To contact WMFO, please use one of the methods listed below. You can also contact individual Executive Board members or departments using the information on their respective pages.
Studio Line - 855-915-WMFO (855-915-9636)
Options for on-air DJ, PD mailbox, and Ops team paging.
Local Number - 781-350-3264
MD/Access Line - 617-627-3800
Rings station phones. Voicemail for MD department and miscellaneous.
For music submissions, regular mail, and press inquires. No packages please.
WMFO Attn: Music Department (for music submissions) PO Box 53065 Medford, MA 02155
For packages and deliveries. No regular mail please.
Office of Campus Life Attn: WMFO Tufts University - Mayer Campus Center 44 Professors Row Medford, MA 02155
For visitors and Google StreetView stalking. No mail, packages, or deliveries please.
WMFO Curtis Hall (Third Floor) 474 Boston Avenue Medford, MA 02155