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Advanced Scene Switcher 1.23.0

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@github-actions github-actions released this 05 Aug 19:08
· 584 commits to master since this release

Important notes:

Please make sure to back up your settings as there are quite a lot of changes!
If you run into any issues, please either post in the OBS forums or create an issue on GitHub!


  • Added the option to disable individual actions of a given macro.
    This can be controlled using the switch button to the top left of a given action.
    You can also en-/disable or toggle the enable state of an action of a particular macro using the "Macro" action type or check its state using the "Macro" condition type.


  • Added the option to search / filter the selection boxes in the condition, action, scene, source, transition, filter, variable, connection, and macro selections.


  • Added export / import functionality to the right click context menu of the macro list.
    This enables the easy sharing of macros across scene collections, other instances of OBS., and across users of the plugin.
    A quick guide of the general workflow can be found here.

  • Additions to the scene item selection:
    The scene item selection, which can be found in the "Scene item lock" "Scene item order", "Scene item transform", "Scene item visibility", and "Transition" conditions and/or actions, previously only allowed name based selections.
    Now additional selections can be made based on index, source type, name pattern.
    This should allow users to simplify some setups and reduce the maintenance required if the layout of a scene should change.


  • Added the option to the "Hotkey" action to trigger global OBS hotkeys without them having to be bound to a specific key combination.
    This can be used to interact with other OBS plugins, which offer such hotkeys.
    For example, you could use this to trigger starting recording in the OBS Aitum Vertical plugin:


  • Video condition additions:

    • Added the option to check how similar a video output is to a given color.
    • Enable use of other OCR language models and improved matching accuracy.
    • Enabled OpenCV's OCL support to slightly improve performance.


  • Added the "Slide show" condition.
    It will allow you to check if a slide was changed, what the current slide index or path to the currently displayed image is.


  • Added additional options to the "Scene item transform" option which can also be found when right clicking sources.
    This includes flipping, centering, stretching, and rotation of sources.


  • Added the option to the "Variable" action to open a dialog window to assign a new value to a given variable.


  • Added more configuration options to macro docks:

    • Added support for adding text labels to macro docks.
      The text displayed can be configured to be different depending on if the conditions of the macros are true or false.
    • Added the option to highlight a macro dock its actions were executed.


  • Added support for configuring additional streaming options:

    • Set server URL
    • Set stream key
    • Set username
    • Set password


  • Add the option to the "Filter" action to toggle filters on and off instead of only enabling or disabling them.
    This should enable some macro setups to be simplified.


  • Added the "Scene item lock" action, which allows you to lock, unlock, or toggle the lock state of scene items.


  • Added the option to the "Source" action type to change the deinterlace mode and deinterlace field order of a given source.


  • Websocket action additions:

    • Added support for sending generic OBS websocket messages.
      This should enable you to interact with other plugins which offer an API via the OBS websocket interface or other OBS instances which are not running the Advanced scene switcher plugin.
      For an example how to interact with the OBS Aitum Vertical plugin to switch vertical scenes click this link.
    • Added support for sending generic non-OBS protocol websocket messages.


Other changes:

  • Enabled selecting scenes in the "Source" condition type.
  • The "HTTP" action now allows use of longer header entries.
  • Duration modifiers can now be used with the "Hotkey" condition to, for example, check how long a key was pressed.
  • The "Timer" condition can now be used to assign values to variables.
    The value assigned to the variable will be the time remaining.
  • The run action now allows passing empty arguments and arguments of larger sizes.
  • The "Perform actions only on condition change" is now enabled by default for newly created macros.
  • When creating a new scene collection you will now start with an empty macro list instead of copying the macro list of the previously active scene collection.
  • Added buttons for the macro tab to move macro segments to top / bottom of segment list.
  • Minor UI tweaks and cleanup.


  • Improved the position of docks being restored incorrectly.
    Unfortunately some problems still remain in that area.
  • Fixed a crash which could occur while waiting for a transition while no transition was selected.
  • Fixed a potential crash when resolving variables during shutdown of OBS.
  • Fixed various visual reordering issues in the macro list.
  • Fixed creation of a group starting at an incorrect index.
  • Fixed segment selection being lost when using the up / down button.

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