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File metadata and controls

129 lines (96 loc) · 4.6 KB


Scapeshift is a webscraper rubygem designed for the Magic: The Gathering Oracle "Gatherer" card index. Since Wizards doesn't want to make an API for this system for various reasons, I've gone ahead and made a pseudo-API here.

Scapeshift uses the delightful Nokogiri gem to parse and scrape the various Oracle pages, generating (most commonly) a SortedSet of Scapeshift::Card objects containing the card data. In the case of expansion sets, formats, etc. Scapeshift returns a SortedSet of strings.


Usage is as simple as can be:

# Grab the complete list of expansion sets
@sets = Scapeshift::Crawler.crawl :meta, :type => :sets

# Grab the card set for an expansion
@alara_cards = Scapeshift::Crawler.crawl :cards, :set => 'Shards of Alara'

# Grab a single named card
@card = Scapeshift::Crawler.crawl :single, :name => 'Counterspell'


The gem can be easily configured with a Scapeshift.configure block (currently on the cache store option is available):

Scapeshift.configure do |config|
  config.cache = :memory_store


By default requests to the Gatherer website are cached in memory using ActiveSupport's MemoryStore but that can be easily configured.

To change to a memcache server simply:

Scapeshift.configure do |config|
  config.cache = :mem_cache_store, "", ""

You will need to install the memcache-client gem to do so.

You can also use an existing cache store by passing it as the cache option. For example in a Rails application you could:

Scapeshift.configure do |config|
  config.cache = Rails.cache

To disable caching DO NOT set the cache to nil as that will break stuff. Instead use the ActiveSupport's NullStore that does the same thing but through the ActiveSupport::Cache::Store API.

See the Rails Caching Guide for more info on configuring different cache stores.


This gem uses Bundler to manage its dependencies for development:

$ sudo gem install bundler
$ cd /path/to/scapeshift
$ bundle install

Bundler is unlike Rubygems in that it doesn't automagically handle load paths for you. To make stuff work, you will need to start a subshell with

$ bundle exec bash

Replacing bash with the shell of your choice, of course.



This gem uses Yardoc syntax for documentation. You can generate these docs with rake yard. Point any webserver at the docs/ directory to browse.

Simple, with Thin:

$ cd /path/to/scapeshift
$ rake yard
$ cd docs/
$ thin -A file -d start


Copyright (c) 2010 Josh Lindsey. See LICENSE for details.