The WURFL Cloud Service by ScientiaMobile, Inc., is a cloud-based mobile device detection service that can quickly and accurately detect over 500 capabilities of visiting devices. It can differentiate between portable mobile devices, desktop devices, SmartTVs and any other types of devices that have a web browser.
This is the Perl Client for accessing the WURFL Cloud Service, and it requires a free or paid WURFL Cloud account from ScientiaMobile:
To build and test the WURFL module:
$ cd Net-WURFL-ScientiaMobile/
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make test
The CPAN client will handle the installation of dependencies automatically.
When you're ready to install the module:
make install
To read the documentation:
perldoc Net::WURFL::ScientiaMobile
The middleware module is intended to act as a bridge between the WURFL ScientiaMobile webservice and PSGI-based web applications.
To build and test this module just type:
$ cd Plack-Middleware-WURFL-ScientiaMobile
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make test
The CPAN client will handle the installation of dependencies automatically.
When you're ready to install the module:
make install
To read the documentation, just type:
perldoc Plack::Middleware::WURFL::ScientiaMobile
If you use a PSGI-compatible web framework (such as Catalyst, Dancer, Mojo
and others), the easiest way to use this client is to apply the
module to your application.
It will provide the device capabilities to your request handlers automatically
with minimal programming effort.
Here is a quick example of how to get up and running quickly:
use Net::WURFL::ScientiaMobile;
my $scientiamobile = Net::WURFL::ScientiaMobile->new(
api_key => '...',
# process this HTTP request
# check if the device is mobile
if ($scientiamobile->getDeviceCapability('ux_full_desktop')) {
print "This is a desktop browser.";
To get the requested capabilities from the WURFL Cloud for the given HTTP Request. If the second argument is not provided, all available capabilities will be fetched.
$scientiamobile->detectDevice($env, ['ux_full_desktop', 'brand_name']);
Refer to the documentation of your web framework to learn how to access $env
. For
example, Catalyst provides it in $ctx->request->env
, Dancer provides it in
, Mojo provides it in $self->tx->req->env
Instead of the $env
hashref you can also supply a HTTP::Headers
or a Mojo::Headers
object. This is handy when you're not running in a PSGI environment and your web server
doesn't supply a PSGI-compatible $env hashref (for example, when running ./ daemon
in a Mojolicious::Lite
application. Note that the Dancer built-in web server still
provides a PSGI-compatible $env
The sample below returns the value of the requested capability. If the capability does not exist, returns undef.
my $is_wireless = $scientiamobile->getDeviceCapability('is_wireless_device');
Flat capabilities hashref, thus containing 'key' = 'value'> pairs
. Since it is
, there are no groups in this array, just individual capabilities.
The sample below reads the user agent string from $env
my $user_agent = $scientiamobile->getUserAgent($env);
Below shows you how to get the date that the WURFL Cloud Server was last updated as a UNIX timestamp (seconds since Epoch). This will be undef if there has not been a recent query to the server, or if the cached value was pushed out of memory.
my $date = $scientiamobile->getLoadedDate;
The constructor accepts the following named arguments.
api_key: Required. The full API key provided by the WURFL Cloud Service.
cache: A
object (or class name as string). If none is provided, no caching will occur. -
http_timeout: The timeout in milliseconds to wait for the WURFL Cloud request to complete. Defaults to 1000.
compression: Boolean flag to enable/disable compression for querying the WURFL Cloud Service. Using compression can increase CPU usage in very high traffic environments, but will decrease network traffic and latency. Defaults to
. -
auto_purge: If
, the entire cache (e.g.memcache
, etc.) will be cleared if the WURFL Cloud Service has been updated. This option should not be enabled for production use since it will result in a massive cache purge, which will result in higher latency lookups. Defaults tofalse
. -
report_interval: The interval in seconds that after which API will report its performance.
wcloud_servers: WURFL Cloud servers to use for uncached requests. The
field can contain any positive number, the weights are relative to each other. Use this if you want to override the built-in server list. For example:
my $scientiamobile = Net::WURFL::ScientiaMobile->new(
api_key => '...',
wcloud_servers => {
# nickname => [ host => weight ],
'wurfl_cloud' => [ '' => 80 ],
- addCloudServer: Adds the specified WURFL Cloud Server. The last argument is the server's weight. It specifies the chances that this server will be chosen over the other servers in the pool. This number is relative to the other servers' weights.
$scientiamobile->addCloudServer('wurfl_cloud', '', 80);
- clearServers: Removes the WURFL Cloud Servers.
- getWeightedServer: Uses a weighted-random algorithm to chose a server from the pool. It
returns an
whose first argument is the host and the second argument is the weight. You don't need to call this method usually. It is called internally when the client prepares the request to the WURFL Cloud Service.
my $server = $scientiamobile->getWeightedServer;
2015 ScientiaMobile Incorporated
All Rights Reserved.
NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property of ScientiaMobile Incorporated and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to ScientiaMobile Incorporated and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained from ScientiaMobile Incorporated.