From e456b31b38489ce1b03d87a50a5c7572c8dfa370 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Michael Catanzaro Date: Mon, 8 May 2023 13:15:14 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Update to PDF.js v3.6.172 Reviewed by Tim Nguyen. * Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/PdfJSFiles.cmake: * Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/build/pdf.js: (return.): (return): * Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/build/pdf.sandbox.js: * Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/build/pdf.worker.js: (return.): (return): * Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/debugger.css: (#PDFBug,): (#PDFBug table.showText,): * Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/images/gv-toolbarButton-download.svg: Added. * Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/images/gv-toolbarButton-openinapp.svg: Added. * Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/en-US/ * Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/it/ * Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/ja/ * Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/ko/ * Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/lo/ * Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/nn-NO/ * Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/zh-CN/ * Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/viewer.css: (.textLayer :is(span, br)): (@media screen and (forced-colors: active) .annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation :is(input, textarea):required,): (.annotationLayer :is(.linkAnnotation, .buttonWidgetAnnotation.pushButton) > a): (.annotationLayer): (.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation :is(input, textarea),): (.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation :is(input, textarea):required,): (.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation :is(input, textarea)[disabled],): (.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation :is(input, textarea):hover,): (.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation :is(input, textarea):focus,): (.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation:is(.checkBox, .radioButton) :focus): (.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input:checked::before,): (.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input:checked::before): (.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input:checked::after): (.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.radioButton input:checked::before): (.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation:is(.checkBox, .radioButton) input): (.xfaLayer div,): (:is(.xfaLeft, .xfaRight) > :is(.xfaCaption, .xfaCaptionForCheckButton)): (:is(.xfaTop, .xfaBottom) > :is(.xfaCaption, .xfaCaptionForCheckButton)): (:is(.xfaTextfield, .xfaSelect):focus): (:is(.xfaCheckbox, .xfaRadio):focus): (:is(.xfaTop, .xfaBottom) > :is(.xfaTextfield, .xfaSelect)): (:is(.xfaNonInteractive, .xfaDisabled, .xfaReadOnly) :is(input, textarea)): (.annotationEditorLayer): (#hiddenCopyElement): (.pdfViewer:is(.scrollHorizontal, .scrollWrapped),): (.pdfViewer.removePageBorders,): (.spread :is(.page, .dummyPage),): (.spread .page,): (.pdfViewer.removePageBorders .spread .page,): (.pdfViewer .page.loadingIcon::after): (.pdfViewer .page.loading::after): (.pdfViewer .page:not(.loading)::after): (:root): (@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) :root): (#outerContainer:is(.sidebarMoving, .sidebarOpen) #sidebarContainer): (:is(.toolbar, .editorParamsToolbar, .findbar, #sidebarContainer)): (#loadingBar .progress): (@keyframes progressIndeterminate): (#loadingBar.indeterminate .progress .glimmer): (#outerContainer.sidebarResizing): (:is(.doorHanger, .doorHangerRight)::after,): (.doorHanger::after): (.doorHangerRight::after): (:is(.doorHanger, .doorHangerRight)::before): (.doorHanger::before): (.doorHangerRight::before): (#findMsg[data-status="notFound"]): (:is(#findResultsCount, #findMsg):empty): (.dialogButton:is(:hover, :focus-visible)): (.dialogButton:is(:hover, :focus-visible) > span): (:is(.toolbarButton, .secondaryToolbarButton, .dialogButton)[disabled]): (.splitToolbarButton > .toolbarButton:is(:hover, :focus-visible),): (.toolbarButton:is(:hover, :focus-visible)): (.secondaryToolbarButton:is(:hover, :focus-visible)): (:is(.toolbarButton, .secondaryToolbarButton).toggled,): (:is(.toolbarButton, .secondaryToolbarButton).toggled::before): (:is(.toolbarButton, .secondaryToolbarButton).toggled:hover:active,): (.dropdownToolbarButton > select:is(:hover, :focus-visible)): (:is(.toolbarButton, .secondaryToolbarButton, .treeItemToggler)::before,): (.dropdownToolbarButton:is(:hover, :focus-visible, :active)::after): (.toolbarButton:is(:hover, :focus-visible)::before,): (:is(#openFile, #secondaryOpenFile)::before): (:is(#download, #secondaryDownload)::before): (a:is(.toolbarButton, .secondaryToolbarButton)[href="#"]): (#pageNumber): (#pageNumber.visiblePageIsLoading): (#thumbnailView > a:is(:active, :focus)): (.thumbnail): (#thumbnailView > a:last-of-type > .thumbnail): (a:focus > .thumbnail,): (.thumbnail.selected): (.thumbnailImage): (a:focus > .thumbnail > .thumbnailImage,): (.thumbnail.selected > .thumbnailImage): (.thumbnail:not([data-loaded]) > .thumbnailImage): (.treeItemToggler:hover,): (@media print #printContainer > .printedPage :is(canvas, img)): (.textLayer span,): Deleted. (@media screen and (forced-colors: active) .annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation input:required,): Deleted. (.annotationLayer .linkAnnotation > a,): Deleted. (.annotationLayer .linkAnnotation > a:hover,): Deleted. (.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation input,): Deleted. (.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation input:required,): Deleted. (.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation input[disabled],): Deleted. (.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation input:hover,): Deleted. (.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation input:focus,): Deleted. (.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox :focus,): Deleted. (.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input:checked:before,): Deleted. (.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input:checked:before): Deleted. (.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input:checked:after): Deleted. (.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.radioButton input:checked:before): Deleted. (.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input,): Deleted. (.xfaLayer div): Deleted. (.xfaLayer svg): Deleted. (.xfaLayer svg *): Deleted. (.xfaLeft > .xfaCaption,): Deleted. (.xfaTop > .xfaCaption,): Deleted. (.xfaTextfield:focus,): Deleted. (.xfaCheckbox:focus,): Deleted. (.xfaTop > .xfaTextfield,): Deleted. (.xfaNonInteractive input,): Deleted. (.annotationEditorLayer .freeTextEditor:hover:not(.selectedEditor),): Deleted. (.pdfViewer .page.loadingIcon:after): Deleted. (.pdfViewer .page.loading:after): Deleted. (.pdfViewer .page:not(.loading):after): Deleted. (.pdfViewer.enablePermissions .textLayer span): Deleted. (#outerContainer.sidebarMoving #sidebarContainer,): Deleted. (.toolbar input,): Deleted. (#outerContainer.sidebarResizing #sidebarContainer,): Deleted. (.doorHanger:after,): Deleted. (.doorHanger:after): Deleted. (.doorHangerRight:after): Deleted. (.doorHanger:before,): Deleted. (.doorHanger:before): Deleted. (.doorHangerRight:before): Deleted. (#findMsg): Deleted. (#findResultsCount:empty,): Deleted. (.dialogButton:hover,): Deleted. (.dialogButton:hover > span,): Deleted. (.toolbarButton[disabled],): Deleted. (.splitToolbarButton > .toolbarButton:hover,): Deleted. (.toolbarButton:hover,): Deleted. (.secondaryToolbarButton:hover,): Deleted. (.toolbarButton.toggled,): Deleted. (.toolbarButton.toggled::before,): Deleted. (.toolbarButton.toggled:hover:active,): Deleted. (.dropdownToolbarButton > select:hover,): Deleted. (.toolbarButton::before,): Deleted. (.dropdownToolbarButton:hover::after,): Deleted. (.toolbarButton:hover::before,): Deleted. (#openFile::before,): Deleted. (#download::before,): Deleted. (a.toolbarButton[href="#"],): Deleted. (#thumbnailView > a:active,): Deleted. (#thumbnailView > a:last-of-type > .thumbnail:not([data-loaded])): Deleted. (.thumbnail:not([data-loaded])): Deleted. (.thumbnailSelectionRing): Deleted. (a:focus > .thumbnail > .thumbnailSelectionRing > .thumbnailImage,): Deleted. (a:focus > .thumbnail > .thumbnailSelectionRing,): Deleted. (.thumbnail.selected > .thumbnailSelectionRing > .thumbnailImage): Deleted. (.thumbnail.selected > .thumbnailSelectionRing): Deleted. (@media print #printContainer > .printedPage canvas,): Deleted. * Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/viewer.js: (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.async _initializeViewerComponents): (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.async download): (__webpack_require__): (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.async save): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.downloadOrSave): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication._documentError): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication._otherError): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.progress): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.load.firstPagePromise.then): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.load.async pagesPromise): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.load): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.async _scriptingDocProperties): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.async _initializeAutoPrint): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.async _initializeMetadata): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.async _initializePageLabels): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication._initializePdfHistory): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication._initializeAnnotationStorageCallbacks): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.setInitialView): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication._cleanup): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.forceRendering): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.beforePrint): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.afterPrint): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.rotatePages): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.requestPresentationMode): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.triggerPrinting): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.bindEvents): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.bindWindowEvents.addWindowResolutionChange._boundEvents.removeWindowResolutionChange): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.bindWindowEvents.addWindowResolutionChange): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.bindWindowEvents): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.unbindEvents): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.unbindWindowEvents): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication._accumulateTicks): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication._accumulateFactor): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication._centerAtPos): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication._unblockDocumentLoadEvent): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.const.PDFViewerApplication.get scriptingReady): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.validateFileURL): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.async loadFakeWorker): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.async loadPDFBug): Deleted. (__webpack_require__.reportPageStatsPDFBug): Deleted. Canonical link: --- Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/PdfJSFiles.cmake | 2 + Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/build/pdf.js | 230 +- Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/build/pdf.sandbox.js | 6 +- Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/build/pdf.worker.js | 20268 +++++----------- Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/debugger.css | 7 +- .../web/images/gv-toolbarButton-download.svg | 3 + .../web/images/gv-toolbarButton-openinapp.svg | 11 + .../pdfjs/web/locale/en-US/ | 2 + .../pdfjs/web/locale/it/ | 9 +- .../pdfjs/web/locale/ja/ | 4 +- .../pdfjs/web/locale/ko/ | 12 +- .../pdfjs/web/locale/lo/ | 103 +- .../pdfjs/web/locale/nn-NO/ | 8 +- .../pdfjs/web/locale/zh-CN/ | 6 +- Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/viewer.css | 361 +- Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/viewer.js | 1025 +- 16 files changed, 7443 insertions(+), 14614 deletions(-) create mode 100644 Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/images/gv-toolbarButton-download.svg create mode 100644 Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/images/gv-toolbarButton-openinapp.svg diff --git a/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/PdfJSFiles.cmake b/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/PdfJSFiles.cmake index 94c0c6359979..a734d3e2ce01 100644 --- a/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/PdfJSFiles.cmake +++ b/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/PdfJSFiles.cmake @@ -191,6 +191,8 @@ set(PdfJSFiles ${THIRDPARTY_DIR}/pdfjs/web/images/cursor-editorInk.svg ${THIRDPARTY_DIR}/pdfjs/web/images/findbarButton-next.svg ${THIRDPARTY_DIR}/pdfjs/web/images/findbarButton-previous.svg + ${THIRDPARTY_DIR}/pdfjs/web/images/gv-toolbarButton-download.svg + ${THIRDPARTY_DIR}/pdfjs/web/images/gv-toolbarButton-openinapp.svg ${THIRDPARTY_DIR}/pdfjs/web/images/loading-dark.svg ${THIRDPARTY_DIR}/pdfjs/web/images/loading-icon.gif ${THIRDPARTY_DIR}/pdfjs/web/images/loading.svg diff --git a/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/build/pdf.js b/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/build/pdf.js index 19fba37e96f4..d572c0b8a804 100644 --- a/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/build/pdf.js +++ b/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/build/pdf.js @@ -42,16 +42,16 @@ return /******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -exports.VerbosityLevel = exports.Util = exports.UnknownErrorException = exports.UnexpectedResponseException = exports.TextRenderingMode = exports.RenderingIntentFlag = exports.PermissionFlag = exports.PasswordResponses = exports.PasswordException = exports.PageActionEventType = exports.OPS = exports.MissingPDFException = exports.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_TO_CACHE = exports.LINE_FACTOR = exports.LINE_DESCENT_FACTOR = exports.InvalidPDFException = exports.ImageKind = exports.IDENTITY_MATRIX = exports.FormatError = exports.FeatureTest = exports.FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX = exports.DocumentActionEventType = exports.CMapCompressionType = exports.BaseException = exports.BASELINE_FACTOR = exports.AnnotationType = exports.AnnotationStateModelType = exports.AnnotationReviewState = exports.AnnotationReplyType = exports.AnnotationMode = exports.AnnotationMarkedState = exports.AnnotationFlag = exports.AnnotationFieldFlag = exports.AnnotationEditorType = exports.AnnotationEditorPrefix = exports.AnnotationEditorParamsType = exports.AnnotationBorderStyleType = exports.AnnotationActionEventType = exports.AbortException = void 0; +exports.VerbosityLevel = exports.Util = exports.UnknownErrorException = exports.UnexpectedResponseException = exports.TextRenderingMode = exports.RenderingIntentFlag = exports.PromiseCapability = exports.PermissionFlag = exports.PasswordResponses = exports.PasswordException = exports.PageActionEventType = exports.OPS = exports.MissingPDFException = exports.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_TO_CACHE = exports.LINE_FACTOR = exports.LINE_DESCENT_FACTOR = exports.InvalidPDFException = exports.ImageKind = exports.IDENTITY_MATRIX = exports.FormatError = exports.FeatureTest = exports.FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX = exports.DocumentActionEventType = exports.CMapCompressionType = exports.BaseException = exports.BASELINE_FACTOR = exports.AnnotationType = exports.AnnotationStateModelType = exports.AnnotationReviewState = exports.AnnotationReplyType = exports.AnnotationMode = exports.AnnotationMarkedState = exports.AnnotationFlag = exports.AnnotationFieldFlag = exports.AnnotationEditorType = exports.AnnotationEditorPrefix = exports.AnnotationEditorParamsType = exports.AnnotationBorderStyleType = exports.AnnotationActionEventType = exports.AbortException = void 0; exports.assert = assert; exports.bytesToString = bytesToString; -exports.createPromiseCapability = createPromiseCapability; exports.createValidAbsoluteUrl = createValidAbsoluteUrl; exports.getModificationDate = getModificationDate; exports.getVerbosityLevel = getVerbosityLevel; = info; exports.isArrayBuffer = isArrayBuffer; exports.isArrayEqual = isArrayEqual; +exports.normalizeUnicode = normalizeUnicode; exports.objectFromMap = objectFromMap; exports.objectSize = objectSize; exports.setVerbosityLevel = setVerbosityLevel; @@ -402,10 +402,7 @@ function assert(cond, msg) { } } function _isValidProtocol(url) { - if (!url) { - return false; - } - switch (url.protocol) { + switch (url?.protocol) { case "http:": case "https:": case "ftp:": @@ -424,7 +421,7 @@ function createValidAbsoluteUrl(url, baseUrl = null, options = null) { if (options && typeof url === "string") { if (options.addDefaultProtocol && url.startsWith("www.")) { const dots = url.match(/\./g); - if (dots && dots.length >= 2) { + if (dots?.length >= 2) { url = `http://${url}`; } } @@ -509,7 +506,7 @@ class AbortException extends BaseException { } exports.AbortException = AbortException; function bytesToString(bytes) { - if (typeof bytes !== "object" || bytes === null || bytes.length === undefined) { + if (typeof bytes !== "object" || bytes?.length === undefined) { unreachable("Invalid argument for bytesToString"); } const length = bytes.length; @@ -791,7 +788,7 @@ function utf8StringToString(str) { return unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)); } function isArrayBuffer(v) { - return typeof v === "object" && v !== null && v.byteLength !== undefined; + return typeof v === "object" && v?.byteLength !== undefined; } function isArrayEqual(arr1, arr2) { if (arr1.length !== arr2.length) { @@ -808,25 +805,35 @@ function getModificationDate(date = new Date()) { const buffer = [date.getUTCFullYear().toString(), (date.getUTCMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, "0"), date.getUTCDate().toString().padStart(2, "0"), date.getUTCHours().toString().padStart(2, "0"), date.getUTCMinutes().toString().padStart(2, "0"), date.getUTCSeconds().toString().padStart(2, "0")]; return buffer.join(""); } -function createPromiseCapability() { - const capability = Object.create(null); - let isSettled = false; - Object.defineProperty(capability, "settled", { - get() { - return isSettled; - } - }); - capability.promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { - capability.resolve = function (data) { - isSettled = true; - resolve(data); - }; - capability.reject = function (reason) { - isSettled = true; - reject(reason); - }; +class PromiseCapability { + #settled = false; + constructor() { + this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + this.resolve = data => { + this.#settled = true; + resolve(data); + }; + this.reject = reason => { + this.#settled = true; + reject(reason); + }; + }); + } + get settled() { + return this.#settled; + } +} +exports.PromiseCapability = PromiseCapability; +let NormalizeRegex = null; +let NormalizationMap = null; +function normalizeUnicode(str) { + if (!NormalizeRegex) { + NormalizeRegex = /([\u00a0\u00b5\u037e\u0eb3\u2000-\u200a\u202f\u2126\ufb00-\ufb04\ufb06\ufb20-\ufb36\ufb38-\ufb3c\ufb3e\ufb40-\ufb41\ufb43-\ufb44\ufb46-\ufba1\ufba4-\ufba9\ufbae-\ufbb1\ufbd3-\ufbdc\ufbde-\ufbe7\ufbea-\ufbf8\ufbfc-\ufbfd\ufc00-\ufc5d\ufc64-\ufcf1\ufcf5-\ufd3d\ufd88\ufdf4\ufdfa-\ufdfb\ufe71\ufe77\ufe79\ufe7b\ufe7d]+)|(\ufb05+)/gu; + NormalizationMap = new Map([["ſt", "ſt"]]); + } + return str.replaceAll(NormalizeRegex, (_, p1, p2) => { + return p1 ? p1.normalize("NFKC") : NormalizationMap.get(p2); }); - return capability; } /***/ }), @@ -980,7 +987,7 @@ function getDocument(src) { } const fetchDocParams = { docId, - apiVersion: '3.5.141', + apiVersion: '3.6.172', data, password, disableAutoFetch, @@ -1095,7 +1102,7 @@ function getDataProp(val) { class PDFDocumentLoadingTask { static #docId = 0; constructor() { - this._capability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + this._capability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this._transport = null; this._worker = null; this.docId = `d${PDFDocumentLoadingTask.#docId++}`; @@ -1127,7 +1134,7 @@ class PDFDataRangeTransport { this._progressListeners = []; this._progressiveReadListeners = []; this._progressiveDoneListeners = []; - this._readyCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + this._readyCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); } addRangeListener(listener) { this._rangeListeners.push(listener); @@ -1376,7 +1383,7 @@ class PDFPageProxy { } const intentPrint = !!(intentArgs.renderingIntent & _util.RenderingIntentFlag.PRINT); if (!intentState.displayReadyCapability) { - intentState.displayReadyCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + intentState.displayReadyCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); intentState.operatorList = { fnArray: [], argsArray: [], @@ -1460,7 +1467,7 @@ class PDFPageProxy { if (!intentState.opListReadCapability) { opListTask = Object.create(null); opListTask.operatorListChanged = operatorListChanged; - intentState.opListReadCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + intentState.opListReadCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); (intentState.renderTasks ||= new Set()).add(opListTask); intentState.operatorList = { fnArray: [], @@ -1474,12 +1481,14 @@ class PDFPageProxy { return intentState.opListReadCapability.promise; } streamTextContent({ - includeMarkedContent = false + includeMarkedContent = false, + disableNormalization = false } = {}) { const TEXT_CONTENT_CHUNK_SIZE = 100; return this._transport.messageHandler.sendWithStream("GetTextContent", { pageIndex: this._pageIndex, - includeMarkedContent: includeMarkedContent === true + includeMarkedContent: includeMarkedContent === true, + disableNormalization: disableNormalization === true }, { highWaterMark: TEXT_CONTENT_CHUNK_SIZE, size(textContent) { @@ -1777,7 +1786,7 @@ class PDFWorker { = name; this.destroyed = false; this.verbosity = verbosity; - this._readyCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + this._readyCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this._port = null; this._webWorker = null; this._messageHandler = null; @@ -1983,7 +1992,7 @@ class WorkerTransport { this._networkStream = networkStream; this._fullReader = null; this._lastProgress = null; - this.downloadInfoCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + this.downloadInfoCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this.setupMessageHandler(); } #cacheSimpleMethod(name, data = null) { @@ -2044,7 +2053,7 @@ class WorkerTransport { return this.destroyCapability.promise; } this.destroyed = true; - this.destroyCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + this.destroyCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); if (this._passwordCapability) { this._passwordCapability.reject(new Error("Worker was destroyed during onPassword callback")); } @@ -2115,7 +2124,7 @@ class WorkerTransport { }; }); messageHandler.on("ReaderHeadersReady", data => { - const headersCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + const headersCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); const fullReader = this._fullReader; fullReader.headersReady.then(() => { if (!fullReader.isStreamingSupported || !fullReader.isRangeSupported) { @@ -2201,7 +2210,7 @@ class WorkerTransport { loadingTask._capability.reject(reason); }); messageHandler.on("PasswordRequest", exception => { - this._passwordCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + this._passwordCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); if (loadingTask.onPassword) { const updatePassword = password => { if (password instanceof Error) { @@ -2516,7 +2525,7 @@ class PDFObjects { return obj; } return this.#objs[objId] = { - capability: (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(), + capability: new _util.PromiseCapability(), data: null }; } @@ -2610,7 +2619,7 @@ class InternalRenderTask { this.graphicsReady = false; this._useRequestAnimationFrame = useRequestAnimationFrame === true && typeof window !== "undefined"; this.cancelled = false; - this.capability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + this.capability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this.task = new RenderTask(this); this._cancelBound = this.cancel.bind(this); this._continueBound = this._continue.bind(this); @@ -2647,7 +2656,7 @@ class InternalRenderTask { } = this.params; this.gfx = new _canvas.CanvasGraphics(canvasContext, this.commonObjs, this.objs, this.canvasFactory, this.filterFactory, { optionalContentConfig - }, this.annotationCanvasMap); + }, this.annotationCanvasMap, this.pageColors); this.gfx.beginDrawing({ transform, viewport, @@ -2661,7 +2670,7 @@ class InternalRenderTask { cancel(error = null, extraDelay = 0) { this.running = false; this.cancelled = true; - this.gfx?.endDrawing(this.pageColors); + this.gfx?.endDrawing(); if (this._canvas) { InternalRenderTask.#canvasInUse.delete(this._canvas); } @@ -2669,9 +2678,7 @@ class InternalRenderTask { } operatorListChanged() { if (!this.graphicsReady) { - if (!this.graphicsReadyCallback) { - this.graphicsReadyCallback = this._continueBound; - } + this.graphicsReadyCallback ||= this._continueBound; return; } this.stepper?.updateOperatorList(this.operatorList); @@ -2717,9 +2724,9 @@ class InternalRenderTask { } } } -const version = '3.5.141'; +const version = '3.6.172'; exports.version = version; -const build = 'be0f6ee08'; +const build = '4d3dfe254'; = build; /***/ }), @@ -2904,6 +2911,7 @@ class AnnotationEditor { } } = this.parent.viewport; this.rotation = rotation; + this.pageRotation = (360 + rotation - this._uiManager.viewParameters.rotation) % 360; this.pageDimensions = [pageWidth, pageHeight]; this.pageTranslation = [pageX, pageY]; const [width, height] = this.parentDimensions; @@ -3005,7 +3013,7 @@ class AnnotationEditor { return this._uiManager.viewParameters.realScale; } get parentRotation() { - return this._uiManager.viewParameters.rotation; + return (this._uiManager.viewParameters.rotation + this.pageRotation) % 360; } get parentDimensions() { const { @@ -5702,7 +5710,7 @@ class CanvasGraphics { constructor(canvasCtx, commonObjs, objs, canvasFactory, filterFactory, { optionalContentConfig, markedContentStack = null - }, annotationCanvasMap) { + }, annotationCanvasMap, pageColors) { this.ctx = canvasCtx; this.current = new CanvasExtraState(this.ctx.canvas.width, this.ctx.canvas.height); this.stateStack = []; @@ -5732,6 +5740,7 @@ class CanvasGraphics { this.viewportScale = 1; this.outputScaleX = 1; this.outputScaleY = 1; + this.pageColors = pageColors; this._cachedScaleForStroking = null; this._cachedGetSinglePixelWidth = null; this._cachedBitmapsMap = new Map(); @@ -5831,7 +5840,7 @@ class CanvasGraphics { this.transparentCanvas = null; } } - endDrawing(pageColors = null) { + endDrawing() { this.#restoreInitialState(); this.cachedCanvases.clear(); this.cachedPatterns.clear(); @@ -5844,8 +5853,11 @@ class CanvasGraphics { cache.clear(); } this._cachedBitmapsMap.clear(); - if (pageColors) { - const hcmFilterId = this.filterFactory.addHCMFilter(pageColors.foreground, pageColors.background); + this.#drawFilter(); + } + #drawFilter() { + if (this.pageColors) { + const hcmFilterId = this.filterFactory.addHCMFilter(this.pageColors.foreground, this.pageColors.background); if (hcmFilterId !== "none") { const savedFilter = this.ctx.filter; this.ctx.filter = hcmFilterId; @@ -6887,6 +6899,7 @@ class CanvasGraphics { this.annotationCanvasMap.set(id, canvas); this.annotationCanvas.savedCtx = this.ctx; this.ctx = context; +; this.ctx.setTransform(scaleX, 0, 0, -scaleY, 0, height * scaleY); resetCtxToDefault(this.ctx); } else { @@ -6902,6 +6915,8 @@ class CanvasGraphics { } endAnnotation() { if (this.annotationCanvas) { + this.ctx.restore(); + this.#drawFilter(); this.ctx = this.annotationCanvas.savedCtx; delete this.annotationCanvas.savedCtx; delete this.annotationCanvas; @@ -7574,9 +7589,7 @@ const PaintType = { UNCOLORED: 2 }; class TilingPattern { - static get MAX_PATTERN_SIZE() { - return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "MAX_PATTERN_SIZE", 3000); - } + static MAX_PATTERN_SIZE = 3000; constructor(IR, color, ctx, canvasGraphicsFactory, baseTransform) { this.operatorList = IR[2]; this.matrix = IR[3] || [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]; @@ -7900,7 +7913,7 @@ class MessageHandler { return; } if ( { - this._processStreamMessage(data); + this.#processStreamMessage(data); return; } if (data.callback) { @@ -7948,7 +7961,7 @@ class MessageHandler { return; } if (data.streamId) { - this._createStreamSink(data); + this.#createStreamSink(data); return; } action(; @@ -7972,7 +7985,7 @@ class MessageHandler { } sendWithPromise(actionName, data, transfers) { const callbackId = this.callbackId++; - const capability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + const capability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this.callbackCapabilities[callbackId] = capability; try { this.comObj.postMessage({ @@ -7994,7 +8007,7 @@ class MessageHandler { comObj = this.comObj; return new ReadableStream({ start: controller => { - const startCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + const startCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this.streamControllers[streamId] = { controller, startCall: startCapability, @@ -8013,7 +8026,7 @@ class MessageHandler { return startCapability.promise; }, pull: controller => { - const pullCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + const pullCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this.streamControllers[streamId].pullCall = pullCapability; comObj.postMessage({ sourceName, @@ -8026,7 +8039,7 @@ class MessageHandler { }, cancel: reason => { (0, _util.assert)(reason instanceof Error, "cancel must have a valid reason"); - const cancelCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + const cancelCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this.streamControllers[streamId].cancelCall = cancelCapability; this.streamControllers[streamId].isClosed = true; comObj.postMessage({ @@ -8040,7 +8053,7 @@ class MessageHandler { } }, queueingStrategy); } - _createStreamSink(data) { + #createStreamSink(data) { const streamId = data.streamId, sourceName = this.sourceName, targetName = data.sourceName, @@ -8055,7 +8068,7 @@ class MessageHandler { const lastDesiredSize = this.desiredSize; this.desiredSize -= size; if (lastDesiredSize > 0 && this.desiredSize <= 0) { - this.sinkCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + this.sinkCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this.ready = this.sinkCapability.promise; } comObj.postMessage({ @@ -8093,7 +8106,7 @@ class MessageHandler { reason: wrapReason(reason) }); }, - sinkCapability: (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(), + sinkCapability: new _util.PromiseCapability(), onPull: null, onCancel: null, isCancelled: false, @@ -8123,7 +8136,7 @@ class MessageHandler { }); }); } - _processStreamMessage(data) { + #processStreamMessage(data) { const streamId = data.streamId, sourceName = this.sourceName, targetName = data.sourceName, @@ -8161,7 +8174,7 @@ class MessageHandler { } streamSink.desiredSize = data.desiredSize; new Promise(function (resolve) { - resolve(streamSink.onPull && streamSink.onPull()); + resolve(streamSink.onPull?.()); }).then(function () { comObj.postMessage({ sourceName, @@ -8194,12 +8207,12 @@ class MessageHandler { } streamController.isClosed = true; streamController.controller.close(); - this._deleteStreamController(streamController, streamId); + this.#deleteStreamController(streamController, streamId); break; case StreamKind.ERROR: (0, _util.assert)(streamController, "error should have stream controller"); streamController.controller.error(wrapReason(data.reason)); - this._deleteStreamController(streamController, streamId); + this.#deleteStreamController(streamController, streamId); break; case StreamKind.CANCEL_COMPLETE: if (data.success) { @@ -8207,14 +8220,14 @@ class MessageHandler { } else { streamController.cancelCall.reject(wrapReason(data.reason)); } - this._deleteStreamController(streamController, streamId); + this.#deleteStreamController(streamController, streamId); break; case StreamKind.CANCEL: if (!streamSink) { break; } new Promise(function (resolve) { - resolve(streamSink.onCancel && streamSink.onCancel(wrapReason(data.reason))); + resolve(streamSink.onCancel?.(wrapReason(data.reason))); }).then(function () { comObj.postMessage({ sourceName, @@ -8240,8 +8253,8 @@ class MessageHandler { throw new Error("Unexpected stream case"); } } - async _deleteStreamController(streamController, streamId) { - await Promise.allSettled([streamController.startCall && streamController.startCall.promise, streamController.pullCall && streamController.pullCall.promise, streamController.cancelCall && streamController.cancelCall.promise]); + async #deleteStreamController(streamController, streamId) { + await Promise.allSettled([streamController.startCall?.promise, streamController.pullCall?.promise, streamController.cancelCall?.promise]); delete this.streamControllers[streamId]; } destroy() { @@ -8676,7 +8689,7 @@ class PDFDataTransportStreamReader { done: true }; } - const requestCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + const requestCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this._requests.push(requestCapability); return requestCapability.promise; } @@ -8748,7 +8761,7 @@ class PDFDataTransportStreamRangeReader { done: true }; } - const requestCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + const requestCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this._requests.push(requestCapability); return requestCapability.promise; } @@ -8952,8 +8965,8 @@ class BaseFullReader { this._isStreamingSupported = !source.disableStream; this._isRangeSupported = !source.disableRange; this._readableStream = null; - this._readCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); - this._headersCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + this._readCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); + this._headersCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); } get headersReady() { return this._headersCapability.promise; @@ -8983,7 +8996,7 @@ class BaseFullReader { } const chunk =; if (chunk === null) { - this._readCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + this._readCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); return; } this._loaded += chunk.length; @@ -9037,7 +9050,7 @@ class BaseRangeReader { this.onProgress = null; this._loaded = 0; this._readableStream = null; - this._readCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + this._readCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); const source = stream.source; this._isStreamingSupported = !source.disableStream; } @@ -9057,7 +9070,7 @@ class BaseRangeReader { } const chunk =; if (chunk === null) { - this._readCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + this._readCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); return; } this._loaded += chunk.length; @@ -9459,9 +9472,6 @@ class NetworkManager { this.isHttp = /^https?:/i.test(url); this.httpHeaders = this.isHttp && args.httpHeaders || Object.create(null); this.withCredentials = args.withCredentials || false; - this.getXhr = args.getXhr || function NetworkManager_getXhr() { - return new XMLHttpRequest(); - }; this.currXhrId = 0; this.pendingRequests = Object.create(null); } @@ -9479,7 +9489,7 @@ class NetworkManager { return this.request(listeners); } request(args) { - const xhr = this.getXhr(); + const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); const xhrId = this.currXhrId++; const pendingRequest = this.pendingRequests[xhrId] = { xhr @@ -9624,7 +9634,7 @@ class PDFNetworkStreamFullRequestReader { }; this._url = source.url; this._fullRequestId = manager.requestFull(args); - this._headersReceivedCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + this._headersReceivedCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this._disableRange = source.disableRange || false; this._contentLength = source.length; this._rangeChunkSize = source.rangeChunkSize; @@ -9736,7 +9746,7 @@ class PDFNetworkStreamFullRequestReader { done: true }; } - const requestCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + const requestCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this._requests.push(requestCapability); return requestCapability.promise; } @@ -9833,7 +9843,7 @@ class PDFNetworkStreamRangeRequestReader { done: true }; } - const requestCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + const requestCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this._requests.push(requestCapability); return requestCapability.promise; } @@ -9938,7 +9948,7 @@ class PDFFetchStreamReader { const source = stream.source; this._withCredentials = source.withCredentials || false; this._contentLength = source.length; - this._headersCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + this._headersCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this._disableRange = source.disableRange || false; this._rangeChunkSize = source.rangeChunkSize; if (!this._rangeChunkSize && !this._disableRange) { @@ -10025,7 +10035,7 @@ class PDFFetchStreamRangeReader { this._loaded = 0; const source = stream.source; this._withCredentials = source.withCredentials || false; - this._readCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + this._readCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this._isStreamingSupported = !source.disableStream; this._abortController = new AbortController(); this._headers = createHeaders(this._stream.httpHeaders); @@ -10292,7 +10302,7 @@ class TextLayerRenderTask { this._reader = null; this._textDivProperties = textDivProperties || new WeakMap(); this._canceled = false; - this._capability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + this._capability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this._layoutTextParams = { prevFontSize: null, prevFontFamily: null, @@ -10360,7 +10370,7 @@ class TextLayerRenderTask { } } _render() { - const capability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + const capability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); let styleCache = Object.create(null); if (this._isReadableStream) { const pump = () => { @@ -10408,7 +10418,7 @@ function renderTextLayer(params) { const style = getComputedStyle(container); const visibility = style.getPropertyValue("visibility"); const scaleFactor = parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue("--scale-factor")); - if (visibility === "visible" && (!scaleFactor || Math.abs(scaleFactor - viewport.scale) > 1e-15)) { + if (visibility === "visible" && (!scaleFactor || Math.abs(scaleFactor - viewport.scale) > 1e-5)) { console.error("The `--scale-factor` CSS-variable must be set, " + "to the same value as `viewport.scale`, " + "either on the `container`-element itself or higher up in the DOM."); } const task = new TextLayerRenderTask(params); @@ -12444,7 +12454,7 @@ class AnnotationElement { _createPopup(trigger, data) { let container = this.container; if (this.quadrilaterals) { - trigger = trigger || this.quadrilaterals; + trigger ||= this.quadrilaterals; container = this.quadrilaterals[0]; } if (!trigger) { @@ -12780,6 +12790,14 @@ class WidgetAnnotationElement extends AnnotationElement { } return this.container; } + showElementAndHideCanvas(element) { + if ( { + if (element.previousSibling?.nodeName === "CANVAS") { + element.previousSibling.hidden = true; + } + element.hidden = false; + } + } _getKeyModifier(event) { const { isWin, @@ -12913,6 +12931,9 @@ class TextWidgetAnnotationElement extends WidgetAnnotationElement { = "hidden"; } } + if ( { + element.hidden = true; + } GetElementsByNameSet.add(element); element.setAttribute("data-element-id", id); element.disabled =; @@ -12954,6 +12975,7 @@ class TextWidgetAnnotationElement extends WidgetAnnotationElement { elementData.commitKey = 1; }); element.addEventListener("updatefromsandbox", jsEvent => { + this.showElementAndHideCanvas(; const actions = { value(event) { elementData.userValue = event.detail.value ?? ""; @@ -15848,6 +15870,12 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "PixelsPerInch", ({ return _display_utils.PixelsPerInch; } })); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "PromiseCapability", ({ + enumerable: true, + get: function () { + return _util.PromiseCapability; + } +})); Object.defineProperty(exports, "RenderingCancelledException", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { @@ -15890,12 +15918,6 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "build", ({ return; } })); -Object.defineProperty(exports, "createPromiseCapability", ({ - enumerable: true, - get: function () { - return _util.createPromiseCapability; - } -})); Object.defineProperty(exports, "createValidAbsoluteUrl", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { @@ -15944,6 +15966,12 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "loadScript", ({ return _display_utils.loadScript; } })); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "normalizeUnicode", ({ + enumerable: true, + get: function () { + return _util.normalizeUnicode; + } +})); Object.defineProperty(exports, "renderTextLayer", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { @@ -15984,8 +16012,8 @@ var _annotation_layer = __w_pdfjs_require__(32); var _worker_options = __w_pdfjs_require__(14); var _svg = __w_pdfjs_require__(35); var _xfa_layer = __w_pdfjs_require__(34); -const pdfjsVersion = '3.5.141'; -const pdfjsBuild = 'be0f6ee08'; +const pdfjsVersion = '3.6.172'; +const pdfjsBuild = '4d3dfe254'; })(); /******/ return __webpack_exports__; diff --git a/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/build/pdf.sandbox.js b/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/build/pdf.sandbox.js index da9e34a38897..76effa3eafcb 100644 --- a/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/build/pdf.sandbox.js +++ b/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/build/pdf.sandbox.js @@ -204,8 +204,8 @@ exports.QuickJSSandbox = QuickJSSandbox; var _quickjsEval = _interopRequireDefault(__w_pdfjs_require__(1)); var _pdfSandboxExternal = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } -const pdfjsVersion = '3.5.141'; -const pdfjsBuild = 'be0f6ee08'; +const pdfjsVersion = '3.6.172'; +const pdfjsBuild = '4d3dfe254'; class SandboxSupport extends _pdfSandboxExternal.SandboxSupportBase { exportValueToSandbox(val) { return JSON.stringify(val); @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ class Sandbox { this._alertOnError = 0; } create(data) { - const code = ['(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {\n\tif(typeof exports === \'object\' && typeof module === \'object\')\n\t\tmodule.exports = factory();\n\telse if(typeof define === \'function\' && define.amd)\n\t\tdefine("pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.scripting", [], factory);\n\telse if(typeof exports === \'object\')\n\t\texports["pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.scripting"] = factory();\n\telse\n\t\troot.pdfjsScripting = factory();\n})(globalThis, () => {\nreturn /******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap\n/******/ \t"use strict";\n/******/ \tvar __webpack_modules__ = ([\n/* 0 */,\n/* 1 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.initSandbox = initSandbox;\nvar _constants = __w_pdfjs_require__(2);\nvar _field = __w_pdfjs_require__(3);\nvar _aform = __w_pdfjs_require__(8);\nvar _app = __w_pdfjs_require__(9);\nvar _color = __w_pdfjs_require__(5);\nvar _console = __w_pdfjs_require__(15);\nvar _doc = __w_pdfjs_require__(11);\nvar _proxy = __w_pdfjs_require__(16);\nvar _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(17);\nfunction initSandbox(params) {\n delete globalThis.pdfjsScripting;\n const externalCall = globalThis.callExternalFunction;\n delete globalThis.callExternalFunction;\n const globalEval = code => globalThis.eval(code);\n const send = data => externalCall("send", [data]);\n const proxyHandler = new _proxy.ProxyHandler();\n const {\n data\n } = params;\n const doc = new _doc.Doc({\n send,\n globalEval,\n\n });\n const _document = {\n obj: doc,\n wrapped: new Proxy(doc, proxyHandler)\n };\n const app = new _app.App({\n send,\n globalEval,\n externalCall,\n _document,\n calculationOrder: data.calculationOrder,\n proxyHandler,\n\n });\n const util = new _util.Util({\n externalCall\n });\n const appObjects = app._objects;\n if (data.objects) {\n const annotations = [];\n for (const [name, objs] of Object.entries(data.objects)) {\n annotations.length = 0;\n let container = null;\n for (const obj of objs) {\n if (obj.type !== "") {\n annotations.push(obj);\n } else {\n container = obj;\n }\n }\n let obj = container;\n if (annotations.length > 0) {\n obj = annotations[0];\n obj.send = send;\n }\n obj.globalEval = globalEval;\n obj.doc = _document;\n obj.fieldPath = name;\n obj.appObjects = appObjects;\n let field;\n switch (obj.type) {\n case "radiobutton":\n {\n const otherButtons = annotations.slice(1);\n field = new _field.RadioButtonField(otherButtons, obj);\n break;\n }\n case "checkbox":\n {\n const otherButtons = annotations.slice(1);\n field = new _field.CheckboxField(otherButtons, obj);\n break;\n }\n case "text":\n if (annotations.length <= 1) {\n field = new _field.Field(obj);\n break;\n }\n obj.siblings = =>;\n field = new _field.Field(obj);\n break;\n default:\n field = new _field.Field(obj);\n }\n const wrapped = new Proxy(field, proxyHandler);\n const _object = {\n obj: field,\n wrapped\n };\n doc._addField(name, _object);\n for (const object of objs) {\n appObjects[] = _object;\n }\n if (container) {\n appObjects[] = _object;\n }\n }\n }\n const color = new _color.Color();\n globalThis.event = null;\n = Object.create(null);\n = new Proxy(app, proxyHandler);\n globalThis.color = new Proxy(color, proxyHandler);\n globalThis.console = new Proxy(new _console.Console({\n send\n }), proxyHandler);\n globalThis.util = new Proxy(util, proxyHandler);\n globalThis.border = _constants.Border;\n globalThis.cursor = _constants.Cursor;\n globalThis.display = _constants.Display;\n globalThis.font = _constants.Font;\n globalThis.highlight = _constants.Highlight;\n globalThis.position = _constants.Position;\n globalThis.scaleHow = _constants.ScaleHow;\n globalThis.scaleWhen = _constants.ScaleWhen;\n = _constants.Style;\n globalThis.trans = _constants.Trans;\n globalThis.zoomtype = _constants.ZoomType;\n globalThis.ADBE = {\n Reader_Value_Asked: true,\n Viewer_Value_Asked: true\n };\n const aform = new _aform.AForm(doc, app, util, color);\n for (const name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(_aform.AForm.prototype)) {\n if (name !== "constructor" && !name.startsWith("_")) {\n globalThis[name] = aform[name].bind(aform);\n }\n }\n for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(_constants.GlobalConstants)) {\n Object.defineProperty(globalThis, name, {\n value,\n writable: false\n });\n }\n Object.defineProperties(globalThis, {\n ColorConvert: {\n value: color.convert.bind(color),\n writable: true\n },\n ColorEqual: {\n value: color.equal.bind(color),\n writable: true\n }\n });\n const properties = Object.create(null);\n for (const name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(_doc.Doc.prototype)) {\n if (name === "constructor" || name.startsWith("_")) {\n continue;\n }\n const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_doc.Doc.prototype, name);\n if (descriptor.get) {\n properties[name] = {\n get: descriptor.get.bind(doc),\n set: descriptor.set.bind(doc)\n };\n } else {\n properties[name] = {\n value: _doc.Doc.prototype[name].bind(doc)\n };\n }\n }\n Object.defineProperties(globalThis, properties);\n const functions = {\n dispatchEvent: app._dispatchEvent.bind(app),\n timeoutCb: app._evalCallback.bind(app)\n };\n return (name, args) => {\n try {\n functions[name](args);\n } catch (error) {\n const value = `${error.toString()}\\n${error.stack}`;\n send({\n command: "error",\n value\n });\n }\n };\n}\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 2 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.ZoomType = exports.Trans = exports.Style = exports.ScaleWhen = exports.ScaleHow = exports.Position = exports.Highlight = exports.GlobalConstants = exports.Font = exports.Display = exports.Cursor = exports.Border = void 0;\nconst Border = Object.freeze({\n s: "solid",\n d: "dashed",\n b: "beveled",\n i: "inset",\n u: "underline"\n});\nexports.Border = Border;\nconst Cursor = Object.freeze({\n visible: 0,\n hidden: 1,\n delay: 2\n});\nexports.Cursor = Cursor;\nconst Display = Object.freeze({\n visible: 0,\n hidden: 1,\n noPrint: 2,\n noView: 3\n});\nexports.Display = Display;\nconst Font = Object.freeze({\n Times: "Times-Roman",\n TimesB: "Times-Bold",\n TimesI: "Times-Italic",\n TimesBI: "Times-BoldItalic",\n Helv: "Helvetica",\n HelvB: "Helvetica-Bold",\n HelvI: "Helvetica-Oblique",\n HelvBI: "Helvetica-BoldOblique",\n Cour: "Courier",\n CourB: "Courier-Bold",\n CourI: "Courier-Oblique",\n CourBI: "Courier-BoldOblique",\n Symbol: "Symbol",\n ZapfD: "ZapfDingbats",\n KaGo: "HeiseiKakuGo-W5-UniJIS-UCS2-H",\n KaMi: "HeiseiMin-W3-UniJIS-UCS2-H"\n});\nexports.Font = Font;\nconst Highlight = Object.freeze({\n n: "none",\n i: "invert",\n p: "push",\n o: "outline"\n});\nexports.Highlight = Highlight;\nconst Position = Object.freeze({\n textOnly: 0,\n iconOnly: 1,\n iconTextV: 2,\n textIconV: 3,\n iconTextH: 4,\n textIconH: 5,\n overlay: 6\n});\nexports.Position = Position;\nconst ScaleHow = Object.freeze({\n proportional: 0,\n anamorphic: 1\n});\nexports.ScaleHow = ScaleHow;\nconst ScaleWhen = Object.freeze({\n always: 0,\n never: 1,\n tooBig: 2,\n tooSmall: 3\n});\nexports.ScaleWhen = ScaleWhen;\nconst Style = Object.freeze({\n ch: "check",\n cr: "cross",\n di: "diamond",\n ci: "circle",\n st: "star",\n sq: "square"\n});\nexports.Style = Style;\nconst Trans = Object.freeze({\n blindsH: "BlindsHorizontal",\n blindsV: "BlindsVertical",\n boxI: "BoxIn",\n boxO: "BoxOut",\n dissolve: "Dissolve",\n glitterD: "GlitterDown",\n glitterR: "GlitterRight",\n glitterRD: "GlitterRightDown",\n random: "Random",\n replace: "Replace",\n splitHI: "SplitHorizontalIn",\n splitHO: "SplitHorizontalOut",\n splitVI: "SplitVerticalIn",\n splitVO: "SplitVerticalOut",\n wipeD: "WipeDown",\n wipeL: "WipeLeft",\n wipeR: "WipeRight",\n wipeU: "WipeUp"\n});\nexports.Trans = Trans;\nconst ZoomType = Object.freeze({\n none: "NoVary",\n fitP: "FitPage",\n fitW: "FitWidth",\n fitH: "FitHeight",\n fitV: "FitVisibleWidth",\n pref: "Preferred",\n refW: "ReflowWidth"\n});\nexports.ZoomType = ZoomType;\nconst GlobalConstants = Object.freeze({\n IDS_GREATER_THAN: "Invalid value: must be greater than or equal to % s.",\n IDS_GT_AND_LT: "Invalid value: must be greater than or equal to % s " + "and less than or equal to % s.",\n IDS_LESS_THAN: "Invalid value: must be less than or equal to % s.",\n IDS_INVALID_MONTH: "** Invalid **",\n IDS_INVALID_DATE: "Invalid date / time: please ensure that the date / time exists.Field",\n IDS_INVALID_DATE2: " should match format ",\n IDS_INVALID_VALUE: "The value entered does not match the format of the field",\n IDS_AM: "am",\n IDS_PM: "pm",\n IDS_MONTH_INFO: "January[1] February[2] March[3] April[4] May[5] " + "June[6] July[7] August[8] September[9] October[10] " + "November[11] December[12] Sept[9] Jan[1] Feb[2] Mar[3] " + "Apr[4] Jun[6] Jul[7] Aug[8] Sep[9] Oct[10] Nov[11] Dec[12]",\n IDS_STARTUP_CONSOLE_MSG: "** ^ _ ^ **",\n RE_NUMBER_ENTRY_DOT_SEP: ["[+-]?\\\\d*\\\\.?\\\\d*"],\n RE_NUMBER_COMMIT_DOT_SEP: ["[+-]?\\\\d+(\\\\.\\\\d+)?", "[+-]?\\\\.\\\\d+", "[+-]?\\\\d+\\\\."],\n RE_NUMBER_ENTRY_COMMA_SEP: ["[+-]?\\\\d*,?\\\\d*"],\n RE_NUMBER_COMMIT_COMMA_SEP: ["[+-]?\\\\d+([.,]\\\\d+)?", "[+-]?[.,]\\\\d+", "[+-]?\\\\d+[.,]"],\n RE_ZIP_ENTRY: ["\\\\d{0,5}"],\n RE_ZIP_COMMIT: ["\\\\d{5}"],\n RE_ZIP4_ENTRY: ["\\\\d{0,5}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{0,4}"],\n RE_ZIP4_COMMIT: ["\\\\d{5}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{4}"],\n RE_PHONE_ENTRY: ["\\\\d{0,3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{0,3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{0,4}", "\\\\(\\\\d{0,3}", "\\\\(\\\\d{0,3}\\\\)(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{0,3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{0,4}", "\\\\(\\\\d{0,3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{0,3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{0,4}", "\\\\d{0,3}\\\\)(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{0,3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{0,4}", "011(\\\\.|[- \\\\d])*"],\n RE_PHONE_COMMIT: ["\\\\d{3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{4}", "\\\\d{3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{4}", "\\\\(\\\\d{3}\\\\)(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{4}", "011(\\\\.|[- \\\\d])*"],\n RE_SSN_ENTRY: ["\\\\d{0,3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{0,2}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{0,4}"],\n RE_SSN_COMMIT: ["\\\\d{3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{2}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{4}"]\n});\nexports.GlobalConstants = GlobalConstants;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 3 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.RadioButtonField = exports.Field = exports.CheckboxField = void 0;\nvar _common = __w_pdfjs_require__(4);\nvar _color = __w_pdfjs_require__(5);\nvar _pdf_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(7);\nclass Field extends _pdf_object.PDFObject {\n constructor(data) {\n super(data);\n this.alignment = data.alignment || "left";\n this.borderStyle = data.borderStyle || "";\n this.buttonAlignX = data.buttonAlignX || 50;\n this.buttonAlignY = data.buttonAlignY || 50;\n this.buttonFitBounds = data.buttonFitBounds;\n this.buttonPosition = data.buttonPosition;\n this.buttonScaleHow = data.buttonScaleHow;\n this.ButtonScaleWhen = data.buttonScaleWhen;\n this.calcOrderIndex = data.calcOrderIndex;\n this.comb = data.comb;\n this.commitOnSelChange = data.commitOnSelChange;\n this.currentValueIndices = data.currentValueIndices;\n this.defaultStyle = data.defaultStyle;\n this.defaultValue = data.defaultValue;\n this.doNotScroll = data.doNotScroll;\n this.doNotSpellCheck = data.doNotSpellCheck;\n this.delay = data.delay;\n this.display = data.display;\n this.doc = data.doc.wrapped;\n this.editable = data.editable;\n this.exportValues = data.exportValues;\n this.fileSelect = data.fileSelect;\n this.hidden = data.hidden;\n this.highlight = data.highlight;\n this.lineWidth = data.lineWidth;\n this.multiline = data.multiline;\n this.multipleSelection = !!data.multipleSelection;\n =;\n this.password = data.password;\n this.print = data.print;\n this.radiosInUnison = data.radiosInUnison;\n this.readonly = data.readonly;\n this.rect = data.rect;\n this.required = data.required;\n this.richText = data.richText;\n this.richValue = data.richValue;\n =;\n this.submitName = data.submitName;\n this.textFont = data.textFont;\n this.textSize = data.textSize;\n this.type = data.type;\n this.userName = data.userName;\n this._actions = (0, _common.createActionsMap)(data.actions);\n this._browseForFileToSubmit = data.browseForFileToSubmit || null;\n this._buttonCaption = null;\n this._buttonIcon = null;\n this._charLimit = data.charLimit;\n this._children = null;\n this._currentValueIndices = data.currentValueIndices || 0;\n this._document = data.doc;\n this._fieldPath = data.fieldPath;\n this._fillColor = data.fillColor || ["T"];\n this._isChoice = Array.isArray(data.items);\n this._items = data.items || [];\n this._hasValue = data.hasOwnProperty("value");\n this._page = || 0;\n this._strokeColor = data.strokeColor || ["G", 0];\n this._textColor = data.textColor || ["G", 0];\n this._value = null;\n this._kidIds = data.kidIds || null;\n this._fieldType = (0, _common.getFieldType)(this._actions);\n this._siblings = data.siblings || null;\n this._rotation = data.rotation || 0;\n this._globalEval = data.globalEval;\n this._appObjects = data.appObjects;\n this.value = data.value || "";\n }\n get currentValueIndices() {\n if (!this._isChoice) {\n return 0;\n }\n return this._currentValueIndices;\n }\n set currentValueIndices(indices) {\n if (!this._isChoice) {\n return;\n }\n if (!Array.isArray(indices)) {\n indices = [indices];\n }\n if (!indices.every(i => typeof i === "number" && Number.isInteger(i) && i >= 0 && i < this.numItems)) {\n return;\n }\n indices.sort();\n if (this.multipleSelection) {\n this._currentValueIndices = indices;\n this._value = [];\n indices.forEach(i => {\n this._value.push(this._items[i].displayValue);\n });\n } else {\n if (indices.length > 0) {\n indices = indices.splice(1, indices.length - 1);\n this._currentValueIndices = indices[0];\n this._value = this._items[this._currentValueIndices];\n }\n }\n this._send({\n id: this._id,\n indices\n });\n }\n get fillColor() {\n return this._fillColor;\n }\n set fillColor(color) {\n if (_color.Color._isValidColor(color)) {\n this._fillColor = color;\n }\n }\n get bgColor() {\n return this.fillColor;\n }\n set bgColor(color) {\n this.fillColor = color;\n }\n get charLimit() {\n return this._charLimit;\n }\n set charLimit(limit) {\n if (typeof limit !== "number") {\n throw new Error("Invalid argument value");\n }\n this._charLimit = Math.max(0, Math.floor(limit));\n }\n get numItems() {\n if (!this._isChoice) {\n throw new Error("Not a choice widget");\n }\n return this._items.length;\n }\n set numItems(_) {\n throw new Error("field.numItems is read-only");\n }\n get strokeColor() {\n return this._strokeColor;\n }\n set strokeColor(color) {\n if (_color.Color._isValidColor(color)) {\n this._strokeColor = color;\n }\n }\n get borderColor() {\n return this.strokeColor;\n }\n set borderColor(color) {\n this.strokeColor = color;\n }\n get page() {\n return this._page;\n }\n set page(_) {\n throw new Error(" is read-only");\n }\n get rotation() {\n return this._rotation;\n }\n set rotation(angle) {\n angle = Math.floor(angle);\n if (angle % 90 !== 0) {\n throw new Error("Invalid rotation: must be a multiple of 90");\n }\n angle %= 360;\n if (angle < 0) {\n angle += 360;\n }\n this._rotation = angle;\n }\n get textColor() {\n return this._textColor;\n }\n set textColor(color) {\n if (_color.Color._isValidColor(color)) {\n this._textColor = color;\n }\n }\n get fgColor() {\n return this.textColor;\n }\n set fgColor(color) {\n this.textColor = color;\n }\n get value() {\n return this._value;\n }\n set value(value) {\n if (this._isChoice) {\n this._setChoiceValue(value);\n return;\n }\n if (value === "") {\n this._value = "";\n } else if (typeof value === "string") {\n switch (this._fieldType) {\n case _common.FieldType.none:\n {\n this._originalValue = value;\n const _value = value.trim().replace(",", ".");\n this._value = !isNaN(_value) ? parseFloat(_value) : value;\n break;\n }\n case _common.FieldType.number:\n case _common.FieldType.percent:\n {\n const _value = value.trim().replace(",", ".");\n const number = parseFloat(_value);\n this._value = !isNaN(number) ? number : 0;\n break;\n }\n default:\n this._value = value;\n }\n } else {\n this._value = value;\n }\n }\n _getValue() {\n return this._originalValue ?? this.value;\n }\n _setChoiceValue(value) {\n if (this.multipleSelection) {\n if (!Array.isArray(value)) {\n value = [value];\n }\n const values = new Set(value);\n if (Array.isArray(this._currentValueIndices)) {\n this._currentValueIndices.length = 0;\n this._value.length = 0;\n } else {\n this._currentValueIndices = [];\n this._value = [];\n }\n this._items.forEach((item, i) => {\n if (values.has(item.exportValue)) {\n this._currentValueIndices.push(i);\n this._value.push(item.exportValue);\n }\n });\n } else {\n if (Array.isArray(value)) {\n value = value[0];\n }\n const index = this._items.findIndex(({\n exportValue\n }) => value === exportValue);\n if (index !== -1) {\n this._currentValueIndices = index;\n this._value = this._items[index].exportValue;\n }\n }\n }\n get valueAsString() {\n return (this._value ?? "").toString();\n }\n set valueAsString(_) {}\n browseForFileToSubmit() {\n if (this._browseForFileToSubmit) {\n this._browseForFileToSubmit();\n }\n }\n buttonGetCaption(nFace = 0) {\n if (this._buttonCaption) {\n return this._buttonCaption[nFace];\n }\n return "";\n }\n buttonGetIcon(nFace = 0) {\n if (this._buttonIcon) {\n return this._buttonIcon[nFace];\n }\n return null;\n }\n buttonImportIcon(cPath = null, nPave = 0) {}\n buttonSetCaption(cCaption, nFace = 0) {\n if (!this._buttonCaption) {\n this._buttonCaption = ["", "", ""];\n }\n this._buttonCaption[nFace] = cCaption;\n }\n buttonSetIcon(oIcon, nFace = 0) {\n if (!this._buttonIcon) {\n this._buttonIcon = [null, null, null];\n }\n this._buttonIcon[nFace] = oIcon;\n }\n checkThisBox(nWidget, bCheckIt = true) {}\n clearItems() {\n if (!this._isChoice) {\n throw new Error("Not a choice widget");\n }\n this._items = [];\n this._send({\n id: this._id,\n clear: null\n });\n }\n deleteItemAt(nIdx = null) {\n if (!this._isChoice) {\n throw new Error("Not a choice widget");\n }\n if (!this.numItems) {\n return;\n }\n if (nIdx === null) {\n nIdx = Array.isArray(this._currentValueIndices) ? this._currentValueIndices[0] : this._currentValueIndices;\n nIdx = nIdx || 0;\n }\n if (nIdx < 0 || nIdx >= this.numItems) {\n nIdx = this.numItems - 1;\n }\n this._items.splice(nIdx, 1);\n if (Array.isArray(this._currentValueIndices)) {\n let index = this._currentValueIndices.findIndex(i => i >= nIdx);\n if (index !== -1) {\n if (this._currentValueIndices[index] === nIdx) {\n this._currentValueIndices.splice(index, 1);\n }\n for (const ii = this._currentValueIndices.length; index < ii; index++) {\n --this._currentValueIndices[index];\n }\n }\n } else {\n if (this._currentValueIndices === nIdx) {\n this._currentValueIndices = this.numItems > 0 ? 0 : -1;\n } else if (this._currentValueIndices > nIdx) {\n --this._currentValueIndices;\n }\n }\n this._send({\n id: this._id,\n remove: nIdx\n });\n }\n getItemAt(nIdx = -1, bExportValue = false) {\n if (!this._isChoice) {\n throw new Error("Not a choice widget");\n }\n if (nIdx < 0 || nIdx >= this.numItems) {\n nIdx = this.numItems - 1;\n }\n const item = this._items[nIdx];\n return bExportValue ? item.exportValue : item.displayValue;\n }\n getArray() {\n if (this._kidIds) {\n const array = [];\n const fillArrayWithKids = kidIds => {\n for (const id of kidIds) {\n const obj = this._appObjects[id];\n if (!obj) {\n continue;\n }\n if (obj.obj._hasValue) {\n array.push(obj.wrapped);\n }\n if (obj.obj._kidIds) {\n fillArrayWithKids(obj.obj._kidIds);\n }\n }\n };\n fillArrayWithKids(this._kidIds);\n return array;\n }\n if (this._children === null) {\n this._children = this._document.obj._getTerminalChildren(this._fieldPath);\n }\n return this._children;\n }\n getLock() {\n return undefined;\n }\n isBoxChecked(nWidget) {\n return false;\n }\n isDefaultChecked(nWidget) {\n return false;\n }\n insertItemAt(cName, cExport = undefined, nIdx = 0) {\n if (!this._isChoice) {\n throw new Error("Not a choice widget");\n }\n if (!cName) {\n return;\n }\n if (nIdx < 0 || nIdx > this.numItems) {\n nIdx = this.numItems;\n }\n if (this._items.some(({\n displayValue\n }) => displayValue === cName)) {\n return;\n }\n if (cExport === undefined) {\n cExport = cName;\n }\n const data = {\n displayValue: cName,\n exportValue: cExport\n };\n this._items.splice(nIdx, 0, data);\n if (Array.isArray(this._currentValueIndices)) {\n let index = this._currentValueIndices.findIndex(i => i >= nIdx);\n if (index !== -1) {\n for (const ii = this._currentValueIndices.length; index < ii; index++) {\n ++this._currentValueIndices[index];\n }\n }\n } else if (this._currentValueIndices >= nIdx) {\n ++this._currentValueIndices;\n }\n this._send({\n id: this._id,\n insert: {\n index: nIdx,\n\n }\n });\n }\n setAction(cTrigger, cScript) {\n if (typeof cTrigger !== "string" || typeof cScript !== "string") {\n return;\n }\n if (!(cTrigger in this._actions)) {\n this._actions[cTrigger] = [];\n }\n this._actions[cTrigger].push(cScript);\n }\n setFocus() {\n this._send({\n id: this._id,\n focus: true\n });\n }\n setItems(oArray) {\n if (!this._isChoice) {\n throw new Error("Not a choice widget");\n }\n this._items.length = 0;\n for (const element of oArray) {\n let displayValue, exportValue;\n if (Array.isArray(element)) {\n displayValue = element[0]?.toString() || "";\n exportValue = element[1]?.toString() || "";\n } else {\n displayValue = exportValue = element?.toString() || "";\n }\n this._items.push({\n displayValue,\n exportValue\n });\n }\n this._currentValueIndices = 0;\n this._send({\n id: this._id,\n items: this._items\n });\n }\n setLock() {}\n signatureGetModifications() {}\n signatureGetSeedValue() {}\n signatureInfo() {}\n signatureSetSeedValue() {}\n signatureSign() {}\n signatureValidate() {}\n _isButton() {\n return false;\n }\n _reset() {\n this.value = this.defaultValue;\n }\n _runActions(event) {\n const eventName =;\n if (!this._actions.has(eventName)) {\n return false;\n }\n const actions = this._actions.get(eventName);\n try {\n for (const action of actions) {\n this._globalEval(action);\n }\n } catch (error) {\n event.rc = false;\n throw error;\n }\n return true;\n }\n}\nexports.Field = Field;\nclass RadioButtonField extends Field {\n constructor(otherButtons, data) {\n super(data);\n this.exportValues = [this.exportValues];\n this._radioIds = [this._id];\n this._radioActions = [this._actions];\n for (const radioData of otherButtons) {\n this.exportValues.push(radioData.exportValues);\n this._radioIds.push(;\n this._radioActions.push((0, _common.createActionsMap)(radioData.actions));\n if (this._value === radioData.exportValues) {\n this._id =;\n }\n }\n this._hasBeenInitialized = true;\n this._value = data.value || "";\n }\n get value() {\n return this._value;\n }\n set value(value) {\n if (!this._hasBeenInitialized) {\n return;\n }\n if (value === null || value === undefined) {\n this._value = "";\n }\n const i = this.exportValues.indexOf(value);\n if (0 <= i && i < this._radioIds.length) {\n this._id = this._radioIds[i];\n this._value = value;\n } else if (value === "Off" && this._radioIds.length === 2) {\n const nextI = (1 + this._radioIds.indexOf(this._id)) % 2;\n this._id = this._radioIds[nextI];\n this._value = this.exportValues[nextI];\n }\n }\n checkThisBox(nWidget, bCheckIt = true) {\n if (nWidget < 0 || nWidget >= this._radioIds.length || !bCheckIt) {\n return;\n }\n this._id = this._radioIds[nWidget];\n this._value = this.exportValues[nWidget];\n this._send({\n id: this._id,\n value: this._value\n });\n }\n isBoxChecked(nWidget) {\n return nWidget >= 0 && nWidget < this._radioIds.length && this._id === this._radioIds[nWidget];\n }\n isDefaultChecked(nWidget) {\n return nWidget >= 0 && nWidget < this.exportValues.length && this.defaultValue === this.exportValues[nWidget];\n }\n _getExportValue(state) {\n const i = this._radioIds.indexOf(this._id);\n return this.exportValues[i];\n }\n _runActions(event) {\n const i = this._radioIds.indexOf(this._id);\n this._actions = this._radioActions[i];\n return super._runActions(event);\n }\n _isButton() {\n return true;\n }\n}\nexports.RadioButtonField = RadioButtonField;\nclass CheckboxField extends RadioButtonField {\n get value() {\n return this._value;\n }\n set value(value) {\n if (!value || value === "Off") {\n this._value = "Off";\n } else {\n super.value = value;\n }\n }\n _getExportValue(state) {\n return state ? super._getExportValue(state) : "Off";\n }\n isBoxChecked(nWidget) {\n if (this._value === "Off") {\n return false;\n }\n return super.isBoxChecked(nWidget);\n }\n isDefaultChecked(nWidget) {\n if (this.defaultValue === "Off") {\n return this._value === "Off";\n }\n return super.isDefaultChecked(nWidget);\n }\n checkThisBox(nWidget, bCheckIt = true) {\n if (nWidget < 0 || nWidget >= this._radioIds.length) {\n return;\n }\n this._id = this._radioIds[nWidget];\n this._value = bCheckIt ? this.exportValues[nWidget] : "Off";\n this._send({\n id: this._id,\n value: this._value\n });\n }\n}\nexports.CheckboxField = CheckboxField;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 4 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.FieldType = void 0;\nexports.createActionsMap = createActionsMap;\nexports.getFieldType = getFieldType;\nconst FieldType = {\n none: 0,\n number: 1,\n percent: 2,\n date: 3,\n time: 4\n};\nexports.FieldType = FieldType;\nfunction createActionsMap(actions) {\n const actionsMap = new Map();\n if (actions) {\n for (const [eventType, actionsForEvent] of Object.entries(actions)) {\n actionsMap.set(eventType, actionsForEvent);\n }\n }\n return actionsMap;\n}\nfunction getFieldType(actions) {\n let format = actions.get("Format");\n if (!format) {\n return FieldType.none;\n }\n format = format[0];\n format = format.trim();\n if (format.startsWith("AFNumber_")) {\n return FieldType.number;\n }\n if (format.startsWith("AFPercent_")) {\n return FieldType.percent;\n }\n if (format.startsWith("AFDate_")) {\n return;\n }\n if (format.startsWith("AFTime__")) {\n return FieldType.time;\n }\n return FieldType.none;\n}\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 5 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.Color = void 0;\nvar _scripting_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(6);\nvar _pdf_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(7);\nclass Color extends _pdf_object.PDFObject {\n constructor() {\n super({});\n this.transparent = ["T"];\n = ["G", 0];\n this.white = ["G", 1];\n = ["RGB", 1, 0, 0];\n = ["RGB", 0, 1, 0];\n = ["RGB", 0, 0, 1];\n this.cyan = ["CMYK", 1, 0, 0, 0];\n this.magenta = ["CMYK", 0, 1, 0, 0];\n this.yellow = ["CMYK", 0, 0, 1, 0];\n this.dkGray = ["G", 0.25];\n this.gray = ["G", 0.5];\n this.ltGray = ["G", 0.75];\n }\n static _isValidSpace(cColorSpace) {\n return typeof cColorSpace === "string" && (cColorSpace === "T" || cColorSpace === "G" || cColorSpace === "RGB" || cColorSpace === "CMYK");\n }\n static _isValidColor(colorArray) {\n if (!Array.isArray(colorArray) || colorArray.length === 0) {\n return false;\n }\n const space = colorArray[0];\n if (!Color._isValidSpace(space)) {\n return false;\n }\n switch (space) {\n case "T":\n if (colorArray.length !== 1) {\n return false;\n }\n break;\n case "G":\n if (colorArray.length !== 2) {\n return false;\n }\n break;\n case "RGB":\n if (colorArray.length !== 4) {\n return false;\n }\n break;\n case "CMYK":\n if (colorArray.length !== 5) {\n return false;\n }\n break;\n default:\n return false;\n }\n return colorArray.slice(1).every(c => typeof c === "number" && c >= 0 && c <= 1);\n }\n static _getCorrectColor(colorArray) {\n return Color._isValidColor(colorArray) ? colorArray : ["G", 0];\n }\n convert(colorArray, cColorSpace) {\n if (!Color._isValidSpace(cColorSpace)) {\n return;\n }\n if (cColorSpace === "T") {\n return ["T"];\n }\n colorArray = Color._getCorrectColor(colorArray);\n if (colorArray[0] === cColorSpace) {\n return colorArray;\n }\n if (colorArray[0] === "T") {\n return this.convert(, cColorSpace);\n }\n return _scripting_utils.ColorConverters[`${colorArray[0]}_${cColorSpace}`](colorArray.slice(1));\n }\n equal(colorArray1, colorArray2) {\n colorArray1 = Color._getCorrectColor(colorArray1);\n colorArray2 = Color._getCorrectColor(colorArray2);\n if (colorArray1[0] === "T" || colorArray2[0] === "T") {\n return colorArray1[0] === "T" && colorArray2[0] === "T";\n }\n if (colorArray1[0] !== colorArray2[0]) {\n colorArray2 = this.convert(colorArray2, colorArray1[0]);\n }\n return colorArray1.slice(1).every((c, i) => c === colorArray2[i + 1]);\n }\n}\nexports.Color = Color;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 6 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.ColorConverters = void 0;\nfunction makeColorComp(n) {\n return Math.floor(Math.max(0, Math.min(1, n)) * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, "0");\n}\nclass ColorConverters {\n static CMYK_G([c, y, m, k]) {\n return ["G", 1 - Math.min(1, 0.3 * c + 0.59 * m + 0.11 * y + k)];\n }\n static G_CMYK([g]) {\n return ["CMYK", 0, 0, 0, 1 - g];\n }\n static G_RGB([g]) {\n return ["RGB", g, g, g];\n }\n static G_HTML([g]) {\n const G = makeColorComp(g);\n return `#${G}${G}${G}`;\n }\n static RGB_G([r, g, b]) {\n return ["G", 0.3 * r + 0.59 * g + 0.11 * b];\n }\n static RGB_HTML([r, g, b]) {\n const R = makeColorComp(r);\n const G = makeColorComp(g);\n const B = makeColorComp(b);\n return `#${R}${G}${B}`;\n }\n static T_HTML() {\n return "#00000000";\n }\n static CMYK_RGB([c, y, m, k]) {\n return ["RGB", 1 - Math.min(1, c + k), 1 - Math.min(1, m + k), 1 - Math.min(1, y + k)];\n }\n static CMYK_HTML(components) {\n const rgb = this.CMYK_RGB(components).slice(1);\n return this.RGB_HTML(rgb);\n }\n static RGB_CMYK([r, g, b]) {\n const c = 1 - r;\n const m = 1 - g;\n const y = 1 - b;\n const k = Math.min(c, m, y);\n return ["CMYK", c, m, y, k];\n }\n}\nexports.ColorConverters = ColorConverters;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 7 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.PDFObject = void 0;\nclass PDFObject {\n constructor(data) {\n this._expandos = Object.create(null);\n this._send = data.send || null;\n this._id = || null;\n }\n}\nexports.PDFObject = PDFObject;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 8 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.AForm = void 0;\nvar _constants = __w_pdfjs_require__(2);\nclass AForm {\n constructor(document, app, util, color) {\n this._document = document;\n this._app = app;\n this._util = util;\n this._color = color;\n this._dateFormats = ["m/d", "m/d/yy", "mm/dd/yy", "mm/yy", "d-mmm", "d-mmm-yy", "dd-mmm-yy", "yy-mm-dd", "mmm-yy", "mmmm-yy", "mmm d, yyyy", "mmmm d, yyyy", "m/d/yy h:MM tt", "m/d/yy HH:MM"];\n this._timeFormats = ["HH:MM", "h:MM tt", "HH:MM:ss", "h:MM:ss tt"];\n this._dateActionsCache = new Map();\n this._emailRegex = new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&\'*+\\\\/=?^_`{|}~-]+" + "@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?" + "(?:\\\\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$");\n }\n _mkTargetName(event) {\n return ? `[ ${} ]` : "";\n }\n _tryToGuessDate(cFormat, cDate) {\n let actions = this._dateActionsCache.get(cFormat);\n if (!actions) {\n actions = [];\n this._dateActionsCache.set(cFormat, actions);\n cFormat.replaceAll(/(d+)|(m+)|(y+)|(H+)|(M+)|(s+)/g, function (match, d, m, y, H, M, s) {\n if (d) {\n actions.push((n, date) => {\n if (n >= 1 && n <= 31) {\n date.setDate(n);\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n });\n } else if (m) {\n actions.push((n, date) => {\n if (n >= 1 && n <= 12) {\n date.setMonth(n - 1);\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n });\n } else if (y) {\n actions.push((n, date) => {\n if (n < 50) {\n n += 2000;\n } else if (n < 100) {\n n += 1900;\n }\n date.setYear(n);\n return true;\n });\n } else if (H) {\n actions.push((n, date) => {\n if (n >= 0 && n <= 23) {\n date.setHours(n);\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n });\n } else if (M) {\n actions.push((n, date) => {\n if (n >= 0 && n <= 59) {\n date.setMinutes(n);\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n });\n } else if (s) {\n actions.push((n, date) => {\n if (n >= 0 && n <= 59) {\n date.setSeconds(n);\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n });\n }\n return "";\n });\n }\n const number = /\\d+/g;\n let i = 0;\n let array;\n const date = new Date();\n while ((array = number.exec(cDate)) !== null) {\n if (i < actions.length) {\n if (!actions[i++](parseInt(array[0]), date)) {\n return null;\n }\n } else {\n break;\n }\n }\n if (i === 0) {\n return null;\n }\n return date;\n }\n _parseDate(cFormat, cDate) {\n let date = null;\n try {\n date = this._util.scand(cFormat, cDate);\n } catch (error) {}\n if (!date) {\n date = Date.parse(cDate);\n if (isNaN(date)) {\n date = this._tryToGuessDate(cFormat, cDate);\n } else {\n date = new Date(date);\n }\n }\n return date;\n }\n AFMergeChange(event = globalThis.event) {\n if (event.willCommit) {\n return event.value.toString();\n }\n return this._app._eventDispatcher.mergeChange(event);\n }\n AFParseDateEx(cString, cOrder) {\n return this._parseDate(cOrder, cString);\n }\n AFExtractNums(str) {\n if (typeof str === "number") {\n return [str];\n }\n if (!str || typeof str !== "string") {\n return null;\n }\n const first = str.charAt(0);\n if (first === "." || first === ",") {\n str = `0${str}`;\n }\n const numbers = str.match(/(\\d+)/g);\n if (numbers.length === 0) {\n return null;\n }\n return numbers;\n }\n AFMakeNumber(str) {\n if (typeof str === "number") {\n return str;\n }\n if (typeof str !== "string") {\n return null;\n }\n str = str.trim().replace(",", ".");\n const number = parseFloat(str);\n if (isNaN(number) || !isFinite(number)) {\n return null;\n }\n return number;\n }\n AFMakeArrayFromList(string) {\n if (typeof string === "string") {\n return string.split(/, ?/g);\n }\n return string;\n }\n AFNumber_Format(nDec, sepStyle, negStyle, currStyle, strCurrency, bCurrencyPrepend) {\n const event = globalThis.event;\n if (!event.value) {\n return;\n }\n let value = this.AFMakeNumber(event.value);\n if (value === null) {\n event.value = "";\n return;\n }\n const sign = Math.sign(value);\n const buf = [];\n let hasParen = false;\n if (sign === -1 && bCurrencyPrepend && negStyle === 0) {\n buf.push("-");\n }\n if ((negStyle === 2 || negStyle === 3) && sign === -1) {\n buf.push("(");\n hasParen = true;\n }\n if (bCurrencyPrepend) {\n buf.push(strCurrency);\n }\n sepStyle = Math.min(Math.max(0, Math.floor(sepStyle)), 4);\n buf.push("%,", sepStyle, ".", nDec.toString(), "f");\n if (!bCurrencyPrepend) {\n buf.push(strCurrency);\n }\n if (hasParen) {\n buf.push(")");\n }\n if (negStyle === 1 || negStyle === 3) {\n = sign === 1 ? :;\n }\n if ((negStyle !== 0 || bCurrencyPrepend) && sign === -1) {\n value = -value;\n }\n const formatStr = buf.join("");\n event.value = this._util.printf(formatStr, value);\n }\n AFNumber_Keystroke(nDec, sepStyle, negStyle, currStyle, strCurrency, bCurrencyPrepend) {\n const event = globalThis.event;\n let value = this.AFMergeChange(event);\n if (!value) {\n return;\n }\n value = value.trim();\n let pattern;\n if (sepStyle > 1) {\n pattern = event.willCommit ? /^[+-]?(\\d+(,\\d*)?|,\\d+)$/ : /^[+-]?\\d*,?\\d*$/;\n } else {\n pattern = event.willCommit ? /^[+-]?(\\d+(\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)$/ : /^[+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d*$/;\n }\n if (!pattern.test(value)) {\n if (event.willCommit) {\n const err = `${_constants.GlobalConstants.IDS_INVALID_VALUE} ${this._mkTargetName(event)}`;\n this._app.alert(err);\n }\n event.rc = false;\n }\n if (event.willCommit && sepStyle > 1) {\n event.value = parseFloat(value.replace(",", "."));\n }\n }\n AFPercent_Format(nDec, sepStyle, percentPrepend = false) {\n if (typeof nDec !== "number") {\n return;\n }\n if (typeof sepStyle !== "number") {\n return;\n }\n if (nDec < 0) {\n throw new Error("Invalid nDec value in AFPercent_Format");\n }\n const event = globalThis.event;\n if (nDec > 512) {\n event.value = "%";\n return;\n }\n nDec = Math.floor(nDec);\n sepStyle = Math.min(Math.max(0, Math.floor(sepStyle)), 4);\n let value = this.AFMakeNumber(event.value);\n if (value === null) {\n event.value = "%";\n return;\n }\n const formatStr = `%,${sepStyle}.${nDec}f`;\n value = this._util.printf(formatStr, value * 100);\n if (percentPrepend) {\n event.value = `%${value}`;\n } else {\n event.value = `${value}%`;\n }\n }\n AFPercent_Keystroke(nDec, sepStyle) {\n this.AFNumber_Keystroke(nDec, sepStyle, 0, 0, "", true);\n }\n AFDate_FormatEx(cFormat) {\n const event = globalThis.event;\n const value = event.value;\n if (!value) {\n return;\n }\n const date = this._parseDate(cFormat, value);\n if (date !== null) {\n event.value = this._util.printd(cFormat, date);\n }\n }\n AFDate_Format(pdf) {\n if (pdf >= 0 && pdf < this._dateFormats.length) {\n this.AFDate_FormatEx(this._dateFormats[pdf]);\n }\n }\n AFDate_KeystrokeEx(cFormat) {\n const event = globalThis.event;\n if (!event.willCommit) {\n return;\n }\n const value = this.AFMergeChange(event);\n if (!value) {\n return;\n }\n if (this._parseDate(cFormat, value) === null) {\n const invalid = _constants.GlobalConstants.IDS_INVALID_DATE;\n const invalid2 = _constants.GlobalConstants.IDS_INVALID_DATE2;\n const err = `${invalid} ${this._mkTargetName(event)}${invalid2}${cFormat}`;\n this._app.alert(err);\n event.rc = false;\n }\n }\n AFDate_Keystroke(pdf) {\n if (pdf >= 0 && pdf < this._dateFormats.length) {\n this.AFDate_KeystrokeEx(this._dateFormats[pdf]);\n }\n }\n AFRange_Validate(bGreaterThan, nGreaterThan, bLessThan, nLessThan) {\n const event = globalThis.event;\n if (!event.value) {\n return;\n }\n const value = this.AFMakeNumber(event.value);\n if (value === null) {\n return;\n }\n bGreaterThan = !!bGreaterThan;\n bLessThan = !!bLessThan;\n if (bGreaterThan) {\n nGreaterThan = this.AFMakeNumber(nGreaterThan);\n if (nGreaterThan === null) {\n return;\n }\n }\n if (bLessThan) {\n nLessThan = this.AFMakeNumber(nLessThan);\n if (nLessThan === null) {\n return;\n }\n }\n let err = "";\n if (bGreaterThan && bLessThan) {\n if (value < nGreaterThan || value > nLessThan) {\n err = this._util.printf(_constants.GlobalConstants.IDS_GT_AND_LT, nGreaterThan, nLessThan);\n }\n } else if (bGreaterThan) {\n if (value < nGreaterThan) {\n err = this._util.printf(_constants.GlobalConstants.IDS_GREATER_THAN, nGreaterThan);\n }\n } else if (value > nLessThan) {\n err = this._util.printf(_constants.GlobalConstants.IDS_LESS_THAN, nLessThan);\n }\n if (err) {\n this._app.alert(err);\n event.rc = false;\n }\n }\n AFSimple(cFunction, nValue1, nValue2) {\n const value1 = this.AFMakeNumber(nValue1);\n if (value1 === null) {\n throw new Error("Invalid nValue1 in AFSimple");\n }\n const value2 = this.AFMakeNumber(nValue2);\n if (value2 === null) {\n throw new Error("Invalid nValue2 in AFSimple");\n }\n switch (cFunction) {\n case "AVG":\n return (value1 + value2) / 2;\n case "SUM":\n return value1 + value2;\n case "PRD":\n return value1 * value2;\n case "MIN":\n return Math.min(value1, value2);\n case "MAX":\n return Math.max(value1, value2);\n }\n throw new Error("Invalid cFunction in AFSimple");\n }\n AFSimple_Calculate(cFunction, cFields) {\n const actions = {\n AVG: args => args.reduce((acc, value) => acc + value, 0) / args.length,\n SUM: args => args.reduce((acc, value) => acc + value, 0),\n PRD: args => args.reduce((acc, value) => acc * value, 1),\n MIN: args => args.reduce((acc, value) => Math.min(acc, value), Number.MAX_VALUE),\n MAX: args => args.reduce((acc, value) => Math.max(acc, value), Number.MIN_VALUE)\n };\n if (!(cFunction in actions)) {\n throw new TypeError("Invalid function in AFSimple_Calculate");\n }\n const event = globalThis.event;\n const values = [];\n cFields = this.AFMakeArrayFromList(cFields);\n for (const cField of cFields) {\n const field = this._document.getField(cField);\n if (!field) {\n continue;\n }\n for (const child of field.getArray()) {\n const number = this.AFMakeNumber(child.value);\n if (number !== null) {\n values.push(number);\n }\n }\n }\n if (values.length === 0) {\n event.value = cFunction === "PRD" ? 1 : 0;\n return;\n }\n const res = actions[cFunction](values);\n event.value = Math.round(1e6 * res) / 1e6;\n }\n AFSpecial_Format(psf) {\n const event = globalThis.event;\n if (!event.value) {\n return;\n }\n psf = this.AFMakeNumber(psf);\n let formatStr;\n switch (psf) {\n case 0:\n formatStr = "99999";\n break;\n case 1:\n formatStr = "99999-9999";\n break;\n case 2:\n if (this._util.printx("9999999999", event.value).length >= 10) {\n formatStr = "(999) 999-9999";\n } else {\n formatStr = "999-9999";\n }\n break;\n case 3:\n formatStr = "999-99-9999";\n break;\n default:\n throw new Error("Invalid psf in AFSpecial_Format");\n }\n event.value = this._util.printx(formatStr, event.value);\n }\n AFSpecial_KeystrokeEx(cMask) {\n if (!cMask) {\n return;\n }\n const event = globalThis.event;\n const value = this.AFMergeChange(event);\n if (!value) {\n return;\n }\n const checkers = new Map([["9", char => char >= "0" && char <= "9"], ["A", char => "a" <= char && char <= "z" || "A" <= char && char <= "Z"], ["O", char => "a" <= char && char <= "z" || "A" <= char && char <= "Z" || "0" <= char && char <= "9"], ["X", char => true]]);\n function _checkValidity(_value, _cMask) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = _value.length; i < ii; i++) {\n const mask = _cMask.charAt(i);\n const char = _value.charAt(i);\n const checker = checkers.get(mask);\n if (checker) {\n if (!checker(char)) {\n return false;\n }\n } else if (mask !== char) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n const err = `${_constants.GlobalConstants.IDS_INVALID_VALUE} = "${cMask}"`;\n if (value.length > cMask.length) {\n this._app.alert(err);\n event.rc = false;\n return;\n }\n if (event.willCommit) {\n if (value.length < cMask.length) {\n this._app.alert(err);\n event.rc = false;\n return;\n }\n if (!_checkValidity(value, cMask)) {\n this._app.alert(err);\n event.rc = false;\n return;\n }\n event.value += cMask.substring(value.length);\n return;\n }\n if (value.length < cMask.length) {\n cMask = cMask.substring(0, value.length);\n }\n if (!_checkValidity(value, cMask)) {\n this._app.alert(err);\n event.rc = false;\n }\n }\n AFSpecial_Keystroke(psf) {\n const event = globalThis.event;\n psf = this.AFMakeNumber(psf);\n let formatStr;\n switch (psf) {\n case 0:\n formatStr = "99999";\n break;\n case 1:\n formatStr = "99999-9999";\n break;\n case 2:\n const value = this.AFMergeChange(event);\n if (value.length > 8 || value.startsWith("(")) {\n formatStr = "(999) 999-9999";\n } else {\n formatStr = "999-9999";\n }\n break;\n case 3:\n formatStr = "999-99-9999";\n break;\n default:\n throw new Error("Invalid psf in AFSpecial_Keystroke");\n }\n this.AFSpecial_KeystrokeEx(formatStr);\n }\n AFTime_FormatEx(cFormat) {\n this.AFDate_FormatEx(cFormat);\n }\n AFTime_Format(pdf) {\n if (pdf >= 0 && pdf < this._timeFormats.length) {\n this.AFDate_FormatEx(this._timeFormats[pdf]);\n }\n }\n AFTime_KeystrokeEx(cFormat) {\n this.AFDate_KeystrokeEx(cFormat);\n }\n AFTime_Keystroke(pdf) {\n if (pdf >= 0 && pdf < this._timeFormats.length) {\n this.AFDate_KeystrokeEx(this._timeFormats[pdf]);\n }\n }\n eMailValidate(str) {\n return this._emailRegex.test(str);\n }\n AFExactMatch(rePatterns, str) {\n if (rePatterns instanceof RegExp) {\n return str.match(rePatterns)?.[0] === str || 0;\n }\n return rePatterns.findIndex(re => str.match(re)?.[0] === str) + 1;\n }\n}\nexports.AForm = AForm;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 9 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.USERACTIVATION_CALLBACKID = exports.App = void 0;\nvar _color = __w_pdfjs_require__(5);\nvar _event = __w_pdfjs_require__(10);\nvar _fullscreen = __w_pdfjs_require__(13);\nvar _pdf_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(7);\nvar _thermometer = __w_pdfjs_require__(14);\nconst VIEWER_TYPE = "PDF.js";\nconst VIEWER_VARIATION = "Full";\nconst VIEWER_VERSION = 21.00720099;\nconst FORMS_VERSION = 21.00720099;\nconst USERACTIVATION_CALLBACKID = 0;\nexports.USERACTIVATION_CALLBACKID = USERACTIVATION_CALLBACKID;\nclass App extends _pdf_object.PDFObject {\n constructor(data) {\n super(data);\n this._constants = null;\n this._focusRect = true;\n this._fs = null;\n this._language = App._getLanguage(data.language);\n this._openInPlace = false;\n this._platform = App._getPlatform(data.platform);\n this._runtimeHighlight = false;\n this._runtimeHighlightColor = ["T"];\n this._thermometer = null;\n this._toolbar = false;\n this._document = data._document;\n this._proxyHandler = data.proxyHandler;\n this._objects = Object.create(null);\n this._eventDispatcher = new _event.EventDispatcher(this._document, data.calculationOrder, this._objects, data.externalCall);\n this._timeoutIds = new WeakMap();\n if (typeof FinalizationRegistry !== "undefined") {\n this._timeoutIdsRegistry = new FinalizationRegistry(this._cleanTimeout.bind(this));\n } else {\n this._timeoutIdsRegistry = null;\n }\n this._timeoutCallbackIds = new Map();\n this._timeoutCallbackId = USERACTIVATION_CALLBACKID + 1;\n this._globalEval = data.globalEval;\n this._externalCall = data.externalCall;\n }\n _dispatchEvent(pdfEvent) {\n this._eventDispatcher.dispatch(pdfEvent);\n }\n _registerTimeoutCallback(cExpr) {\n const id = this._timeoutCallbackId++;\n this._timeoutCallbackIds.set(id, cExpr);\n return id;\n }\n _unregisterTimeoutCallback(id) {\n this._timeoutCallbackIds.delete(id);\n }\n _evalCallback({\n callbackId,\n interval\n }) {\n if (callbackId === USERACTIVATION_CALLBACKID) {\n this._document.obj._userActivation = false;\n return;\n }\n const expr = this._timeoutCallbackIds.get(callbackId);\n if (!interval) {\n this._unregisterTimeoutCallback(callbackId);\n }\n if (expr) {\n this._globalEval(expr);\n }\n }\n _registerTimeout(callbackId, interval) {\n const timeout = Object.create(null);\n const id = {\n callbackId,\n interval\n };\n this._timeoutIds.set(timeout, id);\n this._timeoutIdsRegistry?.register(timeout, id);\n return timeout;\n }\n _unregisterTimeout(timeout) {\n this._timeoutIdsRegistry?.unregister(timeout);\n const data = this._timeoutIds.get(timeout);\n if (!data) {\n return;\n }\n this._timeoutIds.delete(timeout);\n this._cleanTimeout(data);\n }\n _cleanTimeout({\n callbackId,\n interval\n }) {\n this._unregisterTimeoutCallback(callbackId);\n if (interval) {\n this._externalCall("clearInterval", [callbackId]);\n } else {\n this._externalCall("clearTimeout", [callbackId]);\n }\n }\n static _getPlatform(platform) {\n if (typeof platform === "string") {\n platform = platform.toLowerCase();\n if (platform.includes("win")) {\n return "WIN";\n } else if (platform.includes("mac")) {\n return "MAC";\n }\n }\n return "UNIX";\n }\n static _getLanguage(language) {\n const [main, sub] = language.toLowerCase().split(/[-_]/);\n switch (main) {\n case "zh":\n if (sub === "cn" || sub === "sg") {\n return "CHS";\n }\n return "CHT";\n case "da":\n return "DAN";\n case "de":\n return "DEU";\n case "es":\n return "ESP";\n case "fr":\n return "FRA";\n case "it":\n return "ITA";\n case "ko":\n return "KOR";\n case "ja":\n return "JPN";\n case "nl":\n return "NLD";\n case "no":\n return "NOR";\n case "pt":\n if (sub === "br") {\n return "PTB";\n }\n return "ENU";\n case "fi":\n return "SUO";\n case "SV":\n return "SVE";\n default:\n return "ENU";\n }\n }\n get activeDocs() {\n return [this._document.wrapped];\n }\n set activeDocs(_) {\n throw new Error("app.activeDocs is read-only");\n }\n get calculate() {\n return this._document.obj.calculate;\n }\n set calculate(calculate) {\n this._document.obj.calculate = calculate;\n }\n get constants() {\n if (!this._constants) {\n this._constants = Object.freeze({\n align: Object.freeze({\n left: 0,\n center: 1,\n right: 2,\n top: 3,\n bottom: 4\n })\n });\n }\n return this._constants;\n }\n set constants(_) {\n throw new Error("app.constants is read-only");\n }\n get focusRect() {\n return this._focusRect;\n }\n set focusRect(val) {\n this._focusRect = val;\n }\n get formsVersion() {\n return FORMS_VERSION;\n }\n set formsVersion(_) {\n throw new Error("app.formsVersion is read-only");\n }\n get fromPDFConverters() {\n return [];\n }\n set fromPDFConverters(_) {\n throw new Error("app.fromPDFConverters is read-only");\n }\n get fs() {\n if (this._fs === null) {\n this._fs = new Proxy(new _fullscreen.FullScreen({\n send: this._send\n }), this._proxyHandler);\n }\n return this._fs;\n }\n set fs(_) {\n throw new Error("app.fs is read-only");\n }\n get language() {\n return this._language;\n }\n set language(_) {\n throw new Error("app.language is read-only");\n }\n get media() {\n return undefined;\n }\n set media(_) {\n throw new Error(" is read-only");\n }\n get monitors() {\n return [];\n }\n set monitors(_) {\n throw new Error("app.monitors is read-only");\n }\n get numPlugins() {\n return 0;\n }\n set numPlugins(_) {\n throw new Error("app.numPlugins is read-only");\n }\n get openInPlace() {\n return this._openInPlace;\n }\n set openInPlace(val) {\n this._openInPlace = val;\n }\n get platform() {\n return this._platform;\n }\n set platform(_) {\n throw new Error("app.platform is read-only");\n }\n get plugins() {\n return [];\n }\n set plugins(_) {\n throw new Error("app.plugins is read-only");\n }\n get printColorProfiles() {\n return [];\n }\n set printColorProfiles(_) {\n throw new Error("app.printColorProfiles is read-only");\n }\n get printerNames() {\n return [];\n }\n set printerNames(_) {\n throw new Error("app.printerNames is read-only");\n }\n get runtimeHighlight() {\n return this._runtimeHighlight;\n }\n set runtimeHighlight(val) {\n this._runtimeHighlight = val;\n }\n get runtimeHighlightColor() {\n return this._runtimeHighlightColor;\n }\n set runtimeHighlightColor(val) {\n if (_color.Color._isValidColor(val)) {\n this._runtimeHighlightColor = val;\n }\n }\n get thermometer() {\n if (this._thermometer === null) {\n this._thermometer = new Proxy(new _thermometer.Thermometer({\n send: this._send\n }), this._proxyHandler);\n }\n return this._thermometer;\n }\n set thermometer(_) {\n throw new Error("app.thermometer is read-only");\n }\n get toolbar() {\n return this._toolbar;\n }\n set toolbar(val) {\n this._toolbar = val;\n }\n get toolbarHorizontal() {\n return this.toolbar;\n }\n set toolbarHorizontal(value) {\n this.toolbar = value;\n }\n get toolbarVertical() {\n return this.toolbar;\n }\n set toolbarVertical(value) {\n this.toolbar = value;\n }\n get viewerType() {\n return VIEWER_TYPE;\n }\n set viewerType(_) {\n throw new Error("app.viewerType is read-only");\n }\n get viewerVariation() {\n return VIEWER_VARIATION;\n }\n set viewerVariation(_) {\n throw new Error("app.viewerVariation is read-only");\n }\n get viewerVersion() {\n return VIEWER_VERSION;\n }\n set viewerVersion(_) {\n throw new Error("app.viewerVersion is read-only");\n }\n addMenuItem() {}\n addSubMenu() {}\n addToolButton() {}\n alert(cMsg, nIcon = 0, nType = 0, cTitle = "PDF.js", oDoc = null, oCheckbox = null) {\n if (!this._document.obj._userActivation) {\n return 0;\n }\n this._document.obj._userActivation = false;\n if (cMsg && typeof cMsg === "object") {\n nType = cMsg.nType;\n cMsg = cMsg.cMsg;\n }\n cMsg = (cMsg || "").toString();\n nType = typeof nType !== "number" || isNaN(nType) || nType < 0 || nType > 3 ? 0 : nType;\n if (nType >= 2) {\n return this._externalCall("confirm", [cMsg]) ? 4 : 3;\n }\n this._externalCall("alert", [cMsg]);\n return 1;\n }\n beep() {}\n beginPriv() {}\n browseForDoc() {}\n clearInterval(oInterval) {\n this._unregisterTimeout(oInterval);\n }\n clearTimeOut(oTime) {\n this._unregisterTimeout(oTime);\n }\n endPriv() {}\n execDialog() {}\n execMenuItem(item) {\n if (!this._document.obj._userActivation) {\n return;\n }\n this._document.obj._userActivation = false;\n switch (item) {\n case "SaveAs":\n if (this._document.obj._disableSaving) {\n return;\n }\n this._send({\n command: item\n });\n break;\n case "FirstPage":\n case "LastPage":\n case "NextPage":\n case "PrevPage":\n case "ZoomViewIn":\n case "ZoomViewOut":\n this._send({\n command: item\n });\n break;\n case "FitPage":\n this._send({\n command: "zoom",\n value: "page-fit"\n });\n break;\n case "Print":\n if (this._document.obj._disablePrinting) {\n return;\n }\n this._send({\n command: "print"\n });\n break;\n }\n }\n getNthPlugInName() {}\n getPath() {}\n goBack() {}\n goForward() {}\n hideMenuItem() {}\n hideToolbarButton() {}\n launchURL() {}\n listMenuItems() {}\n listToolbarButtons() {}\n loadPolicyFile() {}\n mailGetAddrs() {}\n mailMsg() {}\n newDoc() {}\n newCollection() {}\n newFDF() {}\n openDoc() {}\n openFDF() {}\n popUpMenu() {}\n popUpMenuEx() {}\n removeToolButton() {}\n response(cQuestion, cTitle = "", cDefault = "", bPassword = "", cLabel = "") {\n if (cQuestion && typeof cQuestion === "object") {\n cDefault = cQuestion.cDefault;\n cQuestion = cQuestion.cQuestion;\n }\n cQuestion = (cQuestion || "").toString();\n cDefault = (cDefault || "").toString();\n return this._externalCall("prompt", [cQuestion, cDefault || ""]);\n }\n setInterval(cExpr, nMilliseconds = 0) {\n if (cExpr && typeof cExpr === "object") {\n nMilliseconds = cExpr.nMilliseconds || 0;\n cExpr = cExpr.cExpr;\n }\n if (typeof cExpr !== "string") {\n throw new TypeError("First argument of app.setInterval must be a string");\n }\n if (typeof nMilliseconds !== "number") {\n throw new TypeError("Second argument of app.setInterval must be a number");\n }\n const callbackId = this._registerTimeoutCallback(cExpr);\n this._externalCall("setInterval", [callbackId, nMilliseconds]);\n return this._registerTimeout(callbackId, true);\n }\n setTimeOut(cExpr, nMilliseconds = 0) {\n if (cExpr && typeof cExpr === "object") {\n nMilliseconds = cExpr.nMilliseconds || 0;\n cExpr = cExpr.cExpr;\n }\n if (typeof cExpr !== "string") {\n throw new TypeError("First argument of app.setTimeOut must be a string");\n }\n if (typeof nMilliseconds !== "number") {\n throw new TypeError("Second argument of app.setTimeOut must be a number");\n }\n const callbackId = this._registerTimeoutCallback(cExpr);\n this._externalCall("setTimeout", [callbackId, nMilliseconds]);\n return this._registerTimeout(callbackId, false);\n }\n trustedFunction() {}\n trustPropagatorFunction() {}\n}\nexports.App = App;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 10 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.EventDispatcher = exports.Event = void 0;\nvar _doc = __w_pdfjs_require__(11);\nconst USERACTIVATION_MAXTIME_VALIDITY = 5000;\nclass Event {\n constructor(data) {\n this.change = data.change || "";\n this.changeEx = data.changeEx || null;\n this.commitKey = data.commitKey || 0;\n this.fieldFull = data.fieldFull || false;\n this.keyDown = data.keyDown || false;\n this.modifier = data.modifier || false;\n =;\n this.rc = true;\n this.richChange = data.richChange || [];\n this.richChangeEx = data.richChangeEx || [];\n this.richValue = data.richValue || [];\n this.selEnd = data.selEnd ?? -1;\n this.selStart = data.selStart ?? -1;\n this.shift = data.shift || false;\n this.source = data.source || null;\n = || null;\n this.targetName = "";\n this.type = "Field";\n this.value = data.value || "";\n this.willCommit = data.willCommit || false;\n }\n}\nexports.Event = Event;\nclass EventDispatcher {\n constructor(document, calculationOrder, objects, externalCall) {\n this._document = document;\n this._calculationOrder = calculationOrder;\n this._objects = objects;\n this._externalCall = externalCall;\n this._document.obj._eventDispatcher = this;\n this._isCalculating = false;\n }\n mergeChange(event) {\n let value = event.value;\n if (Array.isArray(value)) {\n return value;\n }\n if (typeof value !== "string") {\n value = value.toString();\n }\n const prefix = event.selStart >= 0 ? value.substring(0, event.selStart) : "";\n const postfix = event.selEnd >= 0 && event.selEnd <= value.length ? value.substring(event.selEnd) : "";\n return `${prefix}${event.change}${postfix}`;\n }\n userActivation() {\n this._document.obj._userActivation = true;\n this._externalCall("setTimeout", [_doc.USERACTIVATION_CALLBACKID, USERACTIVATION_MAXTIME_VALIDITY]);\n }\n dispatch(baseEvent) {\n const id =;\n if (!(id in this._objects)) {\n let event;\n if (id === "doc" || id === "page") {\n event = globalThis.event = new Event(baseEvent);\n event.source = = this._document.wrapped;\n =;\n }\n if (id === "doc") {\n const eventName =;\n if (eventName === "Open") {\n this.userActivation();\n this._document.obj._initActions();\n this.formatAll();\n }\n if (!["DidPrint", "DidSave", "WillPrint", "WillSave"].includes(eventName)) {\n this.userActivation();\n }\n this._document.obj._dispatchDocEvent(;\n } else if (id === "page") {\n this.userActivation();\n this._document.obj._dispatchPageEvent(, baseEvent.actions, baseEvent.pageNumber);\n } else if (id === "app" && === "ResetForm") {\n this.userActivation();\n for (const fieldId of baseEvent.ids) {\n const obj = this._objects[fieldId];\n obj?.obj._reset();\n }\n }\n return;\n }\n const name =;\n const source = this._objects[id];\n const event = globalThis.event = new Event(baseEvent);\n let savedChange;\n this.userActivation();\n if (source.obj._isButton()) {\n source.obj._id = id;\n event.value = source.obj._getExportValue(event.value);\n if (name === "Action") {\n source.obj._value = event.value;\n }\n }\n switch (name) {\n case "Keystroke":\n savedChange = {\n value: event.value,\n changeEx: event.changeEx,\n change: event.change,\n selStart: event.selStart,\n selEnd: event.selEnd\n };\n break;\n case "Blur":\n case "Focus":\n Object.defineProperty(event, "value", {\n configurable: false,\n writable: false,\n enumerable: true,\n value: event.value\n });\n break;\n case "Validate":\n this.runValidation(source, event);\n return;\n case "Action":\n this.runActions(source, source, event, name);\n this.runCalculate(source, event);\n return;\n }\n this.runActions(source, source, event, name);\n if (name !== "Keystroke") {\n return;\n }\n if (event.rc) {\n if (event.willCommit) {\n this.runValidation(source, event);\n } else {\n if (source.obj._isChoice) {\n source.obj.value = savedChange.changeEx;\n source.obj._send({\n id: source.obj._id,\n siblings: source.obj._siblings,\n value: source.obj.value\n });\n return;\n }\n const value = source.obj.value = this.mergeChange(event);\n let selStart, selEnd;\n if (event.selStart !== savedChange.selStart || event.selEnd !== savedChange.selEnd) {\n selStart = event.selStart;\n selEnd = event.selEnd;\n } else {\n selEnd = selStart = savedChange.selStart + event.change.length;\n }\n source.obj._send({\n id: source.obj._id,\n siblings: source.obj._siblings,\n value,\n selRange: [selStart, selEnd]\n });\n }\n } else if (!event.willCommit) {\n source.obj._send({\n id: source.obj._id,\n siblings: source.obj._siblings,\n value: savedChange.value,\n selRange: [savedChange.selStart, savedChange.selEnd]\n });\n } else {\n source.obj._send({\n id: source.obj._id,\n siblings: source.obj._siblings,\n value: "",\n formattedValue: null,\n selRange: [0, 0]\n });\n }\n }\n formatAll() {\n const event = globalThis.event = new Event({});\n for (const source of Object.values(this._objects)) {\n event.value = source.obj.value;\n if (this.runActions(source, source, event, "Format")) {\n source.obj._send({\n id: source.obj._id,\n siblings: source.obj._siblings,\n formattedValue: event.value?.toString?.()\n });\n }\n }\n }\n runValidation(source, event) {\n const didValidateRun = this.runActions(source, source, event, "Validate");\n if (event.rc) {\n source.obj.value = event.value;\n this.runCalculate(source, event);\n const savedValue = source.obj._getValue();\n event.value = source.obj.value;\n let formattedValue = null;\n if (this.runActions(source, source, event, "Format")) {\n formattedValue = event.value?.toString?.();\n }\n source.obj._send({\n id: source.obj._id,\n siblings: source.obj._siblings,\n value: savedValue,\n formattedValue\n });\n event.value = savedValue;\n } else if (didValidateRun) {\n source.obj._send({\n id: source.obj._id,\n siblings: source.obj._siblings,\n value: "",\n formattedValue: null,\n selRange: [0, 0],\n focus: true\n });\n }\n }\n runActions(source, target, event, eventName) {\n event.source = source.wrapped;\n = target.wrapped;\n = eventName;\n event.targetName =;\n event.rc = true;\n return target.obj._runActions(event);\n }\n calculateNow() {\n if (!this._calculationOrder || this._isCalculating || !this._document.obj.calculate) {\n return;\n }\n this._isCalculating = true;\n const first = this._calculationOrder[0];\n const source = this._objects[first];\n globalThis.event = new Event({});\n try {\n this.runCalculate(source, globalThis.event);\n } catch (error) {\n this._isCalculating = false;\n throw error;\n }\n this._isCalculating = false;\n }\n runCalculate(source, event) {\n if (!this._calculationOrder || !this._document.obj.calculate) {\n return;\n }\n for (const targetId of this._calculationOrder) {\n if (!(targetId in this._objects)) {\n continue;\n }\n if (!this._document.obj.calculate) {\n break;\n }\n event.value = null;\n const target = this._objects[targetId];\n let savedValue = target.obj.value;\n this.runActions(source, target, event, "Calculate");\n if (!event.rc) {\n continue;\n }\n if (event.value !== null) {\n target.obj.value = event.value;\n }\n event.value = target.obj.value;\n this.runActions(target, target, event, "Validate");\n if (!event.rc) {\n if (target.obj.value !== savedValue) {\n target.wrapped.value = savedValue;\n }\n continue;\n }\n savedValue = event.value = target.obj.value;\n let formattedValue = null;\n if (this.runActions(target, target, event, "Format")) {\n formattedValue = event.value?.toString?.();\n }\n target.obj._send({\n id: target.obj._id,\n siblings: target.obj._siblings,\n value: savedValue,\n formattedValue\n });\n }\n }\n}\nexports.EventDispatcher = EventDispatcher;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 11 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.Doc = void 0;\nvar _common = __w_pdfjs_require__(4);\nvar _pdf_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(7);\nvar _print_params = __w_pdfjs_require__(12);\nvar _constants = __w_pdfjs_require__(2);\nconst DOC_EXTERNAL = false;\nclass InfoProxyHandler {\n static get(obj, prop) {\n return obj[prop.toLowerCase()];\n }\n static set(obj, prop, value) {\n throw new Error(`${prop} is read-only`);\n }\n}\nclass Doc extends _pdf_object.PDFObject {\n constructor(data) {\n super(data);\n this._expandos = globalThis;\n this._baseURL = data.baseURL || "";\n this._calculate = true;\n this._delay = false;\n this._dirty = false;\n this._disclosed = false;\n this._media = undefined;\n this._metadata = data.metadata || "";\n this._noautocomplete = undefined;\n this._nocache = undefined;\n this._spellDictionaryOrder = [];\n this._spellLanguageOrder = [];\n this._printParams = null;\n this._fields = new Map();\n this._fieldNames = [];\n this._event = null;\n this._author = data.Author || "";\n this._creator = data.Creator || "";\n this._creationDate = this._getDate(data.CreationDate) || null;\n this._docID = data.docID || ["", ""];\n this._documentFileName = data.filename || "";\n this._filesize = data.filesize || 0;\n this._keywords = data.Keywords || "";\n this._layout = data.layout || "";\n this._modDate = this._getDate(data.ModDate) || null;\n this._numFields = 0;\n this._numPages = data.numPages || 1;\n this._pageNum = data.pageNum || 0;\n this._producer = data.Producer || "";\n this._securityHandler = data.EncryptFilterName || null;\n this._subject = data.Subject || "";\n this._title = data.Title || "";\n this._URL = data.URL || "";\n this._info = new Proxy({\n title: this._title,\n author: this._author,\n authors: data.authors || [this._author],\n subject: this._subject,\n keywords: this._keywords,\n creator: this._creator,\n producer: this._producer,\n creationdate: this._creationDate,\n moddate: this._modDate,\n trapped: data.Trapped || "Unknown"\n }, InfoProxyHandler);\n this._zoomType = _constants.ZoomType.none;\n this._zoom = data.zoom || 100;\n this._actions = (0, _common.createActionsMap)(data.actions);\n this._globalEval = data.globalEval;\n this._pageActions = new Map();\n this._userActivation = false;\n this._disablePrinting = false;\n this._disableSaving = false;\n }\n _initActions() {\n const dontRun = new Set(["WillClose", "WillSave", "DidSave", "WillPrint", "DidPrint", "OpenAction"]);\n this._disableSaving = true;\n for (const actionName of this._actions.keys()) {\n if (!dontRun.has(actionName)) {\n this._runActions(actionName);\n }\n }\n this._runActions("OpenAction");\n this._disableSaving = false;\n }\n _dispatchDocEvent(name) {\n if (name === "Open") {\n this._disableSaving = true;\n this._runActions("OpenAction");\n this._disableSaving = false;\n } else if (name === "WillPrint") {\n this._disablePrinting = true;\n this._runActions(name);\n this._disablePrinting = false;\n } else if (name === "WillSave") {\n this._disableSaving = true;\n this._runActions(name);\n this._disableSaving = false;\n } else {\n this._runActions(name);\n }\n }\n _dispatchPageEvent(name, actions, pageNumber) {\n if (name === "PageOpen") {\n if (!this._pageActions.has(pageNumber)) {\n this._pageActions.set(pageNumber, (0, _common.createActionsMap)(actions));\n }\n this._pageNum = pageNumber - 1;\n }\n actions = this._pageActions.get(pageNumber)?.get(name);\n if (actions) {\n for (const action of actions) {\n this._globalEval(action);\n }\n }\n }\n _runActions(name) {\n const actions = this._actions.get(name);\n if (actions) {\n for (const action of actions) {\n this._globalEval(action);\n }\n }\n }\n _addField(name, field) {\n this._fields.set(name, field);\n this._fieldNames.push(name);\n this._numFields++;\n }\n _getDate(date) {\n if (!date || date.length < 15 || !date.startsWith("D:")) {\n return date;\n }\n date = date.substring(2);\n const year = date.substring(0, 4);\n const month = date.substring(4, 6);\n const day = date.substring(6, 8);\n const hour = date.substring(8, 10);\n const minute = date.substring(10, 12);\n const o = date.charAt(12);\n let second, offsetPos;\n if (o === "Z" || o === "+" || o === "-") {\n second = "00";\n offsetPos = 12;\n } else {\n second = date.substring(12, 14);\n offsetPos = 14;\n }\n const offset = date.substring(offsetPos).replaceAll("\'", "");\n return new Date(`${year}-${month}-${day}T${hour}:${minute}:${second}${offset}`);\n }\n get author() {\n return this._author;\n }\n set author(_) {\n throw new Error(" is read-only");\n }\n get baseURL() {\n return this._baseURL;\n }\n set baseURL(baseURL) {\n this._baseURL = baseURL;\n }\n get bookmarkRoot() {\n return undefined;\n }\n set bookmarkRoot(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.bookmarkRoot is read-only");\n }\n get calculate() {\n return this._calculate;\n }\n set calculate(calculate) {\n this._calculate = calculate;\n }\n get creator() {\n return this._creator;\n }\n set creator(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.creator is read-only");\n }\n get dataObjects() {\n return [];\n }\n set dataObjects(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.dataObjects is read-only");\n }\n get delay() {\n return this._delay;\n }\n set delay(delay) {\n this._delay = delay;\n }\n get dirty() {\n return this._dirty;\n }\n set dirty(dirty) {\n this._dirty = dirty;\n }\n get disclosed() {\n return this._disclosed;\n }\n set disclosed(disclosed) {\n this._disclosed = disclosed;\n }\n get docID() {\n return this._docID;\n }\n set docID(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.docID is read-only");\n }\n get documentFileName() {\n return this._documentFileName;\n }\n set documentFileName(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.documentFileName is read-only");\n }\n get dynamicXFAForm() {\n return false;\n }\n set dynamicXFAForm(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.dynamicXFAForm is read-only");\n }\n get external() {\n return DOC_EXTERNAL;\n }\n set external(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.external is read-only");\n }\n get filesize() {\n return this._filesize;\n }\n set filesize(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.filesize is read-only");\n }\n get hidden() {\n return false;\n }\n set hidden(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.hidden is read-only");\n }\n get hostContainer() {\n return undefined;\n }\n set hostContainer(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.hostContainer is read-only");\n }\n get icons() {\n return undefined;\n }\n set icons(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.icons is read-only");\n }\n get info() {\n return this._info;\n }\n set info(_) {\n throw new Error(" is read-only");\n }\n get innerAppWindowRect() {\n return [0, 0, 0, 0];\n }\n set innerAppWindowRect(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.innerAppWindowRect is read-only");\n }\n get innerDocWindowRect() {\n return [0, 0, 0, 0];\n }\n set innerDocWindowRect(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.innerDocWindowRect is read-only");\n }\n get isModal() {\n return false;\n }\n set isModal(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.isModal is read-only");\n }\n get keywords() {\n return this._keywords;\n }\n set keywords(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.keywords is read-only");\n }\n get layout() {\n return this._layout;\n }\n set layout(value) {\n if (!this._userActivation) {\n return;\n }\n this._userActivation = false;\n if (typeof value !== "string") {\n return;\n }\n if (value !== "SinglePage" && value !== "OneColumn" && value !== "TwoColumnLeft" && value !== "TwoPageLeft" && value !== "TwoColumnRight" && value !== "TwoPageRight") {\n value = "SinglePage";\n }\n this._send({\n command: "layout",\n value\n });\n this._layout = value;\n }\n get media() {\n return this._media;\n }\n set media(media) {\n this._media = media;\n }\n get metadata() {\n return this._metadata;\n }\n set metadata(metadata) {\n this._metadata = metadata;\n }\n get modDate() {\n return this._modDate;\n }\n set modDate(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.modDate is read-only");\n }\n get mouseX() {\n return 0;\n }\n set mouseX(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.mouseX is read-only");\n }\n get mouseY() {\n return 0;\n }\n set mouseY(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.mouseY is read-only");\n }\n get noautocomplete() {\n return this._noautocomplete;\n }\n set noautocomplete(noautocomplete) {\n this._noautocomplete = noautocomplete;\n }\n get nocache() {\n return this._nocache;\n }\n set nocache(nocache) {\n this._nocache = nocache;\n }\n get numFields() {\n return this._numFields;\n }\n set numFields(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.numFields is read-only");\n }\n get numPages() {\n return this._numPages;\n }\n set numPages(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.numPages is read-only");\n }\n get numTemplates() {\n return 0;\n }\n set numTemplates(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.numTemplates is read-only");\n }\n get outerAppWindowRect() {\n return [0, 0, 0, 0];\n }\n set outerAppWindowRect(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.outerAppWindowRect is read-only");\n }\n get outerDocWindowRect() {\n return [0, 0, 0, 0];\n }\n set outerDocWindowRect(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.outerDocWindowRect is read-only");\n }\n get pageNum() {\n return this._pageNum;\n }\n set pageNum(value) {\n if (!this._userActivation) {\n return;\n }\n this._userActivation = false;\n if (typeof value !== "number" || value < 0 || value >= this._numPages) {\n return;\n }\n this._send({\n command: "page-num",\n value\n });\n this._pageNum = value;\n }\n get pageWindowRect() {\n return [0, 0, 0, 0];\n }\n set pageWindowRect(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.pageWindowRect is read-only");\n }\n get path() {\n return "";\n }\n set path(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.path is read-only");\n }\n get permStatusReady() {\n return true;\n }\n set permStatusReady(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.permStatusReady is read-only");\n }\n get producer() {\n return this._producer;\n }\n set producer(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.producer is read-only");\n }\n get requiresFullSave() {\n return false;\n }\n set requiresFullSave(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.requiresFullSave is read-only");\n }\n get securityHandler() {\n return this._securityHandler;\n }\n set securityHandler(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.securityHandler is read-only");\n }\n get selectedAnnots() {\n return [];\n }\n set selectedAnnots(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.selectedAnnots is read-only");\n }\n get sounds() {\n return [];\n }\n set sounds(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.sounds is read-only");\n }\n get spellDictionaryOrder() {\n return this._spellDictionaryOrder;\n }\n set spellDictionaryOrder(spellDictionaryOrder) {\n this._spellDictionaryOrder = spellDictionaryOrder;\n }\n get spellLanguageOrder() {\n return this._spellLanguageOrder;\n }\n set spellLanguageOrder(spellLanguageOrder) {\n this._spellLanguageOrder = spellLanguageOrder;\n }\n get subject() {\n return this._subject;\n }\n set subject(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.subject is read-only");\n }\n get templates() {\n return [];\n }\n set templates(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.templates is read-only");\n }\n get title() {\n return this._title;\n }\n set title(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.title is read-only");\n }\n get URL() {\n return this._URL;\n }\n set URL(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.URL is read-only");\n }\n get viewState() {\n return undefined;\n }\n set viewState(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.viewState is read-only");\n }\n get xfa() {\n return this._xfa;\n }\n set xfa(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.xfa is read-only");\n }\n get XFAForeground() {\n return false;\n }\n set XFAForeground(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.XFAForeground is read-only");\n }\n get zoomType() {\n return this._zoomType;\n }\n set zoomType(type) {\n if (!this._userActivation) {\n return;\n }\n this._userActivation = false;\n if (typeof type !== "string") {\n return;\n }\n switch (type) {\n case _constants.ZoomType.none:\n this._send({\n command: "zoom",\n value: 1\n });\n break;\n case _constants.ZoomType.fitP:\n this._send({\n command: "zoom",\n value: "page-fit"\n });\n break;\n case _constants.ZoomType.fitW:\n this._send({\n command: "zoom",\n value: "page-width"\n });\n break;\n case _constants.ZoomType.fitH:\n this._send({\n command: "zoom",\n value: "page-height"\n });\n break;\n case _constants.ZoomType.fitV:\n this._send({\n command: "zoom",\n value: "auto"\n });\n break;\n case _constants.ZoomType.pref:\n case _constants.ZoomType.refW:\n break;\n default:\n return;\n }\n this._zoomType = type;\n }\n get zoom() {\n return this._zoom;\n }\n set zoom(value) {\n if (!this._userActivation) {\n return;\n }\n this._userActivation = false;\n if (typeof value !== "number" || value < 8.33 || value > 6400) {\n return;\n }\n this._send({\n command: "zoom",\n value: value / 100\n });\n }\n addAnnot() {}\n addField() {}\n addIcon() {}\n addLink() {}\n addRecipientListCryptFilter() {}\n addRequirement() {}\n addScript() {}\n addThumbnails() {}\n addWatermarkFromFile() {}\n addWatermarkFromText() {}\n addWeblinks() {}\n bringToFront() {}\n calculateNow() {\n this._eventDispatcher.calculateNow();\n }\n closeDoc() {}\n colorConvertPage() {}\n createDataObject() {}\n createTemplate() {}\n deletePages() {}\n deleteSound() {}\n embedDocAsDataObject() {}\n embedOutputIntent() {}\n encryptForRecipients() {}\n encryptUsingPolicy() {}\n exportAsFDF() {}\n exportAsFDFStr() {}\n exportAsText() {}\n exportAsXFDF() {}\n exportAsXFDFStr() {}\n exportDataObject() {}\n exportXFAData() {}\n extractPages() {}\n flattenPages() {}\n getAnnot() {}\n getAnnots() {}\n getAnnot3D() {}\n getAnnots3D() {}\n getColorConvertAction() {}\n getDataObject() {}\n getDataObjectContents() {}\n _getField(cName) {\n if (cName && typeof cName === "object") {\n cName = cName.cName;\n }\n if (typeof cName !== "string") {\n throw new TypeError("Invalid field name: must be a string");\n }\n const searchedField = this._fields.get(cName);\n if (searchedField) {\n return searchedField;\n }\n const parts = cName.split("#");\n let childIndex = NaN;\n if (parts.length === 2) {\n childIndex = Math.floor(parseFloat(parts[1]));\n cName = parts[0];\n }\n for (const [name, field] of this._fields.entries()) {\n if (name.endsWith(cName)) {\n if (!isNaN(childIndex)) {\n const children = this._getChildren(name);\n if (childIndex < 0 || childIndex >= children.length) {\n childIndex = 0;\n }\n if (childIndex < children.length) {\n this._fields.set(cName, children[childIndex]);\n return children[childIndex];\n }\n }\n this._fields.set(cName, field);\n return field;\n }\n }\n return null;\n }\n getField(cName) {\n const field = this._getField(cName);\n if (!field) {\n return null;\n }\n return field.wrapped;\n }\n _getChildren(fieldName) {\n const len = fieldName.length;\n const children = [];\n const pattern = /^\\.[^.]+$/;\n for (const [name, field] of this._fields.entries()) {\n if (name.startsWith(fieldName)) {\n const finalPart = name.slice(len);\n if (pattern.test(finalPart)) {\n children.push(field);\n }\n }\n }\n return children;\n }\n _getTerminalChildren(fieldName) {\n const children = [];\n const len = fieldName.length;\n for (const [name, field] of this._fields.entries()) {\n if (name.startsWith(fieldName)) {\n const finalPart = name.slice(len);\n if (field.obj._hasValue && (finalPart === "" || finalPart.startsWith("."))) {\n children.push(field.wrapped);\n }\n }\n }\n return children;\n }\n getIcon() {}\n getLegalWarnings() {}\n getLinks() {}\n getNthFieldName(nIndex) {\n if (nIndex && typeof nIndex === "object") {\n nIndex = nIndex.nIndex;\n }\n if (typeof nIndex !== "number") {\n throw new TypeError("Invalid field index: must be a number");\n }\n if (0 <= nIndex && nIndex < this.numFields) {\n return this._fieldNames[Math.trunc(nIndex)];\n }\n return null;\n }\n getNthTemplate() {\n return null;\n }\n getOCGs() {}\n getOCGOrder() {}\n getPageBox() {}\n getPageLabel() {}\n getPageNthWord() {}\n getPageNthWordQuads() {}\n getPageNumWords() {}\n getPageRotation() {}\n getPageTransition() {}\n getPrintParams() {\n return this._printParams ||= new _print_params.PrintParams({\n lastPage: this._numPages - 1\n });\n }\n getSound() {}\n getTemplate() {}\n getURL() {}\n gotoNamedDest() {}\n importAnFDF() {}\n importAnXFDF() {}\n importDataObject() {}\n importIcon() {}\n importSound() {}\n importTextData() {}\n importXFAData() {}\n insertPages() {}\n mailDoc() {}\n mailForm() {}\n movePage() {}\n newPage() {}\n openDataObject() {}\n print(bUI = true, nStart = 0, nEnd = -1, bSilent = false, bShrinkToFit = false, bPrintAsImage = false, bReverse = false, bAnnotations = true, printParams = null) {\n if (this._disablePrinting || !this._userActivation) {\n return;\n }\n this._userActivation = false;\n if (bUI && typeof bUI === "object") {\n nStart = bUI.nStart;\n nEnd = bUI.nEnd;\n bSilent = bUI.bSilent;\n bShrinkToFit = bUI.bShrinkToFit;\n bPrintAsImage = bUI.bPrintAsImage;\n bReverse = bUI.bReverse;\n bAnnotations = bUI.bAnnotations;\n printParams = bUI.printParams;\n bUI = bUI.bUI;\n }\n if (printParams) {\n nStart = printParams.firstPage;\n nEnd = printParams.lastPage;\n }\n if (typeof nStart === "number") {\n nStart = Math.max(0, Math.trunc(nStart));\n } else {\n nStart = 0;\n }\n if (typeof nEnd === "number") {\n nEnd = Math.max(0, Math.trunc(nEnd));\n } else {\n nEnd = -1;\n }\n this._send({\n command: "print",\n start: nStart,\n end: nEnd\n });\n }\n removeDataObject() {}\n removeField() {}\n removeIcon() {}\n removeLinks() {}\n removeRequirement() {}\n removeScript() {}\n removeTemplate() {}\n removeThumbnails() {}\n removeWeblinks() {}\n replacePages() {}\n resetForm(aFields = null) {\n if (aFields && typeof aFields === "object") {\n aFields = aFields.aFields;\n }\n if (aFields && !Array.isArray(aFields)) {\n aFields = [aFields];\n }\n let mustCalculate = false;\n let fieldsToReset;\n if (aFields) {\n fieldsToReset = [];\n for (const fieldName of aFields) {\n if (!fieldName) {\n continue;\n }\n if (typeof fieldName !== "string") {\n fieldsToReset = null;\n break;\n }\n const field = this._getField(fieldName);\n if (!field) {\n continue;\n }\n fieldsToReset.push(field);\n mustCalculate = true;\n }\n }\n if (!fieldsToReset) {\n fieldsToReset = this._fields.values();\n mustCalculate = this._fields.size !== 0;\n }\n for (const field of fieldsToReset) {\n field.obj.value = field.obj.defaultValue;\n this._send({\n id: field.obj._id,\n siblings: field.obj._siblings,\n value: field.obj.defaultValue,\n formattedValue: null,\n selRange: [0, 0]\n });\n }\n if (mustCalculate) {\n this.calculateNow();\n }\n }\n saveAs() {}\n scroll() {}\n selectPageNthWord() {}\n setAction() {}\n setDataObjectContents() {}\n setOCGOrder() {}\n setPageAction() {}\n setPageBoxes() {}\n setPageLabels() {}\n setPageRotations() {}\n setPageTabOrder() {}\n setPageTransitions() {}\n spawnPageFromTemplate() {}\n submitForm() {}\n syncAnnotScan() {}\n}\nexports.Doc = Doc;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 12 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.PrintParams = void 0;\nclass PrintParams {\n constructor(data) {\n this.binaryOk = true;\n this.bitmapDPI = 150;\n this.booklet = {\n binding: 0,\n duplexMode: 0,\n subsetFrom: 0,\n subsetTo: -1\n };\n this.colorOverride = 0;\n this.colorProfile = "";\n this.constants = Object.freeze({\n bookletBindings: Object.freeze({\n Left: 0,\n Right: 1,\n LeftTall: 2,\n RightTall: 3\n }),\n bookletDuplexMode: Object.freeze({\n BothSides: 0,\n FrontSideOnly: 1,\n BasicSideOnly: 2\n }),\n colorOverrides: Object.freeze({\n auto: 0,\n gray: 1,\n mono: 2\n }),\n fontPolicies: Object.freeze({\n everyPage: 0,\n jobStart: 1,\n pageRange: 2\n }),\n handling: Object.freeze({\n none: 0,\n fit: 1,\n shrink: 2,\n tileAll: 3,\n tileLarge: 4,\n nUp: 5,\n booklet: 6\n }),\n interactionLevel: Object.freeze({\n automatic: 0,\n full: 1,\n silent: 2\n }),\n nUpPageOrders: Object.freeze({\n Horizontal: 0,\n HorizontalReversed: 1,\n Vertical: 2\n }),\n printContents: Object.freeze({\n doc: 0,\n docAndComments: 1,\n formFieldsOnly: 2\n }),\n flagValues: Object.freeze({\n applyOverPrint: 1,\n applySoftProofSettings: 1 << 1,\n applyWorkingColorSpaces: 1 << 2,\n emitHalftones: 1 << 3,\n emitPostScriptXObjects: 1 << 4,\n emitFormsAsPSForms: 1 << 5,\n maxJP2KRes: 1 << 6,\n setPageSize: 1 << 7,\n suppressBG: 1 << 8,\n suppressCenter: 1 << 9,\n suppressCJKFontSubst: 1 << 10,\n suppressCropClip: 1 << 1,\n suppressRotate: 1 << 12,\n suppressTransfer: 1 << 13,\n suppressUCR: 1 << 14,\n useTrapAnnots: 1 << 15,\n usePrintersMarks: 1 << 16\n }),\n rasterFlagValues: Object.freeze({\n textToOutline: 1,\n strokesToOutline: 1 << 1,\n allowComplexClip: 1 << 2,\n preserveOverprint: 1 << 3\n }),\n subsets: Object.freeze({\n all: 0,\n even: 1,\n odd: 2\n }),\n tileMarks: Object.freeze({\n none: 0,\n west: 1,\n east: 2\n }),\n usages: Object.freeze({\n auto: 0,\n use: 1,\n noUse: 2\n })\n });\n this.downloadFarEastFonts = false;\n this.fileName = "";\n this.firstPage = 0;\n this.flags = 0;\n this.fontPolicy = 0;\n this.gradientDPI = 150;\n this.interactive = 1;\n this.lastPage = data.lastPage;\n this.npUpAutoRotate = false;\n this.npUpNumPagesH = 2;\n this.npUpNumPagesV = 2;\n this.npUpPageBorder = false;\n this.npUpPageOrder = 0;\n this.pageHandling = 0;\n this.pageSubset = 0;\n this.printAsImage = false;\n this.printContent = 0;\n this.printerName = "";\n this.psLevel = 0;\n this.rasterFlags = 0;\n this.reversePages = false;\n this.tileLabel = false;\n this.tileMark = 0;\n this.tileOverlap = 0;\n this.tileScale = 1.0;\n this.transparencyLevel = 75;\n this.usePrinterCRD = 0;\n this.useT1Conversion = 0;\n }\n}\nexports.PrintParams = PrintParams;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 13 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.FullScreen = void 0;\nvar _constants = __w_pdfjs_require__(2);\nvar _pdf_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(7);\nclass FullScreen extends _pdf_object.PDFObject {\n constructor(data) {\n super(data);\n this._backgroundColor = [];\n this._clickAdvances = true;\n this._cursor = _constants.Cursor.hidden;\n this._defaultTransition = "";\n this._escapeExits = true;\n this._isFullScreen = true;\n this._loop = false;\n this._timeDelay = 3600;\n this._usePageTiming = false;\n this._useTimer = false;\n }\n get backgroundColor() {\n return this._backgroundColor;\n }\n set backgroundColor(_) {}\n get clickAdvances() {\n return this._clickAdvances;\n }\n set clickAdvances(_) {}\n get cursor() {\n return this._cursor;\n }\n set cursor(_) {}\n get defaultTransition() {\n return this._defaultTransition;\n }\n set defaultTransition(_) {}\n get escapeExits() {\n return this._escapeExits;\n }\n set escapeExits(_) {}\n get isFullScreen() {\n return this._isFullScreen;\n }\n set isFullScreen(_) {}\n get loop() {\n return this._loop;\n }\n set loop(_) {}\n get timeDelay() {\n return this._timeDelay;\n }\n set timeDelay(_) {}\n get transitions() {\n return ["Replace", "WipeRight", "WipeLeft", "WipeDown", "WipeUp", "SplitHorizontalIn", "SplitHorizontalOut", "SplitVerticalIn", "SplitVerticalOut", "BlindsHorizontal", "BlindsVertical", "BoxIn", "BoxOut", "GlitterRight", "GlitterDown", "GlitterRightDown", "Dissolve", "Random"];\n }\n set transitions(_) {\n throw new Error("fullscreen.transitions is read-only");\n }\n get usePageTiming() {\n return this._usePageTiming;\n }\n set usePageTiming(_) {}\n get useTimer() {\n return this._useTimer;\n }\n set useTimer(_) {}\n}\nexports.FullScreen = FullScreen;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 14 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.Thermometer = void 0;\nvar _pdf_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(7);\nclass Thermometer extends _pdf_object.PDFObject {\n constructor(data) {\n super(data);\n this._cancelled = false;\n this._duration = 100;\n this._text = "";\n this._value = 0;\n }\n get cancelled() {\n return this._cancelled;\n }\n set cancelled(_) {\n throw new Error("thermometer.cancelled is read-only");\n }\n get duration() {\n return this._duration;\n }\n set duration(val) {\n this._duration = val;\n }\n get text() {\n return this._text;\n }\n set text(val) {\n this._text = val;\n }\n get value() {\n return this._value;\n }\n set value(val) {\n this._value = val;\n }\n begin() {}\n end() {}\n}\nexports.Thermometer = Thermometer;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 15 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.Console = void 0;\nvar _pdf_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(7);\nclass Console extends _pdf_object.PDFObject {\n clear() {\n this._send({\n id: "clear"\n });\n }\n hide() {}\n println(msg) {\n if (typeof msg === "string") {\n this._send({\n command: "println",\n value: "PDF.js Console:: " + msg\n });\n }\n }\n show() {}\n}\nexports.Console = Console;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 16 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.ProxyHandler = void 0;\nclass ProxyHandler {\n constructor() {\n this.nosend = new Set(["delay"]);\n }\n get(obj, prop) {\n if (prop in obj._expandos) {\n const val = obj._expandos[prop];\n if (typeof val === "function") {\n return val.bind(obj);\n }\n return val;\n }\n if (typeof prop === "string" && !prop.startsWith("_") && prop in obj) {\n const val = obj[prop];\n if (typeof val === "function") {\n return val.bind(obj);\n }\n return val;\n }\n return undefined;\n }\n set(obj, prop, value) {\n if (obj._kidIds) {\n obj._kidIds.forEach(id => {\n obj._appObjects[id].wrapped[prop] = value;\n });\n }\n if (typeof prop === "string" && !prop.startsWith("_") && prop in obj) {\n const old = obj[prop];\n obj[prop] = value;\n if (!this.nosend.has(prop) && obj._send && obj._id !== null && typeof old !== "function") {\n const data = {\n id: obj._id\n };\n data[prop] = prop === "value" ? obj._getValue() : obj[prop];\n if (!obj._siblings) {\n obj._send(data);\n } else {\n data.siblings = obj._siblings;\n obj._send(data);\n }\n }\n } else {\n obj._expandos[prop] = value;\n }\n return true;\n }\n has(obj, prop) {\n return prop in obj._expandos || typeof prop === "string" && !prop.startsWith("_") && prop in obj;\n }\n getPrototypeOf(obj) {\n return null;\n }\n setPrototypeOf(obj, proto) {\n return false;\n }\n isExtensible(obj) {\n return true;\n }\n preventExtensions(obj) {\n return false;\n }\n getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop) {\n if (prop in obj._expandos) {\n return {\n configurable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n value: obj._expandos[prop]\n };\n }\n if (typeof prop === "string" && !prop.startsWith("_") && prop in obj) {\n return {\n configurable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n value: obj[prop]\n };\n }\n return undefined;\n }\n defineProperty(obj, key, descriptor) {\n Object.defineProperty(obj._expandos, key, descriptor);\n return true;\n }\n deleteProperty(obj, prop) {\n if (prop in obj._expandos) {\n delete obj._expandos[prop];\n }\n }\n ownKeys(obj) {\n const fromExpandos = Reflect.ownKeys(obj._expandos);\n const fromObj = Reflect.ownKeys(obj).filter(k => !k.startsWith("_"));\n return fromExpandos.concat(fromObj);\n }\n}\nexports.ProxyHandler = ProxyHandler;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 17 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.Util = void 0;\nvar _pdf_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(7);\nclass Util extends _pdf_object.PDFObject {\n constructor(data) {\n super(data);\n this._scandCache = new Map();\n this._months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];\n this._days = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];\n this.MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY = 86400000;\n this.MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK = 604800000;\n this._externalCall = data.externalCall;\n }\n printf(...args) {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n throw new Error("Invalid number of params in printf");\n }\n if (typeof args[0] !== "string") {\n throw new TypeError("First argument of printf must be a string");\n }\n const pattern = /%(,[0-4])?([+ 0#]+)?(\\d+)?(\\.\\d+)?(.)/g;\n const PLUS = 1;\n const SPACE = 2;\n const ZERO = 4;\n const HASH = 8;\n let i = 0;\n return args[0].replaceAll(pattern, function (match, nDecSep, cFlags, nWidth, nPrecision, cConvChar) {\n if (cConvChar !== "d" && cConvChar !== "f" && cConvChar !== "s" && cConvChar !== "x") {\n const buf = ["%"];\n for (const str of [nDecSep, cFlags, nWidth, nPrecision, cConvChar]) {\n if (str) {\n buf.push(str);\n }\n }\n return buf.join("");\n }\n i++;\n if (i === args.length) {\n throw new Error("Not enough arguments in printf");\n }\n const arg = args[i];\n if (cConvChar === "s") {\n return arg.toString();\n }\n let flags = 0;\n if (cFlags) {\n for (const flag of cFlags) {\n switch (flag) {\n case "+":\n flags |= PLUS;\n break;\n case " ":\n flags |= SPACE;\n break;\n case "0":\n flags |= ZERO;\n break;\n case "#":\n flags |= HASH;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n cFlags = flags;\n if (nWidth) {\n nWidth = parseInt(nWidth);\n }\n let intPart = Math.trunc(arg);\n if (cConvChar === "x") {\n let hex = Math.abs(intPart).toString(16).toUpperCase();\n if (nWidth !== undefined) {\n hex = hex.padStart(nWidth, cFlags & ZERO ? "0" : " ");\n }\n if (cFlags & HASH) {\n hex = `0x${hex}`;\n }\n return hex;\n }\n if (nPrecision) {\n nPrecision = parseInt(nPrecision.substring(1));\n }\n nDecSep = nDecSep ? nDecSep.substring(1) : "0";\n const separators = {\n 0: [",", "."],\n 1: ["", "."],\n 2: [".", ","],\n 3: ["", ","],\n 4: ["\'", "."]\n };\n const [thousandSep, decimalSep] = separators[nDecSep];\n let decPart = "";\n if (cConvChar === "f") {\n if (nPrecision !== undefined) {\n decPart = Math.abs(arg - intPart).toFixed(nPrecision);\n } else {\n decPart = Math.abs(arg - intPart).toString();\n }\n if (decPart.length > 2) {\n decPart = `${decimalSep}${decPart.substring(2)}`;\n } else {\n if (decPart === "1") {\n intPart += Math.sign(arg);\n }\n decPart = cFlags & HASH ? "." : "";\n }\n }\n let sign = "";\n if (intPart < 0) {\n sign = "-";\n intPart = -intPart;\n } else if (cFlags & PLUS) {\n sign = "+";\n } else if (cFlags & SPACE) {\n sign = " ";\n }\n if (thousandSep && intPart >= 1000) {\n const buf = [];\n while (true) {\n buf.push((intPart % 1000).toString().padStart(3, "0"));\n intPart = Math.trunc(intPart / 1000);\n if (intPart < 1000) {\n buf.push(intPart.toString());\n break;\n }\n }\n intPart = buf.reverse().join(thousandSep);\n } else {\n intPart = intPart.toString();\n }\n let n = `${intPart}${decPart}`;\n if (nWidth !== undefined) {\n n = n.padStart(nWidth - sign.length, cFlags & ZERO ? "0" : " ");\n }\n return `${sign}${n}`;\n });\n }\n iconStreamFromIcon() {}\n printd(cFormat, oDate) {\n switch (cFormat) {\n case 0:\n return this.printd("D:yyyymmddHHMMss", oDate);\n case 1:\n return this.printd(" HH:MM:ss", oDate);\n case 2:\n return this.printd("m/d/yy h:MM:ss tt", oDate);\n }\n const handlers = {\n mmmm: data => {\n return this._months[data.month];\n },\n mmm: data => {\n return this._months[data.month].substring(0, 3);\n },\n mm: data => {\n return (data.month + 1).toString().padStart(2, "0");\n },\n m: data => {\n return (data.month + 1).toString();\n },\n dddd: data => {\n return this._days[data.dayOfWeek];\n },\n ddd: data => {\n return this._days[data.dayOfWeek].substring(0, 3);\n },\n dd: data => {\n return, "0");\n },\n d: data => {\n return;\n },\n yyyy: data => {\n return data.year.toString();\n },\n yy: data => {\n return (data.year % 100).toString().padStart(2, "0");\n },\n HH: data => {\n return data.hours.toString().padStart(2, "0");\n },\n H: data => {\n return data.hours.toString();\n },\n hh: data => {\n return (1 + (data.hours + 11) % 12).toString().padStart(2, "0");\n },\n h: data => {\n return (1 + (data.hours + 11) % 12).toString();\n },\n MM: data => {\n return data.minutes.toString().padStart(2, "0");\n },\n M: data => {\n return data.minutes.toString();\n },\n ss: data => {\n return data.seconds.toString().padStart(2, "0");\n },\n s: data => {\n return data.seconds.toString();\n },\n tt: data => {\n return data.hours < 12 ? "am" : "pm";\n },\n t: data => {\n return data.hours < 12 ? "a" : "p";\n }\n };\n const data = {\n year: oDate.getFullYear(),\n month: oDate.getMonth(),\n day: oDate.getDate(),\n dayOfWeek: oDate.getDay(),\n hours: oDate.getHours(),\n minutes: oDate.getMinutes(),\n seconds: oDate.getSeconds()\n };\n const patterns = /(mmmm|mmm|mm|m|dddd|ddd|dd|d|yyyy|yy|HH|H|hh|h|MM|M|ss|s|tt|t|\\\\.)/g;\n return cFormat.replaceAll(patterns, function (match, pattern) {\n if (pattern in handlers) {\n return handlers[pattern](data);\n }\n return pattern.charCodeAt(1);\n });\n }\n printx(cFormat, cSource) {\n cSource = (cSource ?? "").toString();\n const handlers = [x => x, x => x.toUpperCase(), x => x.toLowerCase()];\n const buf = [];\n let i = 0;\n const ii = cSource.length;\n let currCase = handlers[0];\n let escaped = false;\n for (const command of cFormat) {\n if (escaped) {\n buf.push(command);\n escaped = false;\n continue;\n }\n if (i >= ii) {\n break;\n }\n switch (command) {\n case "?":\n buf.push(currCase(cSource.charAt(i++)));\n break;\n case "X":\n while (i < ii) {\n const char = cSource.charAt(i++);\n if ("a" <= char && char <= "z" || "A" <= char && char <= "Z" || "0" <= char && char <= "9") {\n buf.push(currCase(char));\n break;\n }\n }\n break;\n case "A":\n while (i < ii) {\n const char = cSource.charAt(i++);\n if ("a" <= char && char <= "z" || "A" <= char && char <= "Z") {\n buf.push(currCase(char));\n break;\n }\n }\n break;\n case "9":\n while (i < ii) {\n const char = cSource.charAt(i++);\n if ("0" <= char && char <= "9") {\n buf.push(char);\n break;\n }\n }\n break;\n case "*":\n while (i < ii) {\n buf.push(currCase(cSource.charAt(i++)));\n }\n break;\n case "\\\\":\n escaped = true;\n break;\n case ">":\n currCase = handlers[1];\n break;\n case "<":\n currCase = handlers[2];\n break;\n case "=":\n currCase = handlers[0];\n break;\n default:\n buf.push(command);\n }\n }\n return buf.join("");\n }\n scand(cFormat, cDate) {\n if (typeof cDate !== "string") {\n return new Date(cDate);\n }\n if (cDate === "") {\n return new Date();\n }\n switch (cFormat) {\n case 0:\n return this.scand("D:yyyymmddHHMMss", cDate);\n case 1:\n return this.scand(" HH:MM:ss", cDate);\n case 2:\n return this.scand("m/d/yy h:MM:ss tt", cDate);\n }\n if (!this._scandCache.has(cFormat)) {\n const months = this._months;\n const days = this._days;\n const handlers = {\n mmmm: {\n pattern: `(${months.join("|")})`,\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.month = months.indexOf(value);\n }\n },\n mmm: {\n pattern: `(${ => month.substring(0, 3)).join("|")})`,\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.month = months.findIndex(month => month.substring(0, 3) === value);\n }\n },\n mm: {\n pattern: `(\\\\d{2})`,\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.month = parseInt(value) - 1;\n }\n },\n m: {\n pattern: `(\\\\d{1,2})`,\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.month = parseInt(value) - 1;\n }\n },\n dddd: {\n pattern: `(${days.join("|")})`,\n action: (value, data) => {\n = days.indexOf(value);\n }\n },\n ddd: {\n pattern: `(${ => day.substring(0, 3)).join("|")})`,\n action: (value, data) => {\n = days.findIndex(day => day.substring(0, 3) === value);\n }\n },\n dd: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{2})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n = parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n d: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{1,2})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n = parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n yyyy: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{4})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.year = parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n yy: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{2})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.year = 2000 + parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n HH: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{2})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.hours = parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n H: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{1,2})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.hours = parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n hh: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{2})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.hours = parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n h: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{1,2})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.hours = parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n MM: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{2})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.minutes = parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n M: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{1,2})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.minutes = parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n ss: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{2})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.seconds = parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n s: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{1,2})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.seconds = parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n tt: {\n pattern: "([aApP][mM])",\n action: (value, data) => {\n const char = value.charAt(0);\n = char === "a" || char === "A";\n }\n },\n t: {\n pattern: "([aApP])",\n action: (value, data) => {\n = value === "a" || value === "A";\n }\n }\n };\n const escapedFormat = cFormat.replaceAll(/[.*+\\-?^${}()|[\\]\\\\]/g, "\\\\$&");\n const patterns = /(mmmm|mmm|mm|m|dddd|ddd|dd|d|yyyy|yy|HH|H|hh|h|MM|M|ss|s|tt|t)/g;\n const actions = [];\n const re = escapedFormat.replaceAll(patterns, function (match, patternElement) {\n const {\n pattern,\n action\n } = handlers[patternElement];\n actions.push(action);\n return pattern;\n });\n this._scandCache.set(cFormat, [re, actions]);\n }\n const [re, actions] = this._scandCache.get(cFormat);\n const matches = new RegExp(`^${re}$`, "g").exec(cDate);\n if (!matches || matches.length !== actions.length + 1) {\n return null;\n }\n const data = {\n year: 2000,\n month: 0,\n day: 1,\n hours: 0,\n minutes: 0,\n seconds: 0,\n am: null\n };\n actions.forEach((action, i) => action(matches[i + 1], data));\n if ( !== null) {\n data.hours = data.hours % 12 + ( ? 0 : 12);\n }\n return new Date(data.year, data.month,, data.hours, data.minutes, data.seconds);\n }\n spansToXML() {}\n stringFromStream() {}\n xmlToSpans() {}\n}\nexports.Util = Util;\n\n/***/ })\n/******/ \t]);\n/************************************************************************/\n/******/ \t// The module cache\n/******/ \tvar __webpack_module_cache__ = {};\n/******/ \t\n/******/ \t// The require function\n/******/ \tfunction __w_pdfjs_require__(moduleId) {\n/******/ \t\t// Check if module is in cache\n/******/ \t\tvar cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];\n/******/ \t\tif (cachedModule !== undefined) {\n/******/ \t\t\treturn cachedModule.exports;\n/******/ \t\t}\n/******/ \t\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n/******/ \t\tvar module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {\n/******/ \t\t\t// no needed\n/******/ \t\t\t// no module.loaded needed\n/******/ \t\t\texports: {}\n/******/ \t\t};\n/******/ \t\n/******/ \t\t// Execute the module function\n/******/ \t\t__webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __w_pdfjs_require__);\n/******/ \t\n/******/ \t\t// Return the exports of the module\n/******/ \t\treturn module.exports;\n/******/ \t}\n/******/ \t\n/************************************************************************/\nvar __webpack_exports__ = {};\n// This entry need to be wrapped in an IIFE because it need to be isolated against other modules in the chunk.\n(() => {\nvar exports = __webpack_exports__;\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "initSandbox", ({\n enumerable: true,\n get: function () {\n return _initialization.initSandbox;\n }\n}));\nvar _initialization = __w_pdfjs_require__(1);\nconst pdfjsVersion = \'3.5.141\';\nconst pdfjsBuild = \'be0f6ee08\';\n})();\n\n/******/ \treturn __webpack_exports__;\n/******/ })()\n;\n});']; + const code = ['(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {\n\tif(typeof exports === \'object\' && typeof module === \'object\')\n\t\tmodule.exports = factory();\n\telse if(typeof define === \'function\' && define.amd)\n\t\tdefine("pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.scripting", [], factory);\n\telse if(typeof exports === \'object\')\n\t\texports["pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.scripting"] = factory();\n\telse\n\t\troot.pdfjsScripting = factory();\n})(globalThis, () => {\nreturn /******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap\n/******/ \t"use strict";\n/******/ \tvar __webpack_modules__ = ([\n/* 0 */,\n/* 1 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.initSandbox = initSandbox;\nvar _constants = __w_pdfjs_require__(2);\nvar _field = __w_pdfjs_require__(3);\nvar _aform = __w_pdfjs_require__(8);\nvar _app = __w_pdfjs_require__(9);\nvar _color = __w_pdfjs_require__(5);\nvar _console = __w_pdfjs_require__(15);\nvar _doc = __w_pdfjs_require__(11);\nvar _proxy = __w_pdfjs_require__(16);\nvar _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(17);\nfunction initSandbox(params) {\n delete globalThis.pdfjsScripting;\n const externalCall = globalThis.callExternalFunction;\n delete globalThis.callExternalFunction;\n const globalEval = code => globalThis.eval(code);\n const send = data => externalCall("send", [data]);\n const proxyHandler = new _proxy.ProxyHandler();\n const {\n data\n } = params;\n const doc = new _doc.Doc({\n send,\n globalEval,\n\n });\n const _document = {\n obj: doc,\n wrapped: new Proxy(doc, proxyHandler)\n };\n const app = new _app.App({\n send,\n globalEval,\n externalCall,\n _document,\n calculationOrder: data.calculationOrder,\n proxyHandler,\n\n });\n const util = new _util.Util({\n externalCall\n });\n const appObjects = app._objects;\n if (data.objects) {\n const annotations = [];\n for (const [name, objs] of Object.entries(data.objects)) {\n annotations.length = 0;\n let container = null;\n for (const obj of objs) {\n if (obj.type !== "") {\n annotations.push(obj);\n } else {\n container = obj;\n }\n }\n let obj = container;\n if (annotations.length > 0) {\n obj = annotations[0];\n obj.send = send;\n }\n obj.globalEval = globalEval;\n obj.doc = _document;\n obj.fieldPath = name;\n obj.appObjects = appObjects;\n let field;\n switch (obj.type) {\n case "radiobutton":\n {\n const otherButtons = annotations.slice(1);\n field = new _field.RadioButtonField(otherButtons, obj);\n break;\n }\n case "checkbox":\n {\n const otherButtons = annotations.slice(1);\n field = new _field.CheckboxField(otherButtons, obj);\n break;\n }\n case "text":\n if (annotations.length <= 1) {\n field = new _field.Field(obj);\n break;\n }\n obj.siblings = =>;\n field = new _field.Field(obj);\n break;\n default:\n field = new _field.Field(obj);\n }\n const wrapped = new Proxy(field, proxyHandler);\n const _object = {\n obj: field,\n wrapped\n };\n doc._addField(name, _object);\n for (const object of objs) {\n appObjects[] = _object;\n }\n if (container) {\n appObjects[] = _object;\n }\n }\n }\n const color = new _color.Color();\n globalThis.event = null;\n = Object.create(null);\n = new Proxy(app, proxyHandler);\n globalThis.color = new Proxy(color, proxyHandler);\n globalThis.console = new Proxy(new _console.Console({\n send\n }), proxyHandler);\n globalThis.util = new Proxy(util, proxyHandler);\n globalThis.border = _constants.Border;\n globalThis.cursor = _constants.Cursor;\n globalThis.display = _constants.Display;\n globalThis.font = _constants.Font;\n globalThis.highlight = _constants.Highlight;\n globalThis.position = _constants.Position;\n globalThis.scaleHow = _constants.ScaleHow;\n globalThis.scaleWhen = _constants.ScaleWhen;\n = _constants.Style;\n globalThis.trans = _constants.Trans;\n globalThis.zoomtype = _constants.ZoomType;\n globalThis.ADBE = {\n Reader_Value_Asked: true,\n Viewer_Value_Asked: true\n };\n const aform = new _aform.AForm(doc, app, util, color);\n for (const name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(_aform.AForm.prototype)) {\n if (name !== "constructor" && !name.startsWith("_")) {\n globalThis[name] = aform[name].bind(aform);\n }\n }\n for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(_constants.GlobalConstants)) {\n Object.defineProperty(globalThis, name, {\n value,\n writable: false\n });\n }\n Object.defineProperties(globalThis, {\n ColorConvert: {\n value: color.convert.bind(color),\n writable: true\n },\n ColorEqual: {\n value: color.equal.bind(color),\n writable: true\n }\n });\n const properties = Object.create(null);\n for (const name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(_doc.Doc.prototype)) {\n if (name === "constructor" || name.startsWith("_")) {\n continue;\n }\n const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_doc.Doc.prototype, name);\n if (descriptor.get) {\n properties[name] = {\n get: descriptor.get.bind(doc),\n set: descriptor.set.bind(doc)\n };\n } else {\n properties[name] = {\n value: _doc.Doc.prototype[name].bind(doc)\n };\n }\n }\n Object.defineProperties(globalThis, properties);\n const functions = {\n dispatchEvent: app._dispatchEvent.bind(app),\n timeoutCb: app._evalCallback.bind(app)\n };\n return (name, args) => {\n try {\n functions[name](args);\n } catch (error) {\n const value = `${error.toString()}\\n${error.stack}`;\n send({\n command: "error",\n value\n });\n }\n };\n}\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 2 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.ZoomType = exports.Trans = exports.Style = exports.ScaleWhen = exports.ScaleHow = exports.Position = exports.Highlight = exports.GlobalConstants = exports.Font = exports.Display = exports.Cursor = exports.Border = void 0;\nconst Border = Object.freeze({\n s: "solid",\n d: "dashed",\n b: "beveled",\n i: "inset",\n u: "underline"\n});\nexports.Border = Border;\nconst Cursor = Object.freeze({\n visible: 0,\n hidden: 1,\n delay: 2\n});\nexports.Cursor = Cursor;\nconst Display = Object.freeze({\n visible: 0,\n hidden: 1,\n noPrint: 2,\n noView: 3\n});\nexports.Display = Display;\nconst Font = Object.freeze({\n Times: "Times-Roman",\n TimesB: "Times-Bold",\n TimesI: "Times-Italic",\n TimesBI: "Times-BoldItalic",\n Helv: "Helvetica",\n HelvB: "Helvetica-Bold",\n HelvI: "Helvetica-Oblique",\n HelvBI: "Helvetica-BoldOblique",\n Cour: "Courier",\n CourB: "Courier-Bold",\n CourI: "Courier-Oblique",\n CourBI: "Courier-BoldOblique",\n Symbol: "Symbol",\n ZapfD: "ZapfDingbats",\n KaGo: "HeiseiKakuGo-W5-UniJIS-UCS2-H",\n KaMi: "HeiseiMin-W3-UniJIS-UCS2-H"\n});\nexports.Font = Font;\nconst Highlight = Object.freeze({\n n: "none",\n i: "invert",\n p: "push",\n o: "outline"\n});\nexports.Highlight = Highlight;\nconst Position = Object.freeze({\n textOnly: 0,\n iconOnly: 1,\n iconTextV: 2,\n textIconV: 3,\n iconTextH: 4,\n textIconH: 5,\n overlay: 6\n});\nexports.Position = Position;\nconst ScaleHow = Object.freeze({\n proportional: 0,\n anamorphic: 1\n});\nexports.ScaleHow = ScaleHow;\nconst ScaleWhen = Object.freeze({\n always: 0,\n never: 1,\n tooBig: 2,\n tooSmall: 3\n});\nexports.ScaleWhen = ScaleWhen;\nconst Style = Object.freeze({\n ch: "check",\n cr: "cross",\n di: "diamond",\n ci: "circle",\n st: "star",\n sq: "square"\n});\nexports.Style = Style;\nconst Trans = Object.freeze({\n blindsH: "BlindsHorizontal",\n blindsV: "BlindsVertical",\n boxI: "BoxIn",\n boxO: "BoxOut",\n dissolve: "Dissolve",\n glitterD: "GlitterDown",\n glitterR: "GlitterRight",\n glitterRD: "GlitterRightDown",\n random: "Random",\n replace: "Replace",\n splitHI: "SplitHorizontalIn",\n splitHO: "SplitHorizontalOut",\n splitVI: "SplitVerticalIn",\n splitVO: "SplitVerticalOut",\n wipeD: "WipeDown",\n wipeL: "WipeLeft",\n wipeR: "WipeRight",\n wipeU: "WipeUp"\n});\nexports.Trans = Trans;\nconst ZoomType = Object.freeze({\n none: "NoVary",\n fitP: "FitPage",\n fitW: "FitWidth",\n fitH: "FitHeight",\n fitV: "FitVisibleWidth",\n pref: "Preferred",\n refW: "ReflowWidth"\n});\nexports.ZoomType = ZoomType;\nconst GlobalConstants = Object.freeze({\n IDS_GREATER_THAN: "Invalid value: must be greater than or equal to % s.",\n IDS_GT_AND_LT: "Invalid value: must be greater than or equal to % s " + "and less than or equal to % s.",\n IDS_LESS_THAN: "Invalid value: must be less than or equal to % s.",\n IDS_INVALID_MONTH: "** Invalid **",\n IDS_INVALID_DATE: "Invalid date / time: please ensure that the date / time exists.Field",\n IDS_INVALID_DATE2: " should match format ",\n IDS_INVALID_VALUE: "The value entered does not match the format of the field",\n IDS_AM: "am",\n IDS_PM: "pm",\n IDS_MONTH_INFO: "January[1] February[2] March[3] April[4] May[5] " + "June[6] July[7] August[8] September[9] October[10] " + "November[11] December[12] Sept[9] Jan[1] Feb[2] Mar[3] " + "Apr[4] Jun[6] Jul[7] Aug[8] Sep[9] Oct[10] Nov[11] Dec[12]",\n IDS_STARTUP_CONSOLE_MSG: "** ^ _ ^ **",\n RE_NUMBER_ENTRY_DOT_SEP: ["[+-]?\\\\d*\\\\.?\\\\d*"],\n RE_NUMBER_COMMIT_DOT_SEP: ["[+-]?\\\\d+(\\\\.\\\\d+)?", "[+-]?\\\\.\\\\d+", "[+-]?\\\\d+\\\\."],\n RE_NUMBER_ENTRY_COMMA_SEP: ["[+-]?\\\\d*,?\\\\d*"],\n RE_NUMBER_COMMIT_COMMA_SEP: ["[+-]?\\\\d+([.,]\\\\d+)?", "[+-]?[.,]\\\\d+", "[+-]?\\\\d+[.,]"],\n RE_ZIP_ENTRY: ["\\\\d{0,5}"],\n RE_ZIP_COMMIT: ["\\\\d{5}"],\n RE_ZIP4_ENTRY: ["\\\\d{0,5}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{0,4}"],\n RE_ZIP4_COMMIT: ["\\\\d{5}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{4}"],\n RE_PHONE_ENTRY: ["\\\\d{0,3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{0,3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{0,4}", "\\\\(\\\\d{0,3}", "\\\\(\\\\d{0,3}\\\\)(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{0,3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{0,4}", "\\\\(\\\\d{0,3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{0,3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{0,4}", "\\\\d{0,3}\\\\)(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{0,3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{0,4}", "011(\\\\.|[- \\\\d])*"],\n RE_PHONE_COMMIT: ["\\\\d{3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{4}", "\\\\d{3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{4}", "\\\\(\\\\d{3}\\\\)(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{4}", "011(\\\\.|[- \\\\d])*"],\n RE_SSN_ENTRY: ["\\\\d{0,3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{0,2}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{0,4}"],\n RE_SSN_COMMIT: ["\\\\d{3}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{2}(\\\\.|[- ])?\\\\d{4}"]\n});\nexports.GlobalConstants = GlobalConstants;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 3 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.RadioButtonField = exports.Field = exports.CheckboxField = void 0;\nvar _common = __w_pdfjs_require__(4);\nvar _color = __w_pdfjs_require__(5);\nvar _pdf_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(7);\nclass Field extends _pdf_object.PDFObject {\n constructor(data) {\n super(data);\n this.alignment = data.alignment || "left";\n this.borderStyle = data.borderStyle || "";\n this.buttonAlignX = data.buttonAlignX || 50;\n this.buttonAlignY = data.buttonAlignY || 50;\n this.buttonFitBounds = data.buttonFitBounds;\n this.buttonPosition = data.buttonPosition;\n this.buttonScaleHow = data.buttonScaleHow;\n this.ButtonScaleWhen = data.buttonScaleWhen;\n this.calcOrderIndex = data.calcOrderIndex;\n this.comb = data.comb;\n this.commitOnSelChange = data.commitOnSelChange;\n this.currentValueIndices = data.currentValueIndices;\n this.defaultStyle = data.defaultStyle;\n this.defaultValue = data.defaultValue;\n this.doNotScroll = data.doNotScroll;\n this.doNotSpellCheck = data.doNotSpellCheck;\n this.delay = data.delay;\n this.display = data.display;\n this.doc = data.doc.wrapped;\n this.editable = data.editable;\n this.exportValues = data.exportValues;\n this.fileSelect = data.fileSelect;\n this.hidden = data.hidden;\n this.highlight = data.highlight;\n this.lineWidth = data.lineWidth;\n this.multiline = data.multiline;\n this.multipleSelection = !!data.multipleSelection;\n =;\n this.password = data.password;\n this.print = data.print;\n this.radiosInUnison = data.radiosInUnison;\n this.readonly = data.readonly;\n this.rect = data.rect;\n this.required = data.required;\n this.richText = data.richText;\n this.richValue = data.richValue;\n =;\n this.submitName = data.submitName;\n this.textFont = data.textFont;\n this.textSize = data.textSize;\n this.type = data.type;\n this.userName = data.userName;\n this._actions = (0, _common.createActionsMap)(data.actions);\n this._browseForFileToSubmit = data.browseForFileToSubmit || null;\n this._buttonCaption = null;\n this._buttonIcon = null;\n this._charLimit = data.charLimit;\n this._children = null;\n this._currentValueIndices = data.currentValueIndices || 0;\n this._document = data.doc;\n this._fieldPath = data.fieldPath;\n this._fillColor = data.fillColor || ["T"];\n this._isChoice = Array.isArray(data.items);\n this._items = data.items || [];\n this._hasValue = data.hasOwnProperty("value");\n this._page = || 0;\n this._strokeColor = data.strokeColor || ["G", 0];\n this._textColor = data.textColor || ["G", 0];\n this._value = null;\n this._kidIds = data.kidIds || null;\n this._fieldType = (0, _common.getFieldType)(this._actions);\n this._siblings = data.siblings || null;\n this._rotation = data.rotation || 0;\n this._globalEval = data.globalEval;\n this._appObjects = data.appObjects;\n this.value = data.value || "";\n }\n get currentValueIndices() {\n if (!this._isChoice) {\n return 0;\n }\n return this._currentValueIndices;\n }\n set currentValueIndices(indices) {\n if (!this._isChoice) {\n return;\n }\n if (!Array.isArray(indices)) {\n indices = [indices];\n }\n if (!indices.every(i => typeof i === "number" && Number.isInteger(i) && i >= 0 && i < this.numItems)) {\n return;\n }\n indices.sort();\n if (this.multipleSelection) {\n this._currentValueIndices = indices;\n this._value = [];\n indices.forEach(i => {\n this._value.push(this._items[i].displayValue);\n });\n } else {\n if (indices.length > 0) {\n indices = indices.splice(1, indices.length - 1);\n this._currentValueIndices = indices[0];\n this._value = this._items[this._currentValueIndices];\n }\n }\n this._send({\n id: this._id,\n indices\n });\n }\n get fillColor() {\n return this._fillColor;\n }\n set fillColor(color) {\n if (_color.Color._isValidColor(color)) {\n this._fillColor = color;\n }\n }\n get bgColor() {\n return this.fillColor;\n }\n set bgColor(color) {\n this.fillColor = color;\n }\n get charLimit() {\n return this._charLimit;\n }\n set charLimit(limit) {\n if (typeof limit !== "number") {\n throw new Error("Invalid argument value");\n }\n this._charLimit = Math.max(0, Math.floor(limit));\n }\n get numItems() {\n if (!this._isChoice) {\n throw new Error("Not a choice widget");\n }\n return this._items.length;\n }\n set numItems(_) {\n throw new Error("field.numItems is read-only");\n }\n get strokeColor() {\n return this._strokeColor;\n }\n set strokeColor(color) {\n if (_color.Color._isValidColor(color)) {\n this._strokeColor = color;\n }\n }\n get borderColor() {\n return this.strokeColor;\n }\n set borderColor(color) {\n this.strokeColor = color;\n }\n get page() {\n return this._page;\n }\n set page(_) {\n throw new Error(" is read-only");\n }\n get rotation() {\n return this._rotation;\n }\n set rotation(angle) {\n angle = Math.floor(angle);\n if (angle % 90 !== 0) {\n throw new Error("Invalid rotation: must be a multiple of 90");\n }\n angle %= 360;\n if (angle < 0) {\n angle += 360;\n }\n this._rotation = angle;\n }\n get textColor() {\n return this._textColor;\n }\n set textColor(color) {\n if (_color.Color._isValidColor(color)) {\n this._textColor = color;\n }\n }\n get fgColor() {\n return this.textColor;\n }\n set fgColor(color) {\n this.textColor = color;\n }\n get value() {\n return this._value;\n }\n set value(value) {\n if (this._isChoice) {\n this._setChoiceValue(value);\n return;\n }\n if (value === "") {\n this._value = "";\n } else if (typeof value === "string") {\n switch (this._fieldType) {\n case _common.FieldType.none:\n {\n this._originalValue = value;\n const _value = value.trim().replace(",", ".");\n this._value = !isNaN(_value) ? parseFloat(_value) : value;\n break;\n }\n case _common.FieldType.number:\n case _common.FieldType.percent:\n {\n const _value = value.trim().replace(",", ".");\n const number = parseFloat(_value);\n this._value = !isNaN(number) ? number : 0;\n break;\n }\n default:\n this._value = value;\n }\n } else {\n this._value = value;\n }\n }\n _getValue() {\n return this._originalValue ?? this.value;\n }\n _setChoiceValue(value) {\n if (this.multipleSelection) {\n if (!Array.isArray(value)) {\n value = [value];\n }\n const values = new Set(value);\n if (Array.isArray(this._currentValueIndices)) {\n this._currentValueIndices.length = 0;\n this._value.length = 0;\n } else {\n this._currentValueIndices = [];\n this._value = [];\n }\n this._items.forEach((item, i) => {\n if (values.has(item.exportValue)) {\n this._currentValueIndices.push(i);\n this._value.push(item.exportValue);\n }\n });\n } else {\n if (Array.isArray(value)) {\n value = value[0];\n }\n const index = this._items.findIndex(({\n exportValue\n }) => value === exportValue);\n if (index !== -1) {\n this._currentValueIndices = index;\n this._value = this._items[index].exportValue;\n }\n }\n }\n get valueAsString() {\n return (this._value ?? "").toString();\n }\n set valueAsString(_) {}\n browseForFileToSubmit() {\n if (this._browseForFileToSubmit) {\n this._browseForFileToSubmit();\n }\n }\n buttonGetCaption(nFace = 0) {\n if (this._buttonCaption) {\n return this._buttonCaption[nFace];\n }\n return "";\n }\n buttonGetIcon(nFace = 0) {\n if (this._buttonIcon) {\n return this._buttonIcon[nFace];\n }\n return null;\n }\n buttonImportIcon(cPath = null, nPave = 0) {}\n buttonSetCaption(cCaption, nFace = 0) {\n if (!this._buttonCaption) {\n this._buttonCaption = ["", "", ""];\n }\n this._buttonCaption[nFace] = cCaption;\n }\n buttonSetIcon(oIcon, nFace = 0) {\n if (!this._buttonIcon) {\n this._buttonIcon = [null, null, null];\n }\n this._buttonIcon[nFace] = oIcon;\n }\n checkThisBox(nWidget, bCheckIt = true) {}\n clearItems() {\n if (!this._isChoice) {\n throw new Error("Not a choice widget");\n }\n this._items = [];\n this._send({\n id: this._id,\n clear: null\n });\n }\n deleteItemAt(nIdx = null) {\n if (!this._isChoice) {\n throw new Error("Not a choice widget");\n }\n if (!this.numItems) {\n return;\n }\n if (nIdx === null) {\n nIdx = Array.isArray(this._currentValueIndices) ? this._currentValueIndices[0] : this._currentValueIndices;\n nIdx = nIdx || 0;\n }\n if (nIdx < 0 || nIdx >= this.numItems) {\n nIdx = this.numItems - 1;\n }\n this._items.splice(nIdx, 1);\n if (Array.isArray(this._currentValueIndices)) {\n let index = this._currentValueIndices.findIndex(i => i >= nIdx);\n if (index !== -1) {\n if (this._currentValueIndices[index] === nIdx) {\n this._currentValueIndices.splice(index, 1);\n }\n for (const ii = this._currentValueIndices.length; index < ii; index++) {\n --this._currentValueIndices[index];\n }\n }\n } else {\n if (this._currentValueIndices === nIdx) {\n this._currentValueIndices = this.numItems > 0 ? 0 : -1;\n } else if (this._currentValueIndices > nIdx) {\n --this._currentValueIndices;\n }\n }\n this._send({\n id: this._id,\n remove: nIdx\n });\n }\n getItemAt(nIdx = -1, bExportValue = false) {\n if (!this._isChoice) {\n throw new Error("Not a choice widget");\n }\n if (nIdx < 0 || nIdx >= this.numItems) {\n nIdx = this.numItems - 1;\n }\n const item = this._items[nIdx];\n return bExportValue ? item.exportValue : item.displayValue;\n }\n getArray() {\n if (this._kidIds) {\n const array = [];\n const fillArrayWithKids = kidIds => {\n for (const id of kidIds) {\n const obj = this._appObjects[id];\n if (!obj) {\n continue;\n }\n if (obj.obj._hasValue) {\n array.push(obj.wrapped);\n }\n if (obj.obj._kidIds) {\n fillArrayWithKids(obj.obj._kidIds);\n }\n }\n };\n fillArrayWithKids(this._kidIds);\n return array;\n }\n if (this._children === null) {\n this._children = this._document.obj._getTerminalChildren(this._fieldPath);\n }\n return this._children;\n }\n getLock() {\n return undefined;\n }\n isBoxChecked(nWidget) {\n return false;\n }\n isDefaultChecked(nWidget) {\n return false;\n }\n insertItemAt(cName, cExport = undefined, nIdx = 0) {\n if (!this._isChoice) {\n throw new Error("Not a choice widget");\n }\n if (!cName) {\n return;\n }\n if (nIdx < 0 || nIdx > this.numItems) {\n nIdx = this.numItems;\n }\n if (this._items.some(({\n displayValue\n }) => displayValue === cName)) {\n return;\n }\n if (cExport === undefined) {\n cExport = cName;\n }\n const data = {\n displayValue: cName,\n exportValue: cExport\n };\n this._items.splice(nIdx, 0, data);\n if (Array.isArray(this._currentValueIndices)) {\n let index = this._currentValueIndices.findIndex(i => i >= nIdx);\n if (index !== -1) {\n for (const ii = this._currentValueIndices.length; index < ii; index++) {\n ++this._currentValueIndices[index];\n }\n }\n } else if (this._currentValueIndices >= nIdx) {\n ++this._currentValueIndices;\n }\n this._send({\n id: this._id,\n insert: {\n index: nIdx,\n\n }\n });\n }\n setAction(cTrigger, cScript) {\n if (typeof cTrigger !== "string" || typeof cScript !== "string") {\n return;\n }\n if (!(cTrigger in this._actions)) {\n this._actions[cTrigger] = [];\n }\n this._actions[cTrigger].push(cScript);\n }\n setFocus() {\n this._send({\n id: this._id,\n focus: true\n });\n }\n setItems(oArray) {\n if (!this._isChoice) {\n throw new Error("Not a choice widget");\n }\n this._items.length = 0;\n for (const element of oArray) {\n let displayValue, exportValue;\n if (Array.isArray(element)) {\n displayValue = element[0]?.toString() || "";\n exportValue = element[1]?.toString() || "";\n } else {\n displayValue = exportValue = element?.toString() || "";\n }\n this._items.push({\n displayValue,\n exportValue\n });\n }\n this._currentValueIndices = 0;\n this._send({\n id: this._id,\n items: this._items\n });\n }\n setLock() {}\n signatureGetModifications() {}\n signatureGetSeedValue() {}\n signatureInfo() {}\n signatureSetSeedValue() {}\n signatureSign() {}\n signatureValidate() {}\n _isButton() {\n return false;\n }\n _reset() {\n this.value = this.defaultValue;\n }\n _runActions(event) {\n const eventName =;\n if (!this._actions.has(eventName)) {\n return false;\n }\n const actions = this._actions.get(eventName);\n try {\n for (const action of actions) {\n this._globalEval(action);\n }\n } catch (error) {\n event.rc = false;\n throw error;\n }\n return true;\n }\n}\nexports.Field = Field;\nclass RadioButtonField extends Field {\n constructor(otherButtons, data) {\n super(data);\n this.exportValues = [this.exportValues];\n this._radioIds = [this._id];\n this._radioActions = [this._actions];\n for (const radioData of otherButtons) {\n this.exportValues.push(radioData.exportValues);\n this._radioIds.push(;\n this._radioActions.push((0, _common.createActionsMap)(radioData.actions));\n if (this._value === radioData.exportValues) {\n this._id =;\n }\n }\n this._hasBeenInitialized = true;\n this._value = data.value || "";\n }\n get value() {\n return this._value;\n }\n set value(value) {\n if (!this._hasBeenInitialized) {\n return;\n }\n if (value === null || value === undefined) {\n this._value = "";\n }\n const i = this.exportValues.indexOf(value);\n if (0 <= i && i < this._radioIds.length) {\n this._id = this._radioIds[i];\n this._value = value;\n } else if (value === "Off" && this._radioIds.length === 2) {\n const nextI = (1 + this._radioIds.indexOf(this._id)) % 2;\n this._id = this._radioIds[nextI];\n this._value = this.exportValues[nextI];\n }\n }\n checkThisBox(nWidget, bCheckIt = true) {\n if (nWidget < 0 || nWidget >= this._radioIds.length || !bCheckIt) {\n return;\n }\n this._id = this._radioIds[nWidget];\n this._value = this.exportValues[nWidget];\n this._send({\n id: this._id,\n value: this._value\n });\n }\n isBoxChecked(nWidget) {\n return nWidget >= 0 && nWidget < this._radioIds.length && this._id === this._radioIds[nWidget];\n }\n isDefaultChecked(nWidget) {\n return nWidget >= 0 && nWidget < this.exportValues.length && this.defaultValue === this.exportValues[nWidget];\n }\n _getExportValue(state) {\n const i = this._radioIds.indexOf(this._id);\n return this.exportValues[i];\n }\n _runActions(event) {\n const i = this._radioIds.indexOf(this._id);\n this._actions = this._radioActions[i];\n return super._runActions(event);\n }\n _isButton() {\n return true;\n }\n}\nexports.RadioButtonField = RadioButtonField;\nclass CheckboxField extends RadioButtonField {\n get value() {\n return this._value;\n }\n set value(value) {\n if (!value || value === "Off") {\n this._value = "Off";\n } else {\n super.value = value;\n }\n }\n _getExportValue(state) {\n return state ? super._getExportValue(state) : "Off";\n }\n isBoxChecked(nWidget) {\n if (this._value === "Off") {\n return false;\n }\n return super.isBoxChecked(nWidget);\n }\n isDefaultChecked(nWidget) {\n if (this.defaultValue === "Off") {\n return this._value === "Off";\n }\n return super.isDefaultChecked(nWidget);\n }\n checkThisBox(nWidget, bCheckIt = true) {\n if (nWidget < 0 || nWidget >= this._radioIds.length) {\n return;\n }\n this._id = this._radioIds[nWidget];\n this._value = bCheckIt ? this.exportValues[nWidget] : "Off";\n this._send({\n id: this._id,\n value: this._value\n });\n }\n}\nexports.CheckboxField = CheckboxField;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 4 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.FieldType = void 0;\nexports.createActionsMap = createActionsMap;\nexports.getFieldType = getFieldType;\nconst FieldType = {\n none: 0,\n number: 1,\n percent: 2,\n date: 3,\n time: 4\n};\nexports.FieldType = FieldType;\nfunction createActionsMap(actions) {\n const actionsMap = new Map();\n if (actions) {\n for (const [eventType, actionsForEvent] of Object.entries(actions)) {\n actionsMap.set(eventType, actionsForEvent);\n }\n }\n return actionsMap;\n}\nfunction getFieldType(actions) {\n let format = actions.get("Format");\n if (!format) {\n return FieldType.none;\n }\n format = format[0];\n format = format.trim();\n if (format.startsWith("AFNumber_")) {\n return FieldType.number;\n }\n if (format.startsWith("AFPercent_")) {\n return FieldType.percent;\n }\n if (format.startsWith("AFDate_")) {\n return;\n }\n if (format.startsWith("AFTime__")) {\n return FieldType.time;\n }\n return FieldType.none;\n}\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 5 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.Color = void 0;\nvar _scripting_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(6);\nvar _pdf_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(7);\nclass Color extends _pdf_object.PDFObject {\n constructor() {\n super({});\n this.transparent = ["T"];\n = ["G", 0];\n this.white = ["G", 1];\n = ["RGB", 1, 0, 0];\n = ["RGB", 0, 1, 0];\n = ["RGB", 0, 0, 1];\n this.cyan = ["CMYK", 1, 0, 0, 0];\n this.magenta = ["CMYK", 0, 1, 0, 0];\n this.yellow = ["CMYK", 0, 0, 1, 0];\n this.dkGray = ["G", 0.25];\n this.gray = ["G", 0.5];\n this.ltGray = ["G", 0.75];\n }\n static _isValidSpace(cColorSpace) {\n return typeof cColorSpace === "string" && (cColorSpace === "T" || cColorSpace === "G" || cColorSpace === "RGB" || cColorSpace === "CMYK");\n }\n static _isValidColor(colorArray) {\n if (!Array.isArray(colorArray) || colorArray.length === 0) {\n return false;\n }\n const space = colorArray[0];\n if (!Color._isValidSpace(space)) {\n return false;\n }\n switch (space) {\n case "T":\n if (colorArray.length !== 1) {\n return false;\n }\n break;\n case "G":\n if (colorArray.length !== 2) {\n return false;\n }\n break;\n case "RGB":\n if (colorArray.length !== 4) {\n return false;\n }\n break;\n case "CMYK":\n if (colorArray.length !== 5) {\n return false;\n }\n break;\n default:\n return false;\n }\n return colorArray.slice(1).every(c => typeof c === "number" && c >= 0 && c <= 1);\n }\n static _getCorrectColor(colorArray) {\n return Color._isValidColor(colorArray) ? colorArray : ["G", 0];\n }\n convert(colorArray, cColorSpace) {\n if (!Color._isValidSpace(cColorSpace)) {\n return;\n }\n if (cColorSpace === "T") {\n return ["T"];\n }\n colorArray = Color._getCorrectColor(colorArray);\n if (colorArray[0] === cColorSpace) {\n return colorArray;\n }\n if (colorArray[0] === "T") {\n return this.convert(, cColorSpace);\n }\n return _scripting_utils.ColorConverters[`${colorArray[0]}_${cColorSpace}`](colorArray.slice(1));\n }\n equal(colorArray1, colorArray2) {\n colorArray1 = Color._getCorrectColor(colorArray1);\n colorArray2 = Color._getCorrectColor(colorArray2);\n if (colorArray1[0] === "T" || colorArray2[0] === "T") {\n return colorArray1[0] === "T" && colorArray2[0] === "T";\n }\n if (colorArray1[0] !== colorArray2[0]) {\n colorArray2 = this.convert(colorArray2, colorArray1[0]);\n }\n return colorArray1.slice(1).every((c, i) => c === colorArray2[i + 1]);\n }\n}\nexports.Color = Color;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 6 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.ColorConverters = void 0;\nfunction makeColorComp(n) {\n return Math.floor(Math.max(0, Math.min(1, n)) * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, "0");\n}\nclass ColorConverters {\n static CMYK_G([c, y, m, k]) {\n return ["G", 1 - Math.min(1, 0.3 * c + 0.59 * m + 0.11 * y + k)];\n }\n static G_CMYK([g]) {\n return ["CMYK", 0, 0, 0, 1 - g];\n }\n static G_RGB([g]) {\n return ["RGB", g, g, g];\n }\n static G_HTML([g]) {\n const G = makeColorComp(g);\n return `#${G}${G}${G}`;\n }\n static RGB_G([r, g, b]) {\n return ["G", 0.3 * r + 0.59 * g + 0.11 * b];\n }\n static RGB_HTML([r, g, b]) {\n const R = makeColorComp(r);\n const G = makeColorComp(g);\n const B = makeColorComp(b);\n return `#${R}${G}${B}`;\n }\n static T_HTML() {\n return "#00000000";\n }\n static CMYK_RGB([c, y, m, k]) {\n return ["RGB", 1 - Math.min(1, c + k), 1 - Math.min(1, m + k), 1 - Math.min(1, y + k)];\n }\n static CMYK_HTML(components) {\n const rgb = this.CMYK_RGB(components).slice(1);\n return this.RGB_HTML(rgb);\n }\n static RGB_CMYK([r, g, b]) {\n const c = 1 - r;\n const m = 1 - g;\n const y = 1 - b;\n const k = Math.min(c, m, y);\n return ["CMYK", c, m, y, k];\n }\n}\nexports.ColorConverters = ColorConverters;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 7 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.PDFObject = void 0;\nclass PDFObject {\n constructor(data) {\n this._expandos = Object.create(null);\n this._send = data.send || null;\n this._id = || null;\n }\n}\nexports.PDFObject = PDFObject;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 8 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.AForm = void 0;\nvar _constants = __w_pdfjs_require__(2);\nclass AForm {\n constructor(document, app, util, color) {\n this._document = document;\n this._app = app;\n this._util = util;\n this._color = color;\n this._dateFormats = ["m/d", "m/d/yy", "mm/dd/yy", "mm/yy", "d-mmm", "d-mmm-yy", "dd-mmm-yy", "yy-mm-dd", "mmm-yy", "mmmm-yy", "mmm d, yyyy", "mmmm d, yyyy", "m/d/yy h:MM tt", "m/d/yy HH:MM"];\n this._timeFormats = ["HH:MM", "h:MM tt", "HH:MM:ss", "h:MM:ss tt"];\n this._dateActionsCache = new Map();\n this._emailRegex = new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&\'*+\\\\/=?^_`{|}~-]+" + "@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?" + "(?:\\\\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$");\n }\n _mkTargetName(event) {\n return ? `[ ${} ]` : "";\n }\n _tryToGuessDate(cFormat, cDate) {\n let actions = this._dateActionsCache.get(cFormat);\n if (!actions) {\n actions = [];\n this._dateActionsCache.set(cFormat, actions);\n cFormat.replaceAll(/(d+)|(m+)|(y+)|(H+)|(M+)|(s+)/g, function (match, d, m, y, H, M, s) {\n if (d) {\n actions.push((n, date) => {\n if (n >= 1 && n <= 31) {\n date.setDate(n);\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n });\n } else if (m) {\n actions.push((n, date) => {\n if (n >= 1 && n <= 12) {\n date.setMonth(n - 1);\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n });\n } else if (y) {\n actions.push((n, date) => {\n if (n < 50) {\n n += 2000;\n } else if (n < 100) {\n n += 1900;\n }\n date.setYear(n);\n return true;\n });\n } else if (H) {\n actions.push((n, date) => {\n if (n >= 0 && n <= 23) {\n date.setHours(n);\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n });\n } else if (M) {\n actions.push((n, date) => {\n if (n >= 0 && n <= 59) {\n date.setMinutes(n);\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n });\n } else if (s) {\n actions.push((n, date) => {\n if (n >= 0 && n <= 59) {\n date.setSeconds(n);\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n });\n }\n return "";\n });\n }\n const number = /\\d+/g;\n let i = 0;\n let array;\n const date = new Date();\n while ((array = number.exec(cDate)) !== null) {\n if (i < actions.length) {\n if (!actions[i++](parseInt(array[0]), date)) {\n return null;\n }\n } else {\n break;\n }\n }\n if (i === 0) {\n return null;\n }\n return date;\n }\n _parseDate(cFormat, cDate) {\n let date = null;\n try {\n date = this._util.scand(cFormat, cDate);\n } catch (error) {}\n if (!date) {\n date = Date.parse(cDate);\n if (isNaN(date)) {\n date = this._tryToGuessDate(cFormat, cDate);\n } else {\n date = new Date(date);\n }\n }\n return date;\n }\n AFMergeChange(event = globalThis.event) {\n if (event.willCommit) {\n return event.value.toString();\n }\n return this._app._eventDispatcher.mergeChange(event);\n }\n AFParseDateEx(cString, cOrder) {\n return this._parseDate(cOrder, cString);\n }\n AFExtractNums(str) {\n if (typeof str === "number") {\n return [str];\n }\n if (!str || typeof str !== "string") {\n return null;\n }\n const first = str.charAt(0);\n if (first === "." || first === ",") {\n str = `0${str}`;\n }\n const numbers = str.match(/(\\d+)/g);\n if (numbers.length === 0) {\n return null;\n }\n return numbers;\n }\n AFMakeNumber(str) {\n if (typeof str === "number") {\n return str;\n }\n if (typeof str !== "string") {\n return null;\n }\n str = str.trim().replace(",", ".");\n const number = parseFloat(str);\n if (isNaN(number) || !isFinite(number)) {\n return null;\n }\n return number;\n }\n AFMakeArrayFromList(string) {\n if (typeof string === "string") {\n return string.split(/, ?/g);\n }\n return string;\n }\n AFNumber_Format(nDec, sepStyle, negStyle, currStyle, strCurrency, bCurrencyPrepend) {\n const event = globalThis.event;\n if (!event.value) {\n return;\n }\n let value = this.AFMakeNumber(event.value);\n if (value === null) {\n event.value = "";\n return;\n }\n const sign = Math.sign(value);\n const buf = [];\n let hasParen = false;\n if (sign === -1 && bCurrencyPrepend && negStyle === 0) {\n buf.push("-");\n }\n if ((negStyle === 2 || negStyle === 3) && sign === -1) {\n buf.push("(");\n hasParen = true;\n }\n if (bCurrencyPrepend) {\n buf.push(strCurrency);\n }\n sepStyle = Math.min(Math.max(0, Math.floor(sepStyle)), 4);\n buf.push("%,", sepStyle, ".", nDec.toString(), "f");\n if (!bCurrencyPrepend) {\n buf.push(strCurrency);\n }\n if (hasParen) {\n buf.push(")");\n }\n if (negStyle === 1 || negStyle === 3) {\n = sign === 1 ? :;\n }\n if ((negStyle !== 0 || bCurrencyPrepend) && sign === -1) {\n value = -value;\n }\n const formatStr = buf.join("");\n event.value = this._util.printf(formatStr, value);\n }\n AFNumber_Keystroke(nDec, sepStyle, negStyle, currStyle, strCurrency, bCurrencyPrepend) {\n const event = globalThis.event;\n let value = this.AFMergeChange(event);\n if (!value) {\n return;\n }\n value = value.trim();\n let pattern;\n if (sepStyle > 1) {\n pattern = event.willCommit ? /^[+-]?(\\d+(,\\d*)?|,\\d+)$/ : /^[+-]?\\d*,?\\d*$/;\n } else {\n pattern = event.willCommit ? /^[+-]?(\\d+(\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)$/ : /^[+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d*$/;\n }\n if (!pattern.test(value)) {\n if (event.willCommit) {\n const err = `${_constants.GlobalConstants.IDS_INVALID_VALUE} ${this._mkTargetName(event)}`;\n this._app.alert(err);\n }\n event.rc = false;\n }\n if (event.willCommit && sepStyle > 1) {\n event.value = parseFloat(value.replace(",", "."));\n }\n }\n AFPercent_Format(nDec, sepStyle, percentPrepend = false) {\n if (typeof nDec !== "number") {\n return;\n }\n if (typeof sepStyle !== "number") {\n return;\n }\n if (nDec < 0) {\n throw new Error("Invalid nDec value in AFPercent_Format");\n }\n const event = globalThis.event;\n if (nDec > 512) {\n event.value = "%";\n return;\n }\n nDec = Math.floor(nDec);\n sepStyle = Math.min(Math.max(0, Math.floor(sepStyle)), 4);\n let value = this.AFMakeNumber(event.value);\n if (value === null) {\n event.value = "%";\n return;\n }\n const formatStr = `%,${sepStyle}.${nDec}f`;\n value = this._util.printf(formatStr, value * 100);\n if (percentPrepend) {\n event.value = `%${value}`;\n } else {\n event.value = `${value}%`;\n }\n }\n AFPercent_Keystroke(nDec, sepStyle) {\n this.AFNumber_Keystroke(nDec, sepStyle, 0, 0, "", true);\n }\n AFDate_FormatEx(cFormat) {\n const event = globalThis.event;\n const value = event.value;\n if (!value) {\n return;\n }\n const date = this._parseDate(cFormat, value);\n if (date !== null) {\n event.value = this._util.printd(cFormat, date);\n }\n }\n AFDate_Format(pdf) {\n if (pdf >= 0 && pdf < this._dateFormats.length) {\n this.AFDate_FormatEx(this._dateFormats[pdf]);\n }\n }\n AFDate_KeystrokeEx(cFormat) {\n const event = globalThis.event;\n if (!event.willCommit) {\n return;\n }\n const value = this.AFMergeChange(event);\n if (!value) {\n return;\n }\n if (this._parseDate(cFormat, value) === null) {\n const invalid = _constants.GlobalConstants.IDS_INVALID_DATE;\n const invalid2 = _constants.GlobalConstants.IDS_INVALID_DATE2;\n const err = `${invalid} ${this._mkTargetName(event)}${invalid2}${cFormat}`;\n this._app.alert(err);\n event.rc = false;\n }\n }\n AFDate_Keystroke(pdf) {\n if (pdf >= 0 && pdf < this._dateFormats.length) {\n this.AFDate_KeystrokeEx(this._dateFormats[pdf]);\n }\n }\n AFRange_Validate(bGreaterThan, nGreaterThan, bLessThan, nLessThan) {\n const event = globalThis.event;\n if (!event.value) {\n return;\n }\n const value = this.AFMakeNumber(event.value);\n if (value === null) {\n return;\n }\n bGreaterThan = !!bGreaterThan;\n bLessThan = !!bLessThan;\n if (bGreaterThan) {\n nGreaterThan = this.AFMakeNumber(nGreaterThan);\n if (nGreaterThan === null) {\n return;\n }\n }\n if (bLessThan) {\n nLessThan = this.AFMakeNumber(nLessThan);\n if (nLessThan === null) {\n return;\n }\n }\n let err = "";\n if (bGreaterThan && bLessThan) {\n if (value < nGreaterThan || value > nLessThan) {\n err = this._util.printf(_constants.GlobalConstants.IDS_GT_AND_LT, nGreaterThan, nLessThan);\n }\n } else if (bGreaterThan) {\n if (value < nGreaterThan) {\n err = this._util.printf(_constants.GlobalConstants.IDS_GREATER_THAN, nGreaterThan);\n }\n } else if (value > nLessThan) {\n err = this._util.printf(_constants.GlobalConstants.IDS_LESS_THAN, nLessThan);\n }\n if (err) {\n this._app.alert(err);\n event.rc = false;\n }\n }\n AFSimple(cFunction, nValue1, nValue2) {\n const value1 = this.AFMakeNumber(nValue1);\n if (value1 === null) {\n throw new Error("Invalid nValue1 in AFSimple");\n }\n const value2 = this.AFMakeNumber(nValue2);\n if (value2 === null) {\n throw new Error("Invalid nValue2 in AFSimple");\n }\n switch (cFunction) {\n case "AVG":\n return (value1 + value2) / 2;\n case "SUM":\n return value1 + value2;\n case "PRD":\n return value1 * value2;\n case "MIN":\n return Math.min(value1, value2);\n case "MAX":\n return Math.max(value1, value2);\n }\n throw new Error("Invalid cFunction in AFSimple");\n }\n AFSimple_Calculate(cFunction, cFields) {\n const actions = {\n AVG: args => args.reduce((acc, value) => acc + value, 0) / args.length,\n SUM: args => args.reduce((acc, value) => acc + value, 0),\n PRD: args => args.reduce((acc, value) => acc * value, 1),\n MIN: args => args.reduce((acc, value) => Math.min(acc, value), Number.MAX_VALUE),\n MAX: args => args.reduce((acc, value) => Math.max(acc, value), Number.MIN_VALUE)\n };\n if (!(cFunction in actions)) {\n throw new TypeError("Invalid function in AFSimple_Calculate");\n }\n const event = globalThis.event;\n const values = [];\n cFields = this.AFMakeArrayFromList(cFields);\n for (const cField of cFields) {\n const field = this._document.getField(cField);\n if (!field) {\n continue;\n }\n for (const child of field.getArray()) {\n const number = this.AFMakeNumber(child.value);\n if (number !== null) {\n values.push(number);\n }\n }\n }\n if (values.length === 0) {\n event.value = cFunction === "PRD" ? 1 : 0;\n return;\n }\n const res = actions[cFunction](values);\n event.value = Math.round(1e6 * res) / 1e6;\n }\n AFSpecial_Format(psf) {\n const event = globalThis.event;\n if (!event.value) {\n return;\n }\n psf = this.AFMakeNumber(psf);\n let formatStr;\n switch (psf) {\n case 0:\n formatStr = "99999";\n break;\n case 1:\n formatStr = "99999-9999";\n break;\n case 2:\n if (this._util.printx("9999999999", event.value).length >= 10) {\n formatStr = "(999) 999-9999";\n } else {\n formatStr = "999-9999";\n }\n break;\n case 3:\n formatStr = "999-99-9999";\n break;\n default:\n throw new Error("Invalid psf in AFSpecial_Format");\n }\n event.value = this._util.printx(formatStr, event.value);\n }\n AFSpecial_KeystrokeEx(cMask) {\n if (!cMask) {\n return;\n }\n const event = globalThis.event;\n const value = this.AFMergeChange(event);\n if (!value) {\n return;\n }\n const checkers = new Map([["9", char => char >= "0" && char <= "9"], ["A", char => "a" <= char && char <= "z" || "A" <= char && char <= "Z"], ["O", char => "a" <= char && char <= "z" || "A" <= char && char <= "Z" || "0" <= char && char <= "9"], ["X", char => true]]);\n function _checkValidity(_value, _cMask) {\n for (let i = 0, ii = _value.length; i < ii; i++) {\n const mask = _cMask.charAt(i);\n const char = _value.charAt(i);\n const checker = checkers.get(mask);\n if (checker) {\n if (!checker(char)) {\n return false;\n }\n } else if (mask !== char) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n const err = `${_constants.GlobalConstants.IDS_INVALID_VALUE} = "${cMask}"`;\n if (value.length > cMask.length) {\n this._app.alert(err);\n event.rc = false;\n return;\n }\n if (event.willCommit) {\n if (value.length < cMask.length) {\n this._app.alert(err);\n event.rc = false;\n return;\n }\n if (!_checkValidity(value, cMask)) {\n this._app.alert(err);\n event.rc = false;\n return;\n }\n event.value += cMask.substring(value.length);\n return;\n }\n if (value.length < cMask.length) {\n cMask = cMask.substring(0, value.length);\n }\n if (!_checkValidity(value, cMask)) {\n this._app.alert(err);\n event.rc = false;\n }\n }\n AFSpecial_Keystroke(psf) {\n const event = globalThis.event;\n psf = this.AFMakeNumber(psf);\n let formatStr;\n switch (psf) {\n case 0:\n formatStr = "99999";\n break;\n case 1:\n formatStr = "99999-9999";\n break;\n case 2:\n const value = this.AFMergeChange(event);\n if (value.length > 8 || value.startsWith("(")) {\n formatStr = "(999) 999-9999";\n } else {\n formatStr = "999-9999";\n }\n break;\n case 3:\n formatStr = "999-99-9999";\n break;\n default:\n throw new Error("Invalid psf in AFSpecial_Keystroke");\n }\n this.AFSpecial_KeystrokeEx(formatStr);\n }\n AFTime_FormatEx(cFormat) {\n this.AFDate_FormatEx(cFormat);\n }\n AFTime_Format(pdf) {\n if (pdf >= 0 && pdf < this._timeFormats.length) {\n this.AFDate_FormatEx(this._timeFormats[pdf]);\n }\n }\n AFTime_KeystrokeEx(cFormat) {\n this.AFDate_KeystrokeEx(cFormat);\n }\n AFTime_Keystroke(pdf) {\n if (pdf >= 0 && pdf < this._timeFormats.length) {\n this.AFDate_KeystrokeEx(this._timeFormats[pdf]);\n }\n }\n eMailValidate(str) {\n return this._emailRegex.test(str);\n }\n AFExactMatch(rePatterns, str) {\n if (rePatterns instanceof RegExp) {\n return str.match(rePatterns)?.[0] === str || 0;\n }\n return rePatterns.findIndex(re => str.match(re)?.[0] === str) + 1;\n }\n}\nexports.AForm = AForm;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 9 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.USERACTIVATION_CALLBACKID = exports.App = void 0;\nvar _color = __w_pdfjs_require__(5);\nvar _event = __w_pdfjs_require__(10);\nvar _fullscreen = __w_pdfjs_require__(13);\nvar _pdf_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(7);\nvar _thermometer = __w_pdfjs_require__(14);\nconst VIEWER_TYPE = "PDF.js";\nconst VIEWER_VARIATION = "Full";\nconst VIEWER_VERSION = 21.00720099;\nconst FORMS_VERSION = 21.00720099;\nconst USERACTIVATION_CALLBACKID = 0;\nexports.USERACTIVATION_CALLBACKID = USERACTIVATION_CALLBACKID;\nclass App extends _pdf_object.PDFObject {\n constructor(data) {\n super(data);\n this._constants = null;\n this._focusRect = true;\n this._fs = null;\n this._language = App._getLanguage(data.language);\n this._openInPlace = false;\n this._platform = App._getPlatform(data.platform);\n this._runtimeHighlight = false;\n this._runtimeHighlightColor = ["T"];\n this._thermometer = null;\n this._toolbar = false;\n this._document = data._document;\n this._proxyHandler = data.proxyHandler;\n this._objects = Object.create(null);\n this._eventDispatcher = new _event.EventDispatcher(this._document, data.calculationOrder, this._objects, data.externalCall);\n this._timeoutIds = new WeakMap();\n if (typeof FinalizationRegistry !== "undefined") {\n this._timeoutIdsRegistry = new FinalizationRegistry(this._cleanTimeout.bind(this));\n } else {\n this._timeoutIdsRegistry = null;\n }\n this._timeoutCallbackIds = new Map();\n this._timeoutCallbackId = USERACTIVATION_CALLBACKID + 1;\n this._globalEval = data.globalEval;\n this._externalCall = data.externalCall;\n }\n _dispatchEvent(pdfEvent) {\n this._eventDispatcher.dispatch(pdfEvent);\n }\n _registerTimeoutCallback(cExpr) {\n const id = this._timeoutCallbackId++;\n this._timeoutCallbackIds.set(id, cExpr);\n return id;\n }\n _unregisterTimeoutCallback(id) {\n this._timeoutCallbackIds.delete(id);\n }\n _evalCallback({\n callbackId,\n interval\n }) {\n if (callbackId === USERACTIVATION_CALLBACKID) {\n this._document.obj._userActivation = false;\n return;\n }\n const expr = this._timeoutCallbackIds.get(callbackId);\n if (!interval) {\n this._unregisterTimeoutCallback(callbackId);\n }\n if (expr) {\n this._globalEval(expr);\n }\n }\n _registerTimeout(callbackId, interval) {\n const timeout = Object.create(null);\n const id = {\n callbackId,\n interval\n };\n this._timeoutIds.set(timeout, id);\n this._timeoutIdsRegistry?.register(timeout, id);\n return timeout;\n }\n _unregisterTimeout(timeout) {\n this._timeoutIdsRegistry?.unregister(timeout);\n const data = this._timeoutIds.get(timeout);\n if (!data) {\n return;\n }\n this._timeoutIds.delete(timeout);\n this._cleanTimeout(data);\n }\n _cleanTimeout({\n callbackId,\n interval\n }) {\n this._unregisterTimeoutCallback(callbackId);\n if (interval) {\n this._externalCall("clearInterval", [callbackId]);\n } else {\n this._externalCall("clearTimeout", [callbackId]);\n }\n }\n static _getPlatform(platform) {\n if (typeof platform === "string") {\n platform = platform.toLowerCase();\n if (platform.includes("win")) {\n return "WIN";\n } else if (platform.includes("mac")) {\n return "MAC";\n }\n }\n return "UNIX";\n }\n static _getLanguage(language) {\n const [main, sub] = language.toLowerCase().split(/[-_]/);\n switch (main) {\n case "zh":\n if (sub === "cn" || sub === "sg") {\n return "CHS";\n }\n return "CHT";\n case "da":\n return "DAN";\n case "de":\n return "DEU";\n case "es":\n return "ESP";\n case "fr":\n return "FRA";\n case "it":\n return "ITA";\n case "ko":\n return "KOR";\n case "ja":\n return "JPN";\n case "nl":\n return "NLD";\n case "no":\n return "NOR";\n case "pt":\n if (sub === "br") {\n return "PTB";\n }\n return "ENU";\n case "fi":\n return "SUO";\n case "SV":\n return "SVE";\n default:\n return "ENU";\n }\n }\n get activeDocs() {\n return [this._document.wrapped];\n }\n set activeDocs(_) {\n throw new Error("app.activeDocs is read-only");\n }\n get calculate() {\n return this._document.obj.calculate;\n }\n set calculate(calculate) {\n this._document.obj.calculate = calculate;\n }\n get constants() {\n if (!this._constants) {\n this._constants = Object.freeze({\n align: Object.freeze({\n left: 0,\n center: 1,\n right: 2,\n top: 3,\n bottom: 4\n })\n });\n }\n return this._constants;\n }\n set constants(_) {\n throw new Error("app.constants is read-only");\n }\n get focusRect() {\n return this._focusRect;\n }\n set focusRect(val) {\n this._focusRect = val;\n }\n get formsVersion() {\n return FORMS_VERSION;\n }\n set formsVersion(_) {\n throw new Error("app.formsVersion is read-only");\n }\n get fromPDFConverters() {\n return [];\n }\n set fromPDFConverters(_) {\n throw new Error("app.fromPDFConverters is read-only");\n }\n get fs() {\n if (this._fs === null) {\n this._fs = new Proxy(new _fullscreen.FullScreen({\n send: this._send\n }), this._proxyHandler);\n }\n return this._fs;\n }\n set fs(_) {\n throw new Error("app.fs is read-only");\n }\n get language() {\n return this._language;\n }\n set language(_) {\n throw new Error("app.language is read-only");\n }\n get media() {\n return undefined;\n }\n set media(_) {\n throw new Error(" is read-only");\n }\n get monitors() {\n return [];\n }\n set monitors(_) {\n throw new Error("app.monitors is read-only");\n }\n get numPlugins() {\n return 0;\n }\n set numPlugins(_) {\n throw new Error("app.numPlugins is read-only");\n }\n get openInPlace() {\n return this._openInPlace;\n }\n set openInPlace(val) {\n this._openInPlace = val;\n }\n get platform() {\n return this._platform;\n }\n set platform(_) {\n throw new Error("app.platform is read-only");\n }\n get plugins() {\n return [];\n }\n set plugins(_) {\n throw new Error("app.plugins is read-only");\n }\n get printColorProfiles() {\n return [];\n }\n set printColorProfiles(_) {\n throw new Error("app.printColorProfiles is read-only");\n }\n get printerNames() {\n return [];\n }\n set printerNames(_) {\n throw new Error("app.printerNames is read-only");\n }\n get runtimeHighlight() {\n return this._runtimeHighlight;\n }\n set runtimeHighlight(val) {\n this._runtimeHighlight = val;\n }\n get runtimeHighlightColor() {\n return this._runtimeHighlightColor;\n }\n set runtimeHighlightColor(val) {\n if (_color.Color._isValidColor(val)) {\n this._runtimeHighlightColor = val;\n }\n }\n get thermometer() {\n if (this._thermometer === null) {\n this._thermometer = new Proxy(new _thermometer.Thermometer({\n send: this._send\n }), this._proxyHandler);\n }\n return this._thermometer;\n }\n set thermometer(_) {\n throw new Error("app.thermometer is read-only");\n }\n get toolbar() {\n return this._toolbar;\n }\n set toolbar(val) {\n this._toolbar = val;\n }\n get toolbarHorizontal() {\n return this.toolbar;\n }\n set toolbarHorizontal(value) {\n this.toolbar = value;\n }\n get toolbarVertical() {\n return this.toolbar;\n }\n set toolbarVertical(value) {\n this.toolbar = value;\n }\n get viewerType() {\n return VIEWER_TYPE;\n }\n set viewerType(_) {\n throw new Error("app.viewerType is read-only");\n }\n get viewerVariation() {\n return VIEWER_VARIATION;\n }\n set viewerVariation(_) {\n throw new Error("app.viewerVariation is read-only");\n }\n get viewerVersion() {\n return VIEWER_VERSION;\n }\n set viewerVersion(_) {\n throw new Error("app.viewerVersion is read-only");\n }\n addMenuItem() {}\n addSubMenu() {}\n addToolButton() {}\n alert(cMsg, nIcon = 0, nType = 0, cTitle = "PDF.js", oDoc = null, oCheckbox = null) {\n if (!this._document.obj._userActivation) {\n return 0;\n }\n this._document.obj._userActivation = false;\n if (cMsg && typeof cMsg === "object") {\n nType = cMsg.nType;\n cMsg = cMsg.cMsg;\n }\n cMsg = (cMsg || "").toString();\n nType = typeof nType !== "number" || isNaN(nType) || nType < 0 || nType > 3 ? 0 : nType;\n if (nType >= 2) {\n return this._externalCall("confirm", [cMsg]) ? 4 : 3;\n }\n this._externalCall("alert", [cMsg]);\n return 1;\n }\n beep() {}\n beginPriv() {}\n browseForDoc() {}\n clearInterval(oInterval) {\n this._unregisterTimeout(oInterval);\n }\n clearTimeOut(oTime) {\n this._unregisterTimeout(oTime);\n }\n endPriv() {}\n execDialog() {}\n execMenuItem(item) {\n if (!this._document.obj._userActivation) {\n return;\n }\n this._document.obj._userActivation = false;\n switch (item) {\n case "SaveAs":\n if (this._document.obj._disableSaving) {\n return;\n }\n this._send({\n command: item\n });\n break;\n case "FirstPage":\n case "LastPage":\n case "NextPage":\n case "PrevPage":\n case "ZoomViewIn":\n case "ZoomViewOut":\n this._send({\n command: item\n });\n break;\n case "FitPage":\n this._send({\n command: "zoom",\n value: "page-fit"\n });\n break;\n case "Print":\n if (this._document.obj._disablePrinting) {\n return;\n }\n this._send({\n command: "print"\n });\n break;\n }\n }\n getNthPlugInName() {}\n getPath() {}\n goBack() {}\n goForward() {}\n hideMenuItem() {}\n hideToolbarButton() {}\n launchURL() {}\n listMenuItems() {}\n listToolbarButtons() {}\n loadPolicyFile() {}\n mailGetAddrs() {}\n mailMsg() {}\n newDoc() {}\n newCollection() {}\n newFDF() {}\n openDoc() {}\n openFDF() {}\n popUpMenu() {}\n popUpMenuEx() {}\n removeToolButton() {}\n response(cQuestion, cTitle = "", cDefault = "", bPassword = "", cLabel = "") {\n if (cQuestion && typeof cQuestion === "object") {\n cDefault = cQuestion.cDefault;\n cQuestion = cQuestion.cQuestion;\n }\n cQuestion = (cQuestion || "").toString();\n cDefault = (cDefault || "").toString();\n return this._externalCall("prompt", [cQuestion, cDefault || ""]);\n }\n setInterval(cExpr, nMilliseconds = 0) {\n if (cExpr && typeof cExpr === "object") {\n nMilliseconds = cExpr.nMilliseconds || 0;\n cExpr = cExpr.cExpr;\n }\n if (typeof cExpr !== "string") {\n throw new TypeError("First argument of app.setInterval must be a string");\n }\n if (typeof nMilliseconds !== "number") {\n throw new TypeError("Second argument of app.setInterval must be a number");\n }\n const callbackId = this._registerTimeoutCallback(cExpr);\n this._externalCall("setInterval", [callbackId, nMilliseconds]);\n return this._registerTimeout(callbackId, true);\n }\n setTimeOut(cExpr, nMilliseconds = 0) {\n if (cExpr && typeof cExpr === "object") {\n nMilliseconds = cExpr.nMilliseconds || 0;\n cExpr = cExpr.cExpr;\n }\n if (typeof cExpr !== "string") {\n throw new TypeError("First argument of app.setTimeOut must be a string");\n }\n if (typeof nMilliseconds !== "number") {\n throw new TypeError("Second argument of app.setTimeOut must be a number");\n }\n const callbackId = this._registerTimeoutCallback(cExpr);\n this._externalCall("setTimeout", [callbackId, nMilliseconds]);\n return this._registerTimeout(callbackId, false);\n }\n trustedFunction() {}\n trustPropagatorFunction() {}\n}\nexports.App = App;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 10 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.EventDispatcher = exports.Event = void 0;\nvar _doc = __w_pdfjs_require__(11);\nconst USERACTIVATION_MAXTIME_VALIDITY = 5000;\nclass Event {\n constructor(data) {\n this.change = data.change || "";\n this.changeEx = data.changeEx || null;\n this.commitKey = data.commitKey || 0;\n this.fieldFull = data.fieldFull || false;\n this.keyDown = data.keyDown || false;\n this.modifier = data.modifier || false;\n =;\n this.rc = true;\n this.richChange = data.richChange || [];\n this.richChangeEx = data.richChangeEx || [];\n this.richValue = data.richValue || [];\n this.selEnd = data.selEnd ?? -1;\n this.selStart = data.selStart ?? -1;\n this.shift = data.shift || false;\n this.source = data.source || null;\n = || null;\n this.targetName = "";\n this.type = "Field";\n this.value = data.value || "";\n this.willCommit = data.willCommit || false;\n }\n}\nexports.Event = Event;\nclass EventDispatcher {\n constructor(document, calculationOrder, objects, externalCall) {\n this._document = document;\n this._calculationOrder = calculationOrder;\n this._objects = objects;\n this._externalCall = externalCall;\n this._document.obj._eventDispatcher = this;\n this._isCalculating = false;\n }\n mergeChange(event) {\n let value = event.value;\n if (Array.isArray(value)) {\n return value;\n }\n if (typeof value !== "string") {\n value = value.toString();\n }\n const prefix = event.selStart >= 0 ? value.substring(0, event.selStart) : "";\n const postfix = event.selEnd >= 0 && event.selEnd <= value.length ? value.substring(event.selEnd) : "";\n return `${prefix}${event.change}${postfix}`;\n }\n userActivation() {\n this._document.obj._userActivation = true;\n this._externalCall("setTimeout", [_doc.USERACTIVATION_CALLBACKID, USERACTIVATION_MAXTIME_VALIDITY]);\n }\n dispatch(baseEvent) {\n const id =;\n if (!(id in this._objects)) {\n let event;\n if (id === "doc" || id === "page") {\n event = globalThis.event = new Event(baseEvent);\n event.source = = this._document.wrapped;\n =;\n }\n if (id === "doc") {\n const eventName =;\n if (eventName === "Open") {\n this.userActivation();\n this._document.obj._initActions();\n this.formatAll();\n }\n if (!["DidPrint", "DidSave", "WillPrint", "WillSave"].includes(eventName)) {\n this.userActivation();\n }\n this._document.obj._dispatchDocEvent(;\n } else if (id === "page") {\n this.userActivation();\n this._document.obj._dispatchPageEvent(, baseEvent.actions, baseEvent.pageNumber);\n } else if (id === "app" && === "ResetForm") {\n this.userActivation();\n for (const fieldId of baseEvent.ids) {\n const obj = this._objects[fieldId];\n obj?.obj._reset();\n }\n }\n return;\n }\n const name =;\n const source = this._objects[id];\n const event = globalThis.event = new Event(baseEvent);\n let savedChange;\n this.userActivation();\n if (source.obj._isButton()) {\n source.obj._id = id;\n event.value = source.obj._getExportValue(event.value);\n if (name === "Action") {\n source.obj._value = event.value;\n }\n }\n switch (name) {\n case "Keystroke":\n savedChange = {\n value: event.value,\n changeEx: event.changeEx,\n change: event.change,\n selStart: event.selStart,\n selEnd: event.selEnd\n };\n break;\n case "Blur":\n case "Focus":\n Object.defineProperty(event, "value", {\n configurable: false,\n writable: false,\n enumerable: true,\n value: event.value\n });\n break;\n case "Validate":\n this.runValidation(source, event);\n return;\n case "Action":\n this.runActions(source, source, event, name);\n this.runCalculate(source, event);\n return;\n }\n this.runActions(source, source, event, name);\n if (name !== "Keystroke") {\n return;\n }\n if (event.rc) {\n if (event.willCommit) {\n this.runValidation(source, event);\n } else {\n if (source.obj._isChoice) {\n source.obj.value = savedChange.changeEx;\n source.obj._send({\n id: source.obj._id,\n siblings: source.obj._siblings,\n value: source.obj.value\n });\n return;\n }\n const value = source.obj.value = this.mergeChange(event);\n let selStart, selEnd;\n if (event.selStart !== savedChange.selStart || event.selEnd !== savedChange.selEnd) {\n selStart = event.selStart;\n selEnd = event.selEnd;\n } else {\n selEnd = selStart = savedChange.selStart + event.change.length;\n }\n source.obj._send({\n id: source.obj._id,\n siblings: source.obj._siblings,\n value,\n selRange: [selStart, selEnd]\n });\n }\n } else if (!event.willCommit) {\n source.obj._send({\n id: source.obj._id,\n siblings: source.obj._siblings,\n value: savedChange.value,\n selRange: [savedChange.selStart, savedChange.selEnd]\n });\n } else {\n source.obj._send({\n id: source.obj._id,\n siblings: source.obj._siblings,\n value: "",\n formattedValue: null,\n selRange: [0, 0]\n });\n }\n }\n formatAll() {\n const event = globalThis.event = new Event({});\n for (const source of Object.values(this._objects)) {\n event.value = source.obj.value;\n if (this.runActions(source, source, event, "Format")) {\n source.obj._send({\n id: source.obj._id,\n siblings: source.obj._siblings,\n formattedValue: event.value?.toString?.()\n });\n }\n }\n }\n runValidation(source, event) {\n const didValidateRun = this.runActions(source, source, event, "Validate");\n if (event.rc) {\n source.obj.value = event.value;\n this.runCalculate(source, event);\n const savedValue = source.obj._getValue();\n event.value = source.obj.value;\n let formattedValue = null;\n if (this.runActions(source, source, event, "Format")) {\n formattedValue = event.value?.toString?.();\n }\n source.obj._send({\n id: source.obj._id,\n siblings: source.obj._siblings,\n value: savedValue,\n formattedValue\n });\n event.value = savedValue;\n } else if (didValidateRun) {\n source.obj._send({\n id: source.obj._id,\n siblings: source.obj._siblings,\n value: "",\n formattedValue: null,\n selRange: [0, 0],\n focus: true\n });\n }\n }\n runActions(source, target, event, eventName) {\n event.source = source.wrapped;\n = target.wrapped;\n = eventName;\n event.targetName =;\n event.rc = true;\n return target.obj._runActions(event);\n }\n calculateNow() {\n if (!this._calculationOrder || this._isCalculating || !this._document.obj.calculate) {\n return;\n }\n this._isCalculating = true;\n const first = this._calculationOrder[0];\n const source = this._objects[first];\n globalThis.event = new Event({});\n try {\n this.runCalculate(source, globalThis.event);\n } catch (error) {\n this._isCalculating = false;\n throw error;\n }\n this._isCalculating = false;\n }\n runCalculate(source, event) {\n if (!this._calculationOrder || !this._document.obj.calculate) {\n return;\n }\n for (const targetId of this._calculationOrder) {\n if (!(targetId in this._objects)) {\n continue;\n }\n if (!this._document.obj.calculate) {\n break;\n }\n event.value = null;\n const target = this._objects[targetId];\n let savedValue = target.obj.value;\n this.runActions(source, target, event, "Calculate");\n if (!event.rc) {\n continue;\n }\n if (event.value !== null) {\n target.obj.value = event.value;\n }\n event.value = target.obj.value;\n this.runActions(target, target, event, "Validate");\n if (!event.rc) {\n if (target.obj.value !== savedValue) {\n target.wrapped.value = savedValue;\n }\n continue;\n }\n savedValue = event.value = target.obj.value;\n let formattedValue = null;\n if (this.runActions(target, target, event, "Format")) {\n formattedValue = event.value?.toString?.();\n }\n target.obj._send({\n id: target.obj._id,\n siblings: target.obj._siblings,\n value: savedValue,\n formattedValue\n });\n }\n }\n}\nexports.EventDispatcher = EventDispatcher;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 11 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.Doc = void 0;\nvar _common = __w_pdfjs_require__(4);\nvar _pdf_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(7);\nvar _print_params = __w_pdfjs_require__(12);\nvar _constants = __w_pdfjs_require__(2);\nconst DOC_EXTERNAL = false;\nclass InfoProxyHandler {\n static get(obj, prop) {\n return obj[prop.toLowerCase()];\n }\n static set(obj, prop, value) {\n throw new Error(`${prop} is read-only`);\n }\n}\nclass Doc extends _pdf_object.PDFObject {\n constructor(data) {\n super(data);\n this._expandos = globalThis;\n this._baseURL = data.baseURL || "";\n this._calculate = true;\n this._delay = false;\n this._dirty = false;\n this._disclosed = false;\n this._media = undefined;\n this._metadata = data.metadata || "";\n this._noautocomplete = undefined;\n this._nocache = undefined;\n this._spellDictionaryOrder = [];\n this._spellLanguageOrder = [];\n this._printParams = null;\n this._fields = new Map();\n this._fieldNames = [];\n this._event = null;\n this._author = data.Author || "";\n this._creator = data.Creator || "";\n this._creationDate = this._getDate(data.CreationDate) || null;\n this._docID = data.docID || ["", ""];\n this._documentFileName = data.filename || "";\n this._filesize = data.filesize || 0;\n this._keywords = data.Keywords || "";\n this._layout = data.layout || "";\n this._modDate = this._getDate(data.ModDate) || null;\n this._numFields = 0;\n this._numPages = data.numPages || 1;\n this._pageNum = data.pageNum || 0;\n this._producer = data.Producer || "";\n this._securityHandler = data.EncryptFilterName || null;\n this._subject = data.Subject || "";\n this._title = data.Title || "";\n this._URL = data.URL || "";\n this._info = new Proxy({\n title: this._title,\n author: this._author,\n authors: data.authors || [this._author],\n subject: this._subject,\n keywords: this._keywords,\n creator: this._creator,\n producer: this._producer,\n creationdate: this._creationDate,\n moddate: this._modDate,\n trapped: data.Trapped || "Unknown"\n }, InfoProxyHandler);\n this._zoomType = _constants.ZoomType.none;\n this._zoom = data.zoom || 100;\n this._actions = (0, _common.createActionsMap)(data.actions);\n this._globalEval = data.globalEval;\n this._pageActions = new Map();\n this._userActivation = false;\n this._disablePrinting = false;\n this._disableSaving = false;\n }\n _initActions() {\n const dontRun = new Set(["WillClose", "WillSave", "DidSave", "WillPrint", "DidPrint", "OpenAction"]);\n this._disableSaving = true;\n for (const actionName of this._actions.keys()) {\n if (!dontRun.has(actionName)) {\n this._runActions(actionName);\n }\n }\n this._runActions("OpenAction");\n this._disableSaving = false;\n }\n _dispatchDocEvent(name) {\n if (name === "Open") {\n this._disableSaving = true;\n this._runActions("OpenAction");\n this._disableSaving = false;\n } else if (name === "WillPrint") {\n this._disablePrinting = true;\n this._runActions(name);\n this._disablePrinting = false;\n } else if (name === "WillSave") {\n this._disableSaving = true;\n this._runActions(name);\n this._disableSaving = false;\n } else {\n this._runActions(name);\n }\n }\n _dispatchPageEvent(name, actions, pageNumber) {\n if (name === "PageOpen") {\n if (!this._pageActions.has(pageNumber)) {\n this._pageActions.set(pageNumber, (0, _common.createActionsMap)(actions));\n }\n this._pageNum = pageNumber - 1;\n }\n actions = this._pageActions.get(pageNumber)?.get(name);\n if (actions) {\n for (const action of actions) {\n this._globalEval(action);\n }\n }\n }\n _runActions(name) {\n const actions = this._actions.get(name);\n if (actions) {\n for (const action of actions) {\n this._globalEval(action);\n }\n }\n }\n _addField(name, field) {\n this._fields.set(name, field);\n this._fieldNames.push(name);\n this._numFields++;\n }\n _getDate(date) {\n if (!date || date.length < 15 || !date.startsWith("D:")) {\n return date;\n }\n date = date.substring(2);\n const year = date.substring(0, 4);\n const month = date.substring(4, 6);\n const day = date.substring(6, 8);\n const hour = date.substring(8, 10);\n const minute = date.substring(10, 12);\n const o = date.charAt(12);\n let second, offsetPos;\n if (o === "Z" || o === "+" || o === "-") {\n second = "00";\n offsetPos = 12;\n } else {\n second = date.substring(12, 14);\n offsetPos = 14;\n }\n const offset = date.substring(offsetPos).replaceAll("\'", "");\n return new Date(`${year}-${month}-${day}T${hour}:${minute}:${second}${offset}`);\n }\n get author() {\n return this._author;\n }\n set author(_) {\n throw new Error(" is read-only");\n }\n get baseURL() {\n return this._baseURL;\n }\n set baseURL(baseURL) {\n this._baseURL = baseURL;\n }\n get bookmarkRoot() {\n return undefined;\n }\n set bookmarkRoot(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.bookmarkRoot is read-only");\n }\n get calculate() {\n return this._calculate;\n }\n set calculate(calculate) {\n this._calculate = calculate;\n }\n get creator() {\n return this._creator;\n }\n set creator(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.creator is read-only");\n }\n get dataObjects() {\n return [];\n }\n set dataObjects(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.dataObjects is read-only");\n }\n get delay() {\n return this._delay;\n }\n set delay(delay) {\n this._delay = delay;\n }\n get dirty() {\n return this._dirty;\n }\n set dirty(dirty) {\n this._dirty = dirty;\n }\n get disclosed() {\n return this._disclosed;\n }\n set disclosed(disclosed) {\n this._disclosed = disclosed;\n }\n get docID() {\n return this._docID;\n }\n set docID(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.docID is read-only");\n }\n get documentFileName() {\n return this._documentFileName;\n }\n set documentFileName(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.documentFileName is read-only");\n }\n get dynamicXFAForm() {\n return false;\n }\n set dynamicXFAForm(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.dynamicXFAForm is read-only");\n }\n get external() {\n return DOC_EXTERNAL;\n }\n set external(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.external is read-only");\n }\n get filesize() {\n return this._filesize;\n }\n set filesize(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.filesize is read-only");\n }\n get hidden() {\n return false;\n }\n set hidden(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.hidden is read-only");\n }\n get hostContainer() {\n return undefined;\n }\n set hostContainer(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.hostContainer is read-only");\n }\n get icons() {\n return undefined;\n }\n set icons(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.icons is read-only");\n }\n get info() {\n return this._info;\n }\n set info(_) {\n throw new Error(" is read-only");\n }\n get innerAppWindowRect() {\n return [0, 0, 0, 0];\n }\n set innerAppWindowRect(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.innerAppWindowRect is read-only");\n }\n get innerDocWindowRect() {\n return [0, 0, 0, 0];\n }\n set innerDocWindowRect(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.innerDocWindowRect is read-only");\n }\n get isModal() {\n return false;\n }\n set isModal(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.isModal is read-only");\n }\n get keywords() {\n return this._keywords;\n }\n set keywords(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.keywords is read-only");\n }\n get layout() {\n return this._layout;\n }\n set layout(value) {\n if (!this._userActivation) {\n return;\n }\n this._userActivation = false;\n if (typeof value !== "string") {\n return;\n }\n if (value !== "SinglePage" && value !== "OneColumn" && value !== "TwoColumnLeft" && value !== "TwoPageLeft" && value !== "TwoColumnRight" && value !== "TwoPageRight") {\n value = "SinglePage";\n }\n this._send({\n command: "layout",\n value\n });\n this._layout = value;\n }\n get media() {\n return this._media;\n }\n set media(media) {\n this._media = media;\n }\n get metadata() {\n return this._metadata;\n }\n set metadata(metadata) {\n this._metadata = metadata;\n }\n get modDate() {\n return this._modDate;\n }\n set modDate(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.modDate is read-only");\n }\n get mouseX() {\n return 0;\n }\n set mouseX(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.mouseX is read-only");\n }\n get mouseY() {\n return 0;\n }\n set mouseY(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.mouseY is read-only");\n }\n get noautocomplete() {\n return this._noautocomplete;\n }\n set noautocomplete(noautocomplete) {\n this._noautocomplete = noautocomplete;\n }\n get nocache() {\n return this._nocache;\n }\n set nocache(nocache) {\n this._nocache = nocache;\n }\n get numFields() {\n return this._numFields;\n }\n set numFields(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.numFields is read-only");\n }\n get numPages() {\n return this._numPages;\n }\n set numPages(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.numPages is read-only");\n }\n get numTemplates() {\n return 0;\n }\n set numTemplates(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.numTemplates is read-only");\n }\n get outerAppWindowRect() {\n return [0, 0, 0, 0];\n }\n set outerAppWindowRect(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.outerAppWindowRect is read-only");\n }\n get outerDocWindowRect() {\n return [0, 0, 0, 0];\n }\n set outerDocWindowRect(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.outerDocWindowRect is read-only");\n }\n get pageNum() {\n return this._pageNum;\n }\n set pageNum(value) {\n if (!this._userActivation) {\n return;\n }\n this._userActivation = false;\n if (typeof value !== "number" || value < 0 || value >= this._numPages) {\n return;\n }\n this._send({\n command: "page-num",\n value\n });\n this._pageNum = value;\n }\n get pageWindowRect() {\n return [0, 0, 0, 0];\n }\n set pageWindowRect(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.pageWindowRect is read-only");\n }\n get path() {\n return "";\n }\n set path(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.path is read-only");\n }\n get permStatusReady() {\n return true;\n }\n set permStatusReady(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.permStatusReady is read-only");\n }\n get producer() {\n return this._producer;\n }\n set producer(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.producer is read-only");\n }\n get requiresFullSave() {\n return false;\n }\n set requiresFullSave(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.requiresFullSave is read-only");\n }\n get securityHandler() {\n return this._securityHandler;\n }\n set securityHandler(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.securityHandler is read-only");\n }\n get selectedAnnots() {\n return [];\n }\n set selectedAnnots(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.selectedAnnots is read-only");\n }\n get sounds() {\n return [];\n }\n set sounds(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.sounds is read-only");\n }\n get spellDictionaryOrder() {\n return this._spellDictionaryOrder;\n }\n set spellDictionaryOrder(spellDictionaryOrder) {\n this._spellDictionaryOrder = spellDictionaryOrder;\n }\n get spellLanguageOrder() {\n return this._spellLanguageOrder;\n }\n set spellLanguageOrder(spellLanguageOrder) {\n this._spellLanguageOrder = spellLanguageOrder;\n }\n get subject() {\n return this._subject;\n }\n set subject(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.subject is read-only");\n }\n get templates() {\n return [];\n }\n set templates(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.templates is read-only");\n }\n get title() {\n return this._title;\n }\n set title(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.title is read-only");\n }\n get URL() {\n return this._URL;\n }\n set URL(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.URL is read-only");\n }\n get viewState() {\n return undefined;\n }\n set viewState(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.viewState is read-only");\n }\n get xfa() {\n return this._xfa;\n }\n set xfa(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.xfa is read-only");\n }\n get XFAForeground() {\n return false;\n }\n set XFAForeground(_) {\n throw new Error("doc.XFAForeground is read-only");\n }\n get zoomType() {\n return this._zoomType;\n }\n set zoomType(type) {\n if (!this._userActivation) {\n return;\n }\n this._userActivation = false;\n if (typeof type !== "string") {\n return;\n }\n switch (type) {\n case _constants.ZoomType.none:\n this._send({\n command: "zoom",\n value: 1\n });\n break;\n case _constants.ZoomType.fitP:\n this._send({\n command: "zoom",\n value: "page-fit"\n });\n break;\n case _constants.ZoomType.fitW:\n this._send({\n command: "zoom",\n value: "page-width"\n });\n break;\n case _constants.ZoomType.fitH:\n this._send({\n command: "zoom",\n value: "page-height"\n });\n break;\n case _constants.ZoomType.fitV:\n this._send({\n command: "zoom",\n value: "auto"\n });\n break;\n case _constants.ZoomType.pref:\n case _constants.ZoomType.refW:\n break;\n default:\n return;\n }\n this._zoomType = type;\n }\n get zoom() {\n return this._zoom;\n }\n set zoom(value) {\n if (!this._userActivation) {\n return;\n }\n this._userActivation = false;\n if (typeof value !== "number" || value < 8.33 || value > 6400) {\n return;\n }\n this._send({\n command: "zoom",\n value: value / 100\n });\n }\n addAnnot() {}\n addField() {}\n addIcon() {}\n addLink() {}\n addRecipientListCryptFilter() {}\n addRequirement() {}\n addScript() {}\n addThumbnails() {}\n addWatermarkFromFile() {}\n addWatermarkFromText() {}\n addWeblinks() {}\n bringToFront() {}\n calculateNow() {\n this._eventDispatcher.calculateNow();\n }\n closeDoc() {}\n colorConvertPage() {}\n createDataObject() {}\n createTemplate() {}\n deletePages() {}\n deleteSound() {}\n embedDocAsDataObject() {}\n embedOutputIntent() {}\n encryptForRecipients() {}\n encryptUsingPolicy() {}\n exportAsFDF() {}\n exportAsFDFStr() {}\n exportAsText() {}\n exportAsXFDF() {}\n exportAsXFDFStr() {}\n exportDataObject() {}\n exportXFAData() {}\n extractPages() {}\n flattenPages() {}\n getAnnot() {}\n getAnnots() {}\n getAnnot3D() {}\n getAnnots3D() {}\n getColorConvertAction() {}\n getDataObject() {}\n getDataObjectContents() {}\n _getField(cName) {\n if (cName && typeof cName === "object") {\n cName = cName.cName;\n }\n if (typeof cName !== "string") {\n throw new TypeError("Invalid field name: must be a string");\n }\n const searchedField = this._fields.get(cName);\n if (searchedField) {\n return searchedField;\n }\n const parts = cName.split("#");\n let childIndex = NaN;\n if (parts.length === 2) {\n childIndex = Math.floor(parseFloat(parts[1]));\n cName = parts[0];\n }\n for (const [name, field] of this._fields.entries()) {\n if (name.endsWith(cName)) {\n if (!isNaN(childIndex)) {\n const children = this._getChildren(name);\n if (childIndex < 0 || childIndex >= children.length) {\n childIndex = 0;\n }\n if (childIndex < children.length) {\n this._fields.set(cName, children[childIndex]);\n return children[childIndex];\n }\n }\n this._fields.set(cName, field);\n return field;\n }\n }\n return null;\n }\n getField(cName) {\n const field = this._getField(cName);\n if (!field) {\n return null;\n }\n return field.wrapped;\n }\n _getChildren(fieldName) {\n const len = fieldName.length;\n const children = [];\n const pattern = /^\\.[^.]+$/;\n for (const [name, field] of this._fields.entries()) {\n if (name.startsWith(fieldName)) {\n const finalPart = name.slice(len);\n if (pattern.test(finalPart)) {\n children.push(field);\n }\n }\n }\n return children;\n }\n _getTerminalChildren(fieldName) {\n const children = [];\n const len = fieldName.length;\n for (const [name, field] of this._fields.entries()) {\n if (name.startsWith(fieldName)) {\n const finalPart = name.slice(len);\n if (field.obj._hasValue && (finalPart === "" || finalPart.startsWith("."))) {\n children.push(field.wrapped);\n }\n }\n }\n return children;\n }\n getIcon() {}\n getLegalWarnings() {}\n getLinks() {}\n getNthFieldName(nIndex) {\n if (nIndex && typeof nIndex === "object") {\n nIndex = nIndex.nIndex;\n }\n if (typeof nIndex !== "number") {\n throw new TypeError("Invalid field index: must be a number");\n }\n if (0 <= nIndex && nIndex < this.numFields) {\n return this._fieldNames[Math.trunc(nIndex)];\n }\n return null;\n }\n getNthTemplate() {\n return null;\n }\n getOCGs() {}\n getOCGOrder() {}\n getPageBox() {}\n getPageLabel() {}\n getPageNthWord() {}\n getPageNthWordQuads() {}\n getPageNumWords() {}\n getPageRotation() {}\n getPageTransition() {}\n getPrintParams() {\n return this._printParams ||= new _print_params.PrintParams({\n lastPage: this._numPages - 1\n });\n }\n getSound() {}\n getTemplate() {}\n getURL() {}\n gotoNamedDest() {}\n importAnFDF() {}\n importAnXFDF() {}\n importDataObject() {}\n importIcon() {}\n importSound() {}\n importTextData() {}\n importXFAData() {}\n insertPages() {}\n mailDoc() {}\n mailForm() {}\n movePage() {}\n newPage() {}\n openDataObject() {}\n print(bUI = true, nStart = 0, nEnd = -1, bSilent = false, bShrinkToFit = false, bPrintAsImage = false, bReverse = false, bAnnotations = true, printParams = null) {\n if (this._disablePrinting || !this._userActivation) {\n return;\n }\n this._userActivation = false;\n if (bUI && typeof bUI === "object") {\n nStart = bUI.nStart;\n nEnd = bUI.nEnd;\n bSilent = bUI.bSilent;\n bShrinkToFit = bUI.bShrinkToFit;\n bPrintAsImage = bUI.bPrintAsImage;\n bReverse = bUI.bReverse;\n bAnnotations = bUI.bAnnotations;\n printParams = bUI.printParams;\n bUI = bUI.bUI;\n }\n if (printParams) {\n nStart = printParams.firstPage;\n nEnd = printParams.lastPage;\n }\n if (typeof nStart === "number") {\n nStart = Math.max(0, Math.trunc(nStart));\n } else {\n nStart = 0;\n }\n if (typeof nEnd === "number") {\n nEnd = Math.max(0, Math.trunc(nEnd));\n } else {\n nEnd = -1;\n }\n this._send({\n command: "print",\n start: nStart,\n end: nEnd\n });\n }\n removeDataObject() {}\n removeField() {}\n removeIcon() {}\n removeLinks() {}\n removeRequirement() {}\n removeScript() {}\n removeTemplate() {}\n removeThumbnails() {}\n removeWeblinks() {}\n replacePages() {}\n resetForm(aFields = null) {\n if (aFields && typeof aFields === "object") {\n aFields = aFields.aFields;\n }\n if (aFields && !Array.isArray(aFields)) {\n aFields = [aFields];\n }\n let mustCalculate = false;\n let fieldsToReset;\n if (aFields) {\n fieldsToReset = [];\n for (const fieldName of aFields) {\n if (!fieldName) {\n continue;\n }\n if (typeof fieldName !== "string") {\n fieldsToReset = null;\n break;\n }\n const field = this._getField(fieldName);\n if (!field) {\n continue;\n }\n fieldsToReset.push(field);\n mustCalculate = true;\n }\n }\n if (!fieldsToReset) {\n fieldsToReset = this._fields.values();\n mustCalculate = this._fields.size !== 0;\n }\n for (const field of fieldsToReset) {\n field.obj.value = field.obj.defaultValue;\n this._send({\n id: field.obj._id,\n siblings: field.obj._siblings,\n value: field.obj.defaultValue,\n formattedValue: null,\n selRange: [0, 0]\n });\n }\n if (mustCalculate) {\n this.calculateNow();\n }\n }\n saveAs() {}\n scroll() {}\n selectPageNthWord() {}\n setAction() {}\n setDataObjectContents() {}\n setOCGOrder() {}\n setPageAction() {}\n setPageBoxes() {}\n setPageLabels() {}\n setPageRotations() {}\n setPageTabOrder() {}\n setPageTransitions() {}\n spawnPageFromTemplate() {}\n submitForm() {}\n syncAnnotScan() {}\n}\nexports.Doc = Doc;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 12 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.PrintParams = void 0;\nclass PrintParams {\n constructor(data) {\n this.binaryOk = true;\n this.bitmapDPI = 150;\n this.booklet = {\n binding: 0,\n duplexMode: 0,\n subsetFrom: 0,\n subsetTo: -1\n };\n this.colorOverride = 0;\n this.colorProfile = "";\n this.constants = Object.freeze({\n bookletBindings: Object.freeze({\n Left: 0,\n Right: 1,\n LeftTall: 2,\n RightTall: 3\n }),\n bookletDuplexMode: Object.freeze({\n BothSides: 0,\n FrontSideOnly: 1,\n BasicSideOnly: 2\n }),\n colorOverrides: Object.freeze({\n auto: 0,\n gray: 1,\n mono: 2\n }),\n fontPolicies: Object.freeze({\n everyPage: 0,\n jobStart: 1,\n pageRange: 2\n }),\n handling: Object.freeze({\n none: 0,\n fit: 1,\n shrink: 2,\n tileAll: 3,\n tileLarge: 4,\n nUp: 5,\n booklet: 6\n }),\n interactionLevel: Object.freeze({\n automatic: 0,\n full: 1,\n silent: 2\n }),\n nUpPageOrders: Object.freeze({\n Horizontal: 0,\n HorizontalReversed: 1,\n Vertical: 2\n }),\n printContents: Object.freeze({\n doc: 0,\n docAndComments: 1,\n formFieldsOnly: 2\n }),\n flagValues: Object.freeze({\n applyOverPrint: 1,\n applySoftProofSettings: 1 << 1,\n applyWorkingColorSpaces: 1 << 2,\n emitHalftones: 1 << 3,\n emitPostScriptXObjects: 1 << 4,\n emitFormsAsPSForms: 1 << 5,\n maxJP2KRes: 1 << 6,\n setPageSize: 1 << 7,\n suppressBG: 1 << 8,\n suppressCenter: 1 << 9,\n suppressCJKFontSubst: 1 << 10,\n suppressCropClip: 1 << 1,\n suppressRotate: 1 << 12,\n suppressTransfer: 1 << 13,\n suppressUCR: 1 << 14,\n useTrapAnnots: 1 << 15,\n usePrintersMarks: 1 << 16\n }),\n rasterFlagValues: Object.freeze({\n textToOutline: 1,\n strokesToOutline: 1 << 1,\n allowComplexClip: 1 << 2,\n preserveOverprint: 1 << 3\n }),\n subsets: Object.freeze({\n all: 0,\n even: 1,\n odd: 2\n }),\n tileMarks: Object.freeze({\n none: 0,\n west: 1,\n east: 2\n }),\n usages: Object.freeze({\n auto: 0,\n use: 1,\n noUse: 2\n })\n });\n this.downloadFarEastFonts = false;\n this.fileName = "";\n this.firstPage = 0;\n this.flags = 0;\n this.fontPolicy = 0;\n this.gradientDPI = 150;\n this.interactive = 1;\n this.lastPage = data.lastPage;\n this.npUpAutoRotate = false;\n this.npUpNumPagesH = 2;\n this.npUpNumPagesV = 2;\n this.npUpPageBorder = false;\n this.npUpPageOrder = 0;\n this.pageHandling = 0;\n this.pageSubset = 0;\n this.printAsImage = false;\n this.printContent = 0;\n this.printerName = "";\n this.psLevel = 0;\n this.rasterFlags = 0;\n this.reversePages = false;\n this.tileLabel = false;\n this.tileMark = 0;\n this.tileOverlap = 0;\n this.tileScale = 1.0;\n this.transparencyLevel = 75;\n this.usePrinterCRD = 0;\n this.useT1Conversion = 0;\n }\n}\nexports.PrintParams = PrintParams;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 13 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.FullScreen = void 0;\nvar _constants = __w_pdfjs_require__(2);\nvar _pdf_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(7);\nclass FullScreen extends _pdf_object.PDFObject {\n constructor(data) {\n super(data);\n this._backgroundColor = [];\n this._clickAdvances = true;\n this._cursor = _constants.Cursor.hidden;\n this._defaultTransition = "";\n this._escapeExits = true;\n this._isFullScreen = true;\n this._loop = false;\n this._timeDelay = 3600;\n this._usePageTiming = false;\n this._useTimer = false;\n }\n get backgroundColor() {\n return this._backgroundColor;\n }\n set backgroundColor(_) {}\n get clickAdvances() {\n return this._clickAdvances;\n }\n set clickAdvances(_) {}\n get cursor() {\n return this._cursor;\n }\n set cursor(_) {}\n get defaultTransition() {\n return this._defaultTransition;\n }\n set defaultTransition(_) {}\n get escapeExits() {\n return this._escapeExits;\n }\n set escapeExits(_) {}\n get isFullScreen() {\n return this._isFullScreen;\n }\n set isFullScreen(_) {}\n get loop() {\n return this._loop;\n }\n set loop(_) {}\n get timeDelay() {\n return this._timeDelay;\n }\n set timeDelay(_) {}\n get transitions() {\n return ["Replace", "WipeRight", "WipeLeft", "WipeDown", "WipeUp", "SplitHorizontalIn", "SplitHorizontalOut", "SplitVerticalIn", "SplitVerticalOut", "BlindsHorizontal", "BlindsVertical", "BoxIn", "BoxOut", "GlitterRight", "GlitterDown", "GlitterRightDown", "Dissolve", "Random"];\n }\n set transitions(_) {\n throw new Error("fullscreen.transitions is read-only");\n }\n get usePageTiming() {\n return this._usePageTiming;\n }\n set usePageTiming(_) {}\n get useTimer() {\n return this._useTimer;\n }\n set useTimer(_) {}\n}\nexports.FullScreen = FullScreen;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 14 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.Thermometer = void 0;\nvar _pdf_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(7);\nclass Thermometer extends _pdf_object.PDFObject {\n constructor(data) {\n super(data);\n this._cancelled = false;\n this._duration = 100;\n this._text = "";\n this._value = 0;\n }\n get cancelled() {\n return this._cancelled;\n }\n set cancelled(_) {\n throw new Error("thermometer.cancelled is read-only");\n }\n get duration() {\n return this._duration;\n }\n set duration(val) {\n this._duration = val;\n }\n get text() {\n return this._text;\n }\n set text(val) {\n this._text = val;\n }\n get value() {\n return this._value;\n }\n set value(val) {\n this._value = val;\n }\n begin() {}\n end() {}\n}\nexports.Thermometer = Thermometer;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 15 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.Console = void 0;\nvar _pdf_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(7);\nclass Console extends _pdf_object.PDFObject {\n clear() {\n this._send({\n id: "clear"\n });\n }\n hide() {}\n println(msg) {\n if (typeof msg === "string") {\n this._send({\n command: "println",\n value: "PDF.js Console:: " + msg\n });\n }\n }\n show() {}\n}\nexports.Console = Console;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 16 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.ProxyHandler = void 0;\nclass ProxyHandler {\n constructor() {\n this.nosend = new Set(["delay"]);\n }\n get(obj, prop) {\n if (prop in obj._expandos) {\n const val = obj._expandos[prop];\n if (typeof val === "function") {\n return val.bind(obj);\n }\n return val;\n }\n if (typeof prop === "string" && !prop.startsWith("_") && prop in obj) {\n const val = obj[prop];\n if (typeof val === "function") {\n return val.bind(obj);\n }\n return val;\n }\n return undefined;\n }\n set(obj, prop, value) {\n if (obj._kidIds) {\n obj._kidIds.forEach(id => {\n obj._appObjects[id].wrapped[prop] = value;\n });\n }\n if (typeof prop === "string" && !prop.startsWith("_") && prop in obj) {\n const old = obj[prop];\n obj[prop] = value;\n if (!this.nosend.has(prop) && obj._send && obj._id !== null && typeof old !== "function") {\n const data = {\n id: obj._id\n };\n data[prop] = prop === "value" ? obj._getValue() : obj[prop];\n if (!obj._siblings) {\n obj._send(data);\n } else {\n data.siblings = obj._siblings;\n obj._send(data);\n }\n }\n } else {\n obj._expandos[prop] = value;\n }\n return true;\n }\n has(obj, prop) {\n return prop in obj._expandos || typeof prop === "string" && !prop.startsWith("_") && prop in obj;\n }\n getPrototypeOf(obj) {\n return null;\n }\n setPrototypeOf(obj, proto) {\n return false;\n }\n isExtensible(obj) {\n return true;\n }\n preventExtensions(obj) {\n return false;\n }\n getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop) {\n if (prop in obj._expandos) {\n return {\n configurable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n value: obj._expandos[prop]\n };\n }\n if (typeof prop === "string" && !prop.startsWith("_") && prop in obj) {\n return {\n configurable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n value: obj[prop]\n };\n }\n return undefined;\n }\n defineProperty(obj, key, descriptor) {\n Object.defineProperty(obj._expandos, key, descriptor);\n return true;\n }\n deleteProperty(obj, prop) {\n if (prop in obj._expandos) {\n delete obj._expandos[prop];\n }\n }\n ownKeys(obj) {\n const fromExpandos = Reflect.ownKeys(obj._expandos);\n const fromObj = Reflect.ownKeys(obj).filter(k => !k.startsWith("_"));\n return fromExpandos.concat(fromObj);\n }\n}\nexports.ProxyHandler = ProxyHandler;\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 17 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => {\n\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nexports.Util = void 0;\nvar _pdf_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(7);\nclass Util extends _pdf_object.PDFObject {\n constructor(data) {\n super(data);\n this._scandCache = new Map();\n this._months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];\n this._days = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];\n this.MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY = 86400000;\n this.MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK = 604800000;\n this._externalCall = data.externalCall;\n }\n printf(...args) {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n throw new Error("Invalid number of params in printf");\n }\n if (typeof args[0] !== "string") {\n throw new TypeError("First argument of printf must be a string");\n }\n const pattern = /%(,[0-4])?([+ 0#]+)?(\\d+)?(\\.\\d+)?(.)/g;\n const PLUS = 1;\n const SPACE = 2;\n const ZERO = 4;\n const HASH = 8;\n let i = 0;\n return args[0].replaceAll(pattern, function (match, nDecSep, cFlags, nWidth, nPrecision, cConvChar) {\n if (cConvChar !== "d" && cConvChar !== "f" && cConvChar !== "s" && cConvChar !== "x") {\n const buf = ["%"];\n for (const str of [nDecSep, cFlags, nWidth, nPrecision, cConvChar]) {\n if (str) {\n buf.push(str);\n }\n }\n return buf.join("");\n }\n i++;\n if (i === args.length) {\n throw new Error("Not enough arguments in printf");\n }\n const arg = args[i];\n if (cConvChar === "s") {\n return arg.toString();\n }\n let flags = 0;\n if (cFlags) {\n for (const flag of cFlags) {\n switch (flag) {\n case "+":\n flags |= PLUS;\n break;\n case " ":\n flags |= SPACE;\n break;\n case "0":\n flags |= ZERO;\n break;\n case "#":\n flags |= HASH;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n cFlags = flags;\n if (nWidth) {\n nWidth = parseInt(nWidth);\n }\n let intPart = Math.trunc(arg);\n if (cConvChar === "x") {\n let hex = Math.abs(intPart).toString(16).toUpperCase();\n if (nWidth !== undefined) {\n hex = hex.padStart(nWidth, cFlags & ZERO ? "0" : " ");\n }\n if (cFlags & HASH) {\n hex = `0x${hex}`;\n }\n return hex;\n }\n if (nPrecision) {\n nPrecision = parseInt(nPrecision.substring(1));\n }\n nDecSep = nDecSep ? nDecSep.substring(1) : "0";\n const separators = {\n 0: [",", "."],\n 1: ["", "."],\n 2: [".", ","],\n 3: ["", ","],\n 4: ["\'", "."]\n };\n const [thousandSep, decimalSep] = separators[nDecSep];\n let decPart = "";\n if (cConvChar === "f") {\n if (nPrecision !== undefined) {\n decPart = Math.abs(arg - intPart).toFixed(nPrecision);\n } else {\n decPart = Math.abs(arg - intPart).toString();\n }\n if (decPart.length > 2) {\n decPart = `${decimalSep}${decPart.substring(2)}`;\n } else {\n if (decPart === "1") {\n intPart += Math.sign(arg);\n }\n decPart = cFlags & HASH ? "." : "";\n }\n }\n let sign = "";\n if (intPart < 0) {\n sign = "-";\n intPart = -intPart;\n } else if (cFlags & PLUS) {\n sign = "+";\n } else if (cFlags & SPACE) {\n sign = " ";\n }\n if (thousandSep && intPart >= 1000) {\n const buf = [];\n while (true) {\n buf.push((intPart % 1000).toString().padStart(3, "0"));\n intPart = Math.trunc(intPart / 1000);\n if (intPart < 1000) {\n buf.push(intPart.toString());\n break;\n }\n }\n intPart = buf.reverse().join(thousandSep);\n } else {\n intPart = intPart.toString();\n }\n let n = `${intPart}${decPart}`;\n if (nWidth !== undefined) {\n n = n.padStart(nWidth - sign.length, cFlags & ZERO ? "0" : " ");\n }\n return `${sign}${n}`;\n });\n }\n iconStreamFromIcon() {}\n printd(cFormat, oDate) {\n switch (cFormat) {\n case 0:\n return this.printd("D:yyyymmddHHMMss", oDate);\n case 1:\n return this.printd(" HH:MM:ss", oDate);\n case 2:\n return this.printd("m/d/yy h:MM:ss tt", oDate);\n }\n const handlers = {\n mmmm: data => {\n return this._months[data.month];\n },\n mmm: data => {\n return this._months[data.month].substring(0, 3);\n },\n mm: data => {\n return (data.month + 1).toString().padStart(2, "0");\n },\n m: data => {\n return (data.month + 1).toString();\n },\n dddd: data => {\n return this._days[data.dayOfWeek];\n },\n ddd: data => {\n return this._days[data.dayOfWeek].substring(0, 3);\n },\n dd: data => {\n return, "0");\n },\n d: data => {\n return;\n },\n yyyy: data => {\n return data.year.toString();\n },\n yy: data => {\n return (data.year % 100).toString().padStart(2, "0");\n },\n HH: data => {\n return data.hours.toString().padStart(2, "0");\n },\n H: data => {\n return data.hours.toString();\n },\n hh: data => {\n return (1 + (data.hours + 11) % 12).toString().padStart(2, "0");\n },\n h: data => {\n return (1 + (data.hours + 11) % 12).toString();\n },\n MM: data => {\n return data.minutes.toString().padStart(2, "0");\n },\n M: data => {\n return data.minutes.toString();\n },\n ss: data => {\n return data.seconds.toString().padStart(2, "0");\n },\n s: data => {\n return data.seconds.toString();\n },\n tt: data => {\n return data.hours < 12 ? "am" : "pm";\n },\n t: data => {\n return data.hours < 12 ? "a" : "p";\n }\n };\n const data = {\n year: oDate.getFullYear(),\n month: oDate.getMonth(),\n day: oDate.getDate(),\n dayOfWeek: oDate.getDay(),\n hours: oDate.getHours(),\n minutes: oDate.getMinutes(),\n seconds: oDate.getSeconds()\n };\n const patterns = /(mmmm|mmm|mm|m|dddd|ddd|dd|d|yyyy|yy|HH|H|hh|h|MM|M|ss|s|tt|t|\\\\.)/g;\n return cFormat.replaceAll(patterns, function (match, pattern) {\n if (pattern in handlers) {\n return handlers[pattern](data);\n }\n return pattern.charCodeAt(1);\n });\n }\n printx(cFormat, cSource) {\n cSource = (cSource ?? "").toString();\n const handlers = [x => x, x => x.toUpperCase(), x => x.toLowerCase()];\n const buf = [];\n let i = 0;\n const ii = cSource.length;\n let currCase = handlers[0];\n let escaped = false;\n for (const command of cFormat) {\n if (escaped) {\n buf.push(command);\n escaped = false;\n continue;\n }\n if (i >= ii) {\n break;\n }\n switch (command) {\n case "?":\n buf.push(currCase(cSource.charAt(i++)));\n break;\n case "X":\n while (i < ii) {\n const char = cSource.charAt(i++);\n if ("a" <= char && char <= "z" || "A" <= char && char <= "Z" || "0" <= char && char <= "9") {\n buf.push(currCase(char));\n break;\n }\n }\n break;\n case "A":\n while (i < ii) {\n const char = cSource.charAt(i++);\n if ("a" <= char && char <= "z" || "A" <= char && char <= "Z") {\n buf.push(currCase(char));\n break;\n }\n }\n break;\n case "9":\n while (i < ii) {\n const char = cSource.charAt(i++);\n if ("0" <= char && char <= "9") {\n buf.push(char);\n break;\n }\n }\n break;\n case "*":\n while (i < ii) {\n buf.push(currCase(cSource.charAt(i++)));\n }\n break;\n case "\\\\":\n escaped = true;\n break;\n case ">":\n currCase = handlers[1];\n break;\n case "<":\n currCase = handlers[2];\n break;\n case "=":\n currCase = handlers[0];\n break;\n default:\n buf.push(command);\n }\n }\n return buf.join("");\n }\n scand(cFormat, cDate) {\n if (typeof cDate !== "string") {\n return new Date(cDate);\n }\n if (cDate === "") {\n return new Date();\n }\n switch (cFormat) {\n case 0:\n return this.scand("D:yyyymmddHHMMss", cDate);\n case 1:\n return this.scand(" HH:MM:ss", cDate);\n case 2:\n return this.scand("m/d/yy h:MM:ss tt", cDate);\n }\n if (!this._scandCache.has(cFormat)) {\n const months = this._months;\n const days = this._days;\n const handlers = {\n mmmm: {\n pattern: `(${months.join("|")})`,\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.month = months.indexOf(value);\n }\n },\n mmm: {\n pattern: `(${ => month.substring(0, 3)).join("|")})`,\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.month = months.findIndex(month => month.substring(0, 3) === value);\n }\n },\n mm: {\n pattern: `(\\\\d{2})`,\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.month = parseInt(value) - 1;\n }\n },\n m: {\n pattern: `(\\\\d{1,2})`,\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.month = parseInt(value) - 1;\n }\n },\n dddd: {\n pattern: `(${days.join("|")})`,\n action: (value, data) => {\n = days.indexOf(value);\n }\n },\n ddd: {\n pattern: `(${ => day.substring(0, 3)).join("|")})`,\n action: (value, data) => {\n = days.findIndex(day => day.substring(0, 3) === value);\n }\n },\n dd: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{2})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n = parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n d: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{1,2})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n = parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n yyyy: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{4})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.year = parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n yy: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{2})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.year = 2000 + parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n HH: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{2})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.hours = parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n H: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{1,2})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.hours = parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n hh: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{2})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.hours = parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n h: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{1,2})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.hours = parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n MM: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{2})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.minutes = parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n M: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{1,2})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.minutes = parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n ss: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{2})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.seconds = parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n s: {\n pattern: "(\\\\d{1,2})",\n action: (value, data) => {\n data.seconds = parseInt(value);\n }\n },\n tt: {\n pattern: "([aApP][mM])",\n action: (value, data) => {\n const char = value.charAt(0);\n = char === "a" || char === "A";\n }\n },\n t: {\n pattern: "([aApP])",\n action: (value, data) => {\n = value === "a" || value === "A";\n }\n }\n };\n const escapedFormat = cFormat.replaceAll(/[.*+\\-?^${}()|[\\]\\\\]/g, "\\\\$&");\n const patterns = /(mmmm|mmm|mm|m|dddd|ddd|dd|d|yyyy|yy|HH|H|hh|h|MM|M|ss|s|tt|t)/g;\n const actions = [];\n const re = escapedFormat.replaceAll(patterns, function (match, patternElement) {\n const {\n pattern,\n action\n } = handlers[patternElement];\n actions.push(action);\n return pattern;\n });\n this._scandCache.set(cFormat, [re, actions]);\n }\n const [re, actions] = this._scandCache.get(cFormat);\n const matches = new RegExp(`^${re}$`, "g").exec(cDate);\n if (!matches || matches.length !== actions.length + 1) {\n return null;\n }\n const data = {\n year: 2000,\n month: 0,\n day: 1,\n hours: 0,\n minutes: 0,\n seconds: 0,\n am: null\n };\n actions.forEach((action, i) => action(matches[i + 1], data));\n if ( !== null) {\n data.hours = data.hours % 12 + ( ? 0 : 12);\n }\n return new Date(data.year, data.month,, data.hours, data.minutes, data.seconds);\n }\n spansToXML() {}\n stringFromStream() {}\n xmlToSpans() {}\n}\nexports.Util = Util;\n\n/***/ })\n/******/ \t]);\n/************************************************************************/\n/******/ \t// The module cache\n/******/ \tvar __webpack_module_cache__ = {};\n/******/ \t\n/******/ \t// The require function\n/******/ \tfunction __w_pdfjs_require__(moduleId) {\n/******/ \t\t// Check if module is in cache\n/******/ \t\tvar cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];\n/******/ \t\tif (cachedModule !== undefined) {\n/******/ \t\t\treturn cachedModule.exports;\n/******/ \t\t}\n/******/ \t\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n/******/ \t\tvar module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {\n/******/ \t\t\t// no needed\n/******/ \t\t\t// no module.loaded needed\n/******/ \t\t\texports: {}\n/******/ \t\t};\n/******/ \t\n/******/ \t\t// Execute the module function\n/******/ \t\t__webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __w_pdfjs_require__);\n/******/ \t\n/******/ \t\t// Return the exports of the module\n/******/ \t\treturn module.exports;\n/******/ \t}\n/******/ \t\n/************************************************************************/\nvar __webpack_exports__ = {};\n// This entry need to be wrapped in an IIFE because it need to be isolated against other modules in the chunk.\n(() => {\nvar exports = __webpack_exports__;\n\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({\n value: true\n}));\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "initSandbox", ({\n enumerable: true,\n get: function () {\n return _initialization.initSandbox;\n }\n}));\nvar _initialization = __w_pdfjs_require__(1);\nconst pdfjsVersion = \'3.6.172\';\nconst pdfjsBuild = \'4d3dfe254\';\n})();\n\n/******/ \treturn __webpack_exports__;\n/******/ })()\n;\n});']; code.push("delete dump;"); let success = false; let buf = 0; diff --git a/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/build/pdf.worker.js b/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/build/pdf.worker.js index 7e88aa55054a..83c4707dd818 100644 --- a/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/build/pdf.worker.js +++ b/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/build/pdf.worker.js @@ -47,16 +47,16 @@ var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); var _core_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(3); var _primitives = __w_pdfjs_require__(4); var _pdf_manager = __w_pdfjs_require__(6); -var _cleanup_helper = __w_pdfjs_require__(70); -var _writer = __w_pdfjs_require__(64); -var _is_node = __w_pdfjs_require__(101); -var _message_handler = __w_pdfjs_require__(102); -var _worker_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(103); +var _cleanup_helper = __w_pdfjs_require__(71); +var _writer = __w_pdfjs_require__(65); +var _is_node = __w_pdfjs_require__(102); +var _message_handler = __w_pdfjs_require__(103); +var _worker_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(104); class WorkerTask { constructor(name) { = name; this.terminated = false; - this._capability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + this._capability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); } get finished() { return this._capability.promise; @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class WorkerMessageHandler { docId, apiVersion } = docParams; - const workerVersion = '3.5.141'; + const workerVersion = '3.6.172'; if (apiVersion !== workerVersion) { throw new Error(`The API version "${apiVersion}" does not match ` + `the Worker version "${workerVersion}".`); } @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class WorkerMessageHandler { if (enumerableProperties.length) { throw new Error("The `Array.prototype` contains unexpected enumerable properties: " + enumerableProperties.join(", ") + "; thus breaking e.g. `` iteration of `Array`s."); } - if (typeof Path2D === "undefined" || typeof ReadableStream === "undefined") { + if (_is_node.isNodeJS && typeof Path2D === "undefined" || typeof ReadableStream === "undefined") { const partialMsg = "The browser/environment lacks native support for critical " + "functionality used by the PDF.js library " + "(e.g. `Path2D` and/or `ReadableStream`); "; if (_is_node.isNodeJS) { throw new Error(partialMsg + "please use a `legacy`-build instead."); @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ class WorkerMessageHandler { password, rangeChunkSize }; - const pdfManagerCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + const pdfManagerCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); let newPdfManager; if (data) { try { @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ class WorkerMessageHandler { } pdfManagerArgs.source = pdfStream; pdfManagerArgs.length = fullRequest.contentLength; - pdfManagerArgs.disableAutoFetch = pdfManagerArgs.disableAutoFetch || fullRequest.isStreamingSupported; + pdfManagerArgs.disableAutoFetch ||= fullRequest.isStreamingSupported; newPdfManager = new _pdf_manager.NetworkPdfManager(pdfManagerArgs); for (const chunk of cachedChunks) { newPdfManager.sendProgressiveData(chunk); @@ -496,7 +496,6 @@ class WorkerMessageHandler { } }); } - const lastXRefStreamPos = xref.lastXRefStreamPos; newXrefInfo = { rootRef: xref.trailer.getRaw("Root") || null, encryptRef: xref.trailer.getRaw("Encrypt") || null, @@ -504,7 +503,7 @@ class WorkerMessageHandler { infoRef: xref.trailer.getRaw("Info") || null, info: infoObj, fileIds: xref.trailer.get("ID") || null, - startXRef: lastXRefStreamPos === null ? startXRef : lastXRefStreamPos, + startXRef: xref.lastXRefStreamPos ?? startXRef, filename }; } @@ -558,7 +557,8 @@ class WorkerMessageHandler { handler.on("GetTextContent", function (data, sink) { const { pageIndex, - includeMarkedContent + includeMarkedContent, + disableNormalization } = data; pdfManager.getPage(pageIndex).then(function (page) { const task = new WorkerTask("GetTextContent: page " + pageIndex); @@ -568,7 +568,8 @@ class WorkerMessageHandler { handler, task, sink, - includeMarkedContent + includeMarkedContent, + disableNormalization }).then(function () { finishWorkerTask(task); if (start) { @@ -647,16 +648,16 @@ if (typeof window === "undefined" && !_is_node.isNodeJS && typeof self !== "unde Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -exports.VerbosityLevel = exports.Util = exports.UnknownErrorException = exports.UnexpectedResponseException = exports.TextRenderingMode = exports.RenderingIntentFlag = exports.PermissionFlag = exports.PasswordResponses = exports.PasswordException = exports.PageActionEventType = exports.OPS = exports.MissingPDFException = exports.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_TO_CACHE = exports.LINE_FACTOR = exports.LINE_DESCENT_FACTOR = exports.InvalidPDFException = exports.ImageKind = exports.IDENTITY_MATRIX = exports.FormatError = exports.FeatureTest = exports.FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX = exports.DocumentActionEventType = exports.CMapCompressionType = exports.BaseException = exports.BASELINE_FACTOR = exports.AnnotationType = exports.AnnotationStateModelType = exports.AnnotationReviewState = exports.AnnotationReplyType = exports.AnnotationMode = exports.AnnotationMarkedState = exports.AnnotationFlag = exports.AnnotationFieldFlag = exports.AnnotationEditorType = exports.AnnotationEditorPrefix = exports.AnnotationEditorParamsType = exports.AnnotationBorderStyleType = exports.AnnotationActionEventType = exports.AbortException = void 0; +exports.VerbosityLevel = exports.Util = exports.UnknownErrorException = exports.UnexpectedResponseException = exports.TextRenderingMode = exports.RenderingIntentFlag = exports.PromiseCapability = exports.PermissionFlag = exports.PasswordResponses = exports.PasswordException = exports.PageActionEventType = exports.OPS = exports.MissingPDFException = exports.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_TO_CACHE = exports.LINE_FACTOR = exports.LINE_DESCENT_FACTOR = exports.InvalidPDFException = exports.ImageKind = exports.IDENTITY_MATRIX = exports.FormatError = exports.FeatureTest = exports.FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX = exports.DocumentActionEventType = exports.CMapCompressionType = exports.BaseException = exports.BASELINE_FACTOR = exports.AnnotationType = exports.AnnotationStateModelType = exports.AnnotationReviewState = exports.AnnotationReplyType = exports.AnnotationMode = exports.AnnotationMarkedState = exports.AnnotationFlag = exports.AnnotationFieldFlag = exports.AnnotationEditorType = exports.AnnotationEditorPrefix = exports.AnnotationEditorParamsType = exports.AnnotationBorderStyleType = exports.AnnotationActionEventType = exports.AbortException = void 0; exports.assert = assert; exports.bytesToString = bytesToString; -exports.createPromiseCapability = createPromiseCapability; exports.createValidAbsoluteUrl = createValidAbsoluteUrl; exports.getModificationDate = getModificationDate; exports.getVerbosityLevel = getVerbosityLevel; = info; exports.isArrayBuffer = isArrayBuffer; exports.isArrayEqual = isArrayEqual; +exports.normalizeUnicode = normalizeUnicode; exports.objectFromMap = objectFromMap; exports.objectSize = objectSize; exports.setVerbosityLevel = setVerbosityLevel; @@ -1007,10 +1008,7 @@ function assert(cond, msg) { } } function _isValidProtocol(url) { - if (!url) { - return false; - } - switch (url.protocol) { + switch (url?.protocol) { case "http:": case "https:": case "ftp:": @@ -1029,7 +1027,7 @@ function createValidAbsoluteUrl(url, baseUrl = null, options = null) { if (options && typeof url === "string") { if (options.addDefaultProtocol && url.startsWith("www.")) { const dots = url.match(/\./g); - if (dots && dots.length >= 2) { + if (dots?.length >= 2) { url = `http://${url}`; } } @@ -1114,7 +1112,7 @@ class AbortException extends BaseException { } exports.AbortException = AbortException; function bytesToString(bytes) { - if (typeof bytes !== "object" || bytes === null || bytes.length === undefined) { + if (typeof bytes !== "object" || bytes?.length === undefined) { unreachable("Invalid argument for bytesToString"); } const length = bytes.length; @@ -1396,7 +1394,7 @@ function utf8StringToString(str) { return unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)); } function isArrayBuffer(v) { - return typeof v === "object" && v !== null && v.byteLength !== undefined; + return typeof v === "object" && v?.byteLength !== undefined; } function isArrayEqual(arr1, arr2) { if (arr1.length !== arr2.length) { @@ -1413,25 +1411,35 @@ function getModificationDate(date = new Date()) { const buffer = [date.getUTCFullYear().toString(), (date.getUTCMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, "0"), date.getUTCDate().toString().padStart(2, "0"), date.getUTCHours().toString().padStart(2, "0"), date.getUTCMinutes().toString().padStart(2, "0"), date.getUTCSeconds().toString().padStart(2, "0")]; return buffer.join(""); } -function createPromiseCapability() { - const capability = Object.create(null); - let isSettled = false; - Object.defineProperty(capability, "settled", { - get() { - return isSettled; - } - }); - capability.promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { - capability.resolve = function (data) { - isSettled = true; - resolve(data); - }; - capability.reject = function (reason) { - isSettled = true; - reject(reason); - }; +class PromiseCapability { + #settled = false; + constructor() { + this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + this.resolve = data => { + this.#settled = true; + resolve(data); + }; + this.reject = reason => { + this.#settled = true; + reject(reason); + }; + }); + } + get settled() { + return this.#settled; + } +} +exports.PromiseCapability = PromiseCapability; +let NormalizeRegex = null; +let NormalizationMap = null; +function normalizeUnicode(str) { + if (!NormalizeRegex) { + NormalizeRegex = /([\u00a0\u00b5\u037e\u0eb3\u2000-\u200a\u202f\u2126\ufb00-\ufb04\ufb06\ufb20-\ufb36\ufb38-\ufb3c\ufb3e\ufb40-\ufb41\ufb43-\ufb44\ufb46-\ufba1\ufba4-\ufba9\ufbae-\ufbb1\ufbd3-\ufbdc\ufbde-\ufbe7\ufbea-\ufbf8\ufbfc-\ufbfd\ufc00-\ufc5d\ufc64-\ufcf1\ufcf5-\ufd3d\ufd88\ufdf4\ufdfa-\ufdfb\ufe71\ufe77\ufe79\ufe7b\ufe7d]+)|(\ufb05+)/gu; + NormalizationMap = new Map([["ſt", "ſt"]]); + } + return str.replaceAll(NormalizeRegex, (_, p1, p2) => { + return p1 ? p1.normalize("NFKC") : NormalizationMap.get(p2); }); - return capability; } /***/ }), @@ -1449,7 +1457,6 @@ exports.collectActions = collectActions; exports.encodeToXmlString = encodeToXmlString; exports.escapePDFName = escapePDFName; exports.escapeString = escapeString; -exports.getArrayLookupTableFactory = getArrayLookupTableFactory; exports.getInheritableProperty = getInheritableProperty; exports.getLookupTableFactory = getLookupTableFactory; exports.getNewAnnotationsMap = getNewAnnotationsMap; @@ -1483,21 +1490,6 @@ function getLookupTableFactory(initializer) { return lookup; }; } -function getArrayLookupTableFactory(initializer) { - let lookup; - return function () { - if (initializer) { - let arr = initializer(); - initializer = null; - lookup = Object.create(null); - for (let i = 0, ii = arr.length; i < ii; i += 2) { - lookup[arr[i]] = arr[i + 1]; - } - arr = null; - } - return lookup; - }; -} class MissingDataException extends _util.BaseException { constructor(begin, end) { super(`Missing data [${begin}, ${end})`, "MissingDataException"); @@ -1562,10 +1554,7 @@ function getInheritableProperty({ if (stopWhenFound) { return value; } - if (!values) { - values = []; - } - values.push(value); + (values ||= []).push(value); } dict = dict.get("Parent"); } @@ -1681,7 +1670,7 @@ function _collectJS(entry, xref, list, parents) { } else if (typeof js === "string") { code = js; } - code = code && (0, _util.stringToPDFString)(code).replaceAll("\x00", ""); + code &&= (0, _util.stringToPDFString)(code).replaceAll("\x00", ""); if (code) { list.push(code); } @@ -1904,37 +1893,31 @@ const CIRCULAR_REF = Symbol("CIRCULAR_REF"); exports.CIRCULAR_REF = CIRCULAR_REF; const EOF = Symbol("EOF"); exports.EOF = EOF; -const Name = function NameClosure() { - let nameCache = Object.create(null); - class Name { - constructor(name) { - = name; - } - static get(name) { - return nameCache[name] || (nameCache[name] = new Name(name)); - } - static _clearCache() { - nameCache = Object.create(null); - } +let CmdCache = Object.create(null); +let NameCache = Object.create(null); +let RefCache = Object.create(null); +function clearPrimitiveCaches() { + CmdCache = Object.create(null); + NameCache = Object.create(null); + RefCache = Object.create(null); +} +class Name { + constructor(name) { + = name; } - return Name; -}(); + static get(name) { + return NameCache[name] ||= new Name(name); + } +} exports.Name = Name; -const Cmd = function CmdClosure() { - let cmdCache = Object.create(null); - class Cmd { - constructor(cmd) { - this.cmd = cmd; - } - static get(cmd) { - return cmdCache[cmd] || (cmdCache[cmd] = new Cmd(cmd)); - } - static _clearCache() { - cmdCache = Object.create(null); - } +class Cmd { + constructor(cmd) { + this.cmd = cmd; } - return Cmd; -}(); + static get(cmd) { + return CmdCache[cmd] ||= new Cmd(cmd); + } +} exports.Cmd = Cmd; const nonSerializable = function nonSerializableClosure() { return nonSerializable; @@ -2071,29 +2054,22 @@ class Dict { } } exports.Dict = Dict; -const Ref = function RefClosure() { - let refCache = Object.create(null); - class Ref { - constructor(num, gen) { - this.num = num; - this.gen = gen; - } - toString() { - if (this.gen === 0) { - return `${this.num}R`; - } - return `${this.num}R${this.gen}`; - } - static get(num, gen) { - const key = gen === 0 ? `${num}R` : `${num}R${gen}`; - return refCache[key] || (refCache[key] = new Ref(num, gen)); - } - static _clearCache() { - refCache = Object.create(null); +class Ref { + constructor(num, gen) { + this.num = num; + this.gen = gen; + } + toString() { + if (this.gen === 0) { + return `${this.num}R`; } + return `${this.num}R${this.gen}`; } - return Ref; -}(); + static get(num, gen) { + const key = gen === 0 ? `${num}R` : `${num}R${gen}`; + return RefCache[key] ||= new Ref(num, gen); + } +} exports.Ref = Ref; class RefSet { constructor(parent = null) { @@ -2155,11 +2131,6 @@ function isDict(v, type) { function isRefsEqual(v1, v2) { return v1.num === v2.num && v1.gen === v2.gen; } -function clearPrimitiveCaches() { - Cmd._clearCache(); - Name._clearCache(); - Ref._clearCache(); -} /***/ }), /* 5 */ @@ -2278,7 +2249,7 @@ class BasePdfManager { this._docId = args.docId; this._password = args.password; this.enableXfa = args.enableXfa; - args.evaluatorOptions.isOffscreenCanvasSupported = args.evaluatorOptions.isOffscreenCanvasSupported && _util.FeatureTest.isOffscreenCanvasSupported; + args.evaluatorOptions.isOffscreenCanvasSupported &&= _util.FeatureTest.isOffscreenCanvasSupported; this.evaluatorOptions = args.evaluatorOptions; } get docId() { @@ -2615,7 +2586,7 @@ class ChunkedStreamManager { this._promisesByRequest = new Map(); this.progressiveDataLength = 0; this.aborted = false; - this._loadedStreamCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + this._loadedStreamCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); } sendRequest(begin, end) { const rangeReader = this.pdfNetworkStream.getRangeReader(begin, end); @@ -2678,7 +2649,7 @@ class ChunkedStreamManager { if (chunksNeeded.size === 0) { return Promise.resolve(); } - const capability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + const capability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this._promisesByRequest.set(requestId, capability); const chunksToRequest = []; for (const chunk of chunksNeeded) { @@ -2939,22 +2910,22 @@ var _annotation = __w_pdfjs_require__(10); var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); var _core_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(3); var _primitives = __w_pdfjs_require__(4); -var _xfa_fonts = __w_pdfjs_require__(50); +var _xfa_fonts = __w_pdfjs_require__(51); var _base_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(5); -var _crypto = __w_pdfjs_require__(66); -var _catalog = __w_pdfjs_require__(68); -var _cleanup_helper = __w_pdfjs_require__(70); -var _dataset_reader = __w_pdfjs_require__(99); -var _parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(15); +var _crypto = __w_pdfjs_require__(67); +var _catalog = __w_pdfjs_require__(69); +var _cleanup_helper = __w_pdfjs_require__(71); +var _dataset_reader = __w_pdfjs_require__(100); +var _parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(16); var _stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(8); -var _object_loader = __w_pdfjs_require__(74); -var _operator_list = __w_pdfjs_require__(62); +var _object_loader = __w_pdfjs_require__(75); +var _operator_list = __w_pdfjs_require__(63); var _evaluator = __w_pdfjs_require__(13); -var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(17); -var _struct_tree = __w_pdfjs_require__(73); -var _writer = __w_pdfjs_require__(64); -var _factory = __w_pdfjs_require__(75); -var _xref = __w_pdfjs_require__(100); +var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(18); +var _struct_tree = __w_pdfjs_require__(74); +var _writer = __w_pdfjs_require__(65); +var _factory = __w_pdfjs_require__(76); +var _xref = __w_pdfjs_require__(101); const DEFAULT_USER_UNIT = 1.0; const LETTER_SIZE_MEDIABOX = [0, 0, 612, 792]; class Page { @@ -3257,12 +3228,8 @@ class Page { separateCanvas } of opLists) { pageOpList.addOpList(opList); - if (separateForm) { - form = separateForm; - } - if (separateCanvas) { - canvas = separateCanvas; - } + form ||= separateForm; + canvas ||= separateCanvas; } pageOpList.flush(true, { form, @@ -3278,6 +3245,7 @@ class Page { handler, task, includeMarkedContent, + disableNormalization, sink }) { const contentStreamPromise = this.getContentStream(); @@ -3300,6 +3268,7 @@ class Page { task, resources: this.resources, includeMarkedContent, + disableNormalization, sink, viewBox: this.view }); @@ -3323,8 +3292,8 @@ class Page { if (annotations.length === 0) { return []; } - const textContentPromises = []; - const annotationsData = []; + const annotationsData = [], + textContentPromises = []; let partialEvaluator; const intentAny = !!(intent & _util.RenderingIntentFlag.ANY), intentDisplay = !!(intent & _util.RenderingIntentFlag.DISPLAY), @@ -3335,19 +3304,17 @@ class Page { annotationsData.push(; } if (annotation.hasTextContent && isVisible) { - if (!partialEvaluator) { - partialEvaluator = new _evaluator.PartialEvaluator({ - xref: this.xref, - handler, - pageIndex: this.pageIndex, - idFactory: this._localIdFactory, - fontCache: this.fontCache, - builtInCMapCache: this.builtInCMapCache, - standardFontDataCache: this.standardFontDataCache, - globalImageCache: this.globalImageCache, - options: this.evaluatorOptions - }); - } + partialEvaluator ||= new _evaluator.PartialEvaluator({ + xref: this.xref, + handler, + pageIndex: this.pageIndex, + idFactory: this._localIdFactory, + fontCache: this.fontCache, + builtInCMapCache: this.builtInCMapCache, + standardFontDataCache: this.standardFontDataCache, + globalImageCache: this.globalImageCache, + options: this.evaluatorOptions + }); textContentPromises.push(annotation.extractTextContent(partialEvaluator, task, this.view).catch(function (reason) { (0, _util.warn)(`getAnnotationsData - ignoring textContent during "${}" task: "${reason}".`); })); @@ -3380,10 +3347,7 @@ class Page { continue; } if (annotation instanceof _annotation.PopupAnnotation) { - if (!popupAnnotations) { - popupAnnotations = []; - } - popupAnnotations.push(annotation); + (popupAnnotations ||= []).push(annotation); continue; } sortedAnnotations.push(annotation); @@ -4204,16 +4168,16 @@ var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); var _core_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(3); var _default_appearance = __w_pdfjs_require__(11); var _primitives = __w_pdfjs_require__(4); -var _writer = __w_pdfjs_require__(64); +var _writer = __w_pdfjs_require__(65); var _base_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(5); -var _bidi = __w_pdfjs_require__(59); -var _catalog = __w_pdfjs_require__(68); +var _bidi = __w_pdfjs_require__(60); +var _catalog = __w_pdfjs_require__(69); var _colorspace = __w_pdfjs_require__(12); -var _file_spec = __w_pdfjs_require__(71); -var _object_loader = __w_pdfjs_require__(74); -var _operator_list = __w_pdfjs_require__(62); +var _file_spec = __w_pdfjs_require__(72); +var _object_loader = __w_pdfjs_require__(75); +var _operator_list = __w_pdfjs_require__(63); var _stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(8); -var _factory = __w_pdfjs_require__(75); +var _factory = __w_pdfjs_require__(76); class AnnotationFactory { static create(xref, ref, pdfManager, idFactory, collectFields) { return Promise.all([pdfManager.ensureCatalog("acroForm"), pdfManager.ensureCatalog("baseUrl"), pdfManager.ensureCatalog("attachments"), pdfManager.ensureDoc("xfaDatasets"), collectFields ? this._getPageIndex(xref, ref, pdfManager) : -1]).then(([acroForm, baseUrl, attachments, xfaDatasets, pageIndex]) => pdfManager.ensure(this, "_create", [xref, ref, pdfManager, idFactory, acroForm, attachments, xfaDatasets, collectFields, pageIndex])); @@ -5166,7 +5130,7 @@ class WidgetAnnotation extends Annotation { } data.alternativeText = (0, _util.stringToPDFString)(dict.get("TU") || ""); this.setDefaultAppearance(params); - data.hasAppearance = this._needAppearances && data.fieldValue !== undefined && data.fieldValue !== null || data.hasAppearance; + data.hasAppearance ||= this._needAppearances && data.fieldValue !== undefined && data.fieldValue !== null; const fieldType = (0, _core_utils.getInheritableProperty)({ dict, key: "FT" @@ -5248,7 +5212,7 @@ class WidgetAnnotation extends Annotation { return str; } async getOperatorList(evaluator, task, intent, renderForms, annotationStorage) { - if (renderForms && !(this instanceof SignatureWidgetAnnotation) && ! { + if (renderForms && !(this instanceof SignatureWidgetAnnotation) && ! && ! { return { opList: new _operator_list.OperatorList(), separateForm: true, @@ -5320,7 +5284,7 @@ class WidgetAnnotation extends Annotation { if (!this._hasValueFromXFA && rotation === undefined) { return null; } - value = value ||; + value ||=; } if (rotation === undefined && !this._hasValueFromXFA && Array.isArray(value) && Array.isArray( && value.length === && value.every((x, i) => x ===[i])) { return null; @@ -5672,6 +5636,7 @@ class WidgetAnnotation extends Annotation { class TextWidgetAnnotation extends WidgetAnnotation { constructor(params) { super(params); + = && !; this._hasText = true; const dict = params.dict; if (typeof !== "string") { @@ -6407,7 +6372,7 @@ class LinkAnnotation extends Annotation { if (quadPoints) { = quadPoints; } - = ||; + ||=; _catalog.Catalog.parseDestDictionary({ destDict: params.dict, resultObj:, @@ -8117,9 +8082,9 @@ const CalRGBCS = function CalRGBCSClosure() { if (!whitePoint) { throw new _util.FormatError("WhitePoint missing - required for color space CalRGB"); } - blackPoint = blackPoint || new Float32Array(3); - gamma = gamma || new Float32Array([1, 1, 1]); - matrix = matrix || new Float32Array([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]); + blackPoint ||= new Float32Array(3); + gamma ||= new Float32Array([1, 1, 1]); + matrix ||= new Float32Array([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]); const XW = whitePoint[0]; const YW = whitePoint[1]; const ZW = whitePoint[2]; @@ -8227,8 +8192,8 @@ const LabCS = function LabCSClosure() { if (!whitePoint) { throw new _util.FormatError("WhitePoint missing - required for color space Lab"); } - blackPoint = blackPoint || [0, 0, 0]; - range = range || [-100, 100, -100, 100]; + blackPoint ||= [0, 0, 0]; + range ||= [-100, 100, -100, 100]; this.XW = whitePoint[0]; this.YW = whitePoint[1]; this.ZW = whitePoint[2]; @@ -8291,29 +8256,29 @@ exports.PartialEvaluator = exports.EvaluatorPreprocessor = void 0; var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); var _cmap = __w_pdfjs_require__(14); var _primitives = __w_pdfjs_require__(4); -var _fonts = __w_pdfjs_require__(33); -var _encodings = __w_pdfjs_require__(36); -var _standard_fonts = __w_pdfjs_require__(40); -var _pattern = __w_pdfjs_require__(49); -var _xfa_fonts = __w_pdfjs_require__(50); -var _to_unicode_map = __w_pdfjs_require__(41); -var _function = __w_pdfjs_require__(56); -var _parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(15); -var _image_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(58); +var _fonts = __w_pdfjs_require__(34); +var _encodings = __w_pdfjs_require__(37); +var _standard_fonts = __w_pdfjs_require__(41); +var _pattern = __w_pdfjs_require__(50); +var _xfa_fonts = __w_pdfjs_require__(51); +var _to_unicode_map = __w_pdfjs_require__(42); +var _function = __w_pdfjs_require__(57); +var _parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(16); +var _image_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(59); var _stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(8); var _base_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(5); -var _bidi = __w_pdfjs_require__(59); +var _bidi = __w_pdfjs_require__(60); var _colorspace = __w_pdfjs_require__(12); -var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(17); -var _fonts_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(37); -var _glyphlist = __w_pdfjs_require__(38); +var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(18); +var _fonts_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(38); +var _glyphlist = __w_pdfjs_require__(39); var _core_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(3); -var _metrics = __w_pdfjs_require__(44); -var _unicode = __w_pdfjs_require__(39); -var _image_resizer = __w_pdfjs_require__(60); -var _murmurhash = __w_pdfjs_require__(61); -var _operator_list = __w_pdfjs_require__(62); -var _image = __w_pdfjs_require__(63); +var _metrics = __w_pdfjs_require__(45); +var _unicode = __w_pdfjs_require__(40); +var _image_resizer = __w_pdfjs_require__(61); +var _murmurhash = __w_pdfjs_require__(62); +var _operator_list = __w_pdfjs_require__(63); +var _image = __w_pdfjs_require__(64); const DefaultPartialEvaluatorOptions = Object.freeze({ maxImageSize: -1, disableFontFace: false, @@ -8396,12 +8361,8 @@ function incrementCachedImageMaskCount(data) { } } class TimeSlotManager { - static get TIME_SLOT_DURATION_MS() { - return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "TIME_SLOT_DURATION_MS", 20); - } - static get CHECK_TIME_EVERY() { - return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "CHECK_TIME_EVERY", 100); - } + static TIME_SLOT_DURATION_MS = 20; + static CHECK_TIME_EVERY = 100; constructor() { this.reset(); } @@ -8439,6 +8400,7 @@ class PartialEvaluator { this.globalImageCache = globalImageCache; this.options = options || DefaultPartialEvaluatorOptions; this.parsingType3Font = false; + this._regionalImageCache = new _image_utils.RegionalImageCache(); this._fetchBuiltInCMapBound = this.fetchBuiltInCMap.bind(this); _image_resizer.ImageResizer.setMaxArea(this.options.canvasMaxAreaInBytes); } @@ -8652,7 +8614,7 @@ class PartialEvaluator { } } if (smask && smask.backdrop) { - colorSpace = colorSpace || _colorspace.ColorSpace.singletons.rgb; + colorSpace ||= _colorspace.ColorSpace.singletons.rgb; smask.backdrop = colorSpace.getRgb(smask.backdrop, 0); } operatorList.addOp(_util.OPS.beginGroup, [groupOptions]); @@ -8732,11 +8694,15 @@ class PartialEvaluator { args = [imgData]; operatorList.addImageOps(_util.OPS.paintImageMaskXObject, args, optionalContent); if (cacheKey) { - localImageCache.set(cacheKey, imageRef, { + const cacheData = { fn: _util.OPS.paintImageMaskXObject, args, optionalContent - }); + }; + localImageCache.set(cacheKey, imageRef, cacheData); + if (imageRef) { + this._regionalImageCache.set(null, imageRef, cacheData); + } } return; } @@ -8752,11 +8718,15 @@ class PartialEvaluator { if (imgData.isSingleOpaquePixel) { operatorList.addImageOps(_util.OPS.paintSolidColorImageMask, [], optionalContent); if (cacheKey) { - localImageCache.set(cacheKey, imageRef, { + const cacheData = { fn: _util.OPS.paintSolidColorImageMask, args: [], optionalContent - }); + }; + localImageCache.set(cacheKey, imageRef, cacheData); + if (imageRef) { + this._regionalImageCache.set(null, imageRef, cacheData); + } } return; } @@ -8772,11 +8742,15 @@ class PartialEvaluator { }]; operatorList.addImageOps(_util.OPS.paintImageMaskXObject, args, optionalContent); if (cacheKey) { - localImageCache.set(cacheKey, imageRef, { + const cacheData = { fn: _util.OPS.paintImageMaskXObject, args, optionalContent - }); + }; + localImageCache.set(cacheKey, imageRef, cacheData); + if (imageRef) { + this._regionalImageCache.set(null, imageRef, cacheData); + } } return; } @@ -8834,15 +8808,16 @@ class PartialEvaluator { }); operatorList.addImageOps(_util.OPS.paintImageXObject, args, optionalContent); if (cacheKey) { - localImageCache.set(cacheKey, imageRef, { + const cacheData = { fn: _util.OPS.paintImageXObject, args, optionalContent - }); + }; + localImageCache.set(cacheKey, imageRef, cacheData); if (imageRef) { - (0, _util.assert)(!isInline, "Cannot cache an inline image globally."); - this.globalImageCache.addPageIndex(imageRef, this.pageIndex); + this._regionalImageCache.set(null, imageRef, cacheData); if (cacheGlobally) { + (0, _util.assert)(!isInline, "Cannot cache an inline image globally."); this.globalImageCache.setData(imageRef, { objId, fn: _util.OPS.paintImageXObject, @@ -9129,7 +9104,7 @@ class PartialEvaluator { if (font.cacheKey && this.fontCache.has(font.cacheKey)) { return this.fontCache.get(font.cacheKey); } - const fontCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + const fontCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); let preEvaluatedFont; try { preEvaluatedFont = this.preEvaluateFont(font); @@ -9148,10 +9123,7 @@ class PartialEvaluator { fontID = `f${fontRef.toString()}`; } if (hash && descriptor instanceof _primitives.Dict) { - if (!descriptor.fontAliases) { - descriptor.fontAliases = Object.create(null); - } - const fontAliases = descriptor.fontAliases; + const fontAliases = descriptor.fontAliases ||= Object.create(null); if (fontAliases[hash]) { const aliasFontRef = fontAliases[hash].aliasRef; if (fontRefIsRef && aliasFontRef && this.fontCache.has(aliasFontRef)) { @@ -9427,8 +9399,8 @@ class PartialEvaluator { initialState = null, fallbackFontDict = null }) { - resources = resources || _primitives.Dict.empty; - initialState = initialState || new EvalState(); + resources ||= _primitives.Dict.empty; + initialState ||= new EvalState(); if (!operatorList) { throw new Error('getOperatorList: missing "operatorList" parameter'); } @@ -9490,7 +9462,7 @@ class PartialEvaluator { } let xobj = xobjs.getRaw(name); if (xobj instanceof _primitives.Ref) { - const localImage = localImageCache.getByRef(xobj); + const localImage = localImageCache.getByRef(xobj) || self._regionalImageCache.getByRef(xobj); if (localImage) { operatorList.addImageOps(localImage.fn, localImage.args, localImage.optionalContent); incrementCachedImageMaskCount(localImage); @@ -9864,12 +9836,13 @@ class PartialEvaluator { sink, seenStyles = new Set(), viewBox, - markedContentData = null + markedContentData = null, + disableNormalization = false }) { - resources = resources || _primitives.Dict.empty; - stateManager = stateManager || new StateManager(new TextState()); + resources ||= _primitives.Dict.empty; + stateManager ||= new StateManager(new TextState()); if (includeMarkedContent) { - markedContentData = markedContentData || { + markedContentData ||= { level: 0 }; } @@ -9905,6 +9878,9 @@ class PartialEvaluator { twoLastCharsPos = nextPos; return ret; } + function shouldAddWhitepsace() { + return twoLastChars[twoLastCharsPos] !== " " && twoLastChars[(twoLastCharsPos + 1) % 2] === " "; + } function resetLastChars() { twoLastChars[0] = twoLastChars[1] = " "; twoLastCharsPos = 0; @@ -9923,6 +9899,22 @@ class PartialEvaluator { const emptyGStateCache = new _image_utils.LocalGStateCache(); const preprocessor = new EvaluatorPreprocessor(stream, xref, stateManager); let textState; + function pushWhitespace({ + width = 0, + height = 0, + transform = textContentItem.prevTransform, + fontName = textContentItem.fontName + }) { + textContent.items.push({ + str: " ", + dir: "ltr", + width, + height, + transform, + fontName, + hasEOL: false + }); + } function getCurrentTextTransform() { const font = textState.font; const tsm = [textState.fontSize * textState.textHScale, 0, 0, textState.fontSize, 0, textState.textRise]; @@ -9997,7 +9989,10 @@ class PartialEvaluator { textContentItem.textAdvanceScale = scaleFactor; } function runBidiTransform(textChunk) { - const text = textChunk.str.join(""); + let text = textChunk.str.join(""); + if (!disableNormalization) { + text = (0, _util.normalizeUnicode)(text); + } const bidiResult = (0, _bidi.bidi)(text, -1, textChunk.vertical); return { str: bidiResult.str, @@ -10027,13 +10022,15 @@ class PartialEvaluator { const scale = Math.hypot(matrix[0], matrix[1]); return [(matrix[0] * x + matrix[1] * y) / scale, (matrix[2] * x + matrix[3] * y) / scale]; } - function compareWithLastPosition() { + function compareWithLastPosition(glyphWidth) { const currentTransform = getCurrentTextTransform(); let posX = currentTransform[4]; let posY = currentTransform[5]; - const shiftedX = posX - viewBox[0]; - const shiftedY = posY - viewBox[1]; - if (shiftedX < 0 || shiftedX > viewBox[2] || shiftedY < 0 || shiftedY > viewBox[3]) { + if (textState.font && textState.font.vertical) { + if (posX < viewBox[0] || posX > viewBox[2] || posY + glyphWidth < viewBox[1] || posY > viewBox[3]) { + return false; + } + } else if (posX + glyphWidth < viewBox[0] || posX > viewBox[2] || posY < viewBox[1] || posY > viewBox[3]) { return false; } if (!textState.font || !textContentItem.prevTransform) { @@ -10089,18 +10086,20 @@ class PartialEvaluator { resetLastChars(); } if (advanceY <= textOrientation * textContentItem.trackingSpaceMin) { - textContentItem.height += advanceY; + if (shouldAddWhitepsace()) { + resetLastChars(); + flushTextContentItem(); + pushWhitespace({ + height: Math.abs(advanceY) + }); + } else { + textContentItem.height += advanceY; + } } else if (!addFakeSpaces(advanceY, textContentItem.prevTransform, textOrientation)) { if (textContentItem.str.length === 0) { resetLastChars(); - textContent.items.push({ - str: " ", - dir: "ltr", - width: 0, - height: Math.abs(advanceY), - transform: textContentItem.prevTransform, - fontName: textContentItem.fontName, - hasEOL: false + pushWhitespace({ + height: Math.abs(advanceY) }); } else { textContentItem.height += advanceY; @@ -10131,18 +10130,20 @@ class PartialEvaluator { resetLastChars(); } if (advanceX <= textOrientation * textContentItem.trackingSpaceMin) { - textContentItem.width += advanceX; + if (shouldAddWhitepsace()) { + resetLastChars(); + flushTextContentItem(); + pushWhitespace({ + width: Math.abs(advanceX) + }); + } else { + textContentItem.width += advanceX; + } } else if (!addFakeSpaces(advanceX, textContentItem.prevTransform, textOrientation)) { if (textContentItem.str.length === 0) { resetLastChars(); - textContent.items.push({ - str: " ", - dir: "ltr", - width: Math.abs(advanceX), - height: 0, - transform: textContentItem.prevTransform, - fontName: textContentItem.fontName, - hasEOL: false + pushWhitespace({ + width: Math.abs(advanceX) }); } else { textContentItem.width += advanceX; @@ -10196,7 +10197,12 @@ class PartialEvaluator { saveLastChar(" "); continue; } - if (!category.isZeroWidthDiacritic && !compareWithLastPosition()) { + if (!category.isZeroWidthDiacritic && !compareWithLastPosition(scaledDim)) { + if (!font.vertical) { + textState.translateTextMatrix(scaledDim * textState.textHScale, 0); + } else { + textState.translateTextMatrix(0, scaledDim); + } continue; } const textChunk = ensureTextContentItem(); @@ -10215,7 +10221,7 @@ class PartialEvaluator { if (scaledDim) { textChunk.prevTransform = getCurrentTextTransform(); } - const glyphUnicode = glyph.normalizedUnicode; + const glyphUnicode = glyph.unicode; if (saveLastChar(glyphUnicode)) { textChunk.str.push(" "); } @@ -10262,14 +10268,11 @@ class PartialEvaluator { } flushTextContentItem(); resetLastChars(); - textContent.items.push({ - str: " ", - dir: "ltr", + pushWhitespace({ width: Math.abs(width), height: Math.abs(height), transform: transf || getCurrentTextTransform(), - fontName, - hasEOL: false + fontName }); return true; } @@ -10507,7 +10510,8 @@ class PartialEvaluator { sink: sinkWrapper, seenStyles, viewBox, - markedContentData + markedContentData, + disableNormalization }).then(function () { if (!sinkWrapper.enqueueInvoked) { emptyXObjectCache.set(name, xobj.dict.objId, true); @@ -11210,7 +11214,6 @@ class PartialEvaluator { const standardFontName = (0, _standard_fonts.getStandardFontName)(baseFontName); let file = null; if (standardFontName) { - properties.isStandardFont = true; file = await this.fetchStandardFontData(standardFontName); properties.isInternalFont = !!file; } @@ -11247,7 +11250,7 @@ class PartialEvaluator { } } } - fontName = fontName || baseFont; + fontName ||= baseFont; if (!(fontName instanceof _primitives.Name)) { throw new _util.FormatError("invalid font name"); } @@ -11261,7 +11264,6 @@ class PartialEvaluator { (0, _util.warn)(`translateFont - fetching "${}" font file: "${ex}".`); fontFile = new _stream.NullStream(); } - let isStandardFont = false; let isInternalFont = false; let glyphScaleFactors = null; if (fontFile) { @@ -11288,7 +11290,6 @@ class PartialEvaluator { } else if (!isType3Font) { const standardFontName = (0, _standard_fonts.getStandardFontName)(; if (standardFontName) { - isStandardFont = true; fontFile = await this.fetchStandardFontData(standardFontName); isInternalFont = !!fontFile; } @@ -11301,7 +11302,6 @@ class PartialEvaluator { length1, length2, length3, - isStandardFont, isInternalFont, loadedName: baseDict.loadedName, composite, @@ -11997,9 +11997,7 @@ class EvaluatorPreprocessor { }); return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "opMap", getOPMap()); } - static get MAX_INVALID_PATH_OPS() { - return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "MAX_INVALID_PATH_OPS", 10); - } + static MAX_INVALID_PATH_OPS = 10; constructor(stream, xref, stateManager = new StateManager()) { this.parser = new _parser.Parser({ lexer: new _parser.Lexer(stream, EvaluatorPreprocessor.opMap), @@ -12108,7 +12106,8 @@ exports.IdentityCMap = exports.CMapFactory = exports.CMap = void 0; var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); var _primitives = __w_pdfjs_require__(4); var _base_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(5); -var _parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(15); +var _binary_cmap = __w_pdfjs_require__(15); +var _parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(16); var _core_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(3); var _stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(8); const BUILT_IN_CMAPS = ["Adobe-GB1-UCS2", "Adobe-CNS1-UCS2", "Adobe-Japan1-UCS2", "Adobe-Korea1-UCS2", "78-EUC-H", "78-EUC-V", "78-H", "78-RKSJ-H", "78-RKSJ-V", "78-V", "78ms-RKSJ-H", "78ms-RKSJ-V", "83pv-RKSJ-H", "90ms-RKSJ-H", "90ms-RKSJ-V", "90msp-RKSJ-H", "90msp-RKSJ-V", "90pv-RKSJ-H", "90pv-RKSJ-V", "Add-H", "Add-RKSJ-H", "Add-RKSJ-V", "Add-V", "Adobe-CNS1-0", "Adobe-CNS1-1", "Adobe-CNS1-2", "Adobe-CNS1-3", "Adobe-CNS1-4", "Adobe-CNS1-5", "Adobe-CNS1-6", "Adobe-GB1-0", "Adobe-GB1-1", "Adobe-GB1-2", "Adobe-GB1-3", "Adobe-GB1-4", "Adobe-GB1-5", "Adobe-Japan1-0", "Adobe-Japan1-1", "Adobe-Japan1-2", "Adobe-Japan1-3", "Adobe-Japan1-4", "Adobe-Japan1-5", "Adobe-Japan1-6", "Adobe-Korea1-0", "Adobe-Korea1-1", "Adobe-Korea1-2", "B5-H", "B5-V", "B5pc-H", "B5pc-V", "CNS-EUC-H", "CNS-EUC-V", "CNS1-H", "CNS1-V", "CNS2-H", "CNS2-V", "ETHK-B5-H", "ETHK-B5-V", "ETen-B5-H", "ETen-B5-V", "ETenms-B5-H", "ETenms-B5-V", "EUC-H", "EUC-V", "Ext-H", "Ext-RKSJ-H", "Ext-RKSJ-V", "Ext-V", "GB-EUC-H", "GB-EUC-V", "GB-H", "GB-V", "GBK-EUC-H", "GBK-EUC-V", "GBK2K-H", "GBK2K-V", "GBKp-EUC-H", "GBKp-EUC-V", "GBT-EUC-H", "GBT-EUC-V", "GBT-H", "GBT-V", "GBTpc-EUC-H", "GBTpc-EUC-V", "GBpc-EUC-H", "GBpc-EUC-V", "H", "HKdla-B5-H", "HKdla-B5-V", "HKdlb-B5-H", "HKdlb-B5-V", "HKgccs-B5-H", "HKgccs-B5-V", "HKm314-B5-H", "HKm314-B5-V", "HKm471-B5-H", "HKm471-B5-V", "HKscs-B5-H", "HKscs-B5-V", "Hankaku", "Hiragana", "KSC-EUC-H", "KSC-EUC-V", "KSC-H", "KSC-Johab-H", "KSC-Johab-V", "KSC-V", "KSCms-UHC-H", "KSCms-UHC-HW-H", "KSCms-UHC-HW-V", "KSCms-UHC-V", "KSCpc-EUC-H", "KSCpc-EUC-V", "Katakana", "NWP-H", "NWP-V", "RKSJ-H", "RKSJ-V", "Roman", "UniCNS-UCS2-H", "UniCNS-UCS2-V", "UniCNS-UTF16-H", "UniCNS-UTF16-V", "UniCNS-UTF32-H", "UniCNS-UTF32-V", "UniCNS-UTF8-H", "UniCNS-UTF8-V", "UniGB-UCS2-H", "UniGB-UCS2-V", "UniGB-UTF16-H", "UniGB-UTF16-V", "UniGB-UTF32-H", "UniGB-UTF32-V", "UniGB-UTF8-H", "UniGB-UTF8-V", "UniJIS-UCS2-H", "UniJIS-UCS2-HW-H", "UniJIS-UCS2-HW-V", "UniJIS-UCS2-V", "UniJIS-UTF16-H", "UniJIS-UTF16-V", "UniJIS-UTF32-H", "UniJIS-UTF32-V", "UniJIS-UTF8-H", "UniJIS-UTF8-V", "UniJIS2004-UTF16-H", "UniJIS2004-UTF16-V", "UniJIS2004-UTF32-H", "UniJIS2004-UTF32-V", "UniJIS2004-UTF8-H", "UniJIS2004-UTF8-V", "UniJISPro-UCS2-HW-V", "UniJISPro-UCS2-V", "UniJISPro-UTF8-V", "UniJISX0213-UTF32-H", "UniJISX0213-UTF32-V", "UniJISX02132004-UTF32-H", "UniJISX02132004-UTF32-V", "UniKS-UCS2-H", "UniKS-UCS2-V", "UniKS-UTF16-H", "UniKS-UTF16-V", "UniKS-UTF32-H", "UniKS-UTF32-V", "UniKS-UTF8-H", "UniKS-UTF8-V", "V", "WP-Symbol"]; @@ -12299,523 +12298,532 @@ class IdentityCMap extends CMap { } } exports.IdentityCMap = IdentityCMap; -const BinaryCMapReader = function BinaryCMapReaderClosure() { - function hexToInt(a, size) { - let n = 0; - for (let i = 0; i <= size; i++) { - n = n << 8 | a[i]; - } - return n >>> 0; +function strToInt(str) { + let a = 0; + for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { + a = a << 8 | str.charCodeAt(i); + } + return a >>> 0; +} +function expectString(obj) { + if (typeof obj !== "string") { + throw new _util.FormatError("Malformed CMap: expected string."); + } +} +function expectInt(obj) { + if (!Number.isInteger(obj)) { + throw new _util.FormatError("Malformed CMap: expected int."); } - function hexToStr(a, size) { - if (size === 1) { - return String.fromCharCode(a[0], a[1]); +} +function parseBfChar(cMap, lexer) { + while (true) { + let obj = lexer.getObj(); + if (obj === _primitives.EOF) { + break; } - if (size === 3) { - return String.fromCharCode(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]); + if ((0, _primitives.isCmd)(obj, "endbfchar")) { + return; } - return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, a.subarray(0, size + 1)); + expectString(obj); + const src = strToInt(obj); + obj = lexer.getObj(); + expectString(obj); + const dst = obj; + cMap.mapOne(src, dst); } - function addHex(a, b, size) { - let c = 0; - for (let i = size; i >= 0; i--) { - c += a[i] + b[i]; - a[i] = c & 255; - c >>= 8; +} +function parseBfRange(cMap, lexer) { + while (true) { + let obj = lexer.getObj(); + if (obj === _primitives.EOF) { + break; + } + if ((0, _primitives.isCmd)(obj, "endbfrange")) { + return; + } + expectString(obj); + const low = strToInt(obj); + obj = lexer.getObj(); + expectString(obj); + const high = strToInt(obj); + obj = lexer.getObj(); + if (Number.isInteger(obj) || typeof obj === "string") { + const dstLow = Number.isInteger(obj) ? String.fromCharCode(obj) : obj; + cMap.mapBfRange(low, high, dstLow); + } else if ((0, _primitives.isCmd)(obj, "[")) { + obj = lexer.getObj(); + const array = []; + while (!(0, _primitives.isCmd)(obj, "]") && obj !== _primitives.EOF) { + array.push(obj); + obj = lexer.getObj(); + } + cMap.mapBfRangeToArray(low, high, array); + } else { + break; } } - function incHex(a, size) { - let c = 1; - for (let i = size; i >= 0 && c > 0; i--) { - c += a[i]; - a[i] = c & 255; - c >>= 8; + throw new _util.FormatError("Invalid bf range."); +} +function parseCidChar(cMap, lexer) { + while (true) { + let obj = lexer.getObj(); + if (obj === _primitives.EOF) { + break; } + if ((0, _primitives.isCmd)(obj, "endcidchar")) { + return; + } + expectString(obj); + const src = strToInt(obj); + obj = lexer.getObj(); + expectInt(obj); + const dst = obj; + cMap.mapOne(src, dst); } - const MAX_NUM_SIZE = 16; - const MAX_ENCODED_NUM_SIZE = 19; - class BinaryCMapStream { - constructor(data) { - this.buffer = data; - this.pos = 0; - this.end = data.length; - this.tmpBuf = new Uint8Array(MAX_ENCODED_NUM_SIZE); +} +function parseCidRange(cMap, lexer) { + while (true) { + let obj = lexer.getObj(); + if (obj === _primitives.EOF) { + break; } - readByte() { - if (this.pos >= this.end) { - return -1; - } - return this.buffer[this.pos++]; + if ((0, _primitives.isCmd)(obj, "endcidrange")) { + return; } - readNumber() { - let n = 0; - let last; - do { - const b = this.readByte(); - if (b < 0) { - throw new _util.FormatError("unexpected EOF in bcmap"); - } - last = !(b & 0x80); - n = n << 7 | b & 0x7f; - } while (!last); - return n; + expectString(obj); + const low = strToInt(obj); + obj = lexer.getObj(); + expectString(obj); + const high = strToInt(obj); + obj = lexer.getObj(); + expectInt(obj); + const dstLow = obj; + cMap.mapCidRange(low, high, dstLow); + } +} +function parseCodespaceRange(cMap, lexer) { + while (true) { + let obj = lexer.getObj(); + if (obj === _primitives.EOF) { + break; } - readSigned() { - const n = this.readNumber(); - return n & 1 ? ~(n >>> 1) : n >>> 1; + if ((0, _primitives.isCmd)(obj, "endcodespacerange")) { + return; } - readHex(num, size) { - num.set(this.buffer.subarray(this.pos, this.pos + size + 1)); - this.pos += size + 1; + if (typeof obj !== "string") { + break; } - readHexNumber(num, size) { - let last; - const stack = this.tmpBuf; - let sp = 0; - do { - const b = this.readByte(); - if (b < 0) { - throw new _util.FormatError("unexpected EOF in bcmap"); - } - last = !(b & 0x80); - stack[sp++] = b & 0x7f; - } while (!last); - let i = size, - buffer = 0, - bufferSize = 0; - while (i >= 0) { - while (bufferSize < 8 && stack.length > 0) { - buffer |= stack[--sp] << bufferSize; - bufferSize += 7; - } - num[i] = buffer & 255; - i--; - buffer >>= 8; - bufferSize -= 8; - } - } - readHexSigned(num, size) { - this.readHexNumber(num, size); - const sign = num[size] & 1 ? 255 : 0; - let c = 0; - for (let i = 0; i <= size; i++) { - c = (c & 1) << 8 | num[i]; - num[i] = c >> 1 ^ sign; - } - } - readString() { - const len = this.readNumber(); - let s = ""; - for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { - s += String.fromCharCode(this.readNumber()); - } - return s; - } - } - class BinaryCMapReader { - async process(data, cMap, extend) { - const stream = new BinaryCMapStream(data); - const header = stream.readByte(); - cMap.vertical = !!(header & 1); - let useCMap = null; - const start = new Uint8Array(MAX_NUM_SIZE); - const end = new Uint8Array(MAX_NUM_SIZE); - const char = new Uint8Array(MAX_NUM_SIZE); - const charCode = new Uint8Array(MAX_NUM_SIZE); - const tmp = new Uint8Array(MAX_NUM_SIZE); - let code; - let b; - while ((b = stream.readByte()) >= 0) { - const type = b >> 5; - if (type === 7) { - switch (b & 0x1f) { - case 0: - stream.readString(); - break; - case 1: - useCMap = stream.readString(); - break; - } - continue; - } - const sequence = !!(b & 0x10); - const dataSize = b & 15; - if (dataSize + 1 > MAX_NUM_SIZE) { - throw new Error("BinaryCMapReader.process: Invalid dataSize."); - } - const ucs2DataSize = 1; - const subitemsCount = stream.readNumber(); - switch (type) { - case 0: - stream.readHex(start, dataSize); - stream.readHexNumber(end, dataSize); - addHex(end, start, dataSize); - cMap.addCodespaceRange(dataSize + 1, hexToInt(start, dataSize), hexToInt(end, dataSize)); - for (let i = 1; i < subitemsCount; i++) { - incHex(end, dataSize); - stream.readHexNumber(start, dataSize); - addHex(start, end, dataSize); - stream.readHexNumber(end, dataSize); - addHex(end, start, dataSize); - cMap.addCodespaceRange(dataSize + 1, hexToInt(start, dataSize), hexToInt(end, dataSize)); + const low = strToInt(obj); + obj = lexer.getObj(); + if (typeof obj !== "string") { + break; + } + const high = strToInt(obj); + cMap.addCodespaceRange(obj.length, low, high); + } + throw new _util.FormatError("Invalid codespace range."); +} +function parseWMode(cMap, lexer) { + const obj = lexer.getObj(); + if (Number.isInteger(obj)) { + cMap.vertical = !!obj; + } +} +function parseCMapName(cMap, lexer) { + const obj = lexer.getObj(); + if (obj instanceof _primitives.Name) { + =; + } +} +async function parseCMap(cMap, lexer, fetchBuiltInCMap, useCMap) { + let previous, embeddedUseCMap; + objLoop: while (true) { + try { + const obj = lexer.getObj(); + if (obj === _primitives.EOF) { + break; + } else if (obj instanceof _primitives.Name) { + if ( === "WMode") { + parseWMode(cMap, lexer); + } else if ( === "CMapName") { + parseCMapName(cMap, lexer); + } + previous = obj; + } else if (obj instanceof _primitives.Cmd) { + switch (obj.cmd) { + case "endcmap": + break objLoop; + case "usecmap": + if (previous instanceof _primitives.Name) { + embeddedUseCMap =; } break; - case 1: - stream.readHex(start, dataSize); - stream.readHexNumber(end, dataSize); - addHex(end, start, dataSize); - stream.readNumber(); - for (let i = 1; i < subitemsCount; i++) { - incHex(end, dataSize); - stream.readHexNumber(start, dataSize); - addHex(start, end, dataSize); - stream.readHexNumber(end, dataSize); - addHex(end, start, dataSize); - stream.readNumber(); - } + case "begincodespacerange": + parseCodespaceRange(cMap, lexer); break; - case 2: - stream.readHex(char, dataSize); - code = stream.readNumber(); - cMap.mapOne(hexToInt(char, dataSize), code); - for (let i = 1; i < subitemsCount; i++) { - incHex(char, dataSize); - if (!sequence) { - stream.readHexNumber(tmp, dataSize); - addHex(char, tmp, dataSize); - } - code = stream.readSigned() + (code + 1); - cMap.mapOne(hexToInt(char, dataSize), code); - } + case "beginbfchar": + parseBfChar(cMap, lexer); break; - case 3: - stream.readHex(start, dataSize); - stream.readHexNumber(end, dataSize); - addHex(end, start, dataSize); - code = stream.readNumber(); - cMap.mapCidRange(hexToInt(start, dataSize), hexToInt(end, dataSize), code); - for (let i = 1; i < subitemsCount; i++) { - incHex(end, dataSize); - if (!sequence) { - stream.readHexNumber(start, dataSize); - addHex(start, end, dataSize); - } else { - start.set(end); - } - stream.readHexNumber(end, dataSize); - addHex(end, start, dataSize); - code = stream.readNumber(); - cMap.mapCidRange(hexToInt(start, dataSize), hexToInt(end, dataSize), code); - } + case "begincidchar": + parseCidChar(cMap, lexer); break; - case 4: - stream.readHex(char, ucs2DataSize); - stream.readHex(charCode, dataSize); - cMap.mapOne(hexToInt(char, ucs2DataSize), hexToStr(charCode, dataSize)); - for (let i = 1; i < subitemsCount; i++) { - incHex(char, ucs2DataSize); - if (!sequence) { - stream.readHexNumber(tmp, ucs2DataSize); - addHex(char, tmp, ucs2DataSize); - } - incHex(charCode, dataSize); - stream.readHexSigned(tmp, dataSize); - addHex(charCode, tmp, dataSize); - cMap.mapOne(hexToInt(char, ucs2DataSize), hexToStr(charCode, dataSize)); - } + case "beginbfrange": + parseBfRange(cMap, lexer); break; - case 5: - stream.readHex(start, ucs2DataSize); - stream.readHexNumber(end, ucs2DataSize); - addHex(end, start, ucs2DataSize); - stream.readHex(charCode, dataSize); - cMap.mapBfRange(hexToInt(start, ucs2DataSize), hexToInt(end, ucs2DataSize), hexToStr(charCode, dataSize)); - for (let i = 1; i < subitemsCount; i++) { - incHex(end, ucs2DataSize); - if (!sequence) { - stream.readHexNumber(start, ucs2DataSize); - addHex(start, end, ucs2DataSize); - } else { - start.set(end); - } - stream.readHexNumber(end, ucs2DataSize); - addHex(end, start, ucs2DataSize); - stream.readHex(charCode, dataSize); - cMap.mapBfRange(hexToInt(start, ucs2DataSize), hexToInt(end, ucs2DataSize), hexToStr(charCode, dataSize)); - } + case "begincidrange": + parseCidRange(cMap, lexer); break; - default: - throw new Error(`BinaryCMapReader.process - unknown type: ${type}`); } } - if (useCMap) { - return extend(useCMap); + } catch (ex) { + if (ex instanceof _core_utils.MissingDataException) { + throw ex; } - return cMap; + (0, _util.warn)("Invalid cMap data: " + ex); + continue; } } - return BinaryCMapReader; -}(); -const CMapFactory = function CMapFactoryClosure() { - function strToInt(str) { - let a = 0; - for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { - a = a << 8 | str.charCodeAt(i); - } - return a >>> 0; + if (!useCMap && embeddedUseCMap) { + useCMap = embeddedUseCMap; } - function expectString(obj) { - if (typeof obj !== "string") { - throw new _util.FormatError("Malformed CMap: expected string."); - } + if (useCMap) { + return extendCMap(cMap, fetchBuiltInCMap, useCMap); } - function expectInt(obj) { - if (!Number.isInteger(obj)) { - throw new _util.FormatError("Malformed CMap: expected int."); + return cMap; +} +async function extendCMap(cMap, fetchBuiltInCMap, useCMap) { + cMap.useCMap = await createBuiltInCMap(useCMap, fetchBuiltInCMap); + if (cMap.numCodespaceRanges === 0) { + const useCodespaceRanges = cMap.useCMap.codespaceRanges; + for (let i = 0; i < useCodespaceRanges.length; i++) { + cMap.codespaceRanges[i] = useCodespaceRanges[i].slice(); } + cMap.numCodespaceRanges = cMap.useCMap.numCodespaceRanges; } - function parseBfChar(cMap, lexer) { - while (true) { - let obj = lexer.getObj(); - if (obj === _primitives.EOF) { - break; - } - if ((0, _primitives.isCmd)(obj, "endbfchar")) { - return; - } - expectString(obj); - const src = strToInt(obj); - obj = lexer.getObj(); - expectString(obj); - const dst = obj; - cMap.mapOne(src, dst); + cMap.useCMap.forEach(function (key, value) { + if (!cMap.contains(key)) { + cMap.mapOne(key, cMap.useCMap.lookup(key)); } + }); + return cMap; +} +async function createBuiltInCMap(name, fetchBuiltInCMap) { + if (name === "Identity-H") { + return new IdentityCMap(false, 2); + } else if (name === "Identity-V") { + return new IdentityCMap(true, 2); } - function parseBfRange(cMap, lexer) { - while (true) { - let obj = lexer.getObj(); - if (obj === _primitives.EOF) { - break; - } - if ((0, _primitives.isCmd)(obj, "endbfrange")) { - return; - } - expectString(obj); - const low = strToInt(obj); - obj = lexer.getObj(); - expectString(obj); - const high = strToInt(obj); - obj = lexer.getObj(); - if (Number.isInteger(obj) || typeof obj === "string") { - const dstLow = Number.isInteger(obj) ? String.fromCharCode(obj) : obj; - cMap.mapBfRange(low, high, dstLow); - } else if ((0, _primitives.isCmd)(obj, "[")) { - obj = lexer.getObj(); - const array = []; - while (!(0, _primitives.isCmd)(obj, "]") && obj !== _primitives.EOF) { - array.push(obj); - obj = lexer.getObj(); - } - cMap.mapBfRangeToArray(low, high, array); - } else { - break; - } - } - throw new _util.FormatError("Invalid bf range."); + if (!BUILT_IN_CMAPS.includes(name)) { + throw new Error("Unknown CMap name: " + name); } - function parseCidChar(cMap, lexer) { - while (true) { - let obj = lexer.getObj(); - if (obj === _primitives.EOF) { - break; - } - if ((0, _primitives.isCmd)(obj, "endcidchar")) { - return; + if (!fetchBuiltInCMap) { + throw new Error("Built-in CMap parameters are not provided."); + } + const { + cMapData, + compressionType + } = await fetchBuiltInCMap(name); + const cMap = new CMap(true); + if (compressionType === _util.CMapCompressionType.BINARY) { + return new _binary_cmap.BinaryCMapReader().process(cMapData, cMap, useCMap => { + return extendCMap(cMap, fetchBuiltInCMap, useCMap); + }); + } + if (compressionType === _util.CMapCompressionType.NONE) { + const lexer = new _parser.Lexer(new _stream.Stream(cMapData)); + return parseCMap(cMap, lexer, fetchBuiltInCMap, null); + } + throw new Error(`Invalid CMap "compressionType" value: ${compressionType}`); +} +class CMapFactory { + static async create({ + encoding, + fetchBuiltInCMap, + useCMap + }) { + if (encoding instanceof _primitives.Name) { + return createBuiltInCMap(, fetchBuiltInCMap); + } else if (encoding instanceof _base_stream.BaseStream) { + const parsedCMap = await parseCMap(new CMap(), new _parser.Lexer(encoding), fetchBuiltInCMap, useCMap); + if (parsedCMap.isIdentityCMap) { + return createBuiltInCMap(, fetchBuiltInCMap); } - expectString(obj); - const src = strToInt(obj); - obj = lexer.getObj(); - expectInt(obj); - const dst = obj; - cMap.mapOne(src, dst); + return parsedCMap; } + throw new Error("Encoding required."); } - function parseCidRange(cMap, lexer) { - while (true) { - let obj = lexer.getObj(); - if (obj === _primitives.EOF) { - break; - } - if ((0, _primitives.isCmd)(obj, "endcidrange")) { - return; - } - expectString(obj); - const low = strToInt(obj); - obj = lexer.getObj(); - expectString(obj); - const high = strToInt(obj); - obj = lexer.getObj(); - expectInt(obj); - const dstLow = obj; - cMap.mapCidRange(low, high, dstLow); +} +exports.CMapFactory = CMapFactory; + +/***/ }), +/* 15 */ +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { + + + +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports.BinaryCMapReader = void 0; +var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); +function hexToInt(a, size) { + let n = 0; + for (let i = 0; i <= size; i++) { + n = n << 8 | a[i]; + } + return n >>> 0; +} +function hexToStr(a, size) { + if (size === 1) { + return String.fromCharCode(a[0], a[1]); + } + if (size === 3) { + return String.fromCharCode(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]); + } + return String.fromCharCode(...a.subarray(0, size + 1)); +} +function addHex(a, b, size) { + let c = 0; + for (let i = size; i >= 0; i--) { + c += a[i] + b[i]; + a[i] = c & 255; + c >>= 8; + } +} +function incHex(a, size) { + let c = 1; + for (let i = size; i >= 0 && c > 0; i--) { + c += a[i]; + a[i] = c & 255; + c >>= 8; + } +} +const MAX_NUM_SIZE = 16; +const MAX_ENCODED_NUM_SIZE = 19; +class BinaryCMapStream { + constructor(data) { + this.buffer = data; + this.pos = 0; + this.end = data.length; + this.tmpBuf = new Uint8Array(MAX_ENCODED_NUM_SIZE); + } + readByte() { + if (this.pos >= this.end) { + return -1; } + return this.buffer[this.pos++]; } - function parseCodespaceRange(cMap, lexer) { - while (true) { - let obj = lexer.getObj(); - if (obj === _primitives.EOF) { - break; - } - if ((0, _primitives.isCmd)(obj, "endcodespacerange")) { - return; - } - if (typeof obj !== "string") { - break; - } - const low = strToInt(obj); - obj = lexer.getObj(); - if (typeof obj !== "string") { - break; + readNumber() { + let n = 0; + let last; + do { + const b = this.readByte(); + if (b < 0) { + throw new _util.FormatError("unexpected EOF in bcmap"); } - const high = strToInt(obj); - cMap.addCodespaceRange(obj.length, low, high); - } - throw new _util.FormatError("Invalid codespace range."); + last = !(b & 0x80); + n = n << 7 | b & 0x7f; + } while (!last); + return n; } - function parseWMode(cMap, lexer) { - const obj = lexer.getObj(); - if (Number.isInteger(obj)) { - cMap.vertical = !!obj; - } + readSigned() { + const n = this.readNumber(); + return n & 1 ? ~(n >>> 1) : n >>> 1; } - function parseCMapName(cMap, lexer) { - const obj = lexer.getObj(); - if (obj instanceof _primitives.Name) { - =; + readHex(num, size) { + num.set(this.buffer.subarray(this.pos, this.pos + size + 1)); + this.pos += size + 1; + } + readHexNumber(num, size) { + let last; + const stack = this.tmpBuf; + let sp = 0; + do { + const b = this.readByte(); + if (b < 0) { + throw new _util.FormatError("unexpected EOF in bcmap"); + } + last = !(b & 0x80); + stack[sp++] = b & 0x7f; + } while (!last); + let i = size, + buffer = 0, + bufferSize = 0; + while (i >= 0) { + while (bufferSize < 8 && stack.length > 0) { + buffer |= stack[--sp] << bufferSize; + bufferSize += 7; + } + num[i] = buffer & 255; + i--; + buffer >>= 8; + bufferSize -= 8; } } - async function parseCMap(cMap, lexer, fetchBuiltInCMap, useCMap) { - let previous, embeddedUseCMap; - objLoop: while (true) { - try { - const obj = lexer.getObj(); - if (obj === _primitives.EOF) { - break; - } else if (obj instanceof _primitives.Name) { - if ( === "WMode") { - parseWMode(cMap, lexer); - } else if ( === "CMapName") { - parseCMapName(cMap, lexer); - } - previous = obj; - } else if (obj instanceof _primitives.Cmd) { - switch (obj.cmd) { - case "endcmap": - break objLoop; - case "usecmap": - if (previous instanceof _primitives.Name) { - embeddedUseCMap =; - } - break; - case "begincodespacerange": - parseCodespaceRange(cMap, lexer); - break; - case "beginbfchar": - parseBfChar(cMap, lexer); - break; - case "begincidchar": - parseCidChar(cMap, lexer); - break; - case "beginbfrange": - parseBfRange(cMap, lexer); - break; - case "begincidrange": - parseCidRange(cMap, lexer); - break; - } - } - } catch (ex) { - if (ex instanceof _core_utils.MissingDataException) { - throw ex; + readHexSigned(num, size) { + this.readHexNumber(num, size); + const sign = num[size] & 1 ? 255 : 0; + let c = 0; + for (let i = 0; i <= size; i++) { + c = (c & 1) << 8 | num[i]; + num[i] = c >> 1 ^ sign; + } + } + readString() { + const len = this.readNumber(), + buf = new Array(len); + for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { + buf[i] = this.readNumber(); + } + return String.fromCharCode(...buf); + } +} +class BinaryCMapReader { + async process(data, cMap, extend) { + const stream = new BinaryCMapStream(data); + const header = stream.readByte(); + cMap.vertical = !!(header & 1); + let useCMap = null; + const start = new Uint8Array(MAX_NUM_SIZE); + const end = new Uint8Array(MAX_NUM_SIZE); + const char = new Uint8Array(MAX_NUM_SIZE); + const charCode = new Uint8Array(MAX_NUM_SIZE); + const tmp = new Uint8Array(MAX_NUM_SIZE); + let code; + let b; + while ((b = stream.readByte()) >= 0) { + const type = b >> 5; + if (type === 7) { + switch (b & 0x1f) { + case 0: + stream.readString(); + break; + case 1: + useCMap = stream.readString(); + break; } - (0, _util.warn)("Invalid cMap data: " + ex); continue; } - } - if (!useCMap && embeddedUseCMap) { - useCMap = embeddedUseCMap; - } - if (useCMap) { - return extendCMap(cMap, fetchBuiltInCMap, useCMap); - } - return cMap; - } - async function extendCMap(cMap, fetchBuiltInCMap, useCMap) { - cMap.useCMap = await createBuiltInCMap(useCMap, fetchBuiltInCMap); - if (cMap.numCodespaceRanges === 0) { - const useCodespaceRanges = cMap.useCMap.codespaceRanges; - for (let i = 0; i < useCodespaceRanges.length; i++) { - cMap.codespaceRanges[i] = useCodespaceRanges[i].slice(); + const sequence = !!(b & 0x10); + const dataSize = b & 15; + if (dataSize + 1 > MAX_NUM_SIZE) { + throw new Error("BinaryCMapReader.process: Invalid dataSize."); } - cMap.numCodespaceRanges = cMap.useCMap.numCodespaceRanges; - } - cMap.useCMap.forEach(function (key, value) { - if (!cMap.contains(key)) { - cMap.mapOne(key, cMap.useCMap.lookup(key)); + const ucs2DataSize = 1; + const subitemsCount = stream.readNumber(); + switch (type) { + case 0: + stream.readHex(start, dataSize); + stream.readHexNumber(end, dataSize); + addHex(end, start, dataSize); + cMap.addCodespaceRange(dataSize + 1, hexToInt(start, dataSize), hexToInt(end, dataSize)); + for (let i = 1; i < subitemsCount; i++) { + incHex(end, dataSize); + stream.readHexNumber(start, dataSize); + addHex(start, end, dataSize); + stream.readHexNumber(end, dataSize); + addHex(end, start, dataSize); + cMap.addCodespaceRange(dataSize + 1, hexToInt(start, dataSize), hexToInt(end, dataSize)); + } + break; + case 1: + stream.readHex(start, dataSize); + stream.readHexNumber(end, dataSize); + addHex(end, start, dataSize); + stream.readNumber(); + for (let i = 1; i < subitemsCount; i++) { + incHex(end, dataSize); + stream.readHexNumber(start, dataSize); + addHex(start, end, dataSize); + stream.readHexNumber(end, dataSize); + addHex(end, start, dataSize); + stream.readNumber(); + } + break; + case 2: + stream.readHex(char, dataSize); + code = stream.readNumber(); + cMap.mapOne(hexToInt(char, dataSize), code); + for (let i = 1; i < subitemsCount; i++) { + incHex(char, dataSize); + if (!sequence) { + stream.readHexNumber(tmp, dataSize); + addHex(char, tmp, dataSize); + } + code = stream.readSigned() + (code + 1); + cMap.mapOne(hexToInt(char, dataSize), code); + } + break; + case 3: + stream.readHex(start, dataSize); + stream.readHexNumber(end, dataSize); + addHex(end, start, dataSize); + code = stream.readNumber(); + cMap.mapCidRange(hexToInt(start, dataSize), hexToInt(end, dataSize), code); + for (let i = 1; i < subitemsCount; i++) { + incHex(end, dataSize); + if (!sequence) { + stream.readHexNumber(start, dataSize); + addHex(start, end, dataSize); + } else { + start.set(end); + } + stream.readHexNumber(end, dataSize); + addHex(end, start, dataSize); + code = stream.readNumber(); + cMap.mapCidRange(hexToInt(start, dataSize), hexToInt(end, dataSize), code); + } + break; + case 4: + stream.readHex(char, ucs2DataSize); + stream.readHex(charCode, dataSize); + cMap.mapOne(hexToInt(char, ucs2DataSize), hexToStr(charCode, dataSize)); + for (let i = 1; i < subitemsCount; i++) { + incHex(char, ucs2DataSize); + if (!sequence) { + stream.readHexNumber(tmp, ucs2DataSize); + addHex(char, tmp, ucs2DataSize); + } + incHex(charCode, dataSize); + stream.readHexSigned(tmp, dataSize); + addHex(charCode, tmp, dataSize); + cMap.mapOne(hexToInt(char, ucs2DataSize), hexToStr(charCode, dataSize)); + } + break; + case 5: + stream.readHex(start, ucs2DataSize); + stream.readHexNumber(end, ucs2DataSize); + addHex(end, start, ucs2DataSize); + stream.readHex(charCode, dataSize); + cMap.mapBfRange(hexToInt(start, ucs2DataSize), hexToInt(end, ucs2DataSize), hexToStr(charCode, dataSize)); + for (let i = 1; i < subitemsCount; i++) { + incHex(end, ucs2DataSize); + if (!sequence) { + stream.readHexNumber(start, ucs2DataSize); + addHex(start, end, ucs2DataSize); + } else { + start.set(end); + } + stream.readHexNumber(end, ucs2DataSize); + addHex(end, start, ucs2DataSize); + stream.readHex(charCode, dataSize); + cMap.mapBfRange(hexToInt(start, ucs2DataSize), hexToInt(end, ucs2DataSize), hexToStr(charCode, dataSize)); + } + break; + default: + throw new Error(`BinaryCMapReader.process - unknown type: ${type}`); } - }); - return cMap; - } - async function createBuiltInCMap(name, fetchBuiltInCMap) { - if (name === "Identity-H") { - return new IdentityCMap(false, 2); - } else if (name === "Identity-V") { - return new IdentityCMap(true, 2); - } - if (!BUILT_IN_CMAPS.includes(name)) { - throw new Error("Unknown CMap name: " + name); - } - if (!fetchBuiltInCMap) { - throw new Error("Built-in CMap parameters are not provided."); } - const { - cMapData, - compressionType - } = await fetchBuiltInCMap(name); - const cMap = new CMap(true); - if (compressionType === _util.CMapCompressionType.BINARY) { - return new BinaryCMapReader().process(cMapData, cMap, useCMap => { - return extendCMap(cMap, fetchBuiltInCMap, useCMap); - }); - } - if (compressionType === _util.CMapCompressionType.NONE) { - const lexer = new _parser.Lexer(new _stream.Stream(cMapData)); - return parseCMap(cMap, lexer, fetchBuiltInCMap, null); + if (useCMap) { + return extend(useCMap); } - throw new Error(`Invalid CMap "compressionType" value: ${compressionType}`); + return cMap; } - return { - async create(params) { - const encoding = params.encoding; - const fetchBuiltInCMap = params.fetchBuiltInCMap; - const useCMap = params.useCMap; - if (encoding instanceof _primitives.Name) { - return createBuiltInCMap(, fetchBuiltInCMap); - } else if (encoding instanceof _base_stream.BaseStream) { - const parsedCMap = await parseCMap(new CMap(), new _parser.Lexer(encoding), fetchBuiltInCMap, useCMap); - if (parsedCMap.isIdentityCMap) { - return createBuiltInCMap(, fetchBuiltInCMap); - } - return parsedCMap; - } - throw new Error("Encoding required."); - } - }; -}(); -exports.CMapFactory = CMapFactory; +} +exports.BinaryCMapReader = BinaryCMapReader; /***/ }), -/* 15 */ +/* 16 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -12827,17 +12835,17 @@ exports.Parser = exports.Linearization = exports.Lexer = void 0; var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); var _primitives = __w_pdfjs_require__(4); var _core_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(3); -var _ascii_85_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(16); -var _ascii_hex_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(18); -var _ccitt_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(19); -var _flate_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(21); -var _jbig2_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(22); -var _jpeg_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(25); -var _jpx_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(28); -var _lzw_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(30); +var _ascii_85_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(17); +var _ascii_hex_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(19); +var _ccitt_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(20); +var _flate_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(22); +var _jbig2_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(23); +var _jpeg_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(26); +var _jpx_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(29); +var _lzw_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(31); var _stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(8); -var _predictor_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(31); -var _run_length_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(32); +var _predictor_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(32); +var _run_length_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(33); const MAX_LENGTH_TO_CACHE = 1000; function getInlineImageCacheKey(bytes) { const strBuf = [], @@ -13468,7 +13476,7 @@ class Lexer { } throw new _util.FormatError(msg); } - sign = sign || 1; + sign ||= 1; let baseValue = ch - 0x30; let powerValue = 0; let powerValueSign = 1; @@ -13889,7 +13897,7 @@ class Linearization { exports.Linearization = Linearization; /***/ }), -/* 16 */ +/* 17 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -13898,7 +13906,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.Ascii85Stream = void 0; -var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(17); +var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(18); var _core_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(3); class Ascii85Stream extends _decode_stream.DecodeStream { constructor(str, maybeLength) { @@ -13966,7 +13974,7 @@ class Ascii85Stream extends _decode_stream.DecodeStream { exports.Ascii85Stream = Ascii85Stream; /***/ }), -/* 17 */ +/* 18 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -14112,7 +14120,7 @@ class StreamsSequenceStream extends DecodeStream { exports.StreamsSequenceStream = StreamsSequenceStream; /***/ }), -/* 18 */ +/* 19 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -14121,7 +14129,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.AsciiHexStream = void 0; -var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(17); +var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(18); class AsciiHexStream extends _decode_stream.DecodeStream { constructor(str, maybeLength) { if (maybeLength) { @@ -14173,7 +14181,7 @@ class AsciiHexStream extends _decode_stream.DecodeStream { exports.AsciiHexStream = AsciiHexStream; /***/ }), -/* 19 */ +/* 20 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -14182,8 +14190,8 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.CCITTFaxStream = void 0; -var _ccitt = __w_pdfjs_require__(20); -var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(17); +var _ccitt = __w_pdfjs_require__(21); +var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(18); var _primitives = __w_pdfjs_require__(4); class CCITTFaxStream extends _decode_stream.DecodeStream { constructor(str, maybeLength, params) { @@ -14223,7 +14231,7 @@ class CCITTFaxStream extends _decode_stream.DecodeStream { exports.CCITTFaxStream = CCITTFaxStream; /***/ }), -/* 20 */ +/* 21 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -14755,7 +14763,7 @@ class CCITTFaxDecoder { exports.CCITTFaxDecoder = CCITTFaxDecoder; /***/ }), -/* 21 */ +/* 22 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -14764,7 +14772,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.FlateStream = void 0; -var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(17); +var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(18); var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); const codeLenCodeMap = new Int32Array([16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15]); const lengthDecode = new Int32Array([0x00003, 0x00004, 0x00005, 0x00006, 0x00007, 0x00008, 0x00009, 0x0000a, 0x1000b, 0x1000d, 0x1000f, 0x10011, 0x20013, 0x20017, 0x2001b, 0x2001f, 0x30023, 0x3002b, 0x30033, 0x3003b, 0x40043, 0x40053, 0x40063, 0x40073, 0x50083, 0x500a3, 0x500c3, 0x500e3, 0x00102, 0x00102, 0x00102]); @@ -15003,7 +15011,7 @@ class FlateStream extends _decode_stream.DecodeStream { exports.FlateStream = FlateStream; /***/ }), -/* 22 */ +/* 23 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -15013,9 +15021,9 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ })); exports.Jbig2Stream = void 0; var _base_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(5); -var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(17); +var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(18); var _primitives = __w_pdfjs_require__(4); -var _jbig = __w_pdfjs_require__(23); +var _jbig = __w_pdfjs_require__(24); var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); class Jbig2Stream extends _decode_stream.DecodeStream { constructor(stream, maybeLength, params) { @@ -15064,7 +15072,7 @@ class Jbig2Stream extends _decode_stream.DecodeStream { exports.Jbig2Stream = Jbig2Stream; /***/ }), -/* 23 */ +/* 24 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -15075,8 +15083,8 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ exports.Jbig2Image = void 0; var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); var _core_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(3); -var _arithmetic_decoder = __w_pdfjs_require__(24); -var _ccitt = __w_pdfjs_require__(20); +var _arithmetic_decoder = __w_pdfjs_require__(25); +var _ccitt = __w_pdfjs_require__(21); class Jbig2Error extends _util.BaseException { constructor(msg) { super(`JBIG2 error: ${msg}`, "Jbig2Error"); @@ -16815,7 +16823,7 @@ class Jbig2Image { exports.Jbig2Image = Jbig2Image; /***/ }), -/* 24 */ +/* 25 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { @@ -17151,7 +17159,7 @@ class ArithmeticDecoder { exports.ArithmeticDecoder = ArithmeticDecoder; /***/ }), -/* 25 */ +/* 26 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -17160,9 +17168,9 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.JpegStream = void 0; -var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(17); +var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(18); var _primitives = __w_pdfjs_require__(4); -var _jpg = __w_pdfjs_require__(26); +var _jpg = __w_pdfjs_require__(27); var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); class JpegStream extends _decode_stream.DecodeStream { constructor(stream, maybeLength, params) { @@ -17232,7 +17240,7 @@ class JpegStream extends _decode_stream.DecodeStream { exports.JpegStream = JpegStream; /***/ }), -/* 26 */ +/* 27 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -17242,7 +17250,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ })); exports.JpegImage = void 0; var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); -var _image_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(27); +var _image_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(28); var _core_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(3); class JpegError extends _util.BaseException { constructor(msg) { @@ -18316,7 +18324,7 @@ class JpegImage { exports.JpegImage = JpegImage; /***/ }), -/* 27 */ +/* 28 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -18434,7 +18442,7 @@ function grayToRGBA(src, dest) { } /***/ }), -/* 28 */ +/* 29 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -18443,8 +18451,8 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.JpxStream = void 0; -var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(17); -var _jpx = __w_pdfjs_require__(29); +var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(18); +var _jpx = __w_pdfjs_require__(30); var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); class JpxStream extends _decode_stream.DecodeStream { constructor(stream, maybeLength, params) { @@ -18499,7 +18507,7 @@ class JpxStream extends _decode_stream.DecodeStream { exports.JpxStream = JpxStream; /***/ }), -/* 29 */ +/* 30 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -18510,7 +18518,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ exports.JpxImage = void 0; var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); var _core_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(3); -var _arithmetic_decoder = __w_pdfjs_require__(24); +var _arithmetic_decoder = __w_pdfjs_require__(25); class JpxError extends _util.BaseException { constructor(msg) { super(`JPX error: ${msg}`, "JpxError"); @@ -19945,295 +19953,292 @@ class InclusionTree { return true; } } -const BitModel = function BitModelClosure() { - const UNIFORM_CONTEXT = 17; - const RUNLENGTH_CONTEXT = 18; - const LLAndLHContextsLabel = new Uint8Array([0, 5, 8, 0, 3, 7, 8, 0, 4, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 6, 8, 0, 3, 7, 8, 0, 4, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 6, 8, 0, 3, 7, 8, 0, 4, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 6, 8, 0, 3, 7, 8, 0, 4, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 6, 8, 0, 3, 7, 8, 0, 4, 7, 8]); - const HLContextLabel = new Uint8Array([0, 3, 4, 0, 5, 7, 7, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 4, 0, 6, 7, 7, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 0, 6, 7, 7, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 0, 6, 7, 7, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 0, 6, 7, 7, 0, 8, 8, 8]); - const HHContextLabel = new Uint8Array([0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 4, 5, 0, 4, 5, 5, 0, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 7, 7, 0, 7, 7, 7, 0, 7, 7, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 8, 8, 8]); - class BitModel { - constructor(width, height, subband, zeroBitPlanes, mb) { - this.width = width; - this.height = height; - let contextLabelTable; - if (subband === "HH") { - contextLabelTable = HHContextLabel; - } else if (subband === "HL") { - contextLabelTable = HLContextLabel; - } else { - contextLabelTable = LLAndLHContextsLabel; - } - this.contextLabelTable = contextLabelTable; - const coefficientCount = width * height; - this.neighborsSignificance = new Uint8Array(coefficientCount); - this.coefficentsSign = new Uint8Array(coefficientCount); - let coefficentsMagnitude; - if (mb > 14) { - coefficentsMagnitude = new Uint32Array(coefficientCount); - } else if (mb > 6) { - coefficentsMagnitude = new Uint16Array(coefficientCount); - } else { - coefficentsMagnitude = new Uint8Array(coefficientCount); - } - this.coefficentsMagnitude = coefficentsMagnitude; - this.processingFlags = new Uint8Array(coefficientCount); - const bitsDecoded = new Uint8Array(coefficientCount); - if (zeroBitPlanes !== 0) { - for (let i = 0; i < coefficientCount; i++) { - bitsDecoded[i] = zeroBitPlanes; - } - } - this.bitsDecoded = bitsDecoded; - this.reset(); - } - setDecoder(decoder) { - this.decoder = decoder; - } - reset() { - this.contexts = new Int8Array(19); - this.contexts[0] = 4 << 1 | 0; - this.contexts[UNIFORM_CONTEXT] = 46 << 1 | 0; - this.contexts[RUNLENGTH_CONTEXT] = 3 << 1 | 0; - } - setNeighborsSignificance(row, column, index) { - const neighborsSignificance = this.neighborsSignificance; - const width = this.width, - height = this.height; - const left = column > 0; - const right = column + 1 < width; - let i; - if (row > 0) { - i = index - width; - if (left) { - neighborsSignificance[i - 1] += 0x10; - } - if (right) { - neighborsSignificance[i + 1] += 0x10; - } - neighborsSignificance[i] += 0x04; +class BitModel { + static UNIFORM_CONTEXT = 17; + static RUNLENGTH_CONTEXT = 18; + static LLAndLHContextsLabel = new Uint8Array([0, 5, 8, 0, 3, 7, 8, 0, 4, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 6, 8, 0, 3, 7, 8, 0, 4, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 6, 8, 0, 3, 7, 8, 0, 4, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 6, 8, 0, 3, 7, 8, 0, 4, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 6, 8, 0, 3, 7, 8, 0, 4, 7, 8]); + static HLContextLabel = new Uint8Array([0, 3, 4, 0, 5, 7, 7, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 4, 0, 6, 7, 7, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 0, 6, 7, 7, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 0, 6, 7, 7, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 0, 6, 7, 7, 0, 8, 8, 8]); + static HHContextLabel = new Uint8Array([0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 4, 5, 0, 4, 5, 5, 0, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 7, 7, 0, 7, 7, 7, 0, 7, 7, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 8, 8, 8]); + constructor(width, height, subband, zeroBitPlanes, mb) { + this.width = width; + this.height = height; + let contextLabelTable; + if (subband === "HH") { + contextLabelTable = BitModel.HHContextLabel; + } else if (subband === "HL") { + contextLabelTable = BitModel.HLContextLabel; + } else { + contextLabelTable = BitModel.LLAndLHContextsLabel; + } + this.contextLabelTable = contextLabelTable; + const coefficientCount = width * height; + this.neighborsSignificance = new Uint8Array(coefficientCount); + this.coefficentsSign = new Uint8Array(coefficientCount); + let coefficentsMagnitude; + if (mb > 14) { + coefficentsMagnitude = new Uint32Array(coefficientCount); + } else if (mb > 6) { + coefficentsMagnitude = new Uint16Array(coefficientCount); + } else { + coefficentsMagnitude = new Uint8Array(coefficientCount); + } + this.coefficentsMagnitude = coefficentsMagnitude; + this.processingFlags = new Uint8Array(coefficientCount); + const bitsDecoded = new Uint8Array(coefficientCount); + if (zeroBitPlanes !== 0) { + for (let i = 0; i < coefficientCount; i++) { + bitsDecoded[i] = zeroBitPlanes; } - if (row + 1 < height) { - i = index + width; - if (left) { - neighborsSignificance[i - 1] += 0x10; - } - if (right) { - neighborsSignificance[i + 1] += 0x10; - } - neighborsSignificance[i] += 0x04; + } + this.bitsDecoded = bitsDecoded; + this.reset(); + } + setDecoder(decoder) { + this.decoder = decoder; + } + reset() { + this.contexts = new Int8Array(19); + this.contexts[0] = 4 << 1 | 0; + this.contexts[BitModel.UNIFORM_CONTEXT] = 46 << 1 | 0; + this.contexts[BitModel.RUNLENGTH_CONTEXT] = 3 << 1 | 0; + } + setNeighborsSignificance(row, column, index) { + const neighborsSignificance = this.neighborsSignificance; + const width = this.width, + height = this.height; + const left = column > 0; + const right = column + 1 < width; + let i; + if (row > 0) { + i = index - width; + if (left) { + neighborsSignificance[i - 1] += 0x10; } + if (right) { + neighborsSignificance[i + 1] += 0x10; + } + neighborsSignificance[i] += 0x04; + } + if (row + 1 < height) { + i = index + width; if (left) { - neighborsSignificance[index - 1] += 0x01; + neighborsSignificance[i - 1] += 0x10; } if (right) { - neighborsSignificance[index + 1] += 0x01; - } - neighborsSignificance[index] |= 0x80; - } - runSignificancePropagationPass() { - const decoder = this.decoder; - const width = this.width, - height = this.height; - const coefficentsMagnitude = this.coefficentsMagnitude; - const coefficentsSign = this.coefficentsSign; - const neighborsSignificance = this.neighborsSignificance; - const processingFlags = this.processingFlags; - const contexts = this.contexts; - const labels = this.contextLabelTable; - const bitsDecoded = this.bitsDecoded; - const processedInverseMask = ~1; - const processedMask = 1; - const firstMagnitudeBitMask = 2; - for (let i0 = 0; i0 < height; i0 += 4) { - for (let j = 0; j < width; j++) { - let index = i0 * width + j; - for (let i1 = 0; i1 < 4; i1++, index += width) { - const i = i0 + i1; - if (i >= height) { - break; - } - processingFlags[index] &= processedInverseMask; - if (coefficentsMagnitude[index] || !neighborsSignificance[index]) { - continue; - } - const contextLabel = labels[neighborsSignificance[index]]; - const decision = decoder.readBit(contexts, contextLabel); - if (decision) { - const sign = this.decodeSignBit(i, j, index); - coefficentsSign[index] = sign; - coefficentsMagnitude[index] = 1; - this.setNeighborsSignificance(i, j, index); - processingFlags[index] |= firstMagnitudeBitMask; - } - bitsDecoded[index]++; - processingFlags[index] |= processedMask; + neighborsSignificance[i + 1] += 0x10; + } + neighborsSignificance[i] += 0x04; + } + if (left) { + neighborsSignificance[index - 1] += 0x01; + } + if (right) { + neighborsSignificance[index + 1] += 0x01; + } + neighborsSignificance[index] |= 0x80; + } + runSignificancePropagationPass() { + const decoder = this.decoder; + const width = this.width, + height = this.height; + const coefficentsMagnitude = this.coefficentsMagnitude; + const coefficentsSign = this.coefficentsSign; + const neighborsSignificance = this.neighborsSignificance; + const processingFlags = this.processingFlags; + const contexts = this.contexts; + const labels = this.contextLabelTable; + const bitsDecoded = this.bitsDecoded; + const processedInverseMask = ~1; + const processedMask = 1; + const firstMagnitudeBitMask = 2; + for (let i0 = 0; i0 < height; i0 += 4) { + for (let j = 0; j < width; j++) { + let index = i0 * width + j; + for (let i1 = 0; i1 < 4; i1++, index += width) { + const i = i0 + i1; + if (i >= height) { + break; + } + processingFlags[index] &= processedInverseMask; + if (coefficentsMagnitude[index] || !neighborsSignificance[index]) { + continue; } + const contextLabel = labels[neighborsSignificance[index]]; + const decision = decoder.readBit(contexts, contextLabel); + if (decision) { + const sign = this.decodeSignBit(i, j, index); + coefficentsSign[index] = sign; + coefficentsMagnitude[index] = 1; + this.setNeighborsSignificance(i, j, index); + processingFlags[index] |= firstMagnitudeBitMask; + } + bitsDecoded[index]++; + processingFlags[index] |= processedMask; } } } - decodeSignBit(row, column, index) { - const width = this.width, - height = this.height; - const coefficentsMagnitude = this.coefficentsMagnitude; - const coefficentsSign = this.coefficentsSign; - let contribution, sign0, sign1, significance1; - let contextLabel, decoded; - significance1 = column > 0 && coefficentsMagnitude[index - 1] !== 0; - if (column + 1 < width && coefficentsMagnitude[index + 1] !== 0) { - sign1 = coefficentsSign[index + 1]; - if (significance1) { - sign0 = coefficentsSign[index - 1]; - contribution = 1 - sign1 - sign0; - } else { - contribution = 1 - sign1 - sign1; - } - } else if (significance1) { + } + decodeSignBit(row, column, index) { + const width = this.width, + height = this.height; + const coefficentsMagnitude = this.coefficentsMagnitude; + const coefficentsSign = this.coefficentsSign; + let contribution, sign0, sign1, significance1; + let contextLabel, decoded; + significance1 = column > 0 && coefficentsMagnitude[index - 1] !== 0; + if (column + 1 < width && coefficentsMagnitude[index + 1] !== 0) { + sign1 = coefficentsSign[index + 1]; + if (significance1) { sign0 = coefficentsSign[index - 1]; - contribution = 1 - sign0 - sign0; + contribution = 1 - sign1 - sign0; } else { - contribution = 0; - } - const horizontalContribution = 3 * contribution; - significance1 = row > 0 && coefficentsMagnitude[index - width] !== 0; - if (row + 1 < height && coefficentsMagnitude[index + width] !== 0) { - sign1 = coefficentsSign[index + width]; - if (significance1) { - sign0 = coefficentsSign[index - width]; - contribution = 1 - sign1 - sign0 + horizontalContribution; - } else { - contribution = 1 - sign1 - sign1 + horizontalContribution; - } - } else if (significance1) { + contribution = 1 - sign1 - sign1; + } + } else if (significance1) { + sign0 = coefficentsSign[index - 1]; + contribution = 1 - sign0 - sign0; + } else { + contribution = 0; + } + const horizontalContribution = 3 * contribution; + significance1 = row > 0 && coefficentsMagnitude[index - width] !== 0; + if (row + 1 < height && coefficentsMagnitude[index + width] !== 0) { + sign1 = coefficentsSign[index + width]; + if (significance1) { sign0 = coefficentsSign[index - width]; - contribution = 1 - sign0 - sign0 + horizontalContribution; + contribution = 1 - sign1 - sign0 + horizontalContribution; } else { - contribution = horizontalContribution; + contribution = 1 - sign1 - sign1 + horizontalContribution; } - if (contribution >= 0) { - contextLabel = 9 + contribution; - decoded = this.decoder.readBit(this.contexts, contextLabel); - } else { - contextLabel = 9 - contribution; - decoded = this.decoder.readBit(this.contexts, contextLabel) ^ 1; - } - return decoded; - } - runMagnitudeRefinementPass() { - const decoder = this.decoder; - const width = this.width, - height = this.height; - const coefficentsMagnitude = this.coefficentsMagnitude; - const neighborsSignificance = this.neighborsSignificance; - const contexts = this.contexts; - const bitsDecoded = this.bitsDecoded; - const processingFlags = this.processingFlags; - const processedMask = 1; - const firstMagnitudeBitMask = 2; - const length = width * height; - const width4 = width * 4; - for (let index0 = 0, indexNext; index0 < length; index0 = indexNext) { - indexNext = Math.min(length, index0 + width4); - for (let j = 0; j < width; j++) { - for (let index = index0 + j; index < indexNext; index += width) { - if (!coefficentsMagnitude[index] || (processingFlags[index] & processedMask) !== 0) { - continue; - } - let contextLabel = 16; - if ((processingFlags[index] & firstMagnitudeBitMask) !== 0) { - processingFlags[index] ^= firstMagnitudeBitMask; - const significance = neighborsSignificance[index] & 127; - contextLabel = significance === 0 ? 15 : 14; - } - const bit = decoder.readBit(contexts, contextLabel); - coefficentsMagnitude[index] = coefficentsMagnitude[index] << 1 | bit; + } else if (significance1) { + sign0 = coefficentsSign[index - width]; + contribution = 1 - sign0 - sign0 + horizontalContribution; + } else { + contribution = horizontalContribution; + } + if (contribution >= 0) { + contextLabel = 9 + contribution; + decoded = this.decoder.readBit(this.contexts, contextLabel); + } else { + contextLabel = 9 - contribution; + decoded = this.decoder.readBit(this.contexts, contextLabel) ^ 1; + } + return decoded; + } + runMagnitudeRefinementPass() { + const decoder = this.decoder; + const width = this.width, + height = this.height; + const coefficentsMagnitude = this.coefficentsMagnitude; + const neighborsSignificance = this.neighborsSignificance; + const contexts = this.contexts; + const bitsDecoded = this.bitsDecoded; + const processingFlags = this.processingFlags; + const processedMask = 1; + const firstMagnitudeBitMask = 2; + const length = width * height; + const width4 = width * 4; + for (let index0 = 0, indexNext; index0 < length; index0 = indexNext) { + indexNext = Math.min(length, index0 + width4); + for (let j = 0; j < width; j++) { + for (let index = index0 + j; index < indexNext; index += width) { + if (!coefficentsMagnitude[index] || (processingFlags[index] & processedMask) !== 0) { + continue; + } + let contextLabel = 16; + if ((processingFlags[index] & firstMagnitudeBitMask) !== 0) { + processingFlags[index] ^= firstMagnitudeBitMask; + const significance = neighborsSignificance[index] & 127; + contextLabel = significance === 0 ? 15 : 14; + } + const bit = decoder.readBit(contexts, contextLabel); + coefficentsMagnitude[index] = coefficentsMagnitude[index] << 1 | bit; + bitsDecoded[index]++; + processingFlags[index] |= processedMask; + } + } + } + } + runCleanupPass() { + const decoder = this.decoder; + const width = this.width, + height = this.height; + const neighborsSignificance = this.neighborsSignificance; + const coefficentsMagnitude = this.coefficentsMagnitude; + const coefficentsSign = this.coefficentsSign; + const contexts = this.contexts; + const labels = this.contextLabelTable; + const bitsDecoded = this.bitsDecoded; + const processingFlags = this.processingFlags; + const processedMask = 1; + const firstMagnitudeBitMask = 2; + const oneRowDown = width; + const twoRowsDown = width * 2; + const threeRowsDown = width * 3; + let iNext; + for (let i0 = 0; i0 < height; i0 = iNext) { + iNext = Math.min(i0 + 4, height); + const indexBase = i0 * width; + const checkAllEmpty = i0 + 3 < height; + for (let j = 0; j < width; j++) { + const index0 = indexBase + j; + const allEmpty = checkAllEmpty && processingFlags[index0] === 0 && processingFlags[index0 + oneRowDown] === 0 && processingFlags[index0 + twoRowsDown] === 0 && processingFlags[index0 + threeRowsDown] === 0 && neighborsSignificance[index0] === 0 && neighborsSignificance[index0 + oneRowDown] === 0 && neighborsSignificance[index0 + twoRowsDown] === 0 && neighborsSignificance[index0 + threeRowsDown] === 0; + let i1 = 0, + index = index0; + let i = i0, + sign; + if (allEmpty) { + const hasSignificantCoefficent = decoder.readBit(contexts, BitModel.RUNLENGTH_CONTEXT); + if (!hasSignificantCoefficent) { + bitsDecoded[index0]++; + bitsDecoded[index0 + oneRowDown]++; + bitsDecoded[index0 + twoRowsDown]++; + bitsDecoded[index0 + threeRowsDown]++; + continue; + } + i1 = decoder.readBit(contexts, BitModel.UNIFORM_CONTEXT) << 1 | decoder.readBit(contexts, BitModel.UNIFORM_CONTEXT); + if (i1 !== 0) { + i = i0 + i1; + index += i1 * width; + } + sign = this.decodeSignBit(i, j, index); + coefficentsSign[index] = sign; + coefficentsMagnitude[index] = 1; + this.setNeighborsSignificance(i, j, index); + processingFlags[index] |= firstMagnitudeBitMask; + index = index0; + for (let i2 = i0; i2 <= i; i2++, index += width) { bitsDecoded[index]++; - processingFlags[index] |= processedMask; - } - } - } - } - runCleanupPass() { - const decoder = this.decoder; - const width = this.width, - height = this.height; - const neighborsSignificance = this.neighborsSignificance; - const coefficentsMagnitude = this.coefficentsMagnitude; - const coefficentsSign = this.coefficentsSign; - const contexts = this.contexts; - const labels = this.contextLabelTable; - const bitsDecoded = this.bitsDecoded; - const processingFlags = this.processingFlags; - const processedMask = 1; - const firstMagnitudeBitMask = 2; - const oneRowDown = width; - const twoRowsDown = width * 2; - const threeRowsDown = width * 3; - let iNext; - for (let i0 = 0; i0 < height; i0 = iNext) { - iNext = Math.min(i0 + 4, height); - const indexBase = i0 * width; - const checkAllEmpty = i0 + 3 < height; - for (let j = 0; j < width; j++) { - const index0 = indexBase + j; - const allEmpty = checkAllEmpty && processingFlags[index0] === 0 && processingFlags[index0 + oneRowDown] === 0 && processingFlags[index0 + twoRowsDown] === 0 && processingFlags[index0 + threeRowsDown] === 0 && neighborsSignificance[index0] === 0 && neighborsSignificance[index0 + oneRowDown] === 0 && neighborsSignificance[index0 + twoRowsDown] === 0 && neighborsSignificance[index0 + threeRowsDown] === 0; - let i1 = 0, - index = index0; - let i = i0, - sign; - if (allEmpty) { - const hasSignificantCoefficent = decoder.readBit(contexts, RUNLENGTH_CONTEXT); - if (!hasSignificantCoefficent) { - bitsDecoded[index0]++; - bitsDecoded[index0 + oneRowDown]++; - bitsDecoded[index0 + twoRowsDown]++; - bitsDecoded[index0 + threeRowsDown]++; - continue; - } - i1 = decoder.readBit(contexts, UNIFORM_CONTEXT) << 1 | decoder.readBit(contexts, UNIFORM_CONTEXT); - if (i1 !== 0) { - i = i0 + i1; - index += i1 * width; - } + } + i1++; + } + for (i = i0 + i1; i < iNext; i++, index += width) { + if (coefficentsMagnitude[index] || (processingFlags[index] & processedMask) !== 0) { + continue; + } + const contextLabel = labels[neighborsSignificance[index]]; + const decision = decoder.readBit(contexts, contextLabel); + if (decision === 1) { sign = this.decodeSignBit(i, j, index); coefficentsSign[index] = sign; coefficentsMagnitude[index] = 1; this.setNeighborsSignificance(i, j, index); processingFlags[index] |= firstMagnitudeBitMask; - index = index0; - for (let i2 = i0; i2 <= i; i2++, index += width) { - bitsDecoded[index]++; - } - i1++; - } - for (i = i0 + i1; i < iNext; i++, index += width) { - if (coefficentsMagnitude[index] || (processingFlags[index] & processedMask) !== 0) { - continue; - } - const contextLabel = labels[neighborsSignificance[index]]; - const decision = decoder.readBit(contexts, contextLabel); - if (decision === 1) { - sign = this.decodeSignBit(i, j, index); - coefficentsSign[index] = sign; - coefficentsMagnitude[index] = 1; - this.setNeighborsSignificance(i, j, index); - processingFlags[index] |= firstMagnitudeBitMask; - } - bitsDecoded[index]++; } + bitsDecoded[index]++; } } } - checkSegmentationSymbol() { - const decoder = this.decoder; - const contexts = this.contexts; - const symbol = decoder.readBit(contexts, UNIFORM_CONTEXT) << 3 | decoder.readBit(contexts, UNIFORM_CONTEXT) << 2 | decoder.readBit(contexts, UNIFORM_CONTEXT) << 1 | decoder.readBit(contexts, UNIFORM_CONTEXT); - if (symbol !== 0xa) { - throw new JpxError("Invalid segmentation symbol"); - } + } + checkSegmentationSymbol() { + const decoder = this.decoder; + const contexts = this.contexts; + const symbol = decoder.readBit(contexts, BitModel.UNIFORM_CONTEXT) << 3 | decoder.readBit(contexts, BitModel.UNIFORM_CONTEXT) << 2 | decoder.readBit(contexts, BitModel.UNIFORM_CONTEXT) << 1 | decoder.readBit(contexts, BitModel.UNIFORM_CONTEXT); + if (symbol !== 0xa) { + throw new JpxError("Invalid segmentation symbol"); } } - return BitModel; -}(); +} class Transform { constructor() { if (this.constructor === Transform) { @@ -20427,7 +20432,7 @@ class ReversibleTransform extends Transform { } /***/ }), -/* 30 */ +/* 31 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -20436,7 +20441,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.LZWStream = void 0; -var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(17); +var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(18); class LZWStream extends _decode_stream.DecodeStream { constructor(str, maybeLength, earlyChange) { super(maybeLength); @@ -20554,7 +20559,7 @@ class LZWStream extends _decode_stream.DecodeStream { exports.LZWStream = LZWStream; /***/ }), -/* 31 */ +/* 32 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -20563,7 +20568,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.PredictorStream = void 0; -var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(17); +var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(18); var _primitives = __w_pdfjs_require__(4); var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); class PredictorStream extends _decode_stream.DecodeStream { @@ -20755,7 +20760,7 @@ class PredictorStream extends _decode_stream.DecodeStream { exports.PredictorStream = PredictorStream; /***/ }), -/* 32 */ +/* 33 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -20764,7 +20769,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.RunLengthStream = void 0; -var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(17); +var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(18); class RunLengthStream extends _decode_stream.DecodeStream { constructor(str, maybeLength) { super(maybeLength); @@ -20802,7 +20807,7 @@ class RunLengthStream extends _decode_stream.DecodeStream { exports.RunLengthStream = RunLengthStream; /***/ }), -/* 33 */ +/* 34 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -20812,22 +20817,22 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ })); exports.Font = exports.ErrorFont = void 0; var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); -var _cff_parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(34); -var _fonts_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(37); -var _unicode = __w_pdfjs_require__(39); -var _glyphlist = __w_pdfjs_require__(38); -var _encodings = 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"Eopen", - 0x0190, - "Epsilon", - 0x0395, - "Epsilontonos", - 0x0388, - "Ercyrillic", - 0x0420, - "Ereversed", - 0x018e, - "Ereversedcyrillic", - 0x042d, - "Escyrillic", - 0x0421, - "Esdescendercyrillic", - 0x04aa, - "Esh", - 0x01a9, - "Esmall", - 0xf765, - "Eta", - 0x0397, - "Etarmenian", - 0x0538, - "Etatonos", - 0x0389, - "Eth", - 0x00d0, - "Ethsmall", - 0xf7f0, - "Etilde", - 0x1ebc, - "Etildebelow", - 0x1e1a, - "Euro", - 0x20ac, - "Ezh", - 0x01b7, - "Ezhcaron", - 0x01ee, - "Ezhreversed", - 0x01b8, - "F", - 0x0046, - "Fcircle", - 0x24bb, - "Fdotaccent", - 0x1e1e, - "Feharmenian", - 0x0556, - "Feicoptic", - 0x03e4, - "Fhook", - 0x0191, - "Fitacyrillic", - 0x0472, - "Fiveroman", - 0x2164, - "Fmonospace", - 0xff26, - "Fourroman", - 0x2163, - "Fsmall", - 0xf766, - "G", - 0x0047, - "GBsquare", - 0x3387, - "Gacute", - 0x01f4, - "Gamma", - 0x0393, - "Gammaafrican", - 0x0194, - "Gangiacoptic", - 0x03ea, - "Gbreve", - 0x011e, - "Gcaron", - 0x01e6, - "Gcedilla", - 0x0122, - "Gcircle", - 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"Horicoptic", - 0x03e8, - "Hsmall", - 0xf768, - "Hungarumlaut", - 0xf6cf, - "Hungarumlautsmall", - 0xf6f8, - "Hzsquare", - 0x3390, - "I", - 0x0049, - "IAcyrillic", - 0x042f, - "IJ", - 0x0132, - "IUcyrillic", - 0x042e, - "Iacute", - 0x00cd, - "Iacutesmall", - 0xf7ed, - "Ibreve", - 0x012c, - "Icaron", - 0x01cf, - "Icircle", - 0x24be, - "Icircumflex", - 0x00ce, - "Icircumflexsmall", - 0xf7ee, - "Icyrillic", - 0x0406, - "Idblgrave", - 0x0208, - "Idieresis", - 0x00cf, - "Idieresisacute", - 0x1e2e, - "Idieresiscyrillic", - 0x04e4, - "Idieresissmall", - 0xf7ef, - "Idot", - 0x0130, - "Idotaccent", - 0x0130, - "Idotbelow", - 0x1eca, - "Iebrevecyrillic", - 0x04d6, - "Iecyrillic", - 0x0415, - "Ifraktur", - 0x2111, - "Igrave", - 0x00cc, - "Igravesmall", - 0xf7ec, - "Ihookabove", - 0x1ec8, - "Iicyrillic", - 0x0418, - "Iinvertedbreve", - 0x020a, - "Iishortcyrillic", - 0x0419, - "Imacron", - 0x012a, - "Imacroncyrillic", - 0x04e2, - "Imonospace", - 0xff29, - "Iniarmenian", - 0x053b, - "Iocyrillic", - 0x0401, - "Iogonek", - 0x012e, - "Iota", - 0x0399, - "Iotaafrican", - 0x0196, - "Iotadieresis", - 0x03aa, - "Iotatonos", - 0x038a, - "Ismall", - 0xf769, - "Istroke", - 0x0197, - "Itilde", - 0x0128, - "Itildebelow", - 0x1e2c, - "Izhitsacyrillic", - 0x0474, - "Izhitsadblgravecyrillic", - 0x0476, - "J", - 0x004a, - "Jaarmenian", - 0x0541, - "Jcircle", - 0x24bf, - "Jcircumflex", - 0x0134, - "Jecyrillic", - 0x0408, - "Jheharmenian", - 0x054b, - "Jmonospace", - 0xff2a, - "Jsmall", - 0xf76a, - "K", - 0x004b, - "KBsquare", - 0x3385, - "KKsquare", - 0x33cd, - "Kabashkircyrillic", - 0x04a0, - "Kacute", - 0x1e30, - "Kacyrillic", - 0x041a, - "Kadescendercyrillic", - 0x049a, - "Kahookcyrillic", - 0x04c3, - "Kappa", - 0x039a, - "Kastrokecyrillic", - 0x049e, - "Kaverticalstrokecyrillic", - 0x049c, - "Kcaron", - 0x01e8, - "Kcedilla", - 0x0136, - "Kcircle", - 0x24c0, - "Kcommaaccent", - 0x0136, - "Kdotbelow", - 0x1e32, - "Keharmenian", - 0x0554, - "Kenarmenian", - 0x053f, - "Khacyrillic", - 0x0425, - "Kheicoptic", - 0x03e6, - "Khook", - 0x0198, - "Kjecyrillic", - 0x040c, - "Klinebelow", - 0x1e34, - "Kmonospace", - 0xff2b, - "Koppacyrillic", - 0x0480, - "Koppagreek", - 0x03de, - "Ksicyrillic", - 0x046e, - "Ksmall", - 0xf76b, - "L", - 0x004c, - "LJ", - 0x01c7, - "LL", - 0xf6bf, - "Lacute", - 0x0139, - "Lambda", - 0x039b, - "Lcaron", - 0x013d, - "Lcedilla", - 0x013b, - "Lcircle", - 0x24c1, - "Lcircumflexbelow", - 0x1e3c, - "Lcommaaccent", - 0x013b, - "Ldot", - 0x013f, - "Ldotaccent", - 0x013f, - "Ldotbelow", - 0x1e36, - "Ldotbelowmacron", - 0x1e38, - "Liwnarmenian", - 0x053c, - "Lj", - 0x01c8, - "Ljecyrillic", - 0x0409, - "Llinebelow", - 0x1e3a, - "Lmonospace", - 0xff2c, - "Lslash", - 0x0141, - "Lslashsmall", - 0xf6f9, - "Lsmall", - 0xf76c, - "M", - 0x004d, - "MBsquare", - 0x3386, - "Macron", - 0xf6d0, - "Macronsmall", - 0xf7af, - "Macute", - 0x1e3e, - "Mcircle", - 0x24c2, - "Mdotaccent", - 0x1e40, - "Mdotbelow", - 0x1e42, - "Menarmenian", - 0x0544, - "Mmonospace", - 0xff2d, - "Msmall", - 0xf76d, - "Mturned", - 0x019c, - "Mu", - 0x039c, - "N", - 0x004e, - "NJ", - 0x01ca, - "Nacute", - 0x0143, - "Ncaron", - 0x0147, - "Ncedilla", - 0x0145, - "Ncircle", - 0x24c3, - "Ncircumflexbelow", - 0x1e4a, - "Ncommaaccent", - 0x0145, - "Ndotaccent", - 0x1e44, - "Ndotbelow", - 0x1e46, - "Nhookleft", - 0x019d, - "Nineroman", - 0x2168, - "Nj", - 0x01cb, - "Njecyrillic", - 0x040a, - "Nlinebelow", - 0x1e48, - "Nmonospace", - 0xff2e, - "Nowarmenian", - 0x0546, - "Nsmall", - 0xf76e, - "Ntilde", - 0x00d1, - "Ntildesmall", - 0xf7f1, - "Nu", - 0x039d, - "O", - 0x004f, - "OE", - 0x0152, - "OEsmall", - 0xf6fa, - "Oacute", - 0x00d3, - "Oacutesmall", - 0xf7f3, - "Obarredcyrillic", - 0x04e8, - "Obarreddieresiscyrillic", - 0x04ea, - "Obreve", - 0x014e, - "Ocaron", - 0x01d1, - "Ocenteredtilde", - 0x019f, - "Ocircle", - 0x24c4, - "Ocircumflex", - 0x00d4, - "Ocircumflexacute", - 0x1ed0, - "Ocircumflexdotbelow", - 0x1ed8, - "Ocircumflexgrave", - 0x1ed2, - "Ocircumflexhookabove", - 0x1ed4, - "Ocircumflexsmall", - 0xf7f4, - "Ocircumflextilde", - 0x1ed6, - "Ocyrillic", - 0x041e, - "Odblacute", - 0x0150, - "Odblgrave", - 0x020c, - "Odieresis", - 0x00d6, - "Odieresiscyrillic", - 0x04e6, - "Odieresissmall", - 0xf7f6, - "Odotbelow", - 0x1ecc, - "Ogoneksmall", - 0xf6fb, - "Ograve", - 0x00d2, - "Ogravesmall", - 0xf7f2, - "Oharmenian", - 0x0555, - "Ohm", - 0x2126, - "Ohookabove", - 0x1ece, - "Ohorn", - 0x01a0, - "Ohornacute", - 0x1eda, - "Ohorndotbelow", - 0x1ee2, - "Ohorngrave", - 0x1edc, - "Ohornhookabove", - 0x1ede, - "Ohorntilde", - 0x1ee0, - "Ohungarumlaut", - 0x0150, - "Oi", - 0x01a2, - "Oinvertedbreve", - 0x020e, - "Omacron", - 0x014c, - "Omacronacute", - 0x1e52, - "Omacrongrave", - 0x1e50, - "Omega", - 0x2126, - "Omegacyrillic", - 0x0460, - "Omegagreek", - 0x03a9, - "Omegaroundcyrillic", - 0x047a, - "Omegatitlocyrillic", - 0x047c, - "Omegatonos", - 0x038f, - "Omicron", - 0x039f, - "Omicrontonos", - 0x038c, - "Omonospace", - 0xff2f, - "Oneroman", - 0x2160, - "Oogonek", - 0x01ea, - "Oogonekmacron", - 0x01ec, - "Oopen", - 0x0186, - "Oslash", - 0x00d8, - "Oslashacute", - 0x01fe, - "Oslashsmall", - 0xf7f8, - "Osmall", - 0xf76f, - "Ostrokeacute", - 0x01fe, - "Otcyrillic", - 0x047e, - "Otilde", - 0x00d5, - "Otildeacute", - 0x1e4c, - "Otildedieresis", - 0x1e4e, - "Otildesmall", - 0xf7f5, - "P", - 0x0050, - "Pacute", - 0x1e54, - "Pcircle", - 0x24c5, - "Pdotaccent", - 0x1e56, - "Pecyrillic", - 0x041f, - "Peharmenian", - 0x054a, - "Pemiddlehookcyrillic", - 0x04a6, - "Phi", - 0x03a6, - "Phook", - 0x01a4, - "Pi", - 0x03a0, - "Piwrarmenian", - 0x0553, - "Pmonospace", - 0xff30, - "Psi", - 0x03a8, - "Psicyrillic", - 0x0470, - "Psmall", - 0xf770, - "Q", - 0x0051, - "Qcircle", - 0x24c6, - "Qmonospace", - 0xff31, - "Qsmall", - 0xf771, - "R", - 0x0052, - "Raarmenian", - 0x054c, - "Racute", - 0x0154, - "Rcaron", - 0x0158, - "Rcedilla", - 0x0156, - "Rcircle", - 0x24c7, - "Rcommaaccent", - 0x0156, - "Rdblgrave", - 0x0210, - "Rdotaccent", - 0x1e58, - "Rdotbelow", - 0x1e5a, - "Rdotbelowmacron", - 0x1e5c, - "Reharmenian", - 0x0550, - "Rfraktur", - 0x211c, - "Rho", - 0x03a1, - "Ringsmall", - 0xf6fc, - "Rinvertedbreve", - 0x0212, - "Rlinebelow", - 0x1e5e, - "Rmonospace", - 0xff32, - "Rsmall", - 0xf772, - "Rsmallinverted", - 0x0281, - "Rsmallinvertedsuperior", - 0x02b6, - "S", - 0x0053, - "SF010000", - 0x250c, - "SF020000", - 0x2514, - "SF030000", - 0x2510, - "SF040000", - 0x2518, - "SF050000", - 0x253c, - "SF060000", - 0x252c, - "SF070000", - 0x2534, - "SF080000", - 0x251c, - "SF090000", - 0x2524, - "SF100000", - 0x2500, - "SF110000", - 0x2502, - "SF190000", - 0x2561, - "SF200000", - 0x2562, - "SF210000", - 0x2556, - "SF220000", - 0x2555, - "SF230000", - 0x2563, - "SF240000", - 0x2551, - "SF250000", - 0x2557, - "SF260000", - 0x255d, - "SF270000", - 0x255c, - "SF280000", - 0x255b, - "SF360000", - 0x255e, - "SF370000", - 0x255f, - "SF380000", - 0x255a, - "SF390000", - 0x2554, - "SF400000", - 0x2569, - "SF410000", - 0x2566, - "SF420000", - 0x2560, - "SF430000", - 0x2550, - "SF440000", - 0x256c, - "SF450000", - 0x2567, - "SF460000", - 0x2568, - "SF470000", - 0x2564, - "SF480000", - 0x2565, - "SF490000", - 0x2559, - "SF500000", - 0x2558, - "SF510000", - 0x2552, - "SF520000", - 0x2553, - "SF530000", - 0x256b, - "SF540000", - 0x256a, - "Sacute", - 0x015a, - "Sacutedotaccent", - 0x1e64, - "Sampigreek", - 0x03e0, - "Scaron", - 0x0160, - "Scarondotaccent", - 0x1e66, - "Scaronsmall", - 0xf6fd, - "Scedilla", - 0x015e, - "Schwa", - 0x018f, - "Schwacyrillic", - 0x04d8, - "Schwadieresiscyrillic", - 0x04da, - "Scircle", - 0x24c8, - "Scircumflex", - 0x015c, - "Scommaaccent", - 0x0218, - "Sdotaccent", - 0x1e60, - "Sdotbelow", - 0x1e62, - "Sdotbelowdotaccent", - 0x1e68, - "Seharmenian", - 0x054d, - "Sevenroman", - 0x2166, - "Shaarmenian", - 0x0547, - "Shacyrillic", - 0x0428, - "Shchacyrillic", - 0x0429, - "Sheicoptic", - 0x03e2, - "Shhacyrillic", - 0x04ba, - "Shimacoptic", - 0x03ec, - "Sigma", - 0x03a3, - "Sixroman", - 0x2165, - "Smonospace", - 0xff33, - "Softsigncyrillic", - 0x042c, - "Ssmall", - 0xf773, - "Stigmagreek", - 0x03da, - "T", - 0x0054, - "Tau", - 0x03a4, - "Tbar", - 0x0166, - "Tcaron", - 0x0164, - "Tcedilla", - 0x0162, - "Tcircle", - 0x24c9, - "Tcircumflexbelow", - 0x1e70, - "Tcommaaccent", - 0x0162, - "Tdotaccent", - 0x1e6a, - "Tdotbelow", - 0x1e6c, - "Tecyrillic", - 0x0422, - "Tedescendercyrillic", - 0x04ac, - "Tenroman", - 0x2169, - "Tetsecyrillic", - 0x04b4, - "Theta", - 0x0398, - "Thook", - 0x01ac, - "Thorn", - 0x00de, - "Thornsmall", - 0xf7fe, - "Threeroman", - 0x2162, - "Tildesmall", - 0xf6fe, - "Tiwnarmenian", - 0x054f, - "Tlinebelow", - 0x1e6e, - "Tmonospace", - 0xff34, - "Toarmenian", - 0x0539, - "Tonefive", - 0x01bc, - "Tonesix", - 0x0184, - "Tonetwo", - 0x01a7, - "Tretroflexhook", - 0x01ae, - "Tsecyrillic", - 0x0426, - "Tshecyrillic", - 0x040b, - "Tsmall", - 0xf774, - "Twelveroman", - 0x216b, - "Tworoman", - 0x2161, - "U", - 0x0055, - "Uacute", - 0x00da, - "Uacutesmall", - 0xf7fa, - "Ubreve", - 0x016c, - "Ucaron", - 0x01d3, - "Ucircle", - 0x24ca, - "Ucircumflex", - 0x00db, - "Ucircumflexbelow", - 0x1e76, - "Ucircumflexsmall", - 0xf7fb, - "Ucyrillic", - 0x0423, - "Udblacute", - 0x0170, - "Udblgrave", - 0x0214, - "Udieresis", - 0x00dc, - "Udieresisacute", - 0x01d7, - "Udieresisbelow", - 0x1e72, - "Udieresiscaron", - 0x01d9, - "Udieresiscyrillic", - 0x04f0, - "Udieresisgrave", - 0x01db, - "Udieresismacron", - 0x01d5, - "Udieresissmall", - 0xf7fc, - "Udotbelow", - 0x1ee4, - "Ugrave", - 0x00d9, - "Ugravesmall", - 0xf7f9, - "Uhookabove", - 0x1ee6, - "Uhorn", - 0x01af, - "Uhornacute", - 0x1ee8, - "Uhorndotbelow", - 0x1ef0, - "Uhorngrave", - 0x1eea, - "Uhornhookabove", - 0x1eec, - "Uhorntilde", - 0x1eee, - "Uhungarumlaut", - 0x0170, - "Uhungarumlautcyrillic", - 0x04f2, - "Uinvertedbreve", - 0x0216, - "Ukcyrillic", - 0x0478, - "Umacron", - 0x016a, - "Umacroncyrillic", - 0x04ee, - "Umacrondieresis", - 0x1e7a, - "Umonospace", - 0xff35, - "Uogonek", - 0x0172, - "Upsilon", - 0x03a5, - "Upsilon1", - 0x03d2, - "Upsilonacutehooksymbolgreek", - 0x03d3, - "Upsilonafrican", - 0x01b1, - "Upsilondieresis", - 0x03ab, - "Upsilondieresishooksymbolgreek", - 0x03d4, - "Upsilonhooksymbol", - 0x03d2, - "Upsilontonos", - 0x038e, - "Uring", - 0x016e, - "Ushortcyrillic", - 0x040e, - "Usmall", - 0xf775, - "Ustraightcyrillic", - 0x04ae, - "Ustraightstrokecyrillic", - 0x04b0, - "Utilde", - 0x0168, - "Utildeacute", - 0x1e78, - "Utildebelow", - 0x1e74, - "V", - 0x0056, - "Vcircle", - 0x24cb, - "Vdotbelow", - 0x1e7e, - "Vecyrillic", - 0x0412, - "Vewarmenian", - 0x054e, - "Vhook", - 0x01b2, - "Vmonospace", - 0xff36, - "Voarmenian", - 0x0548, - "Vsmall", - 0xf776, - "Vtilde", - 0x1e7c, - "W", - 0x0057, - "Wacute", - 0x1e82, - "Wcircle", - 0x24cc, - "Wcircumflex", - 0x0174, - "Wdieresis", - 0x1e84, - "Wdotaccent", - 0x1e86, - "Wdotbelow", - 0x1e88, - "Wgrave", - 0x1e80, - "Wmonospace", - 0xff37, - "Wsmall", - 0xf777, - "X", - 0x0058, - "Xcircle", - 0x24cd, - "Xdieresis", - 0x1e8c, - "Xdotaccent", - 0x1e8a, - "Xeharmenian", - 0x053d, - "Xi", - 0x039e, - "Xmonospace", - 0xff38, - "Xsmall", - 0xf778, - "Y", - 0x0059, - "Yacute", - 0x00dd, - "Yacutesmall", - 0xf7fd, - "Yatcyrillic", - 0x0462, - "Ycircle", - 0x24ce, - "Ycircumflex", - 0x0176, - "Ydieresis", - 0x0178, - "Ydieresissmall", - 0xf7ff, - "Ydotaccent", - 0x1e8e, - "Ydotbelow", - 0x1ef4, - "Yericyrillic", - 0x042b, - "Yerudieresiscyrillic", - 0x04f8, - "Ygrave", - 0x1ef2, - "Yhook", - 0x01b3, - "Yhookabove", - 0x1ef6, - "Yiarmenian", - 0x0545, - "Yicyrillic", - 0x0407, - "Yiwnarmenian", - 0x0552, - "Ymonospace", - 0xff39, - "Ysmall", - 0xf779, - "Ytilde", - 0x1ef8, - "Yusbigcyrillic", - 0x046a, - "Yusbigiotifiedcyrillic", - 0x046c, - "Yuslittlecyrillic", - 0x0466, - "Yuslittleiotifiedcyrillic", - 0x0468, - "Z", - 0x005a, - "Zaarmenian", - 0x0536, - "Zacute", - 0x0179, - "Zcaron", - 0x017d, - "Zcaronsmall", - 0xf6ff, - "Zcircle", - 0x24cf, - "Zcircumflex", - 0x1e90, - "Zdot", - 0x017b, - "Zdotaccent", - 0x017b, - "Zdotbelow", - 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- "fourthai", - 0x0e54, - "fourthtonechinese", - 0x02cb, - "fparen", - 0x24a1, - "fraction", - 0x2044, - "franc", - 0x20a3, - "g", - 0x0067, - "gabengali", - 0x0997, - "gacute", - 0x01f5, - "gadeva", - 0x0917, - "gafarabic", - 0x06af, - "gaffinalarabic", - 0xfb93, - "gafinitialarabic", - 0xfb94, - "gafmedialarabic", - 0xfb95, - "gagujarati", - 0x0a97, - "gagurmukhi", - 0x0a17, - "gahiragana", - 0x304c, - "gakatakana", - 0x30ac, - "gamma", - 0x03b3, - "gammalatinsmall", - 0x0263, - "gammasuperior", - 0x02e0, - "gangiacoptic", - 0x03eb, - "gbopomofo", - 0x310d, - "gbreve", - 0x011f, - "gcaron", - 0x01e7, - "gcedilla", - 0x0123, - "gcircle", - 0x24d6, - "gcircumflex", - 0x011d, - "gcommaaccent", - 0x0123, - "gdot", - 0x0121, - "gdotaccent", - 0x0121, - "gecyrillic", - 0x0433, - "gehiragana", - 0x3052, - "gekatakana", - 0x30b2, - "geometricallyequal", - 0x2251, - "gereshaccenthebrew", - 0x059c, - "gereshhebrew", - 0x05f3, - "gereshmuqdamhebrew", - 0x059d, - "germandbls", - 0x00df, - "gershayimaccenthebrew", - 0x059e, - "gershayimhebrew", - 0x05f4, - "getamark", - 0x3013, - "ghabengali", - 0x0998, - "ghadarmenian", - 0x0572, - "ghadeva", - 0x0918, - "ghagujarati", - 0x0a98, - "ghagurmukhi", - 0x0a18, - "ghainarabic", - 0x063a, - "ghainfinalarabic", - 0xfece, - "ghaininitialarabic", - 0xfecf, - "ghainmedialarabic", - 0xfed0, - "ghemiddlehookcyrillic", - 0x0495, - "ghestrokecyrillic", - 0x0493, - "gheupturncyrillic", - 0x0491, - "ghhadeva", - 0x095a, - "ghhagurmukhi", - 0x0a5a, - "ghook", - 0x0260, - "ghzsquare", - 0x3393, - "gihiragana", - 0x304e, - "gikatakana", - 0x30ae, - "gimarmenian", - 0x0563, - "gimel", - 0x05d2, - "gimeldagesh", - 0xfb32, - "gimeldageshhebrew", - 0xfb32, - "gimelhebrew", - 0x05d2, - "gjecyrillic", - 0x0453, - "glottalinvertedstroke", - 0x01be, - "glottalstop", - 0x0294, - "glottalstopinverted", - 0x0296, - "glottalstopmod", - 0x02c0, - "glottalstopreversed", - 0x0295, - "glottalstopreversedmod", - 0x02c1, - "glottalstopreversedsuperior", - 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"haabkhasiancyrillic", - 0x04a9, - "haaltonearabic", - 0x06c1, - "habengali", - 0x09b9, - "hadescendercyrillic", - 0x04b3, - "hadeva", - 0x0939, - "hagujarati", - 0x0ab9, - "hagurmukhi", - 0x0a39, - "haharabic", - 0x062d, - "hahfinalarabic", - 0xfea2, - "hahinitialarabic", - 0xfea3, - "hahiragana", - 0x306f, - "hahmedialarabic", - 0xfea4, - "haitusquare", - 0x332a, - "hakatakana", - 0x30cf, - "hakatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff8a, - "halantgurmukhi", - 0x0a4d, - "hamzaarabic", - 0x0621, - "hamzalowarabic", - 0x0621, - "hangulfiller", - 0x3164, - "hardsigncyrillic", - 0x044a, - "harpoonleftbarbup", - 0x21bc, - "harpoonrightbarbup", - 0x21c0, - "hasquare", - 0x33ca, - "hatafpatah", - 0x05b2, - "hatafpatah16", - 0x05b2, - "hatafpatah23", - 0x05b2, - "hatafpatah2f", - 0x05b2, - "hatafpatahhebrew", - 0x05b2, - "hatafpatahnarrowhebrew", - 0x05b2, - "hatafpatahquarterhebrew", - 0x05b2, - "hatafpatahwidehebrew", - 0x05b2, - "hatafqamats", - 0x05b3, - "hatafqamats1b", - 0x05b3, - "hatafqamats28", - 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- "hmonospace", - 0xff48, - "hoarmenian", - 0x0570, - "hohipthai", - 0x0e2b, - "hohiragana", - 0x307b, - "hokatakana", - 0x30db, - "hokatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff8e, - "holam", - 0x05b9, - "holam19", - 0x05b9, - "holam26", - 0x05b9, - "holam32", - 0x05b9, - "holamhebrew", - 0x05b9, - "holamnarrowhebrew", - 0x05b9, - "holamquarterhebrew", - 0x05b9, - "holamwidehebrew", - 0x05b9, - "honokhukthai", - 0x0e2e, - "hookabovecomb", - 0x0309, - "hookcmb", - 0x0309, - "hookpalatalizedbelowcmb", - 0x0321, - "hookretroflexbelowcmb", - 0x0322, - "hoonsquare", - 0x3342, - "horicoptic", - 0x03e9, - "horizontalbar", - 0x2015, - "horncmb", - 0x031b, - "hotsprings", - 0x2668, - "house", - 0x2302, - "hparen", - 0x24a3, - "hsuperior", - 0x02b0, - "hturned", - 0x0265, - "huhiragana", - 0x3075, - "huiitosquare", - 0x3333, - "hukatakana", - 0x30d5, - "hukatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff8c, - "hungarumlaut", - 0x02dd, - "hungarumlautcmb", - 0x030b, - "hv", - 0x0195, - "hyphen", - 0x002d, - "hypheninferior", - 0xf6e5, - "hyphenmonospace", - 0xff0d, - "hyphensmall", - 0xfe63, - "hyphensuperior", - 0xf6e6, - "hyphentwo", - 0x2010, - "i", - 0x0069, - "iacute", - 0x00ed, - "iacyrillic", - 0x044f, - "ibengali", - 0x0987, - "ibopomofo", - 0x3127, - "ibreve", - 0x012d, - "icaron", - 0x01d0, - "icircle", - 0x24d8, - "icircumflex", - 0x00ee, - "icyrillic", - 0x0456, - "idblgrave", - 0x0209, - "ideographearthcircle", - 0x328f, - "ideographfirecircle", - 0x328b, - "ideographicallianceparen", - 0x323f, - "ideographiccallparen", - 0x323a, - "ideographiccentrecircle", - 0x32a5, - "ideographicclose", - 0x3006, - "ideographiccomma", - 0x3001, - "ideographiccommaleft", - 0xff64, - "ideographiccongratulationparen", - 0x3237, - "ideographiccorrectcircle", - 0x32a3, - "ideographicearthparen", - 0x322f, - "ideographicenterpriseparen", - 0x323d, - "ideographicexcellentcircle", - 0x329d, - "ideographicfestivalparen", - 0x3240, - "ideographicfinancialcircle", - 0x3296, - "ideographicfinancialparen", - 0x3236, - 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"irigurmukhi", - 0x0a72, - "ismallhiragana", - 0x3043, - "ismallkatakana", - 0x30a3, - "ismallkatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff68, - "issharbengali", - 0x09fa, - "istroke", - 0x0268, - "isuperior", - 0xf6ed, - "iterationhiragana", - 0x309d, - "iterationkatakana", - 0x30fd, - "itilde", - 0x0129, - "itildebelow", - 0x1e2d, - "iubopomofo", - 0x3129, - "iucyrillic", - 0x044e, - "ivowelsignbengali", - 0x09bf, - "ivowelsigndeva", - 0x093f, - "ivowelsigngujarati", - 0x0abf, - "izhitsacyrillic", - 0x0475, - "izhitsadblgravecyrillic", - 0x0477, - "j", - 0x006a, - "jaarmenian", - 0x0571, - "jabengali", - 0x099c, - "jadeva", - 0x091c, - "jagujarati", - 0x0a9c, - "jagurmukhi", - 0x0a1c, - "jbopomofo", - 0x3110, - "jcaron", - 0x01f0, - "jcircle", - 0x24d9, - "jcircumflex", - 0x0135, - "jcrossedtail", - 0x029d, - "jdotlessstroke", - 0x025f, - "jecyrillic", - 0x0458, - "jeemarabic", - 0x062c, - "jeemfinalarabic", - 0xfe9e, - "jeeminitialarabic", - 0xfe9f, - "jeemmedialarabic", - 0xfea0, - "jeharabic", - 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"kapyeounpieupkorean", - 0x3178, - "kapyeounssangpieupkorean", - 0x3179, - "karoriisquare", - 0x330d, - "kashidaautoarabic", - 0x0640, - "kashidaautonosidebearingarabic", - 0x0640, - "kasmallkatakana", - 0x30f5, - "kasquare", - 0x3384, - "kasraarabic", - 0x0650, - "kasratanarabic", - 0x064d, - "kastrokecyrillic", - 0x049f, - "katahiraprolongmarkhalfwidth", - 0xff70, - "kaverticalstrokecyrillic", - 0x049d, - "kbopomofo", - 0x310e, - "kcalsquare", - 0x3389, - "kcaron", - 0x01e9, - "kcedilla", - 0x0137, - "kcircle", - 0x24da, - "kcommaaccent", - 0x0137, - "kdotbelow", - 0x1e33, - "keharmenian", - 0x0584, - "kehiragana", - 0x3051, - "kekatakana", - 0x30b1, - "kekatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff79, - "kenarmenian", - 0x056f, - "kesmallkatakana", - 0x30f6, - "kgreenlandic", - 0x0138, - "khabengali", - 0x0996, - "khacyrillic", - 0x0445, - "khadeva", - 0x0916, - "khagujarati", - 0x0a96, - "khagurmukhi", - 0x0a16, - "khaharabic", - 0x062e, - "khahfinalarabic", - 0xfea6, - "khahinitialarabic", - 0xfea7, - "khahmedialarabic", - 0xfea8, - "kheicoptic", - 0x03e7, - "khhadeva", - 0x0959, - "khhagurmukhi", - 0x0a59, - "khieukhacirclekorean", - 0x3278, - "khieukhaparenkorean", - 0x3218, - "khieukhcirclekorean", - 0x326a, - "khieukhkorean", - 0x314b, - "khieukhparenkorean", - 0x320a, - "khokhaithai", - 0x0e02, - "khokhonthai", - 0x0e05, - "khokhuatthai", - 0x0e03, - "khokhwaithai", - 0x0e04, - "khomutthai", - 0x0e5b, - "khook", - 0x0199, - "khorakhangthai", - 0x0e06, - "khzsquare", - 0x3391, - "kihiragana", - 0x304d, - "kikatakana", - 0x30ad, - "kikatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff77, - "kiroguramusquare", - 0x3315, - "kiromeetorusquare", - 0x3316, - "kirosquare", - 0x3314, - "kiyeokacirclekorean", - 0x326e, - "kiyeokaparenkorean", - 0x320e, - "kiyeokcirclekorean", - 0x3260, - "kiyeokkorean", - 0x3131, - "kiyeokparenkorean", - 0x3200, - "kiyeoksioskorean", - 0x3133, - "kjecyrillic", - 0x045c, - "klinebelow", - 0x1e35, - "klsquare", - 0x3398, - "kmcubedsquare", - 0x33a6, - "kmonospace", - 0xff4b, - "kmsquaredsquare", - 0x33a2, - "kohiragana", - 0x3053, - "kohmsquare", - 0x33c0, - "kokaithai", - 0x0e01, - "kokatakana", - 0x30b3, - "kokatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff7a, - "kooposquare", - 0x331e, - "koppacyrillic", - 0x0481, - "koreanstandardsymbol", - 0x327f, - "koroniscmb", - 0x0343, - "kparen", - 0x24a6, - "kpasquare", - 0x33aa, - "ksicyrillic", - 0x046f, - "ktsquare", - 0x33cf, - "kturned", - 0x029e, - "kuhiragana", - 0x304f, - "kukatakana", - 0x30af, - "kukatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff78, - "kvsquare", - 0x33b8, - "kwsquare", - 0x33be, - "l", - 0x006c, - "labengali", - 0x09b2, - "lacute", - 0x013a, - "ladeva", - 0x0932, - "lagujarati", - 0x0ab2, - "lagurmukhi", - 0x0a32, - "lakkhangyaothai", - 0x0e45, - "lamaleffinalarabic", - 0xfefc, - "lamalefhamzaabovefinalarabic", - 0xfef8, - "lamalefhamzaaboveisolatedarabic", - 0xfef7, - "lamalefhamzabelowfinalarabic", - 0xfefa, - "lamalefhamzabelowisolatedarabic", - 0xfef9, - "lamalefisolatedarabic", - 0xfefb, - "lamalefmaddaabovefinalarabic", - 0xfef6, - "lamalefmaddaaboveisolatedarabic", - 0xfef5, - "lamarabic", - 0x0644, - "lambda", - 0x03bb, - "lambdastroke", - 0x019b, - "lamed", - 0x05dc, - "lameddagesh", - 0xfb3c, - "lameddageshhebrew", - 0xfb3c, - "lamedhebrew", - 0x05dc, - "lamfinalarabic", - 0xfede, - "lamhahinitialarabic", - 0xfcca, - "laminitialarabic", - 0xfedf, - "lamjeeminitialarabic", - 0xfcc9, - "lamkhahinitialarabic", - 0xfccb, - "lamlamhehisolatedarabic", - 0xfdf2, - "lammedialarabic", - 0xfee0, - "lammeemhahinitialarabic", - 0xfd88, - "lammeeminitialarabic", - 0xfccc, - "largecircle", - 0x25ef, - "lbar", - 0x019a, - "lbelt", - 0x026c, - "lbopomofo", - 0x310c, - "lcaron", - 0x013e, - "lcedilla", - 0x013c, - "lcircle", - 0x24db, - "lcircumflexbelow", - 0x1e3d, - "lcommaaccent", - 0x013c, - "ldot", - 0x0140, - "ldotaccent", - 0x0140, - "ldotbelow", - 0x1e37, - "ldotbelowmacron", - 0x1e39, - "leftangleabovecmb", - 0x031a, - "lefttackbelowcmb", - 0x0318, - "less", - 0x003c, - "lessequal", - 0x2264, - "lessequalorgreater", - 0x22da, - "lessmonospace", - 0xff1c, - "lessorequivalent", - 0x2272, - "lessorgreater", - 0x2276, - "lessoverequal", - 0x2266, - "lesssmall", - 0xfe64, - "lezh", - 0x026e, - "lfblock", - 0x258c, - "lhookretroflex", - 0x026d, - "lira", - 0x20a4, - "liwnarmenian", - 0x056c, - "lj", - 0x01c9, - "ljecyrillic", - 0x0459, - "ll", - 0xf6c0, - "lladeva", - 0x0933, - "llagujarati", - 0x0ab3, - "llinebelow", - 0x1e3b, - "llladeva", - 0x0934, - "llvocalicbengali", - 0x09e1, - "llvocalicdeva", - 0x0961, - "llvocalicvowelsignbengali", - 0x09e3, - "llvocalicvowelsigndeva", - 0x0963, - "lmiddletilde", - 0x026b, - "lmonospace", - 0xff4c, - "lmsquare", - 0x33d0, - "lochulathai", - 0x0e2c, - "logicaland", - 0x2227, - "logicalnot", - 0x00ac, - "logicalnotreversed", - 0x2310, - "logicalor", - 0x2228, - "lolingthai", - 0x0e25, - "longs", - 0x017f, - "lowlinecenterline", - 0xfe4e, - "lowlinecmb", - 0x0332, - "lowlinedashed", - 0xfe4d, - "lozenge", - 0x25ca, - "lparen", - 0x24a7, - "lslash", - 0x0142, - "lsquare", - 0x2113, - "lsuperior", - 0xf6ee, - "ltshade", - 0x2591, - "luthai", - 0x0e26, - "lvocalicbengali", - 0x098c, - "lvocalicdeva", - 0x090c, - "lvocalicvowelsignbengali", - 0x09e2, - "lvocalicvowelsigndeva", - 0x0962, - "lxsquare", - 0x33d3, - "m", - 0x006d, - "mabengali", - 0x09ae, - "macron", - 0x00af, - "macronbelowcmb", - 0x0331, - "macroncmb", - 0x0304, - "macronlowmod", - 0x02cd, - "macronmonospace", - 0xffe3, - "macute", - 0x1e3f, - "madeva", - 0x092e, - "magujarati", - 0x0aae, - "magurmukhi", - 0x0a2e, - "mahapakhhebrew", - 0x05a4, - "mahapakhlefthebrew", - 0x05a4, - "mahiragana", - 0x307e, - "maichattawalowleftthai", - 0xf895, - "maichattawalowrightthai", - 0xf894, - "maichattawathai", - 0x0e4b, - "maichattawaupperleftthai", - 0xf893, - "maieklowleftthai", - 0xf88c, - "maieklowrightthai", - 0xf88b, - "maiekthai", - 0x0e48, - "maiekupperleftthai", - 0xf88a, - "maihanakatleftthai", - 0xf884, - "maihanakatthai", - 0x0e31, - "maitaikhuleftthai", - 0xf889, - "maitaikhuthai", - 0x0e47, - "maitholowleftthai", - 0xf88f, - "maitholowrightthai", - 0xf88e, - "maithothai", - 0x0e49, - "maithoupperleftthai", - 0xf88d, - "maitrilowleftthai", - 0xf892, - "maitrilowrightthai", - 0xf891, - "maitrithai", - 0x0e4a, - "maitriupperleftthai", - 0xf890, - "maiyamokthai", - 0x0e46, - "makatakana", - 0x30de, - "makatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff8f, - "male", - 0x2642, - "mansyonsquare", - 0x3347, - "maqafhebrew", - 0x05be, - "mars", - 0x2642, - "masoracirclehebrew", - 0x05af, - "masquare", - 0x3383, - "mbopomofo", - 0x3107, - "mbsquare", - 0x33d4, - "mcircle", - 0x24dc, - "mcubedsquare", - 0x33a5, - "mdotaccent", - 0x1e41, - "mdotbelow", - 0x1e43, - "meemarabic", - 0x0645, - "meemfinalarabic", - 0xfee2, - "meeminitialarabic", - 0xfee3, - "meemmedialarabic", - 0xfee4, - "meemmeeminitialarabic", - 0xfcd1, - "meemmeemisolatedarabic", - 0xfc48, - "meetorusquare", - 0x334d, - "mehiragana", - 0x3081, - "meizierasquare", - 0x337e, - "mekatakana", - 0x30e1, - "mekatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff92, - "mem", - 0x05de, - "memdagesh", - 0xfb3e, - "memdageshhebrew", - 0xfb3e, - "memhebrew", - 0x05de, - "menarmenian", - 0x0574, - "merkhahebrew", - 0x05a5, - "merkhakefulahebrew", - 0x05a6, - "merkhakefulalefthebrew", - 0x05a6, - "merkhalefthebrew", - 0x05a5, - "mhook", - 0x0271, - "mhzsquare", - 0x3392, - "middledotkatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff65, - "middot", - 0x00b7, - "mieumacirclekorean", - 0x3272, - "mieumaparenkorean", - 0x3212, - "mieumcirclekorean", - 0x3264, - "mieumkorean", - 0x3141, - "mieumpansioskorean", - 0x3170, - "mieumparenkorean", - 0x3204, - "mieumpieupkorean", - 0x316e, - "mieumsioskorean", - 0x316f, - "mihiragana", - 0x307f, - "mikatakana", - 0x30df, - "mikatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff90, - "minus", - 0x2212, - "minusbelowcmb", - 0x0320, - "minuscircle", - 0x2296, - "minusmod", - 0x02d7, - "minusplus", - 0x2213, - "minute", - 0x2032, - "miribaarusquare", - 0x334a, - "mirisquare", - 0x3349, - "mlonglegturned", - 0x0270, - "mlsquare", - 0x3396, - "mmcubedsquare", - 0x33a3, - "mmonospace", - 0xff4d, - "mmsquaredsquare", - 0x339f, - "mohiragana", - 0x3082, - "mohmsquare", - 0x33c1, - "mokatakana", - 0x30e2, - "mokatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff93, - "molsquare", - 0x33d6, - "momathai", - 0x0e21, - "moverssquare", - 0x33a7, - "moverssquaredsquare", - 0x33a8, - "mparen", - 0x24a8, - "mpasquare", - 0x33ab, - "mssquare", - 0x33b3, - "msuperior", - 0xf6ef, - "mturned", - 0x026f, - "mu", - 0x00b5, - "mu1", - 0x00b5, - "muasquare", - 0x3382, - "muchgreater", - 0x226b, - "muchless", - 0x226a, - "mufsquare", - 0x338c, - "mugreek", - 0x03bc, - "mugsquare", - 0x338d, - "muhiragana", - 0x3080, - "mukatakana", - 0x30e0, - "mukatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff91, - "mulsquare", - 0x3395, - "multiply", - 0x00d7, - "mumsquare", - 0x339b, - "munahhebrew", - 0x05a3, - "munahlefthebrew", - 0x05a3, - "musicalnote", - 0x266a, - "musicalnotedbl", - 0x266b, - "musicflatsign", - 0x266d, - "musicsharpsign", - 0x266f, - "mussquare", - 0x33b2, - "muvsquare", - 0x33b6, - "muwsquare", - 0x33bc, - "mvmegasquare", - 0x33b9, - "mvsquare", - 0x33b7, - "mwmegasquare", - 0x33bf, - "mwsquare", - 0x33bd, - "n", - 0x006e, - "nabengali", - 0x09a8, - "nabla", - 0x2207, - "nacute", - 0x0144, - "nadeva", - 0x0928, - "nagujarati", - 0x0aa8, - "nagurmukhi", - 0x0a28, - "nahiragana", - 0x306a, - "nakatakana", - 0x30ca, - "nakatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff85, - "napostrophe", - 0x0149, - "nasquare", - 0x3381, - "nbopomofo", - 0x310b, - "nbspace", - 0x00a0, - "ncaron", - 0x0148, - "ncedilla", - 0x0146, - "ncircle", - 0x24dd, - "ncircumflexbelow", - 0x1e4b, - "ncommaaccent", - 0x0146, - "ndotaccent", - 0x1e45, - "ndotbelow", - 0x1e47, - "nehiragana", - 0x306d, - "nekatakana", - 0x30cd, - "nekatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff88, - "newsheqelsign", - 0x20aa, - "nfsquare", - 0x338b, - "ngabengali", - 0x0999, - "ngadeva", - 0x0919, - "ngagujarati", - 0x0a99, - "ngagurmukhi", - 0x0a19, - "ngonguthai", - 0x0e07, - "nhiragana", - 0x3093, - "nhookleft", - 0x0272, - "nhookretroflex", - 0x0273, - "nieunacirclekorean", - 0x326f, - "nieunaparenkorean", - 0x320f, - "nieuncieuckorean", - 0x3135, - "nieuncirclekorean", - 0x3261, - "nieunhieuhkorean", - 0x3136, - "nieunkorean", - 0x3134, - "nieunpansioskorean", - 0x3168, - "nieunparenkorean", - 0x3201, - "nieunsioskorean", - 0x3167, - "nieuntikeutkorean", - 0x3166, - "nihiragana", - 0x306b, - "nikatakana", - 0x30cb, - "nikatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff86, - "nikhahitleftthai", - 0xf899, - "nikhahitthai", - 0x0e4d, - "nine", - 0x0039, - "ninearabic", - 0x0669, - "ninebengali", - 0x09ef, - "ninecircle", - 0x2468, - "ninecircleinversesansserif", - 0x2792, - "ninedeva", - 0x096f, - "ninegujarati", - 0x0aef, - "ninegurmukhi", - 0x0a6f, - "ninehackarabic", - 0x0669, - "ninehangzhou", - 0x3029, - "nineideographicparen", - 0x3228, - "nineinferior", - 0x2089, - "ninemonospace", - 0xff19, - "nineoldstyle", - 0xf739, - "nineparen", - 0x247c, - "nineperiod", - 0x2490, - "ninepersian", - 0x06f9, - "nineroman", - 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"noonnoonfinalarabic", - 0xfc8d, - "notcontains", - 0x220c, - "notelement", - 0x2209, - "notelementof", - 0x2209, - "notequal", - 0x2260, - "notgreater", - 0x226f, - "notgreaternorequal", - 0x2271, - "notgreaternorless", - 0x2279, - "notidentical", - 0x2262, - "notless", - 0x226e, - "notlessnorequal", - 0x2270, - "notparallel", - 0x2226, - "notprecedes", - 0x2280, - "notsubset", - 0x2284, - "notsucceeds", - 0x2281, - "notsuperset", - 0x2285, - "nowarmenian", - 0x0576, - "nparen", - 0x24a9, - "nssquare", - 0x33b1, - "nsuperior", - 0x207f, - "ntilde", - 0x00f1, - "nu", - 0x03bd, - "nuhiragana", - 0x306c, - "nukatakana", - 0x30cc, - "nukatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff87, - "nuktabengali", - 0x09bc, - "nuktadeva", - 0x093c, - "nuktagujarati", - 0x0abc, - "nuktagurmukhi", - 0x0a3c, - "numbersign", - 0x0023, - "numbersignmonospace", - 0xff03, - "numbersignsmall", - 0xfe5f, - "numeralsigngreek", - 0x0374, - "numeralsignlowergreek", - 0x0375, - "numero", - 0x2116, - "nun", - 0x05e0, - "nundagesh", - 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"oe", - 0x0153, - "oekorean", - 0x315a, - "ogonek", - 0x02db, - "ogonekcmb", - 0x0328, - "ograve", - 0x00f2, - "ogujarati", - 0x0a93, - "oharmenian", - 0x0585, - "ohiragana", - 0x304a, - "ohookabove", - 0x1ecf, - "ohorn", - 0x01a1, - "ohornacute", - 0x1edb, - "ohorndotbelow", - 0x1ee3, - "ohorngrave", - 0x1edd, - "ohornhookabove", - 0x1edf, - "ohorntilde", - 0x1ee1, - "ohungarumlaut", - 0x0151, - "oi", - 0x01a3, - "oinvertedbreve", - 0x020f, - "okatakana", - 0x30aa, - "okatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff75, - "okorean", - 0x3157, - "olehebrew", - 0x05ab, - "omacron", - 0x014d, - "omacronacute", - 0x1e53, - "omacrongrave", - 0x1e51, - "omdeva", - 0x0950, - "omega", - 0x03c9, - "omega1", - 0x03d6, - "omegacyrillic", - 0x0461, - "omegalatinclosed", - 0x0277, - "omegaroundcyrillic", - 0x047b, - "omegatitlocyrillic", - 0x047d, - "omegatonos", - 0x03ce, - "omgujarati", - 0x0ad0, - "omicron", - 0x03bf, - "omicrontonos", - 0x03cc, - "omonospace", - 0xff4f, - "one", - 0x0031, - "onearabic", - 0x0661, - "onebengali", - 0x09e7, - "onecircle", - 0x2460, - "onecircleinversesansserif", - 0x278a, - "onedeva", - 0x0967, - "onedotenleader", - 0x2024, - "oneeighth", - 0x215b, - "onefitted", - 0xf6dc, - "onegujarati", - 0x0ae7, - "onegurmukhi", - 0x0a67, - "onehackarabic", - 0x0661, - "onehalf", - 0x00bd, - "onehangzhou", - 0x3021, - "oneideographicparen", - 0x3220, - "oneinferior", - 0x2081, - "onemonospace", - 0xff11, - "onenumeratorbengali", - 0x09f4, - "oneoldstyle", - 0xf731, - "oneparen", - 0x2474, - "oneperiod", - 0x2488, - "onepersian", - 0x06f1, - "onequarter", - 0x00bc, - "oneroman", - 0x2170, - "onesuperior", - 0x00b9, - "onethai", - 0x0e51, - "onethird", - 0x2153, - "oogonek", - 0x01eb, - "oogonekmacron", - 0x01ed, - "oogurmukhi", - 0x0a13, - "oomatragurmukhi", - 0x0a4b, - "oopen", - 0x0254, - "oparen", - 0x24aa, - "openbullet", - 0x25e6, - "option", - 0x2325, - "ordfeminine", - 0x00aa, - "ordmasculine", - 0x00ba, - "orthogonal", - 0x221f, - "oshortdeva", - 0x0912, - "oshortvowelsigndeva", - 0x094a, - "oslash", - 0x00f8, - "oslashacute", - 0x01ff, - "osmallhiragana", - 0x3049, - "osmallkatakana", - 0x30a9, - "osmallkatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff6b, - "ostrokeacute", - 0x01ff, - "osuperior", - 0xf6f0, - "otcyrillic", - 0x047f, - "otilde", - 0x00f5, - "otildeacute", - 0x1e4d, - "otildedieresis", - 0x1e4f, - "oubopomofo", - 0x3121, - "overline", - 0x203e, - "overlinecenterline", - 0xfe4a, - "overlinecmb", - 0x0305, - "overlinedashed", - 0xfe49, - "overlinedblwavy", - 0xfe4c, - "overlinewavy", - 0xfe4b, - "overscore", - 0x00af, - "ovowelsignbengali", - 0x09cb, - "ovowelsigndeva", - 0x094b, - "ovowelsigngujarati", - 0x0acb, - "p", - 0x0070, - "paampssquare", - 0x3380, - "paasentosquare", - 0x332b, - "pabengali", - 0x09aa, - "pacute", - 0x1e55, - "padeva", - 0x092a, - "pagedown", - 0x21df, - "pageup", - 0x21de, - "pagujarati", - 0x0aaa, - "pagurmukhi", - 0x0a2a, - "pahiragana", - 0x3071, - "paiyannoithai", - 0x0e2f, - "pakatakana", - 0x30d1, - "palatalizationcyrilliccmb", - 0x0484, - "palochkacyrillic", - 0x04c0, - "pansioskorean", - 0x317f, - "paragraph", - 0x00b6, - "parallel", - 0x2225, - "parenleft", - 0x0028, - "parenleftaltonearabic", - 0xfd3e, - "parenleftbt", - 0xf8ed, - "parenleftex", - 0xf8ec, - "parenleftinferior", - 0x208d, - "parenleftmonospace", - 0xff08, - "parenleftsmall", - 0xfe59, - "parenleftsuperior", - 0x207d, - "parenlefttp", - 0xf8eb, - "parenleftvertical", - 0xfe35, - "parenright", - 0x0029, - "parenrightaltonearabic", - 0xfd3f, - "parenrightbt", - 0xf8f8, - "parenrightex", - 0xf8f7, - "parenrightinferior", - 0x208e, - "parenrightmonospace", - 0xff09, - "parenrightsmall", - 0xfe5a, - "parenrightsuperior", - 0x207e, - "parenrighttp", - 0xf8f6, - "parenrightvertical", - 0xfe36, - "partialdiff", - 0x2202, - "paseqhebrew", - 0x05c0, - "pashtahebrew", - 0x0599, - "pasquare", - 0x33a9, - "patah", - 0x05b7, - "patah11", - 0x05b7, - "patah1d", - 0x05b7, - "patah2a", - 0x05b7, - "patahhebrew", - 0x05b7, - "patahnarrowhebrew", - 0x05b7, - "patahquarterhebrew", - 0x05b7, - "patahwidehebrew", - 0x05b7, - "pazerhebrew", - 0x05a1, - "pbopomofo", - 0x3106, - "pcircle", - 0x24df, - "pdotaccent", - 0x1e57, - "pe", - 0x05e4, - "pecyrillic", - 0x043f, - "pedagesh", - 0xfb44, - "pedageshhebrew", - 0xfb44, - "peezisquare", - 0x333b, - "pefinaldageshhebrew", - 0xfb43, - "peharabic", - 0x067e, - "peharmenian", - 0x057a, - "pehebrew", - 0x05e4, - "pehfinalarabic", - 0xfb57, - "pehinitialarabic", - 0xfb58, - "pehiragana", - 0x307a, - "pehmedialarabic", - 0xfb59, - "pekatakana", - 0x30da, - "pemiddlehookcyrillic", - 0x04a7, - "perafehebrew", - 0xfb4e, - "percent", - 0x0025, - "percentarabic", - 0x066a, - "percentmonospace", - 0xff05, - "percentsmall", - 0xfe6a, - "period", - 0x002e, - "periodarmenian", - 0x0589, - "periodcentered", - 0x00b7, - "periodhalfwidth", - 0xff61, - "periodinferior", - 0xf6e7, - "periodmonospace", - 0xff0e, - "periodsmall", - 0xfe52, - "periodsuperior", - 0xf6e8, - "perispomenigreekcmb", - 0x0342, - "perpendicular", - 0x22a5, - "perthousand", - 0x2030, - "peseta", - 0x20a7, - "pfsquare", - 0x338a, - "phabengali", - 0x09ab, - "phadeva", - 0x092b, - "phagujarati", - 0x0aab, - "phagurmukhi", - 0x0a2b, - "phi", - 0x03c6, - "phi1", - 0x03d5, - "phieuphacirclekorean", - 0x327a, - "phieuphaparenkorean", - 0x321a, - "phieuphcirclekorean", - 0x326c, - "phieuphkorean", - 0x314d, - "phieuphparenkorean", - 0x320c, - "philatin", - 0x0278, - "phinthuthai", - 0x0e3a, - "phisymbolgreek", - 0x03d5, - "phook", - 0x01a5, - "phophanthai", - 0x0e1e, - "phophungthai", - 0x0e1c, - "phosamphaothai", - 0x0e20, - "pi", - 0x03c0, - "pieupacirclekorean", - 0x3273, - "pieupaparenkorean", - 0x3213, - "pieupcieuckorean", - 0x3176, - "pieupcirclekorean", - 0x3265, - "pieupkiyeokkorean", - 0x3172, - "pieupkorean", - 0x3142, - "pieupparenkorean", - 0x3205, - "pieupsioskiyeokkorean", - 0x3174, - "pieupsioskorean", - 0x3144, - "pieupsiostikeutkorean", - 0x3175, - "pieupthieuthkorean", - 0x3177, - "pieuptikeutkorean", - 0x3173, - "pihiragana", - 0x3074, - "pikatakana", - 0x30d4, - "pisymbolgreek", - 0x03d6, - "piwrarmenian", - 0x0583, - "plus", - 0x002b, - "plusbelowcmb", - 0x031f, - "pluscircle", - 0x2295, - "plusminus", - 0x00b1, - "plusmod", - 0x02d6, - "plusmonospace", - 0xff0b, - "plussmall", - 0xfe62, - "plussuperior", - 0x207a, - "pmonospace", - 0xff50, - "pmsquare", - 0x33d8, - "pohiragana", - 0x307d, - "pointingindexdownwhite", - 0x261f, - "pointingindexleftwhite", - 0x261c, - "pointingindexrightwhite", - 0x261e, - "pointingindexupwhite", - 0x261d, - "pokatakana", - 0x30dd, - "poplathai", - 0x0e1b, - "postalmark", - 0x3012, - "postalmarkface", - 0x3020, - "pparen", - 0x24ab, - "precedes", - 0x227a, - "prescription", - 0x211e, - "primemod", - 0x02b9, - "primereversed", - 0x2035, - "product", - 0x220f, - "projective", - 0x2305, - "prolongedkana", - 0x30fc, - "propellor", - 0x2318, - "propersubset", - 0x2282, - "propersuperset", - 0x2283, - "proportion", - 0x2237, - "proportional", - 0x221d, - "psi", - 0x03c8, - "psicyrillic", - 0x0471, - "psilipneumatacyrilliccmb", - 0x0486, - "pssquare", - 0x33b0, - "puhiragana", - 0x3077, - "pukatakana", - 0x30d7, - "pvsquare", - 0x33b4, - "pwsquare", - 0x33ba, - "q", - 0x0071, - "qadeva", - 0x0958, - "qadmahebrew", - 0x05a8, - "qafarabic", - 0x0642, - "qaffinalarabic", - 0xfed6, - "qafinitialarabic", - 0xfed7, - "qafmedialarabic", - 0xfed8, - "qamats", - 0x05b8, - "qamats10", - 0x05b8, - "qamats1a", - 0x05b8, - "qamats1c", - 0x05b8, - "qamats27", - 0x05b8, - "qamats29", - 0x05b8, - "qamats33", - 0x05b8, - "qamatsde", - 0x05b8, - "qamatshebrew", - 0x05b8, - "qamatsnarrowhebrew", - 0x05b8, - "qamatsqatanhebrew", - 0x05b8, - "qamatsqatannarrowhebrew", - 0x05b8, - "qamatsqatanquarterhebrew", - 0x05b8, - "qamatsqatanwidehebrew", - 0x05b8, - "qamatsquarterhebrew", - 0x05b8, - "qamatswidehebrew", - 0x05b8, - "qarneyparahebrew", - 0x059f, - "qbopomofo", - 0x3111, - "qcircle", - 0x24e0, - "qhook", - 0x02a0, - "qmonospace", - 0xff51, - "qof", - 0x05e7, - "qofdagesh", - 0xfb47, - "qofdageshhebrew", - 0xfb47, - "qofhebrew", - 0x05e7, - "qparen", - 0x24ac, - "quarternote", - 0x2669, - "qubuts", - 0x05bb, - "qubuts18", - 0x05bb, - "qubuts25", - 0x05bb, - "qubuts31", - 0x05bb, - "qubutshebrew", - 0x05bb, - "qubutsnarrowhebrew", - 0x05bb, - "qubutsquarterhebrew", - 0x05bb, - "qubutswidehebrew", - 0x05bb, - "question", - 0x003f, - "questionarabic", - 0x061f, - "questionarmenian", - 0x055e, - "questiondown", - 0x00bf, - "questiondownsmall", - 0xf7bf, - "questiongreek", - 0x037e, - "questionmonospace", - 0xff1f, - "questionsmall", - 0xf73f, - "quotedbl", - 0x0022, - "quotedblbase", - 0x201e, - "quotedblleft", - 0x201c, - "quotedblmonospace", - 0xff02, - "quotedblprime", - 0x301e, - "quotedblprimereversed", - 0x301d, - "quotedblright", - 0x201d, - "quoteleft", - 0x2018, - "quoteleftreversed", - 0x201b, - "quotereversed", - 0x201b, - "quoteright", - 0x2019, - "quoterightn", - 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"rieulparenkorean", - 0x3203, - "rieulphieuphkorean", - 0x313f, - "rieulpieupkorean", - 0x313c, - "rieulpieupsioskorean", - 0x316b, - "rieulsioskorean", - 0x313d, - "rieulthieuthkorean", - 0x313e, - "rieultikeutkorean", - 0x316a, - "rieulyeorinhieuhkorean", - 0x316d, - "rightangle", - 0x221f, - "righttackbelowcmb", - 0x0319, - "righttriangle", - 0x22bf, - "rihiragana", - 0x308a, - "rikatakana", - 0x30ea, - "rikatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff98, - "ring", - 0x02da, - "ringbelowcmb", - 0x0325, - "ringcmb", - 0x030a, - "ringhalfleft", - 0x02bf, - "ringhalfleftarmenian", - 0x0559, - "ringhalfleftbelowcmb", - 0x031c, - "ringhalfleftcentered", - 0x02d3, - "ringhalfright", - 0x02be, - "ringhalfrightbelowcmb", - 0x0339, - "ringhalfrightcentered", - 0x02d2, - "rinvertedbreve", - 0x0213, - "rittorusquare", - 0x3351, - "rlinebelow", - 0x1e5f, - "rlongleg", - 0x027c, - "rlonglegturned", - 0x027a, - "rmonospace", - 0xff52, - "rohiragana", - 0x308d, - "rokatakana", - 0x30ed, - "rokatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff9b, - "roruathai", - 0x0e23, - "rparen", - 0x24ad, - "rrabengali", - 0x09dc, - "rradeva", - 0x0931, - "rragurmukhi", - 0x0a5c, - "rreharabic", - 0x0691, - "rrehfinalarabic", - 0xfb8d, - "rrvocalicbengali", - 0x09e0, - "rrvocalicdeva", - 0x0960, - "rrvocalicgujarati", - 0x0ae0, - "rrvocalicvowelsignbengali", - 0x09c4, - "rrvocalicvowelsigndeva", - 0x0944, - "rrvocalicvowelsigngujarati", - 0x0ac4, - "rsuperior", - 0xf6f1, - "rtblock", - 0x2590, - "rturned", - 0x0279, - "rturnedsuperior", - 0x02b4, - "ruhiragana", - 0x308b, - "rukatakana", - 0x30eb, - "rukatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff99, - "rupeemarkbengali", - 0x09f2, - "rupeesignbengali", - 0x09f3, - "rupiah", - 0xf6dd, - "ruthai", - 0x0e24, - "rvocalicbengali", - 0x098b, - "rvocalicdeva", - 0x090b, - "rvocalicgujarati", - 0x0a8b, - "rvocalicvowelsignbengali", - 0x09c3, - "rvocalicvowelsigndeva", - 0x0943, - "rvocalicvowelsigngujarati", - 0x0ac3, - "s", - 0x0073, - "sabengali", - 0x09b8, - "sacute", - 0x015b, - "sacutedotaccent", - 0x1e65, - "sadarabic", - 0x0635, - "sadeva", - 0x0938, - "sadfinalarabic", - 0xfeba, - "sadinitialarabic", - 0xfebb, - "sadmedialarabic", - 0xfebc, - "sagujarati", - 0x0ab8, - "sagurmukhi", - 0x0a38, - "sahiragana", - 0x3055, - "sakatakana", - 0x30b5, - "sakatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff7b, - "sallallahoualayhewasallamarabic", - 0xfdfa, - "samekh", - 0x05e1, - "samekhdagesh", - 0xfb41, - "samekhdageshhebrew", - 0xfb41, - "samekhhebrew", - 0x05e1, - "saraaathai", - 0x0e32, - "saraaethai", - 0x0e41, - "saraaimaimalaithai", - 0x0e44, - "saraaimaimuanthai", - 0x0e43, - "saraamthai", - 0x0e33, - "saraathai", - 0x0e30, - "saraethai", - 0x0e40, - "saraiileftthai", - 0xf886, - "saraiithai", - 0x0e35, - "saraileftthai", - 0xf885, - "saraithai", - 0x0e34, - "saraothai", - 0x0e42, - "saraueeleftthai", - 0xf888, - "saraueethai", - 0x0e37, - "saraueleftthai", - 0xf887, - "sarauethai", - 0x0e36, - "sarauthai", - 0x0e38, - "sarauuthai", - 0x0e39, - "sbopomofo", - 0x3119, - "scaron", - 0x0161, - "scarondotaccent", - 0x1e67, - "scedilla", - 0x015f, - "schwa", - 0x0259, - "schwacyrillic", - 0x04d9, - "schwadieresiscyrillic", - 0x04db, - "schwahook", - 0x025a, - "scircle", - 0x24e2, - "scircumflex", - 0x015d, - "scommaaccent", - 0x0219, - "sdotaccent", - 0x1e61, - "sdotbelow", - 0x1e63, - "sdotbelowdotaccent", - 0x1e69, - "seagullbelowcmb", - 0x033c, - "second", - 0x2033, - "secondtonechinese", - 0x02ca, - "section", - 0x00a7, - "seenarabic", - 0x0633, - "seenfinalarabic", - 0xfeb2, - "seeninitialarabic", - 0xfeb3, - "seenmedialarabic", - 0xfeb4, - "segol", - 0x05b6, - "segol13", - 0x05b6, - "segol1f", - 0x05b6, - "segol2c", - 0x05b6, - "segolhebrew", - 0x05b6, - "segolnarrowhebrew", - 0x05b6, - "segolquarterhebrew", - 0x05b6, - "segoltahebrew", - 0x0592, - "segolwidehebrew", - 0x05b6, - "seharmenian", - 0x057d, - "sehiragana", - 0x305b, - "sekatakana", - 0x30bb, - "sekatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff7e, - "semicolon", - 0x003b, - "semicolonarabic", - 0x061b, - "semicolonmonospace", - 0xff1b, - "semicolonsmall", - 0xfe54, - "semivoicedmarkkana", - 0x309c, - "semivoicedmarkkanahalfwidth", - 0xff9f, - "sentisquare", - 0x3322, - "sentosquare", - 0x3323, - "seven", - 0x0037, - "sevenarabic", - 0x0667, - "sevenbengali", - 0x09ed, - "sevencircle", - 0x2466, - "sevencircleinversesansserif", - 0x2790, - "sevendeva", - 0x096d, - "seveneighths", - 0x215e, - "sevengujarati", - 0x0aed, - "sevengurmukhi", - 0x0a6d, - "sevenhackarabic", - 0x0667, - "sevenhangzhou", - 0x3027, - "sevenideographicparen", - 0x3226, - "seveninferior", - 0x2087, - "sevenmonospace", - 0xff17, - "sevenoldstyle", - 0xf737, - "sevenparen", - 0x247a, - "sevenperiod", - 0x248e, - "sevenpersian", - 0x06f7, - "sevenroman", - 0x2176, - "sevensuperior", - 0x2077, - "seventeencircle", - 0x2470, - "seventeenparen", - 0x2484, - "seventeenperiod", - 0x2498, - "seventhai", - 0x0e57, - "sfthyphen", - 0x00ad, - "shaarmenian", - 0x0577, - "shabengali", - 0x09b6, - "shacyrillic", - 0x0448, - "shaddaarabic", - 0x0651, - "shaddadammaarabic", - 0xfc61, - "shaddadammatanarabic", - 0xfc5e, - "shaddafathaarabic", - 0xfc60, - "shaddakasraarabic", - 0xfc62, - "shaddakasratanarabic", - 0xfc5f, - "shade", - 0x2592, - "shadedark", - 0x2593, - "shadelight", - 0x2591, - "shademedium", - 0x2592, - "shadeva", - 0x0936, - "shagujarati", - 0x0ab6, - "shagurmukhi", - 0x0a36, - "shalshelethebrew", - 0x0593, - "shbopomofo", - 0x3115, - "shchacyrillic", - 0x0449, - "sheenarabic", - 0x0634, - "sheenfinalarabic", - 0xfeb6, - "sheeninitialarabic", - 0xfeb7, - "sheenmedialarabic", - 0xfeb8, - "sheicoptic", - 0x03e3, - "sheqel", - 0x20aa, - "sheqelhebrew", - 0x20aa, - "sheva", - 0x05b0, - "sheva115", - 0x05b0, - "sheva15", - 0x05b0, - "sheva22", - 0x05b0, - "sheva2e", - 0x05b0, - "shevahebrew", - 0x05b0, - "shevanarrowhebrew", - 0x05b0, - "shevaquarterhebrew", - 0x05b0, - "shevawidehebrew", - 0x05b0, - "shhacyrillic", - 0x04bb, - "shimacoptic", - 0x03ed, - "shin", - 0x05e9, - "shindagesh", - 0xfb49, - "shindageshhebrew", - 0xfb49, - "shindageshshindot", - 0xfb2c, - "shindageshshindothebrew", - 0xfb2c, - "shindageshsindot", - 0xfb2d, - "shindageshsindothebrew", - 0xfb2d, - "shindothebrew", - 0x05c1, - "shinhebrew", - 0x05e9, - "shinshindot", - 0xfb2a, - "shinshindothebrew", - 0xfb2a, - "shinsindot", - 0xfb2b, - "shinsindothebrew", - 0xfb2b, - "shook", - 0x0282, - "sigma", - 0x03c3, - "sigma1", - 0x03c2, - "sigmafinal", - 0x03c2, - "sigmalunatesymbolgreek", - 0x03f2, - "sihiragana", - 0x3057, - "sikatakana", - 0x30b7, - "sikatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff7c, - "siluqhebrew", - 0x05bd, - "siluqlefthebrew", - 0x05bd, - "similar", - 0x223c, - "sindothebrew", - 0x05c2, - "siosacirclekorean", - 0x3274, - "siosaparenkorean", - 0x3214, - "sioscieuckorean", - 0x317e, - "sioscirclekorean", - 0x3266, - "sioskiyeokkorean", - 0x317a, - "sioskorean", - 0x3145, - "siosnieunkorean", - 0x317b, - "siosparenkorean", - 0x3206, - "siospieupkorean", - 0x317d, - "siostikeutkorean", - 0x317c, - "six", - 0x0036, - "sixarabic", - 0x0666, - "sixbengali", - 0x09ec, - "sixcircle", - 0x2465, - "sixcircleinversesansserif", - 0x278f, - "sixdeva", - 0x096c, - "sixgujarati", - 0x0aec, - "sixgurmukhi", - 0x0a6c, - "sixhackarabic", - 0x0666, - "sixhangzhou", - 0x3026, - "sixideographicparen", - 0x3225, - "sixinferior", - 0x2086, - "sixmonospace", - 0xff16, - "sixoldstyle", - 0xf736, - "sixparen", - 0x2479, - "sixperiod", - 0x248d, - "sixpersian", - 0x06f6, - "sixroman", - 0x2175, - "sixsuperior", - 0x2076, - "sixteencircle", - 0x246f, - "sixteencurrencydenominatorbengali", - 0x09f9, - "sixteenparen", - 0x2483, - "sixteenperiod", - 0x2497, - "sixthai", - 0x0e56, - "slash", - 0x002f, - "slashmonospace", - 0xff0f, - "slong", - 0x017f, - "slongdotaccent", - 0x1e9b, - "smileface", - 0x263a, - "smonospace", - 0xff53, - "sofpasuqhebrew", - 0x05c3, - "softhyphen", - 0x00ad, - "softsigncyrillic", - 0x044c, - "sohiragana", - 0x305d, - "sokatakana", - 0x30bd, - "sokatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff7f, - "soliduslongoverlaycmb", - 0x0338, - "solidusshortoverlaycmb", - 0x0337, - "sorusithai", - 0x0e29, - "sosalathai", - 0x0e28, - "sosothai", - 0x0e0b, - "sosuathai", - 0x0e2a, - "space", - 0x0020, - "spacehackarabic", - 0x0020, - "spade", - 0x2660, - "spadesuitblack", - 0x2660, - "spadesuitwhite", - 0x2664, - "sparen", - 0x24ae, - "squarebelowcmb", - 0x033b, - "squarecc", - 0x33c4, - "squarecm", - 0x339d, - "squarediagonalcrosshatchfill", - 0x25a9, - "squarehorizontalfill", - 0x25a4, - "squarekg", - 0x338f, - "squarekm", - 0x339e, - "squarekmcapital", - 0x33ce, - "squareln", - 0x33d1, - "squarelog", - 0x33d2, - "squaremg", - 0x338e, - "squaremil", - 0x33d5, - "squaremm", - 0x339c, - "squaremsquared", - 0x33a1, - "squareorthogonalcrosshatchfill", - 0x25a6, - "squareupperlefttolowerrightfill", - 0x25a7, - "squareupperrighttolowerleftfill", - 0x25a8, - "squareverticalfill", - 0x25a5, - "squarewhitewithsmallblack", - 0x25a3, - "srsquare", - 0x33db, - "ssabengali", - 0x09b7, - "ssadeva", - 0x0937, - "ssagujarati", - 0x0ab7, - "ssangcieuckorean", - 0x3149, - "ssanghieuhkorean", - 0x3185, - "ssangieungkorean", - 0x3180, - "ssangkiyeokkorean", - 0x3132, - "ssangnieunkorean", - 0x3165, - "ssangpieupkorean", - 0x3143, - "ssangsioskorean", - 0x3146, - "ssangtikeutkorean", - 0x3138, - "ssuperior", - 0xf6f2, - "sterling", - 0x00a3, - "sterlingmonospace", - 0xffe1, - "strokelongoverlaycmb", - 0x0336, - "strokeshortoverlaycmb", - 0x0335, - "subset", - 0x2282, - "subsetnotequal", - 0x228a, - "subsetorequal", - 0x2286, - "succeeds", - 0x227b, - "suchthat", - 0x220b, - "suhiragana", - 0x3059, - "sukatakana", - 0x30b9, - "sukatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff7d, - "sukunarabic", - 0x0652, - "summation", - 0x2211, - "sun", - 0x263c, - "superset", - 0x2283, - "supersetnotequal", - 0x228b, - "supersetorequal", - 0x2287, - "svsquare", - 0x33dc, - "syouwaerasquare", - 0x337c, - "t", - 0x0074, - "tabengali", - 0x09a4, - "tackdown", - 0x22a4, - "tackleft", - 0x22a3, - "tadeva", - 0x0924, - "tagujarati", - 0x0aa4, - "tagurmukhi", - 0x0a24, - "taharabic", - 0x0637, - "tahfinalarabic", - 0xfec2, - "tahinitialarabic", - 0xfec3, - "tahiragana", - 0x305f, - "tahmedialarabic", - 0xfec4, - "taisyouerasquare", - 0x337d, - "takatakana", - 0x30bf, - "takatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff80, - "tatweelarabic", - 0x0640, - "tau", - 0x03c4, - "tav", - 0x05ea, - "tavdages", - 0xfb4a, - "tavdagesh", - 0xfb4a, - "tavdageshhebrew", - 0xfb4a, - "tavhebrew", - 0x05ea, - "tbar", - 0x0167, - "tbopomofo", - 0x310a, - "tcaron", - 0x0165, - "tccurl", - 0x02a8, - "tcedilla", - 0x0163, - "tcheharabic", - 0x0686, - "tchehfinalarabic", - 0xfb7b, - "tchehinitialarabic", - 0xfb7c, - "tchehmedialarabic", - 0xfb7d, - "tcircle", - 0x24e3, - "tcircumflexbelow", - 0x1e71, - "tcommaaccent", - 0x0163, - "tdieresis", - 0x1e97, - "tdotaccent", - 0x1e6b, - "tdotbelow", - 0x1e6d, - "tecyrillic", - 0x0442, - "tedescendercyrillic", - 0x04ad, - "teharabic", - 0x062a, - "tehfinalarabic", - 0xfe96, - "tehhahinitialarabic", - 0xfca2, - "tehhahisolatedarabic", - 0xfc0c, - "tehinitialarabic", - 0xfe97, - "tehiragana", - 0x3066, - "tehjeeminitialarabic", - 0xfca1, - "tehjeemisolatedarabic", - 0xfc0b, - "tehmarbutaarabic", - 0x0629, - "tehmarbutafinalarabic", - 0xfe94, - "tehmedialarabic", - 0xfe98, - "tehmeeminitialarabic", - 0xfca4, - "tehmeemisolatedarabic", - 0xfc0e, - "tehnoonfinalarabic", - 0xfc73, - "tekatakana", - 0x30c6, - "tekatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff83, - "telephone", - 0x2121, - "telephoneblack", - 0x260e, - "telishagedolahebrew", - 0x05a0, - "telishaqetanahebrew", - 0x05a9, - "tencircle", - 0x2469, - "tenideographicparen", - 0x3229, - "tenparen", - 0x247d, - "tenperiod", - 0x2491, - "tenroman", - 0x2179, - "tesh", - 0x02a7, - "tet", - 0x05d8, - "tetdagesh", - 0xfb38, - "tetdageshhebrew", - 0xfb38, - "tethebrew", - 0x05d8, - "tetsecyrillic", - 0x04b5, - "tevirhebrew", - 0x059b, - "tevirlefthebrew", - 0x059b, - "thabengali", - 0x09a5, - "thadeva", - 0x0925, - "thagujarati", - 0x0aa5, - "thagurmukhi", - 0x0a25, - "thalarabic", - 0x0630, - "thalfinalarabic", - 0xfeac, - "thanthakhatlowleftthai", - 0xf898, - "thanthakhatlowrightthai", - 0xf897, - "thanthakhatthai", - 0x0e4c, - "thanthakhatupperleftthai", - 0xf896, - "theharabic", - 0x062b, - "thehfinalarabic", - 0xfe9a, - "thehinitialarabic", - 0xfe9b, - "thehmedialarabic", - 0xfe9c, - "thereexists", - 0x2203, - "therefore", - 0x2234, - "theta", - 0x03b8, - "theta1", - 0x03d1, - "thetasymbolgreek", - 0x03d1, - "thieuthacirclekorean", - 0x3279, - "thieuthaparenkorean", - 0x3219, - "thieuthcirclekorean", - 0x326b, - "thieuthkorean", - 0x314c, - "thieuthparenkorean", - 0x320b, - "thirteencircle", - 0x246c, - "thirteenparen", - 0x2480, - "thirteenperiod", - 0x2494, - "thonangmonthothai", - 0x0e11, - "thook", - 0x01ad, - "thophuthaothai", - 0x0e12, - "thorn", - 0x00fe, - "thothahanthai", - 0x0e17, - "thothanthai", - 0x0e10, - "thothongthai", - 0x0e18, - "thothungthai", - 0x0e16, - "thousandcyrillic", - 0x0482, - "thousandsseparatorarabic", - 0x066c, - "thousandsseparatorpersian", - 0x066c, - "three", - 0x0033, - "threearabic", - 0x0663, - "threebengali", - 0x09e9, - "threecircle", - 0x2462, - "threecircleinversesansserif", - 0x278c, - "threedeva", - 0x0969, - "threeeighths", - 0x215c, - "threegujarati", - 0x0ae9, - "threegurmukhi", - 0x0a69, - "threehackarabic", - 0x0663, - "threehangzhou", - 0x3023, - "threeideographicparen", - 0x3222, - "threeinferior", - 0x2083, - "threemonospace", - 0xff13, - "threenumeratorbengali", - 0x09f6, - "threeoldstyle", - 0xf733, - "threeparen", - 0x2476, - "threeperiod", - 0x248a, - "threepersian", - 0x06f3, - "threequarters", - 0x00be, - "threequartersemdash", - 0xf6de, - "threeroman", - 0x2172, - "threesuperior", - 0x00b3, - "threethai", - 0x0e53, - "thzsquare", - 0x3394, - "tihiragana", - 0x3061, - "tikatakana", - 0x30c1, - "tikatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff81, - "tikeutacirclekorean", - 0x3270, - "tikeutaparenkorean", - 0x3210, - "tikeutcirclekorean", - 0x3262, - "tikeutkorean", - 0x3137, - "tikeutparenkorean", - 0x3202, - "tilde", - 0x02dc, - "tildebelowcmb", - 0x0330, - "tildecmb", - 0x0303, - "tildecomb", - 0x0303, - "tildedoublecmb", - 0x0360, - "tildeoperator", - 0x223c, - "tildeoverlaycmb", - 0x0334, - "tildeverticalcmb", - 0x033e, - "timescircle", - 0x2297, - "tipehahebrew", - 0x0596, - "tipehalefthebrew", - 0x0596, - "tippigurmukhi", - 0x0a70, - "titlocyrilliccmb", - 0x0483, - "tiwnarmenian", - 0x057f, - "tlinebelow", - 0x1e6f, - "tmonospace", - 0xff54, - "toarmenian", - 0x0569, - "tohiragana", - 0x3068, - "tokatakana", - 0x30c8, - "tokatakanahalfwidth", - 0xff84, - "tonebarextrahighmod", - 0x02e5, - "tonebarextralowmod", - 0x02e9, - "tonebarhighmod", - 0x02e6, - "tonebarlowmod", - 0x02e8, - "tonebarmidmod", - 0x02e7, - "tonefive", - 0x01bd, - "tonesix", - 0x0185, - "tonetwo", - 0x01a8, - "tonos", - 0x0384, - "tonsquare", - 0x3327, - "topatakthai", - 0x0e0f, - "tortoiseshellbracketleft", - 0x3014, - "tortoiseshellbracketleftsmall", - 0xfe5d, - 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"circleplusdisplay", - 0x2295, - "circleplustext", - 0x2295, - "contintegraldisplay", - 0x222e, - "contintegraltext", - 0x222e, - "coproductdisplay", - 0x2210, - "coproducttext", - 0x2210, - "floorleftBig", - 0x230a, - "floorleftbig", - 0x230a, - "floorleftbigg", - 0x230a, - "floorleftBigg", - 0x230a, - "floorrightbig", - 0x230b, - "floorrightBig", - 0x230b, - "floorrightBigg", - 0x230b, - "floorrightbigg", - 0x230b, - "hatwide", - 0x0302, - "hatwider", - 0x0302, - "hatwidest", - 0x0302, - "intercal", - 0x1d40, - "integraldisplay", - 0x222b, - "integraltext", - 0x222b, - "intersectiondisplay", - 0x22c2, - "intersectiontext", - 0x22c2, - "logicalanddisplay", - 0x2227, - "logicalandtext", - 0x2227, - "logicalordisplay", - 0x2228, - "logicalortext", - 0x2228, - "parenleftBig", - 0x0028, - "parenleftbig", - 0x0028, - "parenleftBigg", - 0x0028, - "parenleftbigg", - 0x0028, - "parenrightBig", - 0x0029, - "parenrightbig", - 0x0029, - "parenrightBigg", - 0x0029, - "parenrightbigg", - 0x0029, - "prime", - 0x2032, - "productdisplay", - 0x220f, - "producttext", - 0x220f, - "radicalbig", - 0x221a, - "radicalBig", - 0x221a, - "radicalBigg", - 0x221a, - "radicalbigg", - 0x221a, - "radicalbt", - 0x221a, - "radicaltp", - 0x221a, - "radicalvertex", - 0x221a, - "slashbig", - 0x002f, - "slashBig", - 0x002f, - "slashBigg", - 0x002f, - "slashbigg", - 0x002f, - "summationdisplay", - 0x2211, - "summationtext", - 0x2211, - "tildewide", - 0x02dc, - "tildewider", - 0x02dc, - "tildewidest", - 0x02dc, - "uniondisplay", - 0x22c3, - "unionmultidisplay", - 0x228e, - "unionmultitext", - 0x228e, - "unionsqdisplay", - 0x2294, - "unionsqtext", - 0x2294, - "uniontext", - 0x22c3, - "vextenddouble", - 0x2225, - "vextendsingle", - 0x2223 - ]; +const getGlyphsUnicode = (0,_core_utils_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getLookupTableFactory)(function (t) { + t.A = 0x0041; + t.AE = 0x00c6; + t.AEacute = 0x01fc; + t.AEmacron = 0x01e2; + t.AEsmall = 0xf7e6; + t.Aacute = 0x00c1; + t.Aacutesmall = 0xf7e1; + t.Abreve = 0x0102; + t.Abreveacute = 0x1eae; + t.Abrevecyrillic = 0x04d0; + t.Abrevedotbelow = 0x1eb6; + t.Abrevegrave = 0x1eb0; + t.Abrevehookabove = 0x1eb2; + t.Abrevetilde = 0x1eb4; + t.Acaron = 0x01cd; + t.Acircle = 0x24b6; + t.Acircumflex = 0x00c2; + t.Acircumflexacute = 0x1ea4; + t.Acircumflexdotbelow = 0x1eac; + t.Acircumflexgrave = 0x1ea6; + t.Acircumflexhookabove = 0x1ea8; + t.Acircumflexsmall = 0xf7e2; + t.Acircumflextilde = 0x1eaa; + t.Acute = 0xf6c9; + t.Acutesmall = 0xf7b4; + t.Acyrillic = 0x0410; + t.Adblgrave = 0x0200; + t.Adieresis = 0x00c4; + t.Adieresiscyrillic = 0x04d2; + t.Adieresismacron = 0x01de; + t.Adieresissmall = 0xf7e4; + t.Adotbelow = 0x1ea0; + t.Adotmacron = 0x01e0; + t.Agrave = 0x00c0; + t.Agravesmall = 0xf7e0; + t.Ahookabove = 0x1ea2; + t.Aiecyrillic = 0x04d4; + t.Ainvertedbreve = 0x0202; + t.Alpha = 0x0391; + t.Alphatonos = 0x0386; + t.Amacron = 0x0100; + t.Amonospace = 0xff21; + t.Aogonek = 0x0104; + t.Aring = 0x00c5; + t.Aringacute = 0x01fa; + t.Aringbelow = 0x1e00; + t.Aringsmall = 0xf7e5; + t.Asmall = 0xf761; + t.Atilde = 0x00c3; + t.Atildesmall = 0xf7e3; + t.Aybarmenian = 0x0531; + t.B = 0x0042; + t.Bcircle = 0x24b7; + t.Bdotaccent = 0x1e02; + t.Bdotbelow = 0x1e04; + t.Becyrillic = 0x0411; + t.Benarmenian = 0x0532; + t.Beta = 0x0392; + t.Bhook = 0x0181; + t.Blinebelow = 0x1e06; + t.Bmonospace = 0xff22; + t.Brevesmall = 0xf6f4; + t.Bsmall = 0xf762; + t.Btopbar = 0x0182; + t.C = 0x0043; + t.Caarmenian = 0x053e; + t.Cacute = 0x0106; + t.Caron = 0xf6ca; + t.Caronsmall = 0xf6f5; + t.Ccaron = 0x010c; + t.Ccedilla = 0x00c7; + t.Ccedillaacute = 0x1e08; + t.Ccedillasmall = 0xf7e7; + t.Ccircle = 0x24b8; + t.Ccircumflex = 0x0108; + t.Cdot = 0x010a; + t.Cdotaccent = 0x010a; + t.Cedillasmall = 0xf7b8; + t.Chaarmenian = 0x0549; + t.Cheabkhasiancyrillic = 0x04bc; + t.Checyrillic = 0x0427; + t.Chedescenderabkhasiancyrillic = 0x04be; + t.Chedescendercyrillic = 0x04b6; + t.Chedieresiscyrillic = 0x04f4; + t.Cheharmenian = 0x0543; + t.Chekhakassiancyrillic = 0x04cb; + t.Cheverticalstrokecyrillic = 0x04b8; + t.Chi = 0x03a7; + t.Chook = 0x0187; + t.Circumflexsmall = 0xf6f6; + t.Cmonospace = 0xff23; + t.Coarmenian = 0x0551; + t.Csmall = 0xf763; + t.D = 0x0044; + t.DZ = 0x01f1; + t.DZcaron = 0x01c4; + t.Daarmenian = 0x0534; + t.Dafrican = 0x0189; + t.Dcaron = 0x010e; + t.Dcedilla = 0x1e10; + t.Dcircle = 0x24b9; + t.Dcircumflexbelow = 0x1e12; + t.Dcroat = 0x0110; + t.Ddotaccent = 0x1e0a; + t.Ddotbelow = 0x1e0c; + t.Decyrillic = 0x0414; + t.Deicoptic = 0x03ee; + t.Delta = 0x2206; + t.Deltagreek = 0x0394; + t.Dhook = 0x018a; + t.Dieresis = 0xf6cb; + t.DieresisAcute = 0xf6cc; + t.DieresisGrave = 0xf6cd; + t.Dieresissmall = 0xf7a8; + t.Digammagreek = 0x03dc; + t.Djecyrillic = 0x0402; + t.Dlinebelow = 0x1e0e; + t.Dmonospace = 0xff24; + t.Dotaccentsmall = 0xf6f7; + t.Dslash = 0x0110; + t.Dsmall = 0xf764; + t.Dtopbar = 0x018b; + t.Dz = 0x01f2; + t.Dzcaron = 0x01c5; + t.Dzeabkhasiancyrillic = 0x04e0; + t.Dzecyrillic = 0x0405; + t.Dzhecyrillic = 0x040f; + t.E = 0x0045; + t.Eacute = 0x00c9; + t.Eacutesmall = 0xf7e9; + t.Ebreve = 0x0114; + t.Ecaron = 0x011a; + t.Ecedillabreve = 0x1e1c; + t.Echarmenian = 0x0535; + t.Ecircle = 0x24ba; + t.Ecircumflex = 0x00ca; + t.Ecircumflexacute = 0x1ebe; + t.Ecircumflexbelow = 0x1e18; + t.Ecircumflexdotbelow = 0x1ec6; + t.Ecircumflexgrave = 0x1ec0; + t.Ecircumflexhookabove = 0x1ec2; + t.Ecircumflexsmall = 0xf7ea; + t.Ecircumflextilde = 0x1ec4; + t.Ecyrillic = 0x0404; + t.Edblgrave = 0x0204; + t.Edieresis = 0x00cb; + t.Edieresissmall = 0xf7eb; + t.Edot = 0x0116; + t.Edotaccent = 0x0116; + t.Edotbelow = 0x1eb8; + t.Efcyrillic = 0x0424; + t.Egrave = 0x00c8; + t.Egravesmall = 0xf7e8; + t.Eharmenian = 0x0537; + t.Ehookabove = 0x1eba; + t.Eightroman = 0x2167; + t.Einvertedbreve = 0x0206; + t.Eiotifiedcyrillic = 0x0464; + t.Elcyrillic = 0x041b; + t.Elevenroman = 0x216a; + t.Emacron = 0x0112; + t.Emacronacute = 0x1e16; + t.Emacrongrave = 0x1e14; + t.Emcyrillic = 0x041c; + t.Emonospace = 0xff25; + t.Encyrillic = 0x041d; + t.Endescendercyrillic = 0x04a2; + t.Eng = 0x014a; + t.Enghecyrillic = 0x04a4; + t.Enhookcyrillic = 0x04c7; + t.Eogonek = 0x0118; + t.Eopen = 0x0190; + t.Epsilon = 0x0395; + t.Epsilontonos = 0x0388; + t.Ercyrillic = 0x0420; + t.Ereversed = 0x018e; + t.Ereversedcyrillic = 0x042d; + t.Escyrillic = 0x0421; + t.Esdescendercyrillic = 0x04aa; + t.Esh = 0x01a9; + t.Esmall = 0xf765; + t.Eta = 0x0397; + t.Etarmenian = 0x0538; + t.Etatonos = 0x0389; + t.Eth = 0x00d0; + t.Ethsmall = 0xf7f0; + t.Etilde = 0x1ebc; + t.Etildebelow = 0x1e1a; + t.Euro = 0x20ac; + t.Ezh = 0x01b7; + t.Ezhcaron = 0x01ee; + t.Ezhreversed = 0x01b8; + t.F = 0x0046; + t.Fcircle = 0x24bb; + t.Fdotaccent = 0x1e1e; + t.Feharmenian = 0x0556; + t.Feicoptic = 0x03e4; + t.Fhook = 0x0191; + t.Fitacyrillic = 0x0472; + t.Fiveroman = 0x2164; + t.Fmonospace = 0xff26; + t.Fourroman = 0x2163; + t.Fsmall = 0xf766; + t.G = 0x0047; + t.GBsquare = 0x3387; + t.Gacute = 0x01f4; + t.Gamma = 0x0393; + t.Gammaafrican = 0x0194; + t.Gangiacoptic = 0x03ea; + t.Gbreve = 0x011e; + t.Gcaron = 0x01e6; + t.Gcedilla = 0x0122; + t.Gcircle = 0x24bc; + t.Gcircumflex = 0x011c; + t.Gcommaaccent = 0x0122; + t.Gdot = 0x0120; + t.Gdotaccent = 0x0120; + t.Gecyrillic = 0x0413; + t.Ghadarmenian = 0x0542; + t.Ghemiddlehookcyrillic = 0x0494; + t.Ghestrokecyrillic = 0x0492; + t.Gheupturncyrillic = 0x0490; + t.Ghook = 0x0193; + t.Gimarmenian = 0x0533; + t.Gjecyrillic = 0x0403; + t.Gmacron = 0x1e20; + t.Gmonospace = 0xff27; + t.Grave = 0xf6ce; + t.Gravesmall = 0xf760; + t.Gsmall = 0xf767; + t.Gsmallhook = 0x029b; + t.Gstroke = 0x01e4; + t.H = 0x0048; + t.H18533 = 0x25cf; + t.H18543 = 0x25aa; + t.H18551 = 0x25ab; + t.H22073 = 0x25a1; + t.HPsquare = 0x33cb; + t.Haabkhasiancyrillic = 0x04a8; + t.Hadescendercyrillic = 0x04b2; + t.Hardsigncyrillic = 0x042a; + t.Hbar = 0x0126; + t.Hbrevebelow = 0x1e2a; + t.Hcedilla = 0x1e28; + t.Hcircle = 0x24bd; + t.Hcircumflex = 0x0124; + t.Hdieresis = 0x1e26; + t.Hdotaccent = 0x1e22; + t.Hdotbelow = 0x1e24; + t.Hmonospace = 0xff28; + t.Hoarmenian = 0x0540; + t.Horicoptic = 0x03e8; + t.Hsmall = 0xf768; + t.Hungarumlaut = 0xf6cf; + t.Hungarumlautsmall = 0xf6f8; + t.Hzsquare = 0x3390; + t.I = 0x0049; + t.IAcyrillic = 0x042f; + t.IJ = 0x0132; + t.IUcyrillic = 0x042e; + t.Iacute = 0x00cd; + t.Iacutesmall = 0xf7ed; + t.Ibreve = 0x012c; + t.Icaron = 0x01cf; + t.Icircle = 0x24be; + t.Icircumflex = 0x00ce; + t.Icircumflexsmall = 0xf7ee; + t.Icyrillic = 0x0406; + t.Idblgrave = 0x0208; + t.Idieresis = 0x00cf; + t.Idieresisacute = 0x1e2e; + t.Idieresiscyrillic = 0x04e4; + t.Idieresissmall = 0xf7ef; + t.Idot = 0x0130; + t.Idotaccent = 0x0130; + t.Idotbelow = 0x1eca; + t.Iebrevecyrillic = 0x04d6; + t.Iecyrillic = 0x0415; + t.Ifraktur = 0x2111; + t.Igrave = 0x00cc; + t.Igravesmall = 0xf7ec; + t.Ihookabove = 0x1ec8; + t.Iicyrillic = 0x0418; + t.Iinvertedbreve = 0x020a; + t.Iishortcyrillic = 0x0419; + t.Imacron = 0x012a; + t.Imacroncyrillic = 0x04e2; + t.Imonospace = 0xff29; + t.Iniarmenian = 0x053b; + t.Iocyrillic = 0x0401; + t.Iogonek = 0x012e; + t.Iota = 0x0399; + t.Iotaafrican = 0x0196; + t.Iotadieresis = 0x03aa; + t.Iotatonos = 0x038a; + t.Ismall = 0xf769; + t.Istroke = 0x0197; + t.Itilde = 0x0128; + t.Itildebelow = 0x1e2c; + t.Izhitsacyrillic = 0x0474; + t.Izhitsadblgravecyrillic = 0x0476; + t.J = 0x004a; + t.Jaarmenian = 0x0541; + t.Jcircle = 0x24bf; + t.Jcircumflex = 0x0134; + t.Jecyrillic = 0x0408; + t.Jheharmenian = 0x054b; + t.Jmonospace = 0xff2a; + t.Jsmall = 0xf76a; + t.K = 0x004b; + t.KBsquare = 0x3385; + t.KKsquare = 0x33cd; + t.Kabashkircyrillic = 0x04a0; + t.Kacute = 0x1e30; + t.Kacyrillic = 0x041a; + t.Kadescendercyrillic = 0x049a; + t.Kahookcyrillic = 0x04c3; + t.Kappa = 0x039a; + t.Kastrokecyrillic = 0x049e; + t.Kaverticalstrokecyrillic = 0x049c; + t.Kcaron = 0x01e8; + t.Kcedilla = 0x0136; + t.Kcircle = 0x24c0; + t.Kcommaaccent = 0x0136; + t.Kdotbelow = 0x1e32; + t.Keharmenian = 0x0554; + t.Kenarmenian = 0x053f; + t.Khacyrillic = 0x0425; + t.Kheicoptic = 0x03e6; + t.Khook = 0x0198; + t.Kjecyrillic = 0x040c; + t.Klinebelow = 0x1e34; + t.Kmonospace = 0xff2b; + t.Koppacyrillic = 0x0480; + t.Koppagreek = 0x03de; + t.Ksicyrillic = 0x046e; + t.Ksmall = 0xf76b; + t.L = 0x004c; + t.LJ = 0x01c7; + t.LL = 0xf6bf; + t.Lacute = 0x0139; + t.Lambda = 0x039b; + t.Lcaron = 0x013d; + t.Lcedilla = 0x013b; + t.Lcircle = 0x24c1; + t.Lcircumflexbelow = 0x1e3c; + t.Lcommaaccent = 0x013b; + t.Ldot = 0x013f; + t.Ldotaccent = 0x013f; + t.Ldotbelow = 0x1e36; + t.Ldotbelowmacron = 0x1e38; + t.Liwnarmenian = 0x053c; + t.Lj = 0x01c8; + t.Ljecyrillic = 0x0409; + t.Llinebelow = 0x1e3a; + t.Lmonospace = 0xff2c; + t.Lslash = 0x0141; + t.Lslashsmall = 0xf6f9; + t.Lsmall = 0xf76c; + t.M = 0x004d; + t.MBsquare = 0x3386; + t.Macron = 0xf6d0; + t.Macronsmall = 0xf7af; + t.Macute = 0x1e3e; + t.Mcircle = 0x24c2; + t.Mdotaccent = 0x1e40; + t.Mdotbelow = 0x1e42; + t.Menarmenian = 0x0544; + t.Mmonospace = 0xff2d; + t.Msmall = 0xf76d; + t.Mturned = 0x019c; + t.Mu = 0x039c; + t.N = 0x004e; + t.NJ = 0x01ca; + t.Nacute = 0x0143; + t.Ncaron = 0x0147; + t.Ncedilla = 0x0145; + t.Ncircle = 0x24c3; + t.Ncircumflexbelow = 0x1e4a; + t.Ncommaaccent = 0x0145; + t.Ndotaccent = 0x1e44; + t.Ndotbelow = 0x1e46; + t.Nhookleft = 0x019d; + t.Nineroman = 0x2168; + t.Nj = 0x01cb; + t.Njecyrillic = 0x040a; + t.Nlinebelow = 0x1e48; + t.Nmonospace = 0xff2e; + t.Nowarmenian = 0x0546; + t.Nsmall = 0xf76e; + t.Ntilde = 0x00d1; + t.Ntildesmall = 0xf7f1; + t.Nu = 0x039d; + t.O = 0x004f; + t.OE = 0x0152; + t.OEsmall = 0xf6fa; + t.Oacute = 0x00d3; + t.Oacutesmall = 0xf7f3; + t.Obarredcyrillic = 0x04e8; + t.Obarreddieresiscyrillic = 0x04ea; + t.Obreve = 0x014e; + t.Ocaron = 0x01d1; + t.Ocenteredtilde = 0x019f; + t.Ocircle = 0x24c4; + t.Ocircumflex = 0x00d4; + t.Ocircumflexacute = 0x1ed0; + t.Ocircumflexdotbelow = 0x1ed8; + t.Ocircumflexgrave = 0x1ed2; + t.Ocircumflexhookabove = 0x1ed4; + t.Ocircumflexsmall = 0xf7f4; + t.Ocircumflextilde = 0x1ed6; + t.Ocyrillic = 0x041e; + t.Odblacute = 0x0150; + t.Odblgrave = 0x020c; + t.Odieresis = 0x00d6; + t.Odieresiscyrillic = 0x04e6; + t.Odieresissmall = 0xf7f6; + t.Odotbelow = 0x1ecc; + t.Ogoneksmall = 0xf6fb; + t.Ograve = 0x00d2; + t.Ogravesmall = 0xf7f2; + t.Oharmenian = 0x0555; + t.Ohm = 0x2126; + t.Ohookabove = 0x1ece; + t.Ohorn = 0x01a0; + t.Ohornacute = 0x1eda; + t.Ohorndotbelow = 0x1ee2; + t.Ohorngrave = 0x1edc; + t.Ohornhookabove = 0x1ede; + t.Ohorntilde = 0x1ee0; + t.Ohungarumlaut = 0x0150; + t.Oi = 0x01a2; + t.Oinvertedbreve = 0x020e; + t.Omacron = 0x014c; + t.Omacronacute = 0x1e52; + t.Omacrongrave = 0x1e50; + t.Omega = 0x2126; + t.Omegacyrillic = 0x0460; + t.Omegagreek = 0x03a9; + t.Omegaroundcyrillic = 0x047a; + t.Omegatitlocyrillic = 0x047c; + t.Omegatonos = 0x038f; + t.Omicron = 0x039f; + t.Omicrontonos = 0x038c; + t.Omonospace = 0xff2f; + t.Oneroman = 0x2160; + t.Oogonek = 0x01ea; + t.Oogonekmacron = 0x01ec; + t.Oopen = 0x0186; + t.Oslash = 0x00d8; + t.Oslashacute = 0x01fe; + t.Oslashsmall = 0xf7f8; + t.Osmall = 0xf76f; + t.Ostrokeacute = 0x01fe; + t.Otcyrillic = 0x047e; + t.Otilde = 0x00d5; + t.Otildeacute = 0x1e4c; + t.Otildedieresis = 0x1e4e; + t.Otildesmall = 0xf7f5; + t.P = 0x0050; + t.Pacute = 0x1e54; + t.Pcircle = 0x24c5; + t.Pdotaccent = 0x1e56; + t.Pecyrillic = 0x041f; + t.Peharmenian = 0x054a; + t.Pemiddlehookcyrillic = 0x04a6; + t.Phi = 0x03a6; + t.Phook = 0x01a4; + t.Pi = 0x03a0; + t.Piwrarmenian = 0x0553; + t.Pmonospace = 0xff30; + t.Psi = 0x03a8; + t.Psicyrillic = 0x0470; + t.Psmall = 0xf770; + t.Q = 0x0051; + t.Qcircle = 0x24c6; + t.Qmonospace = 0xff31; + t.Qsmall = 0xf771; + t.R = 0x0052; + t.Raarmenian = 0x054c; + t.Racute = 0x0154; + t.Rcaron = 0x0158; + t.Rcedilla = 0x0156; + t.Rcircle = 0x24c7; + t.Rcommaaccent = 0x0156; + t.Rdblgrave = 0x0210; + t.Rdotaccent = 0x1e58; + t.Rdotbelow = 0x1e5a; + t.Rdotbelowmacron = 0x1e5c; + t.Reharmenian = 0x0550; + t.Rfraktur = 0x211c; + t.Rho = 0x03a1; + t.Ringsmall = 0xf6fc; + t.Rinvertedbreve = 0x0212; + t.Rlinebelow = 0x1e5e; + t.Rmonospace = 0xff32; + t.Rsmall = 0xf772; + t.Rsmallinverted = 0x0281; + t.Rsmallinvertedsuperior = 0x02b6; + t.S = 0x0053; + t.SF010000 = 0x250c; + t.SF020000 = 0x2514; + t.SF030000 = 0x2510; + t.SF040000 = 0x2518; + t.SF050000 = 0x253c; + t.SF060000 = 0x252c; + t.SF070000 = 0x2534; + t.SF080000 = 0x251c; + t.SF090000 = 0x2524; + t.SF100000 = 0x2500; + t.SF110000 = 0x2502; + t.SF190000 = 0x2561; + t.SF200000 = 0x2562; + t.SF210000 = 0x2556; + t.SF220000 = 0x2555; + t.SF230000 = 0x2563; + t.SF240000 = 0x2551; + t.SF250000 = 0x2557; + t.SF260000 = 0x255d; + t.SF270000 = 0x255c; + t.SF280000 = 0x255b; + t.SF360000 = 0x255e; + t.SF370000 = 0x255f; + t.SF380000 = 0x255a; + t.SF390000 = 0x2554; + t.SF400000 = 0x2569; + t.SF410000 = 0x2566; + t.SF420000 = 0x2560; + t.SF430000 = 0x2550; + t.SF440000 = 0x256c; + t.SF450000 = 0x2567; + t.SF460000 = 0x2568; + t.SF470000 = 0x2564; + t.SF480000 = 0x2565; + t.SF490000 = 0x2559; + t.SF500000 = 0x2558; + t.SF510000 = 0x2552; + t.SF520000 = 0x2553; + t.SF530000 = 0x256b; + t.SF540000 = 0x256a; + t.Sacute = 0x015a; + t.Sacutedotaccent = 0x1e64; + t.Sampigreek = 0x03e0; + t.Scaron = 0x0160; + t.Scarondotaccent = 0x1e66; + t.Scaronsmall = 0xf6fd; + t.Scedilla = 0x015e; + t.Schwa = 0x018f; + t.Schwacyrillic = 0x04d8; + t.Schwadieresiscyrillic = 0x04da; + t.Scircle = 0x24c8; + t.Scircumflex = 0x015c; + t.Scommaaccent = 0x0218; + t.Sdotaccent = 0x1e60; + t.Sdotbelow = 0x1e62; + t.Sdotbelowdotaccent = 0x1e68; + t.Seharmenian = 0x054d; + t.Sevenroman = 0x2166; + t.Shaarmenian = 0x0547; + t.Shacyrillic = 0x0428; + t.Shchacyrillic = 0x0429; + t.Sheicoptic = 0x03e2; + t.Shhacyrillic = 0x04ba; + t.Shimacoptic = 0x03ec; + t.Sigma = 0x03a3; + t.Sixroman = 0x2165; + t.Smonospace = 0xff33; + t.Softsigncyrillic = 0x042c; + t.Ssmall = 0xf773; + t.Stigmagreek = 0x03da; + t.T = 0x0054; + t.Tau = 0x03a4; + t.Tbar = 0x0166; + t.Tcaron = 0x0164; + t.Tcedilla = 0x0162; + t.Tcircle = 0x24c9; + t.Tcircumflexbelow = 0x1e70; + t.Tcommaaccent = 0x0162; + t.Tdotaccent = 0x1e6a; + t.Tdotbelow = 0x1e6c; + t.Tecyrillic = 0x0422; + t.Tedescendercyrillic = 0x04ac; + t.Tenroman = 0x2169; + t.Tetsecyrillic = 0x04b4; + t.Theta = 0x0398; + t.Thook = 0x01ac; + t.Thorn = 0x00de; + t.Thornsmall = 0xf7fe; + t.Threeroman = 0x2162; + t.Tildesmall = 0xf6fe; + t.Tiwnarmenian = 0x054f; + t.Tlinebelow = 0x1e6e; + t.Tmonospace = 0xff34; + t.Toarmenian = 0x0539; + t.Tonefive = 0x01bc; + t.Tonesix = 0x0184; + t.Tonetwo = 0x01a7; + t.Tretroflexhook = 0x01ae; + t.Tsecyrillic = 0x0426; + t.Tshecyrillic = 0x040b; + t.Tsmall = 0xf774; + t.Twelveroman = 0x216b; + t.Tworoman = 0x2161; + t.U = 0x0055; + t.Uacute = 0x00da; + t.Uacutesmall = 0xf7fa; + t.Ubreve = 0x016c; + t.Ucaron = 0x01d3; + t.Ucircle = 0x24ca; + t.Ucircumflex = 0x00db; + t.Ucircumflexbelow = 0x1e76; + t.Ucircumflexsmall = 0xf7fb; + t.Ucyrillic = 0x0423; + t.Udblacute = 0x0170; + t.Udblgrave = 0x0214; + t.Udieresis = 0x00dc; + t.Udieresisacute = 0x01d7; + t.Udieresisbelow = 0x1e72; + t.Udieresiscaron = 0x01d9; + t.Udieresiscyrillic = 0x04f0; + t.Udieresisgrave = 0x01db; + t.Udieresismacron = 0x01d5; + t.Udieresissmall = 0xf7fc; + t.Udotbelow = 0x1ee4; + t.Ugrave = 0x00d9; + t.Ugravesmall = 0xf7f9; + t.Uhookabove = 0x1ee6; + t.Uhorn = 0x01af; + t.Uhornacute = 0x1ee8; + t.Uhorndotbelow = 0x1ef0; + t.Uhorngrave = 0x1eea; + t.Uhornhookabove = 0x1eec; + t.Uhorntilde = 0x1eee; + t.Uhungarumlaut = 0x0170; + t.Uhungarumlautcyrillic = 0x04f2; + t.Uinvertedbreve = 0x0216; + t.Ukcyrillic = 0x0478; + t.Umacron = 0x016a; + t.Umacroncyrillic = 0x04ee; + t.Umacrondieresis = 0x1e7a; + t.Umonospace = 0xff35; + t.Uogonek = 0x0172; + t.Upsilon = 0x03a5; + t.Upsilon1 = 0x03d2; + t.Upsilonacutehooksymbolgreek = 0x03d3; + t.Upsilonafrican = 0x01b1; + t.Upsilondieresis = 0x03ab; + t.Upsilondieresishooksymbolgreek = 0x03d4; + t.Upsilonhooksymbol = 0x03d2; + t.Upsilontonos = 0x038e; + t.Uring = 0x016e; + t.Ushortcyrillic = 0x040e; + t.Usmall = 0xf775; + t.Ustraightcyrillic = 0x04ae; + t.Ustraightstrokecyrillic = 0x04b0; + t.Utilde = 0x0168; + t.Utildeacute = 0x1e78; + t.Utildebelow = 0x1e74; + t.V = 0x0056; + t.Vcircle = 0x24cb; + t.Vdotbelow = 0x1e7e; + t.Vecyrillic = 0x0412; + t.Vewarmenian = 0x054e; + t.Vhook = 0x01b2; + t.Vmonospace = 0xff36; + t.Voarmenian = 0x0548; + t.Vsmall = 0xf776; + t.Vtilde = 0x1e7c; + t.W = 0x0057; + t.Wacute = 0x1e82; + t.Wcircle = 0x24cc; + t.Wcircumflex = 0x0174; + t.Wdieresis = 0x1e84; + t.Wdotaccent = 0x1e86; + t.Wdotbelow = 0x1e88; + t.Wgrave = 0x1e80; + t.Wmonospace = 0xff37; + t.Wsmall = 0xf777; + t.X = 0x0058; + t.Xcircle = 0x24cd; + t.Xdieresis = 0x1e8c; + t.Xdotaccent = 0x1e8a; + t.Xeharmenian = 0x053d; + t.Xi = 0x039e; + t.Xmonospace = 0xff38; + t.Xsmall = 0xf778; + t.Y = 0x0059; + t.Yacute = 0x00dd; + t.Yacutesmall = 0xf7fd; + t.Yatcyrillic = 0x0462; + t.Ycircle = 0x24ce; + t.Ycircumflex = 0x0176; + t.Ydieresis = 0x0178; + t.Ydieresissmall = 0xf7ff; + t.Ydotaccent = 0x1e8e; + t.Ydotbelow = 0x1ef4; + t.Yericyrillic = 0x042b; + t.Yerudieresiscyrillic = 0x04f8; + t.Ygrave = 0x1ef2; + t.Yhook = 0x01b3; + t.Yhookabove = 0x1ef6; + t.Yiarmenian = 0x0545; + t.Yicyrillic = 0x0407; + t.Yiwnarmenian = 0x0552; + t.Ymonospace = 0xff39; + t.Ysmall = 0xf779; + t.Ytilde = 0x1ef8; + t.Yusbigcyrillic = 0x046a; + t.Yusbigiotifiedcyrillic = 0x046c; + t.Yuslittlecyrillic = 0x0466; + t.Yuslittleiotifiedcyrillic = 0x0468; + t.Z = 0x005a; + t.Zaarmenian = 0x0536; + t.Zacute = 0x0179; + t.Zcaron = 0x017d; + t.Zcaronsmall = 0xf6ff; + t.Zcircle = 0x24cf; + t.Zcircumflex = 0x1e90; + t.Zdot = 0x017b; + t.Zdotaccent = 0x017b; + t.Zdotbelow = 0x1e92; + t.Zecyrillic = 0x0417; + t.Zedescendercyrillic = 0x0498; + t.Zedieresiscyrillic = 0x04de; + t.Zeta = 0x0396; + t.Zhearmenian = 0x053a; + t.Zhebrevecyrillic = 0x04c1; + t.Zhecyrillic = 0x0416; + t.Zhedescendercyrillic = 0x0496; + t.Zhedieresiscyrillic = 0x04dc; + t.Zlinebelow = 0x1e94; + t.Zmonospace = 0xff3a; + t.Zsmall = 0xf77a; + t.Zstroke = 0x01b5; + t.a = 0x0061; + t.aabengali = 0x0986; + t.aacute = 0x00e1; + t.aadeva = 0x0906; + t.aagujarati = 0x0a86; + t.aagurmukhi = 0x0a06; + t.aamatragurmukhi = 0x0a3e; + t.aarusquare = 0x3303; + t.aavowelsignbengali = 0x09be; + t.aavowelsigndeva = 0x093e; + t.aavowelsigngujarati = 0x0abe; + t.abbreviationmarkarmenian = 0x055f; + t.abbreviationsigndeva = 0x0970; + t.abengali = 0x0985; + t.abopomofo = 0x311a; + t.abreve = 0x0103; + t.abreveacute = 0x1eaf; + t.abrevecyrillic = 0x04d1; + t.abrevedotbelow = 0x1eb7; + t.abrevegrave = 0x1eb1; + t.abrevehookabove = 0x1eb3; + t.abrevetilde = 0x1eb5; + t.acaron = 0x01ce; + t.acircle = 0x24d0; + t.acircumflex = 0x00e2; + t.acircumflexacute = 0x1ea5; + t.acircumflexdotbelow = 0x1ead; + t.acircumflexgrave = 0x1ea7; + t.acircumflexhookabove = 0x1ea9; + t.acircumflextilde = 0x1eab; + t.acute = 0x00b4; + t.acutebelowcmb = 0x0317; + t.acutecmb = 0x0301; + t.acutecomb = 0x0301; + t.acutedeva = 0x0954; + t.acutelowmod = 0x02cf; + t.acutetonecmb = 0x0341; + t.acyrillic = 0x0430; + t.adblgrave = 0x0201; + t.addakgurmukhi = 0x0a71; + t.adeva = 0x0905; + t.adieresis = 0x00e4; + t.adieresiscyrillic = 0x04d3; + t.adieresismacron = 0x01df; + t.adotbelow = 0x1ea1; + t.adotmacron = 0x01e1; + = 0x00e6; + t.aeacute = 0x01fd; + t.aekorean = 0x3150; + t.aemacron = 0x01e3; + t.afii00208 = 0x2015; + t.afii08941 = 0x20a4; + t.afii10017 = 0x0410; + t.afii10018 = 0x0411; + t.afii10019 = 0x0412; + t.afii10020 = 0x0413; + t.afii10021 = 0x0414; + t.afii10022 = 0x0415; + t.afii10023 = 0x0401; + t.afii10024 = 0x0416; + t.afii10025 = 0x0417; + t.afii10026 = 0x0418; + t.afii10027 = 0x0419; + t.afii10028 = 0x041a; + t.afii10029 = 0x041b; + t.afii10030 = 0x041c; + t.afii10031 = 0x041d; + t.afii10032 = 0x041e; + t.afii10033 = 0x041f; + t.afii10034 = 0x0420; + t.afii10035 = 0x0421; + t.afii10036 = 0x0422; + t.afii10037 = 0x0423; + t.afii10038 = 0x0424; + t.afii10039 = 0x0425; + t.afii10040 = 0x0426; + t.afii10041 = 0x0427; + t.afii10042 = 0x0428; + t.afii10043 = 0x0429; + t.afii10044 = 0x042a; + t.afii10045 = 0x042b; + t.afii10046 = 0x042c; + t.afii10047 = 0x042d; + t.afii10048 = 0x042e; + t.afii10049 = 0x042f; + t.afii10050 = 0x0490; + t.afii10051 = 0x0402; + t.afii10052 = 0x0403; + t.afii10053 = 0x0404; + t.afii10054 = 0x0405; + t.afii10055 = 0x0406; + t.afii10056 = 0x0407; + t.afii10057 = 0x0408; + t.afii10058 = 0x0409; + t.afii10059 = 0x040a; + t.afii10060 = 0x040b; + t.afii10061 = 0x040c; + t.afii10062 = 0x040e; + t.afii10063 = 0xf6c4; + t.afii10064 = 0xf6c5; + t.afii10065 = 0x0430; + t.afii10066 = 0x0431; + t.afii10067 = 0x0432; + t.afii10068 = 0x0433; + t.afii10069 = 0x0434; + t.afii10070 = 0x0435; + t.afii10071 = 0x0451; + t.afii10072 = 0x0436; + t.afii10073 = 0x0437; + t.afii10074 = 0x0438; + t.afii10075 = 0x0439; + t.afii10076 = 0x043a; + t.afii10077 = 0x043b; + t.afii10078 = 0x043c; + t.afii10079 = 0x043d; + t.afii10080 = 0x043e; + t.afii10081 = 0x043f; + t.afii10082 = 0x0440; + t.afii10083 = 0x0441; + t.afii10084 = 0x0442; + t.afii10085 = 0x0443; + t.afii10086 = 0x0444; + t.afii10087 = 0x0445; + t.afii10088 = 0x0446; + t.afii10089 = 0x0447; + t.afii10090 = 0x0448; + t.afii10091 = 0x0449; + t.afii10092 = 0x044a; + t.afii10093 = 0x044b; + t.afii10094 = 0x044c; + t.afii10095 = 0x044d; + t.afii10096 = 0x044e; + t.afii10097 = 0x044f; + t.afii10098 = 0x0491; + t.afii10099 = 0x0452; + t.afii10100 = 0x0453; + t.afii10101 = 0x0454; + t.afii10102 = 0x0455; + t.afii10103 = 0x0456; + t.afii10104 = 0x0457; + t.afii10105 = 0x0458; + t.afii10106 = 0x0459; + t.afii10107 = 0x045a; + t.afii10108 = 0x045b; + t.afii10109 = 0x045c; + t.afii10110 = 0x045e; + t.afii10145 = 0x040f; + t.afii10146 = 0x0462; + t.afii10147 = 0x0472; + t.afii10148 = 0x0474; + t.afii10192 = 0xf6c6; + t.afii10193 = 0x045f; + t.afii10194 = 0x0463; + t.afii10195 = 0x0473; + t.afii10196 = 0x0475; + t.afii10831 = 0xf6c7; + t.afii10832 = 0xf6c8; + t.afii10846 = 0x04d9; + t.afii299 = 0x200e; + t.afii300 = 0x200f; + t.afii301 = 0x200d; + t.afii57381 = 0x066a; + t.afii57388 = 0x060c; + t.afii57392 = 0x0660; + t.afii57393 = 0x0661; + t.afii57394 = 0x0662; + t.afii57395 = 0x0663; + t.afii57396 = 0x0664; + t.afii57397 = 0x0665; + t.afii57398 = 0x0666; + t.afii57399 = 0x0667; + t.afii57400 = 0x0668; + t.afii57401 = 0x0669; + t.afii57403 = 0x061b; + t.afii57407 = 0x061f; + t.afii57409 = 0x0621; + t.afii57410 = 0x0622; + t.afii57411 = 0x0623; + t.afii57412 = 0x0624; + t.afii57413 = 0x0625; + t.afii57414 = 0x0626; + t.afii57415 = 0x0627; + t.afii57416 = 0x0628; + t.afii57417 = 0x0629; + t.afii57418 = 0x062a; + t.afii57419 = 0x062b; + t.afii57420 = 0x062c; + t.afii57421 = 0x062d; + t.afii57422 = 0x062e; + t.afii57423 = 0x062f; + t.afii57424 = 0x0630; + t.afii57425 = 0x0631; + t.afii57426 = 0x0632; + t.afii57427 = 0x0633; + t.afii57428 = 0x0634; + t.afii57429 = 0x0635; + t.afii57430 = 0x0636; + t.afii57431 = 0x0637; + t.afii57432 = 0x0638; + t.afii57433 = 0x0639; + t.afii57434 = 0x063a; + t.afii57440 = 0x0640; + t.afii57441 = 0x0641; + t.afii57442 = 0x0642; + t.afii57443 = 0x0643; + t.afii57444 = 0x0644; + t.afii57445 = 0x0645; + t.afii57446 = 0x0646; + t.afii57448 = 0x0648; + t.afii57449 = 0x0649; + t.afii57450 = 0x064a; + t.afii57451 = 0x064b; + t.afii57452 = 0x064c; + t.afii57453 = 0x064d; + t.afii57454 = 0x064e; + t.afii57455 = 0x064f; + t.afii57456 = 0x0650; + t.afii57457 = 0x0651; + t.afii57458 = 0x0652; + t.afii57470 = 0x0647; + t.afii57505 = 0x06a4; + t.afii57506 = 0x067e; + t.afii57507 = 0x0686; + t.afii57508 = 0x0698; + t.afii57509 = 0x06af; + t.afii57511 = 0x0679; + t.afii57512 = 0x0688; + t.afii57513 = 0x0691; + t.afii57514 = 0x06ba; + t.afii57519 = 0x06d2; + t.afii57534 = 0x06d5; + t.afii57636 = 0x20aa; + t.afii57645 = 0x05be; + t.afii57658 = 0x05c3; + t.afii57664 = 0x05d0; + t.afii57665 = 0x05d1; + t.afii57666 = 0x05d2; + t.afii57667 = 0x05d3; + t.afii57668 = 0x05d4; + t.afii57669 = 0x05d5; + t.afii57670 = 0x05d6; + t.afii57671 = 0x05d7; + t.afii57672 = 0x05d8; + t.afii57673 = 0x05d9; + t.afii57674 = 0x05da; + t.afii57675 = 0x05db; + t.afii57676 = 0x05dc; + t.afii57677 = 0x05dd; + t.afii57678 = 0x05de; + t.afii57679 = 0x05df; + t.afii57680 = 0x05e0; + t.afii57681 = 0x05e1; + t.afii57682 = 0x05e2; + t.afii57683 = 0x05e3; + t.afii57684 = 0x05e4; + t.afii57685 = 0x05e5; + t.afii57686 = 0x05e6; + t.afii57687 = 0x05e7; + t.afii57688 = 0x05e8; + t.afii57689 = 0x05e9; + t.afii57690 = 0x05ea; + t.afii57694 = 0xfb2a; + t.afii57695 = 0xfb2b; + t.afii57700 = 0xfb4b; + t.afii57705 = 0xfb1f; + t.afii57716 = 0x05f0; + t.afii57717 = 0x05f1; + t.afii57718 = 0x05f2; + t.afii57723 = 0xfb35; + t.afii57793 = 0x05b4; + t.afii57794 = 0x05b5; + t.afii57795 = 0x05b6; + t.afii57796 = 0x05bb; + t.afii57797 = 0x05b8; + t.afii57798 = 0x05b7; + t.afii57799 = 0x05b0; + t.afii57800 = 0x05b2; + t.afii57801 = 0x05b1; + t.afii57802 = 0x05b3; + t.afii57803 = 0x05c2; + t.afii57804 = 0x05c1; + t.afii57806 = 0x05b9; + t.afii57807 = 0x05bc; + t.afii57839 = 0x05bd; + t.afii57841 = 0x05bf; + t.afii57842 = 0x05c0; + t.afii57929 = 0x02bc; + t.afii61248 = 0x2105; + t.afii61289 = 0x2113; + t.afii61352 = 0x2116; + t.afii61573 = 0x202c; + t.afii61574 = 0x202d; + t.afii61575 = 0x202e; + t.afii61664 = 0x200c; + t.afii63167 = 0x066d; + t.afii64937 = 0x02bd; + t.agrave = 0x00e0; + t.agujarati = 0x0a85; + t.agurmukhi = 0x0a05; + t.ahiragana = 0x3042; + t.ahookabove = 0x1ea3; + t.aibengali = 0x0990; + t.aibopomofo = 0x311e; + t.aideva = 0x0910; + t.aiecyrillic = 0x04d5; + t.aigujarati = 0x0a90; + t.aigurmukhi = 0x0a10; + t.aimatragurmukhi = 0x0a48; + t.ainarabic = 0x0639; + t.ainfinalarabic = 0xfeca; + t.aininitialarabic = 0xfecb; + t.ainmedialarabic = 0xfecc; + t.ainvertedbreve = 0x0203; + t.aivowelsignbengali = 0x09c8; + t.aivowelsigndeva = 0x0948; + t.aivowelsigngujarati = 0x0ac8; + t.akatakana = 0x30a2; + t.akatakanahalfwidth = 0xff71; + t.akorean = 0x314f; + t.alef = 0x05d0; + t.alefarabic = 0x0627; + t.alefdageshhebrew = 0xfb30; + t.aleffinalarabic = 0xfe8e; + t.alefhamzaabovearabic = 0x0623; + t.alefhamzaabovefinalarabic = 0xfe84; + t.alefhamzabelowarabic = 0x0625; + t.alefhamzabelowfinalarabic = 0xfe88; + t.alefhebrew = 0x05d0; + t.aleflamedhebrew = 0xfb4f; + t.alefmaddaabovearabic = 0x0622; + t.alefmaddaabovefinalarabic = 0xfe82; + t.alefmaksuraarabic = 0x0649; + t.alefmaksurafinalarabic = 0xfef0; + t.alefmaksurainitialarabic = 0xfef3; + t.alefmaksuramedialarabic = 0xfef4; + t.alefpatahhebrew = 0xfb2e; + t.alefqamatshebrew = 0xfb2f; + t.aleph = 0x2135; + t.allequal = 0x224c; + t.alpha = 0x03b1; + t.alphatonos = 0x03ac; + t.amacron = 0x0101; + t.amonospace = 0xff41; + t.ampersand = 0x0026; + t.ampersandmonospace = 0xff06; + t.ampersandsmall = 0xf726; + t.amsquare = 0x33c2; + t.anbopomofo = 0x3122; + t.angbopomofo = 0x3124; + t.angbracketleft = 0x3008; + t.angbracketright = 0x3009; + t.angkhankhuthai = 0x0e5a; + t.angle = 0x2220; + t.anglebracketleft = 0x3008; + t.anglebracketleftvertical = 0xfe3f; + t.anglebracketright = 0x3009; + t.anglebracketrightvertical = 0xfe40; + t.angleleft = 0x2329; + t.angleright = 0x232a; + t.angstrom = 0x212b; + t.anoteleia = 0x0387; + t.anudattadeva = 0x0952; + t.anusvarabengali = 0x0982; + t.anusvaradeva = 0x0902; + t.anusvaragujarati = 0x0a82; + t.aogonek = 0x0105; + t.apaatosquare = 0x3300; + t.aparen = 0x249c; + t.apostrophearmenian = 0x055a; + t.apostrophemod = 0x02bc; + = 0xf8ff; + t.approaches = 0x2250; + t.approxequal = 0x2248; + t.approxequalorimage = 0x2252; + t.approximatelyequal = 0x2245; + t.araeaekorean = 0x318e; + t.araeakorean = 0x318d; + t.arc = 0x2312; + t.arighthalfring = 0x1e9a; + t.aring = 0x00e5; + t.aringacute = 0x01fb; + t.aringbelow = 0x1e01; + t.arrowboth = 0x2194; + t.arrowdashdown = 0x21e3; + t.arrowdashleft = 0x21e0; + t.arrowdashright = 0x21e2; + t.arrowdashup = 0x21e1; + t.arrowdblboth = 0x21d4; + t.arrowdbldown = 0x21d3; + t.arrowdblleft = 0x21d0; + t.arrowdblright = 0x21d2; + t.arrowdblup = 0x21d1; + t.arrowdown = 0x2193; + t.arrowdownleft = 0x2199; + t.arrowdownright = 0x2198; + t.arrowdownwhite = 0x21e9; + t.arrowheaddownmod = 0x02c5; + t.arrowheadleftmod = 0x02c2; + t.arrowheadrightmod = 0x02c3; + t.arrowheadupmod = 0x02c4; + t.arrowhorizex = 0xf8e7; + t.arrowleft = 0x2190; + t.arrowleftdbl = 0x21d0; + t.arrowleftdblstroke = 0x21cd; + t.arrowleftoverright = 0x21c6; + t.arrowleftwhite = 0x21e6; + t.arrowright = 0x2192; + t.arrowrightdblstroke = 0x21cf; + t.arrowrightheavy = 0x279e; + t.arrowrightoverleft = 0x21c4; + t.arrowrightwhite = 0x21e8; + t.arrowtableft = 0x21e4; + t.arrowtabright = 0x21e5; + t.arrowup = 0x2191; + t.arrowupdn = 0x2195; + t.arrowupdnbse = 0x21a8; + t.arrowupdownbase = 0x21a8; + t.arrowupleft = 0x2196; + t.arrowupleftofdown = 0x21c5; + t.arrowupright = 0x2197; + t.arrowupwhite = 0x21e7; + t.arrowvertex = 0xf8e6; + t.asciicircum = 0x005e; + t.asciicircummonospace = 0xff3e; + t.asciitilde = 0x007e; + t.asciitildemonospace = 0xff5e; + t.ascript = 0x0251; + t.ascriptturned = 0x0252; + t.asmallhiragana = 0x3041; + t.asmallkatakana = 0x30a1; + t.asmallkatakanahalfwidth = 0xff67; + t.asterisk = 0x002a; + t.asteriskaltonearabic = 0x066d; + t.asteriskarabic = 0x066d; + t.asteriskmath = 0x2217; + t.asteriskmonospace = 0xff0a; + t.asterisksmall = 0xfe61; + t.asterism = 0x2042; + t.asuperior = 0xf6e9; + t.asymptoticallyequal = 0x2243; + = 0x0040; + t.atilde = 0x00e3; + t.atmonospace = 0xff20; + t.atsmall = 0xfe6b; + t.aturned = 0x0250; + t.aubengali = 0x0994; + t.aubopomofo = 0x3120; + t.audeva = 0x0914; + t.augujarati = 0x0a94; + t.augurmukhi = 0x0a14; + t.aulengthmarkbengali = 0x09d7; + t.aumatragurmukhi = 0x0a4c; + t.auvowelsignbengali = 0x09cc; + t.auvowelsigndeva = 0x094c; + t.auvowelsigngujarati = 0x0acc; + t.avagrahadeva = 0x093d; + t.aybarmenian = 0x0561; + t.ayin = 0x05e2; + t.ayinaltonehebrew = 0xfb20; + t.ayinhebrew = 0x05e2; + t.b = 0x0062; + t.babengali = 0x09ac; + t.backslash = 0x005c; + t.backslashmonospace = 0xff3c; + t.badeva = 0x092c; + t.bagujarati = 0x0aac; + t.bagurmukhi = 0x0a2c; + t.bahiragana = 0x3070; + t.bahtthai = 0x0e3f; + t.bakatakana = 0x30d0; + = 0x007c; + t.barmonospace = 0xff5c; + t.bbopomofo = 0x3105; + t.bcircle = 0x24d1; + t.bdotaccent = 0x1e03; + t.bdotbelow = 0x1e05; + t.beamedsixteenthnotes = 0x266c; + t.because = 0x2235; + t.becyrillic = 0x0431; + t.beharabic = 0x0628; + t.behfinalarabic = 0xfe90; + t.behinitialarabic = 0xfe91; + t.behiragana = 0x3079; + t.behmedialarabic = 0xfe92; + t.behmeeminitialarabic = 0xfc9f; + t.behmeemisolatedarabic = 0xfc08; + t.behnoonfinalarabic = 0xfc6d; + t.bekatakana = 0x30d9; + t.benarmenian = 0x0562; + = 0x05d1; + t.beta = 0x03b2; + t.betasymbolgreek = 0x03d0; + t.betdagesh = 0xfb31; + t.betdageshhebrew = 0xfb31; + t.bethebrew = 0x05d1; + t.betrafehebrew = 0xfb4c; + t.bhabengali = 0x09ad; + t.bhadeva = 0x092d; + t.bhagujarati = 0x0aad; + t.bhagurmukhi = 0x0a2d; + t.bhook = 0x0253; + t.bihiragana = 0x3073; + t.bikatakana = 0x30d3; + t.bilabialclick = 0x0298; + t.bindigurmukhi = 0x0a02; + t.birusquare = 0x3331; + t.blackcircle = 0x25cf; + t.blackdiamond = 0x25c6; + t.blackdownpointingtriangle = 0x25bc; + t.blackleftpointingpointer = 0x25c4; + t.blackleftpointingtriangle = 0x25c0; + t.blacklenticularbracketleft = 0x3010; + t.blacklenticularbracketleftvertical = 0xfe3b; + t.blacklenticularbracketright = 0x3011; + t.blacklenticularbracketrightvertical = 0xfe3c; + t.blacklowerlefttriangle = 0x25e3; + t.blacklowerrighttriangle = 0x25e2; + t.blackrectangle = 0x25ac; + t.blackrightpointingpointer = 0x25ba; + t.blackrightpointingtriangle = 0x25b6; + t.blacksmallsquare = 0x25aa; + t.blacksmilingface = 0x263b; + t.blacksquare = 0x25a0; + t.blackstar = 0x2605; + t.blackupperlefttriangle = 0x25e4; + t.blackupperrighttriangle = 0x25e5; + t.blackuppointingsmalltriangle = 0x25b4; + t.blackuppointingtriangle = 0x25b2; + t.blank = 0x2423; + t.blinebelow = 0x1e07; + t.block = 0x2588; + t.bmonospace = 0xff42; + t.bobaimaithai = 0x0e1a; + t.bohiragana = 0x307c; + t.bokatakana = 0x30dc; + t.bparen = 0x249d; + t.bqsquare = 0x33c3; + t.braceex = 0xf8f4; + t.braceleft = 0x007b; + t.braceleftbt = 0xf8f3; + t.braceleftmid = 0xf8f2; + t.braceleftmonospace = 0xff5b; + t.braceleftsmall = 0xfe5b; + t.bracelefttp = 0xf8f1; + t.braceleftvertical = 0xfe37; + t.braceright = 0x007d; + t.bracerightbt = 0xf8fe; + t.bracerightmid = 0xf8fd; + t.bracerightmonospace = 0xff5d; + t.bracerightsmall = 0xfe5c; + t.bracerighttp = 0xf8fc; + t.bracerightvertical = 0xfe38; + t.bracketleft = 0x005b; + t.bracketleftbt = 0xf8f0; + t.bracketleftex = 0xf8ef; + t.bracketleftmonospace = 0xff3b; + t.bracketlefttp = 0xf8ee; + t.bracketright = 0x005d; + t.bracketrightbt = 0xf8fb; + t.bracketrightex = 0xf8fa; + t.bracketrightmonospace = 0xff3d; + t.bracketrighttp = 0xf8f9; + t.breve = 0x02d8; + t.brevebelowcmb = 0x032e; + t.brevecmb = 0x0306; + t.breveinvertedbelowcmb = 0x032f; + t.breveinvertedcmb = 0x0311; + t.breveinverteddoublecmb = 0x0361; + t.bridgebelowcmb = 0x032a; + t.bridgeinvertedbelowcmb = 0x033a; + t.brokenbar = 0x00a6; + t.bstroke = 0x0180; + t.bsuperior = 0xf6ea; + t.btopbar = 0x0183; + t.buhiragana = 0x3076; + t.bukatakana = 0x30d6; + t.bullet = 0x2022; + t.bulletinverse = 0x25d8; + t.bulletoperator = 0x2219; + t.bullseye = 0x25ce; + t.c = 0x0063; + t.caarmenian = 0x056e; + t.cabengali = 0x099a; + t.cacute = 0x0107; + t.cadeva = 0x091a; + t.cagujarati = 0x0a9a; + t.cagurmukhi = 0x0a1a; + t.calsquare = 0x3388; + t.candrabindubengali = 0x0981; + t.candrabinducmb = 0x0310; + t.candrabindudeva = 0x0901; + t.candrabindugujarati = 0x0a81; + t.capslock = 0x21ea; + t.careof = 0x2105; + t.caron = 0x02c7; + t.caronbelowcmb = 0x032c; + t.caroncmb = 0x030c; + t.carriagereturn = 0x21b5; + t.cbopomofo = 0x3118; + t.ccaron = 0x010d; + t.ccedilla = 0x00e7; + t.ccedillaacute = 0x1e09; + t.ccircle = 0x24d2; + t.ccircumflex = 0x0109; + t.ccurl = 0x0255; + t.cdot = 0x010b; + t.cdotaccent = 0x010b; + t.cdsquare = 0x33c5; + t.cedilla = 0x00b8; + t.cedillacmb = 0x0327; + t.cent = 0x00a2; + t.centigrade = 0x2103; + t.centinferior = 0xf6df; + t.centmonospace = 0xffe0; + t.centoldstyle = 0xf7a2; + t.centsuperior = 0xf6e0; + t.chaarmenian = 0x0579; + t.chabengali = 0x099b; + t.chadeva = 0x091b; + t.chagujarati = 0x0a9b; + t.chagurmukhi = 0x0a1b; + t.chbopomofo = 0x3114; + t.cheabkhasiancyrillic = 0x04bd; + t.checkmark = 0x2713; + t.checyrillic = 0x0447; + t.chedescenderabkhasiancyrillic = 0x04bf; + t.chedescendercyrillic = 0x04b7; + t.chedieresiscyrillic = 0x04f5; + t.cheharmenian = 0x0573; + t.chekhakassiancyrillic = 0x04cc; + t.cheverticalstrokecyrillic = 0x04b9; + t.chi = 0x03c7; + t.chieuchacirclekorean = 0x3277; + t.chieuchaparenkorean = 0x3217; + t.chieuchcirclekorean = 0x3269; + t.chieuchkorean = 0x314a; + t.chieuchparenkorean = 0x3209; + t.chochangthai = 0x0e0a; + t.chochanthai = 0x0e08; + t.chochingthai = 0x0e09; + t.chochoethai = 0x0e0c; + t.chook = 0x0188; + t.cieucacirclekorean = 0x3276; + t.cieucaparenkorean = 0x3216; + t.cieuccirclekorean = 0x3268; + t.cieuckorean = 0x3148; + t.cieucparenkorean = 0x3208; + t.cieucuparenkorean = 0x321c; + = 0x25cb; + t.circlecopyrt = 0x00a9; + t.circlemultiply = 0x2297; + t.circleot = 0x2299; + t.circleplus = 0x2295; + t.circlepostalmark = 0x3036; + t.circlewithlefthalfblack = 0x25d0; + t.circlewithrighthalfblack = 0x25d1; + t.circumflex = 0x02c6; + t.circumflexbelowcmb = 0x032d; + t.circumflexcmb = 0x0302; + t.clear = 0x2327; + t.clickalveolar = 0x01c2; + t.clickdental = 0x01c0; + t.clicklateral = 0x01c1; + t.clickretroflex = 0x01c3; + = 0x2663; + t.clubsuitblack = 0x2663; + t.clubsuitwhite = 0x2667; + t.cmcubedsquare = 0x33a4; + t.cmonospace = 0xff43; + t.cmsquaredsquare = 0x33a0; + t.coarmenian = 0x0581; + t.colon = 0x003a; + t.colonmonetary = 0x20a1; + t.colonmonospace = 0xff1a; + t.colonsign = 0x20a1; + t.colonsmall = 0xfe55; + t.colontriangularhalfmod = 0x02d1; + t.colontriangularmod = 0x02d0; + t.comma = 0x002c; + t.commaabovecmb = 0x0313; + t.commaaboverightcmb = 0x0315; + t.commaaccent = 0xf6c3; + t.commaarabic = 0x060c; + t.commaarmenian = 0x055d; + t.commainferior = 0xf6e1; + t.commamonospace = 0xff0c; + t.commareversedabovecmb = 0x0314; + t.commareversedmod = 0x02bd; + t.commasmall = 0xfe50; + t.commasuperior = 0xf6e2; + t.commaturnedabovecmb = 0x0312; + t.commaturnedmod = 0x02bb; + t.compass = 0x263c; + t.congruent = 0x2245; + t.contourintegral = 0x222e; + t.control = 0x2303; + t.controlACK = 0x0006; + t.controlBEL = 0x0007; + t.controlBS = 0x0008; + t.controlCAN = 0x0018; + t.controlCR = 0x000d; + t.controlDC1 = 0x0011; + t.controlDC2 = 0x0012; + t.controlDC3 = 0x0013; + t.controlDC4 = 0x0014; + t.controlDEL = 0x007f; + t.controlDLE = 0x0010; + t.controlEM = 0x0019; + t.controlENQ = 0x0005; + t.controlEOT = 0x0004; + t.controlESC = 0x001b; + t.controlETB = 0x0017; + t.controlETX = 0x0003; + t.controlFF = 0x000c; + t.controlFS = 0x001c; + t.controlGS = 0x001d; + t.controlHT = 0x0009; + t.controlLF = 0x000a; + t.controlNAK = 0x0015; + t.controlNULL = 0x0000; + t.controlRS = 0x001e; + t.controlSI = 0x000f; + t.controlSO = 0x000e; + t.controlSOT = 0x0002; + t.controlSTX = 0x0001; + t.controlSUB = 0x001a; + t.controlSYN = 0x0016; + t.controlUS = 0x001f; + t.controlVT = 0x000b; + t.copyright = 0x00a9; + t.copyrightsans = 0xf8e9; + t.copyrightserif = 0xf6d9; + t.cornerbracketleft = 0x300c; + t.cornerbracketlefthalfwidth = 0xff62; + t.cornerbracketleftvertical = 0xfe41; + t.cornerbracketright = 0x300d; + t.cornerbracketrighthalfwidth = 0xff63; + t.cornerbracketrightvertical = 0xfe42; + t.corporationsquare = 0x337f; + t.cosquare = 0x33c7; + t.coverkgsquare = 0x33c6; + t.cparen = 0x249e; + t.cruzeiro = 0x20a2; + t.cstretched = 0x0297; + t.curlyand = 0x22cf; + t.curlyor = 0x22ce; + t.currency = 0x00a4; + t.cyrBreve = 0xf6d1; + t.cyrFlex = 0xf6d2; + t.cyrbreve = 0xf6d4; + t.cyrflex = 0xf6d5; + t.d = 0x0064; + t.daarmenian = 0x0564; + t.dabengali = 0x09a6; + t.dadarabic = 0x0636; + t.dadeva = 0x0926; + t.dadfinalarabic = 0xfebe; + t.dadinitialarabic = 0xfebf; + t.dadmedialarabic = 0xfec0; + t.dagesh = 0x05bc; + t.dageshhebrew = 0x05bc; + t.dagger = 0x2020; + t.daggerdbl = 0x2021; + t.dagujarati = 0x0aa6; + t.dagurmukhi = 0x0a26; + t.dahiragana = 0x3060; + t.dakatakana = 0x30c0; + t.dalarabic = 0x062f; + t.dalet = 0x05d3; + t.daletdagesh = 0xfb33; + t.daletdageshhebrew = 0xfb33; + t.dalethebrew = 0x05d3; + t.dalfinalarabic = 0xfeaa; + t.dammaarabic = 0x064f; + t.dammalowarabic = 0x064f; + t.dammatanaltonearabic = 0x064c; + t.dammatanarabic = 0x064c; + t.danda = 0x0964; + t.dargahebrew = 0x05a7; + t.dargalefthebrew = 0x05a7; + t.dasiapneumatacyrilliccmb = 0x0485; + t.dblGrave = 0xf6d3; + t.dblanglebracketleft = 0x300a; + t.dblanglebracketleftvertical = 0xfe3d; + t.dblanglebracketright = 0x300b; + t.dblanglebracketrightvertical = 0xfe3e; + t.dblarchinvertedbelowcmb = 0x032b; + t.dblarrowleft = 0x21d4; + t.dblarrowright = 0x21d2; + t.dbldanda = 0x0965; + t.dblgrave = 0xf6d6; + t.dblgravecmb = 0x030f; + t.dblintegral = 0x222c; + t.dbllowline = 0x2017; + t.dbllowlinecmb = 0x0333; + t.dbloverlinecmb = 0x033f; + t.dblprimemod = 0x02ba; + t.dblverticalbar = 0x2016; + t.dblverticallineabovecmb = 0x030e; + t.dbopomofo = 0x3109; + t.dbsquare = 0x33c8; + t.dcaron = 0x010f; + t.dcedilla = 0x1e11; + t.dcircle = 0x24d3; + t.dcircumflexbelow = 0x1e13; + t.dcroat = 0x0111; + t.ddabengali = 0x09a1; + t.ddadeva = 0x0921; + t.ddagujarati = 0x0aa1; + t.ddagurmukhi = 0x0a21; + t.ddalarabic = 0x0688; + t.ddalfinalarabic = 0xfb89; + t.dddhadeva = 0x095c; + t.ddhabengali = 0x09a2; + t.ddhadeva = 0x0922; + t.ddhagujarati = 0x0aa2; + t.ddhagurmukhi = 0x0a22; + t.ddotaccent = 0x1e0b; + t.ddotbelow = 0x1e0d; + t.decimalseparatorarabic = 0x066b; + t.decimalseparatorpersian = 0x066b; + t.decyrillic = 0x0434; + = 0x00b0; + t.dehihebrew = 0x05ad; + t.dehiragana = 0x3067; + t.deicoptic = 0x03ef; + t.dekatakana = 0x30c7; + t.deleteleft = 0x232b; + t.deleteright = 0x2326; + = 0x03b4; + t.deltaturned = 0x018d; + t.denominatorminusonenumeratorbengali = 0x09f8; + t.dezh = 0x02a4; + t.dhabengali = 0x09a7; + t.dhadeva = 0x0927; + t.dhagujarati = 0x0aa7; + t.dhagurmukhi = 0x0a27; + t.dhook = 0x0257; + t.dialytikatonos = 0x0385; + t.dialytikatonoscmb = 0x0344; + t.diamond = 0x2666; + t.diamondsuitwhite = 0x2662; + t.dieresis = 0x00a8; + t.dieresisacute = 0xf6d7; + t.dieresisbelowcmb = 0x0324; + t.dieresiscmb = 0x0308; + t.dieresisgrave = 0xf6d8; + t.dieresistonos = 0x0385; + t.dihiragana = 0x3062; + t.dikatakana = 0x30c2; + t.dittomark = 0x3003; + t.divide = 0x00f7; + t.divides = 0x2223; + t.divisionslash = 0x2215; + t.djecyrillic = 0x0452; + t.dkshade = 0x2593; + t.dlinebelow = 0x1e0f; + t.dlsquare = 0x3397; + t.dmacron = 0x0111; + t.dmonospace = 0xff44; + t.dnblock = 0x2584; + t.dochadathai = 0x0e0e; + t.dodekthai = 0x0e14; + t.dohiragana = 0x3069; + t.dokatakana = 0x30c9; + t.dollar = 0x0024; + t.dollarinferior = 0xf6e3; + t.dollarmonospace = 0xff04; + t.dollaroldstyle = 0xf724; + t.dollarsmall = 0xfe69; + t.dollarsuperior = 0xf6e4; + t.dong = 0x20ab; + t.dorusquare = 0x3326; + t.dotaccent = 0x02d9; + t.dotaccentcmb = 0x0307; + t.dotbelowcmb = 0x0323; + t.dotbelowcomb = 0x0323; + t.dotkatakana = 0x30fb; + t.dotlessi = 0x0131; + t.dotlessj = 0xf6be; + t.dotlessjstrokehook = 0x0284; + t.dotmath = 0x22c5; + t.dottedcircle = 0x25cc; + t.doubleyodpatah = 0xfb1f; + t.doubleyodpatahhebrew = 0xfb1f; + t.downtackbelowcmb = 0x031e; + t.downtackmod = 0x02d5; + t.dparen = 0x249f; + t.dsuperior = 0xf6eb; + t.dtail = 0x0256; + t.dtopbar = 0x018c; + t.duhiragana = 0x3065; + t.dukatakana = 0x30c5; + = 0x01f3; + t.dzaltone = 0x02a3; + t.dzcaron = 0x01c6; + t.dzcurl = 0x02a5; + t.dzeabkhasiancyrillic = 0x04e1; + t.dzecyrillic = 0x0455; + t.dzhecyrillic = 0x045f; + t.e = 0x0065; + t.eacute = 0x00e9; + = 0x2641; + t.ebengali = 0x098f; + t.ebopomofo = 0x311c; + t.ebreve = 0x0115; + t.ecandradeva = 0x090d; + t.ecandragujarati = 0x0a8d; + t.ecandravowelsigndeva = 0x0945; + t.ecandravowelsigngujarati = 0x0ac5; + t.ecaron = 0x011b; + t.ecedillabreve = 0x1e1d; + t.echarmenian = 0x0565; + t.echyiwnarmenian = 0x0587; + t.ecircle = 0x24d4; + t.ecircumflex = 0x00ea; + t.ecircumflexacute = 0x1ebf; + t.ecircumflexbelow = 0x1e19; + t.ecircumflexdotbelow = 0x1ec7; + t.ecircumflexgrave = 0x1ec1; + t.ecircumflexhookabove = 0x1ec3; + t.ecircumflextilde = 0x1ec5; + t.ecyrillic = 0x0454; + t.edblgrave = 0x0205; + t.edeva = 0x090f; + t.edieresis = 0x00eb; + t.edot = 0x0117; + t.edotaccent = 0x0117; + t.edotbelow = 0x1eb9; + t.eegurmukhi = 0x0a0f; + t.eematragurmukhi = 0x0a47; + t.efcyrillic = 0x0444; + t.egrave = 0x00e8; + t.egujarati = 0x0a8f; + t.eharmenian = 0x0567; + t.ehbopomofo = 0x311d; + t.ehiragana = 0x3048; + t.ehookabove = 0x1ebb; + t.eibopomofo = 0x311f; + t.eight = 0x0038; + t.eightarabic = 0x0668; + t.eightbengali = 0x09ee; + t.eightcircle = 0x2467; + t.eightcircleinversesansserif = 0x2791; + t.eightdeva = 0x096e; + t.eighteencircle = 0x2471; + t.eighteenparen = 0x2485; + t.eighteenperiod = 0x2499; + t.eightgujarati = 0x0aee; + t.eightgurmukhi = 0x0a6e; + t.eighthackarabic = 0x0668; + t.eighthangzhou = 0x3028; + t.eighthnotebeamed = 0x266b; + t.eightideographicparen = 0x3227; + t.eightinferior = 0x2088; + t.eightmonospace = 0xff18; + t.eightoldstyle = 0xf738; + t.eightparen = 0x247b; + t.eightperiod = 0x248f; + t.eightpersian = 0x06f8; + t.eightroman = 0x2177; + t.eightsuperior = 0x2078; + t.eightthai = 0x0e58; + t.einvertedbreve = 0x0207; + t.eiotifiedcyrillic = 0x0465; + t.ekatakana = 0x30a8; + t.ekatakanahalfwidth = 0xff74; + t.ekonkargurmukhi = 0x0a74; + t.ekorean = 0x3154; + t.elcyrillic = 0x043b; + t.element = 0x2208; + t.elevencircle = 0x246a; + t.elevenparen = 0x247e; + t.elevenperiod = 0x2492; + t.elevenroman = 0x217a; + t.ellipsis = 0x2026; + t.ellipsisvertical = 0x22ee; + t.emacron = 0x0113; + t.emacronacute = 0x1e17; + t.emacrongrave = 0x1e15; + t.emcyrillic = 0x043c; + t.emdash = 0x2014; + t.emdashvertical = 0xfe31; + t.emonospace = 0xff45; + t.emphasismarkarmenian = 0x055b; + t.emptyset = 0x2205; + t.enbopomofo = 0x3123; + t.encyrillic = 0x043d; + t.endash = 0x2013; + t.endashvertical = 0xfe32; + t.endescendercyrillic = 0x04a3; + t.eng = 0x014b; + t.engbopomofo = 0x3125; + t.enghecyrillic = 0x04a5; + t.enhookcyrillic = 0x04c8; + t.enspace = 0x2002; + t.eogonek = 0x0119; + t.eokorean = 0x3153; + t.eopen = 0x025b; + t.eopenclosed = 0x029a; + t.eopenreversed = 0x025c; + t.eopenreversedclosed = 0x025e; + t.eopenreversedhook = 0x025d; + t.eparen = 0x24a0; + t.epsilon = 0x03b5; + t.epsilontonos = 0x03ad; + t.equal = 0x003d; + t.equalmonospace = 0xff1d; + t.equalsmall = 0xfe66; + t.equalsuperior = 0x207c; + t.equivalence = 0x2261; + t.erbopomofo = 0x3126; + t.ercyrillic = 0x0440; + t.ereversed = 0x0258; + t.ereversedcyrillic = 0x044d; + t.escyrillic = 0x0441; + t.esdescendercyrillic = 0x04ab; + t.esh = 0x0283; + t.eshcurl = 0x0286; + t.eshortdeva = 0x090e; + t.eshortvowelsigndeva = 0x0946; + t.eshreversedloop = 0x01aa; + t.eshsquatreversed = 0x0285; + t.esmallhiragana = 0x3047; + t.esmallkatakana = 0x30a7; + t.esmallkatakanahalfwidth = 0xff6a; + t.estimated = 0x212e; + t.esuperior = 0xf6ec; + t.eta = 0x03b7; + t.etarmenian = 0x0568; + t.etatonos = 0x03ae; + t.eth = 0x00f0; + t.etilde = 0x1ebd; + t.etildebelow = 0x1e1b; + t.etnahtafoukhhebrew = 0x0591; + t.etnahtafoukhlefthebrew = 0x0591; + t.etnahtahebrew = 0x0591; + t.etnahtalefthebrew = 0x0591; + t.eturned = 0x01dd; + t.eukorean = 0x3161; + t.euro = 0x20ac; + t.evowelsignbengali = 0x09c7; + t.evowelsigndeva = 0x0947; + t.evowelsigngujarati = 0x0ac7; + t.exclam = 0x0021; + t.exclamarmenian = 0x055c; + t.exclamdbl = 0x203c; + t.exclamdown = 0x00a1; + t.exclamdownsmall = 0xf7a1; + t.exclammonospace = 0xff01; + t.exclamsmall = 0xf721; + t.existential = 0x2203; + t.ezh = 0x0292; + t.ezhcaron = 0x01ef; + t.ezhcurl = 0x0293; + t.ezhreversed = 0x01b9; + t.ezhtail = 0x01ba; + t.f = 0x0066; + t.fadeva = 0x095e; + t.fagurmukhi = 0x0a5e; + t.fahrenheit = 0x2109; + t.fathaarabic = 0x064e; + t.fathalowarabic = 0x064e; + t.fathatanarabic = 0x064b; + t.fbopomofo = 0x3108; + t.fcircle = 0x24d5; + t.fdotaccent = 0x1e1f; + t.feharabic = 0x0641; + t.feharmenian = 0x0586; + t.fehfinalarabic = 0xfed2; + t.fehinitialarabic = 0xfed3; + t.fehmedialarabic = 0xfed4; + t.feicoptic = 0x03e5; + t.female = 0x2640; + t.ff = 0xfb00; + t.f_f = 0xfb00; + t.ffi = 0xfb03; + t.f_f_i = 0xfb03; + t.ffl = 0xfb04; + t.f_f_l = 0xfb04; + = 0xfb01; + t.f_i = 0xfb01; + t.fifteencircle = 0x246e; + t.fifteenparen = 0x2482; + t.fifteenperiod = 0x2496; + t.figuredash = 0x2012; + t.filledbox = 0x25a0; + t.filledrect = 0x25ac; + t.finalkaf = 0x05da; + t.finalkafdagesh = 0xfb3a; + t.finalkafdageshhebrew = 0xfb3a; + t.finalkafhebrew = 0x05da; + t.finalmem = 0x05dd; + t.finalmemhebrew = 0x05dd; + t.finalnun = 0x05df; + t.finalnunhebrew = 0x05df; + t.finalpe = 0x05e3; + t.finalpehebrew = 0x05e3; + t.finaltsadi = 0x05e5; + t.finaltsadihebrew = 0x05e5; + t.firsttonechinese = 0x02c9; + t.fisheye = 0x25c9; + t.fitacyrillic = 0x0473; + t.five = 0x0035; + t.fivearabic = 0x0665; + t.fivebengali = 0x09eb; + t.fivecircle = 0x2464; + t.fivecircleinversesansserif = 0x278e; + t.fivedeva = 0x096b; + t.fiveeighths = 0x215d; + t.fivegujarati = 0x0aeb; + t.fivegurmukhi = 0x0a6b; + t.fivehackarabic = 0x0665; + t.fivehangzhou = 0x3025; + t.fiveideographicparen = 0x3224; + t.fiveinferior = 0x2085; + t.fivemonospace = 0xff15; + t.fiveoldstyle = 0xf735; + t.fiveparen = 0x2478; + t.fiveperiod = 0x248c; + t.fivepersian = 0x06f5; + t.fiveroman = 0x2174; + t.fivesuperior = 0x2075; + t.fivethai = 0x0e55; + t.fl = 0xfb02; + t.f_l = 0xfb02; + t.florin = 0x0192; + t.fmonospace = 0xff46; + t.fmsquare = 0x3399; + t.fofanthai = 0x0e1f; + t.fofathai = 0x0e1d; + t.fongmanthai = 0x0e4f; + t.forall = 0x2200; + t.four = 0x0034; + t.fourarabic = 0x0664; + t.fourbengali = 0x09ea; + t.fourcircle = 0x2463; + t.fourcircleinversesansserif = 0x278d; + t.fourdeva = 0x096a; + t.fourgujarati = 0x0aea; + t.fourgurmukhi = 0x0a6a; + t.fourhackarabic = 0x0664; + t.fourhangzhou = 0x3024; + t.fourideographicparen = 0x3223; + t.fourinferior = 0x2084; + t.fourmonospace = 0xff14; + t.fournumeratorbengali = 0x09f7; + t.fouroldstyle = 0xf734; + t.fourparen = 0x2477; + t.fourperiod = 0x248b; + t.fourpersian = 0x06f4; + t.fourroman = 0x2173; + t.foursuperior = 0x2074; + t.fourteencircle = 0x246d; + t.fourteenparen = 0x2481; + t.fourteenperiod = 0x2495; + t.fourthai = 0x0e54; + t.fourthtonechinese = 0x02cb; + t.fparen = 0x24a1; + t.fraction = 0x2044; + t.franc = 0x20a3; + t.g = 0x0067; + t.gabengali = 0x0997; + t.gacute = 0x01f5; + t.gadeva = 0x0917; + t.gafarabic = 0x06af; + t.gaffinalarabic = 0xfb93; + t.gafinitialarabic = 0xfb94; + t.gafmedialarabic = 0xfb95; + t.gagujarati = 0x0a97; + t.gagurmukhi = 0x0a17; + t.gahiragana = 0x304c; + t.gakatakana = 0x30ac; + t.gamma = 0x03b3; + t.gammalatinsmall = 0x0263; + t.gammasuperior = 0x02e0; + t.gangiacoptic = 0x03eb; + t.gbopomofo = 0x310d; + t.gbreve = 0x011f; + t.gcaron = 0x01e7; + t.gcedilla = 0x0123; + t.gcircle = 0x24d6; + t.gcircumflex = 0x011d; + t.gcommaaccent = 0x0123; + t.gdot = 0x0121; + t.gdotaccent = 0x0121; + t.gecyrillic = 0x0433; + t.gehiragana = 0x3052; + t.gekatakana = 0x30b2; + t.geometricallyequal = 0x2251; + t.gereshaccenthebrew = 0x059c; + t.gereshhebrew = 0x05f3; + t.gereshmuqdamhebrew = 0x059d; + t.germandbls = 0x00df; + t.gershayimaccenthebrew = 0x059e; + t.gershayimhebrew = 0x05f4; + t.getamark = 0x3013; + t.ghabengali = 0x0998; + t.ghadarmenian = 0x0572; + t.ghadeva = 0x0918; + t.ghagujarati = 0x0a98; + t.ghagurmukhi = 0x0a18; + t.ghainarabic = 0x063a; + t.ghainfinalarabic = 0xfece; + t.ghaininitialarabic = 0xfecf; + t.ghainmedialarabic = 0xfed0; + t.ghemiddlehookcyrillic = 0x0495; + t.ghestrokecyrillic = 0x0493; + t.gheupturncyrillic = 0x0491; + t.ghhadeva = 0x095a; + t.ghhagurmukhi = 0x0a5a; + t.ghook = 0x0260; + t.ghzsquare = 0x3393; + t.gihiragana = 0x304e; + t.gikatakana = 0x30ae; + t.gimarmenian = 0x0563; + t.gimel = 0x05d2; + t.gimeldagesh = 0xfb32; + t.gimeldageshhebrew = 0xfb32; + t.gimelhebrew = 0x05d2; + t.gjecyrillic = 0x0453; + t.glottalinvertedstroke = 0x01be; + t.glottalstop = 0x0294; + t.glottalstopinverted = 0x0296; + t.glottalstopmod = 0x02c0; + t.glottalstopreversed = 0x0295; + t.glottalstopreversedmod = 0x02c1; + t.glottalstopreversedsuperior = 0x02e4; + t.glottalstopstroke = 0x02a1; + t.glottalstopstrokereversed = 0x02a2; + t.gmacron = 0x1e21; + t.gmonospace = 0xff47; + t.gohiragana = 0x3054; + t.gokatakana = 0x30b4; + t.gparen = 0x24a2; + t.gpasquare = 0x33ac; + t.gradient = 0x2207; + t.grave = 0x0060; + t.gravebelowcmb = 0x0316; + t.gravecmb = 0x0300; + t.gravecomb = 0x0300; + t.gravedeva = 0x0953; + t.gravelowmod = 0x02ce; + t.gravemonospace = 0xff40; + t.gravetonecmb = 0x0340; + t.greater = 0x003e; + t.greaterequal = 0x2265; + t.greaterequalorless = 0x22db; + t.greatermonospace = 0xff1e; + t.greaterorequivalent = 0x2273; + t.greaterorless = 0x2277; + t.greateroverequal = 0x2267; + t.greatersmall = 0xfe65; + t.gscript = 0x0261; + t.gstroke = 0x01e5; + t.guhiragana = 0x3050; + t.guillemotleft = 0x00ab; + t.guillemotright = 0x00bb; + t.guilsinglleft = 0x2039; + t.guilsinglright = 0x203a; + t.gukatakana = 0x30b0; + t.guramusquare = 0x3318; + t.gysquare = 0x33c9; + t.h = 0x0068; + t.haabkhasiancyrillic = 0x04a9; + t.haaltonearabic = 0x06c1; + t.habengali = 0x09b9; + t.hadescendercyrillic = 0x04b3; + t.hadeva = 0x0939; + t.hagujarati = 0x0ab9; + t.hagurmukhi = 0x0a39; + t.haharabic = 0x062d; + t.hahfinalarabic = 0xfea2; + t.hahinitialarabic = 0xfea3; + t.hahiragana = 0x306f; + t.hahmedialarabic = 0xfea4; + t.haitusquare = 0x332a; + t.hakatakana = 0x30cf; + t.hakatakanahalfwidth = 0xff8a; + t.halantgurmukhi = 0x0a4d; + t.hamzaarabic = 0x0621; + t.hamzalowarabic = 0x0621; + t.hangulfiller = 0x3164; + t.hardsigncyrillic = 0x044a; + t.harpoonleftbarbup = 0x21bc; + t.harpoonrightbarbup = 0x21c0; + t.hasquare = 0x33ca; + t.hatafpatah = 0x05b2; + t.hatafpatah16 = 0x05b2; + t.hatafpatah23 = 0x05b2; + t.hatafpatah2f = 0x05b2; + t.hatafpatahhebrew = 0x05b2; + t.hatafpatahnarrowhebrew = 0x05b2; + t.hatafpatahquarterhebrew = 0x05b2; + t.hatafpatahwidehebrew = 0x05b2; + t.hatafqamats = 0x05b3; + t.hatafqamats1b = 0x05b3; + t.hatafqamats28 = 0x05b3; + t.hatafqamats34 = 0x05b3; + t.hatafqamatshebrew = 0x05b3; + t.hatafqamatsnarrowhebrew = 0x05b3; + t.hatafqamatsquarterhebrew = 0x05b3; + t.hatafqamatswidehebrew = 0x05b3; + t.hatafsegol = 0x05b1; + t.hatafsegol17 = 0x05b1; + t.hatafsegol24 = 0x05b1; + t.hatafsegol30 = 0x05b1; + t.hatafsegolhebrew = 0x05b1; + t.hatafsegolnarrowhebrew = 0x05b1; + t.hatafsegolquarterhebrew = 0x05b1; + t.hatafsegolwidehebrew = 0x05b1; + t.hbar = 0x0127; + t.hbopomofo = 0x310f; + t.hbrevebelow = 0x1e2b; + t.hcedilla = 0x1e29; + t.hcircle = 0x24d7; + t.hcircumflex = 0x0125; + t.hdieresis = 0x1e27; + t.hdotaccent = 0x1e23; + t.hdotbelow = 0x1e25; + t.he = 0x05d4; + t.heart = 0x2665; + t.heartsuitblack = 0x2665; + t.heartsuitwhite = 0x2661; + t.hedagesh = 0xfb34; + t.hedageshhebrew = 0xfb34; + t.hehaltonearabic = 0x06c1; + t.heharabic = 0x0647; + t.hehebrew = 0x05d4; + t.hehfinalaltonearabic = 0xfba7; + t.hehfinalalttwoarabic = 0xfeea; + t.hehfinalarabic = 0xfeea; + t.hehhamzaabovefinalarabic = 0xfba5; + t.hehhamzaaboveisolatedarabic = 0xfba4; + t.hehinitialaltonearabic = 0xfba8; + t.hehinitialarabic = 0xfeeb; + t.hehiragana = 0x3078; + t.hehmedialaltonearabic = 0xfba9; + t.hehmedialarabic = 0xfeec; + t.heiseierasquare = 0x337b; + t.hekatakana = 0x30d8; + t.hekatakanahalfwidth = 0xff8d; + t.hekutaarusquare = 0x3336; + t.henghook = 0x0267; + t.herutusquare = 0x3339; + t.het = 0x05d7; + t.hethebrew = 0x05d7; + t.hhook = 0x0266; + t.hhooksuperior = 0x02b1; + t.hieuhacirclekorean = 0x327b; + t.hieuhaparenkorean = 0x321b; + t.hieuhcirclekorean = 0x326d; + t.hieuhkorean = 0x314e; + t.hieuhparenkorean = 0x320d; + t.hihiragana = 0x3072; + t.hikatakana = 0x30d2; + t.hikatakanahalfwidth = 0xff8b; + t.hiriq = 0x05b4; + t.hiriq14 = 0x05b4; + t.hiriq21 = 0x05b4; + t.hiriq2d = 0x05b4; + t.hiriqhebrew = 0x05b4; + t.hiriqnarrowhebrew = 0x05b4; + t.hiriqquarterhebrew = 0x05b4; + t.hiriqwidehebrew = 0x05b4; + t.hlinebelow = 0x1e96; + t.hmonospace = 0xff48; + t.hoarmenian = 0x0570; + t.hohipthai = 0x0e2b; + t.hohiragana = 0x307b; + t.hokatakana = 0x30db; + t.hokatakanahalfwidth = 0xff8e; + t.holam = 0x05b9; + t.holam19 = 0x05b9; + t.holam26 = 0x05b9; + t.holam32 = 0x05b9; + t.holamhebrew = 0x05b9; + t.holamnarrowhebrew = 0x05b9; + t.holamquarterhebrew = 0x05b9; + t.holamwidehebrew = 0x05b9; + t.honokhukthai = 0x0e2e; + t.hookabovecomb = 0x0309; + t.hookcmb = 0x0309; + t.hookpalatalizedbelowcmb = 0x0321; + t.hookretroflexbelowcmb = 0x0322; + t.hoonsquare = 0x3342; + t.horicoptic = 0x03e9; + t.horizontalbar = 0x2015; + t.horncmb = 0x031b; + t.hotsprings = 0x2668; + = 0x2302; + t.hparen = 0x24a3; + t.hsuperior = 0x02b0; + t.hturned = 0x0265; + t.huhiragana = 0x3075; + t.huiitosquare = 0x3333; + t.hukatakana = 0x30d5; + t.hukatakanahalfwidth = 0xff8c; + t.hungarumlaut = 0x02dd; + t.hungarumlautcmb = 0x030b; + t.hv = 0x0195; + t.hyphen = 0x002d; + t.hypheninferior = 0xf6e5; + t.hyphenmonospace = 0xff0d; + t.hyphensmall = 0xfe63; + t.hyphensuperior = 0xf6e6; + t.hyphentwo = 0x2010; + t.i = 0x0069; + t.iacute = 0x00ed; + t.iacyrillic = 0x044f; + t.ibengali = 0x0987; + t.ibopomofo = 0x3127; + t.ibreve = 0x012d; + t.icaron = 0x01d0; + t.icircle = 0x24d8; + t.icircumflex = 0x00ee; + t.icyrillic = 0x0456; + t.idblgrave = 0x0209; + t.ideographearthcircle = 0x328f; + t.ideographfirecircle = 0x328b; + t.ideographicallianceparen = 0x323f; + t.ideographiccallparen = 0x323a; + t.ideographiccentrecircle = 0x32a5; + t.ideographicclose = 0x3006; + t.ideographiccomma = 0x3001; + t.ideographiccommaleft = 0xff64; + t.ideographiccongratulationparen = 0x3237; + t.ideographiccorrectcircle = 0x32a3; + t.ideographicearthparen = 0x322f; + t.ideographicenterpriseparen = 0x323d; + t.ideographicexcellentcircle = 0x329d; + t.ideographicfestivalparen = 0x3240; + t.ideographicfinancialcircle = 0x3296; + t.ideographicfinancialparen = 0x3236; + t.ideographicfireparen = 0x322b; + t.ideographichaveparen = 0x3232; + t.ideographichighcircle = 0x32a4; + t.ideographiciterationmark = 0x3005; + t.ideographiclaborcircle = 0x3298; + t.ideographiclaborparen = 0x3238; + t.ideographicleftcircle = 0x32a7; + t.ideographiclowcircle = 0x32a6; + t.ideographicmedicinecircle = 0x32a9; + t.ideographicmetalparen = 0x322e; + t.ideographicmoonparen = 0x322a; + t.ideographicnameparen = 0x3234; + t.ideographicperiod = 0x3002; + t.ideographicprintcircle = 0x329e; + t.ideographicreachparen = 0x3243; + t.ideographicrepresentparen = 0x3239; + t.ideographicresourceparen = 0x323e; + t.ideographicrightcircle = 0x32a8; + t.ideographicsecretcircle = 0x3299; + t.ideographicselfparen = 0x3242; + t.ideographicsocietyparen = 0x3233; + t.ideographicspace = 0x3000; + t.ideographicspecialparen = 0x3235; + t.ideographicstockparen = 0x3231; + t.ideographicstudyparen = 0x323b; + t.ideographicsunparen = 0x3230; + t.ideographicsuperviseparen = 0x323c; + t.ideographicwaterparen = 0x322c; + t.ideographicwoodparen = 0x322d; + t.ideographiczero = 0x3007; + t.ideographmetalcircle = 0x328e; + t.ideographmooncircle = 0x328a; + t.ideographnamecircle = 0x3294; + t.ideographsuncircle = 0x3290; + t.ideographwatercircle = 0x328c; + t.ideographwoodcircle = 0x328d; + t.ideva = 0x0907; + t.idieresis = 0x00ef; + t.idieresisacute = 0x1e2f; + t.idieresiscyrillic = 0x04e5; + t.idotbelow = 0x1ecb; + t.iebrevecyrillic = 0x04d7; + t.iecyrillic = 0x0435; + t.ieungacirclekorean = 0x3275; + t.ieungaparenkorean = 0x3215; + t.ieungcirclekorean = 0x3267; + t.ieungkorean = 0x3147; + t.ieungparenkorean = 0x3207; + t.igrave = 0x00ec; + t.igujarati = 0x0a87; + t.igurmukhi = 0x0a07; + t.ihiragana = 0x3044; + t.ihookabove = 0x1ec9; + t.iibengali = 0x0988; + t.iicyrillic = 0x0438; + t.iideva = 0x0908; + t.iigujarati = 0x0a88; + t.iigurmukhi = 0x0a08; + t.iimatragurmukhi = 0x0a40; + t.iinvertedbreve = 0x020b; + t.iishortcyrillic = 0x0439; + t.iivowelsignbengali = 0x09c0; + t.iivowelsigndeva = 0x0940; + t.iivowelsigngujarati = 0x0ac0; + t.ij = 0x0133; + t.ikatakana = 0x30a4; + t.ikatakanahalfwidth = 0xff72; + t.ikorean = 0x3163; + t.ilde = 0x02dc; + t.iluyhebrew = 0x05ac; + t.imacron = 0x012b; + t.imacroncyrillic = 0x04e3; + t.imageorapproximatelyequal = 0x2253; + t.imatragurmukhi = 0x0a3f; + t.imonospace = 0xff49; + t.increment = 0x2206; + t.infinity = 0x221e; + t.iniarmenian = 0x056b; + t.integral = 0x222b; + t.integralbottom = 0x2321; + t.integralbt = 0x2321; + t.integralex = 0xf8f5; + t.integraltop = 0x2320; + t.integraltp = 0x2320; + t.intersection = 0x2229; + t.intisquare = 0x3305; + t.invbullet = 0x25d8; + t.invcircle = 0x25d9; + t.invsmileface = 0x263b; + t.iocyrillic = 0x0451; + t.iogonek = 0x012f; + t.iota = 0x03b9; + t.iotadieresis = 0x03ca; + t.iotadieresistonos = 0x0390; + t.iotalatin = 0x0269; + t.iotatonos = 0x03af; + t.iparen = 0x24a4; + t.irigurmukhi = 0x0a72; + t.ismallhiragana = 0x3043; + t.ismallkatakana = 0x30a3; + t.ismallkatakanahalfwidth = 0xff68; + t.issharbengali = 0x09fa; + t.istroke = 0x0268; + t.isuperior = 0xf6ed; + t.iterationhiragana = 0x309d; + t.iterationkatakana = 0x30fd; + t.itilde = 0x0129; + t.itildebelow = 0x1e2d; + t.iubopomofo = 0x3129; + t.iucyrillic = 0x044e; + t.ivowelsignbengali = 0x09bf; + t.ivowelsigndeva = 0x093f; + t.ivowelsigngujarati = 0x0abf; + t.izhitsacyrillic = 0x0475; + t.izhitsadblgravecyrillic = 0x0477; + t.j = 0x006a; + t.jaarmenian = 0x0571; + t.jabengali = 0x099c; + t.jadeva = 0x091c; + t.jagujarati = 0x0a9c; + t.jagurmukhi = 0x0a1c; + t.jbopomofo = 0x3110; + t.jcaron = 0x01f0; + t.jcircle = 0x24d9; + t.jcircumflex = 0x0135; + t.jcrossedtail = 0x029d; + t.jdotlessstroke = 0x025f; + t.jecyrillic = 0x0458; + t.jeemarabic = 0x062c; + t.jeemfinalarabic = 0xfe9e; + t.jeeminitialarabic = 0xfe9f; + t.jeemmedialarabic = 0xfea0; + t.jeharabic = 0x0698; + t.jehfinalarabic = 0xfb8b; + t.jhabengali = 0x099d; + t.jhadeva = 0x091d; + t.jhagujarati = 0x0a9d; + t.jhagurmukhi = 0x0a1d; + t.jheharmenian = 0x057b; + t.jis = 0x3004; + t.jmonospace = 0xff4a; + t.jparen = 0x24a5; + t.jsuperior = 0x02b2; + t.k = 0x006b; + t.kabashkircyrillic = 0x04a1; + t.kabengali = 0x0995; + t.kacute = 0x1e31; + t.kacyrillic = 0x043a; + t.kadescendercyrillic = 0x049b; + t.kadeva = 0x0915; + t.kaf = 0x05db; + t.kafarabic = 0x0643; + t.kafdagesh = 0xfb3b; + t.kafdageshhebrew = 0xfb3b; + t.kaffinalarabic = 0xfeda; + t.kafhebrew = 0x05db; + t.kafinitialarabic = 0xfedb; + t.kafmedialarabic = 0xfedc; + t.kafrafehebrew = 0xfb4d; + t.kagujarati = 0x0a95; + t.kagurmukhi = 0x0a15; + t.kahiragana = 0x304b; + t.kahookcyrillic = 0x04c4; + t.kakatakana = 0x30ab; + t.kakatakanahalfwidth = 0xff76; + t.kappa = 0x03ba; + t.kappasymbolgreek = 0x03f0; + t.kapyeounmieumkorean = 0x3171; + t.kapyeounphieuphkorean = 0x3184; + t.kapyeounpieupkorean = 0x3178; + t.kapyeounssangpieupkorean = 0x3179; + t.karoriisquare = 0x330d; + t.kashidaautoarabic = 0x0640; + t.kashidaautonosidebearingarabic = 0x0640; + t.kasmallkatakana = 0x30f5; + t.kasquare = 0x3384; + t.kasraarabic = 0x0650; + t.kasratanarabic = 0x064d; + t.kastrokecyrillic = 0x049f; + t.katahiraprolongmarkhalfwidth = 0xff70; + t.kaverticalstrokecyrillic = 0x049d; + t.kbopomofo = 0x310e; + t.kcalsquare = 0x3389; + t.kcaron = 0x01e9; + t.kcedilla = 0x0137; + t.kcircle = 0x24da; + t.kcommaaccent = 0x0137; + t.kdotbelow = 0x1e33; + t.keharmenian = 0x0584; + t.kehiragana = 0x3051; + t.kekatakana = 0x30b1; + t.kekatakanahalfwidth = 0xff79; + t.kenarmenian = 0x056f; + t.kesmallkatakana = 0x30f6; + t.kgreenlandic = 0x0138; + t.khabengali = 0x0996; + t.khacyrillic = 0x0445; + t.khadeva = 0x0916; + t.khagujarati = 0x0a96; + t.khagurmukhi = 0x0a16; + t.khaharabic = 0x062e; + t.khahfinalarabic = 0xfea6; + t.khahinitialarabic = 0xfea7; + t.khahmedialarabic = 0xfea8; + t.kheicoptic = 0x03e7; + t.khhadeva = 0x0959; + t.khhagurmukhi = 0x0a59; + t.khieukhacirclekorean = 0x3278; + t.khieukhaparenkorean = 0x3218; + t.khieukhcirclekorean = 0x326a; + t.khieukhkorean = 0x314b; + t.khieukhparenkorean = 0x320a; + t.khokhaithai = 0x0e02; + t.khokhonthai = 0x0e05; + t.khokhuatthai = 0x0e03; + t.khokhwaithai = 0x0e04; + t.khomutthai = 0x0e5b; + t.khook = 0x0199; + t.khorakhangthai = 0x0e06; + t.khzsquare = 0x3391; + t.kihiragana = 0x304d; + t.kikatakana = 0x30ad; + t.kikatakanahalfwidth = 0xff77; + t.kiroguramusquare = 0x3315; + t.kiromeetorusquare = 0x3316; + t.kirosquare = 0x3314; + t.kiyeokacirclekorean = 0x326e; + t.kiyeokaparenkorean = 0x320e; + t.kiyeokcirclekorean = 0x3260; + t.kiyeokkorean = 0x3131; + t.kiyeokparenkorean = 0x3200; + t.kiyeoksioskorean = 0x3133; + t.kjecyrillic = 0x045c; + t.klinebelow = 0x1e35; + t.klsquare = 0x3398; + t.kmcubedsquare = 0x33a6; + t.kmonospace = 0xff4b; + t.kmsquaredsquare = 0x33a2; + t.kohiragana = 0x3053; + t.kohmsquare = 0x33c0; + t.kokaithai = 0x0e01; + t.kokatakana = 0x30b3; + t.kokatakanahalfwidth = 0xff7a; + t.kooposquare = 0x331e; + t.koppacyrillic = 0x0481; + t.koreanstandardsymbol = 0x327f; + t.koroniscmb = 0x0343; + t.kparen = 0x24a6; + t.kpasquare = 0x33aa; + t.ksicyrillic = 0x046f; + t.ktsquare = 0x33cf; + t.kturned = 0x029e; + t.kuhiragana = 0x304f; + t.kukatakana = 0x30af; + t.kukatakanahalfwidth = 0xff78; + t.kvsquare = 0x33b8; + t.kwsquare = 0x33be; + t.l = 0x006c; + t.labengali = 0x09b2; + t.lacute = 0x013a; + t.ladeva = 0x0932; + t.lagujarati = 0x0ab2; + t.lagurmukhi = 0x0a32; + t.lakkhangyaothai = 0x0e45; + t.lamaleffinalarabic = 0xfefc; + t.lamalefhamzaabovefinalarabic = 0xfef8; + t.lamalefhamzaaboveisolatedarabic = 0xfef7; + t.lamalefhamzabelowfinalarabic = 0xfefa; + t.lamalefhamzabelowisolatedarabic = 0xfef9; + t.lamalefisolatedarabic = 0xfefb; + t.lamalefmaddaabovefinalarabic = 0xfef6; + t.lamalefmaddaaboveisolatedarabic = 0xfef5; + t.lamarabic = 0x0644; + t.lambda = 0x03bb; + t.lambdastroke = 0x019b; + t.lamed = 0x05dc; + t.lameddagesh = 0xfb3c; + t.lameddageshhebrew = 0xfb3c; + t.lamedhebrew = 0x05dc; + t.lamfinalarabic = 0xfede; + t.lamhahinitialarabic = 0xfcca; + t.laminitialarabic = 0xfedf; + t.lamjeeminitialarabic = 0xfcc9; + t.lamkhahinitialarabic = 0xfccb; + t.lamlamhehisolatedarabic = 0xfdf2; + t.lammedialarabic = 0xfee0; + t.lammeemhahinitialarabic = 0xfd88; + t.lammeeminitialarabic = 0xfccc; + t.largecircle = 0x25ef; + t.lbar = 0x019a; + t.lbelt = 0x026c; + t.lbopomofo = 0x310c; + t.lcaron = 0x013e; + t.lcedilla = 0x013c; + t.lcircle = 0x24db; + t.lcircumflexbelow = 0x1e3d; + t.lcommaaccent = 0x013c; + t.ldot = 0x0140; + t.ldotaccent = 0x0140; + t.ldotbelow = 0x1e37; + t.ldotbelowmacron = 0x1e39; + t.leftangleabovecmb = 0x031a; + t.lefttackbelowcmb = 0x0318; + t.less = 0x003c; + t.lessequal = 0x2264; + t.lessequalorgreater = 0x22da; + t.lessmonospace = 0xff1c; + t.lessorequivalent = 0x2272; + t.lessorgreater = 0x2276; + t.lessoverequal = 0x2266; + t.lesssmall = 0xfe64; + t.lezh = 0x026e; + t.lfblock = 0x258c; + t.lhookretroflex = 0x026d; + t.lira = 0x20a4; + t.liwnarmenian = 0x056c; + t.lj = 0x01c9; + t.ljecyrillic = 0x0459; + t.ll = 0xf6c0; + t.lladeva = 0x0933; + t.llagujarati = 0x0ab3; + t.llinebelow = 0x1e3b; + t.llladeva = 0x0934; + t.llvocalicbengali = 0x09e1; + t.llvocalicdeva = 0x0961; + t.llvocalicvowelsignbengali = 0x09e3; + t.llvocalicvowelsigndeva = 0x0963; + t.lmiddletilde = 0x026b; + t.lmonospace = 0xff4c; + t.lmsquare = 0x33d0; + t.lochulathai = 0x0e2c; + t.logicaland = 0x2227; + t.logicalnot = 0x00ac; + t.logicalnotreversed = 0x2310; + t.logicalor = 0x2228; + t.lolingthai = 0x0e25; + t.longs = 0x017f; + t.lowlinecenterline = 0xfe4e; + t.lowlinecmb = 0x0332; + t.lowlinedashed = 0xfe4d; + t.lozenge = 0x25ca; + t.lparen = 0x24a7; + t.lslash = 0x0142; + t.lsquare = 0x2113; + t.lsuperior = 0xf6ee; + t.ltshade = 0x2591; + t.luthai = 0x0e26; + t.lvocalicbengali = 0x098c; + t.lvocalicdeva = 0x090c; + t.lvocalicvowelsignbengali = 0x09e2; + t.lvocalicvowelsigndeva = 0x0962; + t.lxsquare = 0x33d3; + t.m = 0x006d; + t.mabengali = 0x09ae; + t.macron = 0x00af; + t.macronbelowcmb = 0x0331; + t.macroncmb = 0x0304; + t.macronlowmod = 0x02cd; + t.macronmonospace = 0xffe3; + t.macute = 0x1e3f; + t.madeva = 0x092e; + t.magujarati = 0x0aae; + t.magurmukhi = 0x0a2e; + t.mahapakhhebrew = 0x05a4; + t.mahapakhlefthebrew = 0x05a4; + t.mahiragana = 0x307e; + t.maichattawalowleftthai = 0xf895; + t.maichattawalowrightthai = 0xf894; + t.maichattawathai = 0x0e4b; + t.maichattawaupperleftthai = 0xf893; + t.maieklowleftthai = 0xf88c; + t.maieklowrightthai = 0xf88b; + t.maiekthai = 0x0e48; + t.maiekupperleftthai = 0xf88a; + t.maihanakatleftthai = 0xf884; + t.maihanakatthai = 0x0e31; + t.maitaikhuleftthai = 0xf889; + t.maitaikhuthai = 0x0e47; + t.maitholowleftthai = 0xf88f; + t.maitholowrightthai = 0xf88e; + t.maithothai = 0x0e49; + t.maithoupperleftthai = 0xf88d; + t.maitrilowleftthai = 0xf892; + t.maitrilowrightthai = 0xf891; + t.maitrithai = 0x0e4a; + t.maitriupperleftthai = 0xf890; + t.maiyamokthai = 0x0e46; + t.makatakana = 0x30de; + t.makatakanahalfwidth = 0xff8f; + t.male = 0x2642; + t.mansyonsquare = 0x3347; + t.maqafhebrew = 0x05be; + t.mars = 0x2642; + t.masoracirclehebrew = 0x05af; + t.masquare = 0x3383; + t.mbopomofo = 0x3107; + t.mbsquare = 0x33d4; + t.mcircle = 0x24dc; + t.mcubedsquare = 0x33a5; + t.mdotaccent = 0x1e41; + t.mdotbelow = 0x1e43; + t.meemarabic = 0x0645; + t.meemfinalarabic = 0xfee2; + t.meeminitialarabic = 0xfee3; + t.meemmedialarabic = 0xfee4; + t.meemmeeminitialarabic = 0xfcd1; + t.meemmeemisolatedarabic = 0xfc48; + t.meetorusquare = 0x334d; + t.mehiragana = 0x3081; + t.meizierasquare = 0x337e; + t.mekatakana = 0x30e1; + t.mekatakanahalfwidth = 0xff92; + t.mem = 0x05de; + t.memdagesh = 0xfb3e; + t.memdageshhebrew = 0xfb3e; + t.memhebrew = 0x05de; + t.menarmenian = 0x0574; + t.merkhahebrew = 0x05a5; + t.merkhakefulahebrew = 0x05a6; + t.merkhakefulalefthebrew = 0x05a6; + t.merkhalefthebrew = 0x05a5; + t.mhook = 0x0271; + t.mhzsquare = 0x3392; + t.middledotkatakanahalfwidth = 0xff65; + t.middot = 0x00b7; + t.mieumacirclekorean = 0x3272; + t.mieumaparenkorean = 0x3212; + t.mieumcirclekorean = 0x3264; + t.mieumkorean = 0x3141; + t.mieumpansioskorean = 0x3170; + t.mieumparenkorean = 0x3204; + t.mieumpieupkorean = 0x316e; + t.mieumsioskorean = 0x316f; + t.mihiragana = 0x307f; + t.mikatakana = 0x30df; + t.mikatakanahalfwidth = 0xff90; + t.minus = 0x2212; + t.minusbelowcmb = 0x0320; + t.minuscircle = 0x2296; + t.minusmod = 0x02d7; + t.minusplus = 0x2213; + t.minute = 0x2032; + t.miribaarusquare = 0x334a; + t.mirisquare = 0x3349; + t.mlonglegturned = 0x0270; + t.mlsquare = 0x3396; + t.mmcubedsquare = 0x33a3; + t.mmonospace = 0xff4d; + t.mmsquaredsquare = 0x339f; + t.mohiragana = 0x3082; + t.mohmsquare = 0x33c1; + t.mokatakana = 0x30e2; + t.mokatakanahalfwidth = 0xff93; + t.molsquare = 0x33d6; + t.momathai = 0x0e21; + t.moverssquare = 0x33a7; + t.moverssquaredsquare = 0x33a8; + t.mparen = 0x24a8; + t.mpasquare = 0x33ab; + t.mssquare = 0x33b3; + t.msuperior = 0xf6ef; + t.mturned = 0x026f; + = 0x00b5; + t.mu1 = 0x00b5; + t.muasquare = 0x3382; + t.muchgreater = 0x226b; + t.muchless = 0x226a; + t.mufsquare = 0x338c; + t.mugreek = 0x03bc; + t.mugsquare = 0x338d; + t.muhiragana = 0x3080; + t.mukatakana = 0x30e0; + t.mukatakanahalfwidth = 0xff91; + t.mulsquare = 0x3395; + t.multiply = 0x00d7; + t.mumsquare = 0x339b; + t.munahhebrew = 0x05a3; + t.munahlefthebrew = 0x05a3; + t.musicalnote = 0x266a; + t.musicalnotedbl = 0x266b; + t.musicflatsign = 0x266d; + t.musicsharpsign = 0x266f; + t.mussquare = 0x33b2; + t.muvsquare = 0x33b6; + t.muwsquare = 0x33bc; + t.mvmegasquare = 0x33b9; + t.mvsquare = 0x33b7; + t.mwmegasquare = 0x33bf; + t.mwsquare = 0x33bd; + t.n = 0x006e; + t.nabengali = 0x09a8; + t.nabla = 0x2207; + t.nacute = 0x0144; + t.nadeva = 0x0928; + t.nagujarati = 0x0aa8; + t.nagurmukhi = 0x0a28; + t.nahiragana = 0x306a; + t.nakatakana = 0x30ca; + t.nakatakanahalfwidth = 0xff85; + t.napostrophe = 0x0149; + t.nasquare = 0x3381; + t.nbopomofo = 0x310b; + t.nbspace = 0x00a0; + t.ncaron = 0x0148; + t.ncedilla = 0x0146; + t.ncircle = 0x24dd; + t.ncircumflexbelow = 0x1e4b; + t.ncommaaccent = 0x0146; + t.ndotaccent = 0x1e45; + t.ndotbelow = 0x1e47; + t.nehiragana = 0x306d; + t.nekatakana = 0x30cd; + t.nekatakanahalfwidth = 0xff88; + t.newsheqelsign = 0x20aa; + t.nfsquare = 0x338b; + t.ngabengali = 0x0999; + t.ngadeva = 0x0919; + t.ngagujarati = 0x0a99; + t.ngagurmukhi = 0x0a19; + t.ngonguthai = 0x0e07; + t.nhiragana = 0x3093; + t.nhookleft = 0x0272; + t.nhookretroflex = 0x0273; + t.nieunacirclekorean = 0x326f; + t.nieunaparenkorean = 0x320f; + t.nieuncieuckorean = 0x3135; + t.nieuncirclekorean = 0x3261; + t.nieunhieuhkorean = 0x3136; + t.nieunkorean = 0x3134; + t.nieunpansioskorean = 0x3168; + t.nieunparenkorean = 0x3201; + t.nieunsioskorean = 0x3167; + t.nieuntikeutkorean = 0x3166; + t.nihiragana = 0x306b; + t.nikatakana = 0x30cb; + t.nikatakanahalfwidth = 0xff86; + t.nikhahitleftthai = 0xf899; + t.nikhahitthai = 0x0e4d; + t.nine = 0x0039; + t.ninearabic = 0x0669; + t.ninebengali = 0x09ef; + t.ninecircle = 0x2468; + t.ninecircleinversesansserif = 0x2792; + t.ninedeva = 0x096f; + t.ninegujarati = 0x0aef; + t.ninegurmukhi = 0x0a6f; + t.ninehackarabic = 0x0669; + t.ninehangzhou = 0x3029; + t.nineideographicparen = 0x3228; + t.nineinferior = 0x2089; + t.ninemonospace = 0xff19; + t.nineoldstyle = 0xf739; + t.nineparen = 0x247c; + t.nineperiod = 0x2490; + t.ninepersian = 0x06f9; + t.nineroman = 0x2178; + t.ninesuperior = 0x2079; + t.nineteencircle = 0x2472; + t.nineteenparen = 0x2486; + t.nineteenperiod = 0x249a; + t.ninethai = 0x0e59; + t.nj = 0x01cc; + t.njecyrillic = 0x045a; + t.nkatakana = 0x30f3; + t.nkatakanahalfwidth = 0xff9d; + t.nlegrightlong = 0x019e; + t.nlinebelow = 0x1e49; + t.nmonospace = 0xff4e; + t.nmsquare = 0x339a; + t.nnabengali = 0x09a3; + t.nnadeva = 0x0923; + t.nnagujarati = 0x0aa3; + t.nnagurmukhi = 0x0a23; + t.nnnadeva = 0x0929; + t.nohiragana = 0x306e; + t.nokatakana = 0x30ce; + t.nokatakanahalfwidth = 0xff89; + t.nonbreakingspace = 0x00a0; + t.nonenthai = 0x0e13; + t.nonuthai = 0x0e19; + t.noonarabic = 0x0646; + t.noonfinalarabic = 0xfee6; + t.noonghunnaarabic = 0x06ba; + t.noonghunnafinalarabic = 0xfb9f; + t.nooninitialarabic = 0xfee7; + t.noonjeeminitialarabic = 0xfcd2; + t.noonjeemisolatedarabic = 0xfc4b; + t.noonmedialarabic = 0xfee8; + t.noonmeeminitialarabic = 0xfcd5; + t.noonmeemisolatedarabic = 0xfc4e; + t.noonnoonfinalarabic = 0xfc8d; + t.notcontains = 0x220c; + t.notelement = 0x2209; + t.notelementof = 0x2209; + t.notequal = 0x2260; + t.notgreater = 0x226f; + t.notgreaternorequal = 0x2271; + t.notgreaternorless = 0x2279; + t.notidentical = 0x2262; + t.notless = 0x226e; + t.notlessnorequal = 0x2270; + t.notparallel = 0x2226; + t.notprecedes = 0x2280; + t.notsubset = 0x2284; + t.notsucceeds = 0x2281; + t.notsuperset = 0x2285; + t.nowarmenian = 0x0576; + t.nparen = 0x24a9; + t.nssquare = 0x33b1; + t.nsuperior = 0x207f; + t.ntilde = 0x00f1; + = 0x03bd; + t.nuhiragana = 0x306c; + t.nukatakana = 0x30cc; + t.nukatakanahalfwidth = 0xff87; + t.nuktabengali = 0x09bc; + t.nuktadeva = 0x093c; + t.nuktagujarati = 0x0abc; + t.nuktagurmukhi = 0x0a3c; + t.numbersign = 0x0023; + t.numbersignmonospace = 0xff03; + t.numbersignsmall = 0xfe5f; + t.numeralsigngreek = 0x0374; + t.numeralsignlowergreek = 0x0375; + t.numero = 0x2116; + t.nun = 0x05e0; + t.nundagesh = 0xfb40; + t.nundageshhebrew = 0xfb40; + t.nunhebrew = 0x05e0; + t.nvsquare = 0x33b5; + t.nwsquare = 0x33bb; + t.nyabengali = 0x099e; + t.nyadeva = 0x091e; + t.nyagujarati = 0x0a9e; + t.nyagurmukhi = 0x0a1e; + t.o = 0x006f; + t.oacute = 0x00f3; + t.oangthai = 0x0e2d; + t.obarred = 0x0275; + t.obarredcyrillic = 0x04e9; + t.obarreddieresiscyrillic = 0x04eb; + t.obengali = 0x0993; + t.obopomofo = 0x311b; + t.obreve = 0x014f; + t.ocandradeva = 0x0911; + t.ocandragujarati = 0x0a91; + t.ocandravowelsigndeva = 0x0949; + t.ocandravowelsigngujarati = 0x0ac9; + t.ocaron = 0x01d2; + t.ocircle = 0x24de; + t.ocircumflex = 0x00f4; + t.ocircumflexacute = 0x1ed1; + t.ocircumflexdotbelow = 0x1ed9; + t.ocircumflexgrave = 0x1ed3; + t.ocircumflexhookabove = 0x1ed5; + t.ocircumflextilde = 0x1ed7; + t.ocyrillic = 0x043e; + t.odblacute = 0x0151; + t.odblgrave = 0x020d; + t.odeva = 0x0913; + t.odieresis = 0x00f6; + t.odieresiscyrillic = 0x04e7; + t.odotbelow = 0x1ecd; + t.oe = 0x0153; + t.oekorean = 0x315a; + t.ogonek = 0x02db; + t.ogonekcmb = 0x0328; + t.ograve = 0x00f2; + t.ogujarati = 0x0a93; + t.oharmenian = 0x0585; + t.ohiragana = 0x304a; + t.ohookabove = 0x1ecf; + t.ohorn = 0x01a1; + t.ohornacute = 0x1edb; + t.ohorndotbelow = 0x1ee3; + t.ohorngrave = 0x1edd; + t.ohornhookabove = 0x1edf; + t.ohorntilde = 0x1ee1; + t.ohungarumlaut = 0x0151; + t.oi = 0x01a3; + t.oinvertedbreve = 0x020f; + t.okatakana = 0x30aa; + t.okatakanahalfwidth = 0xff75; + t.okorean = 0x3157; + t.olehebrew = 0x05ab; + t.omacron = 0x014d; + t.omacronacute = 0x1e53; + t.omacrongrave = 0x1e51; + t.omdeva = 0x0950; + = 0x03c9; + t.omega1 = 0x03d6; + t.omegacyrillic = 0x0461; + t.omegalatinclosed = 0x0277; + t.omegaroundcyrillic = 0x047b; + t.omegatitlocyrillic = 0x047d; + t.omegatonos = 0x03ce; + t.omgujarati = 0x0ad0; + t.omicron = 0x03bf; + t.omicrontonos = 0x03cc; + t.omonospace = 0xff4f; + = 0x0031; + t.onearabic = 0x0661; + t.onebengali = 0x09e7; + t.onecircle = 0x2460; + t.onecircleinversesansserif = 0x278a; + t.onedeva = 0x0967; + t.onedotenleader = 0x2024; + t.oneeighth = 0x215b; + t.onefitted = 0xf6dc; + t.onegujarati = 0x0ae7; + t.onegurmukhi = 0x0a67; + t.onehackarabic = 0x0661; + t.onehalf = 0x00bd; + t.onehangzhou = 0x3021; + t.oneideographicparen = 0x3220; + t.oneinferior = 0x2081; + t.onemonospace = 0xff11; + t.onenumeratorbengali = 0x09f4; + t.oneoldstyle = 0xf731; + t.oneparen = 0x2474; + t.oneperiod = 0x2488; + t.onepersian = 0x06f1; + t.onequarter = 0x00bc; + t.oneroman = 0x2170; + t.onesuperior = 0x00b9; + t.onethai = 0x0e51; + t.onethird = 0x2153; + t.oogonek = 0x01eb; + t.oogonekmacron = 0x01ed; + t.oogurmukhi = 0x0a13; + t.oomatragurmukhi = 0x0a4b; + t.oopen = 0x0254; + t.oparen = 0x24aa; + t.openbullet = 0x25e6; + t.option = 0x2325; + t.ordfeminine = 0x00aa; + t.ordmasculine = 0x00ba; + t.orthogonal = 0x221f; + t.oshortdeva = 0x0912; + t.oshortvowelsigndeva = 0x094a; + t.oslash = 0x00f8; + t.oslashacute = 0x01ff; + t.osmallhiragana = 0x3049; + t.osmallkatakana = 0x30a9; + t.osmallkatakanahalfwidth = 0xff6b; + t.ostrokeacute = 0x01ff; + t.osuperior = 0xf6f0; + t.otcyrillic = 0x047f; + t.otilde = 0x00f5; + t.otildeacute = 0x1e4d; + t.otildedieresis = 0x1e4f; + t.oubopomofo = 0x3121; + t.overline = 0x203e; + t.overlinecenterline = 0xfe4a; + t.overlinecmb = 0x0305; + t.overlinedashed = 0xfe49; + t.overlinedblwavy = 0xfe4c; + t.overlinewavy = 0xfe4b; + t.overscore = 0x00af; + t.ovowelsignbengali = 0x09cb; + t.ovowelsigndeva = 0x094b; + t.ovowelsigngujarati = 0x0acb; + t.p = 0x0070; + t.paampssquare = 0x3380; + t.paasentosquare = 0x332b; + t.pabengali = 0x09aa; + t.pacute = 0x1e55; + t.padeva = 0x092a; + t.pagedown = 0x21df; + t.pageup = 0x21de; + t.pagujarati = 0x0aaa; + t.pagurmukhi = 0x0a2a; + t.pahiragana = 0x3071; + t.paiyannoithai = 0x0e2f; + t.pakatakana = 0x30d1; + t.palatalizationcyrilliccmb = 0x0484; + t.palochkacyrillic = 0x04c0; + t.pansioskorean = 0x317f; + t.paragraph = 0x00b6; + t.parallel = 0x2225; + t.parenleft = 0x0028; + t.parenleftaltonearabic = 0xfd3e; + t.parenleftbt = 0xf8ed; + t.parenleftex = 0xf8ec; + t.parenleftinferior = 0x208d; + t.parenleftmonospace = 0xff08; + t.parenleftsmall = 0xfe59; + t.parenleftsuperior = 0x207d; + t.parenlefttp = 0xf8eb; + t.parenleftvertical = 0xfe35; + t.parenright = 0x0029; + t.parenrightaltonearabic = 0xfd3f; + t.parenrightbt = 0xf8f8; + t.parenrightex = 0xf8f7; + t.parenrightinferior = 0x208e; + t.parenrightmonospace = 0xff09; + t.parenrightsmall = 0xfe5a; + t.parenrightsuperior = 0x207e; + t.parenrighttp = 0xf8f6; + t.parenrightvertical = 0xfe36; + t.partialdiff = 0x2202; + t.paseqhebrew = 0x05c0; + t.pashtahebrew = 0x0599; + t.pasquare = 0x33a9; + t.patah = 0x05b7; + t.patah11 = 0x05b7; + t.patah1d = 0x05b7; + t.patah2a = 0x05b7; + t.patahhebrew = 0x05b7; + t.patahnarrowhebrew = 0x05b7; + t.patahquarterhebrew = 0x05b7; + t.patahwidehebrew = 0x05b7; + t.pazerhebrew = 0x05a1; + t.pbopomofo = 0x3106; + t.pcircle = 0x24df; + t.pdotaccent = 0x1e57; + = 0x05e4; + t.pecyrillic = 0x043f; + t.pedagesh = 0xfb44; + t.pedageshhebrew = 0xfb44; + t.peezisquare = 0x333b; + t.pefinaldageshhebrew = 0xfb43; + t.peharabic = 0x067e; + t.peharmenian = 0x057a; + t.pehebrew = 0x05e4; + t.pehfinalarabic = 0xfb57; + t.pehinitialarabic = 0xfb58; + t.pehiragana = 0x307a; + t.pehmedialarabic = 0xfb59; + t.pekatakana = 0x30da; + t.pemiddlehookcyrillic = 0x04a7; + t.perafehebrew = 0xfb4e; + t.percent = 0x0025; + t.percentarabic = 0x066a; + t.percentmonospace = 0xff05; + t.percentsmall = 0xfe6a; + t.period = 0x002e; + t.periodarmenian = 0x0589; + t.periodcentered = 0x00b7; + t.periodhalfwidth = 0xff61; + t.periodinferior = 0xf6e7; + t.periodmonospace = 0xff0e; + t.periodsmall = 0xfe52; + t.periodsuperior = 0xf6e8; + t.perispomenigreekcmb = 0x0342; + t.perpendicular = 0x22a5; + t.perthousand = 0x2030; + t.peseta = 0x20a7; + t.pfsquare = 0x338a; + t.phabengali = 0x09ab; + t.phadeva = 0x092b; + t.phagujarati = 0x0aab; + t.phagurmukhi = 0x0a2b; + t.phi = 0x03c6; + t.phi1 = 0x03d5; + t.phieuphacirclekorean = 0x327a; + t.phieuphaparenkorean = 0x321a; + t.phieuphcirclekorean = 0x326c; + t.phieuphkorean = 0x314d; + t.phieuphparenkorean = 0x320c; + t.philatin = 0x0278; + t.phinthuthai = 0x0e3a; + t.phisymbolgreek = 0x03d5; + t.phook = 0x01a5; + t.phophanthai = 0x0e1e; + t.phophungthai = 0x0e1c; + t.phosamphaothai = 0x0e20; + t.pi = 0x03c0; + t.pieupacirclekorean = 0x3273; + t.pieupaparenkorean = 0x3213; + t.pieupcieuckorean = 0x3176; + t.pieupcirclekorean = 0x3265; + t.pieupkiyeokkorean = 0x3172; + t.pieupkorean = 0x3142; + t.pieupparenkorean = 0x3205; + t.pieupsioskiyeokkorean = 0x3174; + t.pieupsioskorean = 0x3144; + t.pieupsiostikeutkorean = 0x3175; + t.pieupthieuthkorean = 0x3177; + t.pieuptikeutkorean = 0x3173; + t.pihiragana = 0x3074; + t.pikatakana = 0x30d4; + t.pisymbolgreek = 0x03d6; + t.piwrarmenian = 0x0583; + = 0x002b; + t.plusbelowcmb = 0x031f; + t.pluscircle = 0x2295; + t.plusminus = 0x00b1; + t.plusmod = 0x02d6; + t.plusmonospace = 0xff0b; + t.plussmall = 0xfe62; + t.plussuperior = 0x207a; + t.pmonospace = 0xff50; + t.pmsquare = 0x33d8; + t.pohiragana = 0x307d; + t.pointingindexdownwhite = 0x261f; + t.pointingindexleftwhite = 0x261c; + t.pointingindexrightwhite = 0x261e; + t.pointingindexupwhite = 0x261d; + t.pokatakana = 0x30dd; + t.poplathai = 0x0e1b; + t.postalmark = 0x3012; + t.postalmarkface = 0x3020; + t.pparen = 0x24ab; + t.precedes = 0x227a; + t.prescription = 0x211e; + t.primemod = 0x02b9; + t.primereversed = 0x2035; + t.product = 0x220f; + t.projective = 0x2305; + t.prolongedkana = 0x30fc; + t.propellor = 0x2318; + t.propersubset = 0x2282; + t.propersuperset = 0x2283; + t.proportion = 0x2237; + t.proportional = 0x221d; + t.psi = 0x03c8; + t.psicyrillic = 0x0471; + t.psilipneumatacyrilliccmb = 0x0486; + t.pssquare = 0x33b0; + t.puhiragana = 0x3077; + t.pukatakana = 0x30d7; + t.pvsquare = 0x33b4; + t.pwsquare = 0x33ba; + t.q = 0x0071; + t.qadeva = 0x0958; + t.qadmahebrew = 0x05a8; + t.qafarabic = 0x0642; + t.qaffinalarabic = 0xfed6; + t.qafinitialarabic = 0xfed7; + t.qafmedialarabic = 0xfed8; + t.qamats = 0x05b8; + t.qamats10 = 0x05b8; + t.qamats1a = 0x05b8; + t.qamats1c = 0x05b8; + t.qamats27 = 0x05b8; + t.qamats29 = 0x05b8; + t.qamats33 = 0x05b8; + t.qamatsde = 0x05b8; + t.qamatshebrew = 0x05b8; + t.qamatsnarrowhebrew = 0x05b8; + t.qamatsqatanhebrew = 0x05b8; + t.qamatsqatannarrowhebrew = 0x05b8; + t.qamatsqatanquarterhebrew = 0x05b8; + t.qamatsqatanwidehebrew = 0x05b8; + t.qamatsquarterhebrew = 0x05b8; + t.qamatswidehebrew = 0x05b8; + t.qarneyparahebrew = 0x059f; + t.qbopomofo = 0x3111; + t.qcircle = 0x24e0; + t.qhook = 0x02a0; + t.qmonospace = 0xff51; + t.qof = 0x05e7; + t.qofdagesh = 0xfb47; + t.qofdageshhebrew = 0xfb47; + t.qofhebrew = 0x05e7; + t.qparen = 0x24ac; + t.quarternote = 0x2669; + t.qubuts = 0x05bb; + t.qubuts18 = 0x05bb; + t.qubuts25 = 0x05bb; + t.qubuts31 = 0x05bb; + t.qubutshebrew = 0x05bb; + t.qubutsnarrowhebrew = 0x05bb; + t.qubutsquarterhebrew = 0x05bb; + t.qubutswidehebrew = 0x05bb; + t.question = 0x003f; + t.questionarabic = 0x061f; + t.questionarmenian = 0x055e; + t.questiondown = 0x00bf; + t.questiondownsmall = 0xf7bf; + t.questiongreek = 0x037e; + t.questionmonospace = 0xff1f; + t.questionsmall = 0xf73f; + t.quotedbl = 0x0022; + t.quotedblbase = 0x201e; + t.quotedblleft = 0x201c; + t.quotedblmonospace = 0xff02; + t.quotedblprime = 0x301e; + t.quotedblprimereversed = 0x301d; + t.quotedblright = 0x201d; + t.quoteleft = 0x2018; + t.quoteleftreversed = 0x201b; + t.quotereversed = 0x201b; + t.quoteright = 0x2019; + t.quoterightn = 0x0149; + t.quotesinglbase = 0x201a; + t.quotesingle = 0x0027; + t.quotesinglemonospace = 0xff07; + t.r = 0x0072; + t.raarmenian = 0x057c; + t.rabengali = 0x09b0; + t.racute = 0x0155; + t.radeva = 0x0930; + t.radical = 0x221a; + t.radicalex = 0xf8e5; + t.radoverssquare = 0x33ae; + t.radoverssquaredsquare = 0x33af; + t.radsquare = 0x33ad; + t.rafe = 0x05bf; + t.rafehebrew = 0x05bf; + t.ragujarati = 0x0ab0; + t.ragurmukhi = 0x0a30; + t.rahiragana = 0x3089; + t.rakatakana = 0x30e9; + t.rakatakanahalfwidth = 0xff97; + t.ralowerdiagonalbengali = 0x09f1; + t.ramiddlediagonalbengali = 0x09f0; + t.ramshorn = 0x0264; + t.ratio = 0x2236; + t.rbopomofo = 0x3116; + t.rcaron = 0x0159; + t.rcedilla = 0x0157; + t.rcircle = 0x24e1; + t.rcommaaccent = 0x0157; + t.rdblgrave = 0x0211; + t.rdotaccent = 0x1e59; + t.rdotbelow = 0x1e5b; + t.rdotbelowmacron = 0x1e5d; + t.referencemark = 0x203b; + t.reflexsubset = 0x2286; + t.reflexsuperset = 0x2287; + t.registered = 0x00ae; + t.registersans = 0xf8e8; + t.registerserif = 0xf6da; + t.reharabic = 0x0631; + t.reharmenian = 0x0580; + t.rehfinalarabic = 0xfeae; + t.rehiragana = 0x308c; + t.rekatakana = 0x30ec; + t.rekatakanahalfwidth = 0xff9a; + t.resh = 0x05e8; + t.reshdageshhebrew = 0xfb48; + t.reshhebrew = 0x05e8; + t.reversedtilde = 0x223d; + t.reviahebrew = 0x0597; + t.reviamugrashhebrew = 0x0597; + t.revlogicalnot = 0x2310; + t.rfishhook = 0x027e; + t.rfishhookreversed = 0x027f; + t.rhabengali = 0x09dd; + t.rhadeva = 0x095d; + t.rho = 0x03c1; + t.rhook = 0x027d; + t.rhookturned = 0x027b; + t.rhookturnedsuperior = 0x02b5; + t.rhosymbolgreek = 0x03f1; + t.rhotichookmod = 0x02de; + t.rieulacirclekorean = 0x3271; + t.rieulaparenkorean = 0x3211; + t.rieulcirclekorean = 0x3263; + t.rieulhieuhkorean = 0x3140; + t.rieulkiyeokkorean = 0x313a; + t.rieulkiyeoksioskorean = 0x3169; + t.rieulkorean = 0x3139; + t.rieulmieumkorean = 0x313b; + t.rieulpansioskorean = 0x316c; + t.rieulparenkorean = 0x3203; + t.rieulphieuphkorean = 0x313f; + t.rieulpieupkorean = 0x313c; + t.rieulpieupsioskorean = 0x316b; + t.rieulsioskorean = 0x313d; + t.rieulthieuthkorean = 0x313e; + t.rieultikeutkorean = 0x316a; + t.rieulyeorinhieuhkorean = 0x316d; + t.rightangle = 0x221f; + t.righttackbelowcmb = 0x0319; + t.righttriangle = 0x22bf; + t.rihiragana = 0x308a; + t.rikatakana = 0x30ea; + t.rikatakanahalfwidth = 0xff98; + t.ring = 0x02da; + t.ringbelowcmb = 0x0325; + t.ringcmb = 0x030a; + t.ringhalfleft = 0x02bf; + t.ringhalfleftarmenian = 0x0559; + t.ringhalfleftbelowcmb = 0x031c; + t.ringhalfleftcentered = 0x02d3; + t.ringhalfright = 0x02be; + t.ringhalfrightbelowcmb = 0x0339; + t.ringhalfrightcentered = 0x02d2; + t.rinvertedbreve = 0x0213; + t.rittorusquare = 0x3351; + t.rlinebelow = 0x1e5f; + t.rlongleg = 0x027c; + t.rlonglegturned = 0x027a; + t.rmonospace = 0xff52; + t.rohiragana = 0x308d; + t.rokatakana = 0x30ed; + t.rokatakanahalfwidth = 0xff9b; + t.roruathai = 0x0e23; + t.rparen = 0x24ad; + t.rrabengali = 0x09dc; + t.rradeva = 0x0931; + t.rragurmukhi = 0x0a5c; + t.rreharabic = 0x0691; + t.rrehfinalarabic = 0xfb8d; + t.rrvocalicbengali = 0x09e0; + t.rrvocalicdeva = 0x0960; + t.rrvocalicgujarati = 0x0ae0; + t.rrvocalicvowelsignbengali = 0x09c4; + t.rrvocalicvowelsigndeva = 0x0944; + t.rrvocalicvowelsigngujarati = 0x0ac4; + t.rsuperior = 0xf6f1; + t.rtblock = 0x2590; + t.rturned = 0x0279; + t.rturnedsuperior = 0x02b4; + t.ruhiragana = 0x308b; + t.rukatakana = 0x30eb; + t.rukatakanahalfwidth = 0xff99; + t.rupeemarkbengali = 0x09f2; + t.rupeesignbengali = 0x09f3; + t.rupiah = 0xf6dd; + t.ruthai = 0x0e24; + t.rvocalicbengali = 0x098b; + t.rvocalicdeva = 0x090b; + t.rvocalicgujarati = 0x0a8b; + t.rvocalicvowelsignbengali = 0x09c3; + t.rvocalicvowelsigndeva = 0x0943; + t.rvocalicvowelsigngujarati = 0x0ac3; + t.s = 0x0073; + t.sabengali = 0x09b8; + t.sacute = 0x015b; + t.sacutedotaccent = 0x1e65; + t.sadarabic = 0x0635; + t.sadeva = 0x0938; + t.sadfinalarabic = 0xfeba; + t.sadinitialarabic = 0xfebb; + t.sadmedialarabic = 0xfebc; + t.sagujarati = 0x0ab8; + t.sagurmukhi = 0x0a38; + t.sahiragana = 0x3055; + t.sakatakana = 0x30b5; + t.sakatakanahalfwidth = 0xff7b; + t.sallallahoualayhewasallamarabic = 0xfdfa; + t.samekh = 0x05e1; + t.samekhdagesh = 0xfb41; + t.samekhdageshhebrew = 0xfb41; + t.samekhhebrew = 0x05e1; + t.saraaathai = 0x0e32; + t.saraaethai = 0x0e41; + t.saraaimaimalaithai = 0x0e44; + t.saraaimaimuanthai = 0x0e43; + t.saraamthai = 0x0e33; + t.saraathai = 0x0e30; + t.saraethai = 0x0e40; + t.saraiileftthai = 0xf886; + t.saraiithai = 0x0e35; + t.saraileftthai = 0xf885; + t.saraithai = 0x0e34; + t.saraothai = 0x0e42; + t.saraueeleftthai = 0xf888; + t.saraueethai = 0x0e37; + t.saraueleftthai = 0xf887; + t.sarauethai = 0x0e36; + t.sarauthai = 0x0e38; + t.sarauuthai = 0x0e39; + t.sbopomofo = 0x3119; + t.scaron = 0x0161; + t.scarondotaccent = 0x1e67; + t.scedilla = 0x015f; + t.schwa = 0x0259; + t.schwacyrillic = 0x04d9; + t.schwadieresiscyrillic = 0x04db; + t.schwahook = 0x025a; + t.scircle = 0x24e2; + t.scircumflex = 0x015d; + t.scommaaccent = 0x0219; + t.sdotaccent = 0x1e61; + t.sdotbelow = 0x1e63; + t.sdotbelowdotaccent = 0x1e69; + t.seagullbelowcmb = 0x033c; + t.second = 0x2033; + t.secondtonechinese = 0x02ca; + t.section = 0x00a7; + t.seenarabic = 0x0633; + t.seenfinalarabic = 0xfeb2; + t.seeninitialarabic = 0xfeb3; + t.seenmedialarabic = 0xfeb4; + t.segol = 0x05b6; + t.segol13 = 0x05b6; + t.segol1f = 0x05b6; + t.segol2c = 0x05b6; + t.segolhebrew = 0x05b6; + t.segolnarrowhebrew = 0x05b6; + t.segolquarterhebrew = 0x05b6; + t.segoltahebrew = 0x0592; + t.segolwidehebrew = 0x05b6; + t.seharmenian = 0x057d; + t.sehiragana = 0x305b; + t.sekatakana = 0x30bb; + t.sekatakanahalfwidth = 0xff7e; + t.semicolon = 0x003b; + t.semicolonarabic = 0x061b; + t.semicolonmonospace = 0xff1b; + t.semicolonsmall = 0xfe54; + t.semivoicedmarkkana = 0x309c; + t.semivoicedmarkkanahalfwidth = 0xff9f; + t.sentisquare = 0x3322; + t.sentosquare = 0x3323; + = 0x0037; + t.sevenarabic = 0x0667; + t.sevenbengali = 0x09ed; + t.sevencircle = 0x2466; + t.sevencircleinversesansserif = 0x2790; + t.sevendeva = 0x096d; + t.seveneighths = 0x215e; + t.sevengujarati = 0x0aed; + t.sevengurmukhi = 0x0a6d; + t.sevenhackarabic = 0x0667; + t.sevenhangzhou = 0x3027; + t.sevenideographicparen = 0x3226; + t.seveninferior = 0x2087; + t.sevenmonospace = 0xff17; + t.sevenoldstyle = 0xf737; + t.sevenparen = 0x247a; + t.sevenperiod = 0x248e; + t.sevenpersian = 0x06f7; + t.sevenroman = 0x2176; + t.sevensuperior = 0x2077; + t.seventeencircle = 0x2470; + t.seventeenparen = 0x2484; + t.seventeenperiod = 0x2498; + t.seventhai = 0x0e57; + t.sfthyphen = 0x00ad; + t.shaarmenian = 0x0577; + t.shabengali = 0x09b6; + t.shacyrillic = 0x0448; + t.shaddaarabic = 0x0651; + t.shaddadammaarabic = 0xfc61; + t.shaddadammatanarabic = 0xfc5e; + t.shaddafathaarabic = 0xfc60; + t.shaddakasraarabic = 0xfc62; + t.shaddakasratanarabic = 0xfc5f; + t.shade = 0x2592; + t.shadedark = 0x2593; + t.shadelight = 0x2591; + t.shademedium = 0x2592; + t.shadeva = 0x0936; + t.shagujarati = 0x0ab6; + t.shagurmukhi = 0x0a36; + t.shalshelethebrew = 0x0593; + t.shbopomofo = 0x3115; + t.shchacyrillic = 0x0449; + t.sheenarabic = 0x0634; + t.sheenfinalarabic = 0xfeb6; + t.sheeninitialarabic = 0xfeb7; + t.sheenmedialarabic = 0xfeb8; + t.sheicoptic = 0x03e3; + t.sheqel = 0x20aa; + t.sheqelhebrew = 0x20aa; + t.sheva = 0x05b0; + t.sheva115 = 0x05b0; + t.sheva15 = 0x05b0; + t.sheva22 = 0x05b0; + t.sheva2e = 0x05b0; + t.shevahebrew = 0x05b0; + t.shevanarrowhebrew = 0x05b0; + t.shevaquarterhebrew = 0x05b0; + t.shevawidehebrew = 0x05b0; + t.shhacyrillic = 0x04bb; + t.shimacoptic = 0x03ed; + t.shin = 0x05e9; + t.shindagesh = 0xfb49; + t.shindageshhebrew = 0xfb49; + t.shindageshshindot = 0xfb2c; + t.shindageshshindothebrew = 0xfb2c; + t.shindageshsindot = 0xfb2d; + t.shindageshsindothebrew = 0xfb2d; + t.shindothebrew = 0x05c1; + t.shinhebrew = 0x05e9; + t.shinshindot = 0xfb2a; + t.shinshindothebrew = 0xfb2a; + t.shinsindot = 0xfb2b; + t.shinsindothebrew = 0xfb2b; + t.shook = 0x0282; + t.sigma = 0x03c3; + t.sigma1 = 0x03c2; + t.sigmafinal = 0x03c2; + t.sigmalunatesymbolgreek = 0x03f2; + t.sihiragana = 0x3057; + t.sikatakana = 0x30b7; + t.sikatakanahalfwidth = 0xff7c; + t.siluqhebrew = 0x05bd; + t.siluqlefthebrew = 0x05bd; + t.similar = 0x223c; + t.sindothebrew = 0x05c2; + t.siosacirclekorean = 0x3274; + t.siosaparenkorean = 0x3214; + t.sioscieuckorean = 0x317e; + t.sioscirclekorean = 0x3266; + t.sioskiyeokkorean = 0x317a; + t.sioskorean = 0x3145; + t.siosnieunkorean = 0x317b; + t.siosparenkorean = 0x3206; + t.siospieupkorean = 0x317d; + t.siostikeutkorean = 0x317c; + t.six = 0x0036; + t.sixarabic = 0x0666; + t.sixbengali = 0x09ec; + t.sixcircle = 0x2465; + t.sixcircleinversesansserif = 0x278f; + t.sixdeva = 0x096c; + t.sixgujarati = 0x0aec; + t.sixgurmukhi = 0x0a6c; + t.sixhackarabic = 0x0666; + t.sixhangzhou = 0x3026; + t.sixideographicparen = 0x3225; + t.sixinferior = 0x2086; + t.sixmonospace = 0xff16; + t.sixoldstyle = 0xf736; + t.sixparen = 0x2479; + t.sixperiod = 0x248d; + t.sixpersian = 0x06f6; + t.sixroman = 0x2175; + t.sixsuperior = 0x2076; + t.sixteencircle = 0x246f; + t.sixteencurrencydenominatorbengali = 0x09f9; + t.sixteenparen = 0x2483; + t.sixteenperiod = 0x2497; + t.sixthai = 0x0e56; + t.slash = 0x002f; + t.slashmonospace = 0xff0f; + t.slong = 0x017f; + t.slongdotaccent = 0x1e9b; + t.smileface = 0x263a; + t.smonospace = 0xff53; + t.sofpasuqhebrew = 0x05c3; + t.softhyphen = 0x00ad; + t.softsigncyrillic = 0x044c; + t.sohiragana = 0x305d; + t.sokatakana = 0x30bd; + t.sokatakanahalfwidth = 0xff7f; + t.soliduslongoverlaycmb = 0x0338; + t.solidusshortoverlaycmb = 0x0337; + t.sorusithai = 0x0e29; + t.sosalathai = 0x0e28; + t.sosothai = 0x0e0b; + t.sosuathai = 0x0e2a; + = 0x0020; + t.spacehackarabic = 0x0020; + t.spade = 0x2660; + t.spadesuitblack = 0x2660; + t.spadesuitwhite = 0x2664; + t.sparen = 0x24ae; + t.squarebelowcmb = 0x033b; + t.squarecc = 0x33c4; + t.squarecm = 0x339d; + t.squarediagonalcrosshatchfill = 0x25a9; + t.squarehorizontalfill = 0x25a4; + t.squarekg = 0x338f; + t.squarekm = 0x339e; + t.squarekmcapital = 0x33ce; + t.squareln = 0x33d1; + t.squarelog = 0x33d2; + t.squaremg = 0x338e; + t.squaremil = 0x33d5; + t.squaremm = 0x339c; + t.squaremsquared = 0x33a1; + t.squareorthogonalcrosshatchfill = 0x25a6; + t.squareupperlefttolowerrightfill = 0x25a7; + t.squareupperrighttolowerleftfill = 0x25a8; + t.squareverticalfill = 0x25a5; + t.squarewhitewithsmallblack = 0x25a3; + t.srsquare = 0x33db; + t.ssabengali = 0x09b7; + t.ssadeva = 0x0937; + t.ssagujarati = 0x0ab7; + t.ssangcieuckorean = 0x3149; + t.ssanghieuhkorean = 0x3185; + t.ssangieungkorean = 0x3180; + t.ssangkiyeokkorean = 0x3132; + t.ssangnieunkorean = 0x3165; + t.ssangpieupkorean = 0x3143; + t.ssangsioskorean = 0x3146; + t.ssangtikeutkorean = 0x3138; + t.ssuperior = 0xf6f2; + t.sterling = 0x00a3; + t.sterlingmonospace = 0xffe1; + t.strokelongoverlaycmb = 0x0336; + t.strokeshortoverlaycmb = 0x0335; + t.subset = 0x2282; + t.subsetnotequal = 0x228a; + t.subsetorequal = 0x2286; + t.succeeds = 0x227b; + t.suchthat = 0x220b; + t.suhiragana = 0x3059; + t.sukatakana = 0x30b9; + t.sukatakanahalfwidth = 0xff7d; + t.sukunarabic = 0x0652; + t.summation = 0x2211; + t.sun = 0x263c; + t.superset = 0x2283; + t.supersetnotequal = 0x228b; + t.supersetorequal = 0x2287; + t.svsquare = 0x33dc; + t.syouwaerasquare = 0x337c; + t.t = 0x0074; + t.tabengali = 0x09a4; + t.tackdown = 0x22a4; + t.tackleft = 0x22a3; + t.tadeva = 0x0924; + t.tagujarati = 0x0aa4; + t.tagurmukhi = 0x0a24; + t.taharabic = 0x0637; + t.tahfinalarabic = 0xfec2; + t.tahinitialarabic = 0xfec3; + t.tahiragana = 0x305f; + t.tahmedialarabic = 0xfec4; + t.taisyouerasquare = 0x337d; + t.takatakana = 0x30bf; + t.takatakanahalfwidth = 0xff80; + t.tatweelarabic = 0x0640; + t.tau = 0x03c4; + t.tav = 0x05ea; + t.tavdages = 0xfb4a; + t.tavdagesh = 0xfb4a; + t.tavdageshhebrew = 0xfb4a; + t.tavhebrew = 0x05ea; + t.tbar = 0x0167; + t.tbopomofo = 0x310a; + t.tcaron = 0x0165; + t.tccurl = 0x02a8; + t.tcedilla = 0x0163; + t.tcheharabic = 0x0686; + t.tchehfinalarabic = 0xfb7b; + t.tchehinitialarabic = 0xfb7c; + t.tchehmedialarabic = 0xfb7d; + t.tcircle = 0x24e3; + t.tcircumflexbelow = 0x1e71; + t.tcommaaccent = 0x0163; + t.tdieresis = 0x1e97; + t.tdotaccent = 0x1e6b; + t.tdotbelow = 0x1e6d; + t.tecyrillic = 0x0442; + t.tedescendercyrillic = 0x04ad; + t.teharabic = 0x062a; + t.tehfinalarabic = 0xfe96; + t.tehhahinitialarabic = 0xfca2; + t.tehhahisolatedarabic = 0xfc0c; + t.tehinitialarabic = 0xfe97; + t.tehiragana = 0x3066; + t.tehjeeminitialarabic = 0xfca1; + t.tehjeemisolatedarabic = 0xfc0b; + t.tehmarbutaarabic = 0x0629; + t.tehmarbutafinalarabic = 0xfe94; + t.tehmedialarabic = 0xfe98; + t.tehmeeminitialarabic = 0xfca4; + t.tehmeemisolatedarabic = 0xfc0e; + t.tehnoonfinalarabic = 0xfc73; + t.tekatakana = 0x30c6; + t.tekatakanahalfwidth = 0xff83; + t.telephone = 0x2121; + t.telephoneblack = 0x260e; + t.telishagedolahebrew = 0x05a0; + t.telishaqetanahebrew = 0x05a9; + t.tencircle = 0x2469; + t.tenideographicparen = 0x3229; + t.tenparen = 0x247d; + t.tenperiod = 0x2491; + t.tenroman = 0x2179; + t.tesh = 0x02a7; + t.tet = 0x05d8; + t.tetdagesh = 0xfb38; + t.tetdageshhebrew = 0xfb38; + t.tethebrew = 0x05d8; + t.tetsecyrillic = 0x04b5; + t.tevirhebrew = 0x059b; + t.tevirlefthebrew = 0x059b; + t.thabengali = 0x09a5; + t.thadeva = 0x0925; + t.thagujarati = 0x0aa5; + t.thagurmukhi = 0x0a25; + t.thalarabic = 0x0630; + t.thalfinalarabic = 0xfeac; + t.thanthakhatlowleftthai = 0xf898; + t.thanthakhatlowrightthai = 0xf897; + t.thanthakhatthai = 0x0e4c; + t.thanthakhatupperleftthai = 0xf896; + t.theharabic = 0x062b; + t.thehfinalarabic = 0xfe9a; + t.thehinitialarabic = 0xfe9b; + t.thehmedialarabic = 0xfe9c; + t.thereexists = 0x2203; + t.therefore = 0x2234; + t.theta = 0x03b8; + t.theta1 = 0x03d1; + t.thetasymbolgreek = 0x03d1; + t.thieuthacirclekorean = 0x3279; + t.thieuthaparenkorean = 0x3219; + t.thieuthcirclekorean = 0x326b; + t.thieuthkorean = 0x314c; + t.thieuthparenkorean = 0x320b; + t.thirteencircle = 0x246c; + t.thirteenparen = 0x2480; + t.thirteenperiod = 0x2494; + t.thonangmonthothai = 0x0e11; + t.thook = 0x01ad; + t.thophuthaothai = 0x0e12; + t.thorn = 0x00fe; + t.thothahanthai = 0x0e17; + t.thothanthai = 0x0e10; + t.thothongthai = 0x0e18; + t.thothungthai = 0x0e16; + t.thousandcyrillic = 0x0482; + t.thousandsseparatorarabic = 0x066c; + t.thousandsseparatorpersian = 0x066c; + t.three = 0x0033; + t.threearabic = 0x0663; + t.threebengali = 0x09e9; + t.threecircle = 0x2462; + t.threecircleinversesansserif = 0x278c; + t.threedeva = 0x0969; + t.threeeighths = 0x215c; + t.threegujarati = 0x0ae9; + t.threegurmukhi = 0x0a69; + t.threehackarabic = 0x0663; + t.threehangzhou = 0x3023; + t.threeideographicparen = 0x3222; + t.threeinferior = 0x2083; + t.threemonospace = 0xff13; + t.threenumeratorbengali = 0x09f6; + t.threeoldstyle = 0xf733; + t.threeparen = 0x2476; + t.threeperiod = 0x248a; + t.threepersian = 0x06f3; + t.threequarters = 0x00be; + t.threequartersemdash = 0xf6de; + t.threeroman = 0x2172; + t.threesuperior = 0x00b3; + t.threethai = 0x0e53; + t.thzsquare = 0x3394; + t.tihiragana = 0x3061; + t.tikatakana = 0x30c1; + t.tikatakanahalfwidth = 0xff81; + t.tikeutacirclekorean = 0x3270; + t.tikeutaparenkorean = 0x3210; + t.tikeutcirclekorean = 0x3262; + t.tikeutkorean = 0x3137; + t.tikeutparenkorean = 0x3202; + t.tilde = 0x02dc; + t.tildebelowcmb = 0x0330; + t.tildecmb = 0x0303; + t.tildecomb = 0x0303; + t.tildedoublecmb = 0x0360; + t.tildeoperator = 0x223c; + t.tildeoverlaycmb = 0x0334; + t.tildeverticalcmb = 0x033e; + t.timescircle = 0x2297; + t.tipehahebrew = 0x0596; + t.tipehalefthebrew = 0x0596; + t.tippigurmukhi = 0x0a70; + t.titlocyrilliccmb = 0x0483; + t.tiwnarmenian = 0x057f; + t.tlinebelow = 0x1e6f; + t.tmonospace = 0xff54; + t.toarmenian = 0x0569; + t.tohiragana = 0x3068; + t.tokatakana = 0x30c8; + t.tokatakanahalfwidth = 0xff84; + t.tonebarextrahighmod = 0x02e5; + t.tonebarextralowmod = 0x02e9; + t.tonebarhighmod = 0x02e6; + t.tonebarlowmod = 0x02e8; + t.tonebarmidmod = 0x02e7; + t.tonefive = 0x01bd; + t.tonesix = 0x0185; + t.tonetwo = 0x01a8; + t.tonos = 0x0384; + t.tonsquare = 0x3327; + t.topatakthai = 0x0e0f; + t.tortoiseshellbracketleft = 0x3014; + t.tortoiseshellbracketleftsmall = 0xfe5d; + t.tortoiseshellbracketleftvertical = 0xfe39; + t.tortoiseshellbracketright = 0x3015; + t.tortoiseshellbracketrightsmall = 0xfe5e; + t.tortoiseshellbracketrightvertical = 0xfe3a; + t.totaothai = 0x0e15; + t.tpalatalhook = 0x01ab; + t.tparen = 0x24af; + t.trademark = 0x2122; + t.trademarksans = 0xf8ea; + t.trademarkserif = 0xf6db; + t.tretroflexhook = 0x0288; + t.triagdn = 0x25bc; + t.triaglf = 0x25c4; + t.triagrt = 0x25ba; + t.triagup = 0x25b2; + t.ts = 0x02a6; + t.tsadi = 0x05e6; + t.tsadidagesh = 0xfb46; + t.tsadidageshhebrew = 0xfb46; + t.tsadihebrew = 0x05e6; + t.tsecyrillic = 0x0446; + t.tsere = 0x05b5; + t.tsere12 = 0x05b5; + t.tsere1e = 0x05b5; + t.tsere2b = 0x05b5; + t.tserehebrew = 0x05b5; + t.tserenarrowhebrew = 0x05b5; + t.tserequarterhebrew = 0x05b5; + t.tserewidehebrew = 0x05b5; + t.tshecyrillic = 0x045b; + t.tsuperior = 0xf6f3; + t.ttabengali = 0x099f; + t.ttadeva = 0x091f; + t.ttagujarati = 0x0a9f; + t.ttagurmukhi = 0x0a1f; + t.tteharabic = 0x0679; + t.ttehfinalarabic = 0xfb67; + t.ttehinitialarabic = 0xfb68; + t.ttehmedialarabic = 0xfb69; + t.tthabengali = 0x09a0; + t.tthadeva = 0x0920; + t.tthagujarati = 0x0aa0; + t.tthagurmukhi = 0x0a20; + t.tturned = 0x0287; + t.tuhiragana = 0x3064; + t.tukatakana = 0x30c4; + t.tukatakanahalfwidth = 0xff82; + t.tusmallhiragana = 0x3063; + t.tusmallkatakana = 0x30c3; + t.tusmallkatakanahalfwidth = 0xff6f; + t.twelvecircle = 0x246b; + t.twelveparen = 0x247f; + t.twelveperiod = 0x2493; + t.twelveroman = 0x217b; + t.twentycircle = 0x2473; + t.twentyhangzhou = 0x5344; + t.twentyparen = 0x2487; + t.twentyperiod = 0x249b; + t.two = 0x0032; + t.twoarabic = 0x0662; + t.twobengali = 0x09e8; + t.twocircle = 0x2461; + t.twocircleinversesansserif = 0x278b; + t.twodeva = 0x0968; + t.twodotenleader = 0x2025; + t.twodotleader = 0x2025; + t.twodotleadervertical = 0xfe30; + t.twogujarati = 0x0ae8; + t.twogurmukhi = 0x0a68; + t.twohackarabic = 0x0662; + t.twohangzhou = 0x3022; + t.twoideographicparen = 0x3221; + t.twoinferior = 0x2082; + t.twomonospace = 0xff12; + t.twonumeratorbengali = 0x09f5; + t.twooldstyle = 0xf732; + t.twoparen = 0x2475; + t.twoperiod = 0x2489; + t.twopersian = 0x06f2; + t.tworoman = 0x2171; + t.twostroke = 0x01bb; + t.twosuperior = 0x00b2; + t.twothai = 0x0e52; + t.twothirds = 0x2154; + t.u = 0x0075; + t.uacute = 0x00fa; + t.ubar = 0x0289; + t.ubengali = 0x0989; + t.ubopomofo = 0x3128; + t.ubreve = 0x016d; + t.ucaron = 0x01d4; + t.ucircle = 0x24e4; + t.ucircumflex = 0x00fb; + t.ucircumflexbelow = 0x1e77; + t.ucyrillic = 0x0443; + t.udattadeva = 0x0951; + t.udblacute = 0x0171; + t.udblgrave = 0x0215; + t.udeva = 0x0909; + t.udieresis = 0x00fc; + t.udieresisacute = 0x01d8; + t.udieresisbelow = 0x1e73; + t.udieresiscaron = 0x01da; + t.udieresiscyrillic = 0x04f1; + t.udieresisgrave = 0x01dc; + t.udieresismacron = 0x01d6; + t.udotbelow = 0x1ee5; + t.ugrave = 0x00f9; + t.ugujarati = 0x0a89; + t.ugurmukhi = 0x0a09; + t.uhiragana = 0x3046; + t.uhookabove = 0x1ee7; + t.uhorn = 0x01b0; + t.uhornacute = 0x1ee9; + t.uhorndotbelow = 0x1ef1; + t.uhorngrave = 0x1eeb; + t.uhornhookabove = 0x1eed; + t.uhorntilde = 0x1eef; + t.uhungarumlaut = 0x0171; + t.uhungarumlautcyrillic = 0x04f3; + t.uinvertedbreve = 0x0217; + t.ukatakana = 0x30a6; + t.ukatakanahalfwidth = 0xff73; + t.ukcyrillic = 0x0479; + t.ukorean = 0x315c; + t.umacron = 0x016b; + t.umacroncyrillic = 0x04ef; + t.umacrondieresis = 0x1e7b; + t.umatragurmukhi = 0x0a41; + t.umonospace = 0xff55; + t.underscore = 0x005f; + t.underscoredbl = 0x2017; + t.underscoremonospace = 0xff3f; + t.underscorevertical = 0xfe33; + t.underscorewavy = 0xfe4f; + t.union = 0x222a; + t.universal = 0x2200; + t.uogonek = 0x0173; + t.uparen = 0x24b0; + t.upblock = 0x2580; + t.upperdothebrew = 0x05c4; + t.upsilon = 0x03c5; + t.upsilondieresis = 0x03cb; + t.upsilondieresistonos = 0x03b0; + t.upsilonlatin = 0x028a; + t.upsilontonos = 0x03cd; + t.uptackbelowcmb = 0x031d; + t.uptackmod = 0x02d4; + t.uragurmukhi = 0x0a73; + t.uring = 0x016f; + t.ushortcyrillic = 0x045e; + t.usmallhiragana = 0x3045; + t.usmallkatakana = 0x30a5; + t.usmallkatakanahalfwidth = 0xff69; + t.ustraightcyrillic = 0x04af; + t.ustraightstrokecyrillic = 0x04b1; + t.utilde = 0x0169; + t.utildeacute = 0x1e79; + t.utildebelow = 0x1e75; + t.uubengali = 0x098a; + t.uudeva = 0x090a; + t.uugujarati = 0x0a8a; + t.uugurmukhi = 0x0a0a; + t.uumatragurmukhi = 0x0a42; + t.uuvowelsignbengali = 0x09c2; + t.uuvowelsigndeva = 0x0942; + t.uuvowelsigngujarati = 0x0ac2; + t.uvowelsignbengali = 0x09c1; + t.uvowelsigndeva = 0x0941; + t.uvowelsigngujarati = 0x0ac1; + t.v = 0x0076; + t.vadeva = 0x0935; + t.vagujarati = 0x0ab5; + t.vagurmukhi = 0x0a35; + t.vakatakana = 0x30f7; + t.vav = 0x05d5; + t.vavdagesh = 0xfb35; + t.vavdagesh65 = 0xfb35; + t.vavdageshhebrew = 0xfb35; + t.vavhebrew = 0x05d5; + t.vavholam = 0xfb4b; + t.vavholamhebrew = 0xfb4b; + t.vavvavhebrew = 0x05f0; + t.vavyodhebrew = 0x05f1; + t.vcircle = 0x24e5; + t.vdotbelow = 0x1e7f; + t.vecyrillic = 0x0432; + t.veharabic = 0x06a4; + t.vehfinalarabic = 0xfb6b; + t.vehinitialarabic = 0xfb6c; + t.vehmedialarabic = 0xfb6d; + t.vekatakana = 0x30f9; + t.venus = 0x2640; + t.verticalbar = 0x007c; + t.verticallineabovecmb = 0x030d; + t.verticallinebelowcmb = 0x0329; + t.verticallinelowmod = 0x02cc; + t.verticallinemod = 0x02c8; + t.vewarmenian = 0x057e; + t.vhook = 0x028b; + t.vikatakana = 0x30f8; + t.viramabengali = 0x09cd; + t.viramadeva = 0x094d; + t.viramagujarati = 0x0acd; + t.visargabengali = 0x0983; + t.visargadeva = 0x0903; + t.visargagujarati = 0x0a83; + t.vmonospace = 0xff56; + t.voarmenian = 0x0578; + t.voicediterationhiragana = 0x309e; + t.voicediterationkatakana = 0x30fe; + t.voicedmarkkana = 0x309b; + t.voicedmarkkanahalfwidth = 0xff9e; + t.vokatakana = 0x30fa; + t.vparen = 0x24b1; + t.vtilde = 0x1e7d; + t.vturned = 0x028c; + t.vuhiragana = 0x3094; + t.vukatakana = 0x30f4; + t.w = 0x0077; + t.wacute = 0x1e83; + t.waekorean = 0x3159; + t.wahiragana = 0x308f; + t.wakatakana = 0x30ef; + t.wakatakanahalfwidth = 0xff9c; + t.wakorean = 0x3158; + t.wasmallhiragana = 0x308e; + t.wasmallkatakana = 0x30ee; + t.wattosquare = 0x3357; + t.wavedash = 0x301c; + t.wavyunderscorevertical = 0xfe34; + t.wawarabic = 0x0648; + t.wawfinalarabic = 0xfeee; + t.wawhamzaabovearabic = 0x0624; + t.wawhamzaabovefinalarabic = 0xfe86; + t.wbsquare = 0x33dd; + t.wcircle = 0x24e6; + t.wcircumflex = 0x0175; + t.wdieresis = 0x1e85; + t.wdotaccent = 0x1e87; + t.wdotbelow = 0x1e89; + t.wehiragana = 0x3091; + t.weierstrass = 0x2118; + t.wekatakana = 0x30f1; + t.wekorean = 0x315e; + t.weokorean = 0x315d; + t.wgrave = 0x1e81; + t.whitebullet = 0x25e6; + t.whitecircle = 0x25cb; + t.whitecircleinverse = 0x25d9; + t.whitecornerbracketleft = 0x300e; + t.whitecornerbracketleftvertical = 0xfe43; + t.whitecornerbracketright = 0x300f; + t.whitecornerbracketrightvertical = 0xfe44; + t.whitediamond = 0x25c7; + t.whitediamondcontainingblacksmalldiamond = 0x25c8; + t.whitedownpointingsmalltriangle = 0x25bf; + t.whitedownpointingtriangle = 0x25bd; + t.whiteleftpointingsmalltriangle = 0x25c3; + t.whiteleftpointingtriangle = 0x25c1; + t.whitelenticularbracketleft = 0x3016; + t.whitelenticularbracketright = 0x3017; + t.whiterightpointingsmalltriangle = 0x25b9; + t.whiterightpointingtriangle = 0x25b7; + t.whitesmallsquare = 0x25ab; + t.whitesmilingface = 0x263a; + t.whitesquare = 0x25a1; + t.whitestar = 0x2606; + t.whitetelephone = 0x260f; + t.whitetortoiseshellbracketleft = 0x3018; + t.whitetortoiseshellbracketright = 0x3019; + t.whiteuppointingsmalltriangle = 0x25b5; + t.whiteuppointingtriangle = 0x25b3; + t.wihiragana = 0x3090; + t.wikatakana = 0x30f0; + t.wikorean = 0x315f; + t.wmonospace = 0xff57; + t.wohiragana = 0x3092; + t.wokatakana = 0x30f2; + t.wokatakanahalfwidth = 0xff66; + t.won = 0x20a9; + t.wonmonospace = 0xffe6; + t.wowaenthai = 0x0e27; + t.wparen = 0x24b2; + t.wring = 0x1e98; + t.wsuperior = 0x02b7; + t.wturned = 0x028d; + t.wynn = 0x01bf; + t.x = 0x0078; + t.xabovecmb = 0x033d; + t.xbopomofo = 0x3112; + t.xcircle = 0x24e7; + t.xdieresis = 0x1e8d; + t.xdotaccent = 0x1e8b; + t.xeharmenian = 0x056d; + t.xi = 0x03be; + t.xmonospace = 0xff58; + t.xparen = 0x24b3; + t.xsuperior = 0x02e3; + t.y = 0x0079; + t.yaadosquare = 0x334e; + t.yabengali = 0x09af; + t.yacute = 0x00fd; + t.yadeva = 0x092f; + t.yaekorean = 0x3152; + t.yagujarati = 0x0aaf; + t.yagurmukhi = 0x0a2f; + t.yahiragana = 0x3084; + t.yakatakana = 0x30e4; + t.yakatakanahalfwidth = 0xff94; + t.yakorean = 0x3151; + t.yamakkanthai = 0x0e4e; + t.yasmallhiragana = 0x3083; + t.yasmallkatakana = 0x30e3; + t.yasmallkatakanahalfwidth = 0xff6c; + t.yatcyrillic = 0x0463; + t.ycircle = 0x24e8; + t.ycircumflex = 0x0177; + t.ydieresis = 0x00ff; + t.ydotaccent = 0x1e8f; + t.ydotbelow = 0x1ef5; + t.yeharabic = 0x064a; + t.yehbarreearabic = 0x06d2; + t.yehbarreefinalarabic = 0xfbaf; + t.yehfinalarabic = 0xfef2; + t.yehhamzaabovearabic = 0x0626; + t.yehhamzaabovefinalarabic = 0xfe8a; + t.yehhamzaaboveinitialarabic = 0xfe8b; + t.yehhamzaabovemedialarabic = 0xfe8c; + t.yehinitialarabic = 0xfef3; + t.yehmedialarabic = 0xfef4; + t.yehmeeminitialarabic = 0xfcdd; + t.yehmeemisolatedarabic = 0xfc58; + t.yehnoonfinalarabic = 0xfc94; + t.yehthreedotsbelowarabic = 0x06d1; + t.yekorean = 0x3156; + t.yen = 0x00a5; + t.yenmonospace = 0xffe5; + t.yeokorean = 0x3155; + t.yeorinhieuhkorean = 0x3186; + t.yerahbenyomohebrew = 0x05aa; + t.yerahbenyomolefthebrew = 0x05aa; + t.yericyrillic = 0x044b; + t.yerudieresiscyrillic = 0x04f9; + t.yesieungkorean = 0x3181; + t.yesieungpansioskorean = 0x3183; + t.yesieungsioskorean = 0x3182; + t.yetivhebrew = 0x059a; + t.ygrave = 0x1ef3; + t.yhook = 0x01b4; + t.yhookabove = 0x1ef7; + t.yiarmenian = 0x0575; + t.yicyrillic = 0x0457; + t.yikorean = 0x3162; + t.yinyang = 0x262f; + t.yiwnarmenian = 0x0582; + t.ymonospace = 0xff59; + t.yod = 0x05d9; + t.yoddagesh = 0xfb39; + t.yoddageshhebrew = 0xfb39; + t.yodhebrew = 0x05d9; + t.yodyodhebrew = 0x05f2; + t.yodyodpatahhebrew = 0xfb1f; + t.yohiragana = 0x3088; + t.yoikorean = 0x3189; + t.yokatakana = 0x30e8; + t.yokatakanahalfwidth = 0xff96; + t.yokorean = 0x315b; + t.yosmallhiragana = 0x3087; + t.yosmallkatakana = 0x30e7; + t.yosmallkatakanahalfwidth = 0xff6e; + t.yotgreek = 0x03f3; + t.yoyaekorean = 0x3188; + t.yoyakorean = 0x3187; + t.yoyakthai = 0x0e22; + t.yoyingthai = 0x0e0d; + t.yparen = 0x24b4; + t.ypogegrammeni = 0x037a; + t.ypogegrammenigreekcmb = 0x0345; + t.yr = 0x01a6; + t.yring = 0x1e99; + t.ysuperior = 0x02b8; + t.ytilde = 0x1ef9; + t.yturned = 0x028e; + t.yuhiragana = 0x3086; + t.yuikorean = 0x318c; + t.yukatakana = 0x30e6; + t.yukatakanahalfwidth = 0xff95; + t.yukorean = 0x3160; + t.yusbigcyrillic = 0x046b; + t.yusbigiotifiedcyrillic = 0x046d; + t.yuslittlecyrillic = 0x0467; + t.yuslittleiotifiedcyrillic = 0x0469; + t.yusmallhiragana = 0x3085; + t.yusmallkatakana = 0x30e5; + t.yusmallkatakanahalfwidth = 0xff6d; + t.yuyekorean = 0x318b; + t.yuyeokorean = 0x318a; + t.yyabengali = 0x09df; + t.yyadeva = 0x095f; + t.z = 0x007a; + t.zaarmenian = 0x0566; + t.zacute = 0x017a; + t.zadeva = 0x095b; + t.zagurmukhi = 0x0a5b; + t.zaharabic = 0x0638; + t.zahfinalarabic = 0xfec6; + t.zahinitialarabic = 0xfec7; + t.zahiragana = 0x3056; + t.zahmedialarabic = 0xfec8; + t.zainarabic = 0x0632; + t.zainfinalarabic = 0xfeb0; + t.zakatakana = 0x30b6; + t.zaqefgadolhebrew = 0x0595; + t.zaqefqatanhebrew = 0x0594; + t.zarqahebrew = 0x0598; + t.zayin = 0x05d6; + t.zayindagesh = 0xfb36; + t.zayindageshhebrew = 0xfb36; + t.zayinhebrew = 0x05d6; + t.zbopomofo = 0x3117; + t.zcaron = 0x017e; + t.zcircle = 0x24e9; + t.zcircumflex = 0x1e91; + t.zcurl = 0x0291; + t.zdot = 0x017c; + t.zdotaccent = 0x017c; + t.zdotbelow = 0x1e93; + t.zecyrillic = 0x0437; + t.zedescendercyrillic = 0x0499; + t.zedieresiscyrillic = 0x04df; + t.zehiragana = 0x305c; + t.zekatakana = 0x30bc; + = 0x0030; + t.zeroarabic = 0x0660; + t.zerobengali = 0x09e6; + t.zerodeva = 0x0966; + t.zerogujarati = 0x0ae6; + t.zerogurmukhi = 0x0a66; + t.zerohackarabic = 0x0660; + t.zeroinferior = 0x2080; + t.zeromonospace = 0xff10; + t.zerooldstyle = 0xf730; + t.zeropersian = 0x06f0; + t.zerosuperior = 0x2070; + t.zerothai = 0x0e50; + t.zerowidthjoiner = 0xfeff; + t.zerowidthnonjoiner = 0x200c; + t.zerowidthspace = 0x200b; + t.zeta = 0x03b6; + t.zhbopomofo = 0x3113; + t.zhearmenian = 0x056a; + t.zhebrevecyrillic = 0x04c2; + t.zhecyrillic = 0x0436; + t.zhedescendercyrillic = 0x0497; + t.zhedieresiscyrillic = 0x04dd; + t.zihiragana = 0x3058; + t.zikatakana = 0x30b8; + t.zinorhebrew = 0x05ae; + t.zlinebelow = 0x1e95; + t.zmonospace = 0xff5a; + t.zohiragana = 0x305e; + t.zokatakana = 0x30be; + t.zparen = 0x24b5; + t.zretroflexhook = 0x0290; + t.zstroke = 0x01b6; + t.zuhiragana = 0x305a; + t.zukatakana = 0x30ba; + t[".notdef"] = 0x0000; + t.angbracketleftbig = 0x2329; + t.angbracketleftBig = 0x2329; + t.angbracketleftbigg = 0x2329; + t.angbracketleftBigg = 0x2329; + t.angbracketrightBig = 0x232a; + t.angbracketrightbig = 0x232a; + t.angbracketrightBigg = 0x232a; + t.angbracketrightbigg = 0x232a; + t.arrowhookleft = 0x21aa; + t.arrowhookright = 0x21a9; + t.arrowlefttophalf = 0x21bc; + t.arrowleftbothalf = 0x21bd; + t.arrownortheast = 0x2197; + t.arrownorthwest = 0x2196; + t.arrowrighttophalf = 0x21c0; + t.arrowrightbothalf = 0x21c1; + t.arrowsoutheast = 0x2198; + t.arrowsouthwest = 0x2199; + t.backslashbig = 0x2216; + t.backslashBig = 0x2216; + t.backslashBigg = 0x2216; + t.backslashbigg = 0x2216; + t.bardbl = 0x2016; + t.bracehtipdownleft = 0xfe37; + t.bracehtipdownright = 0xfe37; + t.bracehtipupleft = 0xfe38; + t.bracehtipupright = 0xfe38; + t.braceleftBig = 0x007b; + t.braceleftbig = 0x007b; + t.braceleftbigg = 0x007b; + t.braceleftBigg = 0x007b; + t.bracerightBig = 0x007d; + t.bracerightbig = 0x007d; + t.bracerightbigg = 0x007d; + t.bracerightBigg = 0x007d; + t.bracketleftbig = 0x005b; + t.bracketleftBig = 0x005b; + t.bracketleftbigg = 0x005b; + t.bracketleftBigg = 0x005b; + t.bracketrightBig = 0x005d; + t.bracketrightbig = 0x005d; + t.bracketrightbigg = 0x005d; + t.bracketrightBigg = 0x005d; + t.ceilingleftbig = 0x2308; + t.ceilingleftBig = 0x2308; + t.ceilingleftBigg = 0x2308; + t.ceilingleftbigg = 0x2308; + t.ceilingrightbig = 0x2309; + t.ceilingrightBig = 0x2309; + t.ceilingrightbigg = 0x2309; + t.ceilingrightBigg = 0x2309; + t.circledotdisplay = 0x2299; + t.circledottext = 0x2299; + t.circlemultiplydisplay = 0x2297; + t.circlemultiplytext = 0x2297; + t.circleplusdisplay = 0x2295; + t.circleplustext = 0x2295; + t.contintegraldisplay = 0x222e; + t.contintegraltext = 0x222e; + t.coproductdisplay = 0x2210; + t.coproducttext = 0x2210; + t.floorleftBig = 0x230a; + t.floorleftbig = 0x230a; + t.floorleftbigg = 0x230a; + t.floorleftBigg = 0x230a; + t.floorrightbig = 0x230b; + t.floorrightBig = 0x230b; + t.floorrightBigg = 0x230b; + t.floorrightbigg = 0x230b; + t.hatwide = 0x0302; + t.hatwider = 0x0302; + t.hatwidest = 0x0302; + t.intercal = 0x1d40; + t.integraldisplay = 0x222b; + t.integraltext = 0x222b; + t.intersectiondisplay = 0x22c2; + t.intersectiontext = 0x22c2; + t.logicalanddisplay = 0x2227; + t.logicalandtext = 0x2227; + t.logicalordisplay = 0x2228; + t.logicalortext = 0x2228; + t.parenleftBig = 0x0028; + t.parenleftbig = 0x0028; + t.parenleftBigg = 0x0028; + t.parenleftbigg = 0x0028; + t.parenrightBig = 0x0029; + t.parenrightbig = 0x0029; + t.parenrightBigg = 0x0029; + t.parenrightbigg = 0x0029; + = 0x2032; + t.productdisplay = 0x220f; + t.producttext = 0x220f; + t.radicalbig = 0x221a; + t.radicalBig = 0x221a; + t.radicalBigg = 0x221a; + t.radicalbigg = 0x221a; + t.radicalbt = 0x221a; + t.radicaltp = 0x221a; + t.radicalvertex = 0x221a; + t.slashbig = 0x002f; + t.slashBig = 0x002f; + t.slashBigg = 0x002f; + t.slashbigg = 0x002f; + t.summationdisplay = 0x2211; + t.summationtext = 0x2211; + t.tildewide = 0x02dc; + t.tildewider = 0x02dc; + t.tildewidest = 0x02dc; + t.uniondisplay = 0x22c3; + t.unionmultidisplay = 0x228e; + t.unionmultitext = 0x228e; + t.unionsqdisplay = 0x2294; + t.unionsqtext = 0x2294; + t.uniontext = 0x22c3; + t.vextenddouble = 0x2225; + t.vextendsingle = 0x2223; }); -const getDingbatsGlyphsUnicode = (0,_core_utils_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getArrayLookupTableFactory)(function () { - return [ - "space", - 0x0020, - "a1", - 0x2701, - "a2", - 0x2702, - "a202", - 0x2703, - "a3", - 0x2704, - "a4", - 0x260e, - "a5", - 0x2706, - "a119", - 0x2707, - "a118", - 0x2708, - "a117", - 0x2709, - "a11", - 0x261b, - "a12", - 0x261e, - "a13", - 0x270c, - "a14", - 0x270d, - "a15", - 0x270e, - "a16", - 0x270f, - "a105", - 0x2710, - "a17", - 0x2711, - "a18", - 0x2712, - "a19", - 0x2713, - "a20", - 0x2714, - "a21", - 0x2715, - "a22", - 0x2716, - "a23", - 0x2717, - "a24", - 0x2718, - "a25", - 0x2719, - "a26", - 0x271a, - "a27", - 0x271b, - "a28", - 0x271c, - "a6", - 0x271d, - "a7", - 0x271e, - "a8", - 0x271f, - "a9", - 0x2720, - "a10", - 0x2721, - "a29", - 0x2722, - "a30", - 0x2723, - "a31", - 0x2724, - "a32", - 0x2725, - "a33", - 0x2726, - "a34", - 0x2727, - "a35", - 0x2605, - "a36", - 0x2729, - "a37", - 0x272a, - "a38", - 0x272b, - "a39", - 0x272c, - "a40", - 0x272d, - "a41", - 0x272e, - "a42", - 0x272f, - "a43", - 0x2730, - "a44", - 0x2731, - "a45", - 0x2732, - "a46", - 0x2733, - "a47", - 0x2734, - "a48", - 0x2735, - "a49", - 0x2736, - "a50", - 0x2737, - "a51", - 0x2738, - "a52", - 0x2739, - "a53", - 0x273a, - "a54", - 0x273b, - "a55", - 0x273c, - "a56", - 0x273d, - "a57", - 0x273e, - "a58", - 0x273f, - "a59", - 0x2740, - "a60", - 0x2741, - "a61", - 0x2742, - "a62", - 0x2743, - "a63", - 0x2744, - "a64", - 0x2745, - "a65", - 0x2746, - "a66", - 0x2747, - "a67", - 0x2748, - "a68", - 0x2749, - "a69", - 0x274a, - "a70", - 0x274b, - "a71", - 0x25cf, - "a72", - 0x274d, - "a73", - 0x25a0, - "a74", - 0x274f, - "a203", - 0x2750, - "a75", - 0x2751, - "a204", - 0x2752, - "a76", - 0x25b2, - "a77", - 0x25bc, - "a78", - 0x25c6, - "a79", - 0x2756, - "a81", - 0x25d7, - "a82", - 0x2758, - "a83", - 0x2759, - "a84", - 0x275a, - "a97", - 0x275b, - "a98", - 0x275c, - "a99", - 0x275d, - "a100", - 0x275e, - "a101", - 0x2761, - "a102", - 0x2762, - "a103", - 0x2763, - "a104", - 0x2764, - "a106", - 0x2765, - "a107", - 0x2766, - "a108", - 0x2767, - "a112", - 0x2663, - "a111", - 0x2666, - "a110", - 0x2665, - "a109", - 0x2660, - "a120", - 0x2460, - "a121", - 0x2461, - "a122", - 0x2462, - "a123", - 0x2463, - "a124", - 0x2464, - "a125", - 0x2465, - "a126", - 0x2466, - "a127", - 0x2467, - "a128", - 0x2468, - "a129", - 0x2469, - "a130", - 0x2776, - "a131", - 0x2777, - "a132", - 0x2778, - "a133", - 0x2779, - "a134", - 0x277a, - "a135", - 0x277b, - "a136", - 0x277c, - "a137", - 0x277d, - "a138", - 0x277e, - "a139", - 0x277f, - "a140", - 0x2780, - "a141", - 0x2781, - "a142", - 0x2782, - "a143", - 0x2783, - "a144", - 0x2784, - "a145", - 0x2785, - "a146", - 0x2786, - "a147", - 0x2787, - "a148", - 0x2788, - "a149", - 0x2789, - "a150", - 0x278a, - "a151", - 0x278b, - "a152", - 0x278c, - "a153", - 0x278d, - "a154", - 0x278e, - "a155", - 0x278f, - "a156", - 0x2790, - "a157", - 0x2791, - "a158", - 0x2792, - "a159", - 0x2793, - "a160", - 0x2794, - "a161", - 0x2192, - "a163", - 0x2194, - "a164", - 0x2195, - "a196", - 0x2798, - "a165", - 0x2799, - "a192", - 0x279a, - "a166", - 0x279b, - "a167", - 0x279c, - "a168", - 0x279d, - "a169", - 0x279e, - "a170", - 0x279f, - "a171", - 0x27a0, - "a172", - 0x27a1, - "a173", - 0x27a2, - "a162", - 0x27a3, - "a174", - 0x27a4, - "a175", - 0x27a5, - "a176", - 0x27a6, - "a177", - 0x27a7, - "a178", - 0x27a8, - "a179", - 0x27a9, - "a193", - 0x27aa, - "a180", - 0x27ab, - "a199", - 0x27ac, - "a181", - 0x27ad, - "a200", - 0x27ae, - "a182", - 0x27af, - "a201", - 0x27b1, - "a183", - 0x27b2, - "a184", - 0x27b3, - "a197", - 0x27b4, - "a185", - 0x27b5, - "a194", - 0x27b6, - "a198", - 0x27b7, - "a186", - 0x27b8, - "a195", - 0x27b9, - "a187", - 0x27ba, - "a188", - 0x27bb, - "a189", - 0x27bc, - "a190", - 0x27bd, - "a191", - 0x27be, - "a89", - 0x2768, - "a90", - 0x2769, - "a93", - 0x276a, - "a94", - 0x276b, - "a91", - 0x276c, - "a92", - 0x276d, - "a205", - 0x276e, - "a85", - 0x276f, - "a206", - 0x2770, - "a86", - 0x2771, - "a87", - 0x2772, - "a88", - 0x2773, - "a95", - 0x2774, - "a96", - 0x2775, - ".notdef", - 0x0000 - ]; +const getDingbatsGlyphsUnicode = (0,_core_utils_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getLookupTableFactory)(function (t) { + = 0x0020; + t.a1 = 0x2701; + t.a2 = 0x2702; + t.a202 = 0x2703; + t.a3 = 0x2704; + t.a4 = 0x260e; + t.a5 = 0x2706; + t.a119 = 0x2707; + t.a118 = 0x2708; + t.a117 = 0x2709; + t.a11 = 0x261b; + t.a12 = 0x261e; + t.a13 = 0x270c; + t.a14 = 0x270d; + t.a15 = 0x270e; + t.a16 = 0x270f; + t.a105 = 0x2710; + t.a17 = 0x2711; + t.a18 = 0x2712; + t.a19 = 0x2713; + t.a20 = 0x2714; + t.a21 = 0x2715; + t.a22 = 0x2716; + t.a23 = 0x2717; + t.a24 = 0x2718; + t.a25 = 0x2719; + t.a26 = 0x271a; + t.a27 = 0x271b; + t.a28 = 0x271c; + t.a6 = 0x271d; + t.a7 = 0x271e; + t.a8 = 0x271f; + t.a9 = 0x2720; + t.a10 = 0x2721; + t.a29 = 0x2722; + t.a30 = 0x2723; + t.a31 = 0x2724; + t.a32 = 0x2725; + t.a33 = 0x2726; + t.a34 = 0x2727; + t.a35 = 0x2605; + t.a36 = 0x2729; + t.a37 = 0x272a; + t.a38 = 0x272b; + t.a39 = 0x272c; + t.a40 = 0x272d; + t.a41 = 0x272e; + t.a42 = 0x272f; + t.a43 = 0x2730; + t.a44 = 0x2731; + t.a45 = 0x2732; + t.a46 = 0x2733; + t.a47 = 0x2734; + t.a48 = 0x2735; + t.a49 = 0x2736; + t.a50 = 0x2737; + t.a51 = 0x2738; + t.a52 = 0x2739; + t.a53 = 0x273a; + t.a54 = 0x273b; + t.a55 = 0x273c; + t.a56 = 0x273d; + t.a57 = 0x273e; + t.a58 = 0x273f; + t.a59 = 0x2740; + t.a60 = 0x2741; + t.a61 = 0x2742; + t.a62 = 0x2743; + t.a63 = 0x2744; + t.a64 = 0x2745; + t.a65 = 0x2746; + t.a66 = 0x2747; + t.a67 = 0x2748; + t.a68 = 0x2749; + t.a69 = 0x274a; + t.a70 = 0x274b; + t.a71 = 0x25cf; + t.a72 = 0x274d; + t.a73 = 0x25a0; + t.a74 = 0x274f; + t.a203 = 0x2750; + t.a75 = 0x2751; + t.a204 = 0x2752; + t.a76 = 0x25b2; + t.a77 = 0x25bc; + t.a78 = 0x25c6; + t.a79 = 0x2756; + t.a81 = 0x25d7; + t.a82 = 0x2758; + t.a83 = 0x2759; + t.a84 = 0x275a; + t.a97 = 0x275b; + t.a98 = 0x275c; + t.a99 = 0x275d; + t.a100 = 0x275e; + t.a101 = 0x2761; + t.a102 = 0x2762; + t.a103 = 0x2763; + t.a104 = 0x2764; + t.a106 = 0x2765; + t.a107 = 0x2766; + t.a108 = 0x2767; + t.a112 = 0x2663; + t.a111 = 0x2666; + t.a110 = 0x2665; + t.a109 = 0x2660; + t.a120 = 0x2460; + t.a121 = 0x2461; + t.a122 = 0x2462; + t.a123 = 0x2463; + t.a124 = 0x2464; + t.a125 = 0x2465; + t.a126 = 0x2466; + t.a127 = 0x2467; + t.a128 = 0x2468; + t.a129 = 0x2469; + t.a130 = 0x2776; + t.a131 = 0x2777; + t.a132 = 0x2778; + t.a133 = 0x2779; + t.a134 = 0x277a; + t.a135 = 0x277b; + t.a136 = 0x277c; + t.a137 = 0x277d; + t.a138 = 0x277e; + t.a139 = 0x277f; + t.a140 = 0x2780; + t.a141 = 0x2781; + t.a142 = 0x2782; + t.a143 = 0x2783; + t.a144 = 0x2784; + t.a145 = 0x2785; + t.a146 = 0x2786; + t.a147 = 0x2787; + t.a148 = 0x2788; + t.a149 = 0x2789; + t.a150 = 0x278a; + t.a151 = 0x278b; + t.a152 = 0x278c; + t.a153 = 0x278d; + t.a154 = 0x278e; + t.a155 = 0x278f; + t.a156 = 0x2790; + t.a157 = 0x2791; + t.a158 = 0x2792; + t.a159 = 0x2793; + t.a160 = 0x2794; + t.a161 = 0x2192; + t.a163 = 0x2194; + t.a164 = 0x2195; + t.a196 = 0x2798; + t.a165 = 0x2799; + t.a192 = 0x279a; + t.a166 = 0x279b; + t.a167 = 0x279c; + t.a168 = 0x279d; + t.a169 = 0x279e; + t.a170 = 0x279f; + t.a171 = 0x27a0; + t.a172 = 0x27a1; + t.a173 = 0x27a2; + t.a162 = 0x27a3; + t.a174 = 0x27a4; + t.a175 = 0x27a5; + t.a176 = 0x27a6; + t.a177 = 0x27a7; + t.a178 = 0x27a8; + t.a179 = 0x27a9; + t.a193 = 0x27aa; + t.a180 = 0x27ab; + t.a199 = 0x27ac; + t.a181 = 0x27ad; + t.a200 = 0x27ae; + t.a182 = 0x27af; + t.a201 = 0x27b1; + t.a183 = 0x27b2; + t.a184 = 0x27b3; + t.a197 = 0x27b4; + t.a185 = 0x27b5; + t.a194 = 0x27b6; + t.a198 = 0x27b7; + t.a186 = 0x27b8; + t.a195 = 0x27b9; + t.a187 = 0x27ba; + t.a188 = 0x27bb; + t.a189 = 0x27bc; + t.a190 = 0x27bd; + t.a191 = 0x27be; + t.a89 = 0x2768; + t.a90 = 0x2769; + t.a93 = 0x276a; + t.a94 = 0x276b; + t.a91 = 0x276c; + t.a92 = 0x276d; + t.a205 = 0x276e; + t.a85 = 0x276f; + t.a206 = 0x2770; + t.a86 = 0x2771; + t.a87 = 0x2772; + t.a88 = 0x2773; + t.a95 = 0x2774; + t.a96 = 0x2775; + t[".notdef"] = 0x0000; }); /***/ }), -/* 39 */ +/* 40 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { __w_pdfjs_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); /* harmony export */ __w_pdfjs_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { /* harmony export */ "clearUnicodeCaches": () => (/* binding */ clearUnicodeCaches), /* harmony export */ "getCharUnicodeCategory": () => (/* binding */ getCharUnicodeCategory), -/* harmony export */ "getNormalizedUnicodes": () => (/* binding */ getNormalizedUnicodes), /* harmony export */ "getUnicodeForGlyph": () => (/* binding */ getUnicodeForGlyph), /* harmony export */ "getUnicodeRangeFor": () => (/* binding */ getUnicodeRangeFor), -/* harmony export */ "mapSpecialUnicodeValues": () => (/* binding */ mapSpecialUnicodeValues), -/* harmony export */ "reverseIfRtl": () => (/* binding */ reverseIfRtl) +/* harmony export */ "mapSpecialUnicodeValues": () => (/* binding */ mapSpecialUnicodeValues) /* harmony export */ }); /* harmony import */ var _core_utils_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __w_pdfjs_require__(3); @@ -34053,3288 +29511,602 @@ function getUnicodeForGlyph(name, glyphsUnicodeMap) { return -1; } const UnicodeRanges = [ - { - begin: 0x0000, - end: 0x007f - }, - { - begin: 0x0080, - end: 0x00ff - }, - { - begin: 0x0100, - end: 0x017f - }, - { - begin: 0x0180, - end: 0x024f - }, - { - begin: 0x0250, - end: 0x02af - }, - { - begin: 0x02b0, - end: 0x02ff - }, - { - begin: 0x0300, - end: 0x036f - }, - { - begin: 0x0370, - end: 0x03ff - }, - { - begin: 0x2c80, - end: 0x2cff - }, - { - begin: 0x0400, - end: 0x04ff - }, - { - begin: 0x0530, - end: 0x058f - }, - { - begin: 0x0590, - end: 0x05ff - }, - { - begin: 0xa500, - end: 0xa63f - }, - { - begin: 0x0600, - end: 0x06ff - }, - { - begin: 0x07c0, - end: 0x07ff - }, - { - begin: 0x0900, - end: 0x097f - }, - { - begin: 0x0980, - end: 0x09ff - }, - { - begin: 0x0a00, - end: 0x0a7f - }, - { - begin: 0x0a80, - end: 0x0aff - }, - { - begin: 0x0b00, - end: 0x0b7f - }, - { - begin: 0x0b80, - end: 0x0bff - }, - { - begin: 0x0c00, - end: 0x0c7f - }, - { - begin: 0x0c80, - end: 0x0cff - }, - { - begin: 0x0d00, - end: 0x0d7f - }, - { - begin: 0x0e00, - end: 0x0e7f - }, - { - begin: 0x0e80, - end: 0x0eff - }, - { - begin: 0x10a0, - end: 0x10ff - }, - { - begin: 0x1b00, - end: 0x1b7f - }, - { - begin: 0x1100, - end: 0x11ff - }, - { - begin: 0x1e00, - end: 0x1eff - }, - { - begin: 0x1f00, - end: 0x1fff - }, - { - begin: 0x2000, - end: 0x206f - }, - { - begin: 0x2070, - end: 0x209f - }, - { - begin: 0x20a0, - end: 0x20cf - }, - { - begin: 0x20d0, - end: 0x20ff - }, - { - begin: 0x2100, - end: 0x214f - }, - { - begin: 0x2150, - end: 0x218f - }, - { - begin: 0x2190, - end: 0x21ff - }, - { - begin: 0x2200, - end: 0x22ff - }, - { - begin: 0x2300, - end: 0x23ff - }, - { - begin: 0x2400, - end: 0x243f - }, - { - begin: 0x2440, - end: 0x245f - }, - { - begin: 0x2460, - end: 0x24ff - }, - { - begin: 0x2500, - end: 0x257f - }, - { - begin: 0x2580, - end: 0x259f - }, - { - begin: 0x25a0, - end: 0x25ff - }, - { - begin: 0x2600, - end: 0x26ff - }, - { - begin: 0x2700, - end: 0x27bf - }, - { - begin: 0x3000, - end: 0x303f - }, - { - begin: 0x3040, - end: 0x309f - }, - { - begin: 0x30a0, - end: 0x30ff - }, - { - begin: 0x3100, - end: 0x312f - }, - { - begin: 0x3130, - end: 0x318f - }, - { - begin: 0xa840, - end: 0xa87f - }, - { - begin: 0x3200, - end: 0x32ff - }, - { - begin: 0x3300, - end: 0x33ff - }, - { - begin: 0xac00, - end: 0xd7af - }, - { - begin: 0xd800, - end: 0xdfff - }, - { - begin: 0x10900, - end: 0x1091f - }, - { - begin: 0x4e00, - end: 0x9fff - }, - { - begin: 0xe000, - end: 0xf8ff - }, - { - begin: 0x31c0, - end: 0x31ef - }, - { - begin: 0xfb00, - end: 0xfb4f - }, - { - begin: 0xfb50, - end: 0xfdff - }, - { - begin: 0xfe20, - end: 0xfe2f - }, - { - begin: 0xfe10, - end: 0xfe1f - }, - { - begin: 0xfe50, - end: 0xfe6f - }, - { - begin: 0xfe70, - end: 0xfeff - }, - { - begin: 0xff00, - end: 0xffef - }, - { - begin: 0xfff0, - end: 0xffff - }, - { - begin: 0x0f00, - end: 0x0fff - }, - { - begin: 0x0700, - end: 0x074f - }, - { - begin: 0x0780, - end: 0x07bf - }, - { - begin: 0x0d80, - end: 0x0dff - }, - { - begin: 0x1000, - end: 0x109f - }, - { - begin: 0x1200, - end: 0x137f - }, - { - begin: 0x13a0, - end: 0x13ff - }, - { - begin: 0x1400, - end: 0x167f - }, - { - begin: 0x1680, - end: 0x169f - }, - { - begin: 0x16a0, - end: 0x16ff - }, - { - begin: 0x1780, - end: 0x17ff - }, - { - begin: 0x1800, - end: 0x18af - }, - { - begin: 0x2800, - end: 0x28ff - }, - { - begin: 0xa000, - end: 0xa48f - }, - { - begin: 0x1700, - end: 0x171f - }, - { - begin: 0x10300, - end: 0x1032f - }, - { - begin: 0x10330, - end: 0x1034f - }, - { - begin: 0x10400, - end: 0x1044f - }, - { - begin: 0x1d000, - end: 0x1d0ff - }, - { - begin: 0x1d400, - end: 0x1d7ff - }, - { - begin: 0xff000, - end: 0xffffd - }, - { - begin: 0xfe00, - end: 0xfe0f - }, - { - begin: 0xe0000, - end: 0xe007f - }, - { - begin: 0x1900, - end: 0x194f - }, - { - begin: 0x1950, - end: 0x197f - }, - { - begin: 0x1980, - end: 0x19df - }, - { - begin: 0x1a00, - end: 0x1a1f - }, - { - begin: 0x2c00, - end: 0x2c5f - }, - { - begin: 0x2d30, - end: 0x2d7f - }, - { - begin: 0x4dc0, - end: 0x4dff - }, - { - begin: 0xa800, - end: 0xa82f - }, - { - begin: 0x10000, - end: 0x1007f - }, - { - begin: 0x10140, - end: 0x1018f - }, - { - begin: 0x10380, - end: 0x1039f - }, - { - begin: 0x103a0, - end: 0x103df - }, - { - begin: 0x10450, - end: 0x1047f - }, - { - begin: 0x10480, - end: 0x104af - }, - { - begin: 0x10800, - end: 0x1083f - }, - { - begin: 0x10a00, - end: 0x10a5f - }, - { - begin: 0x1d300, - end: 0x1d35f - }, - { - begin: 0x12000, - end: 0x123ff - }, - { - begin: 0x1d360, - end: 0x1d37f - }, - { - begin: 0x1b80, - end: 0x1bbf - }, - { - begin: 0x1c00, - end: 0x1c4f - }, - { - begin: 0x1c50, - end: 0x1c7f - }, - { - begin: 0xa880, - end: 0xa8df - }, - { - begin: 0xa900, - end: 0xa92f - }, - { - begin: 0xa930, - end: 0xa95f - }, - { - begin: 0xaa00, - end: 0xaa5f - }, - { - begin: 0x10190, - end: 0x101cf - }, - { - begin: 0x101d0, - end: 0x101ff - }, - { - begin: 0x102a0, - end: 0x102df - }, - { - begin: 0x1f030, - end: 0x1f09f - } + [ + 0x0000, + 0x007f + ], + [ + 0x0080, + 0x00ff + ], + [ + 0x0100, + 0x017f + ], + [ + 0x0180, + 0x024f + ], + [ + 0x0250, + 0x02af, + 0x1d00, + 0x1d7f, + 0x1d80, + 0x1dbf + ], + [ + 0x02b0, + 0x02ff, + 0xa700, + 0xa71f + ], + [ + 0x0300, + 0x036f, + 0x1dc0, + 0x1dff + ], + [ + 0x0370, + 0x03ff + ], + [ + 0x2c80, + 0x2cff + ], + [ + 0x0400, + 0x04ff, + 0x0500, + 0x052f, + 0x2de0, + 0x2dff, + 0xa640, + 0xa69f + ], + [ + 0x0530, + 0x058f + ], + [ + 0x0590, + 0x05ff + ], + [ + 0xa500, + 0xa63f + ], + [ + 0x0600, + 0x06ff, + 0x0750, + 0x077f + ], + [ + 0x07c0, + 0x07ff + ], + [ + 0x0900, + 0x097f + ], + [ + 0x0980, + 0x09ff + ], + [ + 0x0a00, + 0x0a7f + ], + [ + 0x0a80, + 0x0aff + ], + [ + 0x0b00, + 0x0b7f + ], + [ + 0x0b80, + 0x0bff + ], + [ + 0x0c00, + 0x0c7f + ], + [ + 0x0c80, + 0x0cff + ], + [ + 0x0d00, + 0x0d7f + ], + [ + 0x0e00, + 0x0e7f + ], + [ + 0x0e80, + 0x0eff + ], + [ + 0x10a0, + 0x10ff, + 0x2d00, + 0x2d2f + ], + [ + 0x1b00, + 0x1b7f + ], + [ + 0x1100, + 0x11ff + ], + [ + 0x1e00, + 0x1eff, + 0x2c60, + 0x2c7f, + 0xa720, + 0xa7ff + ], + [ + 0x1f00, + 0x1fff + ], + [ + 0x2000, + 0x206f, + 0x2e00, + 0x2e7f + ], + [ + 0x2070, + 0x209f + ], + [ + 0x20a0, + 0x20cf + ], + [ + 0x20d0, + 0x20ff + ], + [ + 0x2100, + 0x214f + ], + [ + 0x2150, + 0x218f + ], + [ + 0x2190, + 0x21ff, + 0x27f0, + 0x27ff, + 0x2900, + 0x297f, + 0x2b00, + 0x2bff + ], + [ + 0x2200, + 0x22ff, + 0x2a00, + 0x2aff, + 0x27c0, + 0x27ef, + 0x2980, + 0x29ff + ], + [ + 0x2300, + 0x23ff + ], + [ + 0x2400, + 0x243f + ], + [ + 0x2440, + 0x245f + ], + [ + 0x2460, + 0x24ff + ], + [ + 0x2500, + 0x257f + ], + [ + 0x2580, + 0x259f + ], + [ + 0x25a0, + 0x25ff + ], + [ + 0x2600, + 0x26ff + ], + [ + 0x2700, + 0x27bf + ], + [ + 0x3000, + 0x303f + ], + [ + 0x3040, + 0x309f + ], + [ + 0x30a0, + 0x30ff, + 0x31f0, + 0x31ff + ], + [ + 0x3100, + 0x312f, + 0x31a0, + 0x31bf + ], + [ + 0x3130, + 0x318f + ], + [ + 0xa840, + 0xa87f + ], + [ + 0x3200, + 0x32ff + ], + [ + 0x3300, + 0x33ff + ], + [ + 0xac00, + 0xd7af + ], + [ + 0xd800, + 0xdfff + ], + [ + 0x10900, + 0x1091f + ], + [ + 0x4e00, + 0x9fff, + 0x2e80, + 0x2eff, + 0x2f00, + 0x2fdf, + 0x2ff0, + 0x2fff, + 0x3400, + 0x4dbf, + 0x20000, + 0x2a6df, + 0x3190, + 0x319f + ], + [ + 0xe000, + 0xf8ff + ], + [ + 0x31c0, + 0x31ef, + 0xf900, + 0xfaff, + 0x2f800, + 0x2fa1f + ], + [ + 0xfb00, + 0xfb4f + ], + [ + 0xfb50, + 0xfdff + ], + [ + 0xfe20, + 0xfe2f + ], + [ + 0xfe10, + 0xfe1f + ], + [ + 0xfe50, + 0xfe6f + ], + [ + 0xfe70, + 0xfeff + ], + [ + 0xff00, + 0xffef + ], + [ + 0xfff0, + 0xffff + ], + [ + 0x0f00, + 0x0fff + ], + [ + 0x0700, + 0x074f + ], + [ + 0x0780, + 0x07bf + ], + [ + 0x0d80, + 0x0dff + ], + [ + 0x1000, + 0x109f + ], + [ + 0x1200, + 0x137f, + 0x1380, + 0x139f, + 0x2d80, + 0x2ddf + ], + [ + 0x13a0, + 0x13ff + ], + [ + 0x1400, + 0x167f + ], + [ + 0x1680, + 0x169f + ], + [ + 0x16a0, + 0x16ff + ], + [ + 0x1780, + 0x17ff + ], + [ + 0x1800, + 0x18af + ], + [ + 0x2800, + 0x28ff + ], + [ + 0xa000, + 0xa48f + ], + [ + 0x1700, + 0x171f, + 0x1720, + 0x173f, + 0x1740, + 0x175f, + 0x1760, + 0x177f + ], + [ + 0x10300, + 0x1032f + ], + [ + 0x10330, + 0x1034f + ], + [ + 0x10400, + 0x1044f + ], + [ + 0x1d000, + 0x1d0ff, + 0x1d100, + 0x1d1ff, + 0x1d200, + 0x1d24f + ], + [ + 0x1d400, + 0x1d7ff + ], + [ + 0xff000, + 0xffffd + ], + [ + 0xfe00, + 0xfe0f, + 0xe0100, + 0xe01ef + ], + [ + 0xe0000, + 0xe007f + ], + [ + 0x1900, + 0x194f + ], + [ + 0x1950, + 0x197f + ], + [ + 0x1980, + 0x19df + ], + [ + 0x1a00, + 0x1a1f + ], + [ + 0x2c00, + 0x2c5f + ], + [ + 0x2d30, + 0x2d7f + ], + [ + 0x4dc0, + 0x4dff + ], + [ + 0xa800, + 0xa82f + ], + [ + 0x10000, + 0x1007f, + 0x10080, + 0x100ff, + 0x10100, + 0x1013f + ], + [ + 0x10140, + 0x1018f + ], + [ + 0x10380, + 0x1039f + ], + [ + 0x103a0, + 0x103df + ], + [ + 0x10450, + 0x1047f + ], + [ + 0x10480, + 0x104af + ], + [ + 0x10800, + 0x1083f + ], + [ + 0x10a00, + 0x10a5f + ], + [ + 0x1d300, + 0x1d35f + ], + [ + 0x12000, + 0x123ff, + 0x12400, + 0x1247f + ], + [ + 0x1d360, + 0x1d37f + ], + [ + 0x1b80, + 0x1bbf + ], + [ + 0x1c00, + 0x1c4f + ], + [ + 0x1c50, + 0x1c7f + ], + [ + 0xa880, + 0xa8df + ], + [ + 0xa900, + 0xa92f + ], + [ + 0xa930, + 0xa95f + ], + [ + 0xaa00, + 0xaa5f + ], + [ + 0x10190, + 0x101cf + ], + [ + 0x101d0, + 0x101ff + ], + [ + 0x102a0, + 0x102df, + 0x10280, + 0x1029f, + 0x10920, + 0x1093f + ], + [ + 0x1f030, + 0x1f09f, + 0x1f000, + 0x1f02f + ] ]; -function getUnicodeRangeFor(value) { +function getUnicodeRangeFor(value, lastPosition = -1) { + if (lastPosition !== -1) { + const range = UnicodeRanges[lastPosition]; + for (let i = 0, ii = range.length; i < ii; i += 2) { + if (value >= range[i] && value <= range[i + 1]) { + return lastPosition; + } + } + } for (let i = 0, ii = UnicodeRanges.length; i < ii; i++) { const range = UnicodeRanges[i]; - if (value >= range.begin && value < range.end) { - return i; + for (let j = 0, jj = range.length; j < jj; j += 2) { + if (value >= range[j] && value <= range[j + 1]) { + return i; + } } } return -1; } -function isRTLRangeFor(value) { - let range = UnicodeRanges[13]; - if (value >= range.begin && value < range.end) { - return true; - } - range = UnicodeRanges[11]; - if (value >= range.begin && value < range.end) { - return true; - } - return false; -} -const getNormalizedUnicodes = (0,_core_utils_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getArrayLookupTableFactory)(function () { - return [ - "\u00A8", - "\u0020\u0308", - "\u00AF", - "\u0020\u0304", - "\u00B4", - "\u0020\u0301", - "\u00B5", - "\u03BC", - "\u00B8", - "\u0020\u0327", - "\u0132", - "\u0049\u004A", - "\u0133", - "\u0069\u006A", - "\u013F", - "\u004C\u00B7", - "\u0140", - "\u006C\u00B7", - "\u0149", - "\u02BC\u006E", - "\u017F", - "\u0073", - "\u01C4", - "\u0044\u017D", - "\u01C5", - "\u0044\u017E", - "\u01C6", - "\u0064\u017E", - "\u01C7", - "\u004C\u004A", - "\u01C8", - "\u004C\u006A", - "\u01C9", - "\u006C\u006A", - "\u01CA", - "\u004E\u004A", - "\u01CB", - "\u004E\u006A", - "\u01CC", - "\u006E\u006A", - "\u01F1", - "\u0044\u005A", - "\u01F2", - "\u0044\u007A", - "\u01F3", - "\u0064\u007A", - "\u02D8", - "\u0020\u0306", - "\u02D9", - "\u0020\u0307", - "\u02DA", - "\u0020\u030A", - "\u02DB", - "\u0020\u0328", - "\u02DC", - "\u0020\u0303", - "\u02DD", - "\u0020\u030B", - "\u037A", - "\u0020\u0345", - "\u0384", - "\u0020\u0301", - "\u03D0", - "\u03B2", - "\u03D1", - "\u03B8", - "\u03D2", - "\u03A5", - "\u03D5", - "\u03C6", - "\u03D6", - "\u03C0", - "\u03F0", - "\u03BA", - "\u03F1", - "\u03C1", - "\u03F2", - "\u03C2", - "\u03F4", - "\u0398", - "\u03F5", - "\u03B5", - "\u03F9", - "\u03A3", - "\u0587", - "\u0565\u0582", - "\u0675", - "\u0627\u0674", - "\u0676", - "\u0648\u0674", - "\u0677", - "\u06C7\u0674", - "\u0678", - "\u064A\u0674", - "\u0E33", - "\u0E4D\u0E32", - "\u0EB3", - "\u0ECD\u0EB2", - "\u0EDC", - "\u0EAB\u0E99", - "\u0EDD", - "\u0EAB\u0EA1", - "\u0F77", - "\u0FB2\u0F81", - "\u0F79", - "\u0FB3\u0F81", - "\u1E9A", - "\u0061\u02BE", - "\u1FBD", - "\u0020\u0313", - "\u1FBF", - "\u0020\u0313", - "\u1FC0", - "\u0020\u0342", - "\u1FFE", - "\u0020\u0314", - "\u2002", - "\u0020", - "\u2003", - "\u0020", - "\u2004", - "\u0020", - "\u2005", - "\u0020", - "\u2006", - "\u0020", - "\u2008", - "\u0020", - "\u2009", - "\u0020", - "\u200A", - "\u0020", - "\u2017", - "\u0020\u0333", - "\u2024", - "\u002E", - "\u2025", - "\u002E\u002E", - "\u2026", - "\u002E\u002E\u002E", - "\u2033", - "\u2032\u2032", - "\u2034", - "\u2032\u2032\u2032", - "\u2036", - "\u2035\u2035", - "\u2037", - "\u2035\u2035\u2035", - "\u203C", - "\u0021\u0021", - "\u203E", - "\u0020\u0305", - "\u2047", - "\u003F\u003F", - "\u2048", - "\u003F\u0021", - "\u2049", - "\u0021\u003F", - "\u2057", - "\u2032\u2032\u2032\u2032", - "\u205F", - "\u0020", - "\u20A8", - "\u0052\u0073", - "\u2100", - "\u0061\u002F\u0063", - "\u2101", - "\u0061\u002F\u0073", - "\u2103", - "\u00B0\u0043", - "\u2105", - "\u0063\u002F\u006F", - "\u2106", - "\u0063\u002F\u0075", - "\u2107", - "\u0190", - "\u2109", - "\u00B0\u0046", - "\u2116", - "\u004E\u006F", - "\u2121", - "\u0054\u0045\u004C", - "\u2135", - "\u05D0", - "\u2136", - "\u05D1", - "\u2137", - "\u05D2", - "\u2138", - "\u05D3", - "\u213B", - "\u0046\u0041\u0058", - "\u2160", - "\u0049", - "\u2161", - "\u0049\u0049", - "\u2162", - "\u0049\u0049\u0049", - "\u2163", - "\u0049\u0056", - "\u2164", - "\u0056", - "\u2165", - "\u0056\u0049", - "\u2166", - "\u0056\u0049\u0049", - "\u2167", - "\u0056\u0049\u0049\u0049", - "\u2168", - "\u0049\u0058", - "\u2169", - "\u0058", - "\u216A", - "\u0058\u0049", - "\u216B", - "\u0058\u0049\u0049", - "\u216C", - "\u004C", - "\u216D", - "\u0043", - "\u216E", - "\u0044", - "\u216F", - "\u004D", - "\u2170", - "\u0069", - "\u2171", - "\u0069\u0069", - "\u2172", - "\u0069\u0069\u0069", - "\u2173", - "\u0069\u0076", - "\u2174", - "\u0076", - "\u2175", - "\u0076\u0069", - "\u2176", - "\u0076\u0069\u0069", - "\u2177", - "\u0076\u0069\u0069\u0069", - "\u2178", - "\u0069\u0078", - "\u2179", - "\u0078", - "\u217A", - "\u0078\u0069", - "\u217B", - "\u0078\u0069\u0069", - "\u217C", - "\u006C", - "\u217D", - "\u0063", - "\u217E", - "\u0064", - "\u217F", - "\u006D", - "\u222C", - "\u222B\u222B", - "\u222D", - "\u222B\u222B\u222B", - "\u222F", - "\u222E\u222E", - "\u2230", - "\u222E\u222E\u222E", - "\u2474", - "\u0028\u0031\u0029", - "\u2475", - "\u0028\u0032\u0029", - "\u2476", - "\u0028\u0033\u0029", - "\u2477", - "\u0028\u0034\u0029", - "\u2478", - "\u0028\u0035\u0029", - "\u2479", - "\u0028\u0036\u0029", - "\u247A", - "\u0028\u0037\u0029", - "\u247B", - "\u0028\u0038\u0029", - "\u247C", - "\u0028\u0039\u0029", - "\u247D", - "\u0028\u0031\u0030\u0029", - "\u247E", - "\u0028\u0031\u0031\u0029", - "\u247F", - "\u0028\u0031\u0032\u0029", - "\u2480", - "\u0028\u0031\u0033\u0029", - "\u2481", - "\u0028\u0031\u0034\u0029", - "\u2482", - "\u0028\u0031\u0035\u0029", - "\u2483", - "\u0028\u0031\u0036\u0029", - "\u2484", - "\u0028\u0031\u0037\u0029", - "\u2485", - "\u0028\u0031\u0038\u0029", - "\u2486", - "\u0028\u0031\u0039\u0029", - "\u2487", - "\u0028\u0032\u0030\u0029", - "\u2488", - "\u0031\u002E", - "\u2489", - "\u0032\u002E", - "\u248A", - "\u0033\u002E", - "\u248B", - "\u0034\u002E", - "\u248C", - "\u0035\u002E", - "\u248D", - "\u0036\u002E", - "\u248E", - "\u0037\u002E", - "\u248F", - "\u0038\u002E", - "\u2490", - "\u0039\u002E", - "\u2491", - "\u0031\u0030\u002E", - "\u2492", - "\u0031\u0031\u002E", - "\u2493", - "\u0031\u0032\u002E", - "\u2494", - "\u0031\u0033\u002E", - "\u2495", - "\u0031\u0034\u002E", - "\u2496", - "\u0031\u0035\u002E", - "\u2497", - "\u0031\u0036\u002E", - "\u2498", - "\u0031\u0037\u002E", - "\u2499", - "\u0031\u0038\u002E", - "\u249A", - "\u0031\u0039\u002E", - "\u249B", - "\u0032\u0030\u002E", - "\u249C", - "\u0028\u0061\u0029", - "\u249D", - "\u0028\u0062\u0029", - "\u249E", - "\u0028\u0063\u0029", - "\u249F", - "\u0028\u0064\u0029", - "\u24A0", - "\u0028\u0065\u0029", - "\u24A1", - "\u0028\u0066\u0029", - "\u24A2", - "\u0028\u0067\u0029", - "\u24A3", - "\u0028\u0068\u0029", - "\u24A4", - "\u0028\u0069\u0029", - "\u24A5", - "\u0028\u006A\u0029", - "\u24A6", - "\u0028\u006B\u0029", - "\u24A7", - "\u0028\u006C\u0029", - "\u24A8", - "\u0028\u006D\u0029", - "\u24A9", - "\u0028\u006E\u0029", - "\u24AA", - "\u0028\u006F\u0029", - "\u24AB", - "\u0028\u0070\u0029", - "\u24AC", - "\u0028\u0071\u0029", - "\u24AD", - "\u0028\u0072\u0029", - "\u24AE", - "\u0028\u0073\u0029", - "\u24AF", - "\u0028\u0074\u0029", - "\u24B0", - "\u0028\u0075\u0029", - "\u24B1", - "\u0028\u0076\u0029", - "\u24B2", - "\u0028\u0077\u0029", - "\u24B3", - "\u0028\u0078\u0029", - "\u24B4", - "\u0028\u0079\u0029", - "\u24B5", - "\u0028\u007A\u0029", - "\u2A0C", - "\u222B\u222B\u222B\u222B", - "\u2A74", - "\u003A\u003A\u003D", - "\u2A75", - "\u003D\u003D", - "\u2A76", - "\u003D\u003D\u003D", - "\u2E9F", - "\u6BCD", - "\u2EF3", - "\u9F9F", - "\u2F00", - "\u4E00", - "\u2F01", - "\u4E28", - "\u2F02", - "\u4E36", - "\u2F03", - "\u4E3F", - "\u2F04", - "\u4E59", - "\u2F05", - "\u4E85", - "\u2F06", - "\u4E8C", - "\u2F07", - "\u4EA0", - "\u2F08", - "\u4EBA", - "\u2F09", - "\u513F", - "\u2F0A", - "\u5165", - "\u2F0B", - "\u516B", - "\u2F0C", - "\u5182", - "\u2F0D", - "\u5196", - "\u2F0E", - "\u51AB", - "\u2F0F", - "\u51E0", - "\u2F10", - "\u51F5", - "\u2F11", - "\u5200", - "\u2F12", - "\u529B", - "\u2F13", - "\u52F9", - "\u2F14", - "\u5315", - "\u2F15", - "\u531A", - "\u2F16", - "\u5338", - "\u2F17", - "\u5341", - "\u2F18", - "\u535C", - "\u2F19", - "\u5369", - "\u2F1A", - "\u5382", - "\u2F1B", - "\u53B6", - "\u2F1C", - "\u53C8", - "\u2F1D", - "\u53E3", - "\u2F1E", - "\u56D7", - "\u2F1F", - "\u571F", - "\u2F20", - "\u58EB", - "\u2F21", - "\u5902", - "\u2F22", - "\u590A", - "\u2F23", - "\u5915", - "\u2F24", - "\u5927", - "\u2F25", - "\u5973", - "\u2F26", - "\u5B50", - "\u2F27", - "\u5B80", - "\u2F28", - "\u5BF8", - "\u2F29", - "\u5C0F", - "\u2F2A", - "\u5C22", - "\u2F2B", - "\u5C38", - "\u2F2C", - "\u5C6E", - "\u2F2D", - "\u5C71", - "\u2F2E", - "\u5DDB", - "\u2F2F", - "\u5DE5", - "\u2F30", - "\u5DF1", - "\u2F31", - "\u5DFE", - "\u2F32", - "\u5E72", - "\u2F33", - "\u5E7A", - "\u2F34", - "\u5E7F", - "\u2F35", - "\u5EF4", - "\u2F36", - "\u5EFE", - "\u2F37", - "\u5F0B", - "\u2F38", - "\u5F13", - "\u2F39", - "\u5F50", - "\u2F3A", - "\u5F61", - "\u2F3B", - "\u5F73", - "\u2F3C", - "\u5FC3", - "\u2F3D", - "\u6208", - "\u2F3E", - "\u6236", - "\u2F3F", - "\u624B", - "\u2F40", - "\u652F", - "\u2F41", - "\u6534", - "\u2F42", - "\u6587", - "\u2F43", - "\u6597", - "\u2F44", - "\u65A4", - "\u2F45", - "\u65B9", - "\u2F46", - "\u65E0", - "\u2F47", - "\u65E5", - "\u2F48", - "\u66F0", - "\u2F49", - "\u6708", - "\u2F4A", - "\u6728", - "\u2F4B", - "\u6B20", - "\u2F4C", - "\u6B62", - "\u2F4D", - "\u6B79", - "\u2F4E", - "\u6BB3", - "\u2F4F", - "\u6BCB", - "\u2F50", - "\u6BD4", - "\u2F51", - "\u6BDB", - "\u2F52", - "\u6C0F", - "\u2F53", - "\u6C14", - "\u2F54", - "\u6C34", - "\u2F55", - "\u706B", - "\u2F56", - "\u722A", - "\u2F57", - "\u7236", - "\u2F58", - "\u723B", - "\u2F59", - "\u723F", - "\u2F5A", - "\u7247", - "\u2F5B", - "\u7259", - "\u2F5C", - "\u725B", - "\u2F5D", - "\u72AC", - "\u2F5E", - "\u7384", - "\u2F5F", - "\u7389", - "\u2F60", - "\u74DC", - "\u2F61", - "\u74E6", - "\u2F62", - "\u7518", - "\u2F63", - "\u751F", - "\u2F64", - "\u7528", - "\u2F65", - "\u7530", - "\u2F66", - "\u758B", - "\u2F67", - "\u7592", - "\u2F68", - "\u7676", - "\u2F69", - "\u767D", - "\u2F6A", - "\u76AE", - "\u2F6B", - "\u76BF", - "\u2F6C", - "\u76EE", - "\u2F6D", - "\u77DB", - "\u2F6E", - "\u77E2", - "\u2F6F", - "\u77F3", - "\u2F70", - "\u793A", - "\u2F71", - "\u79B8", - "\u2F72", - "\u79BE", - "\u2F73", - "\u7A74", - "\u2F74", - "\u7ACB", - "\u2F75", - "\u7AF9", - "\u2F76", - "\u7C73", - "\u2F77", - "\u7CF8", - "\u2F78", - "\u7F36", - "\u2F79", - "\u7F51", - "\u2F7A", - "\u7F8A", - "\u2F7B", - "\u7FBD", - "\u2F7C", - "\u8001", - "\u2F7D", - "\u800C", - "\u2F7E", - "\u8012", - "\u2F7F", - "\u8033", - "\u2F80", - "\u807F", - "\u2F81", - "\u8089", - "\u2F82", - "\u81E3", - "\u2F83", - "\u81EA", - "\u2F84", - "\u81F3", - "\u2F85", - "\u81FC", - "\u2F86", - "\u820C", - "\u2F87", - "\u821B", - "\u2F88", - "\u821F", - "\u2F89", - "\u826E", - "\u2F8A", - "\u8272", - "\u2F8B", - "\u8278", - "\u2F8C", - "\u864D", - "\u2F8D", - "\u866B", - "\u2F8E", - "\u8840", - "\u2F8F", - "\u884C", - "\u2F90", - "\u8863", - "\u2F91", - "\u897E", - "\u2F92", - "\u898B", - "\u2F93", - "\u89D2", - "\u2F94", - "\u8A00", - "\u2F95", - "\u8C37", - "\u2F96", - "\u8C46", - "\u2F97", - "\u8C55", - "\u2F98", - "\u8C78", - "\u2F99", - "\u8C9D", - "\u2F9A", - "\u8D64", - "\u2F9B", - "\u8D70", - "\u2F9C", - "\u8DB3", - "\u2F9D", - "\u8EAB", - "\u2F9E", - "\u8ECA", - "\u2F9F", - "\u8F9B", - "\u2FA0", - "\u8FB0", - "\u2FA1", - "\u8FB5", - "\u2FA2", - "\u9091", - "\u2FA3", - "\u9149", - "\u2FA4", - "\u91C6", - "\u2FA5", - "\u91CC", - "\u2FA6", - "\u91D1", - "\u2FA7", - "\u9577", - "\u2FA8", - "\u9580", - "\u2FA9", - "\u961C", - "\u2FAA", - "\u96B6", - "\u2FAB", - "\u96B9", - "\u2FAC", - "\u96E8", - "\u2FAD", - "\u9751", - "\u2FAE", - "\u975E", - "\u2FAF", - "\u9762", - "\u2FB0", - "\u9769", - "\u2FB1", - "\u97CB", - "\u2FB2", - "\u97ED", - "\u2FB3", - "\u97F3", - "\u2FB4", - "\u9801", - "\u2FB5", - "\u98A8", - "\u2FB6", - "\u98DB", - "\u2FB7", - "\u98DF", - "\u2FB8", - "\u9996", - "\u2FB9", - "\u9999", - "\u2FBA", - "\u99AC", - "\u2FBB", - "\u9AA8", - "\u2FBC", - "\u9AD8", - "\u2FBD", - "\u9ADF", - "\u2FBE", - "\u9B25", - "\u2FBF", - "\u9B2F", - "\u2FC0", - "\u9B32", - "\u2FC1", - "\u9B3C", - "\u2FC2", - "\u9B5A", - "\u2FC3", - "\u9CE5", - "\u2FC4", - "\u9E75", - "\u2FC5", - "\u9E7F", - "\u2FC6", - "\u9EA5", - "\u2FC7", - "\u9EBB", - "\u2FC8", - "\u9EC3", - "\u2FC9", - "\u9ECD", - "\u2FCA", - "\u9ED1", - "\u2FCB", - "\u9EF9", - "\u2FCC", - "\u9EFD", - "\u2FCD", - "\u9F0E", - "\u2FCE", - "\u9F13", - "\u2FCF", - "\u9F20", - "\u2FD0", - "\u9F3B", - "\u2FD1", - "\u9F4A", - "\u2FD2", - "\u9F52", - "\u2FD3", - "\u9F8D", - "\u2FD4", - "\u9F9C", - "\u2FD5", - "\u9FA0", - "\u3036", - "\u3012", - "\u3038", - "\u5341", - "\u3039", - "\u5344", - "\u303A", - "\u5345", - "\u309B", - "\u0020\u3099", - "\u309C", - "\u0020\u309A", - "\u3131", - "\u1100", - "\u3132", - "\u1101", - "\u3133", - "\u11AA", - "\u3134", - "\u1102", - "\u3135", - "\u11AC", - "\u3136", - "\u11AD", - "\u3137", - "\u1103", - "\u3138", - "\u1104", - "\u3139", - "\u1105", - "\u313A", - "\u11B0", - "\u313B", - "\u11B1", - "\u313C", - "\u11B2", - "\u313D", - "\u11B3", - "\u313E", - "\u11B4", - "\u313F", - "\u11B5", - "\u3140", - "\u111A", - "\u3141", - "\u1106", - "\u3142", - "\u1107", - "\u3143", - "\u1108", - "\u3144", - "\u1121", - "\u3145", - "\u1109", - "\u3146", - "\u110A", - "\u3147", - "\u110B", - "\u3148", - "\u110C", - "\u3149", - "\u110D", - "\u314A", - "\u110E", - "\u314B", - "\u110F", - "\u314C", - "\u1110", - "\u314D", - "\u1111", - "\u314E", - "\u1112", - "\u314F", - "\u1161", - "\u3150", - "\u1162", - "\u3151", - "\u1163", - "\u3152", - "\u1164", - "\u3153", - "\u1165", - "\u3154", - "\u1166", - "\u3155", - "\u1167", - "\u3156", - "\u1168", - "\u3157", - "\u1169", - "\u3158", - "\u116A", - "\u3159", - "\u116B", - "\u315A", - "\u116C", - "\u315B", - "\u116D", - "\u315C", - "\u116E", - "\u315D", - "\u116F", - "\u315E", - "\u1170", - "\u315F", - "\u1171", - "\u3160", - "\u1172", - "\u3161", - "\u1173", - "\u3162", - "\u1174", - "\u3163", - "\u1175", - "\u3164", - "\u1160", - "\u3165", - "\u1114", - "\u3166", - "\u1115", - "\u3167", - "\u11C7", - "\u3168", - "\u11C8", - "\u3169", - "\u11CC", - "\u316A", - "\u11CE", - "\u316B", - "\u11D3", - "\u316C", - "\u11D7", - "\u316D", - "\u11D9", - "\u316E", - "\u111C", - "\u316F", - "\u11DD", - "\u3170", - "\u11DF", - "\u3171", - "\u111D", - "\u3172", - "\u111E", - "\u3173", - "\u1120", - "\u3174", - "\u1122", - "\u3175", - "\u1123", - "\u3176", - "\u1127", - "\u3177", - "\u1129", - "\u3178", - "\u112B", - "\u3179", - "\u112C", - "\u317A", - "\u112D", - "\u317B", - "\u112E", - "\u317C", - "\u112F", - "\u317D", - "\u1132", - "\u317E", - "\u1136", - "\u317F", - "\u1140", - "\u3180", - "\u1147", - "\u3181", - "\u114C", - "\u3182", - "\u11F1", - "\u3183", - "\u11F2", - "\u3184", - "\u1157", - "\u3185", - "\u1158", - "\u3186", - "\u1159", - "\u3187", - "\u1184", - "\u3188", - "\u1185", - "\u3189", - "\u1188", - "\u318A", - "\u1191", - "\u318B", - "\u1192", - "\u318C", - "\u1194", - "\u318D", - "\u119E", - "\u318E", - "\u11A1", - "\u3200", - "\u0028\u1100\u0029", - "\u3201", - "\u0028\u1102\u0029", - "\u3202", - "\u0028\u1103\u0029", - "\u3203", - "\u0028\u1105\u0029", - "\u3204", - "\u0028\u1106\u0029", - "\u3205", - "\u0028\u1107\u0029", - "\u3206", - "\u0028\u1109\u0029", - "\u3207", - "\u0028\u110B\u0029", - "\u3208", - "\u0028\u110C\u0029", - "\u3209", - "\u0028\u110E\u0029", - "\u320A", - "\u0028\u110F\u0029", - "\u320B", - "\u0028\u1110\u0029", - "\u320C", - "\u0028\u1111\u0029", - "\u320D", - "\u0028\u1112\u0029", - "\u320E", - "\u0028\u1100\u1161\u0029", - "\u320F", - "\u0028\u1102\u1161\u0029", - "\u3210", - "\u0028\u1103\u1161\u0029", - "\u3211", - "\u0028\u1105\u1161\u0029", - "\u3212", - "\u0028\u1106\u1161\u0029", - "\u3213", - "\u0028\u1107\u1161\u0029", - "\u3214", - "\u0028\u1109\u1161\u0029", - "\u3215", - "\u0028\u110B\u1161\u0029", - "\u3216", - "\u0028\u110C\u1161\u0029", - "\u3217", - "\u0028\u110E\u1161\u0029", - "\u3218", - "\u0028\u110F\u1161\u0029", - "\u3219", - "\u0028\u1110\u1161\u0029", - "\u321A", - "\u0028\u1111\u1161\u0029", - "\u321B", - "\u0028\u1112\u1161\u0029", - "\u321C", - "\u0028\u110C\u116E\u0029", - "\u321D", - "\u0028\u110B\u1169\u110C\u1165\u11AB\u0029", - "\u321E", - "\u0028\u110B\u1169\u1112\u116E\u0029", - "\u3220", - "\u0028\u4E00\u0029", - "\u3221", - "\u0028\u4E8C\u0029", - "\u3222", - "\u0028\u4E09\u0029", - "\u3223", - "\u0028\u56DB\u0029", - "\u3224", - "\u0028\u4E94\u0029", - "\u3225", - "\u0028\u516D\u0029", - "\u3226", - "\u0028\u4E03\u0029", - "\u3227", - "\u0028\u516B\u0029", - "\u3228", - "\u0028\u4E5D\u0029", - "\u3229", - "\u0028\u5341\u0029", - "\u322A", - "\u0028\u6708\u0029", - "\u322B", - "\u0028\u706B\u0029", - "\u322C", - "\u0028\u6C34\u0029", - "\u322D", - "\u0028\u6728\u0029", - "\u322E", - "\u0028\u91D1\u0029", - "\u322F", - "\u0028\u571F\u0029", - "\u3230", - "\u0028\u65E5\u0029", - "\u3231", - "\u0028\u682A\u0029", - "\u3232", - "\u0028\u6709\u0029", - "\u3233", - "\u0028\u793E\u0029", - "\u3234", - "\u0028\u540D\u0029", - "\u3235", - "\u0028\u7279\u0029", - "\u3236", - "\u0028\u8CA1\u0029", - "\u3237", - "\u0028\u795D\u0029", - "\u3238", - "\u0028\u52B4\u0029", - "\u3239", - "\u0028\u4EE3\u0029", - "\u323A", - "\u0028\u547C\u0029", - "\u323B", - "\u0028\u5B66\u0029", - "\u323C", - "\u0028\u76E3\u0029", - "\u323D", - "\u0028\u4F01\u0029", - "\u323E", - "\u0028\u8CC7\u0029", - "\u323F", - "\u0028\u5354\u0029", - "\u3240", - "\u0028\u796D\u0029", - "\u3241", - "\u0028\u4F11\u0029", - "\u3242", - "\u0028\u81EA\u0029", - "\u3243", - "\u0028\u81F3\u0029", - "\u32C0", - "\u0031\u6708", - "\u32C1", - "\u0032\u6708", - "\u32C2", - "\u0033\u6708", - "\u32C3", - "\u0034\u6708", - "\u32C4", - "\u0035\u6708", - "\u32C5", - "\u0036\u6708", - "\u32C6", - "\u0037\u6708", - "\u32C7", - "\u0038\u6708", - "\u32C8", - "\u0039\u6708", - "\u32C9", - "\u0031\u0030\u6708", - "\u32CA", - "\u0031\u0031\u6708", - "\u32CB", - "\u0031\u0032\u6708", - "\u3358", - "\u0030\u70B9", - "\u3359", - "\u0031\u70B9", - "\u335A", - "\u0032\u70B9", - "\u335B", - "\u0033\u70B9", - "\u335C", - "\u0034\u70B9", - "\u335D", - "\u0035\u70B9", - "\u335E", - "\u0036\u70B9", - "\u335F", - "\u0037\u70B9", - "\u3360", - "\u0038\u70B9", - "\u3361", - "\u0039\u70B9", - "\u3362", - "\u0031\u0030\u70B9", - "\u3363", - "\u0031\u0031\u70B9", - "\u3364", - "\u0031\u0032\u70B9", - "\u3365", - "\u0031\u0033\u70B9", - "\u3366", - "\u0031\u0034\u70B9", - "\u3367", - "\u0031\u0035\u70B9", - "\u3368", - "\u0031\u0036\u70B9", - "\u3369", - "\u0031\u0037\u70B9", - "\u336A", - "\u0031\u0038\u70B9", - "\u336B", - "\u0031\u0039\u70B9", - "\u336C", - "\u0032\u0030\u70B9", - "\u336D", - "\u0032\u0031\u70B9", - "\u336E", - "\u0032\u0032\u70B9", - "\u336F", - "\u0032\u0033\u70B9", - "\u3370", - "\u0032\u0034\u70B9", - "\u33E0", - "\u0031\u65E5", - "\u33E1", - "\u0032\u65E5", - "\u33E2", - "\u0033\u65E5", - "\u33E3", - "\u0034\u65E5", - "\u33E4", - "\u0035\u65E5", - "\u33E5", - "\u0036\u65E5", - "\u33E6", - "\u0037\u65E5", - "\u33E7", - "\u0038\u65E5", - "\u33E8", - "\u0039\u65E5", - "\u33E9", - "\u0031\u0030\u65E5", - "\u33EA", - "\u0031\u0031\u65E5", - "\u33EB", - "\u0031\u0032\u65E5", - "\u33EC", - "\u0031\u0033\u65E5", - "\u33ED", - "\u0031\u0034\u65E5", - "\u33EE", - "\u0031\u0035\u65E5", - "\u33EF", - "\u0031\u0036\u65E5", - "\u33F0", - "\u0031\u0037\u65E5", - "\u33F1", - "\u0031\u0038\u65E5", - "\u33F2", - "\u0031\u0039\u65E5", - "\u33F3", - "\u0032\u0030\u65E5", - "\u33F4", - "\u0032\u0031\u65E5", - "\u33F5", - "\u0032\u0032\u65E5", - "\u33F6", - "\u0032\u0033\u65E5", - "\u33F7", - "\u0032\u0034\u65E5", - "\u33F8", - "\u0032\u0035\u65E5", - "\u33F9", - "\u0032\u0036\u65E5", - "\u33FA", - "\u0032\u0037\u65E5", - "\u33FB", - "\u0032\u0038\u65E5", - "\u33FC", - "\u0032\u0039\u65E5", - "\u33FD", - "\u0033\u0030\u65E5", - "\u33FE", - "\u0033\u0031\u65E5", - "\uFB00", - "\u0066\u0066", - "\uFB01", - "\u0066\u0069", - "\uFB02", - "\u0066\u006C", - "\uFB03", - "\u0066\u0066\u0069", - "\uFB04", - "\u0066\u0066\u006C", - "\uFB05", - "\u017F\u0074", - "\uFB06", - "\u0073\u0074", - "\uFB13", - "\u0574\u0576", - "\uFB14", - "\u0574\u0565", - "\uFB15", - "\u0574\u056B", - "\uFB16", - "\u057E\u0576", - "\uFB17", - "\u0574\u056D", - "\uFB4F", - "\u05D0\u05DC", - "\uFB50", - "\u0671", - "\uFB51", - "\u0671", - "\uFB52", - "\u067B", - "\uFB53", - "\u067B", - "\uFB54", - "\u067B", - "\uFB55", - "\u067B", - "\uFB56", - "\u067E", - "\uFB57", - "\u067E", - "\uFB58", - "\u067E", - "\uFB59", - "\u067E", - "\uFB5A", - "\u0680", - "\uFB5B", - "\u0680", - "\uFB5C", - "\u0680", - "\uFB5D", - "\u0680", - "\uFB5E", - "\u067A", - "\uFB5F", - "\u067A", - "\uFB60", - "\u067A", - "\uFB61", - "\u067A", - "\uFB62", - "\u067F", - "\uFB63", - "\u067F", - "\uFB64", - "\u067F", - "\uFB65", - "\u067F", - "\uFB66", - "\u0679", - "\uFB67", - "\u0679", - "\uFB68", - "\u0679", - "\uFB69", - "\u0679", - "\uFB6A", - "\u06A4", - "\uFB6B", - "\u06A4", - "\uFB6C", - "\u06A4", - "\uFB6D", - "\u06A4", - "\uFB6E", - "\u06A6", - "\uFB6F", - "\u06A6", - "\uFB70", - "\u06A6", - "\uFB71", - "\u06A6", - "\uFB72", - "\u0684", - "\uFB73", - "\u0684", - "\uFB74", - "\u0684", - "\uFB75", - "\u0684", - "\uFB76", - "\u0683", - "\uFB77", - "\u0683", - "\uFB78", - "\u0683", - "\uFB79", - "\u0683", - "\uFB7A", - "\u0686", - "\uFB7B", - "\u0686", - "\uFB7C", - "\u0686", - "\uFB7D", - "\u0686", - "\uFB7E", - "\u0687", - "\uFB7F", - "\u0687", - "\uFB80", - "\u0687", - "\uFB81", - "\u0687", - "\uFB82", - "\u068D", - "\uFB83", - "\u068D", - "\uFB84", - "\u068C", - "\uFB85", - "\u068C", - "\uFB86", - "\u068E", - "\uFB87", - "\u068E", - "\uFB88", - "\u0688", - "\uFB89", - "\u0688", - "\uFB8A", - "\u0698", - "\uFB8B", - "\u0698", - "\uFB8C", - "\u0691", - "\uFB8D", - "\u0691", - "\uFB8E", - "\u06A9", - "\uFB8F", - "\u06A9", - "\uFB90", - "\u06A9", - "\uFB91", - "\u06A9", - "\uFB92", - "\u06AF", - "\uFB93", - "\u06AF", - "\uFB94", - "\u06AF", - "\uFB95", - "\u06AF", - "\uFB96", - "\u06B3", - "\uFB97", - "\u06B3", - "\uFB98", - "\u06B3", - "\uFB99", - "\u06B3", - "\uFB9A", - "\u06B1", - "\uFB9B", - "\u06B1", - "\uFB9C", - "\u06B1", - "\uFB9D", - "\u06B1", - "\uFB9E", - "\u06BA", - "\uFB9F", - "\u06BA", - "\uFBA0", - "\u06BB", - "\uFBA1", - "\u06BB", - "\uFBA2", - "\u06BB", - "\uFBA3", - "\u06BB", - "\uFBA4", - "\u06C0", - "\uFBA5", - "\u06C0", - "\uFBA6", - "\u06C1", - "\uFBA7", - "\u06C1", - "\uFBA8", - "\u06C1", - "\uFBA9", - "\u06C1", - "\uFBAA", - "\u06BE", - "\uFBAB", - "\u06BE", - "\uFBAC", - "\u06BE", - "\uFBAD", - "\u06BE", - "\uFBAE", - "\u06D2", - "\uFBAF", - "\u06D2", - "\uFBB0", - "\u06D3", - "\uFBB1", - "\u06D3", - "\uFBD3", - "\u06AD", - "\uFBD4", - "\u06AD", - "\uFBD5", - "\u06AD", - "\uFBD6", - "\u06AD", - "\uFBD7", - "\u06C7", - "\uFBD8", - "\u06C7", - "\uFBD9", - "\u06C6", - "\uFBDA", - "\u06C6", - "\uFBDB", - "\u06C8", - "\uFBDC", - "\u06C8", - "\uFBDD", - "\u0677", - "\uFBDE", - "\u06CB", - "\uFBDF", - "\u06CB", - "\uFBE0", - "\u06C5", - "\uFBE1", - "\u06C5", - "\uFBE2", - "\u06C9", - "\uFBE3", - "\u06C9", - "\uFBE4", - "\u06D0", - "\uFBE5", - "\u06D0", - "\uFBE6", - "\u06D0", - "\uFBE7", - "\u06D0", - "\uFBE8", - "\u0649", - "\uFBE9", - "\u0649", - "\uFBEA", - "\u0626\u0627", - "\uFBEB", - "\u0626\u0627", - "\uFBEC", - "\u0626\u06D5", - "\uFBED", - "\u0626\u06D5", - "\uFBEE", - "\u0626\u0648", - "\uFBEF", - "\u0626\u0648", - "\uFBF0", - "\u0626\u06C7", - "\uFBF1", - "\u0626\u06C7", - "\uFBF2", - "\u0626\u06C6", - "\uFBF3", - "\u0626\u06C6", - "\uFBF4", - "\u0626\u06C8", - "\uFBF5", - "\u0626\u06C8", - "\uFBF6", - "\u0626\u06D0", - "\uFBF7", - "\u0626\u06D0", - "\uFBF8", - "\u0626\u06D0", - "\uFBF9", - "\u0626\u0649", - "\uFBFA", - "\u0626\u0649", - "\uFBFB", - "\u0626\u0649", - "\uFBFC", - "\u06CC", - "\uFBFD", - "\u06CC", - "\uFBFE", - "\u06CC", - "\uFBFF", - "\u06CC", - "\uFC00", - "\u0626\u062C", - "\uFC01", - "\u0626\u062D", - "\uFC02", - "\u0626\u0645", - "\uFC03", - "\u0626\u0649", - "\uFC04", - "\u0626\u064A", - "\uFC05", - "\u0628\u062C", - "\uFC06", - "\u0628\u062D", - "\uFC07", - "\u0628\u062E", - "\uFC08", - "\u0628\u0645", - "\uFC09", - "\u0628\u0649", - "\uFC0A", - "\u0628\u064A", - "\uFC0B", - "\u062A\u062C", - "\uFC0C", - "\u062A\u062D", - "\uFC0D", - "\u062A\u062E", - "\uFC0E", - "\u062A\u0645", - "\uFC0F", - "\u062A\u0649", - "\uFC10", - "\u062A\u064A", - "\uFC11", - "\u062B\u062C", - "\uFC12", - "\u062B\u0645", - "\uFC13", - "\u062B\u0649", - "\uFC14", - "\u062B\u064A", - "\uFC15", - "\u062C\u062D", - "\uFC16", - "\u062C\u0645", - "\uFC17", - "\u062D\u062C", - "\uFC18", - "\u062D\u0645", - "\uFC19", - "\u062E\u062C", - "\uFC1A", - "\u062E\u062D", - "\uFC1B", - "\u062E\u0645", - "\uFC1C", - "\u0633\u062C", - "\uFC1D", - "\u0633\u062D", - "\uFC1E", - "\u0633\u062E", - "\uFC1F", - "\u0633\u0645", - "\uFC20", - "\u0635\u062D", - "\uFC21", - "\u0635\u0645", - "\uFC22", - "\u0636\u062C", - "\uFC23", - "\u0636\u062D", - "\uFC24", - "\u0636\u062E", - "\uFC25", - "\u0636\u0645", - "\uFC26", - "\u0637\u062D", - "\uFC27", - "\u0637\u0645", - "\uFC28", - "\u0638\u0645", - "\uFC29", - "\u0639\u062C", - "\uFC2A", - "\u0639\u0645", - "\uFC2B", - "\u063A\u062C", - "\uFC2C", - "\u063A\u0645", - "\uFC2D", - "\u0641\u062C", - "\uFC2E", - "\u0641\u062D", - "\uFC2F", - "\u0641\u062E", - "\uFC30", - "\u0641\u0645", - "\uFC31", - "\u0641\u0649", - "\uFC32", - "\u0641\u064A", - "\uFC33", - "\u0642\u062D", - "\uFC34", - "\u0642\u0645", - "\uFC35", - "\u0642\u0649", - "\uFC36", - "\u0642\u064A", - "\uFC37", - "\u0643\u0627", - "\uFC38", - "\u0643\u062C", - "\uFC39", - "\u0643\u062D", - "\uFC3A", - "\u0643\u062E", - "\uFC3B", - "\u0643\u0644", - "\uFC3C", - "\u0643\u0645", - "\uFC3D", - "\u0643\u0649", - "\uFC3E", - "\u0643\u064A", - "\uFC3F", - "\u0644\u062C", - "\uFC40", - "\u0644\u062D", - "\uFC41", - "\u0644\u062E", - "\uFC42", - "\u0644\u0645", - "\uFC43", - "\u0644\u0649", - "\uFC44", - "\u0644\u064A", - "\uFC45", - "\u0645\u062C", - "\uFC46", - "\u0645\u062D", - "\uFC47", - "\u0645\u062E", - "\uFC48", - "\u0645\u0645", - "\uFC49", - "\u0645\u0649", - "\uFC4A", - "\u0645\u064A", - "\uFC4B", - "\u0646\u062C", - "\uFC4C", - "\u0646\u062D", - "\uFC4D", - "\u0646\u062E", - "\uFC4E", - "\u0646\u0645", - "\uFC4F", - "\u0646\u0649", - "\uFC50", - "\u0646\u064A", - "\uFC51", - "\u0647\u062C", - "\uFC52", - "\u0647\u0645", - "\uFC53", - "\u0647\u0649", - "\uFC54", - "\u0647\u064A", - "\uFC55", - "\u064A\u062C", - "\uFC56", - "\u064A\u062D", - "\uFC57", - "\u064A\u062E", - "\uFC58", - "\u064A\u0645", - "\uFC59", - "\u064A\u0649", - "\uFC5A", - "\u064A\u064A", - "\uFC5B", - "\u0630\u0670", - "\uFC5C", - "\u0631\u0670", - "\uFC5D", - "\u0649\u0670", - "\uFC5E", - "\u0020\u064C\u0651", - "\uFC5F", - "\u0020\u064D\u0651", - "\uFC60", - "\u0020\u064E\u0651", - "\uFC61", - "\u0020\u064F\u0651", - "\uFC62", - "\u0020\u0650\u0651", - "\uFC63", - "\u0020\u0651\u0670", - "\uFC64", - "\u0626\u0631", - "\uFC65", - "\u0626\u0632", - "\uFC66", - "\u0626\u0645", - "\uFC67", - "\u0626\u0646", - "\uFC68", - "\u0626\u0649", - "\uFC69", - "\u0626\u064A", - "\uFC6A", - "\u0628\u0631", - "\uFC6B", - "\u0628\u0632", - "\uFC6C", - "\u0628\u0645", - "\uFC6D", - "\u0628\u0646", - "\uFC6E", - "\u0628\u0649", - "\uFC6F", - "\u0628\u064A", - "\uFC70", - "\u062A\u0631", - "\uFC71", - "\u062A\u0632", - "\uFC72", - "\u062A\u0645", - "\uFC73", - "\u062A\u0646", - "\uFC74", - "\u062A\u0649", - "\uFC75", - "\u062A\u064A", - "\uFC76", - "\u062B\u0631", - "\uFC77", - "\u062B\u0632", - "\uFC78", - "\u062B\u0645", - "\uFC79", - "\u062B\u0646", - "\uFC7A", - "\u062B\u0649", - "\uFC7B", - "\u062B\u064A", - "\uFC7C", - "\u0641\u0649", - "\uFC7D", - "\u0641\u064A", - "\uFC7E", - "\u0642\u0649", - "\uFC7F", - "\u0642\u064A", - "\uFC80", - "\u0643\u0627", - "\uFC81", - "\u0643\u0644", - "\uFC82", - "\u0643\u0645", - "\uFC83", - "\u0643\u0649", - "\uFC84", - "\u0643\u064A", - "\uFC85", - "\u0644\u0645", - "\uFC86", - "\u0644\u0649", - "\uFC87", - "\u0644\u064A", - "\uFC88", - "\u0645\u0627", - "\uFC89", - "\u0645\u0645", - "\uFC8A", - "\u0646\u0631", - "\uFC8B", - "\u0646\u0632", - "\uFC8C", - "\u0646\u0645", - "\uFC8D", - "\u0646\u0646", - "\uFC8E", - "\u0646\u0649", - "\uFC8F", - "\u0646\u064A", - "\uFC90", - "\u0649\u0670", - "\uFC91", - "\u064A\u0631", - "\uFC92", - "\u064A\u0632", - "\uFC93", - "\u064A\u0645", - "\uFC94", - "\u064A\u0646", - "\uFC95", - "\u064A\u0649", - "\uFC96", - "\u064A\u064A", - "\uFC97", - "\u0626\u062C", - "\uFC98", - "\u0626\u062D", - "\uFC99", - "\u0626\u062E", - "\uFC9A", - "\u0626\u0645", - "\uFC9B", - "\u0626\u0647", - "\uFC9C", - "\u0628\u062C", - "\uFC9D", - "\u0628\u062D", - "\uFC9E", - "\u0628\u062E", - "\uFC9F", - "\u0628\u0645", - "\uFCA0", - "\u0628\u0647", - "\uFCA1", - "\u062A\u062C", - "\uFCA2", - "\u062A\u062D", - "\uFCA3", - "\u062A\u062E", - "\uFCA4", - "\u062A\u0645", - "\uFCA5", - "\u062A\u0647", - "\uFCA6", - "\u062B\u0645", - "\uFCA7", - "\u062C\u062D", - "\uFCA8", - "\u062C\u0645", - "\uFCA9", - "\u062D\u062C", - "\uFCAA", - "\u062D\u0645", - "\uFCAB", - 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charsLength = chars.length; - if (charsLength <= 1 || !isRTLRangeFor(chars.charCodeAt(0))) { - return chars; - } - const buf = []; - for (let ii = charsLength - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) { - buf.push(chars[ii]); - } - return buf.join(""); -} const SpecialCharRegExp = new RegExp("^(\\s)|(\\p{Mn})|(\\p{Cf})$", "u"); const CategoryCache = new Map(); function getCharUnicodeCategory(char) { @@ -37357,7 +30129,7 @@ function clearUnicodeCaches() { /***/ }), -/* 40 */ +/* 41 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -37369,7 +30141,7 @@ exports.getSerifFonts = exports.getNonStdFontMap = exports.getGlyphMapForStandar exports.getStandardFontName = getStandardFontName; exports.getSymbolsFonts = exports.getSupplementalGlyphMapForCalibri = exports.getSupplementalGlyphMapForArialBlack = exports.getStdFontMap = void 0; var _core_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(3); -var _fonts_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(37); +var _fonts_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(38); const getStdFontMap = (0, _core_utils.getLookupTableFactory)(function (t) { t["Times-Roman"] = "Times-Roman"; t.Helvetica = "Helvetica"; @@ -38218,7 +30990,7 @@ function getStandardFontName(name) { } /***/ }), -/* 41 */ +/* 42 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -38297,7 +31069,7 @@ class IdentityToUnicodeMap { exports.IdentityToUnicodeMap = IdentityToUnicodeMap; /***/ }), -/* 42 */ +/* 43 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -38306,8 +31078,8 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.CFFFont = void 0; -var _cff_parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(34); -var _fonts_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(37); +var _cff_parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(35); +var _fonts_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(38); var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); class CFFFont { constructor(file, properties) { @@ -38409,7 +31181,7 @@ class CFFFont { exports.CFFFont = CFFFont; /***/ }), -/* 43 */ +/* 44 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -38419,9 +31191,9 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ })); exports.FontRendererFactory = void 0; var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); -var _cff_parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(34); -var _glyphlist = __w_pdfjs_require__(38); -var _encodings = __w_pdfjs_require__(36); +var _cff_parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(35); +var _glyphlist = __w_pdfjs_require__(39); +var _encodings = __w_pdfjs_require__(37); var _stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(8); function getUint32(data, offset) { return (data[offset] << 24 | data[offset + 1] << 16 | data[offset + 2] << 8 | data[offset + 3]) >>> 0; @@ -39226,7 +31998,7 @@ class FontRendererFactory { exports.FontRendererFactory = FontRendererFactory; /***/ }), -/* 44 */ +/* 45 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -42264,7 +35036,7 @@ const getFontBasicMetrics = (0, _core_utils.getLookupTableFactory)(function (t) exports.getFontBasicMetrics = getFontBasicMetrics; /***/ }), -/* 45 */ +/* 46 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { @@ -42809,7 +35581,7 @@ class CompositeGlyph { } /***/ }), -/* 46 */ +/* 47 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -42925,7 +35697,7 @@ class OpenTypeFileBuilder { exports.OpenTypeFileBuilder = OpenTypeFileBuilder; /***/ }), -/* 47 */ +/* 48 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -42934,12 +35706,12 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.Type1Font = void 0; -var _cff_parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(34); +var _cff_parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(35); var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); -var _fonts_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(37); +var _fonts_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(38); var _core_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(3); var _stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(8); -var _type1_parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(48); +var _type1_parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(49); function findBlock(streamBytes, signature, startIndex) { const streamBytesLength = streamBytes.length; const signatureLength = signature.length; @@ -43211,7 +35983,7 @@ class Type1Font { exports.Type1Font = Type1Font; /***/ }), -/* 48 */ +/* 49 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -43220,7 +35992,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.Type1Parser = void 0; -var _encodings = __w_pdfjs_require__(36); +var _encodings = __w_pdfjs_require__(37); var _core_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(3); var _stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(8); var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); @@ -43786,7 +36558,7 @@ class Type1Parser { exports.Type1Parser = Type1Parser; /***/ }), -/* 49 */ +/* 50 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -43840,9 +36612,7 @@ class Pattern { } exports.Pattern = Pattern; class BaseShading { - static get SMALL_NUMBER() { - return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "SMALL_NUMBER", 1e-6); - } + static SMALL_NUMBER = 1e-6; constructor() { if (this.constructor === BaseShading) { (0, _util.unreachable)("Cannot initialize BaseShading."); @@ -43895,7 +36665,7 @@ class RadialAxialShading extends BaseShading { this.extendEnd = extendEnd; const fnObj = dict.getRaw("Function"); const fn = pdfFunctionFactory.createFromArray(fnObj); - const NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES = 10; + const NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES = 840; const step = (t1 - t0) / NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES; const colorStops = this.colorStops = []; if (t0 >= t1 || step <= 0) { @@ -43905,13 +36675,51 @@ class RadialAxialShading extends BaseShading { const color = new Float32Array(cs.numComps), ratio = new Float32Array(1); let rgbColor; - for (let i = 0; i <= NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES; i++) { + let iBase = 0; + ratio[0] = t0; + fn(ratio, 0, color, 0); + let rgbBase = cs.getRgb(color, 0); + const cssColorBase = _util.Util.makeHexColor(rgbBase[0], rgbBase[1], rgbBase[2]); + colorStops.push([0, cssColorBase]); + let iPrev = 1; + ratio[0] = t0 + step; + fn(ratio, 0, color, 0); + let rgbPrev = cs.getRgb(color, 0); + let maxSlopeR = rgbPrev[0] - rgbBase[0] + 1; + let maxSlopeG = rgbPrev[1] - rgbBase[1] + 1; + let maxSlopeB = rgbPrev[2] - rgbBase[2] + 1; + let minSlopeR = rgbPrev[0] - rgbBase[0] - 1; + let minSlopeG = rgbPrev[1] - rgbBase[1] - 1; + let minSlopeB = rgbPrev[2] - rgbBase[2] - 1; + for (let i = 2; i < NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES; i++) { ratio[0] = t0 + i * step; fn(ratio, 0, color, 0); rgbColor = cs.getRgb(color, 0); - const cssColor = _util.Util.makeHexColor(rgbColor[0], rgbColor[1], rgbColor[2]); - colorStops.push([i / NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES, cssColor]); - } + const run = i - iBase; + maxSlopeR = Math.min(maxSlopeR, (rgbColor[0] - rgbBase[0] + 1) / run); + maxSlopeG = Math.min(maxSlopeG, (rgbColor[1] - rgbBase[1] + 1) / run); + maxSlopeB = Math.min(maxSlopeB, (rgbColor[2] - rgbBase[2] + 1) / run); + minSlopeR = Math.max(minSlopeR, (rgbColor[0] - rgbBase[0] - 1) / run); + minSlopeG = Math.max(minSlopeG, (rgbColor[1] - rgbBase[1] - 1) / run); + minSlopeB = Math.max(minSlopeB, (rgbColor[2] - rgbBase[2] - 1) / run); + const slopesExist = minSlopeR <= maxSlopeR && minSlopeG <= maxSlopeG && minSlopeB <= maxSlopeB; + if (!slopesExist) { + const cssColor = _util.Util.makeHexColor(rgbPrev[0], rgbPrev[1], rgbPrev[2]); + colorStops.push([iPrev / NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES, cssColor]); + maxSlopeR = rgbColor[0] - rgbPrev[0] + 1; + maxSlopeG = rgbColor[1] - rgbPrev[1] + 1; + maxSlopeB = rgbColor[2] - rgbPrev[2] + 1; + minSlopeR = rgbColor[0] - rgbPrev[0] - 1; + minSlopeG = rgbColor[1] - rgbPrev[1] - 1; + minSlopeB = rgbColor[2] - rgbPrev[2] - 1; + iBase = iPrev; + rgbBase = rgbPrev; + } + iPrev = i; + rgbPrev = rgbColor; + } + const cssColor = _util.Util.makeHexColor(rgbPrev[0], rgbPrev[1], rgbPrev[2]); + colorStops.push([1, cssColor]); let background = "transparent"; if (dict.has("Background")) { rgbColor = cs.getRgb(dict.get("Background"), 0); @@ -44041,24 +36849,15 @@ const getB = function getBClosure() { } return lut; } - const cache = []; + const cache = Object.create(null); return function (count) { - if (!cache[count]) { - cache[count] = buildB(count); - } - return cache[count]; + return cache[count] ||= buildB(count); }; }(); class MeshShading extends BaseShading { - static get MIN_SPLIT_PATCH_CHUNKS_AMOUNT() { - return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "MIN_SPLIT_PATCH_CHUNKS_AMOUNT", 3); - } - static get MAX_SPLIT_PATCH_CHUNKS_AMOUNT() { - return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "MAX_SPLIT_PATCH_CHUNKS_AMOUNT", 20); - } - static get TRIANGLE_DENSITY() { - return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "TRIANGLE_DENSITY", 20); - } + static MIN_SPLIT_PATCH_CHUNKS_AMOUNT = 3; + static MAX_SPLIT_PATCH_CHUNKS_AMOUNT = 20; + static TRIANGLE_DENSITY = 20; constructor(stream, xref, resources, pdfFunctionFactory, localColorSpaceCache) { super(); if (!(stream instanceof _base_stream.BaseStream)) { @@ -44570,7 +37369,7 @@ function getTilingPatternIR(operatorList, dict, color) { } /***/ }), -/* 50 */ +/* 51 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -44580,14 +37379,14 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ })); exports.getXfaFontDict = getXfaFontDict; exports.getXfaFontName = getXfaFontName; -var _calibri_factors = __w_pdfjs_require__(51); +var _calibri_factors = __w_pdfjs_require__(52); var _primitives = __w_pdfjs_require__(4); -var _helvetica_factors = __w_pdfjs_require__(52); -var _liberationsans_widths = __w_pdfjs_require__(53); -var _myriadpro_factors = __w_pdfjs_require__(54); -var _segoeui_factors = __w_pdfjs_require__(55); +var _helvetica_factors = __w_pdfjs_require__(53); +var _liberationsans_widths = __w_pdfjs_require__(54); +var _myriadpro_factors = __w_pdfjs_require__(55); +var _segoeui_factors = __w_pdfjs_require__(56); var _core_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(3); -var _fonts_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(37); +var _fonts_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(38); const getXFAFontMap = (0, _core_utils.getLookupTableFactory)(function (t) { t["MyriadPro-Regular"] = t["PdfJS-Fallback-Regular"] = { name: "LiberationSans-Regular", @@ -44783,7 +37582,7 @@ function getXfaFontDict(name) { } /***/ }), -/* 51 */ +/* 52 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { @@ -44822,7 +37621,7 @@ const CalibriRegularMetrics = { exports.CalibriRegularMetrics = CalibriRegularMetrics; /***/ }), -/* 52 */ +/* 53 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { @@ -44861,7 +37660,7 @@ const HelveticaRegularMetrics = { exports.HelveticaRegularMetrics = HelveticaRegularMetrics; /***/ }), -/* 53 */ +/* 54 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { @@ -44888,7 +37687,7 @@ const LiberationSansRegularMapping = [-1, -1, -1, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 exports.LiberationSansRegularMapping = LiberationSansRegularMapping; /***/ }), -/* 54 */ +/* 55 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { @@ -44927,7 +37726,7 @@ const MyriadProRegularMetrics = { exports.MyriadProRegularMetrics = MyriadProRegularMetrics; /***/ }), -/* 55 */ +/* 56 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { @@ -44966,7 +37765,7 @@ const SegoeuiRegularMetrics = { exports.SegoeuiRegularMetrics = SegoeuiRegularMetrics; /***/ }), -/* 56 */ +/* 57 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -44978,9 +37777,9 @@ exports.PostScriptEvaluator = exports.PostScriptCompiler = exports.PDFFunctionFa exports.isPDFFunction = isPDFFunction; var _primitives = __w_pdfjs_require__(4); var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); -var _ps_parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(57); +var _ps_parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(58); var _base_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(5); -var _image_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(58); +var _image_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(59); class PDFFunctionFactory { constructor({ xref, @@ -45409,9 +38208,7 @@ function isPDFFunction(v) { return fnDict.has("FunctionType"); } class PostScriptStack { - static get MAX_STACK_SIZE() { - return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "MAX_STACK_SIZE", 100); - } + static MAX_STACK_SIZE = 100; constructor(initialStack) { this.stack = initialStack ? Array.from(initialStack) : []; } @@ -46021,7 +38818,7 @@ class PostScriptCompiler { exports.PostScriptCompiler = PostScriptCompiler; /***/ }), -/* 57 */ +/* 58 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -46119,11 +38916,7 @@ class PostScriptToken { this.value = value; } static getOperator(op) { - const opValue = PostScriptToken.opCache[op]; - if (opValue) { - return opValue; - } - return PostScriptToken.opCache[op] = new PostScriptToken(PostScriptTokenTypes.OPERATOR, op); + return PostScriptToken.opCache[op] ||= new PostScriptToken(PostScriptTokenTypes.OPERATOR, op); } static get LBRACE() { return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "LBRACE", new PostScriptToken(PostScriptTokenTypes.LBRACE, "{")); @@ -46225,7 +39018,7 @@ class PostScriptLexer { exports.PostScriptLexer = PostScriptLexer; /***/ }), -/* 58 */ +/* 59 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -46233,7 +39026,7 @@ exports.PostScriptLexer = PostScriptLexer; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -exports.LocalTilingPatternCache = exports.LocalImageCache = exports.LocalGStateCache = exports.LocalFunctionCache = exports.LocalColorSpaceCache = exports.GlobalImageCache = void 0; +exports.RegionalImageCache = exports.LocalTilingPatternCache = exports.LocalImageCache = exports.LocalGStateCache = exports.LocalFunctionCache = exports.LocalColorSpaceCache = exports.GlobalImageCache = void 0; var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); var _primitives = __w_pdfjs_require__(4); class BaseLocalCache { @@ -46361,16 +39154,27 @@ class LocalTilingPatternCache extends BaseLocalCache { } } exports.LocalTilingPatternCache = LocalTilingPatternCache; -class GlobalImageCache { - static get NUM_PAGES_THRESHOLD() { - return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "NUM_PAGES_THRESHOLD", 2); - } - static get MIN_IMAGES_TO_CACHE() { - return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "MIN_IMAGES_TO_CACHE", 10); +class RegionalImageCache extends BaseLocalCache { + constructor(options) { + super({ + onlyRefs: true + }); } - static get MAX_BYTE_SIZE() { - return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "MAX_BYTE_SIZE", 5 * _util.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_TO_CACHE); + set(name = null, ref, data) { + if (!ref) { + throw new Error('RegionalImageCache.set - expected "ref" argument.'); + } + if (this._imageCache.has(ref)) { + return; + } + this._imageCache.put(ref, data); } +} +exports.RegionalImageCache = RegionalImageCache; +class GlobalImageCache { + static NUM_PAGES_THRESHOLD = 2; + static MIN_IMAGES_TO_CACHE = 10; + static MAX_BYTE_SIZE = 5 * _util.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_TO_CACHE; constructor() { this._refCache = new _primitives.RefSetCache(); this._imageCache = new _primitives.RefSetCache(); @@ -46392,23 +39196,19 @@ class GlobalImageCache { return true; } shouldCache(ref, pageIndex) { - const pageIndexSet = this._refCache.get(ref); - const numPages = pageIndexSet ? pageIndexSet.size + (pageIndexSet.has(pageIndex) ? 0 : 1) : 1; - if (numPages < GlobalImageCache.NUM_PAGES_THRESHOLD) { - return false; - } - if (!this._imageCache.has(ref) && this._cacheLimitReached) { - return false; - } - return true; - } - addPageIndex(ref, pageIndex) { let pageIndexSet = this._refCache.get(ref); if (!pageIndexSet) { pageIndexSet = new Set(); this._refCache.put(ref, pageIndexSet); } pageIndexSet.add(pageIndex); + if (pageIndexSet.size < GlobalImageCache.NUM_PAGES_THRESHOLD) { + return false; + } + if (!this._imageCache.has(ref) && this._cacheLimitReached) { + return false; + } + return true; } addByteSize(ref, byteSize) { const imageData = this._imageCache.get(ref); @@ -46437,7 +39237,7 @@ class GlobalImageCache { } setData(ref, data) { if (!this._refCache.has(ref)) { - throw new Error('GlobalImageCache.setData - expected "addPageIndex" to have been called.'); + throw new Error('GlobalImageCache.setData - expected "shouldCache" to have been called.'); } if (this._imageCache.has(ref)) { return; @@ -46458,7 +39258,7 @@ class GlobalImageCache { exports.GlobalImageCache = GlobalImageCache; /***/ }), -/* 59 */ +/* 60 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -46534,7 +39334,7 @@ function bidi(str, startLevel = -1, vertical = false) { if (!charType) { (0, _util.warn)("Bidi: invalid Unicode character " + charCode.toString(16)); } - } else if (0x0700 <= charCode && charCode <= 0x08ac) { + } else if (0x0700 <= charCode && charCode <= 0x08ac || 0xfb50 <= charCode && charCode <= 0xfdff || 0xfe70 <= charCode && charCode <= 0xfeff) { charType = "AL"; } if (charType === "R" || charType === "AL" || charType === "AN") { @@ -46705,7 +39505,7 @@ function bidi(str, startLevel = -1, vertical = false) { } /***/ }), -/* 60 */ +/* 61 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -46959,7 +39759,7 @@ exports.ImageResizer = ImageResizer; ImageResizer._goodSquareLength = MIN_IMAGE_DIM; /***/ }), -/* 61 */ +/* 62 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -47063,7 +39863,7 @@ class MurmurHash3_64 { exports.MurmurHash3_64 = MurmurHash3_64; /***/ }), -/* 62 */ +/* 63 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -47077,7 +39877,7 @@ function addState(parentState, pattern, checkFn, iterateFn, processFn) { let state = parentState; for (let i = 0, ii = pattern.length - 1; i < ii; i++) { const item = pattern[i]; - state = state[item] || (state[item] = []); + state = state[item] ||= []; } state[] = { checkFn, @@ -47480,12 +40280,8 @@ class QueueOptimizer extends NullOptimizer { } } class OperatorList { - static get CHUNK_SIZE() { - return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "CHUNK_SIZE", 1000); - } - static get CHUNK_SIZE_ABOUT() { - return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "CHUNK_SIZE_ABOUT", this.CHUNK_SIZE - 5); - } + static CHUNK_SIZE = 1000; + static CHUNK_SIZE_ABOUT = this.CHUNK_SIZE - 5; constructor(intent = 0, streamSink) { this._streamSink = streamSink; this.fnArray = []; @@ -47605,7 +40401,7 @@ class OperatorList { exports.OperatorList = OperatorList; /***/ }), -/* 63 */ +/* 64 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -47615,13 +40411,13 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ })); exports.PDFImage = void 0; var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); -var _image_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(27); +var _image_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(28); var _base_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(5); var _colorspace = __w_pdfjs_require__(12); -var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(17); -var _image_resizer = __w_pdfjs_require__(60); -var _jpeg_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(25); -var _jpx = __w_pdfjs_require__(29); +var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(18); +var _image_resizer = __w_pdfjs_require__(61); +var _jpeg_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(26); +var _jpx = __w_pdfjs_require__(30); var _primitives = __w_pdfjs_require__(4); function decodeAndClamp(value, addend, coefficient, max) { value = addend + value * coefficient; @@ -48165,7 +40961,7 @@ class PDFImage { } return imgData; } - if (this.image instanceof _jpeg_stream.JpegStream && !this.smask && !this.mask) { + if (this.image instanceof _jpeg_stream.JpegStream && !this.smask && !this.mask && !this.needsDecode) { let imageLength = originalHeight * rowBytes; if (isOffscreenCanvasSupported && !mustBeResized) { let isHandled = false; @@ -48353,7 +41149,7 @@ class PDFImage { exports.PDFImage = PDFImage; /***/ }), -/* 64 */ +/* 65 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -48367,9 +41163,9 @@ exports.writeObject = writeObject; var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); var _primitives = __w_pdfjs_require__(4); var _core_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(3); -var _xml_parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(65); +var _xml_parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(66); var _base_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(5); -var _crypto = __w_pdfjs_require__(66); +var _crypto = __w_pdfjs_require__(67); function writeObject(ref, obj, buffer, transform) { buffer.push(`${ref.num} ${ref.gen} obj\n`); if (obj instanceof _primitives.Dict) { @@ -48669,7 +41465,7 @@ function incrementalUpdate({ } /***/ }), -/* 65 */ +/* 66 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -49097,7 +41893,7 @@ class SimpleXMLParser extends XMLParserBase { exports.SimpleXMLParser = SimpleXMLParser; /***/ }), -/* 66 */ +/* 67 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -49110,7 +41906,7 @@ exports.calculateSHA384 = calculateSHA384; exports.calculateSHA512 = void 0; var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); var _primitives = __w_pdfjs_require__(4); -var _decrypt_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(67); +var _decrypt_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(68); class ARCFourCipher { constructor(key) { this.a = 0; @@ -50004,8 +42800,8 @@ class PDF17 { } } exports.PDF17 = PDF17; -const PDF20 = function PDF20Closure() { - function calculatePDF20Hash(password, input, userBytes) { +class PDF20 { + _hash(password, input, userBytes) { let k = calculateSHA256(input, 0, input.length).subarray(0, 32); let e = [0]; let i = 0; @@ -50036,45 +42832,39 @@ const PDF20 = function PDF20Closure() { } return k.subarray(0, 32); } - class PDF20 { - hash(password, concatBytes, userBytes) { - return calculatePDF20Hash(password, concatBytes, userBytes); - } - checkOwnerPassword(password, ownerValidationSalt, userBytes, ownerPassword) { - const hashData = new Uint8Array(password.length + 56); - hashData.set(password, 0); - hashData.set(ownerValidationSalt, password.length); - hashData.set(userBytes, password.length + ownerValidationSalt.length); - const result = calculatePDF20Hash(password, hashData, userBytes); - return (0, _util.isArrayEqual)(result, ownerPassword); - } - checkUserPassword(password, userValidationSalt, userPassword) { - const hashData = new Uint8Array(password.length + 8); - hashData.set(password, 0); - hashData.set(userValidationSalt, password.length); - const result = calculatePDF20Hash(password, hashData, []); - return (0, _util.isArrayEqual)(result, userPassword); - } - getOwnerKey(password, ownerKeySalt, userBytes, ownerEncryption) { - const hashData = new Uint8Array(password.length + 56); - hashData.set(password, 0); - hashData.set(ownerKeySalt, password.length); - hashData.set(userBytes, password.length + ownerKeySalt.length); - const key = calculatePDF20Hash(password, hashData, userBytes); - const cipher = new AES256Cipher(key); - return cipher.decryptBlock(ownerEncryption, false, new Uint8Array(16)); - } - getUserKey(password, userKeySalt, userEncryption) { - const hashData = new Uint8Array(password.length + 8); - hashData.set(password, 0); - hashData.set(userKeySalt, password.length); - const key = calculatePDF20Hash(password, hashData, []); - const cipher = new AES256Cipher(key); - return cipher.decryptBlock(userEncryption, false, new Uint8Array(16)); - } - } - return PDF20; -}(); + checkOwnerPassword(password, ownerValidationSalt, userBytes, ownerPassword) { + const hashData = new Uint8Array(password.length + 56); + hashData.set(password, 0); + hashData.set(ownerValidationSalt, password.length); + hashData.set(userBytes, password.length + ownerValidationSalt.length); + const result = this._hash(password, hashData, userBytes); + return (0, _util.isArrayEqual)(result, ownerPassword); + } + checkUserPassword(password, userValidationSalt, userPassword) { + const hashData = new Uint8Array(password.length + 8); + hashData.set(password, 0); + hashData.set(userValidationSalt, password.length); + const result = this._hash(password, hashData, []); + return (0, _util.isArrayEqual)(result, userPassword); + } + getOwnerKey(password, ownerKeySalt, userBytes, ownerEncryption) { + const hashData = new Uint8Array(password.length + 56); + hashData.set(password, 0); + hashData.set(ownerKeySalt, password.length); + hashData.set(userBytes, password.length + ownerKeySalt.length); + const key = this._hash(password, hashData, userBytes); + const cipher = new AES256Cipher(key); + return cipher.decryptBlock(ownerEncryption, false, new Uint8Array(16)); + } + getUserKey(password, userKeySalt, userEncryption) { + const hashData = new Uint8Array(password.length + 8); + hashData.set(password, 0); + hashData.set(userKeySalt, password.length); + const key = this._hash(password, hashData, []); + const cipher = new AES256Cipher(key); + return cipher.decryptBlock(userEncryption, false, new Uint8Array(16)); + } +} exports.PDF20 = PDF20; class CipherTransform { constructor(stringCipherConstructor, streamCipherConstructor) { @@ -50337,8 +43127,10 @@ const CipherTransformFactory = function CipherTransformFactoryClosure() { if (!Number.isInteger(keyLength) || keyLength < 40 || keyLength % 8 !== 0) { throw new _util.FormatError("invalid key length"); } - const ownerPassword = (0, _util.stringToBytes)(dict.get("O")).subarray(0, 32); - const userPassword = (0, _util.stringToBytes)(dict.get("U")).subarray(0, 32); + const ownerBytes = (0, _util.stringToBytes)(dict.get("O")), + userBytes = (0, _util.stringToBytes)(dict.get("U")); + const ownerPassword = ownerBytes.subarray(0, 32); + const userPassword = userBytes.subarray(0, 32); const flags = dict.get("P"); const revision = dict.get("R"); const encryptMetadata = (algorithm === 4 || algorithm === 5) && dict.get("EncryptMetadata") !== false; @@ -50350,7 +43142,7 @@ const CipherTransformFactory = function CipherTransformFactoryClosure() { try { password = (0, _util.utf8StringToString)(password); } catch (ex) { - (0, _util.warn)("CipherTransformFactory: " + "Unable to convert UTF8 encoded password."); + (0, _util.warn)("CipherTransformFactory: Unable to convert UTF8 encoded password."); } } passwordBytes = (0, _util.stringToBytes)(password); @@ -50359,11 +43151,11 @@ const CipherTransformFactory = function CipherTransformFactoryClosure() { if (algorithm !== 5) { encryptionKey = prepareKeyData(fileIdBytes, passwordBytes, ownerPassword, userPassword, flags, revision, keyLength, encryptMetadata); } else { - const ownerValidationSalt = (0, _util.stringToBytes)(dict.get("O")).subarray(32, 40); - const ownerKeySalt = (0, _util.stringToBytes)(dict.get("O")).subarray(40, 48); - const uBytes = (0, _util.stringToBytes)(dict.get("U")).subarray(0, 48); - const userValidationSalt = (0, _util.stringToBytes)(dict.get("U")).subarray(32, 40); - const userKeySalt = (0, _util.stringToBytes)(dict.get("U")).subarray(40, 48); + const ownerValidationSalt = ownerBytes.subarray(32, 40); + const ownerKeySalt = ownerBytes.subarray(40, 48); + const uBytes = userBytes.subarray(0, 48); + const userValidationSalt = userBytes.subarray(32, 40); + const userKeySalt = userBytes.subarray(40, 48); const ownerEncryption = (0, _util.stringToBytes)(dict.get("OE")); const userEncryption = (0, _util.stringToBytes)(dict.get("UE")); const perms = (0, _util.stringToBytes)(dict.get("Perms")); @@ -50406,7 +43198,7 @@ const CipherTransformFactory = function CipherTransformFactoryClosure() { exports.CipherTransformFactory = CipherTransformFactory; /***/ }), -/* 67 */ +/* 68 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -50415,7 +43207,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.DecryptStream = void 0; -var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(17); +var _decode_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(18); const chunkSize = 512; class DecryptStream extends _decode_stream.DecodeStream { constructor(str, maybeLength, decrypt) { @@ -50452,7 +43244,7 @@ class DecryptStream extends _decode_stream.DecodeStream { exports.DecryptStream = DecryptStream; /***/ }), -/* 68 */ +/* 69 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -50464,14 +43256,14 @@ exports.Catalog = void 0; var _core_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(3); var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); var _primitives = __w_pdfjs_require__(4); -var _name_number_tree = __w_pdfjs_require__(69); +var _name_number_tree = __w_pdfjs_require__(70); var _base_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(5); -var _cleanup_helper = __w_pdfjs_require__(70); +var _cleanup_helper = __w_pdfjs_require__(71); var _colorspace = __w_pdfjs_require__(12); -var _file_spec = __w_pdfjs_require__(71); -var _image_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(58); -var _metadata_parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(72); -var _struct_tree = __w_pdfjs_require__(73); +var _file_spec = __w_pdfjs_require__(72); +var _image_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(59); +var _metadata_parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(73); +var _struct_tree = __w_pdfjs_require__(74); function fetchDestination(dest) { if (dest instanceof _primitives.Dict) { dest = dest.get("D"); @@ -51259,11 +44051,8 @@ class Catalog { } else if (typeof js !== "string") { return; } - if (javaScript === null) { - javaScript = new Map(); - } js = (0, _util.stringToPDFString)(js).replaceAll("\x00", ""); - javaScript.set(name, js); + (javaScript ||= new Map()).set(name, js); } if (obj instanceof _primitives.Dict && obj.has("JavaScript")) { const nameTree = new _name_number_tree.NameTree(obj.getRaw("JavaScript"), this.xref); @@ -51790,7 +44579,7 @@ class Catalog { exports.Catalog = Catalog; /***/ }), -/* 69 */ +/* 70 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -51918,7 +44707,7 @@ class NumberTree extends NameOrNumberTree { exports.NumberTree = NumberTree; /***/ }), -/* 70 */ +/* 71 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -51928,14 +44717,14 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ })); exports.clearGlobalCaches = clearGlobalCaches; var _primitives = __w_pdfjs_require__(4); -var _unicode = __w_pdfjs_require__(39); +var _unicode = __w_pdfjs_require__(40); function clearGlobalCaches() { (0, _primitives.clearPrimitiveCaches)(); (0, _unicode.clearUnicodeCaches)(); } /***/ }), -/* 71 */ +/* 72 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -52018,7 +44807,7 @@ class FileSpec { exports.FileSpec = FileSpec; /***/ }), -/* 72 */ +/* 73 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -52027,7 +44816,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.MetadataParser = void 0; -var _xml_parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(65); +var _xml_parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(66); class MetadataParser { constructor(data) { data = this._repair(data); @@ -52126,7 +44915,7 @@ class MetadataParser { exports.MetadataParser = MetadataParser; /***/ }), -/* 73 */ +/* 74 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -52137,7 +44926,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ exports.StructTreeRoot = exports.StructTreePage = void 0; var _primitives = __w_pdfjs_require__(4); var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); -var _name_number_tree = __w_pdfjs_require__(69); +var _name_number_tree = __w_pdfjs_require__(70); const MAX_DEPTH = 40; const StructElementType = { PAGE_CONTENT: "PAGE_CONTENT", @@ -52414,7 +45203,7 @@ class StructTreePage { exports.StructTreePage = StructTreePage; /***/ }), -/* 74 */ +/* 75 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -52534,7 +45323,7 @@ class ObjectLoader { exports.ObjectLoader = ObjectLoader; /***/ }), -/* 75 */ +/* 76 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -52543,14 +45332,14 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.XFAFactory = void 0; -var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(76); -var _bind = __w_pdfjs_require__(80); -var _data = __w_pdfjs_require__(86); -var _fonts = __w_pdfjs_require__(84); -var _utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(77); +var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(77); +var _bind = __w_pdfjs_require__(81); +var _data = __w_pdfjs_require__(87); +var _fonts = __w_pdfjs_require__(85); +var _utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(78); var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); -var _parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(87); -var _xhtml = __w_pdfjs_require__(97); +var _parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(88); +var _xhtml = __w_pdfjs_require__(98); class XFAFactory { constructor(data) { try { @@ -52685,7 +45474,7 @@ class XFAFactory { exports.XFAFactory = XFAFactory; /***/ }), -/* 76 */ +/* 77 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -52694,11 +45483,11 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.XmlObject = exports.XFAObjectArray = exports.XFAObject = exports.XFAAttribute = exports.StringObject = exports.OptionObject = exports.Option10 = exports.Option01 = exports.IntegerObject = exports.ContentObject = exports.$uid = exports.$toStyle = exports.$toString = exports.$toPages = exports.$toHTML = exports.$text = exports.$tabIndex = exports.$setValue = exports.$setSetAttributes = exports.$setId = exports.$searchNode = exports.$root = exports.$resolvePrototypes = exports.$removeChild = exports.$pushPara = exports.$pushGlyphs = exports.$popPara = exports.$onText = exports.$onChildCheck = exports.$onChild = exports.$nsAttributes = exports.$nodeName = exports.$namespaceId = exports.$isUsable = exports.$isTransparent = exports.$isThereMoreWidth = exports.$isSplittable = exports.$isNsAgnostic = exports.$isDescendent = exports.$isDataValue = exports.$isCDATAXml = exports.$isBindable = exports.$insertAt = exports.$indexOf = exports.$ids = exports.$hasSettableValue = exports.$globalData = exports.$getTemplateRoot = exports.$getSubformParent = exports.$getRealChildrenByNameIt = exports.$getParent = exports.$getNextPage = exports.$getExtra = exports.$getDataValue = exports.$getContainedChildren = exports.$getChildrenByNameIt = exports.$getChildrenByName = exports.$getChildrenByClass = exports.$getChildren = exports.$getAvailableSpace = exports.$getAttributes = exports.$getAttributeIt = exports.$flushHTML = exports.$finalize = exports.$extra = exports.$dump = exports.$data = exports.$content = exports.$consumed = exports.$clone = exports.$cleanup = exports.$cleanPage = exports.$clean = exports.$childrenToHTML = exports.$appendChild = exports.$addHTML = exports.$acceptWhitespace = void 0; -var _utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(77); +var _utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(78); var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); var _core_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(3); -var _namespaces = __w_pdfjs_require__(78); -var _som = __w_pdfjs_require__(79); +var _namespaces = __w_pdfjs_require__(79); +var _som = __w_pdfjs_require__(80); const $acceptWhitespace = Symbol(); exports.$acceptWhitespace = $acceptWhitespace; const $addHTML = Symbol(); @@ -53621,7 +46410,7 @@ class Option10 extends IntegerObject { exports.Option10 = Option10; /***/ }), -/* 77 */ +/* 78 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -53707,7 +46496,7 @@ function getStringOption(data, options) { }); } function getMeasurement(str, def = "0") { - def = def || "0"; + def ||= "0"; if (!str) { return getMeasurement(def); } @@ -53840,7 +46629,7 @@ class HTMLResult { exports.HTMLResult = HTMLResult; /***/ }), -/* 78 */ +/* 79 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { @@ -53916,7 +46705,7 @@ const NamespaceIds = { exports.NamespaceIds = NamespaceIds; /***/ }), -/* 79 */ +/* 80 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -53926,8 +46715,8 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ })); exports.createDataNode = createDataNode; exports.searchNode = searchNode; -var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(76); -var _namespaces = __w_pdfjs_require__(78); +var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(77); +var _namespaces = __w_pdfjs_require__(79); var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); const namePattern = /^[^.[]+/; const indexPattern = /^[^\]]+/; @@ -54188,7 +46977,7 @@ function createDataNode(root, container, expr) { } /***/ }), -/* 80 */ +/* 81 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -54197,10 +46986,10 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.Binder = void 0; -var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(76); -var _template = __w_pdfjs_require__(81); -var _som = __w_pdfjs_require__(79); -var _namespaces = __w_pdfjs_require__(78); +var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(77); +var _template = __w_pdfjs_require__(82); +var _som = __w_pdfjs_require__(80); +var _namespaces = __w_pdfjs_require__(79); var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); const NS_DATASETS =; function createText(content) { @@ -54622,7 +47411,7 @@ class Binder { exports.Binder = Binder; /***/ }), -/* 81 */ +/* 82 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -54631,15 +47420,15 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.Value = exports.Text = exports.TemplateNamespace = exports.Template = exports.SetProperty = exports.Items = exports.Field = exports.BindItems = void 0; -var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(76); -var _namespaces = __w_pdfjs_require__(78); -var _layout = __w_pdfjs_require__(82); -var _html_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(83); -var _utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(77); +var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(77); +var _namespaces = __w_pdfjs_require__(79); +var _layout = __w_pdfjs_require__(83); +var _html_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(84); +var _utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(78); var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); -var _fonts = __w_pdfjs_require__(84); +var _fonts = __w_pdfjs_require__(85); var _core_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(3); -var _som = __w_pdfjs_require__(79); +var _som = __w_pdfjs_require__(80); const TEMPLATE_NS_ID =; const SVG_NS = ""; const MAX_ATTEMPTS_FOR_LRTB_LAYOUT = 2; @@ -58688,7 +51477,7 @@ class Template extends _xfa_object.XFAObject { const flush = index => { const html = root[_xfa_object.$flushHTML](); if (html) { - hasSomething = hasSomething || html.children && html.children.length !== 0; + hasSomething ||= !!html.children && html.children.length !== 0; htmlContentAreas[index].children.push(html); } }; @@ -58710,7 +51499,7 @@ class Template extends _xfa_object.XFAObject { const html = root[_xfa_object.$toHTML](space); if (html.success) { if (html.html) { - hasSomething = hasSomething || html.html.children && html.html.children.length !== 0; + hasSomething ||= !!html.html.children && html.html.children.length !== 0; htmlContentAreas[i].children.push(html.html); } else if (!hasSomething && mainHtml.children.length > 1) { mainHtml.children.pop(); @@ -59521,7 +52310,7 @@ class TemplateNamespace { exports.TemplateNamespace = TemplateNamespace; /***/ }), -/* 82 */ +/* 83 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -59533,8 +52322,8 @@ exports.addHTML = addHTML; exports.checkDimensions = checkDimensions; exports.flushHTML = flushHTML; exports.getAvailableSpace = getAvailableSpace; -var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(76); -var _html_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(83); +var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(77); +var _html_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(84); function createLine(node, children) { return { name: "div", @@ -59801,7 +52590,7 @@ function checkDimensions(node, space) { } /***/ }), -/* 83 */ +/* 84 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -59823,11 +52612,11 @@ exports.setFontFamily = setFontFamily; exports.setMinMaxDimensions = setMinMaxDimensions; exports.setPara = setPara; exports.toStyle = toStyle; -var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(76); +var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(77); var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); -var _utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(77); -var _fonts = __w_pdfjs_require__(84); -var _text = __w_pdfjs_require__(85); +var _utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(78); +var _fonts = __w_pdfjs_require__(85); +var _text = __w_pdfjs_require__(86); function measureToString(m) { if (typeof m === "string") { return "0px"; @@ -60346,7 +53135,7 @@ function fixURL(str) { } /***/ }), -/* 84 */ +/* 85 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -60357,8 +53146,8 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ exports.FontFinder = void 0; exports.getMetrics = getMetrics; exports.selectFont = selectFont; -var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(76); -var _utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(77); +var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(77); +var _utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(78); var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); class FontFinder { constructor(pdfFonts) { @@ -60511,7 +53300,7 @@ function getMetrics(xfaFont, real = false) { } /***/ }), -/* 85 */ +/* 86 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -60520,7 +53309,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.TextMeasure = void 0; -var _fonts = __w_pdfjs_require__(84); +var _fonts = __w_pdfjs_require__(85); const WIDTH_FACTOR = 1.02; class FontInfo { constructor(xfaFont, margin, lineHeight, fontFinder) { @@ -60731,7 +53520,7 @@ class TextMeasure { exports.TextMeasure = TextMeasure; /***/ }), -/* 86 */ +/* 87 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -60740,7 +53529,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.DataHandler = void 0; -var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(76); +var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(77); class DataHandler { constructor(root, data) { = data; @@ -60790,7 +53579,7 @@ class DataHandler { exports.DataHandler = DataHandler; /***/ }), -/* 87 */ +/* 88 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -60799,9 +53588,9 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.XFAParser = void 0; -var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(76); -var _xml_parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(65); -var _builder = __w_pdfjs_require__(88); +var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(77); +var _xml_parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(66); +var _builder = __w_pdfjs_require__(89); var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); class XFAParser extends _xml_parser.XMLParserBase { constructor(rootNameSpace = null, richText = false) { @@ -60873,10 +53662,7 @@ class XFAParser extends _xml_parser.XMLParserBase { nsAttrs = attributeObj[_xfa_object.$nsAttributes] = Object.create(null); } const [ns, attrName] = [name.slice(0, i), name.slice(i + 1)]; - let attrs = nsAttrs[ns]; - if (!attrs) { - attrs = nsAttrs[ns] = Object.create(null); - } + const attrs = nsAttrs[ns] ||= Object.create(null); attrs[attrName] = value; } } @@ -60935,7 +53721,7 @@ class XFAParser extends _xml_parser.XMLParserBase { exports.XFAParser = XFAParser; /***/ }), -/* 88 */ +/* 89 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -60944,11 +53730,11 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.Builder = void 0; -var _namespaces = __w_pdfjs_require__(78); -var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(76); -var _setup = __w_pdfjs_require__(89); -var _template = __w_pdfjs_require__(81); -var _unknown = __w_pdfjs_require__(98); +var _namespaces = __w_pdfjs_require__(79); +var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(77); +var _setup = __w_pdfjs_require__(90); +var _template = __w_pdfjs_require__(82); +var _unknown = __w_pdfjs_require__(99); var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); class Root extends _xfa_object.XFAObject { constructor(ids) { @@ -61112,7 +53898,7 @@ class Builder { exports.Builder = Builder; /***/ }), -/* 89 */ +/* 90 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -61121,15 +53907,15 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.NamespaceSetUp = void 0; -var _config = __w_pdfjs_require__(90); -var _connection_set = __w_pdfjs_require__(91); -var _datasets = __w_pdfjs_require__(92); -var _locale_set = __w_pdfjs_require__(93); -var _signature = __w_pdfjs_require__(94); -var _stylesheet = __w_pdfjs_require__(95); -var _template = __w_pdfjs_require__(81); -var _xdp = __w_pdfjs_require__(96); -var _xhtml = __w_pdfjs_require__(97); +var _config = __w_pdfjs_require__(91); +var _connection_set = __w_pdfjs_require__(92); +var _datasets = __w_pdfjs_require__(93); +var _locale_set = __w_pdfjs_require__(94); +var _signature = __w_pdfjs_require__(95); +var _stylesheet = __w_pdfjs_require__(96); +var _template = __w_pdfjs_require__(82); +var _xdp = __w_pdfjs_require__(97); +var _xhtml = __w_pdfjs_require__(98); const NamespaceSetUp = { config: _config.ConfigNamespace, connection: _connection_set.ConnectionSetNamespace, @@ -61144,7 +53930,7 @@ const NamespaceSetUp = { exports.NamespaceSetUp = NamespaceSetUp; /***/ }), -/* 90 */ +/* 91 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -61153,9 +53939,9 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.ConfigNamespace = void 0; -var _namespaces = __w_pdfjs_require__(78); -var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(76); -var _utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(77); +var _namespaces = __w_pdfjs_require__(79); +var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(77); +var _utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(78); var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); const CONFIG_NS_ID =; class Acrobat extends _xfa_object.XFAObject { @@ -62580,7 +55366,7 @@ class ConfigNamespace { exports.ConfigNamespace = ConfigNamespace; /***/ }), -/* 91 */ +/* 92 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -62589,8 +55375,8 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.ConnectionSetNamespace = void 0; -var _namespaces = __w_pdfjs_require__(78); -var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(76); +var _namespaces = __w_pdfjs_require__(79); +var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(77); const CONNECTION_SET_NS_ID =; class ConnectionSet extends _xfa_object.XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { @@ -62751,7 +55537,7 @@ class ConnectionSetNamespace { exports.ConnectionSetNamespace = ConnectionSetNamespace; /***/ }), -/* 92 */ +/* 93 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -62760,8 +55546,8 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.DatasetsNamespace = void 0; -var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(76); -var _namespaces = __w_pdfjs_require__(78); +var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(77); +var _namespaces = __w_pdfjs_require__(79); const DATASETS_NS_ID =; class Data extends _xfa_object.XmlObject { constructor(attributes) { @@ -62802,7 +55588,7 @@ class 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__w_pdfjs_require__(78); -var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(76); +var _namespaces = __w_pdfjs_require__(79); +var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(77); const SIGNATURE_NS_ID =; class Signature extends _xfa_object.XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { @@ -63091,7 +55877,7 @@ class SignatureNamespace { exports.SignatureNamespace = SignatureNamespace; /***/ }), -/* 95 */ +/* 96 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -63100,8 +55886,8 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.StylesheetNamespace = void 0; -var _namespaces = __w_pdfjs_require__(78); -var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(76); +var _namespaces = __w_pdfjs_require__(79); +var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(77); const STYLESHEET_NS_ID =; class Stylesheet extends _xfa_object.XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { @@ -63122,7 +55908,7 @@ class StylesheetNamespace { exports.StylesheetNamespace = StylesheetNamespace; /***/ }), -/* 96 */ +/* 97 */ /***/ 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__w_pdfjs_require__(79); +var _html_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(84); +var _utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(78); const XHTML_NS_ID =; const $richText = Symbol(); const VALID_STYLES = new Set(["color", "font", "font-family", "font-size", "font-stretch", "font-style", "font-weight", "margin", "margin-bottom", "margin-left", "margin-right", "margin-top", "letter-spacing", "line-height", "orphans", "page-break-after", "page-break-before", "page-break-inside", "tab-interval", "tab-stop", "text-align", "text-decoration", "text-indent", "vertical-align", "widows", "kerning-mode", "xfa-font-horizontal-scale", "xfa-font-vertical-scale", "xfa-spacerun", "xfa-tab-stops"]); @@ -63581,7 +56367,7 @@ class XhtmlNamespace { exports.XhtmlNamespace = XhtmlNamespace; /***/ }), -/* 98 */ +/* 99 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -63590,8 +56376,8 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.UnknownNamespace = void 0; -var _namespaces = __w_pdfjs_require__(78); -var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(76); +var _namespaces = __w_pdfjs_require__(79); +var _xfa_object = __w_pdfjs_require__(77); class UnknownNamespace { constructor(nsId) { this.namespaceId = nsId; @@ -63603,7 +56389,7 @@ class UnknownNamespace { exports.UnknownNamespace = UnknownNamespace; /***/ }), -/* 99 */ +/* 100 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -63614,7 +56400,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ exports.DatasetReader = void 0; var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); var _core_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(3); -var _xml_parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(65); +var _xml_parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(66); function decodeString(str) { try { return (0, _util.stringToUTF8String)(str); @@ -63670,7 +56456,7 @@ class DatasetReader { exports.DatasetReader = DatasetReader; /***/ }), -/* 100 */ +/* 101 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -63681,10 +56467,10 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ exports.XRef = void 0; var _util = __w_pdfjs_require__(2); var _primitives = __w_pdfjs_require__(4); -var _parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(15); +var _parser = __w_pdfjs_require__(16); var _core_utils = __w_pdfjs_require__(3); var _base_stream = __w_pdfjs_require__(5); -var _crypto = __w_pdfjs_require__(66); +var _crypto = __w_pdfjs_require__(67); class XRef { constructor(stream, pdfManager) { = stream; @@ -64398,7 +57184,7 @@ class XRef { exports.XRef = XRef; /***/ }), -/* 101 */ +/* 102 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { @@ -64411,7 +57197,7 @@ const isNodeJS = typeof process === "object" && process + "" === "[object proces exports.isNodeJS = isNodeJS; /***/ }), -/* 102 */ +/* 103 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -64473,7 +57259,7 @@ class MessageHandler { return; } if ( { - this._processStreamMessage(data); + this.#processStreamMessage(data); return; } if (data.callback) { @@ -64521,7 +57307,7 @@ class MessageHandler { return; } if (data.streamId) { - this._createStreamSink(data); + this.#createStreamSink(data); return; } action(; @@ -64545,7 +57331,7 @@ class MessageHandler { } sendWithPromise(actionName, data, transfers) { const callbackId = this.callbackId++; - const capability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + const capability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this.callbackCapabilities[callbackId] = capability; try { this.comObj.postMessage({ @@ -64567,7 +57353,7 @@ class MessageHandler { comObj = this.comObj; return new ReadableStream({ start: controller => { - const startCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + const startCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this.streamControllers[streamId] = { controller, startCall: startCapability, @@ -64586,7 +57372,7 @@ class MessageHandler { return startCapability.promise; }, pull: controller => { - const pullCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + const pullCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this.streamControllers[streamId].pullCall = pullCapability; comObj.postMessage({ sourceName, @@ -64599,7 +57385,7 @@ class MessageHandler { }, cancel: reason => { (0, _util.assert)(reason instanceof Error, "cancel must have a valid reason"); - const cancelCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + const cancelCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this.streamControllers[streamId].cancelCall = cancelCapability; this.streamControllers[streamId].isClosed = true; comObj.postMessage({ @@ -64613,7 +57399,7 @@ class MessageHandler { } }, queueingStrategy); } - _createStreamSink(data) { + #createStreamSink(data) { const streamId = data.streamId, sourceName = this.sourceName, targetName = data.sourceName, @@ -64628,7 +57414,7 @@ class MessageHandler { const lastDesiredSize = this.desiredSize; this.desiredSize -= size; if (lastDesiredSize > 0 && this.desiredSize <= 0) { - this.sinkCapability = (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(); + this.sinkCapability = new _util.PromiseCapability(); this.ready = this.sinkCapability.promise; } comObj.postMessage({ @@ -64666,7 +57452,7 @@ class MessageHandler { reason: wrapReason(reason) }); }, - sinkCapability: (0, _util.createPromiseCapability)(), + sinkCapability: new _util.PromiseCapability(), onPull: null, onCancel: null, isCancelled: false, @@ -64696,7 +57482,7 @@ class MessageHandler { }); }); } - _processStreamMessage(data) { + #processStreamMessage(data) { const streamId = data.streamId, sourceName = this.sourceName, targetName = data.sourceName, @@ -64734,7 +57520,7 @@ class MessageHandler { } streamSink.desiredSize = data.desiredSize; new Promise(function (resolve) { - resolve(streamSink.onPull && streamSink.onPull()); + resolve(streamSink.onPull?.()); }).then(function () { comObj.postMessage({ sourceName, @@ -64767,12 +57553,12 @@ class MessageHandler { } streamController.isClosed = true; streamController.controller.close(); - this._deleteStreamController(streamController, streamId); + this.#deleteStreamController(streamController, streamId); break; case StreamKind.ERROR: (0, _util.assert)(streamController, "error should have stream controller"); streamController.controller.error(wrapReason(data.reason)); - this._deleteStreamController(streamController, streamId); + this.#deleteStreamController(streamController, streamId); break; case StreamKind.CANCEL_COMPLETE: if (data.success) { @@ -64780,14 +57566,14 @@ class MessageHandler { } else { streamController.cancelCall.reject(wrapReason(data.reason)); } - this._deleteStreamController(streamController, streamId); + this.#deleteStreamController(streamController, streamId); break; case StreamKind.CANCEL: if (!streamSink) { break; } new Promise(function (resolve) { - resolve(streamSink.onCancel && streamSink.onCancel(wrapReason(data.reason))); + resolve(streamSink.onCancel?.(wrapReason(data.reason))); }).then(function () { comObj.postMessage({ sourceName, @@ -64813,8 +57599,8 @@ class MessageHandler { throw new Error("Unexpected stream case"); } } - async _deleteStreamController(streamController, streamId) { - await Promise.allSettled([streamController.startCall && streamController.startCall.promise, streamController.pullCall && streamController.pullCall.promise, streamController.cancelCall && streamController.cancelCall.promise]); + async #deleteStreamController(streamController, streamId) { + await Promise.allSettled([streamController.startCall?.promise, streamController.pullCall?.promise, streamController.cancelCall?.promise]); delete this.streamControllers[streamId]; } destroy() { @@ -64824,7 +57610,7 @@ class MessageHandler { exports.MessageHandler = MessageHandler; /***/ }), -/* 103 */ +/* 104 */ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) => { @@ -65015,8 +57801,8 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "WorkerMessageHandler", ({ } })); var _worker = __w_pdfjs_require__(1); -const pdfjsVersion = '3.5.141'; -const pdfjsBuild = 'be0f6ee08'; +const pdfjsVersion = '3.6.172'; 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File PDF non valido o danneggiato. missing_file_error = File PDF non disponibile. unexpected_response_error = Risposta imprevista del server +rendering_error = Si è verificato un errore durante il rendering della pagina. + annotation_date_string = {{date}}, {{time}} text_annotation_type.alt = [Annotazione: {{type}}] diff --git a/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/ja/ b/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/ja/ index 82d288982605..ad2028203cac 100644 --- a/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/ja/ +++ b/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/ja/ @@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ print.title=印刷します print_label=印刷 download.title=ダウンロードします download_label=ダウンロード -save.title=保存します -save_label=保存 bookmark.title=現在のビューの URL です (コピーまたは新しいウィンドウに開く) bookmark_label=現在のビュー +save.title=保存します +save_label=保存 bookmark1.title=現在のページの URL です (現在のページを表示する URL) bookmark1_label=現在のページ diff --git a/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/ko/ b/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/ko/ index 3940fda5ca30..e585c23ef6df 100644 --- 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없음. diff --git a/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/lo/ b/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/lo/ index 8b877d00a48c..60f30050410e 100644 --- a/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/lo/ +++ b/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/lo/ @@ -44,6 +44,11 @@ download_label=ດາວໂຫລດ bookmark.title=ມຸມມອງປະຈຸບັນ (ສຳເນົາ ຫລື ເປີດໃນວິນໂດໃຫມ່) bookmark_label=ມຸມມອງປະຈຸບັນ +save.title=ບັນທຶກ +save_label=ບັນທຶກ +bookmark1.title=ໜ້າປັດຈຸບັນ (ເບິ່ງ URL ຈາກໜ້າປັດຈຸບັນ) +bookmark1_label=ຫນ້າ​ປັດ​ຈຸ​ບັນ + # Secondary toolbar and context menu tools.title=ເຄື່ອງມື tools_label=ເຄື່ອງມື @@ -56,18 +61,49 @@ page_rotate_cw_label=ຫມູນຕາມເຂັມໂມງ page_rotate_ccw.title=ຫມູນທວນເຂັມໂມງ page_rotate_ccw_label=ຫມູນທວນເຂັມໂມງ - - +cursor_text_select_tool.title=ເປີດໃຊ້ເຄື່ອງມືການເລືອກຂໍ້ຄວາມ +cursor_text_select_tool_label=ເຄື່ອງມືເລືອກຂໍ້ຄວາມ +cursor_hand_tool.title=ເປີດໃຊ້ເຄື່ອງມືມື +cursor_hand_tool_label=ເຄື່ອງມືມື + +scroll_page.title=ໃຊ້ການເລື່ອນໜ້າ +scroll_page_label=ເລື່ອນໜ້າ +scroll_vertical.title=ໃຊ້ການເລື່ອນແນວຕັ້ງ 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replaced by the PDF file size in megabytes, respectively in bytes. +document_properties_mb={{size_mb}} MB ({{size_b}} ໄບຕ໌) +document_properties_title=ຫົວຂໍ້: +document_properties_author=ຜູ້ຂຽນ: +document_properties_subject=ຫົວຂໍ້: +document_properties_keywords=ຄໍາທີ່ຕ້ອງການຄົ້ນຫາ: +document_properties_creation_date=ວັນທີສ້າງ: +document_properties_modification_date=ວັນທີແກ້ໄຂ: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (document_properties_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" # will be replaced by the creation/modification date, and time, of the PDF file. +document_properties_date_string={{date}}, {{time}} +document_properties_creator=ຜູ້ສ້າງ: +document_properties_producer=ຜູ້ຜະລິດ PDF: document_properties_page_size_unit_inches=in document_properties_page_size_unit_millimeters=mm document_properties_page_size_orientation_portrait=ລວງຕັ້ງ @@ -96,24 +132,60 @@ print_progress_close=ຍົກເລີກ toggle_sidebar.title=ເປີດ/ປິດແຖບຂ້າງ toggle_sidebar_label=ເປີດ/ປິດແຖບຂ້າງ document_outline_label=ເຄົ້າຮ່າງເອກະສານ 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+find_match_case_label=ກໍລະນີທີ່ກົງກັນ +find_match_diacritics_label=ເຄື່ອງໝາຍກຳກັບການອອກສຽງກົງກັນ +find_entire_word_label=ກົງກັນທຸກຄຳ +find_reached_top=ມາຮອດເທິງຂອງເອກະສານ, ສືບຕໍ່ຈາກລຸ່ມ +find_reached_bottom=ຮອດຕອນທ້າຍຂອງເອກະສານ, ສືບຕໍ່ຈາກເທິງ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (find_match_count): The supported plural forms are # [one|two|few|many|other], with [other] as the default value. # "{{current}}" and "{{total}}" will be replaced by a number representing the # index of the currently active find result, respectively a number representing # the total number of matches in the document. +find_match_count={[ plural(total) ]} +find_match_count[one]={{current}} ຂອງ {{total}} ກົງກັນ +find_match_count[two]={{current}} ຂອງ {{total}} ກົງກັນ +find_match_count[few]={{current}} ຂອງ {{total}} ກົງກັນ +find_match_count[many]={{current}} ຂອງ {{total}} ກົງກັນ +find_match_count[other]={{current}} ຂອງ {{total}} ກົງກັນ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (find_match_count_limit): The supported plural forms are # [zero|one|two|few|many|other], with [other] as the default value. # "{{limit}}" will be replaced by a numerical value. +find_match_count_limit={[ plural(limit) ]} +find_match_count_limit[zero]=ຫຼາຍກວ່າ {{limit}} ກົງກັນ +find_match_count_limit[one]=ກົງກັນຫຼາຍກວ່າ {{limit}} +find_match_count_limit[two]=ຫຼາຍກວ່າ {{limit}} ກົງກັນ +find_match_count_limit[few]=ຫຼາຍກວ່າ {{limit}} ກົງກັນ +find_match_count_limit[many]=ຫຼາຍກວ່າ {{limit}} ກົງກັນ +find_match_count_limit[other]=ຫຼາຍກວ່າ {{limit}} ກົງກັນ +find_not_found=ບໍ່ພົບວະລີທີ່ຕ້ອງການ # Error panel labels error_more_info=ຂໍ້ມູນເພີ່ມເຕີມ @@ -121,21 +193,39 @@ error_less_info=ຂໍ້ມູນນ້ອຍລົງ error_close=ປິດ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_version_info): "{{version}}" and "{{build}}" will be # replaced by the PDF.JS version and build ID. +error_version_info=PDF.js v{{version}} (ສ້າງ: {{build}}) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_message): "{{message}}" will be replaced by an # english string describing the error. +error_message=ຂໍ້ຄວາມ: {{ message}} # LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_stack): "{{stack}}" will be replaced with a stack # trace. +error_stack=Stack: {{stack}} # LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_file): "{{file}}" will be replaced with a filename +error_file=ໄຟລ໌: {{file}} # LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_line): "{{line}}" will be replaced with a line number -rendering_error=ມີຂໍ້ຜິດພາດເກີດຂື້ນຂະນະທີ່ກຳລັງເຣັນເດີຫນ້າ. +error_line=ແຖວ: {{line}} # Predefined zoom values +page_scale_width=ຄວາມກວ້າງໜ້າ +page_scale_fit=ໜ້າພໍດີ +page_scale_auto=ຊູມອັດຕະໂນມັດ +page_scale_actual=ຂະໜາດຕົວຈິງ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (page_scale_percent): "{{scale}}" will be replaced by a # numerical scale value. +page_scale_percent={{scale}}% + +# Loading indicator messages +loading=ກຳລັງໂຫລດ… +# Loading indicator messages loading_error=ມີຂໍ້ຜິດພາດເກີດຂື້ນຂະນະທີ່ກຳລັງໂຫລດ PDF. invalid_file_error=ໄຟລ໌ PDF ບໍ່ຖືກຕ້ອງຫລືເສຍຫາຍ. +rendering_error=ມີຂໍ້ຜິດພາດເກີດຂື້ນຂະນະທີ່ກຳລັງເຣັນເດີຫນ້າ. + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be +# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation. + # LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip. # "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in # the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types). @@ -143,3 +233,10 @@ invalid_file_error=ໄຟລ໌ PDF ບໍ່ຖືກຕ້ອງຫລືເ password_ok=ຕົກລົງ password_cancel=ຍົກເລີກ + +# Editor + + +# Editor Parameters + +# Editor aria diff --git a/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/nn-NO/ b/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/nn-NO/ index af70d57f60c8..9afee9f766eb 100644 --- a/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/nn-NO/ +++ b/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/nn-NO/ @@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ print.title=Skriv ut print_label=Skriv ut download.title=Last ned download_label=Last ned -save.title=Lagre -save_label=Lagre bookmark.title=Gjeldande vising (kopier eller opne i nytt vindauge) bookmark_label=Gjeldande vising +save.title=Lagre +save_label=Lagre bookmark1.title=Gjeldande side (sjå URL frå gjeldande side) bookmark1_label=Gjeldande side @@ -231,6 +231,8 @@ page_scale_percent={{scale}}% # Loading indicator messages loading=Lastar… + +# Loading indicator messages loading_error=Ein feil oppstod ved lasting av PDF. invalid_file_error=Ugyldig eller korrupt PDF-fil. missing_file_error=Manglande PDF-fil. @@ -248,7 +250,7 @@ annotation_date_string={{date}} {{time}} # Some common types are e.g.: "Check", "Text", "Comment", "Note" text_annotation_type.alt=[{{type}} annotasjon] password_label=Skriv inn passordet for å opne denne PDF-fila. -password_invalid=Ugyldig passord. Prøv igjen. +password_invalid=Ugyldig passord. Prøv på nytt. password_ok=OK password_cancel=Avbryt diff --git a/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/zh-CN/ b/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/zh-CN/ index 4092fc825dd4..03c9f244103d 100644 --- a/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/zh-CN/ +++ b/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/locale/zh-CN/ @@ -230,10 +230,10 @@ page_scale_actual=实际大小 page_scale_percent={{scale}}% # Loading indicator messages -loading=正在载入… +loading=正在加载… # Loading indicator messages -loading_error=载入 PDF 时发生错误。 +loading_error=加载 PDF 时发生错误。 invalid_file_error=无效或损坏的 PDF 文件。 missing_file_error=缺少 PDF 文件。 unexpected_response_error=意外的服务器响应。 @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ password_ok=确定 password_cancel=取消 printing_not_supported=警告:此浏览器尚未完整支持打印功能。 -printing_not_ready=警告:此 PDF 未完成载入,无法打印。 +printing_not_ready=警告:此 PDF 未完成加载,无法打印。 web_fonts_disabled=Web 字体已被禁用:无法使用嵌入的 PDF 字体。 # Editor diff --git a/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/viewer.css b/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/viewer.css index 5087ce707023..61cf4a45f55e 100644 --- a/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/viewer.css +++ b/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/viewer.css @@ -40,8 +40,7 @@ z-index: 2; } -.textLayer span, -.textLayer br { +.textLayer :is(span, br) { color: transparent; position: absolute; white-space: pre; @@ -135,11 +134,11 @@ --input-hover-border-color: Highlight; --link-outline: 1.5px solid LinkText; } - .annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation input:required, - .annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation textarea:required, + .annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation :is(input, textarea):required, .annotationLayer .choiceWidgetAnnotation select:required, - .annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input:required, - .annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.radioButton input:required { + .annotationLayer + .buttonWidgetAnnotation:is(.checkBox, .radioButton) + input:required { outline: 1.5px solid selectedItem; } @@ -186,8 +185,7 @@ outline: var(--link-outline); } -.annotationLayer .linkAnnotation > a, -.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.pushButton > a { +.annotationLayer :is(.linkAnnotation, .buttonWidgetAnnotation.pushButton) > a { position: absolute; font-size: 1em; top: 0; @@ -196,8 +194,9 @@ height: 100%; } -.annotationLayer .linkAnnotation > a:hover, -.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.pushButton > a:hover { +.annotationLayer + :is(.linkAnnotation, .buttonWidgetAnnotation.pushButton) + > a:hover { opacity: 0.2; background: rgba(255, 255, 0, 1); box-shadow: 0 2px 10px rgba(255, 255, 0, 1); @@ -212,11 +211,9 @@ left: 0; } -.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation input, -.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation textarea, +.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation :is(input, textarea), .annotationLayer .choiceWidgetAnnotation select, -.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input, -.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.radioButton input { +.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation:is(.checkBox, .radioButton) input { background-image: var(--annotation-unfocused-field-background); border: 2px solid var(--input-unfocused-border-color); box-sizing: border-box; @@ -227,11 +224,11 @@ width: 100%; } -.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation input:required, -.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation textarea:required, +.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation :is(input, textarea):required, .annotationLayer .choiceWidgetAnnotation select:required, -.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input:required, -.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.radioButton input:required { +.annotationLayer + .buttonWidgetAnnotation:is(.checkBox, .radioButton) + input:required { outline: 1.5px solid red; } @@ -247,32 +244,30 @@ resize: none; } -.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation input[disabled], -.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation textarea[disabled], +.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation :is(input, textarea)[disabled], .annotationLayer .choiceWidgetAnnotation select[disabled], -.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input[disabled], -.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.radioButton input[disabled] { +.annotationLayer + .buttonWidgetAnnotation:is(.checkBox, .radioButton) + input[disabled] { background: none; border: 2px solid var(--input-disabled-border-color); cursor: not-allowed; } -.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation input:hover, -.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation textarea:hover, +.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation :is(input, textarea):hover, .annotationLayer .choiceWidgetAnnotation select:hover, -.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input:hover, -.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.radioButton input:hover { +.annotationLayer + .buttonWidgetAnnotation:is(.checkBox, .radioButton) + input:hover { border: 2px solid var(--input-hover-border-color); } -.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation input:hover, -.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation textarea:hover, +.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation :is(input, textarea):hover, .annotationLayer .choiceWidgetAnnotation select:hover, .annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input:hover { border-radius: 2px; } -.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation input:focus, -.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation textarea:focus, +.annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation :is(input, textarea):focus, .annotationLayer .choiceWidgetAnnotation select:focus { background: none; border: 2px solid var(--input-focus-border-color); @@ -280,8 +275,7 @@ outline: var(--input-focus-outline); } -.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox :focus, -.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.radioButton :focus { +.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation:is(.checkBox, .radioButton) :focus { background-image: none; background-color: transparent; } @@ -297,31 +291,31 @@ outline: var(--input-focus-outline); } -.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input:checked:before, -.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input:checked:after, -.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.radioButton input:checked:before { +.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input:checked::before, +.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input:checked::after, +.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.radioButton input:checked::before { background-color: CanvasText; content: ""; display: block; position: absolute; } -.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input:checked:before, -.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input:checked:after { +.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input:checked::before, +.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input:checked::after { height: 80%; left: 45%; width: 1px; } -.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input:checked:before { +.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input:checked::before { transform: rotate(45deg); } -.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input:checked:after { +.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input:checked::after { transform: rotate(-45deg); } -.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.radioButton input:checked:before { +.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.radioButton input:checked::before { border-radius: 50%; height: 50%; left: 30%; @@ -345,8 +339,7 @@ width: 103%; } -.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.checkBox input, -.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation.radioButton input { +.annotationLayer .buttonWidgetAnnotation:is(.checkBox, .radioButton) input { -webkit-appearance: none; -moz-appearance: none; appearance: none; @@ -540,14 +533,8 @@ outline: 1.5px solid red; } -.xfaLayer div { - pointer-events: none; -} - -.xfaLayer svg { - pointer-events: none; -} - +.xfaLayer div, +.xfaLayer svg, .xfaLayer svg * { pointer-events: none; } @@ -598,10 +585,7 @@ align-items: center; } -.xfaLeft > .xfaCaption, -.xfaLeft > .xfaCaptionForCheckButton, -.xfaRight > .xfaCaption, -.xfaRight > .xfaCaptionForCheckButton { +:is(.xfaLeft, .xfaRight) > :is(.xfaCaption, .xfaCaptionForCheckButton) { max-height: 100%; } @@ -617,10 +601,7 @@ align-items: flex-start; } -.xfaTop > .xfaCaption, -.xfaTop > .xfaCaptionForCheckButton, -.xfaBottom > .xfaCaption, -.xfaBottom > .xfaCaptionForCheckButton { +:is(.xfaTop, .xfaBottom) > :is(.xfaCaption, .xfaCaptionForCheckButton) { width: 100%; } @@ -635,16 +616,14 @@ height: 100%; } -.xfaTextfield:focus, -.xfaSelect:focus { +:is(.xfaTextfield, .xfaSelect):focus { background-image: none; background-color: transparent; outline: var(--xfa-focus-outline); outline-offset: -1px; } -.xfaCheckbox:focus, -.xfaRadio:focus { +:is(.xfaCheckbox, .xfaRadio):focus { outline: var(--xfa-focus-outline); } @@ -662,10 +641,7 @@ padding-inline: 2px; } -.xfaTop > .xfaTextfield, -.xfaTop > .xfaSelect, -.xfaBottom > .xfaTextfield, -.xfaBottom > .xfaSelect { +:is(.xfaTop, .xfaBottom) > :is(.xfaTextfield, .xfaSelect) { flex: 0 1 auto; } @@ -768,12 +744,7 @@ flex: 1; } -.xfaNonInteractive input, -.xfaNonInteractive textarea, -.xfaDisabled input, -.xfaDisabled textarea, -.xfaReadOnly input, -.xfaReadOnly textarea { +:is(.xfaNonInteractive, .xfaDisabled, .xfaReadOnly) :is(input, textarea) { background: initial; } @@ -911,8 +882,8 @@ resize: horizontal; } -.annotationEditorLayer .freeTextEditor:hover:not(.selectedEditor), -.annotationEditorLayer .inkEditor:hover:not(.selectedEditor) { +.annotationEditorLayer + :is(.freeTextEditor, .inkEditor):hover:not(.selectedEditor) { outline: var(--hover-outline); } @@ -970,6 +941,15 @@ transform: rotate(270deg) translateX(-100%); } +#hiddenCopyElement { + position: absolute; + top: 0; + left: 0; + width: 0; + height: 0; + display: none; +} + .pdfViewer { /* Define this variable here and not in :root to avoid to reflow all the UI when scaling (see #15929). */ @@ -1008,8 +988,7 @@ border: none; } -.pdfViewer.scrollHorizontal, -.pdfViewer.scrollWrapped, +.pdfViewer:is(.scrollHorizontal, .scrollWrapped), .spread { margin-inline: 3.5px; text-align: center; @@ -1021,30 +1000,23 @@ } .pdfViewer.removePageBorders, -.pdfViewer.scrollHorizontal .spread, -.pdfViewer.scrollWrapped .spread { +.pdfViewer:is(.scrollHorizontal, .scrollWrapped) .spread { margin-inline: 0; } -.spread .page, -.spread .dummyPage, -.pdfViewer.scrollHorizontal .page, -.pdfViewer.scrollWrapped .page, -.pdfViewer.scrollHorizontal .spread, -.pdfViewer.scrollWrapped .spread { +.spread :is(.page, .dummyPage), +.pdfViewer:is(.scrollHorizontal, .scrollWrapped) :is(.page, .spread) { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .spread .page, -.pdfViewer.scrollHorizontal .page, -.pdfViewer.scrollWrapped .page { +.pdfViewer:is(.scrollHorizontal, .scrollWrapped) .page { margin-inline: var(--spreadHorizontalWrapped-margin-LR); } .pdfViewer.removePageBorders .spread .page, -.pdfViewer.removePageBorders.scrollHorizontal .page, -.pdfViewer.removePageBorders.scrollWrapped .page { +.pdfViewer.removePageBorders:is(.scrollHorizontal, .scrollWrapped) .page { margin-inline: 5px; } @@ -1066,7 +1038,7 @@ height: 100%; } -.pdfViewer .page.loadingIcon:after { +.pdfViewer .page.loadingIcon::after { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; @@ -1083,22 +1055,15 @@ contain: strict; } -.pdfViewer .page.loading:after { +.pdfViewer .page.loading::after { display: block; } -.pdfViewer .page:not(.loading):after { +.pdfViewer .page:not(.loading)::after { transition-property: none; display: none; } -.pdfViewer.enablePermissions .textLayer span { - -webkit-user-select: none !important; - -moz-user-select: none !important; - user-select: none !important; - cursor: not-allowed; -} - .pdfPresentationMode .pdfViewer { padding-bottom: 0; } @@ -1155,10 +1120,12 @@ --field-bg-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); --field-border-color: rgba(187, 187, 188, 1); --treeitem-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); + --treeitem-bg-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); --treeitem-hover-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9); --treeitem-selected-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9); --treeitem-selected-bg-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); - --sidebaritem-bg-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); + --thumbnail-hover-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + --thumbnail-selected-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); --doorhanger-bg-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); --doorhanger-border-color: rgba(12, 12, 13, 0.2); --doorhanger-hover-color: rgba(12, 12, 13, 1); @@ -1241,10 +1208,12 @@ --field-bg-color: rgba(64, 64, 68, 1); --field-border-color: rgba(115, 115, 115, 1); --treeitem-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); + --treeitem-bg-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15); --treeitem-hover-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9); --treeitem-selected-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9); --treeitem-selected-bg-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25); - --sidebaritem-bg-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15); + --thumbnail-hover-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + --thumbnail-selected-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); --doorhanger-bg-color: rgba(74, 74, 79, 1); --doorhanger-border-color: rgba(39, 39, 43, 1); --doorhanger-hover-color: rgba(249, 249, 250, 1); @@ -1381,8 +1350,7 @@ body { transition-timing-function: var(--sidebar-transition-timing-function); } -#outerContainer.sidebarMoving #sidebarContainer, -#outerContainer.sidebarOpen #sidebarContainer { +#outerContainer:is(.sidebarMoving, .sidebarOpen) #sidebarContainer { visibility: visible; } #outerContainer.sidebarOpen #sidebarContainer { @@ -1428,22 +1396,9 @@ body { font: message-box; } -.toolbar input, -.toolbar button, -.toolbar select, -.secondaryToolbar input, -.secondaryToolbar button, -.secondaryToolbar a, -.secondaryToolbar select, -.editorParamsToolbar input, -.editorParamsToolbar button, -.editorParamsToolbar select, -.findbar input, -.findbar button, -.findbar select, -#sidebarContainer input, -#sidebarContainer button, -#sidebarContainer select { +:is(.toolbar, .editorParamsToolbar, .findbar, #sidebarContainer) + :is(input, button, select), +.secondaryToolbar :is(input, button, a, select) { outline: none; font: message-box; } @@ -1507,10 +1462,10 @@ body { #loadingBar .progress { position: absolute; top: 0; - left: 0; + inset-inline-start: 0; width: 100%; transform: scaleX(var(--progressBar-percent)); - transform-origin: 0 0; + transform-origin: calc(50% - 50% * var(--dir-factor)) 0; height: 100%; background-color: var(--progressBar-color); overflow: hidden; @@ -1519,7 +1474,7 @@ body { @keyframes progressIndeterminate { 0% { - transform: translateX(-142px); + transform: translateX(calc(-142px * var(--dir-factor))); } 100% { transform: translateX(0); @@ -1535,7 +1490,7 @@ body { #loadingBar.indeterminate .progress .glimmer { position: absolute; top: 0; - left: 0; + inset-inline-start: 0; height: 100%; width: calc(100% + 150px); background: repeating-linear-gradient( @@ -1550,9 +1505,8 @@ body { animation: progressIndeterminate 1s linear infinite; } -#outerContainer.sidebarResizing #sidebarContainer, -#outerContainer.sidebarResizing #viewerContainer, -#outerContainer.sidebarResizing #loadingBar { +#outerContainer.sidebarResizing + :is(#sidebarContainer, #viewerContainer, #loadingBar) { /* Improve responsiveness and avoid visual glitches when the sidebar is resized. */ transition-duration: 0s; } @@ -1711,10 +1665,8 @@ body { 0 0 0 1px var(--doorhanger-border-color); border: var(--doorhanger-border-color-whcm); } -.doorHanger:after, -.doorHanger:before, -.doorHangerRight:after, -.doorHangerRight:before { +:is(.doorHanger, .doorHangerRight)::after, +:is(.doorHanger, .doorHangerRight)::before { bottom: 100%; border: 8px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); content: " "; @@ -1724,29 +1676,28 @@ body { pointer-events: none; opacity: var(--doorhanger-triangle-opacity-whcm); } -.doorHanger:after { +.doorHanger::after { inset-inline-start: 10px; -webkit-margin-start: -8px; margin-inline-start: -8px; border-bottom-color: var(--toolbar-bg-color); } -.doorHangerRight:after { +.doorHangerRight::after { inset-inline-end: 10px; -webkit-margin-end: -8px; margin-inline-end: -8px; border-bottom-color: var(--doorhanger-bg-color); } -.doorHanger:before, -.doorHangerRight:before { +:is(.doorHanger, .doorHangerRight)::before { border-bottom-color: var(--doorhanger-border-color); border-width: 9px; } -.doorHanger:before { +.doorHanger::before { inset-inline-start: 10px; -webkit-margin-start: -9px; margin-inline-start: -9px; } -.doorHangerRight:before { +.doorHangerRight::before { inset-inline-end: 10px; -webkit-margin-end: -9px; margin-inline-end: -9px; @@ -1760,12 +1711,11 @@ body { margin: 5px; } -#findMsg { - color: rgba(251, 0, 0, 1); +#findMsg[data-status="notFound"] { + font-weight: bold; } -#findResultsCount:empty, -#findMsg:empty { +:is(#findResultsCount, #findMsg):empty { display: none; } @@ -1825,13 +1775,11 @@ body { outline: none; } -.dialogButton:hover, -.dialogButton:focus-visible { +.dialogButton:is(:hover, :focus-visible) { background-color: var(--dialog-button-hover-bg-color); } -.dialogButton:hover > span, -.dialogButton:focus-visible > span { +.dialogButton:is(:hover, :focus-visible) > span { color: var(--dialog-button-hover-color); } @@ -1842,14 +1790,11 @@ body { overflow: hidden; } -.toolbarButton[disabled], -.secondaryToolbarButton[disabled], -.dialogButton[disabled] { +:is(.toolbarButton, .secondaryToolbarButton, .dialogButton)[disabled] { opacity: 0.5; } -.splitToolbarButton > .toolbarButton:hover, -.splitToolbarButton > .toolbarButton:focus-visible, +.splitToolbarButton > .toolbarButton:is(:hover, :focus-visible), .dropdownToolbarButton:hover { background-color: var(--button-hover-color); } @@ -1889,31 +1834,26 @@ body { box-sizing: border-box; } -.toolbarButton:hover, -.toolbarButton:focus-visible { +.toolbarButton:is(:hover, :focus-visible) { background-color: var(--button-hover-color); } -.secondaryToolbarButton:hover, -.secondaryToolbarButton:focus-visible { +.secondaryToolbarButton:is(:hover, :focus-visible) { background-color: var(--doorhanger-hover-bg-color); color: var(--doorhanger-hover-color); } -.toolbarButton.toggled, -.splitToolbarButton.toggled > .toolbarButton.toggled, -.secondaryToolbarButton.toggled { +:is(.toolbarButton, .secondaryToolbarButton).toggled, +.splitToolbarButton.toggled > .toolbarButton.toggled { background-color: var(--toggled-btn-bg-color); color: var(--toggled-btn-color); } -.toolbarButton.toggled::before, -.secondaryToolbarButton.toggled::before { +:is(.toolbarButton, .secondaryToolbarButton).toggled::before { background-color: var(--toggled-btn-color); } -.toolbarButton.toggled:hover:active, -.splitToolbarButton.toggled > .toolbarButton.toggled:hover:active, -.secondaryToolbarButton.toggled:hover:active { +:is(.toolbarButton, .secondaryToolbarButton).toggled:hover:active, +.splitToolbarButton.toggled > .toolbarButton.toggled:hover:active { background-color: var(--toggled-hover-active-btn-color); } @@ -1950,8 +1890,7 @@ body { border: none; background-color: var(--dropdown-btn-bg-color); } -.dropdownToolbarButton > select:hover, -.dropdownToolbarButton > select:focus-visible { +.dropdownToolbarButton > select:is(:hover, :focus-visible) { background-color: var(--button-hover-color); color: var(--toggled-btn-color); } @@ -1966,10 +1905,8 @@ body { height: 1px; } -.toolbarButton::before, -.secondaryToolbarButton::before, -.dropdownToolbarButton::after, -.treeItemToggler::before { +:is(.toolbarButton, .secondaryToolbarButton, .treeItemToggler)::before, +.dropdownToolbarButton::after { /* All matching images have a size of 16x16 * All relevant containers have a size of 28x28 */ position: absolute; @@ -1983,9 +1920,7 @@ body { mask-size: cover; } -.dropdownToolbarButton:hover::after, -.dropdownToolbarButton:focus-visible::after, -.dropdownToolbarButton:active::after { +.dropdownToolbarButton:is(:hover, :focus-visible, :active)::after { background-color: var(--toolbar-icon-hover-bg-color); } @@ -1995,10 +1930,8 @@ body { left: 6px; } -.toolbarButton:hover::before, -.toolbarButton:focus-visible::before, -.secondaryToolbarButton:hover::before, -.secondaryToolbarButton:focus-visible::before { +.toolbarButton:is(:hover, :focus-visible)::before, +.secondaryToolbarButton:is(:hover, :focus-visible)::before { background-color: var(--toolbar-icon-hover-bg-color); } @@ -2071,14 +2004,12 @@ body { mask-image: var(--toolbarButton-print-icon); } -#openFile::before, -#secondaryOpenFile::before { +:is(#openFile, #secondaryOpenFile)::before { -webkit-mask-image: var(--toolbarButton-openFile-icon); mask-image: var(--toolbarButton-openFile-icon); } -#download::before, -#secondaryDownload::before { +:is(#download, #secondaryDownload)::before { -webkit-mask-image: var(--toolbarButton-download-icon); mask-image: var(--toolbarButton-download-icon); } @@ -2087,8 +2018,7 @@ a.secondaryToolbarButton { padding-top: 5px; text-decoration: none; } -a.toolbarButton[href="#"], -a.secondaryToolbarButton[href="#"] { +a:is(.toolbarButton, .secondaryToolbarButton)[href="#"] { opacity: 0.5; pointer-events: none; } @@ -2274,7 +2204,7 @@ a.secondaryToolbarButton[href="#"] { #pageNumber { -moz-appearance: textfield; /* hides the spinner in moz */ - text-align: right; + text-align: end; width: 40px; background-size: 0 0; transition-property: none; @@ -2282,7 +2212,7 @@ a.secondaryToolbarButton[href="#"] { #pageNumber.visiblePageIsLoading { background-image: var(--loading-icon); background-repeat: no-repeat; - background-position: 3px; + background-position: calc(50% - 42% * var(--dir-factor)); background-size: 16px 16px; /* Using a delay with background-image doesn't work, consequently we use background-size. */ @@ -2335,62 +2265,54 @@ a.secondaryToolbarButton[href="#"] { padding: 10px 30px 0; } -#thumbnailView > a:active, -#thumbnailView > a:focus { +#thumbnailView > a:is(:active, :focus) { outline: 0; } .thumbnail { + /* Define these variables here, and not in :root, since the individual + thumbnails may have different sizes. */ + --thumbnail-width: 0; + --thumbnail-height: 0; + float: var(--inline-start); + width: var(--thumbnail-width); + height: var(--thumbnail-height); margin: 0 10px 5px; + padding: 1px; + border: 7px solid transparent; + border-radius: 2px; } #thumbnailView > a:last-of-type > .thumbnail { margin-bottom: 10px; } -#thumbnailView > a:last-of-type > .thumbnail:not([data-loaded]) { - margin-bottom: 9px; -} -.thumbnail:not([data-loaded]) { - border: 1px dashed rgba(132, 132, 132, 1); - margin: -1px 9px 4px; +a:focus > .thumbnail, +.thumbnail:hover { + border-color: var(--thumbnail-hover-color); } - -.thumbnailImage { - border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); - box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), 0 2px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); - opacity: 0.8; - z-index: 99; - background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); - background-clip: content-box; -} - -.thumbnailSelectionRing { - border-radius: 2px; - padding: 7px; +.thumbnail.selected { + border-color: var(--thumbnail-selected-color) !important; } -a:focus > .thumbnail > .thumbnailSelectionRing > .thumbnailImage, -.thumbnail:hover > .thumbnailSelectionRing > .thumbnailImage { +.thumbnailImage { + width: var(--thumbnail-width); + height: var(--thumbnail-height); opacity: 0.9; } - -a:focus > .thumbnail > .thumbnailSelectionRing, -.thumbnail:hover > .thumbnailSelectionRing { - background-color: var(--sidebaritem-bg-color); - background-clip: padding-box; - color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9); +a:focus > .thumbnail > .thumbnailImage, +.thumbnail:hover > .thumbnailImage { + opacity: 0.95; } - -.thumbnail.selected > .thumbnailSelectionRing > .thumbnailImage { - opacity: 1; +.thumbnail.selected > .thumbnailImage { + opacity: 1 !important; } -.thumbnail.selected > .thumbnailSelectionRing { - background-color: var(--sidebaritem-bg-color); - background-clip: padding-box; - color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); +.thumbnail:not([data-loaded]) > .thumbnailImage { + width: calc(var(--thumbnail-width) - 2px); + height: calc(var(--thumbnail-height) - 2px); + border: 1px dashed rgba(132, 132, 132, 1); } .treeWithDeepNesting > .treeItem, @@ -2462,7 +2384,7 @@ a:focus > .thumbnail > .thumbnailSelectionRing, .treeItemToggler:hover + a, .treeItemToggler:hover ~ .treeItems, .treeItem > a:hover { - background-color: var(--sidebaritem-bg-color); + background-color: var(--treeitem-bg-color); background-clip: padding-box; border-radius: 2px; color: var(--treeitem-hover-color); @@ -2618,8 +2540,7 @@ dialog :link { position: relative; } - #printContainer > .printedPage canvas, - #printContainer > .printedPage img { + #printContainer > .printedPage :is(canvas, img) { /* The intrinsic canvas / image size will make sure that we fit the page. */ max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; diff --git a/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/viewer.js b/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/viewer.js index 3151c6c4edbe..db68feca9fa3 100644 --- a/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/viewer.js +++ b/Source/ThirdParty/pdfjs/web/viewer.js @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ class DefaultExternalServices { exports.DefaultExternalServices = DefaultExternalServices; const PDFViewerApplication = { initialBookmark: document.location.hash.substring(1), - _initializedCapability: (0, _pdfjsLib.createPromiseCapability)(), + _initializedCapability: new _pdfjsLib.PromiseCapability(), appConfig: null, pdfDocument: null, pdfLoadingTask: null, @@ -408,7 +408,6 @@ const PDFViewerApplication = { downloadManager, findController, scriptingManager: _app_options.AppOptions.get("enableScripting") && pdfScriptingManager, - renderer: _app_options.AppOptions.get("renderer"), l10n: this.l10n, textLayerMode: _app_options.AppOptions.get("textLayerMode"), annotationMode: _app_options.AppOptions.get("annotationMode"), @@ -745,7 +744,7 @@ const PDFViewerApplication = { } throw new Error("PDF document not downloaded."); }, - async download() { + async download(options = {}) { const url = this._downloadUrl, filename = this._docFilename; try { @@ -754,12 +753,12 @@ const PDFViewerApplication = { const blob = new Blob([data], { type: "application/pdf" }); - await, url, filename); + await, url, filename, options); } catch (reason) { - await this.downloadManager.downloadUrl(url, filename); + await this.downloadManager.downloadUrl(url, filename, options); } }, - async save() { + async save(options = {}) { if (this._saveInProgress) { return; } @@ -773,10 +772,10 @@ const PDFViewerApplication = { const blob = new Blob([data], { type: "application/pdf" }); - await, url, filename); + await, url, filename, options); } catch (reason) { console.error(`Error when saving the document: ${reason.message}`); - await; + await; } finally { await this.pdfScriptingManager.dispatchDidSave(); this._saveInProgress = false; @@ -790,13 +789,18 @@ const PDFViewerApplication = { }); } }, - downloadOrSave() { + downloadOrSave(options = {}) { if (this.pdfDocument?.annotationStorage.size > 0) { -; +; } else { -; +; } }, + openInExternalApp() { + this.downloadOrSave({ + openInExternalApp: true + }); + }, _documentError(message, moreInfo = null) { this._unblockDocumentLoadEvent(); this._otherError(message, moreInfo); @@ -1230,7 +1234,7 @@ const PDFViewerApplication = { } this.pdfViewer.cleanup(); this.pdfThumbnailViewer?.cleanup(); - this.pdfDocument.cleanup(this.pdfViewer.renderer === _ui_utils.RendererType.SVG); + this.pdfDocument.cleanup(); }, forceRendering() { this.pdfRenderingQueue.printing = !!this.printService; @@ -1327,6 +1331,7 @@ const PDFViewerApplication = { eventBus._on("switchannotationeditorparams", webViewerSwitchAnnotationEditorParams); eventBus._on("print", webViewerPrint); eventBus._on("download", webViewerDownload); + eventBus._on("openinexternalapp", webViewerOpenInExternalApp); eventBus._on("firstpage", webViewerFirstPage); eventBus._on("lastpage", webViewerLastPage); eventBus._on("nextpage", webViewerNextPage); @@ -1445,6 +1450,7 @@ const PDFViewerApplication = { eventBus._off("presentationmode", webViewerPresentationMode); eventBus._off("print", webViewerPrint); eventBus._off("download", webViewerDownload); + eventBus._off("openinexternalapp", webViewerOpenInExternalApp); eventBus._off("firstpage", webViewerFirstPage); eventBus._off("lastpage", webViewerLastPage); eventBus._off("nextpage", webViewerNextPage); @@ -1643,14 +1649,14 @@ function webViewerInitialized() { }); } if (!PDFViewerApplication.supportsPrinting) { - appConfig.toolbar?.print.classList.add("hidden"); + appConfig.toolbar?.print?.classList.add("hidden"); appConfig.secondaryToolbar?.printButton.classList.add("hidden"); } if (!PDFViewerApplication.supportsFullscreen) { appConfig.secondaryToolbar?.presentationModeButton.classList.add("hidden"); } if (PDFViewerApplication.supportsIntegratedFind) { - appConfig.toolbar?.viewFind.classList.add("hidden"); + appConfig.toolbar?.viewFind?.classList.add("hidden"); } appConfig.mainContainer.addEventListener("transitionend", function (evt) { if ( === this) { @@ -1843,6 +1849,9 @@ function webViewerPrint() { function webViewerDownload() { PDFViewerApplication.downloadOrSave(); } +function webViewerOpenInExternalApp() { + PDFViewerApplication.openInExternalApp(); +} function webViewerFirstPage() { = 1; } @@ -1899,7 +1908,6 @@ function webViewerFindFromUrlHash(evt) { source: evt.source, type: "", query: evt.query, - phraseSearch: evt.phraseSearch, caseSensitive: false, entireWord: false, highlightAll: true, @@ -2435,7 +2443,7 @@ exports.PDFPrintServiceFactory = PDFPrintServiceFactory; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -exports.animationStarted = exports.VERTICAL_PADDING = exports.UNKNOWN_SCALE = exports.TextLayerMode = exports.SpreadMode = exports.SidebarView = exports.ScrollMode = exports.SCROLLBAR_PADDING = exports.RenderingStates = exports.RendererType = exports.ProgressBar = exports.PresentationModeState = exports.OutputScale = exports.MIN_SCALE = exports.MAX_SCALE = exports.MAX_AUTO_SCALE = exports.DEFAULT_SCALE_VALUE = exports.DEFAULT_SCALE_DELTA = exports.DEFAULT_SCALE = exports.CursorTool = exports.AutoPrintRegExp = void 0; +exports.animationStarted = exports.VERTICAL_PADDING = exports.UNKNOWN_SCALE = exports.TextLayerMode = exports.SpreadMode = exports.SidebarView = exports.ScrollMode = exports.SCROLLBAR_PADDING = exports.RenderingStates = exports.ProgressBar = exports.PresentationModeState = exports.OutputScale = exports.MIN_SCALE = exports.MAX_SCALE = exports.MAX_AUTO_SCALE = exports.DEFAULT_SCALE_VALUE = exports.DEFAULT_SCALE_DELTA = exports.DEFAULT_SCALE = exports.CursorTool = exports.AutoPrintRegExp = void 0; exports.apiPageLayoutToViewerModes = apiPageLayoutToViewerModes; exports.apiPageModeToSidebarView = apiPageModeToSidebarView; exports.approximateFraction = approximateFraction; @@ -2456,6 +2464,7 @@ exports.parseQueryString = parseQueryString; exports.removeNullCharacters = removeNullCharacters; exports.roundToDivide = roundToDivide; exports.scrollIntoView = scrollIntoView; +exports.toggleCheckedBtn = toggleCheckedBtn; exports.watchScroll = watchScroll; const DEFAULT_SCALE_VALUE = "auto"; exports.DEFAULT_SCALE_VALUE = DEFAULT_SCALE_VALUE; @@ -2498,14 +2507,10 @@ const SidebarView = { LAYERS: 4 }; exports.SidebarView = SidebarView; -const RendererType = { - CANVAS: "canvas", - SVG: "svg" -}; -exports.RendererType = RendererType; const TextLayerMode = { DISABLE: 0, - ENABLE: 1 + ENABLE: 1, + ENABLE_PERMISSIONS: 2 }; exports.TextLayerMode = TextLayerMode; const ScrollMode = { @@ -2951,6 +2956,11 @@ function apiPageModeToSidebarView(mode) { } return SidebarView.NONE; } +function toggleCheckedBtn(button, toggle, view = null) { + button.classList.toggle("toggled", toggle); + button.setAttribute("aria-checked", toggle); + view?.classList.toggle("hidden", !toggle); +} /***/ }), /* 4 */ @@ -3026,6 +3036,10 @@ const defaultOptions = { value: false, kind: OptionKind.VIEWER + OptionKind.PREFERENCE }, + enableFloatingToolbar: { + value: false, + kind: OptionKind.VIEWER + OptionKind.PREFERENCE + }, enablePermissions: { value: false, kind: OptionKind.VIEWER + OptionKind.PREFERENCE @@ -3192,10 +3206,6 @@ const defaultOptions = { value: navigator.language || "en-US", kind: OptionKind.VIEWER }; - defaultOptions.renderer = { - value: "canvas", - kind: OptionKind.VIEWER + OptionKind.PREFERENCE - }; defaultOptions.sandboxBundleSrc = { value: "../build/pdf.sandbox.js", kind: OptionKind.VIEWER @@ -3586,10 +3596,11 @@ class PDFLinkService { if (hash.includes("=")) { const params = (0, _ui_utils.parseQueryString)(hash); if (params.has("search")) { + const query = params.get("search").replaceAll('"', ""), + phrase = params.get("phrase") === "true"; this.eventBus.dispatch("findfromurlhash", { source: this, - query: params.get("search").replaceAll('"', ""), - phraseSearch: params.get("phrase") === "true" + query: phrase ? query : query.match(/\S+/g) }); } if (params.has("page")) { @@ -3859,40 +3870,27 @@ class AnnotationEditorParams { editorInkThickness, editorInkOpacity }) { - editorFreeTextFontSize.addEventListener("input", evt => { + const dispatchEvent = (typeStr, value) => { this.eventBus.dispatch("switchannotationeditorparams", { source: this, - type: _pdfjsLib.AnnotationEditorParamsType.FREETEXT_SIZE, - value: editorFreeTextFontSize.valueAsNumber + type: _pdfjsLib.AnnotationEditorParamsType[typeStr], + value }); + }; + editorFreeTextFontSize.addEventListener("input", function () { + dispatchEvent("FREETEXT_SIZE", this.valueAsNumber); }); - editorFreeTextColor.addEventListener("input", evt => { - this.eventBus.dispatch("switchannotationeditorparams", { - source: this, - type: _pdfjsLib.AnnotationEditorParamsType.FREETEXT_COLOR, - value: editorFreeTextColor.value - }); + editorFreeTextColor.addEventListener("input", function () { + dispatchEvent("FREETEXT_COLOR", this.value); }); - editorInkColor.addEventListener("input", evt => { - this.eventBus.dispatch("switchannotationeditorparams", { - source: this, - type: _pdfjsLib.AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_COLOR, - value: editorInkColor.value - }); + editorInkColor.addEventListener("input", function () { + dispatchEvent("INK_COLOR", this.value); }); - editorInkThickness.addEventListener("input", evt => { - this.eventBus.dispatch("switchannotationeditorparams", { - source: this, - type: _pdfjsLib.AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_THICKNESS, - value: editorInkThickness.valueAsNumber - }); + editorInkThickness.addEventListener("input", function () { + dispatchEvent("INK_THICKNESS", this.valueAsNumber); }); - editorInkOpacity.addEventListener("input", evt => { - this.eventBus.dispatch("switchannotationeditorparams", { - source: this, - type: _pdfjsLib.AnnotationEditorParamsType.INK_OPACITY, - value: editorInkOpacity.valueAsNumber - }); + editorInkOpacity.addEventListener("input", function () { + dispatchEvent("INK_OPACITY", this.valueAsNumber); }); this.eventBus._on("annotationeditorparamschanged", evt => { for (const [type, value] of evt.details) { @@ -4023,7 +4021,7 @@ class PasswordPrompt { if (this.#activeCapability) { await this.#activeCapability.promise; } - this.#activeCapability = (0, _pdfjsLib.createPromiseCapability)(); + this.#activeCapability = new _pdfjsLib.PromiseCapability(); try { await; } catch (ex) { @@ -4093,7 +4091,7 @@ class PDFAttachmentViewer extends _base_tree_viewer.BaseTreeViewer { super.reset(); this._attachments = null; if (!keepRenderedCapability) { - this._renderedCapability = (0, _pdfjsLib.createPromiseCapability)(); + this._renderedCapability = new _pdfjsLib.PromiseCapability(); } this._pendingDispatchEvent = false; } @@ -4535,8 +4533,8 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.PDFDocumentProperties = void 0; -var _pdfjsLib = __webpack_require__(4); var _ui_utils = __webpack_require__(3); +var _pdfjsLib = __webpack_require__(4); const DEFAULT_FIELD_CONTENT = "-"; const NON_METRIC_LOCALES = ["en-us", "en-lr", "my"]; const US_PAGE_NAMES = { @@ -4640,7 +4638,7 @@ class PDFDocumentProperties { #reset() { this.pdfDocument = null; this.#fieldData = null; - this._dataAvailableCapability = (0, _pdfjsLib.createPromiseCapability)(); + this._dataAvailableCapability = new _pdfjsLib.PromiseCapability(); this._currentPageNumber = 1; this._pagesRotation = 0; } @@ -4813,7 +4811,6 @@ class PDFFindBar { source: this, type, query: this.findField.value, - phraseSearch: true, caseSensitive: this.caseSensitive.checked, entireWord: this.entireWord.checked, highlightAll: this.highlightAll.checked, @@ -4841,6 +4838,7 @@ class PDFFindBar { this.findField.setAttribute("data-status", status); this.findField.setAttribute("aria-invalid", state === _pdf_find_controller.FindState.NOT_FOUND); findMsg.then(msg => { + this.findMsg.setAttribute("data-status", status); this.findMsg.textContent = msg; this.#adjustWidth(); }); @@ -4926,8 +4924,8 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ })); exports.PDFFindController = exports.FindState = void 0; var _ui_utils = __webpack_require__(3); -var _pdfjsLib = __webpack_require__(4); var _pdf_find_utils = __webpack_require__(18); +var _pdfjsLib = __webpack_require__(4); const FindState = { FOUND: 0, NOT_FOUND: 1, @@ -4987,7 +4985,7 @@ function normalize(text) { normalizationRegex = withSyllablesRegExp; } else { const replace = Object.keys(CHARACTERS_TO_NORMALIZE).join(""); - const toNormalizeWithNFKC = "\u2460-\u2473" + "\u24b6-\u24ff" + "\u3244-\u32bf" + "\u32d0-\u32fe" + "\uff00-\uffef"; + const toNormalizeWithNFKC = (0, _pdf_find_utils.getNormalizeWithNFKC)(); const CJK = "(?:\\p{Ideographic}|[\u3040-\u30FF])"; const HKDiacritics = "(?:\u3099|\u309A)"; const regexp = `([${replace}])|([${toNormalizeWithNFKC}])|(${HKDiacritics}\\n)|(\\p{M}+(?:-\\n)?)|(\\S-\\n)|(${CJK}\\n)|(\\n)`; @@ -5112,7 +5110,7 @@ function getOriginalIndex(diffs, pos, len) { return [pos, len]; } const start = pos; - const end = pos + len; + const end = pos + len - 1; let i = (0, _ui_utils.binarySearchFirstItem)(diffs, x => x[0] >= start); if (diffs[i][0] > start) { --i; @@ -5121,9 +5119,13 @@ function getOriginalIndex(diffs, pos, len) { if (diffs[j][0] > end) { --j; } - return [start + diffs[i][1], len + diffs[j][1] - diffs[i][1]]; + const oldStart = start + diffs[i][1]; + const oldEnd = end + diffs[j][1]; + const oldLen = oldEnd + 1 - oldStart; + return [oldStart, oldLen]; } class PDFFindController { + #state = null; #updateMatchesCountOnProgress = true; #visitedPagesCount = 0; constructor({ @@ -5151,7 +5153,7 @@ class PDFFindController { return this._selected; } get state() { - return this._state; + return this.#state; } setDocument(pdfDocument) { if (this._pdfDocument) { @@ -5167,14 +5169,20 @@ class PDFFindController { if (!state) { return; } + if (state.phraseSearch === false) { + console.error("The `phraseSearch`-parameter was removed, please provide " + "an Array of strings in the `query`-parameter instead."); + if (typeof state.query === "string") { + state.query = state.query.match(/\S+/g); + } + } const pdfDocument = this._pdfDocument; const { type } = state; - if (this._state === null || this.#shouldDirtyMatch(state)) { + if (this.#state === null || this.#shouldDirtyMatch(state)) { this._dirtyMatch = true; } - this._state = state; + this.#state = state; if (type !== "highlightallchange") { this.#updateUIState(FindState.PENDING); } @@ -5198,7 +5206,7 @@ class PDFFindController { this.#nextMatch(); } else if (type === "again") { this.#nextMatch(); - if (findbarClosed && this._state.highlightAll) { + if (findbarClosed && this.#state.highlightAll) { this.#updateAllPages(); } } else if (type === "highlightallchange") { @@ -5240,7 +5248,7 @@ class PDFFindController { this._pageMatches = []; this._pageMatchesLength = []; this.#visitedPagesCount = 0; - this._state = null; + this.#state = null; this._selected = { pageIdx: -1, matchIdx: -1 @@ -5261,19 +5269,38 @@ class PDFFindController { this._dirtyMatch = false; clearTimeout(this._findTimeout); this._findTimeout = null; - this._firstPageCapability = (0, _pdfjsLib.createPromiseCapability)(); + this._firstPageCapability = new _pdfjsLib.PromiseCapability(); } get #query() { - if (this._state.query !== this._rawQuery) { - this._rawQuery = this._state.query; - [this._normalizedQuery] = normalize(this._state.query); + const { + query + } = this.#state; + if (typeof query === "string") { + if (query !== this._rawQuery) { + this._rawQuery = query; + [this._normalizedQuery] = normalize(query); + } + return this._normalizedQuery; } - return this._normalizedQuery; + return (query || []).filter(q => !!q).map(q => normalize(q)[0]); } #shouldDirtyMatch(state) { - if (state.query !== this._state.query) { + const newQuery = state.query, + prevQuery = this.#state.query; + const newType = typeof newQuery, + prevType = typeof prevQuery; + if (newType !== prevType) { return true; } + if (newType === "string") { + if (newQuery !== prevQuery) { + return true; + } + } else { + if (JSON.stringify(newQuery) !== JSON.stringify(prevQuery)) { + return true; + } + } switch (state.type) { case "again": const pageNumber = this._selected.pageIdx + 1; @@ -5328,7 +5355,7 @@ class PDFFindController { #convertToRegExpString(query, hasDiacritics) { const { matchDiacritics - } = this._state; + } = this.#state; let isUnicode = false; query = query.replaceAll(SPECIAL_CHARS_REG_EXP, (match, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) => { if (p1) { @@ -5367,33 +5394,29 @@ class PDFFindController { } #calculateMatch(pageIndex) { let query = this.#query; - if (!query) { + if (query.length === 0) { return; } const { caseSensitive, - entireWord, - phraseSearch - } = this._state; + entireWord + } = this.#state; const pageContent = this._pageContents[pageIndex]; const hasDiacritics = this._hasDiacritics[pageIndex]; let isUnicode = false; - if (phraseSearch) { + if (typeof query === "string") { [isUnicode, query] = this.#convertToRegExpString(query, hasDiacritics); } else { - const match = query.match(/\S+/g); - if (match) { - query = match.sort().reverse().map(q => { - const [isUnicodePart, queryPart] = this.#convertToRegExpString(q, hasDiacritics); - isUnicode ||= isUnicodePart; - return `(${queryPart})`; - }).join("|"); - } + query = query.sort().reverse().map(q => { + const [isUnicodePart, queryPart] = this.#convertToRegExpString(q, hasDiacritics); + isUnicode ||= isUnicodePart; + return `(${queryPart})`; + }).join("|"); } const flags = `g${isUnicode ? "u" : ""}${caseSensitive ? "" : "i"}`; query = query ? new RegExp(query, flags) : null; this.#calculateRegExpMatch(query, entireWord, pageIndex, pageContent); - if (this._state.highlightAll) { + if (this.#state.highlightAll) { this.#updatePage(pageIndex); } if (this._resumePageIdx === pageIndex) { @@ -5415,12 +5438,15 @@ class PDFFindController { return; } let promise = Promise.resolve(); + const textOptions = { + disableNormalization: true + }; for (let i = 0, ii = this._linkService.pagesCount; i < ii; i++) { - const extractTextCapability = (0, _pdfjsLib.createPromiseCapability)(); + const extractTextCapability = new _pdfjsLib.PromiseCapability(); this._extractTextPromises[i] = extractTextCapability.promise; promise = promise.then(() => { return this._pdfDocument.getPage(i + 1).then(pdfPage => { - return pdfPage.getTextContent(); + return pdfPage.getTextContent(textOptions); }).then(textContent => { const strBuf = []; for (const textItem of textContent.items) { @@ -5457,7 +5483,7 @@ class PDFFindController { }); } #nextMatch() { - const previous = this._state.findPrevious; + const previous = this.#state.findPrevious; const currentPageIndex = - 1; const numPages = this._linkService.pagesCount; this._highlightMatches = true; @@ -5484,7 +5510,8 @@ class PDFFindController { }); } } - if (!this.#query) { + const query = this.#query; + if (query.length === 0) { this.#updateUIState(FindState.FOUND); return; } @@ -5507,7 +5534,7 @@ class PDFFindController { #matchesReady(matches) { const offset = this._offset; const numMatches = matches.length; - const previous = this._state.findPrevious; + const previous = this.#state.findPrevious; if (numMatches) { offset.matchIdx = previous ? numMatches - 1 : 0; this.#updateMatch(true); @@ -5561,7 +5588,7 @@ class PDFFindController { this.#updatePage(previousPage); } } - this.#updateUIState(state, this._state.findPrevious); + this.#updateUIState(state, this.#state.findPrevious); if (this._selected.pageIdx !== -1) { this._scrollMatches = true; this.#updatePage(this._selected.pageIdx); @@ -5622,7 +5649,7 @@ class PDFFindController { state, previous, matchesCount: this.#requestMatchesCount(), - rawQuery: this._state?.query ?? null + rawQuery: this.#state?.query ?? null }); } } @@ -5639,6 +5666,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ })); exports.CharacterType = void 0; exports.getCharacterType = getCharacterType; +exports.getNormalizeWithNFKC = getNormalizeWithNFKC; const CharacterType = { SPACE: 0, ALPHA_LETTER: 1, @@ -5707,6 +5735,11 @@ function getCharacterType(charCode) { } return CharacterType.ALPHA_LETTER; } +let NormalizeWithNFKC; +function getNormalizeWithNFKC() { + NormalizeWithNFKC ||= ` ¨ª¯²-µ¸-º¼-¾IJ-ijĿ-ŀʼnſDŽ-njDZ-dzʰ-ʸ˘-˝ˠ-ˤʹͺ;΄-΅·ϐ-ϖϰ-ϲϴ-ϵϹևٵ-ٸक़-य़ড়-ঢ়য়ਲ਼ਸ਼ਖ਼-ਜ਼ਫ਼ଡ଼-ଢ଼ำຳໜ-ໝ༌གྷཌྷདྷབྷཛྷཀྵჼᴬ-ᴮᴰ-ᴺᴼ-ᵍᵏ-ᵪᵸᶛ-ᶿẚ-ẛάέήίόύώΆ᾽-῁ΈΉ῍-῏ΐΊ῝-῟ΰΎ῭-`ΌΏ´-῾ - ‑‗․-… ″-‴‶-‷‼‾⁇-⁉⁗ ⁰-ⁱ⁴-₎ₐ-ₜ₨℀-℃℅-ℇ℉-ℓℕ-№ℙ-ℝ℠-™ℤΩℨK-ℭℯ-ℱℳ-ℹ℻-⅀ⅅ-ⅉ⅐-ⅿ↉∬-∭∯-∰〈-〉①-⓪⨌⩴-⩶⫝̸ⱼ-ⱽⵯ⺟⻳⼀-⿕ 〶〸-〺゛-゜ゟヿㄱ-ㆎ㆒-㆟㈀-㈞㈠-㉇㉐-㉾㊀-㏿ꚜ-ꚝꝰꟲ-ꟴꟸ-ꟹꭜ-ꭟꭩ豈-嗀塚晴凞-羽蘒諸逸-都飯-舘並-龎ff-stﬓ-ﬗיִײַ-זּטּ-לּמּנּ-סּףּ-פּצּ-ﮱﯓ-ﴽﵐ-ﶏﶒ-ﷇﷰ-﷼︐-︙︰-﹄﹇-﹒﹔-﹦﹨-﹫ﹰ-ﹲﹴﹶ-ﻼ!-하-ᅦᅧ-ᅬᅭ-ᅲᅳ-ᅵ¢-₩`; + return NormalizeWithNFKC; +} /***/ }), /* 19 */ @@ -6398,7 +6431,7 @@ class PDFOutlineViewer extends _base_tree_viewer.BaseTreeViewer { this._currentOutlineItemCapability = null; } _dispatchEvent(outlineCount) { - this._currentOutlineItemCapability = (0, _pdfjsLib.createPromiseCapability)(); + this._currentOutlineItemCapability = new _pdfjsLib.PromiseCapability(); if (outlineCount === 0 || this._pdfDocument?.loadingParams.disableAutoFetch) { this._currentOutlineItemCapability.resolve(false); } else if (this._isPagesLoaded !== null) { @@ -6580,7 +6613,7 @@ class PDFOutlineViewer extends _base_tree_viewer.BaseTreeViewer { if (this._pageNumberToDestHashCapability) { return this._pageNumberToDestHashCapability.promise; } - this._pageNumberToDestHashCapability = (0, _pdfjsLib.createPromiseCapability)(); + this._pageNumberToDestHashCapability = new _pdfjsLib.PromiseCapability(); const pageNumberToDestHash = new Map(), pageNumberNesting = new Map(); const queue = [{ @@ -7324,7 +7357,7 @@ class PDFScriptingManager { const pdfDocument = this._pdfDocument, visitedPages = this._visitedPages; if (initialize) { - this._closeCapability = (0, _pdfjsLib.createPromiseCapability)(); + this._closeCapability = new _pdfjsLib.PromiseCapability(); } if (!this._closeCapability) { return; @@ -7380,7 +7413,7 @@ class PDFScriptingManager { throw new Error("_getDocProperties: Unable to lookup properties."); } _createScripting() { - this._destroyCapability = (0, _pdfjsLib.createPromiseCapability)(); + this._destroyCapability = new _pdfjsLib.PromiseCapability(); if (this._scripting) { throw new Error("_createScripting: Scripting already exists."); } @@ -7493,7 +7526,7 @@ class PDFSidebar { } switchView(view, forceOpen = false) { const isViewChanged = view !==; - let shouldForceRendering = false; + let forceRendering = false; switch (view) { case _ui_utils.SidebarView.NONE: if (this.isOpen) { @@ -7502,7 +7535,7 @@ class PDFSidebar { return; case _ui_utils.SidebarView.THUMBS: if (this.isOpen && isViewChanged) { - shouldForceRendering = true; + forceRendering = true; } break; case _ui_utils.SidebarView.OUTLINE: @@ -7525,30 +7558,18 @@ class PDFSidebar { return; } = view; - const isThumbs = view === _ui_utils.SidebarView.THUMBS, - isOutline = view === _ui_utils.SidebarView.OUTLINE, - isAttachments = view === _ui_utils.SidebarView.ATTACHMENTS, - isLayers = view === _ui_utils.SidebarView.LAYERS; - this.thumbnailButton.classList.toggle("toggled", isThumbs); - this.outlineButton.classList.toggle("toggled", isOutline); - this.attachmentsButton.classList.toggle("toggled", isAttachments); - this.layersButton.classList.toggle("toggled", isLayers); - this.thumbnailButton.setAttribute("aria-checked", isThumbs); - this.outlineButton.setAttribute("aria-checked", isOutline); - this.attachmentsButton.setAttribute("aria-checked", isAttachments); - this.layersButton.setAttribute("aria-checked", isLayers); - this.thumbnailView.classList.toggle("hidden", !isThumbs); - this.outlineView.classList.toggle("hidden", !isOutline); - this.attachmentsView.classList.toggle("hidden", !isAttachments); - this.layersView.classList.toggle("hidden", !isLayers); - this._outlineOptionsContainer.classList.toggle("hidden", !isOutline); + (0, _ui_utils.toggleCheckedBtn)(this.thumbnailButton, view === _ui_utils.SidebarView.THUMBS, this.thumbnailView); + (0, _ui_utils.toggleCheckedBtn)(this.outlineButton, view === _ui_utils.SidebarView.OUTLINE, this.outlineView); + (0, _ui_utils.toggleCheckedBtn)(this.attachmentsButton, view === _ui_utils.SidebarView.ATTACHMENTS, this.attachmentsView); + (0, _ui_utils.toggleCheckedBtn)(this.layersButton, view === _ui_utils.SidebarView.LAYERS, this.layersView); + this._outlineOptionsContainer.classList.toggle("hidden", view !== _ui_utils.SidebarView.OUTLINE); if (forceOpen && !this.isOpen) {; return; } - if (shouldForceRendering) { + if (forceRendering) { this.#updateThumbnailViewer(); - this.#forceRendering(); + this.onToggled(); } if (isViewChanged) { this.#dispatchEvent(); @@ -7565,7 +7586,7 @@ class PDFSidebar { if ( === _ui_utils.SidebarView.THUMBS) { this.#updateThumbnailViewer(); } - this.#forceRendering(); + this.onToggled(); this.#dispatchEvent(); this.#hideUINotification(); } @@ -7578,7 +7599,7 @@ class PDFSidebar { this.toggleButton.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false"); this.outerContainer.classList.add("sidebarMoving"); this.outerContainer.classList.remove("sidebarOpen"); - this.#forceRendering(); + this.onToggled(); this.#dispatchEvent(); } toggle() { @@ -7597,14 +7618,6 @@ class PDFSidebar { view: this.visibleView }); } - #forceRendering() { - if (this.onToggled) { - this.onToggled(); - } else { - this.pdfViewer.forceRendering(); - this.pdfThumbnailViewer.forceRendering(); - } - } #updateThumbnailViewer() { const { pdfViewer, @@ -8045,7 +8058,6 @@ var _ui_utils = __webpack_require__(3); var _pdfjsLib = __webpack_require__(4); const DRAW_UPSCALE_FACTOR = 2; const MAX_NUM_SCALING_STEPS = 3; -const THUMBNAIL_CANVAS_BORDER_WIDTH = 1; const THUMBNAIL_WIDTH = 98; class TempImageFactory { static #tempCanvas = null; @@ -8097,12 +8109,6 @@ class PDFThumbnailView { this.renderTask = null; this.renderingState = _ui_utils.RenderingStates.INITIAL; this.resume = null; - const pageWidth = this.viewport.width, - pageHeight = this.viewport.height, - pageRatio = pageWidth / pageHeight; - this.canvasWidth = THUMBNAIL_WIDTH; - this.canvasHeight = this.canvasWidth / pageRatio | 0; - this.scale = this.canvasWidth / pageWidth; this.l10n = l10n; const anchor = document.createElement("a"); anchor.href = linkService.getAnchorUrl("#page=" + id); @@ -8118,16 +8124,29 @@ class PDFThumbnailView { div.className = "thumbnail"; div.setAttribute("data-page-number",; this.div = div; - const ring = document.createElement("div"); - ring.className = "thumbnailSelectionRing"; - const borderAdjustment = 2 * THUMBNAIL_CANVAS_BORDER_WIDTH; - = this.canvasWidth + borderAdjustment + "px"; - = this.canvasHeight + borderAdjustment + "px"; - this.ring = ring; - div.append(ring); + this.#updateDims(); + const img = document.createElement("div"); + img.className = "thumbnailImage"; + this._placeholderImg = img; + div.append(img); anchor.append(div); container.append(anchor); } + #updateDims() { + const { + width, + height + } = this.viewport; + const ratio = width / height; + this.canvasWidth = THUMBNAIL_WIDTH; + this.canvasHeight = this.canvasWidth / ratio | 0; + this.scale = this.canvasWidth / width; + const { + style + } = this.div; + style.setProperty("--thumbnail-width", `${this.canvasWidth}px`); + style.setProperty("--thumbnail-height", `${this.canvasHeight}px`); + } setPdfPage(pdfPage) { this.pdfPage = pdfPage; this.pdfPageRotate = pdfPage.rotate; @@ -8141,22 +8160,9 @@ class PDFThumbnailView { reset() { this.cancelRendering(); this.renderingState = _ui_utils.RenderingStates.INITIAL; - const pageWidth = this.viewport.width, - pageHeight = this.viewport.height, - pageRatio = pageWidth / pageHeight; - this.canvasHeight = this.canvasWidth / pageRatio | 0; - this.scale = this.canvasWidth / pageWidth; this.div.removeAttribute("data-loaded"); - const ring = this.ring; - ring.textContent = ""; - const borderAdjustment = 2 * THUMBNAIL_CANVAS_BORDER_WIDTH; - = this.canvasWidth + borderAdjustment + "px"; - = this.canvasHeight + borderAdjustment + "px"; - if (this.canvas) { - this.canvas.width = 0; - this.canvas.height = 0; - delete this.canvas; - } + this.image?.replaceWith(this._placeholderImg); + this.#updateDims(); if (this.image) { this.image.removeAttribute("src"); delete this.image; @@ -8207,41 +8213,39 @@ class PDFThumbnailView { this._thumbPageCanvas.then(msg => { image.setAttribute("aria-label", msg); }); - = this.canvasWidth + "px"; - = this.canvasHeight + "px"; image.src = reducedCanvas.toDataURL(); this.image = image; this.div.setAttribute("data-loaded", true); - this.ring.append(image); + this._placeholderImg.replaceWith(image); reducedCanvas.width = 0; reducedCanvas.height = 0; } - draw() { + async #finishRenderTask(renderTask, canvas, error = null) { + if (renderTask === this.renderTask) { + this.renderTask = null; + } + if (error instanceof _pdfjsLib.RenderingCancelledException) { + return; + } + this.renderingState = _ui_utils.RenderingStates.FINISHED; + this._convertCanvasToImage(canvas); + if (error) { + throw error; + } + } + async draw() { if (this.renderingState !== _ui_utils.RenderingStates.INITIAL) { console.error("Must be in new state before drawing"); - return Promise.resolve(); + return undefined; } const { pdfPage } = this; if (!pdfPage) { this.renderingState = _ui_utils.RenderingStates.FINISHED; - return Promise.reject(new Error("pdfPage is not loaded")); + throw new Error("pdfPage is not loaded"); } this.renderingState = _ui_utils.RenderingStates.RUNNING; - const finishRenderTask = async (error = null) => { - if (renderTask === this.renderTask) { - this.renderTask = null; - } - if (error instanceof _pdfjsLib.RenderingCancelledException) { - return; - } - this.renderingState = _ui_utils.RenderingStates.FINISHED; - this._convertCanvasToImage(canvas); - if (error) { - throw error; - } - }; const { ctx, canvas, @@ -8270,11 +8274,7 @@ class PDFThumbnailView { }; const renderTask = this.renderTask = pdfPage.render(renderContext); renderTask.onContinue = renderContinueCallback; - const resultPromise = renderTask.promise.then(function () { - return finishRenderTask(null); - }, function (error) { - return finishRenderTask(error); - }); + const resultPromise = renderTask.promise.then(() => this.#finishRenderTask(renderTask, canvas), error => this.#finishRenderTask(renderTask, canvas, error)); resultPromise.finally(() => { canvas.width = 0; canvas.height = 0; @@ -8373,7 +8373,6 @@ var _pdf_page_view = __webpack_require__(31); var _pdf_rendering_queue = __webpack_require__(23); var _pdf_link_service = __webpack_require__(7); const DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE = 10; -const ENABLE_PERMISSIONS_CLASS = "enablePermissions"; const PagesCountLimit = { FORCE_SCROLL_MODE_PAGE: 15000, FORCE_LAZY_PAGE_INIT: 7500, @@ -8438,14 +8437,19 @@ class PDFViewer { #annotationEditorUIManager = null; #annotationMode = _pdfjsLib.AnnotationMode.ENABLE_FORMS; #containerTopLeft = null; + #copyCallbackBound = null; #enablePermissions = false; + #getAllTextInProgress = false; + #hiddenCopyElement = null; + #interruptCopyCondition = false; #previousContainerHeight = 0; #resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(this.#resizeObserverCallback.bind(this)); #scrollModePageState = null; #onVisibilityChange = null; #scaleTimeoutId = null; + #textLayerMode = _ui_utils.TextLayerMode.ENABLE; constructor(options) { - const viewerVersion = '3.5.141'; + const viewerVersion = '3.6.172'; if (_pdfjsLib.version !== viewerVersion) { throw new Error(`The API version "${_pdfjsLib.version}" does not match the Viewer version "${viewerVersion}".`); } @@ -8463,13 +8467,12 @@ class PDFViewer { this.downloadManager = options.downloadManager || null; this.findController = options.findController || null; this._scriptingManager = options.scriptingManager || null; - this.textLayerMode = options.textLayerMode ?? _ui_utils.TextLayerMode.ENABLE; + this.#textLayerMode = options.textLayerMode ?? _ui_utils.TextLayerMode.ENABLE; this.#annotationMode = options.annotationMode ?? _pdfjsLib.AnnotationMode.ENABLE_FORMS; this.#annotationEditorMode = options.annotationEditorMode ?? _pdfjsLib.AnnotationEditorType.NONE; this.imageResourcesPath = options.imageResourcesPath || ""; this.enablePrintAutoRotate = options.enablePrintAutoRotate || false; this.removePageBorders = options.removePageBorders || false; - this.renderer = options.renderer || _ui_utils.RendererType.CANVAS; this.useOnlyCssZoom = options.useOnlyCssZoom || false; this.isOffscreenCanvasSupported = options.isOffscreenCanvasSupported ?? true; this.maxCanvasPixels = options.maxCanvasPixels; @@ -8505,12 +8508,7 @@ class PDFViewer { return this._pages[index]; } get pageViewsReady() { - if (!this._pagesCapability.settled) { - return false; - } - return this._pages.every(function (pageView) { - return pageView?.pdfPage; - }); + return this._pagesCapability.settled && this._pages.every(pageView => pageView?.pdfPage); } get renderForms() { return this.#annotationMode === _pdfjsLib.AnnotationMode.ENABLE_FORMS; @@ -8676,13 +8674,13 @@ class PDFViewer { const params = { annotationEditorMode: this.#annotationEditorMode, annotationMode: this.#annotationMode, - textLayerMode: this.textLayerMode + textLayerMode: this.#textLayerMode }; if (!permissions) { return params; } - if (!permissions.includes(_pdfjsLib.PermissionFlag.COPY)) { - this.viewer.classList.add(ENABLE_PERMISSIONS_CLASS); + if (!permissions.includes(_pdfjsLib.PermissionFlag.COPY) && this.#textLayerMode === _ui_utils.TextLayerMode.ENABLE) { + params.textLayerMode = _ui_utils.TextLayerMode.ENABLE_PERMISSIONS; } if (!permissions.includes(_pdfjsLib.PermissionFlag.MODIFY_CONTENTS)) { params.annotationEditorMode = _pdfjsLib.AnnotationEditorType.DISABLE; @@ -8709,6 +8707,63 @@ class PDFViewer { }); return Promise.race([this._onePageRenderedCapability.promise, visibilityChangePromise]); } + async getAllText() { + const texts = []; + const buffer = []; + for (let pageNum = 1, pagesCount = this.pdfDocument.numPages; pageNum <= pagesCount; ++pageNum) { + if (this.#interruptCopyCondition) { + return null; + } + buffer.length = 0; + const page = await this.pdfDocument.getPage(pageNum); + const { + items + } = await page.getTextContent(); + for (const item of items) { + if (item.str) { + buffer.push(item.str); + } + if (item.hasEOL) { + buffer.push("\n"); + } + } + texts.push((0, _ui_utils.removeNullCharacters)(buffer.join(""))); + } + return texts.join("\n"); + } + #copyCallback(textLayerMode, event) { + const selection = document.getSelection(); + const { + focusNode, + anchorNode + } = selection; + if (anchorNode && focusNode && selection.containsNode(this.#hiddenCopyElement)) { + if (this.#getAllTextInProgress || textLayerMode === _ui_utils.TextLayerMode.ENABLE_PERMISSIONS) { + event.preventDefault(); + event.stopPropagation(); + return; + } + this.#getAllTextInProgress = true; + const savedCursor =; + = "wait"; + const interruptCopy = ev => this.#interruptCopyCondition = ev.key === "Escape"; + window.addEventListener("keydown", interruptCopy); + this.getAllText().then(async text => { + if (text !== null) { + await navigator.clipboard.writeText(text); + } + }).catch(reason => { + console.warn(`Something goes wrong when extracting the text: ${reason.message}`); + }).finally(() => { + this.#getAllTextInProgress = false; + this.#interruptCopyCondition = false; + window.removeEventListener("keydown", interruptCopy); + = savedCursor; + }); + event.preventDefault(); + event.stopPropagation(); + } + } setDocument(pdfDocument) { if (this.pdfDocument) { this.eventBus.dispatch("pagesdestroy", { @@ -8779,6 +8834,11 @@ class PDFViewer { annotationMode, textLayerMode } = this.#initializePermissions(permissions); + if (textLayerMode !== _ui_utils.TextLayerMode.DISABLE) { + const element = this.#hiddenCopyElement = document.createElement("div"); + = "hiddenCopyElement"; + this.viewer.before(element); + } if (annotationEditorMode !== _pdfjsLib.AnnotationEditorType.DISABLE) { const mode = annotationEditorMode; if (pdfDocument.isPureXfa) { @@ -8811,7 +8871,6 @@ class PDFViewer { textLayerMode, annotationMode, imageResourcesPath: this.imageResourcesPath, - renderer: this.renderer, useOnlyCssZoom: this.useOnlyCssZoom, isOffscreenCanvasSupported: this.isOffscreenCanvasSupported, maxCanvasPixels: this.maxCanvasPixels, @@ -8834,6 +8893,10 @@ class PDFViewer { this.#onePageRenderedOrForceFetch().then(async () => { this.findController?.setDocument(pdfDocument); this._scriptingManager?.setDocument(pdfDocument); + if (this.#hiddenCopyElement) { + this.#copyCallbackBound = this.#copyCallback.bind(this, textLayerMode); + document.addEventListener("copy", this.#copyCallbackBound); + } if (this.#annotationEditorUIManager) { this.eventBus.dispatch("annotationeditormodechanged", { source: this, @@ -8917,9 +8980,9 @@ class PDFViewer { this._location = null; this._pagesRotation = 0; this._optionalContentConfigPromise = null; - this._firstPageCapability = (0, _pdfjsLib.createPromiseCapability)(); - this._onePageRenderedCapability = (0, _pdfjsLib.createPromiseCapability)(); - this._pagesCapability = (0, _pdfjsLib.createPromiseCapability)(); + this._firstPageCapability = new _pdfjsLib.PromiseCapability(); + this._onePageRenderedCapability = new _pdfjsLib.PromiseCapability(); + this._pagesCapability = new _pdfjsLib.PromiseCapability(); this._scrollMode = _ui_utils.ScrollMode.VERTICAL; this._previousScrollMode = _ui_utils.ScrollMode.UNKNOWN; this._spreadMode = _ui_utils.SpreadMode.NONE; @@ -8943,7 +9006,12 @@ class PDFViewer { this.viewer.textContent = ""; this._updateScrollMode(); this.viewer.removeAttribute("lang"); - this.viewer.classList.remove(ENABLE_PERMISSIONS_CLASS); + if (this.#hiddenCopyElement) { + document.removeEventListener("copy", this.#copyCallbackBound); + this.#copyCallbackBound = null; + this.#hiddenCopyElement.remove(); + this.#hiddenCopyElement = null; + } } #ensurePageViewVisible() { if (this._scrollMode !== _ui_utils.ScrollMode.PAGE) { @@ -9430,21 +9498,25 @@ class PDFViewer { return true; } getPagesOverview() { + let initialOrientation; return => { const viewport = pageView.pdfPage.getViewport({ scale: 1 }); - if (!this.enablePrintAutoRotate || (0, _ui_utils.isPortraitOrientation)(viewport)) { + const orientation = (0, _ui_utils.isPortraitOrientation)(viewport); + if (initialOrientation === undefined) { + initialOrientation = orientation; + } else if (this.enablePrintAutoRotate && orientation !== initialOrientation) { return { - width: viewport.width, - height: viewport.height, - rotation: viewport.rotation + width: viewport.height, + height: viewport.width, + rotation: (viewport.rotation - 90) % 360 }; } return { - width: viewport.height, - height: viewport.width, - rotation: (viewport.rotation - 90) % 360 + width: viewport.width, + height: viewport.height, + rotation: viewport.rotation }; }); } @@ -9955,11 +10027,14 @@ class PDFPageView { #layerProperties = null; #loadingId = null; #previousRotation = null; + #renderError = null; #renderingState = _ui_utils.RenderingStates.INITIAL; + #textLayerMode = _ui_utils.TextLayerMode.ENABLE; #useThumbnailCanvas = { initialOptionalContent: true, regularAnnotations: true }; + #viewportMap = new WeakMap(); constructor(options) { const container = options.container; const defaultViewport = options.defaultViewport; @@ -9974,7 +10049,7 @@ class PDFPageView { this.pdfPageRotate = defaultViewport.rotation; this._optionalContentConfigPromise = options.optionalContentConfigPromise || null; this.hasRestrictedScaling = false; - this.textLayerMode = options.textLayerMode ?? _ui_utils.TextLayerMode.ENABLE; + this.#textLayerMode = options.textLayerMode ?? _ui_utils.TextLayerMode.ENABLE; this.#annotationMode = options.annotationMode ?? _pdfjsLib.AnnotationMode.ENABLE_FORMS; this.imageResourcesPath = options.imageResourcesPath || ""; this.useOnlyCssZoom = options.useOnlyCssZoom || false; @@ -9983,12 +10058,9 @@ class PDFPageView { this.pageColors = options.pageColors || null; this.eventBus = options.eventBus; this.renderingQueue = options.renderingQueue; - this.renderer = options.renderer || _ui_utils.RendererType.CANVAS; this.l10n = options.l10n || _l10n_utils.NullL10n; - this.paintTask = null; - this.paintedViewportMap = new WeakMap(); + this.renderTask = null; this.resume = null; - this._renderError = null; this._isStandalone = !this.renderingQueue?.hasViewer(); this._annotationCanvasMap = null; this.annotationLayer = null; @@ -10148,7 +10220,8 @@ class PDFPageView { try { if (!textLayer.renderingDone) { const readableStream = pdfPage.streamTextContent({ - includeMarkedContent: true + includeMarkedContent: true, + disableNormalization: true }); textLayer.setTextContentSource(readableStream); } @@ -10194,7 +10267,7 @@ class PDFPageView { return; } const zoomLayerCanvas = this.zoomLayer.firstChild; - this.paintedViewportMap.delete(zoomLayerCanvas); + this.#viewportMap.delete(zoomLayerCanvas); zoomLayerCanvas.width = 0; zoomLayerCanvas.height = 0; if (removeFromDOM) { @@ -10251,17 +10324,13 @@ class PDFPageView { this.structTreeLayer?.hide(); if (!zoomLayerNode) { if (this.canvas) { - this.paintedViewportMap.delete(this.canvas); + this.#viewportMap.delete(this.canvas); this.canvas.width = 0; this.canvas.height = 0; delete this.canvas; } this._resetZoomLayer(); } - if (this.svg) { - this.paintedViewportMap.delete(this.svg); - delete this.svg; - } } update({ scale = 0, @@ -10291,27 +10360,17 @@ class PDFPageView { if (this._isStandalone) { this.div.parentNode?.style.setProperty("--scale-factor", this.viewport.scale); } - if (this.svg) { - this.cssTransform({ - target: this.svg, - redrawAnnotationLayer: true, - redrawAnnotationEditorLayer: true, - redrawXfaLayer: true, - redrawTextLayer: true - }); - this.eventBus.dispatch("pagerendered", { - source: this, - pageNumber:, - cssTransform: true, - timestamp:, - error: this._renderError - }); - return; - } let isScalingRestricted = false; if (this.canvas && this.maxCanvasPixels > 0) { - const outputScale = this.outputScale; - if ((Math.floor(this.viewport.width) * | 0) * (Math.floor(this.viewport.height) * | 0) > this.maxCanvasPixels) { + const { + width, + height + } = this.viewport; + const { + sx, + sy + } = this.outputScale; + if ((Math.floor(width) * sx | 0) * (Math.floor(height) * sy | 0) > this.maxCanvasPixels) { isScalingRestricted = true; } } @@ -10343,7 +10402,7 @@ class PDFPageView { pageNumber:, cssTransform: true, timestamp:, - error: this._renderError + error: this.#renderError }); return; } @@ -10372,9 +10431,9 @@ class PDFPageView { keepTextLayer = false, cancelExtraDelay = 0 } = {}) { - if (this.paintTask) { - this.paintTask.cancel(cancelExtraDelay); - this.paintTask = null; + if (this.renderTask) { + this.renderTask.cancel(cancelExtraDelay); + this.renderTask = null; } this.resume = null; if (this.textLayer && (!keepTextLayer || !this.textLayer.div)) { @@ -10407,24 +10466,14 @@ class PDFPageView { redrawTextLayer = false, hideTextLayer = false }) { - if (target instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) { - if (!target.hasAttribute("zooming")) { - target.setAttribute("zooming", true); - const { - style - } = target; - style.width = style.height = ""; - } - } else { - const div = this.div; + if (!target.hasAttribute("zooming")) { + target.setAttribute("zooming", true); const { - width, - height - } = this.viewport; - = = = Math.floor(width) + "px"; - = = = Math.floor(height) + "px"; + style + } = target; + style.width = style.height = ""; } - const originalViewport = this.paintedViewportMap.get(target); + const originalViewport = this.#viewportMap.get(target); if (this.viewport !== originalViewport) { const relativeRotation = this.viewport.rotation - originalViewport.rotation; const absRotation = Math.abs(relativeRotation); @@ -10467,29 +10516,56 @@ class PDFPageView { getPagePoint(x, y) { return this.viewport.convertToPdfPoint(x, y); } - draw() { + async #finishRenderTask(renderTask, error = null) { + if (renderTask === this.renderTask) { + this.renderTask = null; + } + if (error instanceof _pdfjsLib.RenderingCancelledException) { + this.#renderError = null; + return; + } + this.#renderError = error; + this.renderingState = _ui_utils.RenderingStates.FINISHED; + this._resetZoomLayer(true); + this.#useThumbnailCanvas.regularAnnotations = !renderTask.separateAnnots; + this.eventBus.dispatch("pagerendered", { + source: this, + pageNumber:, + cssTransform: false, + timestamp:, + error: this.#renderError + }); + if (error) { + throw error; + } + } + async draw() { if (this.renderingState !== _ui_utils.RenderingStates.INITIAL) { console.error("Must be in new state before drawing"); this.reset(); } const { div, - pdfPage + l10n, + pageColors, + pdfPage, + viewport } = this; if (!pdfPage) { this.renderingState = _ui_utils.RenderingStates.FINISHED; - return Promise.reject(new Error("pdfPage is not loaded")); + throw new Error("pdfPage is not loaded"); } this.renderingState = _ui_utils.RenderingStates.RUNNING; const canvasWrapper = document.createElement("div"); canvasWrapper.classList.add("canvasWrapper"); div.append(canvasWrapper); - if (!this.textLayer && this.textLayerMode !== _ui_utils.TextLayerMode.DISABLE && !pdfPage.isPureXfa) { + if (!this.textLayer && this.#textLayerMode !== _ui_utils.TextLayerMode.DISABLE && !pdfPage.isPureXfa) { this._accessibilityManager ||= new _text_accessibility.TextAccessibilityManager(); this.textLayer = new _text_layer_builder.TextLayerBuilder({ highlighter: this._textHighlighter, accessibilityManager: this._accessibilityManager, - isOffscreenCanvasSupported: this.isOffscreenCanvasSupported + isOffscreenCanvasSupported: this.isOffscreenCanvasSupported, + enablePermissions: this.#textLayerMode === _ui_utils.TextLayerMode.ENABLE_PERMISSIONS }); div.append(this.textLayer.div); } @@ -10511,7 +10587,7 @@ class PDFPageView { renderForms: this.#annotationMode === _pdfjsLib.AnnotationMode.ENABLE_FORMS, linkService, downloadManager, - l10n: this.l10n, + l10n, enableScripting, hasJSActionsPromise, fieldObjectsPromise, @@ -10519,111 +10595,18 @@ class PDFPageView { accessibilityManager: this._accessibilityManager }); } - let renderContinueCallback = null; - if (this.renderingQueue) { - renderContinueCallback = cont => { - if (!this.renderingQueue.isHighestPriority(this)) { - this.renderingState = _ui_utils.RenderingStates.PAUSED; - this.resume = () => { - this.renderingState = _ui_utils.RenderingStates.RUNNING; - cont(); - }; - return; - } - cont(); - }; - } - const finishPaintTask = async (error = null) => { - if (paintTask === this.paintTask) { - this.paintTask = null; - } - if (error instanceof _pdfjsLib.RenderingCancelledException) { - this._renderError = null; + const renderContinueCallback = cont => { + showCanvas?.(false); + if (this.renderingQueue && !this.renderingQueue.isHighestPriority(this)) { + this.renderingState = _ui_utils.RenderingStates.PAUSED; + this.resume = () => { + this.renderingState = _ui_utils.RenderingStates.RUNNING; + cont(); + }; return; } - this._renderError = error; - this.renderingState = _ui_utils.RenderingStates.FINISHED; - this._resetZoomLayer(true); - this.#useThumbnailCanvas.regularAnnotations = !paintTask.separateAnnots; - this.eventBus.dispatch("pagerendered", { - source: this, - pageNumber:, - cssTransform: false, - timestamp:, - error: this._renderError - }); - if (error) { - throw error; - } - }; - const paintTask = this.renderer === _ui_utils.RendererType.SVG ? this.paintOnSvg(canvasWrapper) : this.paintOnCanvas(canvasWrapper); - paintTask.onRenderContinue = renderContinueCallback; - this.paintTask = paintTask; - const resultPromise = paintTask.promise.then(() => { - return finishPaintTask(null).then(async () => { - this.#renderTextLayer(); - if (this.annotationLayer) { - await this.#renderAnnotationLayer(); - } - if (!this.annotationEditorLayer) { - const { - annotationEditorUIManager - } = this.#layerProperties(); - if (!annotationEditorUIManager) { - return; - } - this.annotationEditorLayer = new _annotation_editor_layer_builder.AnnotationEditorLayerBuilder({ - uiManager: annotationEditorUIManager, - pageDiv: div, - pdfPage, - l10n: this.l10n, - accessibilityManager: this._accessibilityManager - }); - } - this.#renderAnnotationEditorLayer(); - }); - }, function (reason) { - return finishPaintTask(reason); - }); - if (pdfPage.isPureXfa) { - if (!this.xfaLayer) { - const { - annotationStorage, - linkService - } = this.#layerProperties(); - this.xfaLayer = new _xfa_layer_builder.XfaLayerBuilder({ - pageDiv: div, - pdfPage, - annotationStorage, - linkService - }); - } else if (this.xfaLayer.div) { - div.append(this.xfaLayer.div); - } - this.#renderXfaLayer(); - } - div.setAttribute("data-loaded", true); - this.eventBus.dispatch("pagerender", { - source: this, - pageNumber: - }); - return resultPromise; - } - paintOnCanvas(canvasWrapper) { - const renderCapability = (0, _pdfjsLib.createPromiseCapability)(); - const result = { - promise: renderCapability.promise, - onRenderContinue(cont) { - cont(); - }, - cancel(extraDelay = 0) { - renderTask.cancel(extraDelay); - }, - get separateAnnots() { - return renderTask.separateAnnots; - } + cont(); }; - const viewport = this.viewport; const { width, height @@ -10631,12 +10614,11 @@ class PDFPageView { const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.setAttribute("role", "presentation"); canvas.hidden = true; - let isCanvasHidden = true; - const hasHCM = !!(this.pageColors?.background && this.pageColors?.foreground); - const showCanvas = function (isLastShow) { - if (isCanvasHidden && (!hasHCM || isLastShow)) { + const hasHCM = !!(pageColors?.background && pageColors?.foreground); + let showCanvas = isLastShow => { + if (!hasHCM || isLastShow) { canvas.hidden = false; - isCanvasHidden = false; + showCanvas = null; } }; canvasWrapper.append(canvas); @@ -10665,14 +10647,14 @@ class PDFPageView { } const sfx = (0, _ui_utils.approximateFraction)(; const sfy = (0, _ui_utils.approximateFraction)(; - canvas.width = (0, _ui_utils.roundToDivide)(viewport.width *, sfx[0]); - canvas.height = (0, _ui_utils.roundToDivide)(viewport.height *, sfy[0]); + canvas.width = (0, _ui_utils.roundToDivide)(width *, sfx[0]); + canvas.height = (0, _ui_utils.roundToDivide)(height *, sfy[0]); const { style } = canvas; - style.width = (0, _ui_utils.roundToDivide)(viewport.width, sfx[1]) + "px"; - style.height = (0, _ui_utils.roundToDivide)(viewport.height, sfy[1]) + "px"; - this.paintedViewportMap.set(canvas, viewport); + style.width = (0, _ui_utils.roundToDivide)(width, sfx[1]) + "px"; + style.height = (0, _ui_utils.roundToDivide)(height, sfy[1]) + "px"; + this.#viewportMap.set(canvas, viewport); const transform = outputScale.scaled ? [, 0, 0,, 0, 0] : null; const renderContext = { canvasContext: ctx, @@ -10681,66 +10663,62 @@ class PDFPageView { annotationMode: this.#annotationMode, optionalContentConfigPromise: this._optionalContentConfigPromise, annotationCanvasMap: this._annotationCanvasMap, - pageColors: this.pageColors + pageColors }; - const renderTask = this.pdfPage.render(renderContext); - renderTask.onContinue = function (cont) { - showCanvas(false); - if (result.onRenderContinue) { - result.onRenderContinue(cont); - } else { - cont(); + const renderTask = this.renderTask = this.pdfPage.render(renderContext); + renderTask.onContinue = renderContinueCallback; + const resultPromise = renderTask.promise.then(async () => { + showCanvas?.(true); + await this.#finishRenderTask(renderTask); + this.#renderTextLayer(); + if (this.annotationLayer) { + await this.#renderAnnotationLayer(); + } + if (!this.annotationEditorLayer) { + const { + annotationEditorUIManager + } = this.#layerProperties(); + if (!annotationEditorUIManager) { + return; + } + this.annotationEditorLayer = new _annotation_editor_layer_builder.AnnotationEditorLayerBuilder({ + uiManager: annotationEditorUIManager, + pageDiv: div, + pdfPage, + l10n, + accessibilityManager: this._accessibilityManager + }); } - }; - renderTask.promise.then(function () { - showCanvas(true); - renderCapability.resolve(); - }, function (error) { + this.#renderAnnotationEditorLayer(); + }, error => { if (!(error instanceof _pdfjsLib.RenderingCancelledException)) { - showCanvas(true); + showCanvas?.(true); } - renderCapability.reject(error); + return this.#finishRenderTask(renderTask, error); }); - return result; - } - paintOnSvg(wrapper) { - let cancelled = false; - const ensureNotCancelled = () => { - if (cancelled) { - throw new _pdfjsLib.RenderingCancelledException(`Rendering cancelled, page ${}`, "svg"); + if (pdfPage.isPureXfa) { + if (!this.xfaLayer) { + const { + annotationStorage, + linkService + } = this.#layerProperties(); + this.xfaLayer = new _xfa_layer_builder.XfaLayerBuilder({ + pageDiv: div, + pdfPage, + annotationStorage, + linkService + }); + } else if (this.xfaLayer.div) { + div.append(this.xfaLayer.div); } - }; - const pdfPage = this.pdfPage; - const actualSizeViewport = this.viewport.clone({ - scale: _pdfjsLib.PixelsPerInch.PDF_TO_CSS_UNITS - }); - const promise = pdfPage.getOperatorList({ - annotationMode: this.#annotationMode - }).then(opList => { - ensureNotCancelled(); - const svgGfx = new _pdfjsLib.SVGGraphics(pdfPage.commonObjs, pdfPage.objs); - return svgGfx.getSVG(opList, actualSizeViewport).then(svg => { - ensureNotCancelled(); - this.svg = svg; - this.paintedViewportMap.set(svg, actualSizeViewport); - =; - =; - this.renderingState = _ui_utils.RenderingStates.FINISHED; - wrapper.append(svg); - }); + this.#renderXfaLayer(); + } + div.setAttribute("data-loaded", true); + this.eventBus.dispatch("pagerender", { + source: this, + pageNumber: }); - return { - promise, - onRenderContinue(cont) { - cont(); - }, - cancel() { - cancelled = true; - }, - get separateAnnots() { - return false; - } - }; + return resultPromise; } setPageLabel(label) { this.pageLabel = typeof label === "string" ? label : null; @@ -11417,9 +11395,16 @@ class TextHighlighter { } else if (!isSelectedPage) { return; } + let lastDivIdx = -1; + let lastOffset = -1; for (let i = i0; i < i1; i++) { const match = matches[i]; const begin = match.begin; + if (begin.divIdx === lastDivIdx && begin.offset === lastOffset) { + continue; + } + lastDivIdx = begin.divIdx; + lastOffset = begin.offset; const end = match.end; const isSelected = isSelectedPage && i === selectedMatchIdx; const highlightSuffix = isSelected ? " selected" : ""; @@ -11500,14 +11485,17 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ })); exports.TextLayerBuilder = void 0; var _pdfjsLib = __webpack_require__(4); +var _ui_utils = __webpack_require__(3); class TextLayerBuilder { + #enablePermissions = false; #rotation = 0; #scale = 0; #textContentSource = null; constructor({ highlighter = null, accessibilityManager = null, - isOffscreenCanvasSupported = true + isOffscreenCanvasSupported = true, + enablePermissions = false }) { this.textContentItemsStr = []; this.renderingDone = false; @@ -11517,6 +11505,7 @@ class TextLayerBuilder { this.highlighter = highlighter; this.accessibilityManager = accessibilityManager; this.isOffscreenCanvasSupported = isOffscreenCanvasSupported; + this.#enablePermissions = enablePermissions === true; this.div = document.createElement("div"); this.div.className = "textLayer"; this.hide(); @@ -11631,6 +11620,14 @@ class TextLayerBuilder { = ""; end.classList.remove("active"); }); + div.addEventListener("copy", event => { + if (!this.#enablePermissions) { + const selection = document.getSelection(); + event.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", (0, _ui_utils.removeNullCharacters)((0, _pdfjsLib.normalizeUnicode)(selection.toString()))); + } + event.preventDefault(); + event.stopPropagation(); + }); } } exports.TextLayerBuilder = TextLayerBuilder; @@ -11907,15 +11904,11 @@ class SecondaryToolbar { cursorSelectToolButton, cursorHandToolButton }) { - this.eventBus._on("cursortoolchanged", function ({ + this.eventBus._on("cursortoolchanged", ({ tool - }) { - const isSelect = tool === _ui_utils.CursorTool.SELECT, - isHand = tool === _ui_utils.CursorTool.HAND; - cursorSelectToolButton.classList.toggle("toggled", isSelect); - cursorHandToolButton.classList.toggle("toggled", isHand); - cursorSelectToolButton.setAttribute("aria-checked", isSelect); - cursorHandToolButton.setAttribute("aria-checked", isHand); + }) => { + (0, _ui_utils.toggleCheckedBtn)(cursorSelectToolButton, tool === _ui_utils.CursorTool.SELECT); + (0, _ui_utils.toggleCheckedBtn)(cursorHandToolButton, tool === _ui_utils.CursorTool.HAND); }); } #bindScrollModeListener({ @@ -11930,23 +11923,16 @@ class SecondaryToolbar { const scrollModeChanged = ({ mode }) => { - const isPage = mode === _ui_utils.ScrollMode.PAGE, - isVertical = mode === _ui_utils.ScrollMode.VERTICAL, - isHorizontal = mode === _ui_utils.ScrollMode.HORIZONTAL, - isWrapped = mode === _ui_utils.ScrollMode.WRAPPED; - scrollPageButton.classList.toggle("toggled", isPage); - scrollVerticalButton.classList.toggle("toggled", isVertical); - scrollHorizontalButton.classList.toggle("toggled", isHorizontal); - scrollWrappedButton.classList.toggle("toggled", isWrapped); - scrollPageButton.setAttribute("aria-checked", isPage); - scrollVerticalButton.setAttribute("aria-checked", isVertical); - scrollHorizontalButton.setAttribute("aria-checked", isHorizontal); - scrollWrappedButton.setAttribute("aria-checked", isWrapped); + (0, _ui_utils.toggleCheckedBtn)(scrollPageButton, mode === _ui_utils.ScrollMode.PAGE); + (0, _ui_utils.toggleCheckedBtn)(scrollVerticalButton, mode === _ui_utils.ScrollMode.VERTICAL); + (0, _ui_utils.toggleCheckedBtn)(scrollHorizontalButton, mode === _ui_utils.ScrollMode.HORIZONTAL); + (0, _ui_utils.toggleCheckedBtn)(scrollWrappedButton, mode === _ui_utils.ScrollMode.WRAPPED); const forceScrollModePage = this.pagesCount > _pdf_viewer.PagesCountLimit.FORCE_SCROLL_MODE_PAGE; scrollPageButton.disabled = forceScrollModePage; scrollVerticalButton.disabled = forceScrollModePage; scrollHorizontalButton.disabled = forceScrollModePage; scrollWrappedButton.disabled = forceScrollModePage; + const isHorizontal = mode === _ui_utils.ScrollMode.HORIZONTAL; spreadNoneButton.disabled = isHorizontal; spreadOddButton.disabled = isHorizontal; spreadEvenButton.disabled = isHorizontal; @@ -11965,19 +11951,13 @@ class SecondaryToolbar { spreadOddButton, spreadEvenButton }) { - function spreadModeChanged({ + const spreadModeChanged = ({ mode - }) { - const isNone = mode === _ui_utils.SpreadMode.NONE, - isOdd = mode === _ui_utils.SpreadMode.ODD, - isEven = mode === _ui_utils.SpreadMode.EVEN; - spreadNoneButton.classList.toggle("toggled", isNone); - spreadOddButton.classList.toggle("toggled", isOdd); - spreadEvenButton.classList.toggle("toggled", isEven); - spreadNoneButton.setAttribute("aria-checked", isNone); - spreadOddButton.setAttribute("aria-checked", isOdd); - spreadEvenButton.setAttribute("aria-checked", isEven); - } + }) => { + (0, _ui_utils.toggleCheckedBtn)(spreadNoneButton, mode === _ui_utils.SpreadMode.NONE); + (0, _ui_utils.toggleCheckedBtn)(spreadOddButton, mode === _ui_utils.SpreadMode.ODD); + (0, _ui_utils.toggleCheckedBtn)(spreadEvenButton, mode === _ui_utils.SpreadMode.EVEN); + }; this.eventBus._on("spreadmodechanged", spreadModeChanged); this.eventBus._on("secondarytoolbarreset", evt => { if (evt.source === this) { @@ -12178,34 +12158,21 @@ class Toolbar { editorInkButton, editorInkParamsToolbar }) { - const editorModeChanged = (evt, disableButtons = false) => { - const editorButtons = [{ - mode: _pdfjsLib.AnnotationEditorType.FREETEXT, - button: editorFreeTextButton, - toolbar: editorFreeTextParamsToolbar - }, { - mode: _pdfjsLib.AnnotationEditorType.INK, - button: editorInkButton, - toolbar: editorInkParamsToolbar - }]; - for (const { - mode, - button, - toolbar - } of editorButtons) { - const checked = mode === evt.mode; - button.classList.toggle("toggled", checked); - button.setAttribute("aria-checked", checked); - button.disabled = disableButtons; - toolbar?.classList.toggle("hidden", !checked); - } + const editorModeChanged = ({ + mode + }) => { + (0, _ui_utils.toggleCheckedBtn)(editorFreeTextButton, mode === _pdfjsLib.AnnotationEditorType.FREETEXT, editorFreeTextParamsToolbar); + (0, _ui_utils.toggleCheckedBtn)(editorInkButton, mode === _pdfjsLib.AnnotationEditorType.INK, editorInkParamsToolbar); + const isDisable = mode === _pdfjsLib.AnnotationEditorType.DISABLE; + editorFreeTextButton.disabled = isDisable; + editorInkButton.disabled = isDisable; }; this.eventBus._on("annotationeditormodechanged", editorModeChanged); this.eventBus._on("toolbarreset", evt => { if (evt.source === this) { editorModeChanged({ - mode: _pdfjsLib.AnnotationEditorType.NONE - }, true); + mode: _pdfjsLib.AnnotationEditorType.DISABLE + }); } }); } @@ -12402,6 +12369,7 @@ class BasePreferences { "defaultZoomDelay": 400, "defaultZoomValue": "", "disablePageLabels": false, + "enableFloatingToolbar": false, "enablePermissions": false, "enablePrintAutoRotate": true, "enableScripting": true, @@ -12423,8 +12391,7 @@ class BasePreferences { "disableFontFace": false, "disableRange": false, "disableStream": false, - "enableXfa": true, - "renderer": "canvas" + "enableXfa": true }); #prefs = Object.create(null); #initializedPromise = null; @@ -12531,7 +12498,7 @@ function download(blobUrl, filename) { } class DownloadManager { #openBlobUrls = new WeakMap(); - downloadUrl(url, filename) { + downloadUrl(url, filename, _options) { if (!(0, _pdfjsLib.createValidAbsoluteUrl)(url, "")) { console.error(`downloadUrl - not a valid URL: ${url}`); return; @@ -12569,7 +12536,7 @@ class DownloadManager { this.downloadData(data, filename, contentType); return false; } - download(blob, url, filename) { + download(blob, url, filename, _options) { const blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob); download(blobUrl, filename); } @@ -13410,7 +13377,7 @@ exports.GenericScripting = GenericScripting; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -exports.PDFPrintService = PDFPrintService; +exports.PDFPrintService = void 0; var _pdfjsLib = __webpack_require__(4); var _app = __webpack_require__(2); var _print_utils = __webpack_require__(48); @@ -13443,33 +13410,34 @@ function renderPage(activeServiceOnEntry, pdfDocument, pageNumber, size, printRe return pdfPage.render(renderContext).promise; }); } -function PDFPrintService(pdfDocument, pagesOverview, printContainer, printResolution, optionalContentConfigPromise = null, printAnnotationStoragePromise = null, l10n) { - this.pdfDocument = pdfDocument; - this.pagesOverview = pagesOverview; - this.printContainer = printContainer; - this._printResolution = printResolution || 150; - this._optionalContentConfigPromise = optionalContentConfigPromise || pdfDocument.getOptionalContentConfig(); - this._printAnnotationStoragePromise = printAnnotationStoragePromise || Promise.resolve(); - this.l10n = l10n; - this.currentPage = -1; - this.scratchCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); -} -PDFPrintService.prototype = { +class PDFPrintService { + constructor(pdfDocument, pagesOverview, printContainer, printResolution, optionalContentConfigPromise = null, printAnnotationStoragePromise = null, l10n) { + this.pdfDocument = pdfDocument; + this.pagesOverview = pagesOverview; + this.printContainer = printContainer; + this._printResolution = printResolution || 150; + this._optionalContentConfigPromise = optionalContentConfigPromise || pdfDocument.getOptionalContentConfig(); + this._printAnnotationStoragePromise = printAnnotationStoragePromise || Promise.resolve(); + this.l10n = l10n; + this.currentPage = -1; + this.scratchCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); + } layout() { this.throwIfInactive(); const body = document.querySelector("body"); body.setAttribute("data-pdfjsprinting", true); - const hasEqualPageSizes = this.pagesOverview.every(function (size) { - return size.width === this.pagesOverview[0].width && size.height === this.pagesOverview[0].height; - }, this); + const { + width, + height + } = this.pagesOverview[0]; + const hasEqualPageSizes = this.pagesOverview.every(size => size.width === width && size.height === height); if (!hasEqualPageSizes) { - console.warn("Not all pages have the same size. The printed " + "result may be incorrect!"); + console.warn("Not all pages have the same size. The printed result may be incorrect!"); } this.pageStyleSheet = document.createElement("style"); - const pageSize = this.pagesOverview[0]; - this.pageStyleSheet.textContent = "@page { size: " + pageSize.width + "pt " + pageSize.height + "pt;}"; + this.pageStyleSheet.textContent = `@page { size: ${width}pt ${height}pt;}`; body.append(this.pageStyleSheet); - }, + } destroy() { if (activeService !== this) { return; @@ -13489,7 +13457,7 @@ PDFPrintService.prototype = { overlayManager.close(dialog); } }); - }, + } renderPages() { if (this.pdfDocument.isPureXfa) { (0, _print_utils.getXfaHtmlForPrinting)(this.printContainer, this.pdfDocument); @@ -13510,7 +13478,7 @@ PDFPrintService.prototype = { }, reject); }; return new Promise(renderNextPage); - }, + } useRenderedPage() { this.throwIfInactive(); const img = document.createElement("img"); @@ -13530,7 +13498,7 @@ PDFPrintService.prototype = { img.onload = resolve; img.onerror = reject; }); - }, + } performPrint() { this.throwIfInactive(); return new Promise(resolve => { @@ -13543,16 +13511,17 @@ PDFPrintService.prototype = { setTimeout(resolve, 20); }, 0); }); - }, + } get active() { return this === activeService; - }, + } throwIfInactive() { if (! { throw new Error("This print request was cancelled or completed."); } } -}; +} +exports.PDFPrintService = PDFPrintService; const print = window.print; window.print = function () { if (activeService) { @@ -13587,8 +13556,11 @@ window.print = function () { } }; function dispatchEvent(eventType) { - const event = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); - event.initCustomEvent(eventType, false, false, "custom"); + const event = new CustomEvent(eventType, { + bubbles: false, + cancelable: false, + detail: "custom" + }); window.dispatchEvent(event); } function abort() { @@ -13741,8 +13713,8 @@ var _ui_utils = __webpack_require__(3); var _app_options = __webpack_require__(5); var _pdf_link_service = __webpack_require__(7); var _app = __webpack_require__(2); -const pdfjsVersion = '3.5.141'; -const pdfjsBuild = 'be0f6ee08'; +const pdfjsVersion = '3.6.172'; +const pdfjsBuild = '4d3dfe254'; const AppConstants = { LinkTarget: _pdf_link_service.LinkTarget, RenderingStates: _ui_utils.RenderingStates, @@ -13873,9 +13845,12 @@ function getViewerConfiguration() { } function webViewerLoad() { const config = getViewerConfiguration(); - const event = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); - event.initCustomEvent("webviewerloaded", true, true, { - source: window + const event = new CustomEvent("webviewerloaded", { + bubbles: true, + cancelable: true, + detail: { + source: window + } }); try { parent.document.dispatchEvent(event);