# Primary input file for Trappist system sSystemName Trappist # System Name iVerbose 1 # Verbosity level bOverwrite 1 # Allow file overwrites? # All space after a # is ignored, as is white space # The first lowercase letter(s) denote the cast: b=boolean, i=int, d=double, # s=string. An "a" indicates an array and multiple arguments are allowed/expected. # List of "body files" that contain body-specific parameters saBodyFiles star.in # The host star # Array options can continue to the next line with a terminating "$". The $ can be # at the end of the string or not. Comments are allowed afterwards. # Input/Output Units sUnitMass solar # Options: gram, kg, Earth, Neptune, Jupiter, solar sUnitLength aU # Options: cm, m, km, Earth, Jupiter, solar, AU sUnitTime YEAR # Options: sec, day, year, Myr, Gyr sUnitAngle d # Options: deg, rad sUnitTemp K # Units specified in the primary input file are propagated into the bodies. Otherwise # specifiy units on a per body basis in the body files. # Most string arguments can be in any case and need only be unambiguous. # Input/Output bDoLog 1 # Write a log file? iDigits 6 # Maximum number of digits to right of decimal dMinValue 1e-10 # Minimum value of eccentricity/obliquity # Option names must be exact in spelling and case. # Evolution Parameters bDoForward 1 # Perform a forward evolution? bVarDt 1 # Use variable timestepping? dEta 1.0e-2 # Coefficient for variable timestepping dStopTime 7.52e9 # Stop time for evolution dOutputTime 1.0e7 # Output timesteps (assuming in body files) # Some options are only permitted in the primary file, some are forbidden. # That should really be documented!