Generate HTML based on information gathered with mdb(1)
a node.js core dump
[sudo] npm install -g corevis
At Voxer, we use commands similar to the ones below to ensure that all core dumps go to a specific directory
mkdir /core
coreadm -g /core/core.%f.%p -G all -e global -d process -e global-setid -d proc-setid -I all -e log
Run any of the examples to generate a core dump, then use corevis
to make an HTML file with analysis.
[root@test1 ~/node-corevis]# node examples/big-objects.js
pid 9986
Abort (core dumped)
[root@test1 ~/node-corevis]# ./corevis.js /core/core.node.9986 > example.html
> loading /core/core.node.9986... 147ms
> getting status... 896ms
> loading v8... 66ms
> getting stack trace... 37ms
> finding jsobjects (this can take a while)... 13585ms
> calling ::jsprint -a on all objects found... 21975ms
> analyzing data... 631ms
> loading assets... 15ms
> generating HTML... 167ms
> killing mdb... 10ms
> done. took 37.53 seconds...
Usage: corevis [options] <node coredump>
Generate HTML based on information gathered with mdb(1) from
a node.js core dump
$ corevis core.node.1234 > vis.html
$ corevis --load /var/tmp/ core.node.1234 > vis.html
-h, --help print this message and exit
-l, --load <v8> argument to pass to `::load` in mdb(1), defaults to "v8"
-u, --updates check npm for available updates to this program
-v, --version print the version number and exit
MIT License