/image/simba.image_fastcompress.pas b/Source/image/simba.image_fastcompress.pas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51324fef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/image/simba.image_fastcompress.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ Author: Raymond van Venetië and Merlijn Wajer
+ Project: Simba (https://github.com/MerlijnWajer/Simba)
+ License: GNU General Public License (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0)
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Compress images fast using SynLZ.
+unit simba.image_fastcompress;
+{$i simba.inc}
+ Classes, SysUtils,
+ simba.base, simba.image;
+procedure SimbaImage_FastCompress(Images: TSimbaImageArray; var Data: Pointer; out DataSize: SizeUInt);
+function SimbaImage_FastDeCompress(Data: Pointer; DataLen: SizeUInt): TSimbaImageArray;
+ SynLZ;
+ PImageHeader = ^TImageHeader;
+ TImageHeader = packed record
+ Size: SizeUInt; // compressed size in bytes
+ Width, Height: Integer;
+ end;
+procedure SimbaImage_FastCompress(Images: TSimbaImageArray; var Data: Pointer; out DataSize: SizeUInt);
+ TotalSize: SizeUInt;
+ I: Integer;
+ Ptr: PByte;
+ DataSize := 0;
+ TotalSize := SizeOf(Integer) + (Length(Images) * SizeOf(TImageHeader));
+ for I := 0 to High(Images) do
+ Inc(TotalSize, Images[I].DataSize);
+ if (Data = nil) or (MemSize(Data) < SynLZcompressdestlen(TotalSize)) then
+ ReAllocMem(Data, SynLZcompressdestlen(TotalSize));
+ Ptr := Data;
+ PInteger(Ptr)^ := Length(Images);
+ Inc(Ptr, SizeOf(Integer) + (Length(Images) * SizeOf(TImageHeader)));
+ for I := 0 to High(Images) do
+ with PImageHeader(Data + SizeOf(Integer) + (I * SizeOf(TImageHeader)))^ do
+ begin
+ Width := Images[I].Width;
+ Height := Images[I].Height;
+ Size := SynLZcompress(PByte(Images[I].Data), Images[I].DataSize, Ptr);
+ Inc(Ptr, Size);
+ Inc(DataSize, Size);
+ end;
+function SimbaImage_FastDeCompress(Data: Pointer; DataLen: SizeUInt): TSimbaImageArray;
+ Ptr: PByte;
+ I: Integer;
+ Ptr := Data;
+ SetLength(Result, PInteger(Ptr)^);
+ Inc(Ptr, SizeOf(Integer) + (Length(Result) * SizeOf(TImageHeader)));
+ for I := 0 to High(Result) do
+ with PImageHeader(Data + SizeOf(Integer) + (I * SizeOf(TImageHeader)))^ do
+ begin
+ Result[I] := TSimbaImage.Create(Width, Height);
+ SynLZdecompress(Ptr, Size, PByte(Result[I].Data));
+ Inc(Ptr, Size);
+ end;
diff --git a/Source/image/simba.image_utils.pas b/Source/image/simba.image_utils.pas
index cdd643036..5ff80c480 100644
--- a/Source/image/simba.image_utils.pas
+++ b/Source/image/simba.image_utils.pas
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+ Author: Raymond van Venetië and Merlijn Wajer
+ Project: Simba (https://github.com/MerlijnWajer/Simba)
+ License: GNU General Public License (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0)
unit simba.image_utils;
{$i simba.inc}
diff --git a/Source/script/imports/simba.import_encoding.pas b/Source/script/imports/simba.import_encoding.pas
index 445862b2e..564fc0d20 100644
--- a/Source/script/imports/simba.import_encoding.pas
+++ b/Source/script/imports/simba.import_encoding.pas
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ procedure _LapeZDecompressString(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointe
procedure _LapeSynLZCompress(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer); LAPE_WRAPPER_CALLING_CONV
- PInteger(Result)^ := SynLZcompress1pas(PPAnsiChar(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PPAnsiChar(Params^[2])^);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := SynLZcompress(PPointer(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PPointer(Params^[2])^);
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ procedure _LapeSynLZCompress(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
procedure _LapeSynLZDecompress(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer); LAPE_WRAPPER_CALLING_CONV
- PInteger(Result)^ := SynLZdecompress1pas(PPAnsiChar(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PPAnsiChar(Params^[2])^);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := SynLZdecompress(PPointer(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PPointer(Params^[2])^);
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ procedure _LapeSynLZCompressDestLen(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Poi
procedure _LapeSynLZDecompressDestLen(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer); LAPE_WRAPPER_CALLING_CONV
- PInteger(Result)^ := SynLZdecompressdestlen(PPAnsiChar(Params^[0])^);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := SynLZdecompressdestlen(PPointer(Params^[0])^);
procedure _LapeLZCompressionThread_Create(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer); LAPE_WRAPPER_CALLING_CONV
diff --git a/Source/script/imports/simba.import_image.pas b/Source/script/imports/simba.import_image.pas
index 5e25841ee..35513fe27 100644
--- a/Source/script/imports/simba.import_image.pas
+++ b/Source/script/imports/simba.import_image.pas
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ implementation
- simba.image, simba.image_textdrawer;
+ simba.image, simba.image_textdrawer, simba.image_fastcompress;
PBitmap = ^TBitmap;
@@ -1254,6 +1254,16 @@ procedure _LapeImage_DrawCircleAA(const Params: PParamArray); LAPE_WRAPPER_CALLI
PSimbaImage(Params^[0])^.DrawCircleAA(PPoint(Params^[1])^, Pinteger(Params^[2])^, PColor(Params^[3])^, PSingle(Params^[4])^);
+procedure _LapeFastCompressImages(const Params: PParamArray); LAPE_WRAPPER_CALLING_CONV
+ SimbaImage_FastCompress(TSimbaImageArray(Params^[0]^), PPointer(Params^[1])^, PSizeUInt(Params^[2])^);
+procedure _LapeFastDeCompressImages(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer); LAPE_WRAPPER_CALLING_CONV
+ TSimbaImageArray(Result^) := SimbaImage_FastDeCompress(PPointer(Params^[0])^, PSizeUInt(Params^[1])^);
@@ -1466,6 +1476,9 @@ procedure ImportSimbaImage(Compiler: TSimbaScript_Compiler);
addGlobalFunc('procedure TImage.DrawEllipseAA(ACenter: TPoint; XRadius, YRadius: Integer; Color: TColor; Thickness: Single = 1.5);', @_LapeImage_DrawEllipseAA);
addGlobalFunc('procedure TImage.DrawCircleAA(ACenter: TPoint; Radius: Integer; Color: TColor; Thickness: Single = 1.5);', @_LapeImage_DrawCircleAA);
+ addGlobalFunc('procedure FastCompressImages(Images: TImageArray; var Data: Pointer; out DataSize: SizeUInt);', @_LapeFastCompressImages);
+ addGlobalFunc('function FastDeCompressImages(Data: Pointer; out DataLen: SizeUInt): TImageArray', @_LapeFastDeCompressImages);
ImportingSection := '';
diff --git a/Source/simba.compress.pas b/Source/simba.compress.pas
index 2979b2064..e4dd701a2 100644
--- a/Source/simba.compress.pas
+++ b/Source/simba.compress.pas
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+ Author: Raymond van Venetië and Merlijn Wajer
+ Project: Simba (https://github.com/MerlijnWajer/Simba)
+ License: GNU General Public License (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0)
unit simba.compress;
{$i simba.inc}
@@ -138,7 +143,7 @@ function TCompressingStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: LongInt): LongInt;
Capacity := NeededCapacity;
TimeUsed := HighResolutionTime();
- Result := SynLZcompress1pas(Pointer(Buffer), Count, Self.Memory);
+ Result := SynLZcompress(Pointer(Buffer), Count, Self.Memory);
TimeUsed := HighResolutionTime() - TimeUsed;
diff --git a/Third-Party/synlz.pas b/Third-Party/synlz.pas
index 6ee809fa4..a684f62ef 100644
--- a/Third-Party/synlz.pas
+++ b/Third-Party/synlz.pas
@@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
-/// SynLZ Compression routines
-// - licensed under a MPL/GPL/LGPL tri-license; version 1.18
-unit SynLZ;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+// https://github.com/synopse/mORMot2
This file is part of Synopse SynLZ Compression.
@@ -118,6 +114,9 @@
SynLZ uncompress in 61.27ms, 1.5 GB/s
+unit SynLZ;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
@@ -125,324 +124,141 @@ interface
function SynLZcompressdestlen(in_len: integer): integer;
/// get uncompressed size from lz-compressed buffer (to reserve memory, e.g.)
-function SynLZdecompressdestlen(in_p: PAnsiChar): integer;
+function SynLZdecompressdestlen(in_p: PByte): integer;
/// 1st compression algorithm uses hashing with a 32bits control word
-function SynLZcompress1pas(src: PAnsiChar; size: integer; dst: PAnsiChar): integer;
+function SynLZcompress(src: PByte; size: integer; dst: PByte): integer;
/// 1st compression algorithm uses hashing with a 32bits control word
// - this is the fastest pure pascal implementation
-function SynLZdecompress1pas(src: PAnsiChar; size: integer; dst: PAnsiChar): integer;
-/// 1st compression algorithm uses hashing with a 32bits control word
-// - this overload function is slower, but will allow to uncompress only the start
-// of the content (e.g. to read some metadata header)
-// - it will also check for dst buffer overflow, so will be more secure than
-// other functions, which expect the content to be verified (e.g. via CRC)
-function SynLZdecompress1partial(src: PAnsiChar; size: integer; dst: PAnsiChar; maxDst: integer): integer;
+function SynLZdecompress(src: PByte; size: integer; dst: PByte): integer;
+// disabled some FPC paranoid warnings
+{$WARN 7119 off : Exported/global symbols should be accessed via the GOT }
+{$WARN 7121 off : Check size of memory operand "$1: memory-operand-size is $2 bits, but expected [$3 bits]" }
+{$WARN 7122 off : Check size of memory operand "$1: memory-operand-size is $2 bits, but expected [$3 bits + $4 byte offset]" }
+{$WARN 7123 off : Check "$1: offset of memory operand is negative "$2 byte" }
+procedure MoveByOne(Source, Dest: Pointer; Count: PtrUInt); inline;
+ c: Byte; // better code generation on FPC
+ inc(PtrUInt(Source), Count);
+ inc(PtrUInt(Dest), Count);
+ PtrInt(Count) := -PtrInt(Count);
+ repeat
+ c := PByte(Source)[Count];
+ PByte(Dest)[Count] := c;
+ inc(Count);
+ until Count = 0;
function SynLZcompressdestlen(in_len: integer): integer;
begin // get maximum possible (worse) compressed size for out_p
result := in_len+in_len shr 3+16;
type // some cross-platform and cross-compiler definitions
- TOffsets = array[0..4095] of PAnsiChar; // 16KB/32KB hashing code
+ TOffsets = array[0..4095] of PByte; // 16KB/32KB hashing code
-function SynLZdecompressdestlen(in_p: PAnsiChar): integer;
+function SynLZdecompressdestlen(in_p: PByte): integer;
begin // get uncompressed size from lz-compressed buffer (to reserve memory, e.g.)
result := PWord(in_p)^;
if result and $8000<>0 then
result := (result and $7fff) or (integer(PWord(in_p+2)^) shl 15);
-function SynLZcompress1pas(src: PAnsiChar; size: integer; dst: PAnsiChar): integer;
-var dst_beg, // initial dst value
- src_end, // real last byte available in src
- src_endmatch, // last byte to try for hashing
- o: PAnsiChar;
- CWbit: byte;
- CWpoint: PCardinal;
- v, h, cached, t, tmax: PtrUInt;
- offset: TOffsets;
- cache: array[0..4095] of cardinal; // 16KB+16KB=32KB on stack (48KB under Win64)
+procedure SynLZdecompress1passub(src, src_end, dst: PByte; var offset: TOffsets);
+ last_hashed: PByte; // initial src and dst value
+ {$ifdef CPU64}
+ o: PByte;
+ {$endif CPU64}
+ CW, CWbit: cardinal;
+ v, t, h: PtrUInt;
+ nextCW;
- dst_beg := dst;
- // 1. store in_len
- if size>=$8000 then begin // size in 32KB..2GB -> stored as integer
- PWord(dst)^ := $8000 or (size and $7fff);
- PWord(dst+2)^ := size shr 15;
- inc(dst,4);
- end else begin
- PWord(dst)^ := size ; // size<32768 -> stored as word
- if size=0 then begin
- result := 2;
- exit;
- end;
- inc(dst,2);
- end;
- // 2. compress
- src_end := src+size;
- src_endmatch := src_end-(6+5);
- CWbit := 0;
- CWpoint := pointer(dst);
- PCardinal(dst)^ := 0;
- inc(dst,sizeof(CWpoint^));
- fillchar(offset{%H-},sizeof(offset),0); // fast 16KB reset to 0
- // 1. main loop to search using hash[]
- if src<=src_endmatch then
- repeat
- v := PCardinal(src)^;
- h := ((v shr 12) xor v) and 4095;
- o := offset[h];
- offset[h] := src;
- cached := v xor {%H-}cache[h]; // o=nil if cache[h] is uninitialized
- cache[h] := v;
- if (cached and $00ffffff=0) and (o<>nil) and (src-o>2) then begin
- CWpoint^ := CWpoint^ or (cardinal(1) shl CWbit);
- inc(src,2);
- inc(o,2);
- t := 1;
- tmax := src_end-src-1;
- if tmax>=(255+16) then
- tmax := (255+16);
- while (o[t]=src[t]) and (t0
- if t<=15 then begin // mark 2 to 17 bytes -> size=1..15
- PWord(dst)^ := integer(t or h);
- inc(dst,2);
- end else begin // mark 18 to (255+16) bytes -> size=0, next byte=t
- dec(t,16);
- PWord(dst)^ := h; // size=0
- dst[2] := ansichar(t);
- inc(dst,3);
- end;
- end else begin
- dst^ := src^;
- inc(src);
- inc(dst);
- end;
- if CWbit<31 then begin
- inc(CWbit);
- if src<=src_endmatch then continue else break;
- end else begin
- CWpoint := pointer(dst);
- PCardinal(dst)^ := 0;
- inc(dst,sizeof(CWpoint^));
- CWbit := 0;
- if src<=src_endmatch then continue else break;
- end;
- until false;
- // 2. store remaining bytes
- if src0 then begin
- result := (result and $7fff) or (integer(PWord(src)^) shl 15);
- inc(src,2);
- end;
- // 2. decompress
- last_hashed := dst-1;
- CWbit := 32;
+ last_hashed := dst - 1;
CW := PCardinal(src)^;
- inc(src,4);
- CWbit := CWbit-32;
- if src=src_end then break;
- while last_hashed=src_end then break;
- if last_hashed= src_end then
+ break;
+ if last_hashed < dst - 3 then
+ begin
v := PCardinal(last_hashed)^;
offset[((v shr 12) xor v) and 4095] := last_hashed;
- inc(CWbit);
- CW := CW shr 1;
- if CWbit<32 then
- continue else
+ CWbit := CWbit shl 1;
+ if CWbit <> 0 then
+ continue
+ else
+ goto nextCW;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ h := PWord(src)^;
+ inc(src, 2);
+ t := (h and 15) + 2;
+ if t = 2 then
+ begin
+ t := ord(src^) + (16 + 2);
+ inc(src);
+ end;
+ h := h shr 4;
+ {$ifdef CPU64}
+ o := offset[h];
+ if PtrUInt(dst - o) < t then // overlap -> move byte-by-byte
+ MoveByOne(o, dst, t)
+ else if t <= 8 then
+ PInt64(dst)^ := PInt64(o)^ // much faster in practice
+ else
+ Move(o^, dst^, t); // safe since src_endmatch := src_end-(6+5)
+ {$else}
+ if PtrUInt(dst - offset[h]) < t then
+ MoveByOne(offset[h], dst, t)
+ else if t > 8 then
+ Move(offset[h]^, dst^, t)
+ else
+ PInt64(dst)^ := PInt64(offset[h])^;
+ {$endif CPU64}
+ if src >= src_end then
+ break;
+ if last_hashed < dst then
+ repeat // decompressed bytes should update the hash table
+ inc(last_hashed);
+ v := PCardinal(last_hashed)^;
+ offset[((v shr 12) xor v) and 4095] := last_hashed;
+ until last_hashed >= dst;
+ inc(dst, t);
+ last_hashed := dst - 1;
+ CWbit := CWbit shl 1;
+ if CWbit <> 0 then
+ continue
+ else
goto nextCW;
- end else begin
- h := PWord(src)^;
- inc(src,2);
- t := (h and 15)+2;
- h := h shr 4;
- if t=2 then begin
- t := ord(src^)+(16+2);
- inc(src);
- end;
- if dst-{%H-}offset[h]=dst;
- inc(dst,t);
- if src>=src_end then break;
- last_hashed := dst-1;
- inc(CWbit);
- CW := CW shr 1;
- if CWbit<32 then
- continue else
- goto nextCW;
- end;
- until false;
-// assert(result=dst-dst_beg);
-// better code generation with sub-functions for raw decoding
-procedure SynLZdecompress1passub(src, src_end, dst: PAnsiChar; var offset: TOffsets);
-var last_hashed: PAnsiChar; // initial src and dst value
- {$ifdef CPU64}
- o: PAnsiChar;
- {$endif}
- CW, CWbit: cardinal;
- v, t, h: PtrUInt;
-label nextCW;
- last_hashed := dst-1;
- CW := PCardinal(src)^;
- inc(src,4);
- CWbit := 1;
- if src=src_end then break;
- if last_hashed0 then
- continue else
- goto nextCW;
- end else begin
- h := PWord(src)^;
- inc(src,2);
- t := (h and 15)+2;
- h := h shr 4;
- if t=2 then begin
- t := ord(src^)+(16+2);
- inc(src);
- end;
- {$ifdef CPU64}
- o := offset[h];
- if PtrUInt(dst-o)8 then // safe since src_endmatch := src_end-(6+5)
- move(offset[h]^,dst^,t) else
- PInt64(dst)^ := PInt64(offset[h])^; // much faster in practice
- {$endif}
- if src>=src_end then break;
- if last_hashed=dst;
- inc(dst,t);
- last_hashed := dst-1;
- CWbit := CWbit shl 1;
- if CWbit<>0 then
- continue else
- goto nextCW;
- end;
- until false;
+ until false;
-function SynLZdecompress1pas(src: PAnsiChar; size: integer; dst: PAnsiChar): integer;
+function SynLZdecompress(src: PByte; size: integer; dst: PByte): integer;
var offset: TOffsets;
- src_end: PAnsiChar;
+ src_end: PByte;
src_end := src+size;
result := PWord(src)^;
@@ -455,94 +271,488 @@ function SynLZdecompress1pas(src: PAnsiChar; size: integer; dst: PAnsiChar): int
SynLZdecompress1passub(src, src_end, dst, offset{%H-});
-procedure SynLZdecompress1partialsub(src, dst, src_end, dst_end: PAnsiChar; var offset: TOffsets);
-var last_hashed: PAnsiChar; // initial src and dst value
- CWbit, CW: integer;
- v, t, h: PtrUInt;
- {$ifdef CPU64}
- o: PAnsiChar;
- {$endif}
-label nextCW;
+{$DEFINE HasSynLZCompress}
+function SynLZcompress(src: PByte; size: integer; dst: PByte): integer; nostackframe; assembler;
+ push ebp
+ push ebx
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ push eax
+ add esp, -4092
+ push eax
+ add esp, -4092
+ push eax
+ add esp, -4092
+ push eax
+ add esp, -4092
+ push eax
+ add esp, -4092
+ push eax
+ add esp, -4092
+ push eax
+ add esp, -4092
+ push eax
+ add esp, -4092
+ push eax
+ add esp, -32
+ mov esi, eax // esi=src
+ mov edi, ecx // edi=dst
+ mov [esp+08H], ecx
+ mov eax, edx
+ cmp eax, 32768
+ jl @@0889
+ or ax, 8000H
+ mov [edi], eax
+ mov eax, edx
+ shr eax, 15
+ mov [edi + 2], eax
+ add edi, 4
+ jmp @@0891
+@@0890: mov eax, 2
+ jmp @@0904
+@@0889: mov [edi], eax
+ test eax, eax
+ jz @@0890
+ add edi, 2
+@@0891: lea eax, [edx + esi]
+ mov [esp+18H], edi
+ mov [esp+0CH], eax
+ sub eax, 11
+ mov [esp+4], eax
+ xor eax, eax
+ lea ebx, [esp+24H] // reset offsets lookup table
+ {$ifdef HASNOSSE2}
+ mov ecx, 1024
+@@089I: mov [ebx], eax
+ mov [ebx + 4], eax
+ mov [ebx + 8], eax
+ mov [ebx + 12], eax
+ add ebx, 16
+ {$else}
+ pxor xmm0, xmm0
+ mov ecx, 256
+@@089I: movups dqword ptr [ebx], xmm0
+ movups dqword ptr [ebx + 16], xmm0
+ movups dqword ptr [ebx + 32], xmm0
+ movups dqword ptr [ebx + 48], xmm0
+ add ebx, 64
+ {$endif HASNOSSE2}
+ dec ecx
+ jnz @@089I
+ mov [edi], eax
+ add edi, 4
+ mov ebx, 1 // ebx=1 shl CWbit
+ // main loop:
+ cmp esi, [esp+4]
+ ja @@0900
+@@0892: mov edx, [esi]
+ mov eax, edx
+ shr edx, 12
+ xor edx, eax
+ and edx, 0FFFH
+ mov ebp, [esp+24H + edx * 4]
+ mov ecx, [esp+4024H + edx * 4]
+ mov [esp+24H + edx * 4], esi
+ xor ecx, eax
+ test ecx, 0FFFFFFH
+ mov [esp+4024H + edx * 4], eax
+ jnz @@0897
+ mov eax, esi
+ or ebp, ebp
+ jz @@0897
+ sub eax, ebp
+ mov ecx, [esp+18H]
+ cmp eax, 2
+ jle @@0897
+ add esi, 2
+ or dword ptr [ecx], ebx
+ mov ecx, [esp+0CH]
+ add ebp, 2
+ mov eax, 1
+ sub ecx, esi
+ dec ecx
+ mov [esp], ecx
+ cmp ecx, 271
+ jl @@0894
+ mov dword ptr [esp], 271
+ jmp @@0894
+@@0893: inc eax
+@@0894: mov ecx, [ebp + eax]
+ cmp cl, [esi + eax]
+ jnz @@0895
+ cmp eax, [esp]
+ jge @@0895
+ inc eax
+ cmp ch, [esi + eax]
+ jnz @@0895
+ shr ecx, 16
+ cmp eax, [esp]
+ jge @@0895
+ inc eax
+ cmp cl, [esi + eax]
+ jnz @@0895
+ cmp eax, [esp]
+ jge @@0895
+ inc eax
+ cmp ch, [esi + eax]
+ jnz @@0895
+ cmp eax, [esp]
+ jl @@0893
+@@0895: add esi, eax
+ shl edx, 4
+ cmp eax, 15
+ jg @@0896
+ or eax, edx
+ mov word ptr [edi], ax
+ add edi, 2
+ jmp @@0898
+@@0896: sub eax, 16
+ mov [edi], dx
+ mov [edi + 2H], al
+ add edi, 3
+ jmp @@0898
+@@0897: mov al, [esi] // movsb is actually slower!
+ mov [edi], al
+ inc esi
+ inc edi
+@@0898: add ebx, ebx
+ jz @@0899
+ cmp esi, [esp+4]
+ jbe @@0892
+ jmp @@0900
+@@0899: mov [esp+18H], edi
+ mov [edi], ebx
+ inc ebx
+ add edi, 4
+ cmp esi, [esp+4]
+ jbe @@0892
+@@0900: cmp esi, [esp+0CH]
+ jnc @@0903
+@@0901: mov al, [esi]
+ mov [edi], al
+ inc esi
+ inc edi
+ add ebx, ebx
+ jz @@0902
+ cmp esi, [esp+0CH]
+ jc @@0901
+ jmp @@0903
+@@0902: mov [edi], ebx
+ inc ebx
+ add edi, 4
+ cmp esi, [esp+0CH]
+ jc @@0901
+@@0903: mov eax, edi
+ sub eax, [esp+08H]
+@@0904: add esp, 32804
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+ pop ebx
+ pop ebp
+{$IFDEF CPUX86_64}
+{$DEFINE HasSynLZCompress}
+function SynLZcompress(src: PByte; size: integer; dst: PByte): integer;
+ off: TOffsets;
+ cache: array[0..4095] of cardinal; // uses 32KB+16KB=48KB on stack
- last_hashed := dst-1;
- CW := PCardinal(src)^;
- inc(src,4);
- CWbit := 1;
- if src= $8000 then
+ begin
+ // size in 32KB..2GB -> stored as integer
+ PWord(dst)^ := $8000 or (size and $7fff);
+ PWord(dst + 2)^ := size shr 15;
+ inc(dst, 4);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ PWord(dst)^ := size; // size<32768 -> stored as word
+ if size = 0 then
+ begin
+ result := 2;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ inc(dst, 2);
+ end;
+ // 2. compress
+ src_end := src + size;
+ src_endmatch := src_end - (6 + 5);
+ CWbit := 0;
+ CWpoint := pointer(dst);
+ PCardinal(dst)^ := 0;
+ inc(dst, SizeOf(CWpoint^));
+ FillChar(offset, SizeOf(offset), 0); // fast 16KB reset to 0
+ // 1. main loop to search using hash[]
+ if src <= src_endmatch then
+ repeat
+ v := PCardinal(src)^;
+ h := ((v shr 12) xor v) and 4095;
+ o := offset[h];
+ offset[h] := src;
+ cached := v xor {%H-}cache[h]; // o=nil if cache[h] is uninitialized
+ cache[h] := v;
+ if (cached and $00ffffff = 0) and
+ (o <> nil) and
+ (src - o > 2) then
+ begin
+ CWpoint^ := CWpoint^ or (cardinal(1) shl CWbit);
+ inc(src, 2);
+ inc(o, 2);
+ t := 1;
+ tmax := src_end - src - 1;
+ if tmax >= (255 + 16) then
+ tmax := (255 + 16);
+ while (o[t] = src[t]) and
+ (t < tmax) do
+ inc(t);
+ inc(src, t);
+ h := h shl 4;
+ // here we have always t>0
+ if t <= 15 then
+ begin
+ // mark 2 to 17 bytes -> size=1..15
+ PWord(dst)^ := integer(t or h);
+ inc(dst, 2);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // mark 18 to (255+16) bytes -> size=0, next byte=t
+ dec(t, 16);
+ PWord(dst)^ := h; // size=0
+ dst[2] := Byte(t);
+ inc(dst, 3);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ dst^ := src^;
+ inc(src);
+ inc(dst);
+ end;
+ if CWbit < 31 then
+ begin
+ inc(CWbit);
+ if src <= src_endmatch then
+ continue
+ else
+ break;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ CWpoint := pointer(dst);
+ PCardinal(dst)^ := 0;
+ inc(dst, SizeOf(CWpoint^));
+ CWbit := 0;
+ if src <= src_endmatch then
+ continue
+ else
+ break;
+ end;
+ until false;
+ // 2. store remaining bytes
+ if src < src_end then
+ repeat
dst^ := src^;
- if (src>=src_end) or (dst>=dst_end) then
- break;
- if last_hashed0 then
- continue else
- goto nextCW;
- end else begin
- h := PWord(src)^;
- inc(src,2);
- t := (h and 15)+2;
- h := h shr 4;
- if t=2 then begin
- t := ord(src^)+(16+2);
- inc(src);
- end;
- if dst+t>=dst_end then begin // avoid buffer overflow by all means
- movechars(offset[h],dst,dst_end-dst);
- break;
+ if CWbit < 31 then
+ begin
+ inc(CWbit);
+ if src < src_end then
+ continue
+ else
+ break;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ PCardinal(dst)^ := 0;
+ inc(dst, 4);
+ CWbit := 0;
+ if src < src_end then
+ continue
+ else
+ break;
- {$ifdef CPU64}
- o := offset[h];
- if (t<=8) or (PtrUInt(dst-o)=src_end then
- break;
- if last_hashed=dst;
- inc(dst,t);
- last_hashed := dst-1;
- CWbit := CWbit shl 1;
- if CWbit<>0 then
- continue else
- goto nextCW;
- end;
- until false;
-function SynLZdecompress1partial(src: PAnsiChar; size: integer; dst: PAnsiChar; maxDst: integer): integer;
-var offset: TOffsets;
- src_end: PAnsiChar;
- src_end := src+size;
- result := PWord(src)^;
- if result=0 then exit;
- inc(src,2);
- if result and $8000<>0 then begin
- result := (result and $7fff) or (integer(PWord(src)^) shl 15);
- inc(src,2);
- end;
- if maxDst0 then
- SynLZdecompress1partialsub(src, dst, src_end, dst+result, offset{%H-});
+ until false;
+ result := dst - dst_beg;