2019-06-07 23:37:15.083 -04:00 [Verbose] Started WOA Deployer for Lumia v2.5.5 2019-06-07 23:37:26.363 -04:00 [Verbose] Checking path: "E:\sources" exists 2019-06-07 23:37:47.614 -04:00 [Verbose] Default directory for WimFolder has been set to "E:\sources" 2019-06-07 23:37:47.630 -04:00 [Verbose] Trying to load WIM metadata file at '"E:\sources\install.wim"' 2019-06-07 23:37:47.661 -04:00 [Verbose] Getting WIM stream 2019-06-07 23:37:47.661 -04:00 [Verbose] (WIM) Finding Magic Bytes... 2019-06-07 23:37:47.661 -04:00 [Verbose] (WIM) Found Magic Bytes at 0 2019-06-07 23:37:47.661 -04:00 [Verbose] (WIM) Finding WIM XML Data... 2019-06-07 23:37:47.661 -04:00 [Verbose] (WIM) Found WIM XML Data at 032244324572 2019-06-07 23:37:47.692 -04:00 [Verbose] Wim metadata deserialized correctly WimMetadata { TotalBytes: "3224432457", Images: [ImageMetadata { DirectoryCount: "19065", FileCount: "86799", TotalBytes: "14074199683", HardLinkBytes: "6217435105", CreationTime: Time { HighPart: "0x01D505CE", LowPart: "0x7B01FCC1" }, LastModificationTime: Time { HighPart: "0x01D51DA5", LowPart: "0xEB175542" }, WimBoot: "0", Windows: Windows { Arch: "12", ProductName: "Microsoft® Windows® Operating System", EditionId: "Professional", InstallationType: "Client", ServicingData: ServicingData { GdrDuRevision: "0", PKeyConfigVersion: "10.0.18895.1000;2016-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, ProductType: "WinNT", ProductSuite: "Terminal Server", Languages: Languages { Language: "en-US", Default: "en-US" }, Version: Version { Major: "10", Minor: "0", Build: "18895", SpBuild: "1000", SpLevel: "0" }, SystemRoot: "WINDOWS" }, Name: "Windows 10 Pro", Description: "Windows 10 Pro", Flags: null, DiplayName: null, DisplayDescription: null, Index: "1" }] } 2019-06-07 23:37:47.692 -04:00 [Verbose] WIM metadata file at '"E:\sources\install.wim"' retrieved correctly 2019-06-07 23:38:13.360 -04:00 [Information] # Starting deployment... 2019-06-07 23:38:13.360 -04:00 [Information] Deleting previously downloaded deployment files 2019-06-07 23:38:22.829 -04:00 [Debug] Device Stream disposed 2019-06-07 23:38:25.267 -04:00 [Debug] Initializing Device Stream... 2019-06-07 23:38:25.283 -04:00 [Debug] Reading device GPT... 2019-06-07 23:38:25.286 -04:00 [Debug] Found DPP 2019-06-07 23:38:25.286 -04:00 [Debug] Found SBL1 2019-06-07 23:38:25.286 -04:00 [Debug] Found PLAT 2019-06-07 23:38:25.287 -04:00 [Debug] Reading SBL1 Partition 2019-06-07 23:38:25.287 -04:00 [Debug] Starting reading operation 2019-06-07 23:38:25.287 -04:00 [Debug] Reading from 54525952 to 55574016 2019-06-07 23:38:34.781 -04:00 [Debug] Reading pconf.bin from file system... 2019-06-07 23:38:34.823 -04:00 [Debug] Reading product.dat from file system... 2019-06-07 23:38:34.828 -04:00 [Debug] Is the device a MMO device: True 2019-06-07 23:38:34.834 -04:00 [Debug] Finished in: 9.5655118 seconds. 2019-06-07 23:38:34.834 -04:00 [Debug] Drumroll... 2019-06-07 23:38:34.834 -04:00 [Debug] ////////////////// 2019-06-07 23:38:34.834 -04:00 [Debug] product.dat 2019-06-07 23:38:34.834 -04:00 [Debug] ////////////////// 2019-06-07 23:38:34.836 -04:00 [Debug] 42-7D-8F-D5-A7-F2-27-82-0D-5B-11-BF-8C-6F-76-70-C0-A0-62-2C-C6-1B-A9-5A-AE-E1-8F-75-17-FC-0B-77 2019-06-07 23:38:34.852 -04:00 [Verbose] "Model: Cityman, Variant: DualSim" detected 2019-06-07 23:38:34.919 -04:00 [Information] 2019-06-07 23:38:34.920 -04:00 [Information] # Downloading resources 2019-06-07 23:38:35.033 -04:00 [Information] Fetching from Azure DevOps: LumiaWOA;Boot Shim;3;UEFI Loader for 8992 and 8994 2019-06-07 23:38:36.336 -04:00 [Debug] Saving metadata Artifact { Id: 162, Name: "UEFI Loader for 8992 and 8994", Resource: Resource { Type: "Container", Data: "#/747204/UEFI Loader for 8992 and 8994", Properties: Properties { Localpath: "C:\PublicBuild\_work\2\s\build\BootShim" }, Url: "https://dev.azure.com/LumiaWoA/328eea29-7d2f-4cdf-b928-d58c53d8f29d/_apis/build/builds/99/artifacts?artifactName=UEFI%20Loader%20for%208992%20and%208994&api-version=5.0-preview.5", DownloadUrl: "https://dev.azure.com/LumiaWoA/328eea29-7d2f-4cdf-b928-d58c53d8f29d/_apis/build/builds/99/artifacts?artifactName=UEFI%20Loader%20for%208992%20and%208994&api-version=5.0-preview.5&%24format=zip" } } 2019-06-07 23:38:36.400 -04:00 [Information] Fetching asset MSM8994.UEFI.Lumia.950.XL.zip from latest release at https://github.com/WOA-Project/Lumia950XLPkg 2019-06-07 23:38:47.841 -04:00 [Debug] Saving metadata { Name: "MSM8994.UEFI.Lumia.950.XL.zip", Id: 12401848, Size: 13667508, UpdatedAt: 05/06/2019 04:42:48 +00:00, Label: null, Url: "https://api.github.com/repos/WOA-Project/Lumia950XLPkg/releases/assets/12401848" } 2019-06-07 23:38:47.872 -04:00 [Information] Fetching from GitHub: https://github.com/gus33000/MSM8994-8992-NT-ARM64-Drivers - 1905 2019-06-07 23:41:37.773 -04:00 [Debug] Saving metadata { Repository: RepoInfo { Owner: "gus33000", Repository: "MSM8994-8992-NT-ARM64-Drivers" }, Commit: "5ffa8a311fa1a7b9a12ebae8d310b3592071aed6", Branch: "1905", DownloadedOn: 06/07/2019 23:38:48 -04:00 } 2019-06-07 23:41:37.788 -04:00 [Information] 2019-06-07 23:41:37.788 -04:00 [Information] # Configuring device 2019-06-07 23:41:44.422 -04:00 [Debug] Device Stream disposed 2019-06-07 23:41:44.435 -04:00 [Debug] Getting volume of "Partition 'EFIESP' - Guid: 8183040a-8b44-4592-92f7-c6d9ee0560f7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). " 2019-06-07 23:41:46.950 -04:00 [Debug] Obtained "Volume 'EFIESP' at Partition 'EFIESP' - Guid: 8183040a-8b44-4592-92f7-c6d9ee0560f7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). FAT" 2019-06-07 23:41:46.954 -04:00 [Verbose] Mounting "Volume 'EFIESP' at Partition 'EFIESP' - Guid: 8183040a-8b44-4592-92f7-c6d9ee0560f7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). FAT" 2019-06-07 23:41:46.954 -04:00 [Verbose] "Volume 'EFIESP' at Partition 'EFIESP' - Guid: 8183040a-8b44-4592-92f7-c6d9ee0560f7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). FAT" already mounted. Skipping. 2019-06-07 23:41:46.975 -04:00 [Information] Copying file Downloaded\MSM8994.UEFI.Lumia.950.XL\ELF\UEFI.elf to F:\ 2019-06-07 23:41:46.977 -04:00 [Debug] Copying file "Downloaded\MSM8994.UEFI.Lumia.950.XL\ELF\UEFI.elf" to "F:\" 2019-06-07 23:41:48.960 -04:00 [Debug] Device Stream disposed 2019-06-07 23:41:48.960 -04:00 [Debug] Getting volume of "Partition 'EFIESP' - Guid: 8183040a-8b44-4592-92f7-c6d9ee0560f7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). " 2019-06-07 23:41:51.207 -04:00 [Debug] Obtained "Volume 'EFIESP' at Partition 'EFIESP' - Guid: 8183040a-8b44-4592-92f7-c6d9ee0560f7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). FAT" 2019-06-07 23:41:51.207 -04:00 [Verbose] Mounting "Volume 'EFIESP' at Partition 'EFIESP' - Guid: 8183040a-8b44-4592-92f7-c6d9ee0560f7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). FAT" 2019-06-07 23:41:51.208 -04:00 [Verbose] "Volume 'EFIESP' at Partition 'EFIESP' - Guid: 8183040a-8b44-4592-92f7-c6d9ee0560f7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). FAT" already mounted. Skipping. 2019-06-07 23:41:51.224 -04:00 [Information] Copying file Downloaded\UEFI Loader for 8992 and 8994\ARM\Debug\BootShim.efi to F:\EFI\boot\ 2019-06-07 23:41:51.224 -04:00 [Debug] Copying file "Downloaded\UEFI Loader for 8992 and 8994\ARM\Debug\BootShim.efi" to "F:\EFI\boot\" 2019-06-07 23:41:51.299 -04:00 [Information] Configuring BCD 2019-06-07 23:41:52.336 -04:00 [Debug] Device Stream disposed 2019-06-07 23:41:52.336 -04:00 [Debug] Getting volume of "Partition 'EFIESP' - Guid: 8183040a-8b44-4592-92f7-c6d9ee0560f7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). " 2019-06-07 23:41:54.494 -04:00 [Debug] Obtained "Volume 'EFIESP' at Partition 'EFIESP' - Guid: 8183040a-8b44-4592-92f7-c6d9ee0560f7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). FAT" 2019-06-07 23:41:54.494 -04:00 [Verbose] Mounting "Volume 'EFIESP' at Partition 'EFIESP' - Guid: 8183040a-8b44-4592-92f7-c6d9ee0560f7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). FAT" 2019-06-07 23:41:54.494 -04:00 [Verbose] "Volume 'EFIESP' at Partition 'EFIESP' - Guid: 8183040a-8b44-4592-92f7-c6d9ee0560f7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). FAT" already mounted. Skipping. 2019-06-07 23:41:57.428 -04:00 [Information] Installing Development Menu 2019-06-07 23:41:58.590 -04:00 [Debug] Device Stream disposed 2019-06-07 23:41:58.590 -04:00 [Debug] Getting volume of "Partition 'EFIESP' - Guid: 8183040a-8b44-4592-92f7-c6d9ee0560f7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). " 2019-06-07 23:42:00.700 -04:00 [Debug] Obtained "Volume 'EFIESP' at Partition 'EFIESP' - Guid: 8183040a-8b44-4592-92f7-c6d9ee0560f7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). FAT" 2019-06-07 23:42:00.700 -04:00 [Verbose] Mounting "Volume 'EFIESP' at Partition 'EFIESP' - Guid: 8183040a-8b44-4592-92f7-c6d9ee0560f7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). FAT" 2019-06-07 23:42:00.700 -04:00 [Verbose] "Volume 'EFIESP' at Partition 'EFIESP' - Guid: 8183040a-8b44-4592-92f7-c6d9ee0560f7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). FAT" already mounted. Skipping. 2019-06-07 23:42:01.914 -04:00 [Information] 2019-06-07 23:42:01.914 -04:00 [Information] # Deploying Windows 2019-06-07 23:42:01.936 -04:00 [Information] Deploying Windows 2019-06-07 23:42:01.939 -04:00 [Information] Deploying Windows... 2019-06-07 23:42:03.264 -04:00 [Information] Performing cleanup of possible existing deployments 2019-06-07 23:42:04.266 -04:00 [Debug] About to commit this partition layout: "1 - Partition 'DPP', Guid '68a20bc4-d31f-4e60-be18-82b28d9ae18a'. 2 - Partition 'MODEM_FSG', Guid '60391de3-28e7-4090-9db4-d4600706fab7'. 3 - Partition 'MODEM_FS1', Guid 'e5f5dacd-7aa2-4ecd-aecf-5504431a6c2d'. 4 - Partition 'MODEM_FS2', Guid '6ea0194d-109a-49ef-ae57-94d8ffde80ad'. 5 - Partition 'MODEM_FSC', Guid 'df3c1556-0076-4a1e-a934-b6133eaa1200'. 6 - Partition 'DDR', Guid 'fcee0b1b-6287-4e97-929f-682176a8f96e'. 7 - Partition 'SEC', Guid '73a91b3d-a9c8-44a8-b51a-b957abfd913b'. 8 - Partition 'APDP', Guid '0862d9cb-5d35-454b-b2ed-f322190529e9'. 9 - Partition 'MSADP', Guid '1fea5dca-8816-48a4-8336-4e2e14b0c2da'. 10 - Partition 'DPO', Guid 'd217655e-c146-4da8-8bab-a9db236d7dd3'. 11 - Partition 'LogFS', Guid 'df5103c6-cc40-43c3-ac86-6797b7be1366'. 12 - Partition 'SSD', Guid '33168a9f-ccd4-407d-84f7-1c27cb5bdc99'. 13 - Partition 'BACKUP_BS_NV', Guid '87d46bba-120f-4ddb-999f-60a8e22779fe'. 14 - Partition 'UEFI_RT_NV', Guid '2b2a5f4e-0c0c-410d-8a8b-b48f0038a7f6'. 15 - Partition 'LIMITS', Guid 'fa7d28dd-7795-468b-bbb9-bb146ab92b83'. 16 - Partition 'SBL1', Guid '40347a8b-4303-4d34-9d26-2030325d6041'. 17 - Partition 'PMIC', Guid '0cbab13e-1a22-4f42-b31c-ee66bf6c7be7'. 18 - Partition 'DBI', Guid '6a25a04d-b748-4a62-ba4a-ddac9d3fadef'. 19 - Partition 'UEFI', Guid 'd508dc2f-9c00-4eb1-8fff-d06879851461'. 20 - Partition 'RPM', Guid '2dedc71a-68af-4974-a56a-dd5860e723fb'. 21 - Partition 'TZ', Guid 'b6c5aa48-82c2-4cd1-9336-fbbd1078180c'. 22 - Partition 'HYP', Guid '3ba64b52-0c27-4ad7-9659-bd7be13f5e23'. 23 - Partition 'WINSECAPP', Guid 'ac271ba3-5a96-4c46-8194-30a25f572c6b'. 24 - Partition 'TZAPPS', Guid '677cdb9f-88ae-488f-bd57-2ffc44b0205c'. 25 - Partition 'BACKUP_SBL1', Guid 'c30f197d-4222-4d22-ad14-e36b689ae457'. 26 - Partition 'BACKUP_PMIC', Guid '83491363-45e6-4742-bb10-19358c3cc390'. 27 - Partition 'BACKUP_DBI', Guid '8efb0c9e-9097-4a55-b477-d62d7336b0db'. 28 - Partition 'BACKUP_UEFI', Guid 'b21cd775-6279-43cd-965a-cb2a9e73a983'. 29 - Partition 'BACKUP_RPM', Guid '00cd24ae-2d53-41a6-95ee-732449fdb011'. 30 - Partition 'BACKUP_TZ', Guid 'd3dd8ce7-38fa-47b2-b522-5c03c066c1a7'. 31 - Partition 'BACKUP_HYP', Guid '707fbb38-7d4c-4a1b-878a-2862d20cec62'. 32 - Partition 'BACKUP_WINSECAPP', Guid '82e83be4-7e31-4739-9997-c755367c7c08'. 33 - Partition 'BACKUP_TZAPPS', Guid '11419f5c-fea5-4921-b8e0-1e82a50417f4'. 34 - Partition 'PLAT', Guid 'abc0dfae-3f33-44ad-a560-b83ef66a2eed'. 35 - Partition 'EFIESP', Guid '8183040a-8b44-4592-92f7-c6d9ee0560f7'. 36 - Partition 'MMOS', Guid '27a47557-8243-4c8e-9d30-846844c29c52'. 37 - Partition 'MainOS', Guid 'a76b8ce2-0187-4c13-8fca-8651c9b0620a'. 38 - Partition 'Data', Guid 'e39ba8ad-a747-497e-bf39-80572f4d928d'. 39 - Partition 'UEFI_BS_NV', Guid '32bfb9a7-6f35-4e41-a579-d28b3329a7d4'. 40 - Partition 'IS_UNLOCKED', Guid '0efd0d27-7a3d-4131-9692-e5f539af2879'. " 2019-06-07 23:42:04.267 -04:00 [Debug] Rebuilding GPT... 2019-06-07 23:42:04.269 -04:00 [Debug] GPT rebuilt 2019-06-07 23:42:04.278 -04:00 [Debug] GPT changes committed successfully 2019-06-07 23:42:04.283 -04:00 [Debug] Device Stream disposed 2019-06-07 23:42:04.283 -04:00 [Information] Cleanup done 2019-06-07 23:42:04.309 -04:00 [Debug] Device Stream disposed 2019-06-07 23:42:04.310 -04:00 [Verbose] Refreshing "Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor)". Partitions before refresh: "1 - Partition 'IS_UNLOCKED' - Guid: 0efd0d27-7a3d-4131-9692-e5f539af2879 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 2 - Partition 'DPP' - Guid: 68a20bc4-d31f-4e60-be18-82b28d9ae18a in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 3 - Partition 'MODEM_FSG' - Guid: 60391de3-28e7-4090-9db4-d4600706fab7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 4 - Partition 'MODEM_FS1' - Guid: e5f5dacd-7aa2-4ecd-aecf-5504431a6c2d in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 5 - Partition 'MODEM_FS2' - Guid: 6ea0194d-109a-49ef-ae57-94d8ffde80ad in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 6 - Partition 'MODEM_FSC' - Guid: df3c1556-0076-4a1e-a934-b6133eaa1200 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 7 - Partition 'DDR' - Guid: fcee0b1b-6287-4e97-929f-682176a8f96e in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 8 - Partition 'SEC' - Guid: 73a91b3d-a9c8-44a8-b51a-b957abfd913b in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 9 - Partition 'APDP' - Guid: 0862d9cb-5d35-454b-b2ed-f322190529e9 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 10 - Partition 'MSADP' - Guid: 1fea5dca-8816-48a4-8336-4e2e14b0c2da in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 11 - Partition 'DPO' - Guid: d217655e-c146-4da8-8bab-a9db236d7dd3 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 12 - Partition 'LogFS' - Guid: df5103c6-cc40-43c3-ac86-6797b7be1366 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 13 - Partition 'SSD' - Guid: 33168a9f-ccd4-407d-84f7-1c27cb5bdc99 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 14 - Partition 'BACKUP_BS_NV' - Guid: 87d46bba-120f-4ddb-999f-60a8e22779fe in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 15 - Partition 'UEFI_BS_NV' - Guid: 32bfb9a7-6f35-4e41-a579-d28b3329a7d4 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 16 - Partition 'UEFI_RT_NV' - Guid: 2b2a5f4e-0c0c-410d-8a8b-b48f0038a7f6 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 17 - Partition 'LIMITS' - Guid: fa7d28dd-7795-468b-bbb9-bb146ab92b83 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 18 - Partition 'SBL1' - Guid: 40347a8b-4303-4d34-9d26-2030325d6041 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 19 - Partition 'PMIC' - Guid: 0cbab13e-1a22-4f42-b31c-ee66bf6c7be7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 20 - Partition 'DBI' - Guid: 6a25a04d-b748-4a62-ba4a-ddac9d3fadef in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 21 - Partition 'UEFI' - Guid: d508dc2f-9c00-4eb1-8fff-d06879851461 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 22 - Partition 'RPM' - Guid: 2dedc71a-68af-4974-a56a-dd5860e723fb in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 23 - Partition 'TZ' - Guid: b6c5aa48-82c2-4cd1-9336-fbbd1078180c in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 24 - Partition 'HYP' - Guid: 3ba64b52-0c27-4ad7-9659-bd7be13f5e23 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 25 - Partition 'WINSECAPP' - Guid: ac271ba3-5a96-4c46-8194-30a25f572c6b in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 26 - Partition 'TZAPPS' - Guid: 677cdb9f-88ae-488f-bd57-2ffc44b0205c in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 27 - Partition 'BACKUP_SBL1' - Guid: c30f197d-4222-4d22-ad14-e36b689ae457 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 28 - Partition 'BACKUP_PMIC' - Guid: 83491363-45e6-4742-bb10-19358c3cc390 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 29 - Partition 'BACKUP_DBI' - Guid: 8efb0c9e-9097-4a55-b477-d62d7336b0db in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 30 - Partition 'BACKUP_UEFI' - Guid: b21cd775-6279-43cd-965a-cb2a9e73a983 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 31 - Partition 'BACKUP_RPM' - Guid: 00cd24ae-2d53-41a6-95ee-732449fdb011 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 32 - Partition 'BACKUP_TZ' - Guid: d3dd8ce7-38fa-47b2-b522-5c03c066c1a7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 33 - Partition 'BACKUP_HYP' - Guid: 707fbb38-7d4c-4a1b-878a-2862d20cec62 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 34 - Partition 'BACKUP_WINSECAPP' - Guid: 82e83be4-7e31-4739-9997-c755367c7c08 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 35 - Partition 'BACKUP_TZAPPS' - Guid: 11419f5c-fea5-4921-b8e0-1e82a50417f4 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 36 - Partition 'PLAT' - Guid: abc0dfae-3f33-44ad-a560-b83ef66a2eed in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 37 - Partition 'EFIESP' - Guid: 8183040a-8b44-4592-92f7-c6d9ee0560f7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 38 - Partition 'MMOS' - Guid: 27a47557-8243-4c8e-9d30-846844c29c52 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 39 - Partition 'MainOS' - Guid: a76b8ce2-0187-4c13-8fca-8651c9b0620a in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 40 - Partition 'Data' - Guid: e39ba8ad-a747-497e-bf39-80572f4d928d in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). " 2019-06-07 23:42:07.970 -04:00 [Debug] Device Stream disposed 2019-06-07 23:42:07.970 -04:00 [Verbose] "Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor)" refreshed. Partitions after refresh: "1 - Partition 'IS_UNLOCKED' - Guid: 0efd0d27-7a3d-4131-9692-e5f539af2879 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 2 - Partition 'DPP' - Guid: 68a20bc4-d31f-4e60-be18-82b28d9ae18a in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 3 - Partition 'MODEM_FSG' - Guid: 60391de3-28e7-4090-9db4-d4600706fab7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 4 - Partition 'MODEM_FS1' - Guid: e5f5dacd-7aa2-4ecd-aecf-5504431a6c2d in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 5 - Partition 'MODEM_FS2' - Guid: 6ea0194d-109a-49ef-ae57-94d8ffde80ad in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 6 - Partition 'MODEM_FSC' - Guid: df3c1556-0076-4a1e-a934-b6133eaa1200 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 7 - Partition 'DDR' - Guid: fcee0b1b-6287-4e97-929f-682176a8f96e in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 8 - Partition 'SEC' - Guid: 73a91b3d-a9c8-44a8-b51a-b957abfd913b in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 9 - Partition 'APDP' - Guid: 0862d9cb-5d35-454b-b2ed-f322190529e9 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 10 - Partition 'MSADP' - Guid: 1fea5dca-8816-48a4-8336-4e2e14b0c2da in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 11 - Partition 'DPO' - Guid: d217655e-c146-4da8-8bab-a9db236d7dd3 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 12 - Partition 'LogFS' - Guid: df5103c6-cc40-43c3-ac86-6797b7be1366 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 13 - Partition 'SSD' - Guid: 33168a9f-ccd4-407d-84f7-1c27cb5bdc99 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 14 - Partition 'BACKUP_BS_NV' - Guid: 87d46bba-120f-4ddb-999f-60a8e22779fe in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 15 - Partition 'UEFI_BS_NV' - Guid: 32bfb9a7-6f35-4e41-a579-d28b3329a7d4 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 16 - Partition 'UEFI_RT_NV' - Guid: 2b2a5f4e-0c0c-410d-8a8b-b48f0038a7f6 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 17 - Partition 'LIMITS' - Guid: fa7d28dd-7795-468b-bbb9-bb146ab92b83 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 18 - Partition 'SBL1' - Guid: 40347a8b-4303-4d34-9d26-2030325d6041 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 19 - Partition 'PMIC' - Guid: 0cbab13e-1a22-4f42-b31c-ee66bf6c7be7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 20 - Partition 'DBI' - Guid: 6a25a04d-b748-4a62-ba4a-ddac9d3fadef in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 21 - Partition 'UEFI' - Guid: d508dc2f-9c00-4eb1-8fff-d06879851461 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 22 - Partition 'RPM' - Guid: 2dedc71a-68af-4974-a56a-dd5860e723fb in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 23 - Partition 'TZ' - Guid: b6c5aa48-82c2-4cd1-9336-fbbd1078180c in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 24 - Partition 'HYP' - Guid: 3ba64b52-0c27-4ad7-9659-bd7be13f5e23 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 25 - Partition 'WINSECAPP' - Guid: ac271ba3-5a96-4c46-8194-30a25f572c6b in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 26 - Partition 'TZAPPS' - Guid: 677cdb9f-88ae-488f-bd57-2ffc44b0205c in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 27 - Partition 'BACKUP_SBL1' - Guid: c30f197d-4222-4d22-ad14-e36b689ae457 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 28 - Partition 'BACKUP_PMIC' - Guid: 83491363-45e6-4742-bb10-19358c3cc390 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 29 - Partition 'BACKUP_DBI' - Guid: 8efb0c9e-9097-4a55-b477-d62d7336b0db in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 30 - Partition 'BACKUP_UEFI' - Guid: b21cd775-6279-43cd-965a-cb2a9e73a983 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 31 - Partition 'BACKUP_RPM' - Guid: 00cd24ae-2d53-41a6-95ee-732449fdb011 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 32 - Partition 'BACKUP_TZ' - Guid: d3dd8ce7-38fa-47b2-b522-5c03c066c1a7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 33 - Partition 'BACKUP_HYP' - Guid: 707fbb38-7d4c-4a1b-878a-2862d20cec62 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 34 - Partition 'BACKUP_WINSECAPP' - Guid: 82e83be4-7e31-4739-9997-c755367c7c08 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 35 - Partition 'BACKUP_TZAPPS' - Guid: 11419f5c-fea5-4921-b8e0-1e82a50417f4 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 36 - Partition 'PLAT' - Guid: abc0dfae-3f33-44ad-a560-b83ef66a2eed in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 37 - Partition 'EFIESP' - Guid: 8183040a-8b44-4592-92f7-c6d9ee0560f7 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 38 - Partition 'MMOS' - Guid: 27a47557-8243-4c8e-9d30-846844c29c52 in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 39 - Partition 'MainOS' - Guid: a76b8ce2-0187-4c13-8fca-8651c9b0620a in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). 40 - Partition 'Data' - Guid: e39ba8ad-a747-497e-bf39-80572f4d928d in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). " 2019-06-07 23:42:07.977 -04:00 [Information] Verifying available space 2019-06-07 23:42:07.977 -04:00 [Verbose] Verifying the available space... 2019-06-07 23:42:07.978 -04:00 [Verbose] We will need "15 GB" of free space for Windows 2019-06-07 23:42:10.606 -04:00 [Verbose] Available "38 MB". Required "15 GB" 2019-06-07 23:42:10.606 -04:00 [Verbose] We don't have enough space. Checking for tolerable threshold of "200 MB" 2019-06-07 23:42:10.607 -04:00 [Verbose] Available - Required => "38 MB" - "15 GB" = "-14.96 GB" 2019-06-07 23:42:10.608 -04:00 [Verbose] Enough space? False 2019-06-07 23:42:10.608 -04:00 [Verbose] There's not enough space in the phone. We will try to allocate it automatically 2019-06-07 23:42:10.622 -04:00 [Verbose] Trying to shrink Data partition... 2019-06-07 23:42:12.890 -04:00 [Debug] Device Stream disposed 2019-06-07 23:42:12.890 -04:00 [Debug] Getting volume of "Partition 'Data' - Guid: e39ba8ad-a747-497e-bf39-80572f4d928d in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). " 2019-06-07 23:42:16.895 -04:00 [Debug] Obtained "Volume '' at Partition 'Data' - Guid: e39ba8ad-a747-497e-bf39-80572f4d928d in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). NTFS" 2019-06-07 23:42:16.895 -04:00 [Verbose] Mounting "Volume '' at Partition 'Data' - Guid: e39ba8ad-a747-497e-bf39-80572f4d928d in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). NTFS" 2019-06-07 23:42:16.896 -04:00 [Verbose] "Volume '' at Partition 'Data' - Guid: e39ba8ad-a747-497e-bf39-80572f4d928d in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). NTFS" already mounted. Skipping. 2019-06-07 23:42:18.073 -04:00 [Verbose] Total size allocated: "29.08 GB" 2019-06-07 23:42:18.073 -04:00 [Verbose] Space available: "38 MB" 2019-06-07 23:42:18.073 -04:00 [Verbose] Space needed: "15 GB" 2019-06-07 23:42:18.073 -04:00 [Verbose] 'Data' size: "26.11 GB" 2019-06-07 23:42:18.073 -04:00 [Verbose] Calculated new size for the 'Data' partition: "11.15 GB" 2019-06-07 23:42:18.073 -04:00 [Verbose] Resizing 'Data' to "11.15 GB" 2019-06-07 23:42:18.077 -04:00 [Verbose] Resizing partition "Partition 'Data' - Guid: e39ba8ad-a747-497e-bf39-80572f4d928d in Disk 2 (MSFT Phone MMC Stor). " to "11.15 GB" 2019-06-07 23:42:21.830 -04:00 [Error] Phone disk preparation failed System.ApplicationException: The execution of the command 'Resize-Partition' failed at Deployer.NetFx.PowerShellMixin.<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<b__0>d.MoveNext() in D:\a\1\s\Source\DeployerPlatform\Deployer.NetFx\PowerShellMixin.cs:line 56 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Deployer.NetFx.PowerShellMixin.d__0.MoveNext() in D:\a\1\s\Source\DeployerPlatform\Deployer.NetFx\PowerShellMixin.cs:line 14 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Deployer.NetFx.PowerShellMixin.d__2.MoveNext() in D:\a\1\s\Source\DeployerPlatform\Deployer.NetFx\PowerShellMixin.cs:line 36 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Deployer.NetFx.DiskApi.d__19.MoveNext() in D:\a\1\s\Source\DeployerPlatform\Deployer.NetFx\DiskApi.cs:line 312 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Deployer.Lumia.DefaultSpaceAllocator.d__0.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Reactive.PlatformServices.ExceptionServicesImpl.Rethrow(Exception exception) at System.Reactive.ExceptionHelpers.ThrowIfNotNull(Exception exception) at System.Reactive.Subjects.AsyncSubject`1.GetResult() at Deployer.Lumia.DiskPreparers.KeepMobileOSDiskLayoutPreparer.d__6.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Deployer.Lumia.LumiaDiskLayoutPreparer.d__6.MoveNext() 2019-06-07 23:42:21.851 -04:00 [Error] An error has occurred System.ApplicationException: Phone disk preparation failed. Cannot prepare the phone for the deployment ---> System.ApplicationException: The execution of the command 'Resize-Partition' failed at Deployer.NetFx.PowerShellMixin.<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<b__0>d.MoveNext() in D:\a\1\s\Source\DeployerPlatform\Deployer.NetFx\PowerShellMixin.cs:line 56 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Deployer.NetFx.PowerShellMixin.d__0.MoveNext() in D:\a\1\s\Source\DeployerPlatform\Deployer.NetFx\PowerShellMixin.cs:line 14 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Deployer.NetFx.PowerShellMixin.d__2.MoveNext() in D:\a\1\s\Source\DeployerPlatform\Deployer.NetFx\PowerShellMixin.cs:line 36 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Deployer.NetFx.DiskApi.d__19.MoveNext() in D:\a\1\s\Source\DeployerPlatform\Deployer.NetFx\DiskApi.cs:line 312 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Deployer.Lumia.DefaultSpaceAllocator.d__0.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Reactive.PlatformServices.ExceptionServicesImpl.Rethrow(Exception exception) at System.Reactive.ExceptionHelpers.ThrowIfNotNull(Exception exception) at System.Reactive.Subjects.AsyncSubject`1.GetResult() at Deployer.Lumia.DiskPreparers.KeepMobileOSDiskLayoutPreparer.d__6.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Deployer.Lumia.LumiaDiskLayoutPreparer.d__6.MoveNext() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Deployer.Lumia.LumiaDiskLayoutPreparer.d__6.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Deployer.Tasks.DeployWindows.d__4.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Deployer.Execution.ScriptRunner.d__5.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Deployer.Execution.ScriptRunner.d__4.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Deployer.Lumia.WoaDeployer.d__8.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Deployer.Lumia.Gui.ViewModels.DeploymentViewModel.d__11.MoveNext() in D:\a\1\s\Source\Deployer.Lumia.Gui\ViewModels\DeploymentViewModel.cs:line 68 2019-06-07 23:42:21.861 -04:00 [Information] Error: Phone disk preparation failed. Cannot prepare the phone for the deployment 2019-06-07 23:46:25.343 -04:00 [Information]