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ScientiaMobile WURFL Cloud Client for Ruby

The WURFL Cloud Service by ScientiaMobile, Inc., is a cloud-based mobile device detection service that can quickly and accurately detect over 500 capabilities of visiting devices. It can differentiate between portable mobile devices, desktop devices, SmartTVs and any other types of devices that have a web browser.

This is the Ruby Client for accessing the WURFL Cloud Service, and it requires a free or paid WURFL Cloud account from ScientiaMobile:


  • Ruby 2.5.0 (1.9.2 for wurfl cloud client versions <= 1.0.2)
  • rubygems
  • json
  • rack

Sign up for WURFL Cloud

First, you must go to and signup for a free or paid WURFL Cloud account (see above). When you've finished creating your account, you must copy your API Key, as it will be needed in the Client.

Rack Setup

If you want to use the cookie cache you need to configure the CacheManager middleware: do

  use WurflCloud::Rack::CacheManager

  run SomeApp

Rails setup

You need to add the gem to the Gemfile:

gem 'wurfl_cloud_client', :require=>'wurfl_cloud'

Then if you use the cookie cache method you will need to add the CacheManager middleware adding this to an initializer:

Rails.configuration.middleware.use WurflCloud::Rack::CacheManager

Client configuration

You can configure the client passing a block to the WurflCloud.configure method:

WurflCloud.configure do |config| = ''
  config.api_key = '100000:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

These are the configuration parameters available:

  • api_key: The API key to access the WurflCloud api (defaults to 100000:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).
  • api_user: The API user id decoded from the api_key
  • api_password: The API password decoded from the api_key
  • schema: The schema of the URI for the api server (defaults to http).
  • host: The host to connect to (defaults to
  • port: The port on which your Wurfl Cloud server runs (defaults to 80).
  • path: The path (URL) for the API endpoint at the host (defaults to /v1/json).
  • api_type: The API Type, defaults to http (not used)
  • search_parameter: The search parameter format (defaults to search:(%{capabilities}))
  • search_parameter_separator: The search parameter capabilities separator (defaults to ,)
  • cache_class: The cache class to be used (defaults to a WurflCloud::Cache::Null)
  • cache_options: The cache_options to be used (defaults to {})


Download the latest gem of WURFL Cloud Client for Ruby library from portal site. Then, run the following command:

gem install wurfl_cloud_client-0.X.Y.gem


To detect a device you can use the wurfl_detect_device method including WurflCloud::Helper and passing the current http environment:

include WurflCloud::Helper
@device = wurfl_detect_device(request.env)

Then you can use the @device to get its id or its capabilities:


In a ruby on rails application the wurfl_detect_device method is available both in the controllers and in the views


There is an example Ruby on Rails application in the wurfl_cloud_client_example folder that demonstrates the usage of the WURFL Cloud Client for Ruby. Please refer to the wurfl_cloud.rb initializer and the demo_controller details to see how visitor's devices are detected.

From version 1.1.0 on, WURFL cloud client example requires Rails 6.0.0 to work.


You can choose among the following cache classes:


This is the non-caching class, i.e. you should use this if you want to disable caching (not advisable).


This class uses a cookie to store on the client all the capabilities detected by the WurflCloud API. To be able to use this class you'll need to add the WurflCloud::Rack::CacheManager middleware.

Example configuration for WurflCloud::Cache::Cookie (if using in a rails app put it in and initializer):

WurflCloud.configure do |config| = ''
  config.api_key = '000000:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' # add you api key here
  config.cache_class = WurflCloud::Cache::Cookie

Rails.configuration.middleware.use WurflCloud::Rack::CacheManager


This class uses the Rails.cache class to store the capabilities read from the API (and thus uses any cache backend configured inyour rails app).

Example configuration for WurflCloud::Cache::Rails (if using in a rails app put it in and initializer):

require 'wurfl_cloud/cache/rails'
WurflCloud.configure do |config| = ''
  config.api_key = '000000:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' # add you api key here
  config.cache_class = WurflCloud::Cache::Rails
  config.cache_options = {:prefix=>'my_app'}

The (optional) prefix parameter is used to namespace the keys used by the WurflCloud client.

This cache uses the mtime parameter returned from the API to do cache invalidation: the current mtime is stored in the cache and used as a prefix for the device key such that when a new mtime is read from the WurflCloud APIit replaces the old key prefix and all the old keys are invalidated.


This class uses the dalli high performance memcached ruby client to store the capabilities read from the API in a mamcached server. To use this cache you need to have installed the dalli gem and pass the connection string in the cache_options configuration.

Example configuration for WurflCloud::Cache::Mamcached (if using in a rails app put it in and initializer).

require 'wurfl_cloud/cache/memcached'
WurflCloud.configure do |config| = ''
  config.api_key = '000000:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' # add you api key here
  config.cache_class = WurflCloud::Cache::Memcached
  config.cache_options = {:server=>'localhost:11211', :prefix=>'my_app'}

The server parameter is required and should contain the memcached server (or array of servers) thet should be used by the client.

The (optional) prefix parameter is used to namespace the keys used by the WurflCloud client.

Any other option that is passed in the cache_options configuration parameter is passed through to the Dalli::Client object e.g. you can pass the expires_in option to set a global TTL for the cached objects (the default TTL is 1 day).

This cache uses the mtime parameter returned from the API to do cache invalidation: the current mtime is stored in the cache and used as a prefix for the device key such that when a new mtime is read from the WurflCloud API, it replaces the old key prefix and all the old keys are invalidated.

2015-2020 ScientiaMobile Incorporated

All Rights Reserved.

NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property of ScientiaMobile Incorporated and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to ScientiaMobile Incorporated and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained from ScientiaMobile Incorporated.